Hello cyberfolks....This is your cyber-reporter Ma'at about to give you the happenings going on in my world...of the past 7 days.
Well, let's be like a sex escort get it started!
First, off, I would like to thank the Riverfront Times News for selecting my blog as Local Blog O the Week in the "Unreal" section in this week's paper of Jan 26-Feb. 1 2006("Trick or Treatment" is the main story on the cover and the blog is on page 10--www.theriverfronttimes.com for you cyberheads). They took a glimpse of my site from Jan. 12th edition when I spoke on the Washington loft house party I attended, going to First Fridays and commenting on rapper Chingy trying to get his work out on at Ballys in Clayton. I was very much surprised that it was chosen. I have submitted myself in the running, but that was just the most of it. I guess whatever I wrote must've peaked their interest. But I'm not complaning. Much love to the RFT. I guess they know the real thing when they read it!
OK back to the biz........................................................
Last week was quite interesting because I lost something that was very dear to me and I had to replace it. But I will get to that in a minute. I started off my travels last Friday when I attended the Happy Hour at Formula Nightclub on Washington in downtown ST. Louis. This was my first time checking it out. I had promised manager Miss Kay that I was going to check it out, but never had the energy after hustling and grinding trying to make a dolalr to even go. But I made an effort to go this time and I liked it. I went at about 7 ish (It started around 6) Although it wasnt a lot of people there, it was still a nice hang out to wind down, They had free food there (chicken, meatballs, dirty rice, fruit), $2 beer and two for one specials. Well, you all know me, I had to par-take in what was offered. I chilled a little bit with Post Pop Critic Kevin Johnson who was on his way to see comedian David Alan Grier at Touhill. We chatted a bit and he was about to give me the scoop about some hot R&B singer that is suppose to be blazin throgh teh Lou in two months. He was tight lipped about it and said he would let me know before it hits the streets. But from what he almost told me, it will be the concert of the yar. Hmmm. I'll keep you posted. Anyway, I thought Formula owner Sonia Brascomb or Miss Kay was gonna be there but they must have chilled elsewhere planning the next event at Formula(I guess they are still recovering from all the menses that performed at the Body and Soul Tour that rolled through the Fox Theatre last week! LOL) . In there, I also met up with Ingrid Owens who usually helps out Formula at the door. She was the sista who use dto throw those bachelor auctions and beauty pageants back in the day. yeah, her. She also is doing her thing at H& R Block in Dellwood. It is there when she was on camera with Fox 2 funny guy Tim Ezell last week on Fox 2 in the Morning SHow (along with American Idol contestant and east Boogie boy Deandre Perryman) when people were singing for theri taxes (I havent forgot to pout you on my malier, ya know). Much love to her. I stayed till about 9p.m. and thought I was going to go to Cafe Eau in the Chase Park Plaza but was getting tired after the Corona and Absolut and cran I had drank, so I just did like a bad check and bounced.
And now to my drama. Well, pre-drama.
The next night, Saturday night, I was on my way to the SOSY CD listening party at Formula and I was walking toward the club when this homeless guy came up to me and was telling baout this guy who had a Tommy Hill coat that we didnt want to sell to him. At first, I was like, okay, just ask me for some money that I will pretend I dont have any change for, but he was like, "Man, this dude got this bad coat, I want you to check it out." Huh? I was like, now whats the deal here. There was no way I was going with him. Over a coat? Anyway, He was hollering at the guy who had teh coat who was traveling with two other people. The homeless guy was like, "Hey man, my man right here (meaning myself), wants to see the coat!" When the guy with the coat turned around, I gave him a "No" signal and the guy kept on walking. At this time, I was nearing Formula and was sucking on my second to last lollipop (my trademark these days). He was like, "Man, he's probably going to buy some crack with that coat." I was grunting in agreement. then, the homeless guy asked me if I had another lollipop. Huh? I was like, "Yeah." So, I gave him my last lollipop. He was like, "Thanks man" and grumbled something else under his breath. Is that all it takes to please a homeless man who begs? A lollipop? Man, If I had a whole sack full of them, I might have become his candy pimp. Just kidding. Anyway, into the club, I went to the listening party for hot local new teen girl group, SOSY. These early teens were in the house, sisters Brooke and Brittney Jones and family friend Jasmine Cain (who couldnt attend was dealing with a family tragedy) and they were gracious with those who were attendance. It was held at the Formula (two for two) and I attended to support my former SIUE collleague Damon Green who told me about this party a few weeks back when I ran into him at the Health's Fair at the America's Center. It was a nice intimate crowd as people listened to a sample from their upcoming CD. There are some pretty hot tunes from what I heard (and I guess thats why Damon and his crew were passing out small bottles of SOSY hot sauce to the crowd). They remind you of a younger version of SWV. I relly liked the cut, "How Much Shake" which is their lead off single. I'm sure this club/CD woofer banger will be rolling pretty soon on the local stations. Their manager, Tiffany, who is the sister's mom should be very proud of her girls (and dont be nervous, LOL). The two members who were there performed as well and theyre very spunky and have pipes to back it up. Much love to SOSY and their whole promotions team on a very well put event. If you want to get a smaple of theri CD, contact Femminique Music Management at FM2@femminique.com. In the house were 100.3 the Beat's Bishop-V-Luv,
Raw Soul's Terry Stevenson (thanks for helping with my collar), The Post's Kevin Johnson, talent scout Nate Jackson (I didnt know you had an office all up at the Formula?)St. Louis American photographer Wiley Price, Kameron Hopson, and Majic 104.9's Selena J. Afterward, I talked with Selena a bit and walked her to her car as we conversed about my soon to be upcoming appearance on her Saturday night show "Soulternative." Soon after, I drove to Hampton to check out Jacque and Leata Price Landevent at the Carpenter's Hall where Leata was celebrating her b-day. It was a BYOB occasion (and I definitely brough my B, as in beer, as in four cans of KAMO-8.0 proof!). I met up with my boy Kameron and we went up in there. It was 10 bones to get up in there and I was expecting more of a big turnout, but I think that had to do with some fo the publicity to some of the print media had the date wrong according to Jacque about when their party was going to be. But it wa sstill a nice function. Let me back track--I had on one of my conversation outfits up in there. I had on a light brown Nehru dashiki with belled sleeves and custom made jeans with African applique stiched on them (as designed by STl attorney and former literary collague Sheryl Johnson). When I walke dup in theer and greeted the LAnds, I walked toward a table and former Alderwoman Sharon Tyus, who was sitting with a group, stared me down from head to toe, as though I was some superstar alien who came from another plant. Her look was priceless. I wanted to say, "take a picture, sweetheart, it's me." Anyway, they had a nice spread of food, cake, and liquour. The dee-jay up in therr of course played all the versions of music for people to get their slides on for the partiers and even some latest cuts from Nelly and the like (or something like that. I was too buzzed by then to really know what was played). In the house were Wiley Price, Mary Winbush, Eric Rhone, and Christiaan Coffield ( I got your drunkie!...LOL) . But here come sthe second part of my drama...when I was about to roll out, I went to the restroom, to relive myself of the alcohol I had drank. Well I got a text from a booti call that said that they couldnt kick it and I responded with a "k." Upset, I walked out of the restroom, saw Kam and Floy (a sista who works with Jacque and Leata) chilling out, saluted them, walked to my car, drove off and went home. Now mind you, I was still half-buzzed so there's no telling how I was walking or looking when I went to my car. So, I slept it off, woke up around 8ish Sunday morning listening to the Freeman Bosley Junior Show and hearing that co-host Pat Washington was running for a seat on the St. Louis Public School Board and I was about to check my messages on my cell phone, so I checked near me to check them...couldnt find my cell phone. I called on a resgular phone to hear it ring...didnt hear it ring, but I heard the messages left. I got some clothes on and went to my car, checked inside there, no cell phone. Checked the crib again of where I might have had it, found everytthing but my cell phone (Isnt that always the case). Checked my car again, Checked the yard. Checked under my arms (LOL). NO CELL PHONE. Then, it dawned on me, "Oh shyt, I must have left it in the restroom at the Carpenter's Hall!" You talk about someone who was starting to get sick. It was a very bad feeling to think that something that you have grown accustomed to (Four years now) , like a celly, and to have it lost. It was like losing a loved one almost. Anyway, I called my cell phone about 10 times to see if anyone would pick up the phone and hopefully be a Good Samaratin and say that they had it...NOPE. So, for the next two hours, I spent trying to call Sprint and told them that I lost my SAMSUNG! They had me on hold for near an hour holding for them. I ended uup going to a nearby SPrint store to get my cell phone deactivated so no one could use it if anyone had it (Good thing I lost it over that weekend caus eif it was Monday through Friday before 7 p.m., my phone would probably be out of minutes due to someone calling from Seoul, China somewhere). A rep thatthe Sprint store said that I had insurance (GREAT), But (BUT!!!!), I had to pay $50 nonrefundable deductible for a replacement phone. What the fuck!!! I have to pay for a phone and I have insurance already! What was going on! Well, I was desperate as Terri Hatcher and went on and called the 1-800 to pay for a another phone. It came this pat Tuesday. I called the Carpenter's Hall just to see if they reported any lost cell phones, and they said, no. So, theers no telling where that cell phone was. Now I have to start all over again and program the many many many numbers I had stored from my old phone. So, all of you all who I have called, call my cell phone so I can program your number again into my phone--and this time, I am leaving a paper trail as well, just in case this happened again.
CRAZY LIKE A FOXX...I got a email from one of cyberbuddies singer and producer Aaron Foster earlier this week about this campaign for black folks to tune into Jamie Foxx's NBC special "Unpredictable: A Musical Journey" because of the supposed boycott of sorts from NBC to not publicize his special becasue he refused to put white people on his show and two of his surprise guests (thugged out Snoop Dogg and the Game) didnt fit in NBC's friendly mode (It has even become Urban Legend already) . . The email had it where very black person watch the show because NBC was trying to sabotage the show do to the color thing and they were intentionally puttingit on last Wednesday head to head with Fox's megahit, "Americna Idol." First off, I saw the show--on tape cause I was at Ballys getting my work out on. Secondly, it is not enough black people in America who are even hooked up to a Nielsen's Box that tracks TVs watching certain shows in order to get a Nielsen's rating. Thirdly, I think this was all great publicty in itself, for people of all parts of the rainbow to watch this show in order to get more people to watch it--and for what I saw it was just OK. The show was more like an informercial for Foxx's No. 1 megaselling CD, "Unpredictable," as he sand several songs from it(including the CD's lead off single, "Unpredictible") It played off like a autobiographical stageplay (it was written, produced and staged by urban stageplaywright David Talbert). I was expecting Foxx to clown up a taste . I mean, he is a comedian, but I guess Foxx now wants to be seen as a serious singer (ala Eddie Murphy). The special had taped segments of Foxx's talking about his childhood, growing up with his now deceased grandmom who raised him, being raised in church, and becomg a father at ayoung age. It also cut to live skits of his childhood with two actors who played his grandmother (played by Bebe Drake--go to google images get who she is, she's a good character actress who played in such films as "Boomerang' and TV shows like "Good Times") and Foxx as a kid (I didnt get the young guy who played him). Then they had the musical acts which were rapper, Common, Stevie Wonder, Mary J Blige (who sang a killer duet with Foxx on the classic R&B jam, "Love Changes"), and Angie Stone (where was Kanye for Heaven's sake!). His surprise guests rapped with him on the cut. "Wanna Be with you." It was just OK, Nothing spectatcular or anything to knock your socks off. But it was cool to see thug rappers get air time on NBC like that, though. The highlight was when he sang "I Wish You were Here" in dedication to her grandmother who passed just before his Oscar lauded film, "Ray" came out. He was almost in tears as well as the audience. Powerful stuff. Overall, it was a nice concept and it was a first for NBC to have ever aired an entire young urban African American cast on a music special and my hat is off to Foxx for stepping his grounds on who he wanted on the show(I guess if he couldnt get Tookie Williams from getting out of death row, he was going to at least control the content of his show.), but I was expecting more flash and dash and comedy (some of the skits that were funny, did not have anyone laughing in the background which was odd), especially with it being his first special on NBC. Oh well. If you missed it, the show will air again this Friday on NBC, check your local listing for showtimes.
TIDBITZ. When you get a chance and if you have Charter Cable, check out, "The Set," a music show that airs on the local access Channel 8 (Charter Communications Channel), Thurdays at 10:30 p.m at it repeats until Sunday...Black rep actor/singer Chuck Flowers will have a concert at Alvin's Coffee House this Saturday located at 1508 Grand Ave at Park. The show starts at 10 p.m. Tickets are 10 bones. for info, call, 314-664-7050...I forgot to mention last time that I saw my former classmate Montina Singleton at the Body and Soul concert at the Fox. She was shocked when she saw me and vice versa (got a little thick in the hind parts but she still is a hot girl)...Fashion desginer Skylar and his tie jacket suit(the sleeves were made out of different ties) was to kill for when he wore it at the Loft last week...the St. Albert the Great Church was torn down Thursday in Fairview Heights, Ill. in order to make room for a new strip mall right next to the St. Clair Square Shopping Center...Kudos to my father, Colonel Herman Atkins for being apart of the Malcolm Martin Park expansion as part of the Metro East Park and Rec District plan to expand land the East Side of the Riverfront. My dad is manager of the Water Geyser that shoots up as high as the Arch that will be a part of the park exapnsion there...What's up with Dee Lee Morning SHow co-host Ebony Walker who is all foulmouthed now on that show on 100.3 The Beat and from what I hear used to be the Hallelujah Girl on Gospel 1600?...What's up with a new law that could pass in the STL about having loud speakers in your car? From what I hear if your woofers are more than 10 inches, and you blast them, you can be fined $250 bones ...Hmmm, I smell DWB--Driving While Black....The STL has become a hotbed recently of national comedians and rappers coming to the Lou, David Alan Grier and Ice T. was here at Touhill Performing Arts Center last Friday and Saturday respectively and Comic View hostess Sheryl Underwood was spittin comedy at the Funny Bone in Fairview Heights, Ill last weeekend as well (Renee, I'm still waiting on your review of that. LOL)...Be looking out for my profile of jazz chanteuse Erin Bode in the West End Word next month who is having a 3-dayCD release party (beginning this Thursday) for her new MAX JAZZ CD "Over and Over' at Jazz at the Bistro . I will also be on KDHX Radio (88.1 FM) next week to give my review of the play, "Ipi Zombi" that is will start playing this Friday at the Hotchner Studio Theatre...
On a serious note, I got an email this week from my buddy local author and actor Lonnie Love about a missing girl. Her name is Mia Carter (she is pictured on the right hand side of my blog) She is about 5' 7 and 117 lbs. She has long wavy black-brown hair usually up in a ponytail or bun. She was las seen on June 19 2005 in Glenarden Maryland. She has a light mole on the left side above her lip if you have ANY info about her please call Megan Battle at:301-773-3799
Well, that is it for me. If you have anything for me to plug or mention on my blog, contact me at maatspear@yahoo.com!