FROM TEESE: CENTER PIC: Two members of Last Sundays (from Left) Jamie Spencer and Treanna and 1st Friday bouncer Mr. Brandon

LEFT: Mr. Couture Corey Hayes and YOURS TRULY.
RIGHT: Darryl Gillespie (SYGU) and friend. NEXT PIC : Eddie Hollman (glasses) of SYGU and friend...

Mover and shaker couple Kevin Mccoy and Danielle Fields weraing their new graphic tee line, Fresh Produce. For more info on their tees, contact them at (

NEXT THREE PICS: Mr. Couture Corey Hayes posing with his admiring fans.

BELOW: Miss Millicent (who is gettin "mahrred"on June 30 and having her reception at the CWE Bed and Breakfast) with Corey.

Sexy real estate investor Miss Noretha Hopson and her friend, the cutesy Natina.

RIGHT: Stress Free Fridays co-creator and Ray Hills Beer co-producer Mario Wayne (left), who was passing out some free samps of "dat berr," Brandon Williams, friend, another friend and Dino Okin

Outtown fan Tiffany Graham posing next to a BMW, one of the sponsors of the TEESE event.

LEFT: Chakita Coburn who was givin messages at the event. For more infop on her biz hit her up at ..........................

RIGHT: Poet/event host Mocha Latte addin yet another gig to her repertoire--bartendar!

DJ Reminisce on the 1s and 2s (I was diggin his Kunta Kinte tee!)

RIGHT: Stylist Tiunna's kickin kicks!

Danielle Fields, Tiunna and Victoria sportin the Fresh Produce.

Kiea, Tiffany and Shamika gettin their eat and chill on at TEESE.

Yet another Tiffani (spelled with an "i") sportin her graphic tee she got at Delias in the Galleria.

Some sistas molestin the male photographer from

A sista in the mix of male company.

Some patrons tryin to get in to the backyard of the TEESE party.

A view of the crowd and the movie screen in the background. Over 300 I'm sure was packed all up in the mix!
Other peeps I saw up in therre were former VOKAL VP Yomi Martin, Mo and Maranda Witherspoon of MPAC and EYE Candy , Lester Robinson, Big Tah, St. Louis American's Bill Beene, FREE TIME's Darryl Freirson, Jameelah E., I AM's Walt Johnson, Eugene Tsimmerman, model Osita O. , Harris Stowe 100 Black Men Prez Renaud Lucas (who was the most tispy at the party) and comedian Javon Bibbs to name a few.

Perfection's and Last Sunday's Boone (RIGHT) and friend Phillice.

Boone and So Diverse Promotion's Jameelah E.

Fox 2 Sports' Rob Desir (right) and his boo. He was celbratin his b-day on this night.

Outtown 20o6 No.1 socialite Jamelle being flyy as always.

A party girl lettin it all hang out!

I guess they needed more batteries for the camera here.

The ones who sponsored the bash.
*FYI, I AM NOW USING MY OLD WEBSITE ADDRESS, to load up videos from YOUTUBE (Called OUTTOWN VIDS) just to make it interesting. This week, if you can guess what is the main theme to the videos, you can get a free comp ticket to the private Dwele concert at the Missouri History Museum on Thursday, May 31. If you go to the wesbite, check outthe videos, then text my celly at 618.719.3160 with the right theme tag, you can get your ticket right before you step to the door of the concert. You got til 2 p.m. on May 31 to make it happen !
EVENT-IDBITZ. JPEK presents a big art sell and stage reading of newest script, "Truth, From A Girl's Perspective!Opus, "A Creative Ecstasy"Featured artists JPEK, Jessica Neal of GUSH along with Stage reading of newest stage play “Truth, from a Girl's Perspective”written by Joel P. E. King May 31 til June 2Thurs – Sat. from 6 –9p.m.Location:The Space320-22 N. Vandeventer, St. Louis, MO 63108Admission: $5Contact info:
Autohaus of Clayton Presents The Ultimate Drive for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Saturday, June 2, The Autohaus Parts and Service Dept (125 S. Hunter in Clayton)
Time: 10am - 6pm. You Drive the Miles, BMW Donates the Dollars! Festivites will include Vito's Italian Cuisine. Music by the Ralph Butler Band. Desserts by Maggie Moo's Ice Cream & Kaldi's Coffee Pink Ladies Dancing For the Cause Special Hero & Local Celebrities for Ceremonial First Drive Goody Bags & Giveaways To register for this event, please go online at
FoFeet RAW Secrets" Last Secret" Last Show Gemini Love, Sun June., 3 at legacy Books and Café , 5249 Delmar, 6 p.m. Tickets $7 ...
SoDiverse Promotions presents The Flaunty Fusion Affair 2, Friday June 8 at Panama Reds, 1909 Locust, 9p.m.$5 before 10:30 p.m., $10 after 10 p.m. contact 314.495.0922 or or www.myspace/jameelahe
Harris Stowe State University presents Boot Camp Fitness Calsses beginning June 11, 3026 Laclede Ave., spoftabll field. classes instricted by Maxim Fitness (aka Mr. lee) To register call 314.355.3572. Tell em you saw it on Outtown!
1st Friday-St. Louis & Budweiser Select present LETS DO IT AGAIN...part II @ The beautiful Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Fri. June 1 at the 100 Carondelet Plaza, in the heart Clayton.
LADIES FREE BEFORE 10:30PM. General admission $15 before midnight. Proper Attire is required, NO EXCEPTIONS. MA (Mature Audience) 23+
For Details Visit:
The 7th annual Saint Louis Jazz & Heritage Festival, presented by U.S. Bank
What: Produced by Cultural Festivals, Jazz Fest is a family-oriented, one day cultural event with multiple stages that feature top local and national performers in jazz, blues, roots, rhythm
& blue and much more!
RIGHT: Rashad (of SYGU) , who had on the most daring graphic tee (Madonna with Like a Virgin on the back) and friend
Mover and shaker couple Kevin Mccoy and Danielle Fields weraing their new graphic tee line, Fresh Produce. For more info on their tees, contact them at (
NEXT THREE PICS: Mr. Couture Corey Hayes posing with his admiring fans.
BELOW: Miss Millicent (who is gettin "mahrred"on June 30 and having her reception at the CWE Bed and Breakfast) with Corey.
Sexy real estate investor Miss Noretha Hopson and her friend, the cutesy Natina.
RIGHT: Stress Free Fridays co-creator and Ray Hills Beer co-producer Mario Wayne (left), who was passing out some free samps of "dat berr," Brandon Williams, friend, another friend and Dino Okin
Outtown fan Tiffany Graham posing next to a BMW, one of the sponsors of the TEESE event.
LEFT: Chakita Coburn who was givin messages at the event. For more infop on her biz hit her up at ..........................
RIGHT: Poet/event host Mocha Latte addin yet another gig to her repertoire--bartendar!
DJ Reminisce on the 1s and 2s (I was diggin his Kunta Kinte tee!)
RIGHT: Stylist Tiunna's kickin kicks!
Danielle Fields, Tiunna and Victoria sportin the Fresh Produce.
Kiea, Tiffany and Shamika gettin their eat and chill on at TEESE.
Yet another Tiffani (spelled with an "i") sportin her graphic tee she got at Delias in the Galleria.
Some sistas molestin the male photographer from
A sista in the mix of male company.
Some patrons tryin to get in to the backyard of the TEESE party.
A view of the crowd and the movie screen in the background. Over 300 I'm sure was packed all up in the mix!
Other peeps I saw up in therre were former VOKAL VP Yomi Martin, Mo and Maranda Witherspoon of MPAC and EYE Candy , Lester Robinson, Big Tah, St. Louis American's Bill Beene, FREE TIME's Darryl Freirson, Jameelah E., I AM's Walt Johnson, Eugene Tsimmerman, model Osita O. , Harris Stowe 100 Black Men Prez Renaud Lucas (who was the most tispy at the party) and comedian Javon Bibbs to name a few.
Perfection's and Last Sunday's Boone (RIGHT) and friend Phillice.
Boone and So Diverse Promotion's Jameelah E.
Fox 2 Sports' Rob Desir (right) and his boo. He was celbratin his b-day on this night.
Outtown 20o6 No.1 socialite Jamelle being flyy as always.
A party girl lettin it all hang out!
I guess they needed more batteries for the camera here.
The ones who sponsored the bash.
*FYI, I AM NOW USING MY OLD WEBSITE ADDRESS, to load up videos from YOUTUBE (Called OUTTOWN VIDS) just to make it interesting. This week, if you can guess what is the main theme to the videos, you can get a free comp ticket to the private Dwele concert at the Missouri History Museum on Thursday, May 31. If you go to the wesbite, check outthe videos, then text my celly at 618.719.3160 with the right theme tag, you can get your ticket right before you step to the door of the concert. You got til 2 p.m. on May 31 to make it happen !
STL-TIDBITZ. THIS JUST IN: Hey,The St. Louis based flick, TAPESTRY OF SHADOWS, directed by David Conley, HAS BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE HOLLYWOOD BLACK FILM FESTIVAL!!! They will be in Beverly Hills California June 5th through June 11th 2007!! They are screening Tapestry on Sunday June 10, 2007 at 3p at the Laemmle Music Hall #3 in Beverly Hills! Visit their B-Side page on the site Here is the link:
Also, the DVD's for Tapestry are back and ready for the public. If you have pre-ordered your DVD, you should have gotten it delivered by now. In the unlikely event you have not received your pre-paid copy, please advise me by email and we will make certain you receive it. If you have not ordered one, now is your chance. They are using the sale of these DVD's to move their ministry of non violent neighborhood revitalization forward.
They recently screened Tapestry of Shadows at New Bethlem Baptist Church and everyone young and old was moved. We were able to speak to the young people about the power of choices. YOU CAN GET YOUR DVD BY LOGGING ON TO Check out the trailer and order your DVD Today!
Congrats to STL rap artist Huey has been nominated for Best New Artsist in the RiverFront Times Music Poll. His single, "Pop Lock and Drop it" is still making noise on the Billboard Charts. It's still holding at No. 2 on the Rap Charts (bested by The Shop Boyz' "Party Like a Rock Star") , holds at No. 6 for a third week on the R&B/Hip Hop charts and falls two spots to No. 8 from its peak at No. 6 on the Hot 100.
EVENT-IDBITZ. JPEK presents a big art sell and stage reading of newest script, "Truth, From A Girl's Perspective!Opus, "A Creative Ecstasy"Featured artists JPEK, Jessica Neal of GUSH along with Stage reading of newest stage play “Truth, from a Girl's Perspective”written by Joel P. E. King May 31 til June 2Thurs – Sat. from 6 –9p.m.Location:The Space320-22 N. Vandeventer, St. Louis, MO 63108Admission: $5Contact info:
or 314.494.9095 / 618.567.0237
Stress Free Fridays 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, Friday, June 1, 5pm at Studio Blu (website under construction), 8909 Natural Bridge Road (formerly 2 STL Brothers) 314-426-3337 (Highway 170 and Natural Bridge) Stress Free Fridays celebrates its 3 year anniversary at the newly opened Studio Blu (formerly 2 STL Brothers). You will be able to enjoy a complimentary appetizer buffet, great drink specials and DJ Mike Mingle, who is one of the best DJ's in St. Louis...
The Network Group, Hoogland Center for the Arts420 S 6th, Springfield, IL Friday, June 1, 9:00pm 217 553-8890 E.I.T.D Presents another night of Poetry, Music, & Comedy....You never know how deep it will be or How loving but you know it will always be the BOMB!This month E.I.T.D Host Eric Rivers and D.J. Tone welcome to the house...Benjamin Hughes of OHIO -Venetta, Jason, Dwayne Bess, Afriky Lolo's African Dance Company.....and many others....**Plus** it is Co-Producer Kimberly Moore's B-Day Celebration....AFTER PARTY @ Karma - FREE TO ANYONE WHO ATTENDS E.I.T.D
FreeTime presents Party for a Purpose at Grace Hill, Sat. June 2, at Moulin, 2017 Chauteau, 9 p.m. All profits go to St. Louis charity. For mroe info go to
Autohaus of Clayton Presents The Ultimate Drive for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Saturday, June 2, The Autohaus Parts and Service Dept (125 S. Hunter in Clayton)
Time: 10am - 6pm. You Drive the Miles, BMW Donates the Dollars! Festivites will include Vito's Italian Cuisine. Music by the Ralph Butler Band. Desserts by Maggie Moo's Ice Cream & Kaldi's Coffee Pink Ladies Dancing For the Cause Special Hero & Local Celebrities for Ceremonial First Drive Goody Bags & Giveaways To register for this event, please go online at
FoFeet RAW Secrets" Last Secret" Last Show Gemini Love, Sun June., 3 at legacy Books and Café , 5249 Delmar, 6 p.m. Tickets $7 ...
SoDiverse Promotions presents The Flaunty Fusion Affair 2, Friday June 8 at Panama Reds, 1909 Locust, 9p.m.$5 before 10:30 p.m., $10 after 10 p.m. contact 314.495.0922 or or www.myspace/jameelahe
Art on “The Other Side of the Tracks” an evening of art, live music, wine and hors d'oeuvreswhere: Studio Altius & bright spot studio, 3518 / 3520 Greenwood Blvd. in Maplewoodwhen: Friday June 8, 2007, 6-10 p.m.featuring plein air paintings and studio work by: M. Shawn Cornell, Anne M. Ibur, David Huth and Benjamin Guffee& fine art photography by: Lisa Arnold, David Cerven, Darlene McGee, Kathryn Redell, Lee Shannon Rhoades, and Mark Schwigenfor more information, RSVP TO: or to Ben at (314)315-1986
Harris Stowe State University presents Boot Camp Fitness Calsses beginning June 11, 3026 Laclede Ave., spoftabll field. classes instricted by Maxim Fitness (aka Mr. lee) To register call 314.355.3572. Tell em you saw it on Outtown!
GOT LYRICS. hot new poetry event at the Loft hosted by Mocha Latte Wednesdays. Contact for showtimes and ticket info.
GOT LYRICS. hot new poetry event at the Loft hosted by Mocha Latte Wednesdays. Contact for showtimes and ticket info.
Absolut Sundays at Club 609 on eastgate, with DJ Nappy needles and other special guest dee-jays, Doors at 7 p.m. netwroking at 99:30 p.m.Ladies free all night. Fellaz $5 after 9:30 p.m.
CLOSE TO FAMOUS ENTERPRISES presents THE LIASON, 10th street Lofts, #504,10th and Washington, behind Kitchen K , Friday, June 8, 10 p.m.$10. Ladies ½ off before midnite, $5 parking validation at the Renaissance Grand Hotel Garage For more info call. 314. 761. 7834
SLO DOWN presents Flirtatious Fridays at Club 314, Hwy 270 and St. Charles Rock Road (in the Econo Hotel Lodge behind Ryan’s. Ladies free til 10;30 p.m. For Vip and b-day party info call 314. 479.6283
CLOSE TO FAMOUS ENTERPRISES presents THE LIASON, 10th street Lofts, #504,10th and Washington, behind Kitchen K , Friday, June 8, 10 p.m.$10. Ladies ½ off before midnite, $5 parking validation at the Renaissance Grand Hotel Garage For more info call. 314. 761. 7834
SLO DOWN presents Flirtatious Fridays at Club 314, Hwy 270 and St. Charles Rock Road (in the Econo Hotel Lodge behind Ryan’s. Ladies free til 10;30 p.m. For Vip and b-day party info call 314. 479.6283
1st Friday-St. Louis & Budweiser Select present LETS DO IT AGAIN...part II @ The beautiful Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Fri. June 1 at the 100 Carondelet Plaza, in the heart Clayton.
Enjoy one of St. Louis ' most anticipated special events at world renowned Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Once again, 1st Friday-St. Louis, ESSENCE, and Budweiser Select are offering a special weekend package for two to the BUDWEISER ESSENCE MUSIC FESTIVAL in New Orleans , LA July 5-8, 2007.
The Love begins at 9pm with the Budweiser True Music Listening Party featuring the artistic expression of your favorite neo soul artist. Be sure to register for the ESSENCE MUSIC FESTIVAL WEEKEND FLYAWAY. The winners will be selected at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, so don't miss your chance to win, and win big. A complimentary cocktail will be given to each participant.
LADIES FREE BEFORE 10:30PM. General admission $15 before midnight. Proper Attire is required, NO EXCEPTIONS. MA (Mature Audience) 23+
For Details Visit:
Big Tah presents Summer in the City, a female swimsuit contest, June 14 at the Loft, , 9p.m. for more info go to
Black Rep’s Popular Father’s Day Concert Returns Featuring
The Cast of GUYS AND DOLLS and Special Guest, Sandra Reaves-Phillips
The Black Rep will present a special Father’s Day concert on June 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. featuring members of the cast of GUYS AND DOLLS; Sophia Stephens, Roz White Gonzalves, Gary E. Vincent, J. Samuel Davis, Drummond Crenshaw and Tre’von Griffith who will do a tribute to Luther Vandross. The second set will feature special guest Sandra Reaves-Phillips who will do a special performance in honor of Fathers.
Tickets are $25 or $20 for Black Rep subscribers. All proceeds will benefit the Vivian Crane Scholarship fund.
Sandra Reaves-Phillips returns to The Black Rep’s stage where she received a Woodie Award for her role as Mama Younger in the company’s production of RAISIN. Reaves-Phillips also thrilled audiences during 26 THE BLUE SEASON with her one-woman show, The Late Great Ladies of Blues and Jazz.
Join us as she sensually reels you in with a song, while humorously making you laugh at your self and life. She can coat her voice with velvet or dust it with gravel and blows the roof off with her blues! A recipient of the Lee Hartgrave Fame Award for Best Cabaret Performer in 2004, Reaves-Phillips also has had an extensive film and stage career, including the role of Mrs. Powers in the hit movie Lean on Me. She has received numerous awards including; a Woodie Award in 2003, a Lifetime Achievement Award from Crossroads Theatre, a Drama League Recognition Award for Outstanding Performer, and was twice nominated for the NAACP Image Award and Helen Hayes Award.
The Vivian Mae Crane Memorial Scholarship Fund is committed to encouraging and supporting young artists’ creative expression and artistic development. Contributions to the fund honor the legacy of a graceful and gracious woman while inspiring the next generation of artists.
WHEN: Sunday, June 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Grandel Theatre, 3610 Grandel Square
TICKETS: $25 or $20 for subscribers. Available by calling the Box Office at (314) 534-3810, or in
At the box office, 1717 Olive Street, 4th Floor, St. Louis, 63103 between 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri.
The Cast of GUYS AND DOLLS and Special Guest, Sandra Reaves-Phillips
The Black Rep will present a special Father’s Day concert on June 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. featuring members of the cast of GUYS AND DOLLS; Sophia Stephens, Roz White Gonzalves, Gary E. Vincent, J. Samuel Davis, Drummond Crenshaw and Tre’von Griffith who will do a tribute to Luther Vandross. The second set will feature special guest Sandra Reaves-Phillips who will do a special performance in honor of Fathers.
Tickets are $25 or $20 for Black Rep subscribers. All proceeds will benefit the Vivian Crane Scholarship fund.
Sandra Reaves-Phillips returns to The Black Rep’s stage where she received a Woodie Award for her role as Mama Younger in the company’s production of RAISIN. Reaves-Phillips also thrilled audiences during 26 THE BLUE SEASON with her one-woman show, The Late Great Ladies of Blues and Jazz.
Join us as she sensually reels you in with a song, while humorously making you laugh at your self and life. She can coat her voice with velvet or dust it with gravel and blows the roof off with her blues! A recipient of the Lee Hartgrave Fame Award for Best Cabaret Performer in 2004, Reaves-Phillips also has had an extensive film and stage career, including the role of Mrs. Powers in the hit movie Lean on Me. She has received numerous awards including; a Woodie Award in 2003, a Lifetime Achievement Award from Crossroads Theatre, a Drama League Recognition Award for Outstanding Performer, and was twice nominated for the NAACP Image Award and Helen Hayes Award.
The Vivian Mae Crane Memorial Scholarship Fund is committed to encouraging and supporting young artists’ creative expression and artistic development. Contributions to the fund honor the legacy of a graceful and gracious woman while inspiring the next generation of artists.
WHEN: Sunday, June 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Grandel Theatre, 3610 Grandel Square
TICKETS: $25 or $20 for subscribers. Available by calling the Box Office at (314) 534-3810, or in
At the box office, 1717 Olive Street, 4th Floor, St. Louis, 63103 between 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri.
The 7th annual Saint Louis Jazz & Heritage Festival, presented by U.S. Bank
What: Produced by Cultural Festivals, Jazz Fest is a family-oriented, one day cultural event with multiple stages that feature top local and national performers in jazz, blues, roots, rhythm
& blue and much more!
When: Saturday, June 2, 12:00 noon – 10:00pm, Gates open at 11:30 a.m.
Where: Clayton’s Shaw Park, St. Louis, Missouri
Tickets: $20 for general admission, children 12 and under free with parent or guardian.
$75 for VIP* access (hospitality tent, beverages, snacks and nearby parking)
General Admission Wristbands are available for purchase at
and, Borders Books and Music. General Admission Wristbands will
also be available for purchase at the Festival gate.
$75 for VIP* access (hospitality tent, beverages, snacks and nearby parking)
General Admission Wristbands are available for purchase at
and, Borders Books and Music. General Admission Wristbands will
also be available for purchase at the Festival gate.
* VIP Wristbands are available for purchase on-line at
(seating is limited)
The sounds of summer will fill the air on Saturday, June 2 as the Saint Louis
Jazz & Heritage Festival, presented by U.S. Bank, transforms Clayton’s Shaw Park for the seventh season of the region’s premier music festival. Voted “Best Music Festival” on 2006’s St. Louis Magazine’s “A-List”, our new single-day format – we cut the days, not the music – will feature “Legends of Jazz” George Benson, Poncho Sanchez and Ramsey Lewis. Local artsist will inclue Kim Massey, jeaniie Treavor and LAmr harris and the L. For mor einformationand a schedule of events go to
Jazz & Heritage Festival, presented by U.S. Bank, transforms Clayton’s Shaw Park for the seventh season of the region’s premier music festival. Voted “Best Music Festival” on 2006’s St. Louis Magazine’s “A-List”, our new single-day format – we cut the days, not the music – will feature “Legends of Jazz” George Benson, Poncho Sanchez and Ramsey Lewis. Local artsist will inclue Kim Massey, jeaniie Treavor and LAmr harris and the L. For mor einformationand a schedule of events go to
ONGOING BITZ. Its Your Birthday Fridays at the Dime Slot Hosted by Bishop V-Luv. Get in free every week in the month of your birthday for more info.
Femme Fridays present Rappers Delight, feat. local artists, Club 747, 1624 Delmar, 10 p.m. for more info email
Fat Cat, Model House and Bodacious ENT present Thick Thursdays, at Studio Hitz 8927 Riverview(at the corner fo Riverview and Broadway) , $10 Adnmission (free food, drink specials). Thick girl contest starts at 11 p.m.
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArkler Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.
Check out local comedian Brie Johnson's website podcast.Make sure to logon to listen to the new morning radio talk show called "The Grey Area"!!! Every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon CST. Chat online with us, or call in to talk live on the air.
Check out blog local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at go to
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at
Peep out veteran radio personality Edie Bee with her weekly jazz series Jazz on the Bee Side"Sundays from 1-3pmOn Soul Classics 1490 WESL AM
BIG TAH Presnets...2 FlyTuesdays, The Main Ingradient, 3860 Chouteau. Play Spades- Dominoes-Shoot Pool- Throw Darts- Listen To Good Music- & Mingle. Come On Out Each & Every Tuesday- Make 2 Fly Tuesday's Your Tuesday Night Spot! 8p- 1a; 2-1 Drink Specials All Night; Ladies Free Unitl 10:30 ; $5 cover. For more info. contact Big Tah at
Well that be it for this week. Hit me up on the email for comments of peepin out ish at Oh and I will get to my rewind of my fashion show TESTOSCOUTURE NEXT WEEK. I PROMISE!