Hello blogfriends, far and wide in the Lou, this is your No. 1 blogger, Ma'at trying to give you my recap of my days since the last recap. Man I tell ya, it has been drama already with my trying to get this post done. First, my computer has fried. It was seven years old and it pretty much was a dinosaur. So, I had to travel to Impakt Gaming Center, a cyber cafe in Belleville just to post this (the cafe dont allow uploading photos so I have to upload my Dwele shot in the near future), but I am here for you all so you all can get my take on what my eyes have saw for the past seven days. (THE SHOT IS NOW UP__TO YOUR RIGHT AS OF DEC. 22)
First off, I want to give the Freeman Bosley Junior Show a shot out for telling their radio audience last Sunday about my blog. Nikki Roach during her Nick At Nine report, told the radio ears about my site. I was busy resting from the weekend rendevous when I turned on the radio and heard it. The last time I talked with Nikki was about a month ago when I saw her at The Best of the Riverfront Times Party at the Moolah and she said that she would give me a shout out--and she did. Much love to the Freeman Bosley Junior Show (Now, maybe I can be a guest on the show and tell y'all aboyut my blog? LOL)
With the X-mas holidays quickly coming near, I just want those to know that X-mas is not really about Jesus' birth or anything like that, lets face it, its all about eating and getting gifts and thirdly, being with family. When churchgoers say, "Jesus is the reason for the season," they must have forgotten the Galleria and St. Clair Square Mall as secondary reasons. But I digress. On to the recap
My weekend started when I attended the Platinum Group's yearly X-mas holiday and networking party. This year, it was at the Casa Lama Ballroom on Iowa and Cherokee on the South Side (previous years it was held at the Sheldon Concert Hall). I got there around 8 p.m. or so , so I can get an early start on all the food and free Anheuser Busch beer products I can drink(I'll chime in on this later on). When I got there, I paid my 25 bones to attend it and called my boy Kameron, so he can get the directions to the event. Oh, BTW, I was wearing a tannish cotton-like sweater that had puffy cotton sleeves and collar that was definitely original (I got it about 10 ago when I went to Chicago--attending that debacle of a Manhattan Model Search--at an under-the-street warehouse). The people up front told me to go upstairs so I can start getting my network on and play there guess what game with the different business reppin at the party. I saw Platinum co-owner Leata Price and gave her a nice hug. She told me to enjoy myself and have a good time and to go upstairs to get my gift bag and networking going. .So before I went upstairs, I ran into Melvin Moore of the St. Louis American (who told me he was still juiced from his American newpsaper office party he attended earlier that day)and rapped with him for a minute about the festivities, then went upstairs. Meanwhile, a pretty sista in aSanta skirt and hat gave me a blue survey that had clues to the businesses who were participating in the game, so I proceeded on to the area. I ran into other local VIPS including the Post's Kevin Johnson (who was weraing a suit and tie! I know the world is ending soon now LOL), local singers Coco Soul and Arron Foster (you was looking pretty dap in teh suit) and Clear Channel's Angie Brown. Now mind you, before I got there, I had some KAMO so I was pretty much on my way of being lit already, but I was able to maintain walking as though I had some balance. So I went up to each organization and pretty much guessed their business from teh clues on teh card. Some of them were Bally Total Fitness (D Anthony and another trainer guy from Clayton were reppin there), Brooke Financial Services, New Day Realty, UPS, Bassett in Farview Heights (I'm getting a gift certificate from them pretty soon just because I'm also on teh east side), Supreme Lending, The Computer Outlet Store, and Vincent's Jewlers, who were giving away free pearls for the ones who arruived at their store the next morning as soon as they opened and say, "I attended the Platinum Group Party." (I thought this marketing tool was very creative and daring, giving away theri profits like that, but hey everybody aint able). So, I answered all of the survey questions and walked back over to the Sista Santa to claim my gifty bag which had a variety of things like a Seagram;s T-shirt, a 2006 calendar. keychains, and two small non-alcohol gin-and juice bottles(what was up with that). As soon as I was going back downstairs, Kameron called and said that he was lost and I had to give him the directions again. I saw that the crowd was swelling up with people who I wanted to see (and didnt want to see), as I headed to the food spread. To me, it seemed as though the food spread wasnt as lavish as last year. They had the prme rib, but the rest of the food was pretty much finger foods like, chicken (fried and spicy) crackers and cold shrimp. I saw that they had the chocolate dipping machine, but I didnt really see all of the desserts that they had like last year. Hmm, I was wonering what was going on with that, but just when I was about to answer my own question, Christiaan called my name and I saw he was about three people down from behind me in the food line. I waited up on him when he got his food as he went to his cousin Cynthia Boone's table so we can eat. As I was at the table, several local VIPS walked passed the table like local music producer James Glasco (whassup with the new number?), and model Lester Robinson, who also works out at Ballys in Clayton (I saw many many people, women and men who go to Ballys up in the party, hmmm, was there a comnnmection there?). Countercorner to out table was the St. Louis American table where I said hello with a handwave to Controller Robin Britt and Editor Melequecia Meadows (Hope I'm spelling your name right). As I was socializing, I got a call from Kam asking where I was. I asked was in and he said yes. So, I told him I was put my hand in air to signal where I was. He said he saw me and when I turned around my boy had a plate of chicken already and I was like, "Man I thought you were still on teh raodm, you already chillin with chicken." While me, Kam and Christian and this sista who sat next to Kam was getting sociable, they had live entertainment on stage. Now I know I missed some of the singing last year and I wanted to attend it because many of the ST. Louis Ameircn Idol contestants were performing like Aloha and Pierre, and that was the reason why I came early to hear the singers, but I didnt know it was going last for nearly three hours! Now, dont get me wrong, the singers were on point like Coco Soul who threw down on Chaka's Through The Fire, Terry Hutchins and tween girl group Sosy, but after 11 p.m., people were ready to get their party on. But when it was about that time when everybody was juiced from the drinks, oh speaking of drinks, we ha dto buy our drinks, there were NO FREE BUSCH PRODUCTS this year. I was crushed like a jellybean under a shoe during an Easter Egg Hunt. I saw my boy Jacque LAnd (who was sharp as a pin in his suit and he said that everybody was asking for it but they couldnt swing it this year). Man, that was a shame and Busch prez Johnny Furr was up in there, too. He couldnt have swiped a few bottles for the party? Mmmm. Guess not. Anyway, bout time it was for partying, jazz sax man Tim Cunningham started blowing Silent Night, What? No! People wanted to party, not sleep. I mean, he was good and all, but it was just time to get on the dance floor. While the live enetertainment was going on, I walked to one of the bars to purchase a Long Island (liek y'all already know), and ran into my high school friend Monica Robinson who is now PR for Fox Theatre. I talked with her for a minute, hugged her and went on my drink hunt. I got to the bar and saw photographer Maurice Meredith who had his ammunition camera in his grasp talking with a guy. i was about to ask if he could take my pic, but I was ansy for my drink. So, I purchased my drink (which was 7 bucks) and walke dback to my seat. My boy Kam staretd rapping to Channel 4 beauty Vickie Newton. He gave her a message thearpy card and who knows what else afterward. LOL. But she was looking OK. Not as "glamorest" as she usually is on TV, but she got people talking (especially after she was seen hugged up on a brotha up in there). The sista that was sitting next to us was drinking and she said, "I dont feel like a lady anymore." Now, you know me, I couldnt resist, the punchline, so I touched her neck to see if she had an Adams Apple. Peopel at the table where I was cracked up laughing. They also had a gift drawing and it was all good until they called Eric Rhone, super manager for Cedric The Entertainer. You can hear grumbling in the audience and I knew what their sentiment was: For someone who got everything and then some as far as dollaz, he had to win a gift where teh rest of us is struggling to pinch a Lincoln penny. But I digress....Then I saw Entertainment Editor Bill beene walking to the St. Louis American table to get comfortable. I assisted him with his long black Superfly coat and then said to him, "Dont say I never done anything for you." I dont know why I said that, but being me, I say whatever comes to me, but it was all in fun. It was close to 11:30 pm when it was time to party, but the dee-jay (his name slips me now), but he was an old schooler dee-jay. The lastest song he played was Kanye's Goldigger." Well, I guess beggers couldnt be choosey and went on and got our party on. I partied with unknown sisters even pretending I was John Travolta and pointing at everybody. I believe I was sauced up good cause I cant believe how I was dancing, but it was all good. When it was over, people started grabbing the flower centrpeieces (I got one too), I talked to a few other people, hugged Leata again, and Kam, Christiaan and I headed out. When I drove off, I called my boy Carlos to see if he still was kicking it at Plush for his birthday (I thought it was Saturday nite, but it was the same nite of the Platinum Party) and he told me that he and his crew was at Nectar getting their groove and told him I was going to be there(he even put his on and off again lady Gina on the phone asking where I was!!!!), but I changed my mind, when I took a wrong turn on 44 and went out of my from downtown (I think it was too many LOng ISlands that was given to me at the party). So, I just went to the crib.
Oh before I forget, the Kanye West after party at Nectar two weeks ago was just OK. He showed up after his opening for U2 and greeted with some of the invited few who was able to email Hipster and Syngery to be apart of the RSVPers. He showed up in a hooded jacket, greeted everybody and was chill. No red caroet stuff or none of that. A source of mine said that many sistas were trying to give him their numbers and that he was definitely was obliging on a pussy hunt. If I hear of any hotel party stuf I will let you all know.
Last Saturday, I attended Virgin recording artist Dwele concert hosted by Club Seven. I enjoyed the concert, but I knew what to expect when it comes to Dwele. Great music, Great singing. Great piano playing, but no stage presence. I remeber when he performed at Jazz at the Bistro in 03 when The Flow Ink brought him and the opening act Coco Soul, who was pregnant at the time and featured her cousin Tina Pate busting the background) was blazin more than him on the performing tip. He was there to promote his latest CD, "Some Kinda." Kam and I jetted up there through access from Cliff Wade of Spin City Recordz who had two of his artists Jzanell and Nick Demio to open up for Dwele. befor eanyoine came up on the makeshift sytage that was set in one of the VIP areas of the club, the crowd was listening to Floetry; latets CD, "Flo'Ology". Meanwhile, some of the STL VIP was up in theer liek Majic's Selena J, who was looking sexy and flyy and who was bringing out the opening act (She spat a poem about being tired of waiting that was deep to match the accidental spit that came from my mouth when I was talking to her prior to her getting up on stage. LOL), The Flow Ink' s Charles Brown and his lovely wife and his brother Daniel, Joe Whitfield(I saw you freaky deakin that chic!), Kevin Johnson I'm not mad about not getting invited to your boy's private party), and Christiaan. I also saw Seven owner Harry Michel and saw that his wife is pregnant. Congrats to both of them. I also saw my former STL American collague and current business reporter for the Post Tavia Evans who is sportin some karats on her finger now that she is engaged to be married. I played it cool on flirtin with her cause her mini-Mack 10 fiance was holding her hand. Anyway, the show started about 10:30 p.m. and Jzanell did her thing as always (she was weraing a hella sexy halter top and skin pants) sinhging tunes from her upcoming CD, like "Get to Know Me," and Dont Be Skurred (that was accompanied by her labelmate Nick Demio) and Cliff was telling me that she will be opening up for Mary J Blige Feb 11 when she blaze through the Lou to promote her latest Cd, "Breakthrough.". Thats all and right! Another Stlousian gettin their exposure on! When she did her 10 mninutes, Foxy 95's Garth Adams brought on Dwele. His fans went bananas for him as he sang tunes from both his debut 2003 CD, "Subject" and his latest "Some Kinda." he had a live five piece band from Detroit and they had it on blast for about 90 minutes. The highlights of his show was when he pretended his show was like a radio cast and he asked for the ladies to walk up to the stage area and request their favorite songs and he sang them AND when he got a real big applauded when he performed the song. "Truth" off his last CD (even sista girl Vanita Applebum had to get happy when she heard that song) During his concert, Cliff introduced me to Nick Demio ( he looks like a little kid who just stole some cookies out the cookie jar!). I dont know if he was nervous to meet me, but whatever Cliff said to him, had him looking skurred, but he was cool. Around 11:30 p.m., people were beginning to talk and get restless during his set. People were ready to get their party on (hmmm, sounds familiar) and Dwele's music is more mellow than Laffy Taffy (My boy Kam even went to the Art bar, the other side of Seven to get his lay down for a minute). After his set was over, Dwele chilled up in VIP for a minute and DJ Napply Needles and guest Dee-jay, Deejay Mark from Chciago took turns on the 1s and 2s. You can really tell the difference in styles cause the dee-jay from chi-town was thumping and housing people like Jill Scott and even playing Kanye's "Heard Them Say." It was a whole different vibe than what STL is used to, but it was cool mix. After aboiut an hour of walking around and seeing what was going on, i was about to hit Club Dreams to Murphy Lee's Birthday Party, but I started to lose steam from partying from last nite and then going to the gym that day, so I drove my car east to the crib.
QUICK BITS. Happy Birthday to Tia Hodges who celebrates on Dec 21. Check out my story on the Big River City Concert featuring Dianne Reeves and Ellis Marsalis at the Sheldon coming up Dec 29 in West End Word Newspaper (you can also peep it out at westendword.com) and I just got a modeling gig with Anheuser Busch to do an outsiude a photo shoot with them on Jan. 18. and Jamie Spencer is going to Chicago in Feb 2006 to audition to be one of John Legend's background singers.
Well that will be all for me. Next week, I will skip a week to recoup from all this blogging in the past six months. I will resume the first week in January with a report on the Roberts Brothers Party and other things happening during the X-mas/New Years party weekFor next week, I decided to do a Best and Worst List of events attended during my blog season.
In the meantime, If you all want anything mentioned or you have a scoop on something happening in the Lou and beyond, just email me at maatspear@yahoo.com and I will post it up on here.Until the next time, be out!
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