I gotta lot to cover, so let me get right to it.
First of all I would like to tell my cybercrowd that I just got word from my former gig at Charter Cable that I was recently nominated for an Emmy Award for my work on the show Reel Entertainment (which is now cancelled). I did a segment I commentated and co-wrote on the jazz diva Rene Marie when she came through the Lou last winter at the Bistro and the segment I did on her was nominated for Best Perfroming Art/Segment. I am nominated against two other segments from Channel 9, but , at least get to be in the in crowd with other media dignitaries across the country who have been nominated for such prestigious award. It would be unprecendented, if I win, a former newspaper writer, who volunteered to go on a cable access show, got fired because I needed more training and get a golden statue. Hmm, I guess I'll find out Oct 29 at teh Hyatt Regency at Union Station. ..... My boy Christiaan was in St. Louis Magazines' fashion show that was held last Thursday at the Moolah on Lindell. I heard it was a nice turnout. The tickets were steep for my pockets ($150 was the big ticket). For VIP, folks got a gift bag and was able to sit on cushioney sofas in the front. My boy Christiaan said it wasstaright runway, no dancing, no gimicks, just high fashion. Christiaan said he was going to give me some photos on it, so I might put some on here...This past weekend was the Gateway Classic weekend where out of towners came to see UAPB (Pine Bluff) and TU (Tuskegee) battle at the Edward Jones Dome. They had many pre events like Dick Gregory and Arvin Mitchell performing and a $150 St. Louis Walk of Fame ceremony (kudos to Wiley Price's dad, Wiley Price Sr getting his nods for being a radio pioneer). They had many preparties going on. They had one at Plush where rap mogul Damon Dash had a set and Lil Jon was perfmoning across the way at Toxic (I hear he got on stage at 2 in the mroning--thats too much playing!). I decided to check out my boy comedian Maurice G's new spot, Club Dreams, formerly The Kastle, he owns it now and for its grand opening, St. Lunatic Kyjuan had a party there. I saw the VOKAL bus near the spot so I know they were in the house(Ali and Murphy Lee dropped by as well). It was OK. Nothing spectacular (The VIp tickets were 30 dollars--yeah right) There were no new decorations and renovations, its pretty much the same set up like Kastle, with the sofas on both sides of the wall on the first floor(I wasnt able to get upstairs, for some reason it was closed off to us--Mo Witherpsoon was able to go up there, but, I guess I was not VVIP to get that tour). Me and my boy Kam were able to slip through the event itself because of my connect with Maurice. Inside, they had HPTONIQ t-shirt giveways to those who purchased a $4 HYPNOTIQ drink, I bought one and got a shirt. My only thing was--it can easily become Club Isis with the hoodrats and chickenheads coming up in there dressed all kind of way. KAm and I were probably the best dressed brothers up in there, even though I didnt feel out of place, it was still kind of messed up that no dress code was enforced. In the house were: James Glasco, Ali Mosier, Kevin Johnson,. Coco Soul, Harry Colbert, Rolling Out's Khalil, Dana Christian, and some of the First Friday security guys (I ran into former FF security guy Brian and he said that the reason he no longer secures for FF is because of hsi falling out with co-owbnr Fred Finely....Hmmm I wonder what happened? I'll keep you posted)...Saturday I had my VIP Lunch at Emperors Wok where this nice lady named Mea Epps from Ameriprise Financial paid the bill and did a short presentation to my invited guests about financesl. My colleagues and friends who came through were Christiaan, Tia Hodges (my right hand girl), Pete Foggy, Tina Pate and her man, Audrey Foster and my tax man Joshua Beeks. We laughed and ate and had a nice time.I just didnt know that it was a pseudo finance meeting to get people to sign up for finance counseling. Oh well, I guess you learn from putting your biz card in a fishbowl and someone tells you that you won a free lunch and invite your family and friends. Afterward, I drove to the Edward Jones Dome for the Gateway Classic. As usual, there were more people outside than inside the Dome. I got there about 4 p.m. and parked near Carr St where the aprtament buildings are nearby the Dome. It was about a 10 minute walk, but there was no way I was paying 10 dollars to pay to park close to the Dome. Anyway, I wore these custiom made jeans that had African motifs on it (I had a comment by some younger guy who said he liked them--I think he was looking too hard, if you get my drift) just to be Ma'at. As I was walking toward the Dome, I saw so many charter buses (about 40 of them)especially from Little Rock, and the police had blocked off Cole Street just for the buses to park on the street. There were many people walking and hanging around the Dome and I defintely used that opportunity to scope the out of towners. So I got inside, got my press pass and took the elevator to the top floor where the Press Box was(where teh football players looked like ants) . I was so used to going to the Classic in a suite when i was working at the American, it didnt dawn on me about that when I sat down and saw that the players looked liked ants far up I was, but oh well, i was able to get in, that's all that matters. The game was OK. Nothing exciting. The halftime show was ho-hum. Beside the battle of the bands that is always on point with the flagsters and funky drum majors and majorettes(where UAPB won because of their line making of their name U-A-P-B), the performers who came through Dougie Fresh and Syleena Johnson were rushed and not into it. Fresh just was a hypeman rather than perform his own jams like The SHow and Keep Risin . The dee-jay just played old school hip hop and R&B whiel Fresh told the crowd to put their hands up. Sylenna who was dressed in a Rams T jersey sang snippets of her hits "Guess What" and her new one "Another Relationship." She was attractive looking and sang good, but not enough to get the crowd hyped..It was over 35K who bought tickets to the game( I say bought tickets casue their were manty tickets that were given out ) Thats not good comparing to the over 80,000 seats in the Dome, The final score was TU-13; UAPB--9. As far as the awards presentation, it was funny that Gateway Classic founder Earl Wilson gave the MVPs blank certificate frames with no certificates! Huh ? Talk about tacky. Anyway, I jetted back to my back (and passed a few tailgate parties along way) and drove back to the crib so I could get ready for the Classic Afterparty at Club Seven (I saw a yellow and black Hummer with multi-Tv's chillin downtown St. Louis that almost made me flip!). I didnt know what I was going to wear so I called my fashion psychic Keith Underwood and he told me he saw me in a red long sleeved shirt and some black pants. Well, I took his advice and wore it along with some fly brown shades (the same ones you saw when I posed for a pic with my boy Kam in a previous blog) and got to the Afterparty around 11 p.m. I called Kam to see if he was coming through and he said he was waiting on his buddy Brandon and they were coming through. Well, I knew from experience that when special evenst like the Classic roll through the Lou , and there are lots of out of town people, I knew Seven was going to be packed (I hear WS, Toxic, Plush and Mariott downtown were hot spots, too). When I got there the line was not long. By the time, Kam called me and said he was comin through, it was after midnite and he text messaged me asking me where I was. I told him I was on the dance floor because I had no choice but to be on the dance floor cause of the googobs of people packed like the Middle PAssage up in there. He text messaged me back and said that he was going to hit the Formula cause the lines were too long. I saw everybody and there cousin up in Seven. Some I remember were Coco Soul, Tiffany, Playboy Mixx, many guys from the Ballys Clayton gym, Clifford Williams(he is now a First Friday security guy now)., Arvin Mitchell, boxer Zab Judah (who hosted the party and thanked STL for gettin him hyped to win the fight over Cory Spinks last winter--what kind of crack was he smoking saying that to STLers who waned Cory to win?), and singer Syleena Johnson was also there. I stayed until they opened the garage door around 2: 30 in the morn. I decided to stay for a minute to continue to see the action. People were trying to get that last minute number for that booty call. At the same time, I get a call from Kam that he and Brandon were coming through . By the time they showed up , it was around 2:45 in the AM and when Kam and I staretd talking, a brawl between Rams PR guy Keith HArris and a high yellow youngster. All I heard was, "thats my boy." and before you know it, they were bumpin knuckles and three other guys jumped in. Kam got tangeled up in the mix trying to run away from them and had his leg caught in the fight. I went the other way and escaped and it was too much playing! They had to getteh FF secuirty guys and some police to break them up. We were all shocked. KeitH HArris! Mellow cool Keith HArris? I hope it wasnt over some girl, but knowing brothers it probably was. One guy sqwaked, "man they fight like bitches." that was too classic....On Sunday, Tia and I went to see Farrakhan at the Orphuem. It was like stepping into a Nation of Islam land. Women were searched and walked on side of the Orpheum and men were searched and walked on the other side. When we got there, it was raining quite a bit due to the Hurricane Rita aftermath in Texas, but poeple came out to support. Nationers were out and about selling Final Calls, Millions More Movement merhcandise and of course bean pies. When the program started, I was anxious to see what would transpire with the events of the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March. This was Farrakhan's last city of a 30 plus tour to promote the Millions More Movement. But before he came out, there was much pomp and circumstance. Several local dignitaries spoke such as Mike Roberst Sr and his son thr junior (who suffered from logoria of the mouth), Zaki Baruti, and state rep Yaphett Al Amin. Then came the donatons portion of the event. A NOI brother on stage asked people to start giving starting at 1,000 bones! What? I was like here we go, showing up folks who dont have that amount. The brother was like, "Come on now, lets give becasue Minister Farrakhan svaed my life." Huh? Shouldnt it have been to raise money for the movement or even the Hurricane Katrina victims (some of whom were in the audience that night!) It seemed like a clever way of giving money for Farrakhan himself. Anyway, most of the big wigs gave 1,000 like AnheiserBusch's Johnny Furr, Jeannie Roberts (Mike Roberts wife) and Alderman Mike McMillan gave that and bought a bus for the kids to go to Washington DC nextmonth. Now that was out of site. He pretty much stole the show and boy did he ever get a rousing applause (and I;m sure another two years in his alderman seat). then they had what they called the "green wave" when people who were in the $1s, $5s and $10s towave their cash in the air. OK, so of course everybody else in the packed crowd raised their measley dollars showing everybody that they were the poor ones. I refused to particpate in that. I said if I do want to contribute, it would be done privately and to pay for my trip to Washington DC (I attended the Million Man March so I feel like I shoudl be there 10 years later). About 90 minutes later,the man of thr hour was on stage and talk about a thunderous applause. When Farrakhan walked the stage up to the podium (with security of course) you would have thought God had came in the room. everybody got to their feet, cheered, screamed, it was an oustanding moment. When he spoke, he spoke monotone, thanking everyone for theirhard work (evengave shots to the Roberts Brotehsr for donating the Orpheum--that they now own). His speech was on the Shock of the Hour(Judgemnt has come into the house--was his running refrain),namely the racism and plight of black people from slavery up to Hurricane Katrina. He broke down the Willie Lynch theory, the christinaity struggle and how it dillutes black people's minds (he was careful on that one), and when he talked aboutHurricane Katrina, he said that Katrina did not cause havoc on New Orleans, butteh levee did. He brought on this conspiracytheory that it was dsicovered that the levee underneath had burns on the concrete and that some divers had took some of it and sent it to forensics and discovered that explosives were used more than 50 years ago to make a big hole and for the pooerest distcict, Disctrict 9, mostly black lived nearby. I was like, whoa. That is too much oplaying. Then he compared the struggle of the people of Katrina to the Middle Passage. It was very deep and interseting (One day I will share it with you). But all in all, he was on fire, as always, he's mellowed out in his Golden years, but he knows now that he must bring in all types of blacks from Christians, to Jews, to Muslims, togays, to lesbians. to atheists, to unite at the MMM for one common goal--reparations and fairness for black people who have been unjustly served in this country. Okay, well, that's it for me.
Next up I will tell you all about my out town report on the UPN Fall Party at the Orpheum, the Taste of St. Louis where Neville Brothers and The Roots will perform downtown and Boy George performing at the Formula's Grand Opening. Until next time, see ya outside!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
outside again
Hello outside people. Its me again. Trying to give you the hotline of whats happening in the Lou...I didnt do too much this past weekend, but I did a few things that I would like to share with ya. Last Friday, I checke dout the season premiere of the Black Rep's play, "Crossin Over"(I did a radio review of it last Tuesday on KDHX, 88. 1 FM) at the Edison Theatre at Wash U. This is a must see. It is a musical about the African American plight from Africa to America. It take syou to the depths of the rituals and custims of Africa, to the capturing on the slave ship, to the plantation fields, to the civil rights protests to the today hip-hop generation. And it was all told in over 100 songs from African chants, to We Shall Overcome to Mary Mary's "Shackles." Starring in this close to three hour production are J Samuel Davis, Denise Thimes, Kelvin Roston (Formula Boy), Leah Stewart bka Stephanie Mills and , my fave, local gospel artsist Karen Hylton. She blew me away with her five octave voice. She was off the chain with her light and delicate yet powerful soprano. If you go, check her out (Also check out my review of the play on kdhx.org). The play is entertaining yet disturbing especially during the pillaging scenes when Africans were sent off by ship to America. If you remember The Black Rep's production Tell Me Something Good, this is the equivalent as far as telling a story through music, just picture Roots: The Musical and you have Crossin Over. The play runs until Oct.2. For more info, go to the Black Rep's website...Later on that night I hung out wuth my boy Christiaan and his friends Allen and Amber who are in his acting class. We were at the Drunken Fish. Its pretty amped on this night, mostly white crowd, but the music was techno funk. It was definitely a change of pace as far as the typical black club with hip-hop and R&B as the standard club fare..I chilled out on Saturday, well I did go to the gym to workout at Ballys in Clayton. My boy Kam did messages at teh Balloon Race in Forest Park. I knew something was going down cause when I tried to drive east on 64 after the gym it was neck to neck traffic trying to exit off of Hampton exit just for the balloon race. It took a good 15 minutes to drive my normal way of driving...On Sunday, I checked out the Sunday Sip Finale at the Central West End Bedand Breakfast on Washington. It was OK. It was the finale for the weekly Sunday event and to celebrate, they had some booths set up in front of the hotel and had the street closed off. Some of the vendors were floralists Fosters Unlimited,and graphic artist Jay Real. They had a some local acts performing including a beautiful female duo named Az One, and the Non Stop Reggae Crew who reggaed up everything from Usher to Alicia Keys(and what was up with the two gorupie girls who danced in front of the stage as though they were Patra? One sista was a lil too big to get her butterfly on!) , sax man Mike Fitzgerald, who played his sax on top of open seats , and Silhouette gfeat. Heff Hardin (who, according to the peanut gallery I was sitting with, said could not sing). They had comp Hpnotiq and praize giveways too. Tiffani Blackmore (the sista who was on the pic with me and Gina last posting) gave me her tickets (I sat with her and her wild and crazy mother and her friend) for the grand prize of a one night stay at the B and B, but I didnt win. So, I tore up my tickets and vamped.
Shots: Thanks to Lily for hooking up my braids every two weeks; Thanks to Majic 104.9's Selena J for checking out my blog and liking what she saw, she said I wrote a lot of words and I took her onmy journey. Also, thanks to Delores Shante for letting Partyline readers know I am one of two former STL American employees who still use my press pass from the STL American to get in free. I knew I would be in there sooner or later, but oh well, I guess I'll have people in St. Louis buzzing about who the culprts were. I guess any publicity is good publicity.
In the meantime, I'll be checking out the scene thsi weekend with teh Gateway Classic and my own VIP lunch that I am having at the Emperors Wok on Hampton and I am checking out Farrakhan at the Orpheum. I got a feeling taht I need to attend expecially with thsi being the 10th anniversary of the Million MAn MArch (I attended 10 years ago and feel its my duty to attend) . I will try and fit everythingin next week. Until then, see ya outside!
Shots: Thanks to Lily for hooking up my braids every two weeks; Thanks to Majic 104.9's Selena J for checking out my blog and liking what she saw, she said I wrote a lot of words and I took her onmy journey. Also, thanks to Delores Shante for letting Partyline readers know I am one of two former STL American employees who still use my press pass from the STL American to get in free. I knew I would be in there sooner or later, but oh well, I guess I'll have people in St. Louis buzzing about who the culprts were. I guess any publicity is good publicity.
In the meantime, I'll be checking out the scene thsi weekend with teh Gateway Classic and my own VIP lunch that I am having at the Emperors Wok on Hampton and I am checking out Farrakhan at the Orpheum. I got a feeling taht I need to attend expecially with thsi being the 10th anniversary of the Million MAn MArch (I attended 10 years ago and feel its my duty to attend) . I will try and fit everythingin next week. Until then, see ya outside!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Outside ten

Hey Hey Hey outside people. This is Ma'at tology here again giving you the 411 on what is happening in the Lou. OK lets get to it. Last Friday I went to the Grammy Demo Showcase at the Pageant where local artists from R&b, to rock showcased their demos to the Memphis chapter of the Grammy Awards. Some of the demos that were gheard by the intimate crowd were Bravado, Ahmad, Tracy Mitchell, Thug House, Zee,Modern Red, Chris Brown, and Klutch to name a few. The judges that were in the house were Ralph Sutton, Jason McIntrye, and Kevin Johnson (no not the Post Dispatch guy). They were pretty cool on the demos. Some say a lot of them said that the demos needed originality. True dat. I didnt get the winner of the demo contest yet (Kathy Osage hasnt called me yet on the results) but the winner got 30 hours of studio time, 3 hours of contract time with a music attorney, a listening station at Vintage Vinyl, street promotion through the Riverfront Times, and a layout in Playback STL (I'm still standing LAURA H) Afterward they had performances by local acts Lost Paradde who was like U2 meets Green Day (what was up with teh three young hip-hop boyz who were jumpin up and down in the mosh pit area as though they liked rock music?)and rapper Potzee. I didnt get a chance to see him cause i was busy in the green room backstage gettin nosy. I ran into Nellys former manager Jane Higgins. We exchanged digits and I was on my way to the Salute to Excellence Banquet afterparty. Oh, let me tell you what I was wearing, I had on a navy blue suit coat, white tux shirt with an unbottoned collar where I put a blue and white polka dotted tie tied loosely like it was a scarf, baggy blue jeans and blue Converse. Anyway I was meeting up with my boy Kameron who was tagging along with me to the Afterparty. But he had to stop by the ghetto Church's Chicken down the street of the Pageant so he can get something to eat. I just sat down and watched him eat and looked at the charcters that came up in there to order food. It was one guy, young black guy, had to be about 25, dark skinned cat, bald head, he had on a white tee and some black knee length vinyl looking shorts, but the tripped part of it was, half of his shorts were down on his hip and his BUTTOCK was half showing. I was like, to myself, this bruh ain't got no bloomers on. EUGH! What was really going on there? Easy access, you think? Anyway, while my boy Kameron was telling me about a crazy message client he met at their house I called Christian on the celly and told him Kam and I were on our way to the Salute Afterparty at the Americas Center and he said he was waiting on his date Rachel so they can go there too. Anyway, after Kam ate and we got into our cars, I got a text message on my Sprint that my phone was turned off. WhAT! Its Friday night and Sprint is going to cut off my cell during party time! I was too outdone. And It happened when I was going down 64 towatd St. Louis downtown. Man, you should have seen me trying to get my credit card out of my wallet with one had, trying to dial the speed pay number on my cell and trying to drive. I was too outdone, for real. By the time I parked near the Americas Center and got inside to meet and greet some folks (the first people I saw were my former collegaues at the STl American--Wiley Price, Mary Winbush and Alvin Reid who hit me so hard on my shoulder, I thought he was about to kbnock it off). But when I saw my girl Sheryl who dragged me to the dance floor (one elderly woman in a wheelchair even got her groove on up in there!) to jam, my celly was back and running. I saw a lot of old and new faces at the Afterpaty and let it be known that Maat was in the place(even spoke with Doc Suuggs for a minute who fired me at the American). Oh and teh guest dee-jay was Dougie Fresh. He was stright clowin on teh 1s and 2s. And when he played La-Di-Da-Di, teh whoel crowd got on teh dance floor and course they had to do the Elecrtic Slide and Step (the two black national traditions) . It was about midnite when me, Kam, Christiaan, and Rachel left the Salute party and jetted to Lucas Park tio chill out. When I got there, a black homeless guy and his white girlfriend was asking for some change. I had a blowpop in my mouth (my new trademark) at the time and took a dollar out of my wakllet to give to the brother and the white lady said, "Oooh, he got candy, too." And she said it like she wanted to do more than have my candy. So when I go inside, I saw my crew and Kam and Brandon was mackin the white femmes in there. We all chilled out there messin with the ladies. Kam and Brandon got lucky(BOOTI CALLS)--We all stayed til about 1:30 in the morn I went back home cause I wasnt in the mood to do the vanilla swirl...Saturday, I worked out at the gym at Ballys in Clayton and afterwards I got a call from hollabackboi about a dinner/borthday pafrty that a friend of his was having for his friend Arhur Smiley from L..A. that was happening at the Washington lofts downtown. Anyway, before I got there, I went to this way out stage play called Wit at the Broadway Center for the Arts in downtown Belleville. I was scheduled to be there to write a review for KDHX for its website and radio station. It was a trip. It was about a stern college professor who is battling stage 4 metastatic ovarian cancer and tells her story through flashbacks. It was pretty dramatic (if you wanna check my review out go to ww.kdhx.org and go to arts calendar) The play ended about 10 p.m. So, I went back to the crib, got the four 24 oz. Kamo beer that I bought earlier that day at QT and drive to the dinner party. On my way walking there, it was this homeless guy who was begging and pleading for me to give him some money, but I really didnt have any money, but he begged an d pleaded, but I really didnt(I was gonna give him a beer, but I was like, no, he might follow me in the lofts) have any change and I felt bad, but I went on to the loft apartment to get my party on. I had on a sky blue suit with a wild out dark blue shirt with a sky blue dress shoes to match (I had on the same shades that you see before you in the picture you see above that was taken at the Mya concert at Toxic a few weeks back. Oh thats Tiffiani, the cute black girl and Gina, the cute white girl in the pic with MA'at--and yes, that is Bruce Lee on my shirt!). It was about 30 people there, half wree from L.A. . Hollabackboi was there and the other half of X-Jam was there (X told me he split up with Jam and decided to use another Biz partner to do his parties). They were supposed to have some strippers, but they backed out the last minute (I had my dollaz ready). It was a nice crowd and the food was off the chain--salmon, quiche, spinach salad, and all kinds of chocolate and vanilla covered strawberries, free apple martinis in canteens (that were STRonG) and chocolate cake that was delish. I made a few contacts especially for my planned trip to Los Angeles next month to see Keith Underwood's (BE NICE TO HYPEMAN STU WHILE HE'S THERE, OKAY?)one man play, I'll have some contacts while I'm staying there. The party lasted about 2:30 in the morn and I went back the crib--I t Stayed out of trouble. LOL...Sunday I chilled. They had the Dove Magazine Car Show at the Americas Center and I from what my boy photographer Demond Meek said, it was off the chain, no fights, and Maxim model/host Vita Gurrera was looking beautiful. She had on this light brown dress with her ta-ta's poured all out the dress. It was too sinful for the eyes for real. Anyway, the performers who spat lyrics were Twista (who had a private press conference for the media), Potzee, Mike Jones, Trillville, clipse and Ebony eyez I hear was suppose to perform but she didnt get the call to show up. Thats a bummer cause her jam IN YOUR FACE is too crazy. That song has teh illest beat I have ever heard. Anyway some of the celeb cars in the car show were Marshall faulk(he had an all black range Rover, custiem made with balck rims), Track Boyz had a custom made chameleon Hummer, Footballer Ahman Green who had a Dodge Crysler with red/white rims and inside the hood had signatures of his teammates from University of Neb. None of teh celbs with teh cars showed up, but, oh well. I hear that any car that was more than 100K was roped off and the security was no joke for real.The car show went down from noon to about 6 p.m. and people left without no mess. Now thats what I like to hear. On Monday , theer were three separate Football watch parties going on--and I didnt attened any. Marshall faulk had his benefit party at Pepper Lounge (it was for Katrina victims), Majic 104 had its thing at Cafe Eau, and Movement had there thing at Plush. Of the three, I hear Plush's had the most crowd. It should be interesting which one will become the football spot place to be cause you know how it is with STLers, if its too much of a good thing, then everybody suffers trying to get the clienete. On Tuesday, I was set to hear Spike Lee at the Touhill but he was cancelled becasue he was filming a movie in Europe. That was too bad, but my girl Tia said she had a number that I can call him to get the skinny on his new prohjects. Bump that, I want to be in his flicks. When you get into a 40 Acres Joint, you are talked about...and thats thr right thing to do. LOL. Anyway, thats it for me. Things are kind of slow this coming up weekend. I know I'm going to the Black Rep's Crossin Over Friday night and I might check out the Sunday Sip Finale at the Bed and Breakfast in Washington where they are having an Cultural arts fair as well. Until the next time, see ya outside!
Blind tea: What local manager said he was finished messin around with one his male superstar athletes after being diagnosed with an organ aliment?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
outside on nine

Hello outside people. This is your boy on the streets maatology giving you the 411 on the haps going around town. With all of the tragedy, controversy, and mediacism going on during the Hurricane Katrina (what a colorful name), it was hard to try and focus on the Labor Day weekend haps in and out of town, but like i say, one must document what one observes and put it all in perspective--including partying in the STL. Well, I staretd my weekend with a bead sinus cold and I was so out of it last Friday that I did not do anything, but play doctor buying Nyquil and Airbourne to try and curb my cold before I missed out on all of the festivities throughout the three day weekend. My party ear Kameron (who is pictured with me on the right on the pic you see above)told me about the First Friday event that took place at Lucky Strikes at St. Louis Mills Mall in St. Louis County. he said that this FF was much better than the one that was last month at Westin Hotel (that was more of watching paintings dry). It was more things to do--poeple bowled, ate in some of the adjaccent restaurants and of course heard the sounds of hip-hop and R&B with Dj Needles and Chan in separate areas of the Strike. It was packed I hear and the ladies outnumbered the fellas which I'm sure had the brothas picking their shares...On Saturday, I felt better and decided to go the gym at Ballys in clayton and later on I went to my accountant Josh Beek's sister, Dominique's 30th B-day bash that was held at Westin Hotel in one of their private rooms. It got kicking at 8p.m. I got there round 9:30 pm and when I got there Dominique and some sistas were doing some African dancing while a couple of brothers beat on Africna drums. The drums took me back when I was a member of teh Eugene redmond Writers Club and the African poetry events that it had at teh City HAll Rotunda in the ESL. It was mostly Beeks' fam there, but with the free beer that in teh place, everybody became fam. I saw my girl Renee thomas Woods and her husband and fitness trainer Keith Hunter (whose gonna put me under his wing and train me so I can get my license). They had a nice food spread (the wings were SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICY) and the caramel cake was too good (I had Three hunks of it--I was not playing.) The folks danced the slide and stepped and did the SOul Train line--three black musts at a black event. It was like a family reunion kind of setting. It was real nice. I think I had too much to drink (% beers of all flavors) but it was teh holiday, so it was all good. I left about 11:30p.m. (It eneded around midnite) and decided I would go to Club Seven-NOT. I decide dto go on home. Just when I was 5 minutes away from Belleville where my crib was, I got stopped by the fuzz (you know I'm old) and the cop pulled me over for driving 66 n a 50. The cop was cool. I had no warrants or anything else, and he gave me a ticket and I didnt have to appear in court, This is actually my first ticket, I have been lucky to not get one (I was able to wiggle out of a few becasue I'm a media person), but tonite I was just glad he didnt ask if I was drinking, cause if that was the case, I would have been spendingmy Labor Day in the Bellevilel Jail...On Sunday, I attended Charisse Pantella's, Charrisse Ink's Beauty and the Bling at Harrah's Voodoo Lounge where many VIPS in the sports and media arena were there to see the fashion show put on by Jule. Several female models from Talent Plus got their sahay on a stage that was on top of teh vbar area. It was so cool. The fashion show was OK. They modeled some nice lingerie and loungewear and some teddys with jeans. But the happening part was when they modelde dteh bathing suits. That gotteh crowd hyped. Later on, the modles came on stage and threw hanky panky panties outto the mixed audience (I gave mine to my sis). Asian hot girl DJ Agile 1 was spinning on the 1s and 2s some underground funk, hip-hop and R&B She was playing Talib and 50 all in the same mix ! OKAY??? In the house was Marshall faulk, UPN's Giberto Pinella, KSDK's Jeff Small, STL Post's Kevin Johnson, Hipster's Keenan Harris, Bosley Show personalities Darius and Nikki Roach, fashion guy Skylar party girl Jamie. Me and Kameron (the PIC is from Beauty and the Bling by the way)were sitting in VIp eating free food (mostly chicken, and stuffed pizza, and breaded shrimp) and got our drink on. I know I had too much t drink cause I started off with a Cosmo ,then the waitress gave me another cosmo by mistake, then I got two Tequila and lime juices, then, I got two long islands (One was bought by my boy Kam and the other was by a Airforce guy who had a wad a money to spend). I was LIT. I think I was walking like I was on a tightrope cause when I got the the john, I was staggering. Kam told me its time to get something to eat, so we went to a deli inside Harrah's and I ordered a cold sub sandwich. I bit into it and my stomach started hurting slightly. I was like Oh-oh. By the time I got to my car, I HURLEd and I HURLEd all over the seat of my car and on my hot shirt, I was a mess. I was worried cause it took me 45 minutes to get from Harrahs to Belleville Illinois and I was drivng like I was a Sunday school driver. I made it home and laid my head down on the coach. When I woke up on Monday, I had the most awfullest hangover that I thought my head was about to explode in sections. I am usually savvy when it comes to heavy drinking by drinking water between each drink, but I was not that lucky that time around--NEVER AGAIN, but then again, it was labor day. Hmm, the only thing I did on Labor day was look at a COPS marathon on FX-Tv and eat BBQ chicken my moms fixed. Oh and I scratched. Anyway, That was that. ...Oh before I forget, I will start doing movie reviews on KDHX radio (88.1 FM )starting next week. I'm excited about that as well as the talk show Im doing for them as well. Things seem to be falling in place--FINALLY.Oh, I also heard the Track Stars' Labor Day party Sunday at Club Toxic according to my colleague Bill Beene--you could have had elephants waking around in there. That is not good. Glad I decided to roll through Beauty and the Bling instead.
Next up, I will crash the Salute to Excellence Awards Banquet After PArty at the Americas Center this Friday and give you the skinny on that and anything else that may pop up. Until then, see you on the outside!
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