Last weekend was quite festive for me. LAst Friday, I attended the Tom Joyner Skyshow(PICTURED ABOVE) sponsored by Radio One's Foxy 95.5. that was held at the Roberts Orpheum Theatre downtown St.Louis. I got up about 3:30 that morning to make it over there.You know that you gotta get up before the birds start chirping in order to get a seat at this free event.I got there about 4:30 (I told my AG Edwards gig that I woud be running late (WINK WINK) in order to get to this event) and saw that it was a line of hundreds waiting in the chilly wee hours of teh morning to get a seat at the Skyshow.Ive been to a couple of other times a few years ago when I was a reporter at the St.Louis American and actually one of the musical acts,THE Whispers,was repeat of one of the shows I attended when I was at the American at the Pageant about 2002 or 2003.
Well, I got a parking space nearby in one of the parking lot areas about two blocks down from the Pageant on Pine and proceeded to walk toward the crowd. When I got there, I talked with a brother who was there ( I cant recall his name right now-a brotha was still fighting off not getting sleep). So we were shooting the breeze about the Skyshow and he told me that it was word that singer R.Kelly was in town to visit singer Ron "Mr Biggs"Isley who was in teh hospital in the Lou and that he may make a surprise visit to the Skyshow. Well, you know how it goes in the Lou, you gotta show us if it is real before we believe it (He never did show up to the SKyshow).
Anyway, while, we were waiting to get inside (A young lady was passing out free coupons to get one of those Asian salads from Mickey D's which was nice), Foxy's rival station Majic 104.9 had its free appreciation Day at Kiener Plaza at the same time (Hmmm,I wonder what wa sup with that. FYI, The Breakfast Crew moived their remote show radio cast from Thursday to Friday on the same day of the Skyshow. Coincidence?I'll leave that alone.)It was about 4:55 and the line was moving rapidly toward the front of the theatre (In the meantime, I got a voice mail message from Jewlanda Hodges stating that she had VIP tickets and that she was wondering if I woudl be there). I was near the end of the line (There were people up front who stayed in line since Thursday night!)so me and my new buddy got seats up in the balcony.I didnt complain cause I was lucky to even get a seat cause it was definitely crowded (Jewelanda told me later on that they had to be escourted to their VIP seats cause there were peopel trying to jump in the VIP line with them in order to get a seat!).
If you havent been to a Skyshow, I hate to tell you that those who attend, promses us to never tell what goes on at the SKyshow--but I am not one of those peopel who don't tell. LOLOverall the show was OK.It wasnt the best ones Ive seen. (The Couples exchanging clothes in front of curtain game was not done and miss Dupree was a no show).The musical acts were good.The Whispers threw down and jammed all of their cuts from "Olivia" to their newest cut "Butter" off their new independent CD. Vivian Green also showed up and she was a little unnerved about performing so early in the morning, but she did a good job.She was also apologizing that she had to sing with prerecorded tracks and not a band, but the crowd was in her corner. She sang her hits "Emotional Rollercoaster"and her latest 'I Gotta Go"and a fewother cuts off her newest CD.
The SKyshow personalities, Joyner, Jay Anthony Brown, Sybil and Myra J got their clown on throughout the show (The whole Jay Anthony Brown liking white women bit was hilarious). They also had CHi-town comedian Damon Williams to perform. He was really funny.The best line he said was, "Y'all heard of the new sorotity for big women, called, "I Ate A Pie?"Hilarious.They also had the dance and talent contests. For the dance contests, there was one elderly lady named Eloise who won when she was dropping it like it was hot, going allthe way to the ground! (She had to be about late 60s). The crew asked her what church she belonged to and asked the crowd does she go to anyone's church and make sure they dont tell the pastor. She won two free tikcets from Southwest Airlines. The talent contest had three contestants who was vying for 1 grand.
The three contestants were Alfie (who did this blues tune that Jay Anthony Brown joaned on her about making the crowd depressed), Carmen (who did a by-the-numbers version of Teena Marie'sOut on a Limb) and the winner, a rapper named J-Cruz who did an origianl rap with music called, "I thank The Lord I Can Breathe."They also had check presentations. Anheuser Busch's Johnny Furr and his crew gave The Tom Joyner Foundation 200 thousand and The Foundation gave Harris STowe University a check for over 200 grand, but the check still had Harris Stowe State College on it (Their name changed recently to Univeristy but I'm sure the check will still be cashable, trust).The prez of Harris STowe, Dr.Henry Givens, gave Joyner a Presidential Mediallion which was a nice touch.
Jay Anthony Brown also did his Murder the Hits bit,. This time it was the Whispers' IN The Mood. It was now called, "I'll Buy yOu a TAnk of Gas, To Get you in the Mood (Then the refrain was:And you know what rhymes with Gas). A video was shown on screen that Jay did takling about he does everything in his draws from washing the car with his draws to water the lawn (and of course he had the garden hose near his private area where it looked like he was pissing.LOL)He also took off his clothesdown tp his goldboxers when he was challneged by Myra J that he didnt have a better body than one fo the buffed security guards at the show.Overall,it was a cool show.I wasa little sleepy (Joyner caught a sista sleeping and busted her out as teh camers showe dher on teh big screen), but I was able to get a least four hours of work at AG Edwards.
Later that night, I attended the Pronto Fashion Show that took place in the lobby at 555 Washington in downtown St.Louis. It was a comprition for nine designers from across the country. They were Nina Arora(404 area code) , Lauren Chlebowski (303 area code), Chrsitophe Graffitti (a local brotha), Kara Janx (917 area code), Anita Romero (from the STL), Jen Sertl (from the STL), Natalya Bagrova/Timothy Showalter (212 area code), Lesly Tempe(the STL), and Michael Tomlinson (STL).It was defintely an extravangant show (100 bones for VIP and 50 bones general admission). My boys Christiaan Cofield and Kameron Hopson were two of the 15 models that were in this show. It reminded me of show in Miami somehwerr.
There were no dance routines, no models bending down and posing (There were a few female models who had a little cellulite on those J-Lo's when they were wearing hot pants though) .It was straight runway and they had a 50 foot long stage that was amazing. The clothes I saw were creative (I would have likedto have ssen more daring fashion for the guys but oh well).They had several judges who judged the deisgns who were founders of fashion organizations, fashion deisgn ers, fashion photohgraphers and boutique owners. . They were Saskya Emmik-Byron, Maria Hemprey, Susan Jackson, Kristina Torchin and Melodie Tauben. I was a slient judge as I was taking snaps of the models.I circled Nina Arora who had soem creative East Indian inspired clothing that were breathtaking. The judges picked her too so I felt that I have some taste in what is fashion.When she won, she cried. It was very touching.
After ward, everyone drank on wine and beer, snacked on foo-foo appetizers and listend to music by the Javeir Mendoza Band. In the meantime, I was schmoozing with everybody (I even got mistaken as a model by a few who were trying to get models for a fashion shows).I took pics with the models and all. It was defintely a night to remember.The after party was at Mosaic near 11th and Washington. I walked with to it with Harris Stowe professor Brian Elesser who was one of the models in the show.He talked about his joib at Harris Stowe (He's one of a few white teachers up at the mostly black university) and his life as a part time model and a married ladiesman (LOL) .
When we got there, he asked what I wanted to drink (Long Island of course) and we walked in this private room where the rest of the models were and it was interesting to get up close and personal with models and how they react to one another (Its a very beautifulpeople scene, if you get I'm saying).I had a good timr though and thsi was defintely something to remember. Thanks to fashion show PR lady Hazel Tamano for the ticket to this event!
Last Sunday was Mother's Day and I decided to take my mother(WE ARE SEEN ABOVE IN MY BLOG) to STL jazz diva and actress Denise THimes' annual Mothers day concert (PICTURED ABOVE) at the Sheldon in Grandel Sqaure. So we got all dressed up and I took her to it.We got there about 5ish and got our seats that were in the baclony (Is this a habit now with the balcony and myself? ).Anyway, her two hour show was phenomenal. Her voice reminds you of jazz stylist Nancy Wilson but with more expression.Before she came out to sing, she had local gospel singer Karen Hylton to perfom 'Jesus is in this Room"and she was accompanied by her mother on piano. Very touching perfromance and Karen has a voice like an angel--literally.
Then Denise's brother former Majic 104.9 personality The Real JR was on stage and he talked about how the station fired him and that he was looking for a new job. He said that he asked his sis for a job and he said that she said that her foundation already has one star already,. The audience laughed. But after the light banter with the crowd, he intro'd his father, Lou Fatha Thimes(who got a standing ovation from teh crowd)and they into'd Denise.She was elegantly dressed (in red and white gowns and bling bling jewels) and sang her butt off.She sang everything from light jazz standards ("Skylark")to the blues (I Dont Get Around Much Anyomore)She also had a stellar band with her including Danny Mixon on piano (with alternating pianists Johnny ONeal and Tony Simmons), Jeff Anderson on bass, Yoran Isreal on drums and veteran sax player Houston Person.She also intoduced her kids on stage, Simone, 8, and Jabril, 11 (as well as her little baby nicee who was in her arms and joked that she took awhile to have her.)
She had them to showcase their talent. Simone did a cute number called,"Everything is Coming Up Roses, 'her audition piece she did for the Muny and Jabril did a drum solo. It was very Sonny and Cherish variety style. I see that music and talent runs in the Thimes family.Overall, her show was wonderful and I had her to meet my mother whom she said was beautiful with her eyes and cheekbones.My mother blushed. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW>
STL SIGHTINGS. I saw Talk show host Montel WIlliams at Bally Total Fitness in Clayton last Saturday.He was just about to leave out to his limo when he was talking to someone there.He was in town for his concert at the Argosy (Yes he sings!).He looks skinnier in person )(Well the camera does put on 10 extra punds)and he has a goofy laugh as well. If I saw him in the street I wouldnt have reconigned him!......... I heard that Actor Denzel Washington was at Rams PArk watching his son practice who is on the ST.Louis Rams. I wonder if anyone there stopped to gawk at daddy Denzel as they were rolling out football plays?......Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers team were at New Sunny Mount Baptist Church to Jerome Hughes' funeral, the younger brother to their teammate Larry Hughes ( I wonder of Cav owner Usher was nearby?).That was a nice touch and speaks vloumes that the NBA does have heart.
BLIND ITEMZ. What nightclub had a smutty ad written in majic marker inside of the men's handicapped stall stating that they will do blowjobs and lick your ass and had two numbers for men to call? What model at the Pronto fashion asked the models if they were to take off their clothes in front of the other models while dressing for the show?
BRAND NEW PART HERE: MY TRAVELS: Last Saturday, I checked out Laughs on the Landing to check out Free Time's special sponsored show, featuring local/national comics Javon Bibbs and Arvin Mitchell and national comedian J-Deep (from Barbershop I & II) and Sunday, I peeped out the 119th Annual Annie Malone May Day Parade held on Market in downtown STL. (For pics of these events go to OUT 191 and OUT 192. They will be posted this week!)
STL-TIDBITZ. It wasn't pretty but it worked. Little Rock's Jermain Taylor outpointed STL boxer Cory Spinks in a split decision to keep his middleweight championship title. The fight Saturday night in Memphis is unlikely to satisfy his critics. Taylor had winning scores of 117-to-111 and 115-to-113 from two of the judges. The third had it 117-to-111 for Spinks..... Congrats to LADY JAZZ MAE WHEELER who CELEBRATED HER 73 BIRTHDAY. U CITY MAYOR JOE ADAMS PROCLAIMED THE DAY THIS PAST SUNDAY AS "MAE WHEELER DAY" On Sunday May 20th. The party was held at Brandt's Red Carpet Lounge, 6525 Delmar in the U. City Loop. This will be her third year celebrating at Brandt's...her performance home.....I hear former adopted St. Louisan Keith Underwood is doin his thang in Hollywood. He is slowly becoming a go-to guy in the public realtions field. I hear he's reppin actress Telma Hopkins, actor Terrell Tillford ("Soul Food", "CSI") and up and coming actor Lance Gross of Tyler Perry's "House Of Pain."....Actor Hill Harper was in the STL on Tuesday to sign his latest book, "Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny" Anyone go? I know he's short. I remember seeing him about three years ago at a Joe Tory B-Ball Game Challenge party and he came up to my sternum. ....Baby Huey, who was on the 100.the Beat's float at this years May Day Parade performing his hit, "Pop Lock and Drop it", is still doin its thing on the Billbaordcahrts. On the Hot 100, it moves up four spots to No. 7 on the Hot 100, holds at no. 6 on teh R&B/Hip Hop charts and falls one spot to No. 3 on the Rap Charts (but still holing ist bullet. Its competition is two hits by the same two artist , Bow Wow (or R Kelly) and T-Pain) East Boogie classmate Monica Robinson is emailing me about a 20 Year class reunion. Has it been 20 years next year?Whats going on? Whurr's the years at? What is this I hear St. Louis Post Dispatch writer Kevin Johnson has cut off his locs? I hjear he did it this week.
EVENTZ-BITZ. Stress Free Fridays, Friday, May 25, 2007 > 5pm> > Twisted Olive Martini and Sake Lounge> (twistedolive@sbcglobal.net)> 6608-A Delmar (above Vintage Vinyl)> University City, Missouri 63130> 314-862-2141.
Wine Down Wednesdays, May 23, 2007, 7-11pm @ Marcus & Malone Salon and Spa, 8230 Forsyth Ave. Ste 118, Clayton MO. RSVP @ wdw@winedownwednesdaystl.com
or 314.496.1475.
SYGU presents TEESE att Central West End Bed and Breakfast, 4045 Washington Blvd. Sunday, May 27 from 9 p.m.--until. Go to http://www.sygugroup.com/mainmenu.html for more info.
Networking and Sneak Preview Event May 29 at THE BLACK REP - RSVP TODAY! www.theblackrep.org or 314.534.3810 to RSVP
JPEK CreativeWorks / The Space presentsArts & Wine"A two weekend event of entertainment and enlightenment at the new venue, The Space"WEEKEND ONE!Bringing back the hilariously hit comedic satire!Me, Don and the Psychiatristwritten and directed by Joel P. E. KingMay 24-26Thur – Sat. @ 8p.m.Location: The Space , 320-22 N. Vandeventer , St. Louis, MO 63108 Admission: $10 AND WEEKEND TWO! Big art sell and stage reading of newest script, Truth, From A Girl's Perspective!Opus, "A Creative Ecstasy"Featured artistsJPEK, Jessica Neal of GUSH along with Stage reading of newest stage play “Truth, from a Girl's Perspective”written by Joel P. E. King May 31 til June 2Thurs – Sat. from 6 –9p.m.Location:The Space320-22 N. Vandeventer, St. Louis, MO 63108Admission: $5Contact info: www.jpekcreations.com or 314.494.9095 / 618.567.0237++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
GOT LYRICS. hot new poetry event at the Loft hosted by Mocha Latte Wednesdays. Contact sgalvin26@yahoo.com for showtimes and ticket info.
The Network Group, Hoogland Center for the Arts420 S 6th, Springfield, IL Friday, June 1, 9:00pm 217 553-8890 E.I.T.D Presents another night of Poetry, Music, & Comedy....You never know how deep it will be or How loving but you know it will always be the BOMB!This month E.I.T.D Host Eric Rivers and D.J. Tone welcome to the house...Benjamin Hughes of OHIO -Venetta, Jason, Dwayne Bess, Afriky Lolo's African Dance Company.....and many others....**Plus** it is Co-Producer Kimberly Moore's B-Day Celebration....AFTER PARTY @ Karma - FREE TO ANYONE WHO ATTENDS E.I.T.D
Tyler Perry Presents An Evening of Music & Comedy DON’T MAKE A BLACK WOMAN TAKE OFF HER EARRINGS Starring TYLER PERRY as MADEA Based on the #1 New York Times Bestselling book by Tyler Perry Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings: Madea's Uninhibited Commentaries on Love and Life THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 8PM ONE NIGHT ONLY AT THE FOX THEATRE! All reserved seats $57.50Tyler Perry’s #1 book comes to the stage for a concert tour of music and comedy. It’s Madea’s uninhibited commentaries on love and life. A grown folks talk show with groovy singing and dancing. This 2-hour Madea production will leave you emotionally drained from laughing yet give you the energy to dance in the aisles! The Tyler Perry wizardry is returning real soul music to the stage with an ensemble that is familiar to you.
Don’t miss this old fashion cabaret style performance coming to the Fox Theatre in St. Louis for one night only. Tyler Perry AND Madea on stage again! Helloer…Can we talk? Helloer! Helloer! Tickets on sale SATURDAY, MAY 19 AT 10AM at the Fox Box Office and all MetroTix locations. Charge by phone at 314/534-1111 or online at metrotix.com EDITOR'S NOTE: THIS SHOW HAS BEEN CANCELLED!
Drama & Fashion in ONE Play...Join the cast for a journey of drama in HIGH fashion as we look into the lives of Darnell and Barbara Bass to see how Darnell handles his "unpleasant" excitement when he learns that his wife has "stepped off the porch" with a handsome fashion designer and store owner. This play will have you on the edge of your seat as emotions run high and drama heats up.This 2-in-1 production will feature experienced, freelance and commercial print models as well as great actors, singers, and dancers.This production was conceived, written, directed, & produced bySherry Wright-Gully, Writer & FounderSRD & Wright Performing Art Ministries, Inc.Don't Miss Out! "Unpleasant Excitement" premiersSaturday, June 30, 20071:00 & 6:00 PMHarris Stowe State University, 3026 Laclede-Main Auditorium-112 Dr. Henry Givens - Admin Bldg. St. Louis, MO 63103Tickets are on Sale NOW! $15 (advance) - $20 (door)CALL 618.234.3383 (for Illinois) 618.795.0714 (for Missouri)
ONGOING BITZ. Its Your Birthday Fridays at the Dime Slot Hosted by Bishop V-Luv. Get in free every week in the month of your birthday http://www.dimeslotstl.com/ http://www.allstarstl.com/ for more info.
Femme Fridays present rappers delight, feat. local artists, Club 747, 1624 Delmar, 10 p.m. for more info email JMPRODUCTIONSLLC@aol.com
Fat Cat, Model House and Bodacious ENT present Thick Thursdays, at Studio Hitz 8927 Riverview(at the corner fo Riverview and Broadway) , $10 Adnmission (free food, drink specials). Thick girl contest starts at 11 p.m.
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at vanitaapplebum@yahoo.com
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArkler Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.
Check out local comedian Brie Johnson's website podcast.Make sure to logon to http://www.riverfrontradio.com/and listen to the new morning radio talk show called "The Grey Area"!!! Every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon CST. Chat online with us, or call in to talk live on the air.
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/or go to www.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE and pics,go to http://www.stlouis-online.com/.
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmor go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at http://knocradio.podOmatic.com/
Peep out veteran radio personality Edie Bee with her weekly jazz series Jazz on the Bee Side"Sundays from 1-3pmOn Soul Classics 1490 WESL AM
BIG TAH Presnets...2 FlyTuesdays, The Main Ingradient, 3860 Chouteau. Play Spades- Dominoes-Shoot Pool- Throw Darts- Listen To Good Music- & Mingle. Come On Out Each & Every Tuesday- Make 2 Fly Tuesday's Your Tuesday Night Spot! 8p- 1a; 2-1 Drink Specials All Night; Ladies Free Unitl 10:30 ; $5 cover. For more info. contact Big Tah at bigtah06@hotmail.combigtah06@hotmail.com
Hit me up on the email for comments of peepin out ish at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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