Also, the crazy construction and reconstruction work that went on all this year I-64 /40 and the news of the Countown to the Shutdown being introduced this year (that will take place Jan. 2 , 2008)

8. In November, Kevin Johnson got the death penalty for the murder of Kirkwood Police Sergeant Bill McEntee in the Meacham Park neighborhood in 2005. What made this case fascinating was in April, the jury could not decide whether to give him 1st degree or 2nd degree in the killlling which lead to a mistrial.

7.This summer, an aflluent husand and wife were not charged for the killing of a 7-month-old girl who was left for hours in a sweltering car at Washington University after miscommunication of of picking up the daughter. teh contrioversy stemmed from the anonymity given to the couple as opposed to the public scrunity given to Delea Payne, a daycare center driver, who was arrested after leaving a 3-year-old boy in a van during a trip at the Science Center and was unharmed..

6.The city mourned the tragic loss of upstart police officer Norvelle Brown, 24, in August whowas shot and killed in an ambush on Semple Avenue by a 15-year-old suspect who had intended to kill a police officer. The 15-year-old male and an 18-year-old accomplice were arrested and charged with the murder of Officer Brown. Officer Brown had served with the St. Louis Police Department for one year.

5.In March, the State took control of the troubled St. Louis Public Schools after the great squabbles between former School Board President Veronica O'Brien and Superintendent Diana Bourisaw. Various students who attended SLPS protested the decision in Jeff City as the decision was taking place. The decision went into effect in June.

4.The St. Louis Rams had a record year in 2008 of having the longest losing streak in the NFL's 70 year franchise histiry (not too many the number of star players getting injured). They lost eight consecutuve games (During week 9 they had a bye week). It was duuirng week 10 of the NFL season when the Rams finally won its first game against the New Orleans Saints (37-29). As of this writing, the Rams were 3-11 and had no signs of being in the playoffs.

3.Missouri was No. 1 voted for one week in November by the Associated Press when the Mizzou Tigers won after their win to Kansas City (36-28) at the Mizzou Arena. This was Missouri's first time in college football history to be ranked as such. butteh bullet fell when teh Tigers was one victory away from their first-ever national championship when tehy lost to Oklahoma in the Big 12 championship game at the Alamodome in San Antonio( 38-17) in the Big 12 championship game in San Antonio. Although the team was passed over to play in the BCS Bowl, they will play in the Cotton Bowl on Jan. 1 against the Arkansas Razorbacks.

AND THE NUMBER ONE STL-TIDBITZ STORY OF 2007 IS...............................

Well, the big story herre in ST. Louis on a local, national and even international tip is the Miracle on Missouri when boys Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck was found in a Kirkwood apartment in Jaunary. Dubbed Miracle in Missouri, Ownby (who was missing for four days) was found and Shawn Hornbeck was also found (who was missing for four years) by police in Devlin's apartment in Kirkwood from a tip by Ownby's classmate who saw Ownby get off the bus and was kidnapped into Devlin's car.
This story even made it onto Oprah's show when she had the families of the boys and their families on the show, so you know this was a major story!

The Hornbecks got a new house from the deal (a new 4-bedroom, $300,000 home in West County in May)and peace of mind! Whereas Devlin
was charged for kidnapping and armed criminal action on federal and state charges This big newz coming out of the STL mos definitely was the charging of former pizza manager Michael Devlin who pled guilty of all 71 offenses of kidnapping and sexual assault against was sentenced in October in St. Louis County Circuit Court to 18 consecutive life terms, 52 additional concurrent life terms and 15 years for kidnapping. As of this writing, he will be sentenced this Friday.
and OUT 304--DEATHS IN 2007
EVENT-TIBITZ. POLITICS + HIP-HOP, Fundraiser for State Representative, Rodney Hubbard, Thurs. Dec. 20th @ J. Bucks (@ 10th and Clark), St. Louis, 9pm-midnight! Tickets $25. $100 VIP.
STESS FREE FRIDAYS, > Friday, December 21, 2007 > 5pm> > Delmar Lounge (http://www.delmarrestaurant.com/)> 6235 Delmar Boulevard (University City Loop)> St. Louis, Missouri 63130> 314-725-6565> > > **EARLY ARRIVAL IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED! Check out http://www.stressfreefridays.com/ for more info onthis and upcoming Stress Free Fridays events..................
Funny Saturdays Comedy with Darius Bradford at thePlaza on Broadway.
Got Lyrics hosted by Mocha Latte’ every Wednesdaynight is back on track. Got Lyrics will bereintroduced at the new location, Van Goghz MartiniBar and Bistro, 3200 Shenandoah Ave. , from 7pm to12am each week. Admission for the event is free before8pm. After 8:00 the cost is minimal; $3.00 for poetsand $5.00 for audienceMembers of the press are welcomeand encouraged to attend opening night. Please contactSharee Galvin at 314-646-9917 to be placed on the VIPlist.
My Drink N My Two Step Thursdays at Dante's hosted byMocha LAtte and DJ Metti Metti. Ladies Free Admissionand Drinks til Midnite. Birthday parties and VIPavailable This Thursday is Murphy lee’s 25th B-day ceelbration. To check out teh commercial, go to Click on this link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqwBPeYc_Kw
Pick up an Evening Whirl and check out Mocha Latte’scolumn COFFEE TALK!
For more info on these events, contact Miss Latte at314.646.9917 or sgalvin26@yahoo.com
For more info on these events, contact Miss Latte at314.646.9917 or sgalvin26@yahoo.com
The Sheldon Arts Foundation has announced artists anddates for the 2007-2008 Cabaret in The Savoy Roomseries. This series will feature the following premierartists including: Steve Ross, Julie Budd, AndreaMarcovicci and KT Sullivan & Mark Nadler. All willperform in the Savoy Room at The Sheldon. Performancetimes are Thursday & Friday at 8p.m., Saturday at5p.m. & 9p.m., and Sunday at 2p.m. St. Louis favoriteTo charge your subscription by phone please callCabaret series concierge Mr. Terry Love or hisassistant Mr. Luke Thomas at 314/535-1700. For more information, please visit www.TheSheldon.org/cabaret.
Cabaret in The Savoy Roomis produced by The Sheldon Arts Foundation inassociation with Fox Associates.
NEW: ON SALE NOW!!VALENTINE’S CLASSIC SOUL Starring The Whispers, Stephanie Mills & After 7Friday, February 8, 2008 – 8pmFox Theatre ▪ ON SALE NOW!!$75, $55, $45 & $37.50Tickets ON SALE NOW at the Fox Box Office and allMetroTix locations.Charge by phone at 314/534-1111 or online at www.metrotix.com.
"Santaland Diaries" through December 22, 2007,Thursday - Saturday at 8pm. (Final Saturday, December22 is at 2pm only.) A subversive Christmas elf shareshis trials and tribulations working at Macy's duringthe holiday season. Funny, touching - and twisted -the brilliant wit of David Sedaris ("Me Talk PrettyOne Day") brings fresh joy to a cynic's world. FOR MATURE AUDIENCES Tower Grove Abbey, 2336 TennesseeAve., Saint Louis, MO 63104(Grand to Sidney St. - 3Blocks East to Tennessee Ave. - Left on Tennessee)Adults $18.00 / Seniors & Students 15.00. (Cash/Check/Visa/Mastercard)For Information and TicketReservations call (314) 865-1995. Visit us at http://www.straydogtheatre.org/
The Black Rep’s Popular “I Stand Alone” SoloPerformance Series the solo theatre series returnsthis December with four original shows at The BlackRep’s Monsanto Center for Performing Arts Education,1717 Olive Street, 4th Floor.All shows are at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $15 or $10 forBlack Rep subscribers. December 29, 7:00 p.m. A WORK IN PROGRESS: MY LIFE IN THE THEATRE By Anita Jackson. From St. Louis to NewYork, from Broadway to The Black Rep – Scenes, Songsand Remembrances from Anita Jackson, accompanied byCharles Creath.WHERE: The Black Rep Monsanto Centerfor Performing Arts Education, 1717 Olive Street, 4thFloor TICKETS: $15 and $10 for Black Rep Subscribers,for info please call (314)534-3810............................................
STLonfire.com presents St. Louis Rams Watch party and After Party Thursday, Dec. 20, Kitchen K, 1000Washington, hosted by Orlando Pace. Go tohttp://www.stlonfire.com/ for more info.
After Hours - St. Louis Introduces:Toys for Tots presents Winter On WashingtonLucas Park Grille \Dec 20, 2007, 1234 Washington7 p.m until For additional information visit: www.myspace.com/stl_afterhours
RSVP / VIP: stl.afterhours@gmail.com
The Fashion Committee presents The Exclusive Greedy Genius and Daram Gangsta Grillz The Album release party, Friday, Dec. 21 at Society , 326 S. 21st Street. For the Aldies Free Admission til midnight, For mro einfo contact gnsmidwest@yahoo.com
Chingy’s Album relese party for Hate it or Love it, Saturday Dec. 22 at Society. Hosted by Ludacris and perfroamnce by Gorilla Zoe and an unanounced special guest. Ladies free til 10p.m. For more info call 314.249.6836.
Café Soul,8 p.m., Fri. Dec. 28, Lucas House, 1220 Allen Ave (between Allen and Gravois. For tickets and more info call 314.621.6565Jerrod Jones & R. Kirk of Precision LLC PRESENT,PANACHE Friday, December 28, 2007, KYO. Located at 1405 Washington Ave(Downtown St. Louis) Doors Open @ 10pm Reserved Booth and Bottle Service@www.kyostl.com Guys: RSVP @ precision.LLC1@yahoo.com for $5 admission until 11pm
The ''ZODIAC CONNECTION'' is a Color Coded CelebrationHonoring the Compatibility of CAPRICORN (Brown) &AQUARIUS (Orange). Capricorn & Aquarius Ladies WearingAll SHADES of Brown & Orange FREE Until 11P.M. Guestscome in Attire of your Choice (SexyUpscale) Venue:Kitchen K 1000 Washington Ave St.Louis Mo 63101 When:SAT December 29, 2007/ 9PM-2:45AMATTIRE COLOR CODE:CAPRICORN & AQUARIUS Capricorn's & Aquarius's wear allshades of Brown and Orange. All Capricorn & AquariusLadies FREE Until 11P.M. Wearing Color Code . FREEDrinks For All Capricorn & Aquarius Until 11:00p.m.Guests come in Attire of your Choice (SEXY UPSCALE$5B4 11:00 P.M.............................
Forever Young Creations host Harlem Nights Holiday Gala, Pre-New Years Dance, 8 p.m.-1 am, at the MasonicHall, 4525 Olive, $15 ADV, $20 ATD, BYOB SET UPS SOLD,Tickets are sold art Forever Young Creations, 1919Utah Dec. 29 and 30 Sat and Sun 10 am - 7 p.m. formore info contact Rhonda at314.480.0311................
1st Friday-St. Louis & 2MRs present...THE ABSOLUT NYE08 @ The Laurel Luxury Loft, 625 Washington Ave. (7th & Washington). Join us as we ring in the New Year at one of downtown's premier loft spaces. The Laurel Loft is located at 625 Washington Ave., in the heart of the downtown loft district. Enjoy a premium OPEN Vodka Bar, hor'derves, party favors, live entertainment, & all the right people. The love begins at 9pm with the Keyshia Cole listening party & soulful vibes by DJ Reminise. We truly look forward to bringing in the new year with so many amazing people. Last year's event "sold out fast" so buy advance tickets now. Only 350 tickets will be sold! For table reservations contact info@1stfriday-stl.com.
$30 Online Tickets. $40 @ The Door. Visit www.1stfriday-stl.com
to buy tickets online. Valet Parking Available....Upscale Attire Required.
Lossecannon Entertainment LLC presnets Fortune/Fame, 2 parties at the same time. Fortune hosted by Wellz Fargo at 555 Building for the Upscale and Fame at Society for the hoodies hosted by Slim. NYE 08, Dec. 31, 2007. Both event doors open at 9 p.m. $25 GEn , $50 VIP. For more info, call 314.646.9917 or go to www.stlnewyearseve.com
The Black Rep will open its 31st mainstage season onJanuary 2, 2008 at the Grandel Theatre, 3610 GrandelSquare with a one of Shakespeare’s four greattragedies, Othello. Othello runs from January 2 –February 3, 2008. Subscriptions for all five showsrange from $140 to $218.75 and are on sale now. ThreePlay subscriptions are $105 and are good for any showbest available seat. Single tickets range from $33 to$43. Both Three Play Subscriptions and single ticketsgo on sale on December 3. Student rush tickets (30minutes prior to curtain) are $10 with valid I.D. TheBlack Rep will continue its “Next Generation” programthis season where young people ages 8 -18 will beadmitted free with the purchase of an adult ticket onThursday evenings and at all Saturday matineeperformances. Limit one child per adult. To reserveyour seat please call (314) 534-3810 or visit http://www.theblackrep.org/.
Well that's it for 2007 for OUTTOWN, check us out January 4, 2008 for a new post of wheer OUTTOWN left off and check out OUTTOWN every wednesday thereafter. See ya in 2008! And if ya got anything for OUTTOWN to pub, hit us up at maatspear@yahoo.com!