Hello one and all! This is Ma’atology one more ‘gain in the trenches on the blog world to give it ya. I had to switch over back to my old blog name cause my beta account is acting crazy. I cant load up pics!So in the meantime, I am transferring back to this account. And I must say, things have been getting interesting in regards to me and my blog these days—I’ll get into that later.
On a national tip, in all of the NCAA hoopla, the Florida Gators beat Ohio State 84-75 last Monday to become the first team since Duke in 1992 to repeat as national champions. This win completes a 2007 championship-game sweep of the Buckeyes (35-4) in college's two biggest sports — men's hoops and football. Florida, a 41-14 winner in the football title game in January, remains the only program in history to hold both championships at the same time.
And speaking of college ball, the world has lost a greta one, Legendary Grambling Coach Eddie Robinson died Tuesday at 88 from Altzeimer’s Disease. . He worked exceedingly hard for 57 years as football coach at Grambling State in Louisiana, where he won 408 games, most in history at the time he retired in 1997.
Looks like Prez Dubya is playin hard ball with Congress thsi week about his vetoing teh Contress' bill to shorten the stay of teh troops in Iraq. dubya sayin if he veto it, its gonna make some troops stay and some troops go pending on the money they wont give him to keep it going. My my my. Its getytin to be a lot like John Wayne up in teh Whiet House for real!
Sunjaya rules! LOL
April is also Jazz Awareness Month.
This week on April 4 marks the 39th anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. If you wer living atthat time, where were you when you heard the news?
The city was all in red as opening day festivities of the St. Louis Cards happened in and all around downtown St. Louis last Sunday. Hall of Famers Stan Musial, Bob Gibson and Lou Brock were on hand for the festivities, which included the traditional appearance of the Budweiser Clydesdales. Cardinals players entered in a motorcade that passed the World Series trophy, located near home plate. Manager Tony La Russa, arrested during spring training on a drunken driving charge -- was greeted warmly by the crowd of 45,429 at Busch Stadium, where every game has been a sellout since the ballpark opened last year. But it was bittersweet when the Cards lost to the Mets in a 6-1 victory Sunday night in the major league season opener.
The trial of Kevin Johnson is going to pushed to Oct 31 (of all days!) due to a mistrial. The jury couldn’t decdie whether Johnson should have gotten 1st Degree or 2nd degree pending on whether Johnson premieditated to kill the cop of Sgt. William McEntee on July 5, 2005. The theory was based on ice cooling in water! As Luther once crooned, “So Amazing!’”
St. louis Lambert Airport Director Kevin Dolliole announced this week that he’s resigning as chief at Lambert Field, after less than two years on the job, to be with his family in San Antonio. Dolliole, 51, began as airport director in May, 2005, having led San Antonio International Airport for six years before that. His wife and daughter, now a senior in high school, wanted to stay there.
St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay named Richard Hrabko airport director effective April 23. The $105 million renovation of the Main Terminal, which Dolliole unveiled in February, is expected to go forward.
And whats up with the allegations that eight St. Louis police guys giving away World Series tix last year that they confiscated from scalpers? A story in the Monday edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, citing unnamed police sources, said officers in the department's vice-narcotics unit gave about 30 confiscated tickets to relatives and friends, who used the tickets to attend games.Tickets are no longer torn at Busch Stadium but are electronically scanned. The tickets were stored as evidence after they were used, the newspaper reported.
A Police spokesman said the tickets should have been stored immediately after they were confiscated. We’ll see how the city handles this situation.
On Friday, I did double duty and attended Stress Free Fridays which was hald at the Loft. This one was a special one cause the event also debut the beer from Anheuser Bush called American Pillsner by STL beer CEO Ray Hill along with his biz partners Stress Free’s Mario Wayne and Schmoo creator Stephen Bruce (PICTURED ABOVE ). It was one of Stress Free’s most populated Fridays. When I got there around 8 or so, it was no where in front of the Loft to even park! I found that to be odd, not that Stress Free isn’t popular, but it usually gets packed around 9ish or so, but not this nite.
It was like a Saturady nite up in therre. Eric Robeson was just getting on the 1s and 2s amnd right before him was cover band Boogie Chyld who continued on after Robeson. Anyway, people were getting free Pillsner beer for its pre-launch and giving the party crowd a taste of what the STL team brewed up. Also up in there was Keenan Harris’ Jack Daniels spread and the cleverly placed blackjack table for being to play 21 with play money (Did you win, Jacque? LOL) . I kidded with Keenan and said, “Next time, get some real money and you know you gonna need security for that.” He couldn’t help but to laugh.
Then, I saw some of the colleagues I worked with when I did DIVA Planning’s fashion show in October. I didnt realize it but one of its busy bees Miss Traci (Yes this is going in my blog. LOL) was celebrating her b-day and her team was therre to support including Gina Covington, Miss Michelle, and Tira of DIVA and model Renata and her father Roger.
I also had a couple of people who saw my show, Monologue sand Penisillin gave me their critiques about it. One said that it was bit long, one said that they couldn’t hear what the pimp was saying and that the older man , Mista in the cast had him in tars and he rarely cries at plays. Well, I took all that in stride and made a mental note of what was said for the next go round.
Afterwards Boogie Chyld (PICTURED ABOVE) came back on the makeshift stage and began singing Prince songs. Now, If you are a Prince fan, you know it could be sacreligious to try and cover a Prince song. Well, I must say, Boogie Chyld impressively pulled it off . When they did “Lets Go Crazy” with all of the guitar riffs I was too outdone. They even got into some Time by performing, “The Bird” and the radio jammie jam, “Girl.”I have seen them perform before, but I must say, they get the grade of A for doin some serious Prince and Prince-inspired songs for that night.
I looked at my "pretend" watch and it was goin on 10or so, so I drove over to the Central West End and checked out Hipsters’; free party night at Posh. Right before I was about to walk in the door, I ran into Freeman Bosley Junior Show personality Nicci Roach who was just parking her car walking to the spot. When I saw her , I told her I saw her other half at the Loft (Mr. Kev B) and that everyone should be heading to Posh after the Loft.
When Nicci and I walked up in Posh, it was kind of sparse in the crowd, but it was only 10 so I knew in about an hour the crowd was going to pick up. Meanwhile, Raoch’s colleague Darrion Phelps was sitting at the bar drinking YAC and smoking a cigar (sporting a low cut do these days!) . The there of us ended up talking about their show, the radio biz, and just shooting the ish (I wish I could tell you what all we talked about, but like the CIA, I would have to kill you and myself if I did. LOL)
Around 11 or so, the crowd picked up slightly, not what I expected. I just assumed that people were still getting’ their party on at the Loft and I’m sure around that time,. The regular party people were also up in the mix too so Posh was in competition with that. But overall it was a cool crowd. I even saw Forest Park English professor JK Dennis up in the spot getting his party on with a couple of his crew!
SIDEBAR: I am one of the most coolest, laid-back-fairest brothas anyone would want to meet, but at Posh on that nite, I almost became a street fightin negro up in there. I’ll just put it like this, when this particular person just had to say something foul to me to try and get me to stoop on his level, I played it calm and ignored him cause if I blew up and bring out the East St. Louis out of me, the owner of Posh would have thrown me and this person out of there and the cops I’m sure would have been called for causing a homicide.
And why would this person try to step up to me in a crowd of people instead of one on one? My thing is this, if you come to me foul in the beginning, I’m gonna be foul back. Don’t try and think everything is cool and I suppose to fake nice with you. That’s not how it goes down. I put it like this, I may be cool and nice and all, but I know folks who can do some things to put an end to nonsense. So, I’m just sayin.
On Saturday, I had more auditions for my all-male fashion show/competition, TEST-OS-COUTURE at the Emerson Library at Webster University. I picked a few on the spot and I met with Vashon Coach Anthony Bonner also agree dot be apart of the show. Later on that afternoon, I thought I was going to get my female dance team for audition at Cougar’s on Florissant Road and Natural Bridge, but all I got was a locked door. I don’t know what was up with that? But oh well.
On Sunday, I had my photo shoot with some of the guys of my fashion show TEST-OS-COU-TURE (PICTURED ABOVE) at my office. They were Corey Hayes and Brandon Demps and one guy, John Gearries, the taller of the three, who came from Indianapolis to be apart of the shoot. I am also in a dilemma. I don’t know which photo I should use for the main picture of the poster and for the publicity photo for media. If you could, check them out on OUT 170—PHOTO SHOOT PICZ and email me at manfashionshow@yahoo.com and give me your opinion on which photo should be used for the main picture of the poster and which one for the publicity shot or both?
STL-TIDBITZ-St. Louis model Jermaine was featured in last week’s issue of Jet Magazine. Congrats on that….Also congrats to local singer/actress Llysa Rykale who is doin her thing on a local Schnucks commercial . She is the sister with the red sweater on who jumps up and down all excitingly then shows a receipt of her savings…..I will try and get to the demo of STL rapper City Ant next week. I heard some of it and I must say he seems to be the one to bring back consciousness rap lyrics back to hip-hop!.... STL boxer Cory Spinks will be fighting his next fight on May 190 in Memphis at the Fed Ex Forum (I heard that the Scott Trade Center will soon be called the Fed Ex Center. Hmmm) He will fight Jermain Taylor….I heard that a particular popular newspaper owner may be purchasing a building on Delmar to create their own art gallery! Hmmm, interesting….It looks like another hip hop couple has called it quits. A well placed source has confirmed to MediaTakeOut.com that Ashanti and Nelly have separated. According to the insider, the two have been apart for a few weeks now. And Nelly has reportedly already begun dating other people.Ashanti, on the other hand, isn't taking the break up as well. The tipster tells MediaTakeOut.com, "Ashanti is really broken up over losing [Nelly] ... But her friends and family are helping her get through it."
MA’AT-IDBITZ. I found something interesting while thumbing through Delores Shante’s Partyline column in the St. Louis American this week that I had to share with you all. Delores Shante seems to be upset with me “the blogger” and reported in this weeks’ Partyline that I wrote some erroneous stuff about “her’ buddy at the Café Soul event at the Lucas House two weeks ago. She writes:
“I know that this person’s sole intention was to force me into doing this, but okay I’ll bite. Your little publicity stunt paid off…a little. Would a certain “blogger” who I thought was my boy, get some business! I partake in some mental junk food from time to time by reading this person’s “blog.” But when I got up on there last week expecting to hear about one of his all male reviews or how great it was for him to be in V.I.P again, I see he is making a comment about one of my main aces. Since he didn’t say any names, I won’t either. But why did this person accuse my boy of being a lightweight cheat-um-up at Café Soul (which was hot as usual by the way)? Help. Everybody knows that the real golden rule in the streets (besides everything isn’t what it appears) is even if you see something that looks suspect, keep it to yourself. And if you can’t keep it to yourself, whatever you do, don’t put it in writing! After all - you could be wrong
I am assuming Ms. Shante is commenting about this statement I wrote last week:
“Before the show [Café Soul] started. Coco had to set straight about someone who was putting (on)shows called Coco Soul Sundays and using her name without permission and how people should respect people’s identity. WHOA!”
Ms. Shante, if you wanted to get upset with someone, it shouldn’t be me, it should be the one who said it in public on the mike for all of us to hear. All I did was reiterate what they said. If the comment was wrong, then the person who said it got it wrong—all I did was write it. True, there is two sides to a story, and the other side was not there to defend themselves, but I only wrote what I heard. I was not trying to do any publicity stunt or anything like that with the comment. It was just part of the evening’s happenings and found the comment out of the ordinary which made it newsworthy. But if there was any harm, I apologize for that. And for the record—you still my girl.”
CHART-TIDBITZ—Looks like STL rapper Baby Huey is finally making some zoom up the Hot 100, Hip-Hop and rap Charts in this weeks’ Billboard charts. This week his hit, “Pop Lock it and Drop it” zooms up the Hot 100 from #52 to #38 in its 6th week On the Hip-Hop Charts, it moves into the Top 20 from 24 to 19 15th week And on the Rap Tracks chart it moves into the Top 10 from 13 to 10 6th week. Now the bets are on if this single can reach No. 1 on any of these charts? I predict that its a surefire No. 1 on the Rap charts cause its a popular dance that goes with the song. As far as the other charts, I predict that wit will hit the Top 5 on the Hot 100 charts and if it cracks the Top 10 on the Hip Hop Charts, it will either go No. 9 or 10.
EVENTZ-BITZ- Stress Free Fridays, Friday, Friday, April 6, 2007 5pm The Pepper Lounge (www.thepepperlounge.com)2005 Locust St. Louis, Missouri 63103 Near Downtown 314-241-2005. The Co-Founder's of Stress Free Fridays, Mark Anthony Jones, would like to thank everyone for joining them last Friday at The Loft Jazz Club--the turnout was phenomenal and Ray Hill, Mario Wayne and Stephen Bruce wish to thank you all for making the Ray Hill's American Pilsner Pre-Launch a smashing success!
Join us this Friday, April 6, 2007 as we visit one of the hippest venues near Downtown, The Pepper Lounge. At The Pepper Lounge, you will be able to enjoy great drinks, mouth-watering food and a great atmosphere...come out and meet someone new and get away from the stressors in your life! ***Our Massage Therapist, Kamren, will be on hand with his famous "Massage Chair" to massage your "stress" away! ............................
On Thursday, April 5th, 2007 beginning at 6pm it will be time to "TALK TO YOUR INNER DIVA". Please join us for the Grand Opening Celebration of The Masulla boutique retail store located DOWNTOWN, in partnership with MINI COOPER of Autohaus so you can shop, drive and meet Designer: Alice Dobson of Sofada. Live well. love much. shop often.http://www.masulla.com Location of event: 1301 washington ave.saint louis, mo 63103 314 / 249-3558......................
Jazz at The Bistro Presents The Bosman Twins, Fri and Sat. April 6 and 7 , Two Shows at 8p.m. and 10 p.m. 3536 Washngton. For ticket info, call 314-534-1111, 314-531-1012 1-800, 293-5949
From Sharee Galvin’s CORNER:
Blackmon;s Plaza Presents Male Explosion, Sunday , May 6 , 7 p.m. at 127 Collinsville Ave. Hosted By Mocha Latte, ADV tickets $20, $25 At DOOR, VIp tickets $40 (includes Champagne Tickets available at Blackmons Plaza, Club Illusion, Metrotix, Top Styles, Personal Touch Boutique, Foster’s Elegant Salon, and satisfied Inc (25th Satet0. For more info call 618,. 531. 8522 or 618. 567. 8912.
Sharee is also promoting STL based author Cheriyln Michael’s second book “First Fridays”. For book or book tour info, send Miss Galvin an e-out?
For any info on these events email Sharee at sgalvin26@yahoo.com
St., Louis Fashion Week will be April 5to 8. It includes
Thurs., Apr. 5, Who’s Who Party, Macks. Call (314) 306-7999. Fri., Apr. 6, Fresh Faces N Fashion Show, 7700 Delmar. Call (314) 306-7999. and Sun., Apr. 8, 7 p.m., Glamour Ball & Haute Hair Show, Adam’s Mark Grand Room. Call (314) 306-7999. call the number for ticket info.
New Images presents UNMASKED, GARDEN OF EDEN FASHION SHOW, Sat. April 7, 2007 @ Tower Grove Park Piper Palm House, 2pm-4:30pm. For more info. 314.560.0915
FoFeet and the Charlie Brown Band present raw Secrets: rhythm and Words; Second Secret, Sunday, April 8, at Legacy Books and Café, 6 p.m., 5249 Delmar, Tickets $7 6 p.m. For ticket and program info go to www.fofeet.com or fofeet@hotmail.com
Attend the 2nd Annual PRONTO Fashion Show on Friday, May 11, 2007, 6:30 PM. Hosted at the historical site of 555 Washington Avenue. Don’t miss St. Louis’ only international runway fashion show where the Best Voted Designer and Best Voted Model will be selected! Proceeds will also benefit a children’s fund as part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Campaign! For ticket information, please call 314/534-9251 or go to http://www.prontofashion.com/ for more information.....................................
ONGOING BITZ The Lindbergh Bistro Located inside the Airport Plaza Inn @ 70 & Lindbergh presents Show Me Entertainment Industry Nite every Wednesday nite , 6 p.m. Singers, producers, songwriters, dancers/choreographers, radio personalities, designers, models, actors, labels, promoters, djs, make up artists, stylists, web/graphic artists, barbers, beauticians, entertainment lawyers, image consultants, modeling agencies, models and entrepreneurs catering to the entertainment industry... Fro more info contact Terrence at 314.731.9808
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArkler Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.
Check out local comedian Brie Johnson's website podcast. Make sure to logon to http://www.riverfrontradio.com/ and listen to my new morning radio talk show called "The Grey Area"!!! Every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon CST. Chat online with us, or call in to talk live on the air. It's one hell of a way to start the week!
For all of your fashion and fashion show needs, go to PRONTO at http://www.prontofashion.com/
Gravity presents Natty Lounge for Reggae Wednesdays, 9 p.m.-2.a.m, located at 1620 delmar. $5 door, ladies free til 11p.m., for more info, call 314-479-3376
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com
for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentricliterary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit
,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/
or go to www.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE and pics,go to http://www.stlouis-online.com/.
For your catering needs, check out Collective Catering
located at4958 Cote Brilliante, their digits are 314-575-3333)
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htm
or go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at http://knocradio.podOmatic.com/
Peep out veteran radio personlality Edie Bee with her weekly jazz series Jazz on the Bee Side"Sundays from 1-3pmOn Soul Classics 1490 WESL AM
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at vanitaapplebum@yahoo.com
WELL THATS IT! IF YA GOT ANYTHING FOR ME TO SCOOP OR PUB, hit me up email style at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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