Hello e-blog fans this is your No. 1 e-blog editor Ma’atology here again for ya.
Workin Overtime for sure!
So let me get to it before I lose it.
The nation is still morning the death of 32 students at that were gunned down by Virginia Tech student Cho Seung-Hui (SEEN ABOVE) this week. They say that’s was the worst and deadliest tragedy in modern history ( I beg to differ-but I digress).
Instead of regurgitating what everybody knows about this situation and the shocking infamous video that was mailed to NBC of his manifesto, the latest in the news on this horrible situation is Hui was picked on, pushed around and laughed at over his shyness and the strange way he talked when he was a schoolboy in the Washington suburbs, former classmates say. The high school classmates' accounts add to the psychological portrait that is beginning to take shape, and could shed light on the video rant Cho mailed to NBC in the middle of his rampage at Virginia Tech.
The Major Baseball League went all out to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Brooklyn Dodger the late Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in the major leagues with a celebration at Dodger Stadium. Major leaguers from across the country also wore Robinson’s old number 42 as well.
My thing is, it took someone to get him there, you get what I mean?
Users of the hand-held BlackBerry e-mail device, a communications lifeline for movers and shakers from the White House to Wall Street, endured hours of disrupted service before the system was restored on Wednesday.
Sunjaya is voted off and Simon is in hot water for rolling his yes during one of the contestants making a statement about the Virginia Tech killings!
Workin Overtime for sure!
So let me get to it before I lose it.
The nation is still morning the death of 32 students at that were gunned down by Virginia Tech student Cho Seung-Hui (SEEN ABOVE) this week. They say that’s was the worst and deadliest tragedy in modern history ( I beg to differ-but I digress).
Instead of regurgitating what everybody knows about this situation and the shocking infamous video that was mailed to NBC of his manifesto, the latest in the news on this horrible situation is Hui was picked on, pushed around and laughed at over his shyness and the strange way he talked when he was a schoolboy in the Washington suburbs, former classmates say. The high school classmates' accounts add to the psychological portrait that is beginning to take shape, and could shed light on the video rant Cho mailed to NBC in the middle of his rampage at Virginia Tech.
The Major Baseball League went all out to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Brooklyn Dodger the late Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in the major leagues with a celebration at Dodger Stadium. Major leaguers from across the country also wore Robinson’s old number 42 as well.
My thing is, it took someone to get him there, you get what I mean?
Users of the hand-held BlackBerry e-mail device, a communications lifeline for movers and shakers from the White House to Wall Street, endured hours of disrupted service before the system was restored on Wednesday.
Sunjaya is voted off and Simon is in hot water for rolling his yes during one of the contestants making a statement about the Virginia Tech killings!
What’s next, Ryan Seacrest having a wardrobe malfunction?
There were two upsets in local political elections this week. Incumbent east St. Louis Mayor Carl Officer's second tour of duty as the city's mayor came to an end Tuesday. Former City Manager Alvin Parks (PICTURED ABOVE) got 3,730 votes to Officer's 3,697. Parks ran with the support of the city's Democratic Central Committee East St. Louis, with all 44 precincts reporting, unofficial results put Mayor Carl Officer just 33 votes behind former city manager and Councilman Alvin Parks, the candidate favored by the city's Democratic establishment. Voter turnout in East St. Louis was almost 33 percent, a high figure for a municipal election.
There, Officer, also mayor from 1979 to 1991, faced claims that he had failed to deliver on the promises that helped him win in 2003 over a Democratic favorite. The city has continued to struggle in recent years with crumbling infrastructure, extreme poverty and open drug dealing.
"I'm elated. It has been hard work, but clearly all the people on the ground were making their best effort tonight and it was a solid, total execution," Parks said. "It's a wonderful, wonderful night. We have a new direction for East St. Louis."
And in Fairview Heights, with all 22 precincts counted, Mayor Gail Mitchell lost by seven votes to former St. Clair County Board Chairman Vic Canty.
A benefit is set for tomorrow night in East St. Louis to raise money to cover the funeral expenses of a mother and four children killed during a fire in their Cahokia home last Friday. Services will be Saturday for 32-year-old Yuasheika Douglas, her daughters -- eleven-year-old Tamadja Morgan and ten-year-old Taikia Morgan -- and her nine-year-old son, Tyrique Morgan.
There were two upsets in local political elections this week. Incumbent east St. Louis Mayor Carl Officer's second tour of duty as the city's mayor came to an end Tuesday. Former City Manager Alvin Parks (PICTURED ABOVE) got 3,730 votes to Officer's 3,697. Parks ran with the support of the city's Democratic Central Committee East St. Louis, with all 44 precincts reporting, unofficial results put Mayor Carl Officer just 33 votes behind former city manager and Councilman Alvin Parks, the candidate favored by the city's Democratic establishment. Voter turnout in East St. Louis was almost 33 percent, a high figure for a municipal election.
There, Officer, also mayor from 1979 to 1991, faced claims that he had failed to deliver on the promises that helped him win in 2003 over a Democratic favorite. The city has continued to struggle in recent years with crumbling infrastructure, extreme poverty and open drug dealing.
"I'm elated. It has been hard work, but clearly all the people on the ground were making their best effort tonight and it was a solid, total execution," Parks said. "It's a wonderful, wonderful night. We have a new direction for East St. Louis."
And in Fairview Heights, with all 22 precincts counted, Mayor Gail Mitchell lost by seven votes to former St. Clair County Board Chairman Vic Canty.
A benefit is set for tomorrow night in East St. Louis to raise money to cover the funeral expenses of a mother and four children killed during a fire in their Cahokia home last Friday. Services will be Saturday for 32-year-old Yuasheika Douglas, her daughters -- eleven-year-old Tamadja Morgan and ten-year-old Taikia Morgan -- and her nine-year-old son, Tyrique Morgan.
The Pharaohs Motorcycle Club in East St. Louis, along with other organizations, will host a benefit fish fry from seven to eleven p-m tomorrow to help in the funeral expenses. The benefit will be at the club's headquarters (338 Collinsville Road in East St. Louis).
Donations also can be made to the Douglas Family Memorial fund at any Regions Bank.
A spokeswoman for the Illinois fire marshal's office says a cause of the fire has not yet been pinpointed, but it's not considered suspicious.
Services for the family will be at noon at New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Centreville.
Services for the family will be at noon at New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Centreville.
Investigators from the Illinois fire marshal's office have yet to pinpoint a cause of the fire that killed a mother and her three children last week, a spokeswoman said Monday.Investigators are continuing to look for clues at the scene, said Patti Thompson, communication manager with the state agency. The State Fire Marshal is investigating whether an electrical short possibly in the family's kitchen or laundry room may have ignited the fire...
A consumer web site featuring profiles and statistics on communities throughout the nation, ranked the city ninth in a top ten 2007 poll of best places to live in the country. Asheville, N.C., Traverse City, Mich. and Utica, N.Y. ranked first, second and third. Other cities on the list were Chicago, Portland, Maine, San Francisco, Stevens Point, Wis. and Spencer, Ia. Rapidly growing O’Fallon has again found itself in the national spotlight as a great place to call home.
SIUE student and president of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity Andrew Stone is being held at Madison County Jail for making threatening statements against the university on Facebook, The Alestle has learned. As of Thursday afternoon, his Facebook status said, "I'm going to bomb the school because it's obvious we cannot co-exist.…
SIUE student and president of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity Andrew Stone is being held at Madison County Jail for making threatening statements against the university on Facebook, The Alestle has learned. As of Thursday afternoon, his Facebook status said, "I'm going to bomb the school because it's obvious we cannot co-exist.…
LOCAL/REGIONAL Missouri State University locks down a campus building after a professor received a threatening e-mail from a student. No weapons or explosives were found and authorities reopened the building less than an hour later.
Springfield police said 30-year-old Christopher Suttles was arrested on suspicion of making a terroristic threat. A language professor who received the e-mail alerted university security and Springfield police. Craig Hall -- home to the College of Arts and Letters -- was locked down for about 45 minutes while police and campus security searched for possible explosives or other threats. Nothing was found and classes resumed.
Missouri State President Michael Nietzel said the threat was a possible ripple effect of this week's shooting massacre at Virginia Tech.
Missouri native Sheryl Crow, is riding aboard a bus that uses biodiesel fuel, on an 11-stop college tour to raise awareness about global warming. Accompanying the Grammy-winning singer is Laurie David, who produced the film on climate change, "An Inconvenient Truth," which won the Oscar for best documentary earlier this year.
Isnt it ironic that none of the schools in the Missouri area was chosen for this tour?
On Friday I checked out the A-List Party at Drunken Fish. I was invited by local model (and Testosocuture finalist) Carlos Mcclaurin. I called dup my newest buddy 100 Collegiate Black men president at Harris Stowe Renaud Lucas to see if he wanted to tag along. He met me up there and we networked throughout the set. It was a mixed crowd. It was giving you NYC for real. I really enjoyed going there instead of debating on whether to check out the Tank concert that wassat Club Society (which I heard was nice).
On Saturday, I had my last photo shoot for my fashion show at my office at the Water Geyser. It turned out well and even got a wardrobe assistant out of the game, Renuad Lucas’ brother Darrius Chapman. Later on that day, I checked out my email at Impact gaming Center in OFallon and ran up on an email from Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency model Marcus Foy (PICTURED ABOVE) who wanted to more info about my show! He left me his contact info and since then I have made a connection with Foy and his Louisiana accent is a hearing in itself! (and he is very down to earth). He has given me some contacts and hopefully I can fly him in to the Lou (As a matter of fact his mother lives in St. Louis).
Later on, I was going to see if I wanted to risk my life and go to club Society to check out Kyjuan’s B-day party at Club Society. I’m glad I didn’t cause I hear that over 2,000 people were trying to crowd up in the two story club. And that is bananas! I Up in there was Nelly, and Lil Wayne (who performed, but the rest of the guests (Rich Boy, Jim Jones, etc.) couldn’t even get in and I heard they went to the east Side to wreck havoc over at Blackmon’s Plaza and the club over there had to close early (which was about 3 in the morning and it closes at 6 ) . that wa too much playin. The rappers were in town for a concert up at Scott Trade center.
On Sunday I had another meeting on my fashion show Testsocouture with Mocha Latte and Big Tah. The idea is to combine our ideas for a fashion show and a serenade to women for Mothers Day. We are getting it together and now scrambling for sponsors for our idea. The revamped title of our show is now, “A WOMANS”WORTH: FASHION, MUSIC AND TREATS. "
On Monday, I drove to I AM Boutique t pick up my two comps to STl Native and former Majic 104.9 personality Guy Torry's; Private event JACK AND JOKES at the Loft. I chatted with the managers for a minute and hauled doff to the gym (Thanks Walk for spotting the toothpaste stain on my bottom lip. LOL) -IAM
On Tues, I checked out the motivational film, “The Secret’ at Emerson Theater at Harris Stowe U. It was put on by the 100 Collegiate black Men organization9I saw you Coco tipping out during the panel discussion. LOL) . It was very inspirational mostly talking on the laws of attraction, visualization and spirituality. Afterwards, they had a panel discussion with local experts relationship doctor Leticia Buckner, peer mentor Darrius Chapman (and a snazzy dresser I must say), chiropractor Dr Jennifer MccCleary and Minister (and comedian) Mutwasze. I definitely recommend checking this film out if you need some inspiration about your dreams and your being. Just go to the www.secrettv.com
On Wednesday I did triple duty. First, I rolled over to local actor/director Joel P.E. King’s grand opening of his new art gallery The Space on 322 Vandeventer. They had a meet and greet up in there. Some of the supporters were Kathi Bentley, Kevin Johnson and actress Cody Aaron. Soon after they had performed an act of JPEK’s season opener Me Don and the Psychiatrist with LA. Williams and King (SEEN ABOVE ) . I stayed right after the first act was over and drove over to the County for Midwest Spa and salon’s Wine Down Wednesdays.
So I got to Wine Down and it reminded me of a VFW East Boogie kind of feel with black folks gettin together and networking. It kind of reminded me of First Fridays to be like—networking and getting to know people on a business level. What was also off the chain was the catered food (pork sirloin, the shrimp plate and strawberry and cream set up) and free alcohol. You hear me? FREE. From A to Z. I am definitely going to the next one next month.
It was going on 11 or so and I drove back near downtown to check out the tail end of Mocha Latte's popular Got Lyrics event (What was up with the vibrator story Mo? LOL) . I missed featured poet Robert Dillard, buy they had a few poets that were good especially this new poet named Michele who had a poem about Dead Beat Mothers (You had to be there to hear that one!).
After about an hour or so, I said byes and headed to work at the Water Geyser.
STL-TIDBITZ . Monthly R7B event Café soul was listed in the ST. Louis Post Dispatch’s Sunday paper which was include das one of the venues that R&B artist can perform.
Click link for story: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday and type in Cafe Soul…. Well another nightclub in the STL has been laid to rest, Dreams closed its doors a couple of weeks ago…I heard former American Idol finalist Lisa Tucker (The Aaliyah lookalike) was signin autographs at the Chesterfield mall last week. Did anyone see her I f so, did she sing?....East St. Louis native and president of BET Reginald Hudlin announced that BET has unveiled the most ambitious lineup of originals in the network's 26-year history -- a slate of 16 new series that includes projects from Will Smith, Vin Diesel, D.L. Hughley and Orlando Jones….St. Louis native comedian Cedric The Entertainer will team up with Martin Lawrence wand James Earl Jones for the movie The Better Man. Lawrence will play a talk show host who reunites with his family in the Deep South….The show goes on for Singer Ronald Isley. Isley faces 37 months in jail since his conviction on tax evasion charges. He is currently appealing the judge’s decision, and he is due to be sentenced in August. In the meantime, Isley has been hitting the road, and he has his family with him (He is coming to St. Louis this Friday at the Fox). Portions of the concert are being filmed for a DVD. Isley says his strong faith in God is holding him up…Rip to Award-winning Actor Roscoe Lee Brown. The 81-year old died from cancer. He was a graduate of the Jefferson City, Mo HBCU Lincoln University. He was featured on the TV shows Sanford and Son, Good Times, All in the Family, Barney Miller and Soap. He won an Emmy for guest starring on The Cosby Show and was in the movie Uptown Saturday Night.
CHART-IDBITZ. Baby Huey is making his steady climb on all there charts on the Billboard charts this week with his jam, “Pop, Lock and drop it.” . On the Hot 100, he moves up from 30 to #23 in its 8th week; It moves up one spot from 13 to 12 on the R&B charts in its 17th week and moves up from #8 to #6 on the rap Tracks chart in its 8th week.
MA'AT-IDBITZ. I have all my models for my all-male models so far. It has been like pulling my own teeth trying to find the right mix of guys. You can check them out on OUT 176!....Thanks mark Anthony Jones for the tag. LOL. I had to go to the Traffic Violations spot on 7th and Olive to pay on those FOUR parking tickets that has grown from small fines to OH MY GOD fines.. ….
STRESS FREE FRIDAYS will be at Posh this week on Euclid in the CWE . 5 p.m.
Isnt it ironic that none of the schools in the Missouri area was chosen for this tour?
On Friday I checked out the A-List Party at Drunken Fish. I was invited by local model (and Testosocuture finalist) Carlos Mcclaurin. I called dup my newest buddy 100 Collegiate Black men president at Harris Stowe Renaud Lucas to see if he wanted to tag along. He met me up there and we networked throughout the set. It was a mixed crowd. It was giving you NYC for real. I really enjoyed going there instead of debating on whether to check out the Tank concert that wassat Club Society (which I heard was nice).
On Saturday, I had my last photo shoot for my fashion show at my office at the Water Geyser. It turned out well and even got a wardrobe assistant out of the game, Renuad Lucas’ brother Darrius Chapman. Later on that day, I checked out my email at Impact gaming Center in OFallon and ran up on an email from Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency model Marcus Foy (PICTURED ABOVE) who wanted to more info about my show! He left me his contact info and since then I have made a connection with Foy and his Louisiana accent is a hearing in itself! (and he is very down to earth). He has given me some contacts and hopefully I can fly him in to the Lou (As a matter of fact his mother lives in St. Louis).
Later on, I was going to see if I wanted to risk my life and go to club Society to check out Kyjuan’s B-day party at Club Society. I’m glad I didn’t cause I hear that over 2,000 people were trying to crowd up in the two story club. And that is bananas! I Up in there was Nelly, and Lil Wayne (who performed, but the rest of the guests (Rich Boy, Jim Jones, etc.) couldn’t even get in and I heard they went to the east Side to wreck havoc over at Blackmon’s Plaza and the club over there had to close early (which was about 3 in the morning and it closes at 6 ) . that wa too much playin. The rappers were in town for a concert up at Scott Trade center.
On Sunday I had another meeting on my fashion show Testsocouture with Mocha Latte and Big Tah. The idea is to combine our ideas for a fashion show and a serenade to women for Mothers Day. We are getting it together and now scrambling for sponsors for our idea. The revamped title of our show is now, “A WOMANS”WORTH: FASHION, MUSIC AND TREATS. "
On Monday, I drove to I AM Boutique t pick up my two comps to STl Native and former Majic 104.9 personality Guy Torry's; Private event JACK AND JOKES at the Loft. I chatted with the managers for a minute and hauled doff to the gym (Thanks Walk for spotting the toothpaste stain on my bottom lip. LOL) -IAM
On Tues, I checked out the motivational film, “The Secret’ at Emerson Theater at Harris Stowe U. It was put on by the 100 Collegiate black Men organization9I saw you Coco tipping out during the panel discussion. LOL) . It was very inspirational mostly talking on the laws of attraction, visualization and spirituality. Afterwards, they had a panel discussion with local experts relationship doctor Leticia Buckner, peer mentor Darrius Chapman (and a snazzy dresser I must say), chiropractor Dr Jennifer MccCleary and Minister (and comedian) Mutwasze. I definitely recommend checking this film out if you need some inspiration about your dreams and your being. Just go to the www.secrettv.com
On Wednesday I did triple duty. First, I rolled over to local actor/director Joel P.E. King’s grand opening of his new art gallery The Space on 322 Vandeventer. They had a meet and greet up in there. Some of the supporters were Kathi Bentley, Kevin Johnson and actress Cody Aaron. Soon after they had performed an act of JPEK’s season opener Me Don and the Psychiatrist with LA. Williams and King (SEEN ABOVE ) . I stayed right after the first act was over and drove over to the County for Midwest Spa and salon’s Wine Down Wednesdays.
So I got to Wine Down and it reminded me of a VFW East Boogie kind of feel with black folks gettin together and networking. It kind of reminded me of First Fridays to be like—networking and getting to know people on a business level. What was also off the chain was the catered food (pork sirloin, the shrimp plate and strawberry and cream set up) and free alcohol. You hear me? FREE. From A to Z. I am definitely going to the next one next month.
It was going on 11 or so and I drove back near downtown to check out the tail end of Mocha Latte's popular Got Lyrics event (What was up with the vibrator story Mo? LOL) . I missed featured poet Robert Dillard, buy they had a few poets that were good especially this new poet named Michele who had a poem about Dead Beat Mothers (You had to be there to hear that one!).
After about an hour or so, I said byes and headed to work at the Water Geyser.
STL-TIDBITZ . Monthly R7B event Café soul was listed in the ST. Louis Post Dispatch’s Sunday paper which was include das one of the venues that R&B artist can perform.
Click link for story: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday and type in Cafe Soul…. Well another nightclub in the STL has been laid to rest, Dreams closed its doors a couple of weeks ago…I heard former American Idol finalist Lisa Tucker (The Aaliyah lookalike) was signin autographs at the Chesterfield mall last week. Did anyone see her I f so, did she sing?....East St. Louis native and president of BET Reginald Hudlin announced that BET has unveiled the most ambitious lineup of originals in the network's 26-year history -- a slate of 16 new series that includes projects from Will Smith, Vin Diesel, D.L. Hughley and Orlando Jones….St. Louis native comedian Cedric The Entertainer will team up with Martin Lawrence wand James Earl Jones for the movie The Better Man. Lawrence will play a talk show host who reunites with his family in the Deep South….The show goes on for Singer Ronald Isley. Isley faces 37 months in jail since his conviction on tax evasion charges. He is currently appealing the judge’s decision, and he is due to be sentenced in August. In the meantime, Isley has been hitting the road, and he has his family with him (He is coming to St. Louis this Friday at the Fox). Portions of the concert are being filmed for a DVD. Isley says his strong faith in God is holding him up…Rip to Award-winning Actor Roscoe Lee Brown. The 81-year old died from cancer. He was a graduate of the Jefferson City, Mo HBCU Lincoln University. He was featured on the TV shows Sanford and Son, Good Times, All in the Family, Barney Miller and Soap. He won an Emmy for guest starring on The Cosby Show and was in the movie Uptown Saturday Night.
CHART-IDBITZ. Baby Huey is making his steady climb on all there charts on the Billboard charts this week with his jam, “Pop, Lock and drop it.” . On the Hot 100, he moves up from 30 to #23 in its 8th week; It moves up one spot from 13 to 12 on the R&B charts in its 17th week and moves up from #8 to #6 on the rap Tracks chart in its 8th week.
MA'AT-IDBITZ. I have all my models for my all-male models so far. It has been like pulling my own teeth trying to find the right mix of guys. You can check them out on OUT 176!....Thanks mark Anthony Jones for the tag. LOL. I had to go to the Traffic Violations spot on 7th and Olive to pay on those FOUR parking tickets that has grown from small fines to OH MY GOD fines.. ….
STRESS FREE FRIDAYS will be at Posh this week on Euclid in the CWE . 5 p.m.
From Sharee Galvin’s CORNER:
3 Way Promotions presents Jam Boree: Comedy, Poetry and R&B, April 22 Hosted by Mocha Latte 7:30 p.m. ADV tickets $10 ; $15 at the door featuring poets Floyd Boykin, Fo Feet; singers Co Co Soul and Az One and comedians Carmen and Deandre. For more info call 314/713-0926 or 314/ 646-9917 SAY THAT YOU SAW THiS ON MY SITE AND GET A DISCOUNT AT THE DOOR!
Blackmons Plaza Presents Male Explosion, Sunday , May 6 , 7 p.m. at 127 Collinsville Ave. Hosted By Mocha Latte, ADV tickets $20, $25 At DOOR, VIp tickets $40 (includes Champagne Tickets available at Blackmons Plaza, Club Illusion, Metrotix, Top Styles, Personal Touch Boutique, Foster’s Elegant Salon, and satisfied Inc (25th and State. For more info call 618,. 531. 8522 or 618. 567. 8912.
Sharee is also promoting STL based author Cheriyln Michael’s second book “First Fridays”.For any info on these events email Sharee at sgalvin26@yahoo.com
JPEK CreativeWorks presents Me, Don and the Psychiatrist written and directed by Joel P. E. King April 19 – 29, Thur – Sat. @ 8p.m. Sun. @ 3p.m. Showing:The Space 322 N. Vandeventer,. Come and enjoy a fun, .For more info, contact JPEk at jpekcreations@hotmail.com
SOLE, Friday, April 27, 8 p.m., Palm House, 4256 Magnolia Ave., Tower Grove Park. Fellaz—Upsace Dress plus sneakers and first 100 Ladies before 9 p.m. get in FREE for more info go to www.sygugroup.com or www.myspace.com/sygu3
Mo Spoon on MPAC presnets Eye Candy part, Club Society, Friday> April 27 9 p.m. Hosted by I Love New York relaity Star. Chance. Toickets $5 for ladies after
The April Eye Candy Party is Friday the 27th @ Society. Here is your Chance.... no really, celebrity judge and host Chance of, "I Love New York" will be in the building! Doors open at 9 and ladies are only $5 until 11:00. VIP and bottle service are available. There also will be Jack Daniel's drink specials all night long!Who will be Miss April Eye Candy Model? Ladies have a chance to win $500 and a premier PR package from MPAC. The PR package includes: radio interviews, television appearances, picture and bio in the St. Louis American, and photo shoots! All ladies have to do to enter is register for FREE before 11:00. For more info go to www.ecmodeling.com/
Beyond August Wilson: The State of African American Theatre
St. Louis, MO – As part of our 30th Anniversary, The Black Rep has hosted a series of events members focusing on the history and progress of African American theatre featuring guest lecturers from across the country, panel discussions with Tony-Award winning actresses and directors and special previews with designers and cast. The 30th Anniversary Symposium Series is sponsored by Emerson.
Events are FREE and open to the public. For more information visit our website, www.theblackrep.org or call (314) 534-3807.
Saturday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m. at The Grandel Theatre
Playwrights’ Panel Discussion
The distinguished panel will feature Samm-Art Williams, Bill Harris and Regina Taylor and will focus on two themes; The Impact of August Wilson on African American Theatre and The Future of African American Theatre Beyond August Wilson.
Geri’s Heart, a home for outreach for women with breast and cervical cancer is having an open house for Geri’s Heart , at 9624 Meeks Ave. (Page Blvd, South on Delmar), Sunday April 29 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. RSVP by April 20 by calling 314/646-0819 or 314/993-6267
St. Louis, MO – As part of our 30th Anniversary, The Black Rep has hosted a series of events members focusing on the history and progress of African American theatre featuring guest lecturers from across the country, panel discussions with Tony-Award winning actresses and directors and special previews with designers and cast. The 30th Anniversary Symposium Series is sponsored by Emerson.
Events are FREE and open to the public. For more information visit our website, www.theblackrep.org or call (314) 534-3807.
Saturday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m. at The Grandel Theatre
Playwrights’ Panel Discussion
The distinguished panel will feature Samm-Art Williams, Bill Harris and Regina Taylor and will focus on two themes; The Impact of August Wilson on African American Theatre and The Future of African American Theatre Beyond August Wilson.
Geri’s Heart, a home for outreach for women with breast and cervical cancer is having an open house for Geri’s Heart , at 9624 Meeks Ave. (Page Blvd, South on Delmar), Sunday April 29 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. RSVP by April 20 by calling 314/646-0819 or 314/993-6267
The Isley Brothers featuring Ronald Isley AKA Mr. Biggs Friday, April 20, 2007 • 8pmWith guest Angela Winbush. The Isley Brothers featuring Ronald Isley aka "Mr. Biggs" earned the first of their two Soul Train Music Awards nominations for Best R&B/Soul Album by a Group, Band or Duo for BABY MAKIN' MUSIC. "Just Came Here to Chill" was nominated for Best R&B Soul Single by a Group, Band or Duo. The Isleys' catalog features funky grooves like "It's Your Thing" and "Fight The Power" and eternal love songs like "In Between The Sheets" and "Summer Breeze.
"Brian McKnightThursday, May 3, 2007 • 8pm With special guest JOE Veteran soul singer Brian McKnight has defined the true meaning of American soul man since 1991. Blending his velvety voice and silky style, McKnight captures the vibe of vintage soul without being old fashioned. McKnight performs LIVE at the Fox Theatre for one night only in support of his latest release, Ten.Call MetroTix ticketing center at 314-534-1111 or 800-293-5949 for tickets. .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
Patricia Degener: A Retrospective at The Gallery at the Regional Arts Commission (RAC). This exhibition will run through Sunday, May 20, 2007Regional Arts Commission6128 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63112 314-863-5811 x 20
Attend the 2nd Annual PRONTO Fashion Show on Friday, May 11, 2007, 6:30 PM. Hosted at the historical site of 555 Washington Avenue. Don’t miss St. Louis’ only international runway fashion show where the Best Voted Designer and Best Voted Model will be selected! Proceeds will also benefit a children’s fund as part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Campaign! For ticket information, please call 314/534-9251 or go to http://www.prontofashion.com/ for more information.....................................
Attend the 2nd Annual PRONTO Fashion Show on Friday, May 11, 2007, 6:30 PM. Hosted at the historical site of 555 Washington Avenue. Don’t miss St. Louis’ only international runway fashion show where the Best Voted Designer and Best Voted Model will be selected! Proceeds will also benefit a children’s fund as part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Campaign! For ticket information, please call 314/534-9251 or go to http://www.prontofashion.com/ for more information.....................................
Platinum Group Inc and global EntertainmentGroup present Mothers Day Gospel Fest SPirit of Love, with Deitrick Haddon Sunday. May 13 , Adams Mark Hotel 4th an Chestnut 7 p.m. For tickets call, 314/231 3500.Tables of ten are $500 Ticket prices are $39, $35 and $29
Ma'atology Productions presents TESTOSCOUTURE: MAN FASHION SHOW, Sunday, May 13, at the City Hall Rotunda, 1200 Market Street. Ticket info (TBD). VIP reception 5 p.m.; Show at 6 p.m.; If you want to be on the RSVP list before tickets go out, email me at manfashionshow@yahoo.com!
NYC-BITZ- Here's a special opportunity for you to see two incredible shows for the price of one. The first 25 people to purchase a pair of tickets to the "3rd Annual Black 2: Broadway Celebrates the Tony Awards" will also recieve a pair of tickets to see August Wilson's tenth and final work "RADIO GOLF".Directed by Kenny Leon (A Raisin in the Sun, Gem of the Ocean) and starring Harry Lennix (Stomp the Yard, Fox's "24", NBC's "Commander in Chief") and Tony Award winner and Olivier Award Nominee Tonya Pinkins (Jelly's Last Jam, Caroline or Change). Tickets are now available at www.theatermania.com
Ma'atology Productions presents TESTOSCOUTURE: MAN FASHION SHOW, Sunday, May 13, at the City Hall Rotunda, 1200 Market Street. Ticket info (TBD). VIP reception 5 p.m.; Show at 6 p.m.; If you want to be on the RSVP list before tickets go out, email me at manfashionshow@yahoo.com!
NYC-BITZ- Here's a special opportunity for you to see two incredible shows for the price of one. The first 25 people to purchase a pair of tickets to the "3rd Annual Black 2: Broadway Celebrates the Tony Awards" will also recieve a pair of tickets to see August Wilson's tenth and final work "RADIO GOLF".Directed by Kenny Leon (A Raisin in the Sun, Gem of the Ocean) and starring Harry Lennix (Stomp the Yard, Fox's "24", NBC's "Commander in Chief") and Tony Award winner and Olivier Award Nominee Tonya Pinkins (Jelly's Last Jam, Caroline or Change). Tickets are now available at www.theatermania.com
AUDITION BITZ- HotCity Theatre Company announces auditions for the final two Mainstage productions of its 2007 Season and for the 2007:
General Auditions:
What: Bring a single one to two minute monologue.Where: Centene Center for the Arts, 3547 Olive StreetWhen: Saturday, May 5 10:00-11:00 (AEA); 11:00-2:00 (Open)
How: To schedule an audition please email your request to Chuck Harper @ charper@siue.edu on or after Saturday, April 7th. You will be assigned the nearest available time to your request and contacted with this information. If you encounter difficulty with this email you can reach Chuck at 314-616-1519 after Saturday,
April 7th.
**Actors who auditioned at the January General Auditions do not need to audition again for these two shows.** Fat Pig, by Neil Labute
Directed by Marty Stanberry
Performances: Sept 6-22
Rehearsals begin Early-Mid August
Callbacks: Saturday, May 12th 2:00-5:00 Centene Center for the Arts
Permanent Collection, by Thomas Gibbons
Directed by Willliam Grivna
Performances: Nov. 15-Dec 1
Rehearsals begin Late October
Callbacks: Saturday, May 12th 11:00-2:00 Centene Center for the Arts
Character Breakdowns:
Fat Pig (2m, 2w):
All characters are "Manhattan-ites" and in their late 20's/early 30's
Helen: Oversized to obese. Very comfortable with her weight. Funny and charming with acerbic wit.
Tom: Yuppie, boy next door type, physically fit
Jeannie: Yuppie, svelt and gorgeous, tries to hide insecurities
Carter: Obnoxious, trouble making, very funny, physically fit
Permanent Collection (3m, 3w):
Sterling North: African American, mid 40's to early 50's, businesman
Paul Barrow: White, mid 40's, academian
Alfred Morris: White, late 50's or older, eccentric
Ella Franklin: African American, 60's or older, radiates goodness
Kanika Weaver: African American, late 20's, direct, career minded
Gillian Crane: White, 40's, Newspaper Reporter
ONGOING BITZ The Lindbergh Bistro Located inside the Airport Plaza Inn @ 70 & Lindbergh presents Show Me Entertainment Industry Nite every Wednesday nite , 6 p.m. Singers, producers, songwriters, dancers/choreographers, radio personalities, designers, models, actors, labels, promoters, djs, make up artists, stylists, web/graphic artists, barbers, beauticians, entertainment lawyers, image consultants, modeling agencies, models and entrepreneurs catering to the entertainment industry... For more info contact Terrence at 314.731.9808
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArkler Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.Check out local comedian Brie Johnson's website podcast.
Make sure to logon to http://www.riverfrontradio.com/
and listen to the new morning radio talk show called "The Grey Area"!!! Every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon CST. Chat online with us, or call in to talk live on the air. It's one hell of a way to start the week!
For all of your fashion and fashion show needs, go to PRONTO at http://www.prontofashion.com/
Gravity presents Natty Lounge for Reggae Wednesdays, 9 p.m.-2.a.m, located at 1620 delmar. $5 door, ladies free til 11p.m., for more info, call 314-479-3376
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.comfor local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentricliterary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/or go to www.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For your catering needs, check out Collective Cateringcollectivecatering@yahoo.comlocated at4958 Cote Brilliante, their digits are 314-575-3333)
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmor go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at http://knocradio.podOmatic.com/
Peep out veteran radio personality Edie Bee with her weekly jazz series Jazz on the Bee Side"Sundays from 1-3pmOn Soul Classics 1490 WESL AM
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at vanitaapplebum@yahoo.com
WELL THATS IT! IF YA GOT ANYTHING FOR ME TO SCOOP OR PUB, hit me up email style at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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