This is I-I-I here Ma’atology about to give it to ya in yo’ eyez/with no alibiz but yo’ own consciousness of what to do when you see this good mess/I confess it will dissolve correctly/no mistake in this blog-piece/so let me release what has been inside, stored for seven dayz.
So how’s that for spontaneous creativity.
My weekend was totally off the meters and I didn’t have to go out of town to experience it. My weekend started off by interviewing super hot local dee-jay DJ Soundz, who is the house dee-jay at the hot spot Jazz Loft. I had a chance to interview him at TGI-Fridays in Fairview Heights. It was about an hour or so as I talked with him over a Long Island for me and a lemonade for him. I found the interview quite interestin. He is intriguing, spacey and quite deep. TO CHECK OUT MY INTERVIEW WITH DJ SOUNDZ, GO TO OUT 56.
As far as my going out, I attended local socialite’s Jamie Spencer’s 30th B-Day Party last Thursday that was held at Club 609 in the Delmar Loop area (YOU CAN SEE PICS OF THE PARTY CROWD ON OUT 57) . I got there about 10 ish and I had my “cam-munition” with me. When I got up to the front there was a brotha out front who was taking money from the general public and when I got up there I told him I was therre to take some snaps of the b-day party. He told me to hold up a minute. Okay, here we go again getting access to do my job. When a big, tall white guy walked outside to hug this sista that was in front of me and the brotha told him about me and the white guy said it was Ok for me to go in. As I walked in, a sista was handing out CD samplers of India.Arie’s single, “I Am Not My Hair” which was pretty cool.
So I walked to the back where the VIP room was and there was the party of Jamie’s were chillin. He was sittin around with local model Millicent(You were wearing those gold jewelried high heels, girlfriend) Duane Bess of the Network Group, X-Jam and others. Jamie intro’d me to the small crowd. Jamie was drinking Sake and handed me a small cup of it. I was drinking it too slowly and Jamie reminded me that I had to drink is rapidly. That was my first time drinking Sake (rice liquor, and my last, YUCK.
As the night went on, familiar faces came through to wish Jamie well including his colleague April, Kameron Hopson, Christian Coffield, Joel King, Treanna, Raji, and Jamelle. Overall it was a cool event. I wish we had some b-day cake, but it was all good conversing and fellowshipping as we watched Jamie get drunk. LOL. Happy B-day, man.
On Friday, I checked out part one of the US Bank Jazz and Heritage Festival in Shaw Park in Clayton with my girl Tiffani Blackmore (who was wearing that low cut brown haltertop) . I got there about 4:30 so I can get snaps and cover St. Louis’ own jazz diva Denise Thimes (pictured above in white ) wowing the crowd on the mainstage, The Emerson Stage. Although the crowd was sparse, she still brought the house down with such songs as “Sister” from the Color Purple, and “This Masquerade.”
Later on, Tiff and I got some free food and drink inside the “VIP” Tent(I’ll explain why I put quotes around VIP later) where I ran into Post Dispatch’s Kevin Johnson and his father and his lady who were visiting Kevin from D.C. (and to check out the new crib that KJ just purchased). Now, since I can remember, ViP, means Very Important Person, right, well, apparently the V and I were missing when it came to Day One of the food selection. What was therr was carrot and celery sticks, all various raw veggies with dip, then therr was hummus with complimentary crackers, salsa and nacho chips….and that was it. Hello? What happened? I was thinking, “Maybe this was just the appetizers. NOT. Last year I remember there was prime rib and the trimmings? Therr were many people complaining about this but all was forgiven at least we got three free drink tickets (wine, beer, soda, free water) for our VIP bands. The Enterprise Tent, a private affair, that was across from the VIP tent I hear had the spread along with dessert (We weren’t able to get in that tent even though the media badges had “ALL ACCESS” on them which I don’t understand the concept of still of what does ALL AcceSS mean, does it mean All Access—except….. See Kevin J, I didn’t say anything. LOL)
Later on that night, legendary blues singer and pianist Dr. John was on the Emerson Stage as part of the artist who were in support of the New Orleans Hurricane Relief Fund (who had a booth therr as well). He was in top form with his distinctive voice, but he looked a little feeble as though he looked waned (He even got up from his piano to do a cakewalk type dance that was unexpected but entertaining and got the crowd clapping) . When he sang, “Right Place at the Wrong Time,” I was back in the VIP tent. He was not a great finale act, but out of respect, he was definitely a staple for the jazz festival’s goal to let people still be aware of what is still needed in New Orleans.
After the festival, I checked out Club Dreams owner Maurice G’s (aka the Dark Light Skinned brotha. LOL) b-day celebration at the club. It was free for all Cancers and he was buying drinks til midnite (or a few minutes thereafter from what I saw). Maurice had all the party people to come downstairs to really celebrate his b-day as we packed the room as they asked for everything in sight to drink for free (except for the Patron which was not free). Overall, it was a decent turnout of about 200 or so of his friends and colleagues. Before I left out Maurice gave me the dibs on Nelly’s party this Saturday in regards to his confirmed invited guests and all I can say is it will be a famous female singer who has been to the STL during three of her major tours and will grace us with her “controlable” beauty.
On Saturday, I flew solo at the Jazz festival. I got therr about 4 ish to peep out Stanley Clarke and Gorge Duke. But of course I wouldn’t be Ma’atology if I didn’t step into some mini-drama for the blog. When I walked up to the front area to get my bags checked and I had my “cam-munition’ in my hand. So, this sista stopped me from getting searched and said, “No cameras.” I said I was part of the media (and I had my badge right in front of her face), so I walked over to the media tent where two ladies were sitting and said that the beg check in lady told me to come hear to check my camera. They looked at me like I was crazy and said, “Okay.” SO I walked back over to the sista and she asked me was I cleared and I said yes. Then she said, “Oh I didn’t see your badge.” No, she just saw a brotha with a camera and wanted to give me a hard time is all.
Anyway I was jetting so I can get a good camera seat to see the Clarke/Duke Project. They reunited this year and they are going out on tour in conjunction of that. When They got on stage, they were having tech difficulties with the music instruments and the amps. They didn’t really do a sound check and most of their performance was a ‘sound check” as George Duke pointed out during their set. The highlights of their show was tehri rendition of Janet’s “Funny How Time Flies” with Clarke’s erupting bass performance and their funkin with Duke’s “Dukkey Stick”
The song I was waiting to hear., “Sweet baby” was somewhat of a disappointment. They played it too slowly and it sounded much foreign than the original, but the crowd seemed to enjoy everything that they played. After their 90 minute set, they took snaps with the press backstage and signed autographs at the Borders; Books tent. The line was long and they gave words of encouragement to those hopeful musicians trying to break out into the biz. They are some very nice guys and don’t have that ego that comes along being a jazz musician. Local photographer and St. Louis Argus editor Eric Wilson was on board taking snaps (thanx for the extra pics) My question was, why were Duke and Clarke on so early? They would seem to be in my opinion more of a finale than newbie singer Lizz Wright who closed out the night. Hmmm.
Later on, was St. Louis’ own David Sanborn (pictured above in black—how could be wear an all black suit and it was burning up like paper in fire outside!!!!)). He performed at the adjoining stage, The Michelob Stage. His 60 minute or so set included such sax jams like “Makudo” and “Chicago Song.” During his set he said that he was glad to be back home and that he had many memories of performing in the STL with the musicians he played with and all (and got the crowd hyped in applause as well). His mom was also in the crowd and he dedicated was a song written by Charlie Chaplin (The silent film star?) called, “Smile.”
The VIP Tent was MUCH BETTER this time around, They also added with the veggies and hummus and salsa chips were chicken, chilled pasta and pork loin served in slices. Now that’s; what I’m talking about. Tiff didn’t attend this event with me so I had three xtra drink tix along with the three I had.
Later on that night newbie diva Lizz Wright graced the stage with her shirt, kinky brown dreads and earthy soul attire and sultry alto voice. She blew the house down with her electric cool voice. Her hour set included such songs as “Walk with Me Lord,” “Look at My Life’ and my fave Blue Rose”. She told the crowd to “thank them for their patience” alluding to her canceling her performance of the jazz festival a couple of years ago. But overall, her voice was soothing and sent chills down your spine. She reminds me of a subtler Nina Simone with India Arie spunk.
Those in attendance were Majic 104.9’ Deneen Busby, BT, Chas Saunders, GM Chuck Atkins, Tony Scott and Tammi Holland (who is 5 weeks until her baby girl is born and looked beautiful pregnant BTW), Jeri Kincaid (who was one of the many stage manager’s at the event and was my father’s old boss at the Airport), Nate Johnson, Nicci Roach, Vanita Applebum and Ira Jones .
I jetted from therr thinking I was going to Plush for their open admission and bar til midnite then hit the Black Party at Club Dreams and to meet Kameron therr, but the festival took its toll on me and eye just took my buzzed azz to the crib to get ready for the Woody Awards on Sunday.
On Sunday morning, I did my ritual of listening to the Crunk for Christ show with my boy Hypeman D Stone (6 to 8) then the Freeman Bosley Junior (who I saw at the Jazz Fest too BTW) Show (8 to 10). I listened this week and heard Kevin Johnson talkin on therr about why St. Louis doesn’t get many of the top concert shows like other cities and mainly from what Johnson says, it’s because St. Louis is barely a major market for concerts and STLers wait the last minute to purchase their tickets making bookers nervous on whetherr it will sell out or not. Hmmm, interesting. I wonder if that’s for all ticket buyers or just for black ticket buyers? I wonder. I also heard Nicci shout me out as far as letting me know that the show’s colleague Darrion Phelps did not have an “involuntary sleepover” with the police and that he is traveling. That was too funny.
I went inside my closet of majic tricks to get a “hotfit” for the Black Rep’s 13th Annual Woodie King Jr Awards Ceremony at the Grandel Square, its celebration and award ceremony of the Black rep’s theater season. I decided to wear the grayish black suit with a black tee with the silver Batman emblem on it and black sandals.
Hosted by St. Louis’ own and Black rep vet Kingsley Leggs (who is starring as Mister in the Broadway play, “The Color Purple” AND IS PICTURED ALONG SIDE WOODIE GIRLS MIA PACE and HEATHER BEAL ABOVE ) and Woodie award winner Denise Thimes, the big winner of the evening was its last production of its 29th season, Dreamgirls.” It won a total of nine Woodies including Best Production, Best Actress in a musical (Willena Vaughn-which I predicted in my blog ), Best Supporting Actress in A Musical ( Malkia Stampley) and Best Lighting, Costume and Scenic Design.
Woodie Award vet Linda Kennedy was surprisingly a no-show but won yet another Woodie for her mantle for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama for “Relativity.” Her son accepted on her behalf who said she was out of town and did not attend because she thought she wasn’t going to win this year. Producing Director and Black rep founder Ron Himes won for Best Director for “Dreamgirls” who chimed in on his being nominated in three of the five director slots, saying, “ What great odds.”
There were many great musical performances throughout the Woodies including spine chilling numbers from Vaughn reprising her role as Effie singing the highlighted number “And I Am telling You….” and Woodie nominee Anita Jackson as Caroline in the play, “Caroline or Change.”
It was also a night for the youngsters to shine with host Leggs as both PJ Palmer and Tre’von Griffith ,both whom were nominated for Woodies, showcased their talent for Leggs as though they were auditioning for him.
There were also touching tributes to legendary stalwarts of theater including Katherine Dunham, August Wilson, Oddie Davis and Ron Himes’ mother, dancer Vivian Crane and longtime Black rep musical director, Neil Tate.
The night ended with all of the cast, crew of Dreamgirls and behind the scene people at the Black Rep on stage as local actress Leah Stewart sang the number, “Home” form the Wiz (which will be a part of the Black rep’s 30th anniversary season next year) as a dedication to Leggs’ homecoming back to his STL roots.
Presenters included award namesake Woodie King Jr, actors Glynn Turman, Ernie Hudson, Actresses Hattie Winston (the sassy nurse on the TV show “Becker”), director Kenny Leon, St. Louis Magazine’s Susan Fadem, Anheuser Bush VP Johnnie Furr (whose wife had a comical back and forth war going with Actress Winston for the on stage bidding auction for the Jamaican trip!!) , Fox 2’s Bonita Kornute, the Post’s Kevin Johnson, video producer Katina Cross and local actor Greg Tayborn.
Others in the house were musician Stanley Coleman, KSDK’s Sharon Stevens, East St. Louis English professor Redina Medley, legendary poet Shirley LeFlore, retired East St. Louis educator Dr. Lillian Parks, local designer Angelique Joseph, photographer Carl Bruce, and local entrepreneurs Dr. Larry and Audrey Jones.
This year’s winners were: Outstanding Actor in a Lead Dramatic Role Male went to Eugene V. Russell IV for is role as Wendal in BEFORE IT HITS HOME
Outstanding Actor in a Lead Musical Role Male went to Jahi Kearse for his role as James Thunder Early in DREAMGIRLS
Outstanding Actor in a Lead Dramatic Role Female went to Starletta DuPois for her role as Reba in BEFORE IT HITS HOME
Outstanding Actor in a Lead Musical Role Female went to Willena Vaughn for her role as Effie in DREAMGIRLS
Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Dramatic Role Male went to A.C. Smith for his role as Bailey in BEFORE IT HITS HOME
Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Dramatic Role Female went to Linda Kennedy for her role as Claire Reid in RELATIVITY
Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Musical Role Male went to Drummond Crenshaw for his role as Marty in DREAMGIRLS
Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Musical Role Female went to Malkia Stampley for her role as Lorrell Robinson in DREAMGIRLS
Outstanding Director went to Ron Himes for his direction of DREAMGIRLS
Outstanding Scenic Designer went to Felix Cochren for DREAMGIRLS
Outstanding Lighting Design went to Kathy Perkins for DREAMGIRLS
Outstanding Costume Design went to Greg Horton for DREAMGIRLS
The Award for Outstanding Production went to DREAMGIRLS
A Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Harold Wheeler
An Award for Outstanding Educator was presented to Janet Bonner of East St. Louis Public School District #189
An award for Outstanding Community Partner was presented to MICDS
Here are my picks for the best and worst dressed at the WOODIES
Best Dressed Female: Mia Pace, in the backless red dress that was to die for.
Worst Dressed Female: The middle aged sista who wore a sequined beaded blouse with a wrinkled white mini-mini dress that was a hot mess.
Best Dressed Male: Richard Agnew, he was wearing the white summer suit with brim and cool shades. He was very fly looking.
Worst Dressed Male: The middle aged brotha who wore a summer black short-sleeved shirt with squiggly white lines on it with white pants. He looked as though he needed to be on the golf course than at an award show.
MA’ATIDBITZ. I will be interviewing two ST. Louis movers and shakers for the Who’s Who book in commemoration of the ceremony this fall put on by Keith Antone . They are Michael Holmes, Sr. Vice President of Express Scripts and Hubert Hoosman, President & CEO of Vantage Credit Union. I will keep you posted when the book will be out.
OK, I know y’all saw the 2006 BET Awards and I couldn’t help but give my take on it in a new segment I would like to call WORDZ TO THE WHY’S.
WHY was host Damon Wayans not funny? WHY didn’t Missy Elliott come and receive her award when she was therr to perform with Busta Rhymes? WHY did the Fantasia and Jamie Foxx kiss looked oh so wrong (and yucky) ?WHY did Mary J’s tan thigh knee boots look like she got them from Labelle back in the 70s? WHY did Larenz look like Will Smith all of a sudden? WHY did Diddy ask for applause after his mike went out temporarily? And WHY did Diddy hog up his protégé Yung Joc’s performance (which was lip synched BTW)? Why did Vivica’s dress and hairstyle look like she was about break out into the Charleston? WHY was gospel singer Yolanda Adams singing “devil music” during the Chaka tribute? WHY was one of the members of Jagged Edge have a cane and limping? WHY did Kanye West look like a geeked fan when he had a digital cam going during the Chaka tribute? WHY did Big Tigga yawn while the BET fan who presented with him as he was spreading the Word? Why was R Kelly booed while his name was called as a nominee for Best Video of the Year?
STL-TIDBITZ. According to stltoday.com, Nelly and the St. Lunatics plan to open a bar and grill in August in Hazelwood after delaying the project for several months. Mack's Bar and Grill was scheduled to open in April but will now open Aug. 10 because the owners were waiting for the manager of the new restaurant to complete a job in Atlanta. Tony Powell, the manager of Mack's, was working as a chef and a manager at Azio, an Italian restaurant in Atlanta. Because of the delayed opening, the Hazelwood City Council is expected to extend a special land-use permit for Mack's next month, city officials said.
"I am very excited about this," Powell said about the restaurant. "I am pretty sure this will go smooth. St. Louis seems to support bars."
The eatery is expected to be especially popular because of its high-profile owners, Powell said. The restaurant contains the first letters of the owners' names - Murphy Lee, Ali, Slodown, Kyjuan and Cornell, Nelly's first name.
Mack's is the first restaurant owned by Nelly, a 31-year-old recording star who has a clothing line and a record company and is part-owner of a professional basketball team, said Mike Chaffin, Nelly's business manager. Nelly and the St. Lunatics got the idea to enter the restaurant business from Ali, Chaffin said.
The 3,500-square-foot facility at 6827 Howdershell Road will be able to hold 150 people and seat 74. It will contain several TVs and will mostly show sports programs, Powell said.
Aside from items and pictures of the hip-hop stars, Mack's also will have items from St. Louis sports teams - the Cardinals, Rams and Blues. Powell said customers might get a chance to see one of the high-profile singers having some fun during the eatery's karaoke nights. And you know a grand opening party is near its only who’s throwin it? Hipster Mag? First Friday? Select Saturday? Only time will tell!……………………………………………………………..
Legendary rock and roll pioneer Chuck Berry will be the centr of a new DVD of the classic music rockumentary “Hail Hail Rock and Roll.” Directed by Taylor Hackford, the darkly comic saga is detailed, which was originally released in movie theaters in 1987 and long out of print on home video, began selling in stores June 27. The footage includes the two back-to-back concerts at the Fox Theatre in October 1986 which served as the backbone for the original film. It also has the difficult rehearsals at Berry's rundown estate, Berry, his family members and associates’ interviews, and added often-raucous commentary from peers such as Little Richard, Bo Diddley and Jerry Lee Lewis.
According to stltoday.com, Hackford said Berry, now 79 and still playing one-nighters, had no involvement in the production of the DVD. Although they are on fairly cordial terms, Hackford recalled that Berry dismissively laughed at him when he asked to license some unseen concert footage. I guess you can do that when you are the KING……………………………………………..
STLnative Kevin Coleman, director and alum of the American Film Institute is about to shoot a Teen Educational Suicide Video for a local health agency to be broadcast on St. Louis networks. There is no pay for this production. However, there is a meal, credit, copy, and gas voucher. He is looking for actors who can play teens (16 & 17 year-olds) or actual teens. For more info email him at kcoleman@colemanentertainment.com or call 314-307-5275. Production is slated for late July. It will be shot over two weekends.....................................................
Ladies Take the Stage, Thursday, June 29 at the Improv at Union Station, at 5:30 p.m. Hosted by 104.1’s Wendy Brown. The performances will include spins by DJ Agile, Chiffy of Thrudaroofproductions, LunneeB of 7Fourteen Ent, Zee of UC Me Ent, and Kitty among others.
Mo Spoon’s 2006 Eye Candy Models Party will take place Thursday, June 29 at the Loft. Models include Ms. January, Ms, March, Ms April, Ms. May, Ms, June and Ms. January. For more info go to www.myspacecom/Mo_Spoon................................................
Another Freshdaddy Project presents the "Summerbunnies Pretty Girl Party" - Part One: The Jumpoff. Early Arrival Suggested Friday, June - 30 at Club Dreams @ 10:00pm. Cover Pretty Girls $10 - Fellas $15 (B4 Midnight) Address 3207 Washington Ave. 63103-1218 Contact 314-533-4556.................................................................
Hipster Magazine, Spins & Needles and Jack Daniel's present FLY BY NIGHT, Friday, June 30th @ 360 N. Boyle in the Central West End)Doors @ 9 PM Party Til 2 AM. Free Drinks $10 Ladies $15 Fellas. Music by DJ Needles
DIRECTIONS (to the flyest two-level spot w/ a 2nd flr terrace you've never heard of): Take Lindell to Boyle. Go North on Boyle and 360 N. Boyle will be on the right. Valet parking available. Early arrival is suggested. For more information, visit us at myspace.com/flybynightonline. .............................................
My girl Chrys Yvette is holding auditions for the feature film "The Dating Game" a romantic comedy that will be shooting in St. Louis August 12th thru August 27th. Anyone in the age range of 25s to 40s interested in working as a non-union actor or as an extra in the film can submit. TBC, E-mail photo and resume to chrysyvette@yahoo.com or call 1-877-517-0472 on or before July 15th. Auditions will be held in St Louis throughout the month of July. The producers are looking for all types of adult men and women, salsa dancers, and comedians. Some experience preferred. There is also a Crew Call for "The Dating Game" . Looking for Director of Photography who owns equipment and other crew members. Students welcome to submit.
Well that be it. If you have anything for me to pub, hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com.