Hello all! This is Ma'at here one more time. Well I am in the final weeks of trying to get my all male fashion show Testoscouture together. But in the meantime, here is your blog post for the week:
Things were kinda crazy this week in the newz (Rosie ODonnel alone announcing she was leaving the View was too outdone for . LOL). I guess the big national big to-dos were the 2008 campaign candidates first debate and President Dubya vetoing the Iraq bill that would have set a time frame of when the soldiers were coming home from fighting (I thought Dubya accomplished err thing?) he vetoed it and what was so interesting was that the bill was place don his desk four years after he declared major combat.
Who cares, right. Bring on Spiderman 3. LOL
On a local/national level, the STL is mourning the loss of two significant people in the area. St. Louis cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock (PICTURED ABOVE) . and veteran radio jock Rod “Dr. Jockenstein” King (PICTURED ABOVE) .
Hancock , who was instrumental in the Cards’ World series victory last fall, was killed shortly after midnight Sunday when his SUV struck the rear of a flatbed tow truck on a St. Louis highway.
Hancock, 29, who previously had pitched for Boston and Philadelphia, joined the Cardinals in spring training last season. Cincinnati had released him for violating a weight clause in his contract."He was trying to prove to everybody that he could get back into shape and be a contributor to this team," Jim Edmonds, his teammate, said. "And he worked really hard, and I give him a lot of credit for the things he went through."
Then early Monday just hours later, Dr. Jockenstein had passed. He died early Monday at St. Anthony's Medical Center after a long illness with a brain malady. Mr. King had suffered multiple strokes since 2002..According to stltoday.com, Mr. King worked at several local radio stations during his career, which began in the 1970s. He was a disc jockey and program director for KATZ-FM in the 1980s and early 1990s, and he did a morning show on KATZ-AM. He also was host of a popular Roll Call show.His last radio stint was as Saturday host of the "Slammin Jammin Oldies" on KMJM-FM, 104.9.
I can recall my fondest memories of being a kid in the early 80s when I would glue my ear to the radio right before getting a ride to Harding Ekementary to tune in to Jockenstein’s Roll call show and dialing like crazy trying to get on the show to do “what’s your name/What’s Your sign and then doing my rap. I can recall it was 1981 and I finally got on. I was so nervous, my heart went into my throat, but I managed to do the intro and my rap and later in that day at school, many of my classmates said that they heard me on the radio doing Roll call.
Another memory was when Jockenstein and the rest of the WESL radio team (including Jim gates and Boogie Man Soul) ) back in the late 1970s had a softball team and they played my father’s softball team The Young Pros (which consisted of guys that worked on Cotton Belt Railroad) and they played games at then Jones Park in East St. Louis. I can recall WESL team making much noise err time they scored and if I can recall Dr. Jockenstein played 1st base and when he hit a home run, the rest of the WESL team met him at home plate, gathered around him and they did a “Hoo-Hoo” and chanted W-E-S-L.
Man, talk about great memories. He was also a laugher ,too.
He will be greatly missed.
Now onto my travels.
I didn’t do much this week cause of my getting this fashion show together, but I did manage to get out to SYGU/Kevin McCoy’s event, SOLE, at Palm House at Tower Grove Park. My organization Maatology Productiosn was one of the featured groups to pass out fliers (the other was Last Sunday/Perfection). My crew walked up to the spot which included Marquita Parker and fashion show models Renaud and Brandon (PICTURED ABOVE).
We had on all black and we were about to make an impression, but when we walked on the red carpet outside the venue, the photographers looked at us as though we were Columbine shooters cause they didn’t even budge to take our picture. What was up with that? Anyway, when we got inside, we did our thing passing out fliers for the Testosocouture event. We got therr about 8ish . By the time the crowd got therre, it wa s time to go (they were flashing the lights at 11:50). The hightlight was the SOLE mascot (PICTURED ABOVE) coming to the event and gettin his party on (I wonder who was in the suit and the suit?LOL?). It was definitely something surprisingly unexpected. (I got a pic of his ring bling on the picture page that you gotta see!) They had to close shop at midnite. For those who got there around midnite, must’ve didn’t read the flier they had saying the party only went to midnite. But it was cool. We did what we had to do up in there.
In the house were IAM, St. Louis American’s Melvin Moore (don’t be scared, yo. LOL), Mocha Latte, Treanna, Jamie Spencer, and BMW’s Kevin Stroud.
On Sunday, I checked out my charity;s open house, ConnecT Care’s Roxanna Parker’s Geris Heart located on Dielman and Meeks in the county (PICTURED ABOVE). The house is very cozy and it is definitely a house suited for women who have cancer or may want information on cancer that affects women. Partnered with St. Luke AME Church (next door to the home). Parker said that the church is taking care all of the utilities and everything. Some of the congregation came through to wish Ms. parker well. I am grateful that I wa sable to be given parts of the proceeds to my fashion show to this House. Parker will be over the mini health fair that will go on during TESTOSOCUTURE. For more info on this house go to 314/646-0819 or 314/993-6267
On Wednesday, I checked out Got Lyrics at the loft. The crowd was a liitle sparse (heartthrob singer Tyese was in town performing at Society) but it was good lyrics going on nevertheless. I was especially surprised to see Invisible Man (aka Maurice Minor) up in the spot. He is one of the page poets (Poets who read while on the mike) and really take time to study the craft. What was classic was, he was sititng in VIP writing down words to this long poem in his booklet, like a scientist but when he got up to read he read a drive by piece that was about a minute long! Other good ones that night was Sir Erv (Sorry about your losing your final exam paper with a touch of the delete button) and Got Lyrics fave Robert Dillard (who is alive BTW) who sang a song about taking a shower in his ex-lover's house. CLASSIC.
STL-TIDBITZ. What was this I heard that a man got cut in half when he stepped out of his car and was hit by an oncoming car on a major highway in the STL? Anyone been hearing STL rapper Chingy’s new radio show on 100.3 The Beat? BTW, I saw Chingy working out at Ballys in Clayton. He looked totally different these days. Very clean cut. Gone are the trademark bandanna and hip-hop gear. (I wonder if he was in town to do the Tyrese show at Society on Wednesday?)…Speaking of gym, I got an email from someone From stlfilmwire who said they saw actor Eric Roberts (Thats Julia’s older bruh) getting his fitness on at Golds Gym in downtown STL gym and wondered why was he here? Well? Does anyone know? ….Has comedian Jessie Taylor get married yet? … I read local reports that COCA dance instructor Diadie Bathily is about to branch out on his own and form his own African Dance company Afriky and Lolo when his tenure at the school expires in August. Kudos to ya on that. (BTW, This Sunday at 3 p.m., Bathily will hold another round of auditions, at St. Louis Pilates Center, 1015 McCausland. Owner Karen Prechtl is donating her space for this purpose.)…
BLIND BITZ. I got a text from a well-known person with a popular networking group who said that a particular club in the County that recently did a name change is treating customers like dirt and they are demanding people to protest this establishment. Whats really going on?
CHART-IDBITZ. STL rapper Baby Huey is making an impression on the Billboard charts this week. on the chart success of his debut single, “Pop, Lock and Drop it.” On the Hot 100, the song moves up three notches from #15 to #12 in its 10th week, On the R&B charts, the song drops from its peak at #7 to #10 in its 19th week and on the rap Charts, it moves up two spaces from #5 to #3.
His song is looking very good to hit #1 on the rap charts within a few weeks.
MA’AT-IDBITZ. I had a meeting with Lamons Entertainment in regards to funding my show, Testsocouture (I am still waiting for a response )….BMW may be on board too pending on their call to me after I submitted my proposal to them (fingers crossed) ….Road Apparel, Boxers, and banana republic are the store sthat are on board as clothes sponsors….Raquel is on board wither man bags and Yani Company will donate their hot fashions to the cause as well…. Ads for the show can be seen on stl411.net, stlouis-online.com, www.art-stl.com and thevitalvoice.com and a feature of the show will be in this weekend’s weekend section of Lifestyles in the ST. Louis Post-Dispatch beginning May 5 !
EVENTZ -BITZ Last Minute Entertainment presents Tres De Mayo, Thursday , May 3 at Rue 13 (1313 Washington Washington) Free Food. 2 for 1 drinks (first one is on LME) Stress Free Fridays--Friday, May 4, 2007 5pmThe Loft Jazz Club (www.theloftstl.com) 3112 Olive (Olive and Compton) St. Louis, Missouri 63103 Mid-Town 314-225-2505
The Black Rep: 25 Years and the Best Is Yet To Come by Videographer Clement Cann, Monday May 7, 7pm @ Schlafly Branch 225 N. Euclid, St. Louis. 314.367.4120
From Sharee Galvin’s CORNER:
Blackmons Plaza Presents Male Explosion, Sunday , May 6 , 7 p.m. at 127 Collinsville Ave. Hosted By Mocha Latte, ADV tickets $20, $25 At DOOR, VIp tickets $40 (includes Champagne Tickets available at Blackmons Plaza, Club Illusion, Metrotix, Top Styles, Personal Touch Boutique, Foster’s Elegant Salon, and satisfied Inc (25th and State. For more info call 618,. 531. 8522 or 618. 567. 8912.
WEDNESDAYS: "HUMP DAY-GOT LYRICS?" Formerly LYRICS ON THE LOU, at THE LOFT 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. shows.
Sharee is also promoting STL based author Cheriyln Michael’s second book “First Fridays”.For any info on these events email Sharee at sgalvin26@yahoo.com+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
"Brian McKnightThursday, May 3, 2007 • 8pm With special guest JOE Veteran soul singer Brian McKnight has defined the true meaning of American soul man since 1991. Blending his velvety voice and silky style, McKnight captures the vibe of vintage soul without being old fashioned. McKnight performs LIVE at the Fox Theatre for one night only in support of his latest release, Ten.Call MetroTix ticketing center at 314-534-1111 or 800-293-5949 for tickets.
Attend the 2nd Annual PRONTO Fashion Show on Friday, May 11, 2007, 6:30 PM. Hosted at the historical site of 555 Washington Avenue. Don’t miss St. Louis’ only international runway fashion show where the Best Voted Designer and Best Voted Model will be selected! Proceeds will also benefit a children’s fund as part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Campaign! For ticket information, please call 314/534-9251 or go to http://www.prontofashion.com/ for more information.....................................
Platinum Group Inc and global Entertainment Group present Mothers Day Gospel Fest SPirit of Love, with Deitrick Haddon Sunday. May 13 , Adams Mark Hotel 4th an Chestnut 7 p.m. For tickets call, 314/231 3500.Tables of ten are $500 Ticket prices are $39, $35 and $29
RAW Secrets: Mr. Talley, Percy Wells, David AN Jackson featuring FoFeet with the Charlie Brown Band & more May 13, 2007 @ Legacy Books and Cafe, 5249 Delmar, St. Louis 314.862.4226
Patricia Degener: A Retrospective at The Gallery at the Regional Arts Commission (RAC). This exhibition will run through Sunday, May 20, 2007Regional Arts Commission6128 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63112 314-863-5811 x 20
Last Sunday and Perefection presents Kama Sutra, Sunday. April 29 at the CEW Bed and Breakfast from 7 p.m. to midnite, 4045 Washington. Ladies FEE til 8 p.m.; $5 til 10 p.m. for mor einfo call Boone at 314.761.5160
JPEK CreativeWorks presents Me, Don and the Psychiatrist written and directed by Joel P. E. King May 27 – 29, Showing:The Space 322 N. Vandeventer,. Come and enjoy a fun, .For more info, contact JPEk at jpekcreations@hotmail.com
NYC-BITZ- Here's a special opportunity for you to see two incredible shows for the price of one. The first 25 people to purchase a pair of tickets to the "3rd Annual Black 2: Broadway Celebrates the Tony Awards" will also recieve a pair of tickets to see August Wilson's tenth and final work "RADIO GOLF".Directed by Kenny Leon (A Raisin in the Sun, Gem of the Ocean) and starring Harry Lennix (Stomp the Yard, Fox's "24", NBC's "Commander in Chief") and Tony Award winner and Olivier Award Nominee Tonya Pinkins (Jelly's Last Jam, Caroline or Change). Tickets are now available at www.theatermania.com
AUDITION BITZ- HotCity Theatre Company announces auditions for the final two Mainstage productions of its 2007 Season and for the 2007:General Auditions:What: Bring a single one to two minute monologue.Where: Centene Center for the Arts, 3547 Olive StreetWhen: Saturday, May 5 10:00-11:00 (AEA); 11:00-2:00 (Open)How: To schedule an audition please email your request to Chuck Harper @ charper@siue.edu on or after Saturday, April 7th. If you encounter difficulty with this email you can reach Chuck at 314-616-1519 after Saturday,April 7th.
OPEN AUDITIONS for PLAZA SUITE a comedy by NEIL SIMON Tuesday, May 8 & Thursday, May 10, 7pmAuditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Parts are available for 6 men and 5 women. Audition Dates: May 8 & 10TIME: 7pm LOCATION: St. Peters Community and Arts Center, 1035 St. Peters-Howell Road, St. Peters, MissouriPerformance Dates August 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12More Info & Directions
JOB-ITZ City Lights Gospel Video & Advertising currently have the following positions open: Part-time Editor.....(Adobe Premiere, After Effects & Adobe Photoshop) The pay is hourly and depends on ability demonstrated not education, experience is a plus
Part-time Personal / Administrative Assistant (Great phone voice,
people person, type 40 wpm, Internet efficient, independent and not afraid to go that
extra mile) $7.50 to $10.00 per hour
Part-time typist must type at least 65 wpm..............5 to 10 hours
per week $15.00 per hour
PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS..... For consideration please email resume or
send postal mail to:
City Lights
4144 Lindell Blvd. Suite #134
St. Louis, MO 63108
ONGOING BITZ. Its Your Birthday Fridays at the Dime Slot Hosted by Bishop V-Luv. Get in free every week in the month of your birthday www.dimeslotstl.com www.allstarstl.com for more info.
Femme Fridays present rappers delight, feat. local artists, Club 747, 1624 Delmar, 10 p.m. for more info email JMPRODUCTIONSLLC@aol.com
Fat Cat, Model House and Bodacious ENT present Thick Thursdays, at Studio Hitz 8927 Riverview(at the corner fo Riverview and Broadway) , $10 Adnmission (free food, drink specials). Thick girl contest starts at 11 p.m.
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at vanitaapplebum@yahoo.com
The Lindbergh Bistro Located inside the Airport Plaza Inn @ 70 & Lindbergh presents Show Me Entertainment Industry Nite every Wednesday nite , 6 p.m. Singers, producers, songwriters, dancers/choreographers, radio personalities, designers, models, actors, labels, promoters, djs, make up artists, stylists, web/graphic artists, barbers, beauticians, entertainment lawyers, image consultants, modeling agencies, models and entrepreneurs catering to the entertainment industry... For more info contact Terrence at 314.731.9808
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArkler Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.Check out local comedian Brie Johnson's website podcast.
Make sure to logon to http://www.riverfrontradio.com/
and listen to the new morning radio talk show called "The Grey Area"!!! Every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon CST. Chat online with us, or call in to talk live on the air. It's one hell of a way to start the week!
For all of your fashion and fashion show needs, go to PRONTO at http://www.prontofashion.com/
Gravity presents Natty Lounge for Reggae Wednesdays, 9 p.m.-2.a.m, located at 1620 delmar. $5 door, ladies free til 11p.m., for more info, call 314-479-3376
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.comfor local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/or go to www.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE and pics,go to http://www.stlouis-online.com/.
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmor go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at http://knocradio.podOmatic.com/
Peep out veteran radio personality Edie Bee with her weekly jazz series Jazz on the Bee Side"Sundays from 1-3pmOn Soul Classics 1490 WESL AM
FOR ANY PUBBIN, HIT ME UP AT maatspear@yahoo.com
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