Here are afew pics of the PMRC/Black Rose Cory Spinks AfterParty at Club Formula (Sorry some of the pics duplicated in the publishing process on here.) As you see local rapper Rucka Puff was there (in the mohawk saying SHHH), Wendy Brown (the sista with the pose), Tony J (in the glasses) posing with Tony Thompson, b-ball star Anthony Bonner (the tallest guy in a pic with the brothas including Jacque Land on the far right), author Traci Foster (in the black dress) with Darrion Phelps, Jamelle (in the dreads) with her sis, BJ the DJ with Sonia Brascomb (in the brown strapless top) and Gina Covington and Sonia with her buddy Indigo Sams (in the black halter). Craig Blac (in the black shirt) with Formula manager Miss Kay (also in black) and a pic with Young Dip (in red shirt) Oh do you also see the bride to be, too? LOL Below are some of the party people that were there.
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