Hello my fellow cyberfans. It is Yours Truly, Ma'at here. Still in Los Angeles networking and partying with a purpose. Iam having some computer difficulties so hopefully before next week I will give you a run down of my travels in Los Angeles. In th meantime, I am traveling around in a 2005 Chevy Malibu (as you see in the pic) and jotting down stuff thats been going on.
TIDBITZ . St. Louis own rapper and singer SK (bka Serron King) who is posted on the right hand side of my blog) will be performing at the legendary China Club Friday, April 7 at 10 pm, in NYC,located at 268 w 47th Street. SK has been compared to a female version of Tupac & Lauren Hill. Her words and her voice are inspiring, and a MUST SEE... She is also releasing her debut CD "Its AboutTime" as well. Check S K's profile and music out at: www.myspace.com/sk
To attend this event YOU MUST BE ON THE GUEST LIST
RSVP TO: Dan 4 Entertainment 347-245-7952 dan4ent@aol.com OR Giovanni D'Angelo (GIO D's.) 347-701-9627 g_centurione@yahoo.com
Keep your head up Ingrid Owens, we are all wantto see you win the State Rep 74th. For more info on her campaign go to www.ingridowens.com.
I talked with local actor/director Joel King and he is going to do a one man play in Iowa and that the reason that his hit gospel play, "Meeting at the Elders Circle", 3 p.m. show ran late at the Jazz LoftClub a couple of weeks ago was because the owners of the club didnt open the doors to set up (yes SET UP) until 1 p.m. The set was not complete when the people got there. That is a shame that happened (but it was still successful as well as teh 7 p.m. shw from what I heard) and I hear the Jazz Loft treated Joel King and his crew very rudely . Oh well. I just wanted to set the record straight about that.
Well, hopefully the computer I'm using cooperates this week. I plan to be in L.A> until April 12. If there is anything you want for me to pub on my blog, email me at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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