Hello to one and all. This is Ma'at again. I am going to make this blog short cause the last two blogs got me going on my trip to Los Angeles. But it's all good. OK here we go.
Last Saturday, I checked out Club Dreams' Pre-Draft Extravaganza Party (That is me on the right with my regular homeboy Kameron taking a pic via Jacob of St Louis Online).I wanted to go somewhere this past weekend so I can write something for this blog (Its seems like I'm doing that more often these days). Anyway, before I got there, I got two Kamos (As in 10.0 Lager) to get my mood right. I called up Kameron to tell him I will be rollin out there. I havent been out with him for a minute so thsi was like a a homeboy reunion for us (We are now dubbed the VIP BOYZ. LOL) I got there about 11 p.m. and I knew it was going to be packed before I got there.,There was nothin else goin on in the STL except for people going to the Jazz Loft nearby on OLive (The routine these days have been for people to step into the Jazz Loft first then roll to Club Dreams) I parked near a parking meter a block down west from the club and I saw Kameron park right in front of me. We greeted each other and stepped up toward the club. I was surpised to to not see any security guy near the street of the club to check IDs (They ususally do this).
So, I walked inside and saw one of the guys from Thrill Entertainment clocking the dollas for people to get in (I think it was 10 general and 20 VIP). I told the brotha that co-owner Maurice G was expecting me and we waited for him to come near the door. The Thrill guy told Maurice that "his people were here" and he motioned for me and Kameron to come on through (Good lookin out man!) We mostly stood around and saw all of the thug nation roam through there (Most of the guys were in tees, sneaks, and caps and the ladies were lookin flyyeer like SOul Train girls). I felt a little out of place cause I believe I was one of the few guys who decided to dress decent up in there. Before you know it, I smelled the contact of that ganja up in there and I knew that it was mos def a thug party.
We walked around a little bit , spoke to those who knew us and tried to get up in VIP. Well that was a problem. The First Friday Security guys were manning the bottom of the stairs with velvet ropes leading to upstairs where the VIP crowd was (and supposed ballas and wanna bes). Kameron talked to one of the guys whom he knew and then Kameron told me that he said that he could go up, but I couldnt. See here we go again. Whats wrong with this picture? I didnt trip. I let it go. It was not that serious. I told Kameron that he could go up (he decided not too) , but I was not sweatin trying to go up to VIP just to look at the people from the floor dance and mingle. Adding insult to injury, some folks who had VIP bracelets could not go upstairs! What was really going on? One guy was hot as piss cause he couldnt go up (Some of the security guys hads to man handle him away from the area!) . But mind you, there were many females who didnt have VIP bracelets could go up there, bar none. True, its all about females going up therre, but if you are going to have a VIP section, treat everyone the same. Besides, Big Chuck, the bouncer from Toxic was able to get in without a bracelet (And who was going to fight him all 6 foot 4, 400 pounds of him! LOL) Oh, I almost forgot that some of the (foot)ballaz up in VIP were throwing bills down to the people downstairs on teh dance floor and you know people were catching them bills in the air as though they werre vying for a touchdown at Rams Park (Is this a new trend in VIP now? ) . Too much playin in the city!
During this time, I called hollabackboi on my celly to see if he was coming to this party and he said that he wasnt cause the crowd was too thuggish and that he was at the Jazz Loft (One of his buddies from Philly via STL was in town, too) It was going on 2 ish and we decided to walk up to the front. Before we left, I gave dap to Mo Witherspoon who was therre passing out fliers to his monthly Eye Candy party (I forgot what I said to him, I was that buzzed. LOL) that was going top going on there this Saturday at Dreams (I forgot who else I saw therre casue I was still a littel buzzed from drinking the Kamos). I saw Jacob from St Louis Online and I thanked him for giving me a shot out on his website. In returm , he snapped me and Kam's pic.
On Monday, I started a little temp job at AG Edwards on Jefferson and Market in the Louie. I am doing office assistant work for their new accounts department (The 8th floor--It;s hard out here for a PIMP.). Local socialite Jamie Spencer works there too and we had a chance to talk about the ins and outs there (It has been an adventure already and I will decipher what Ive seen and heard as time goes on by the week). They have a nice fitness center with 2 masseuse rooms. (I might try both the center and message rooms out next week and get physical-physical. LOL). What was really tripped out was one of its trainers , a white guy, is also a trainer at Ballys in Clayton, the one I go to. When I saw him, I said, "Dont you work at Bally?" And he said, "Yeah., and I tell you, if you join this gym, it will make Ballys look ghetto." I was too stunned when he said that--and a white boy at that! You know what word is comin next of he 's that comfortable saying the G-word. Too much playing in the city!
LA TIDBITZ. Neo soul/performance artrist Amanda Dumas will be performing this Thursday at the Temple Bar, 1026 Wilshire in L.A. It starts at 9 p.m. and the tickets are 10 bones., For more info, go to http://www.amanadadumaslive.com...again/, For those who want to break into the entertainment industry, ABI Productions is presenting an Entertainment Business Seminar, Tuesday, May 2 at the Academy of Tv Arts and Sciences, 5220 Lankershim Blvd in North Hollywood. Panelsists include Cedric the Entertainer (anyone check his speaking at Webster University in the STL about the entertainment industry?) , Jamie Foxx's manager Marcus King and moderated by comedian/actor Chris Spencer. Admission is $50 for studnets, $75 general, and $160 for all access which include a one-one-session with a panelist. For more info, go to http://www.entertainmentseminar.com/ or call 818-776-9450...My newest L.A. buddy Steve Williams (who said the Gordon Chambers and Ledisi concert at the Knitting Factoiry was off the chain) from L.A. said that he emailed his pastor, Bishop Noel Jones my blog last week! He must be a pretty hip pastor, cause I know I was talking up some sacreligious stuff on my blog last week. LOL ....
STL-TIDBITZ. I got a gmail from Vernon Scott about Derrty ENT (as in Nelly's production company) All Star Party going down at Club Toxic. Sunday. April 30. They are celebrating its Holla at Ya Derrty Vol 3 Cd Release pArty. Special guests include St. Lunatic Ali and Grip, Baby Huey, Stl Lunatic Murphy Lee., and Penelope to name a few ( I hear Nelly, himself might come through as well) . Doors will open at 9:30 p.m. Admission is 20 bones. VIP is available. For VIP or general info, call 314-477-3040......................................................
I will have the opportunity to interview St. Louis jazz diva Denise Thimes (pictured on my blog ) on her career for the West End Word Newspaper. We will also talk about her upcoming annual Mothers Day concert, Sunday May 14 at the Sheldon Concert Hall. I will keep you posted when the feature will run.....
Black Rose Ent. presents Guys Gone Wild: Ladies Retreat. Wild guys doing wild things. (Think...All Male Review/Men Stripping). Sorry fellas this one is for the ladies. April 28, at the Creative Image Social Hall @ 8:30 Cover $15 in Advance - $20 Door - $25 VIP Dress As Wild As U Want. The address is 6800 West Florissant For mor einfo contact Aretha 314-537-6218....
Actor/director Joel King is doing the Meeting at the Elder's Circle stageplay again. This time at the Tin Ceiling Theatre on 3159 Cherokee St.(East of Grand (South) and Gravios)Showtimes are Friday April 28 @ 8 p.m.; Saturday April 29 @ 3:30p. m. & 8 p.m.; Sunday April 30 @ 8 p.m.;Friday May 5 @ 8 p.m.; Saturday May 6 @ 3:30 p.m. & 8 p.m. andSunday May 7 @ 8 p.m. For more info , call (314)268-3651. Hmmm, I wonder if Joel will play the white lady again ? LOL...
WEBSTER UNIVERSITY FILM SERIES PRESENTS Josephine Baker: A Centennial Remix Zou Zou Princess Tam Tam April 28 at 8PM; April 29 at 7PM and April 30 at 7PM. For more information go to: http://www.webster.edu/filmseries.html Admission is $6 for the general public, $5 for seniors, students from other schools and Webster alumni, and $4 for Webster University staff and faculty unless otherwise noted. All films screened in Moore Auditorium on the campus of Webster University, 470 E. Lockwood, Webster Groves, MO unless noted....
Premiere for Cutting-Edge Women’s Health Documentary Hits the Screen at Tower Grove Park. On April 29, the locally produced documentary will premiere at Tower Grove Park near the South City Open Studio and Gallery (off Arsenal and MorganFord). The SCREEN ON THE GREEN PRIEMERE PARTY starts at 6:30-9:30pm. $5 donation.
Well that will do it for me. I know it was a lot, but hey, I had a lot to say. If there is anything you want me to pub on here, hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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