Monday, September 29, 2008



Its Wednesday

Time for OUTTOWN

Before we get into the new of newz, this is the last week for yawl to register to vote (Deadline is OCT 8) if yawl have not done it. If you want to get more info about it, check and see if you are on the register or report any trickery at the polls call Tom Joyner Morning Show’s toll-free voter registration hotline -- 1-866-316-VOTE (8683).


UPDATE: Check out STlLpoet Fofeet and her poem One Vote at

Keep the emails coming on the STL-LICIOUS feature nominations. If you or someone you know got it goin on in looks and in biz savvy, hit us up at and we will post them or you in a future post!

And now to the newz:

The STL will be on the international stage Thursday as the VP debate with Republican candidate Sarah Palin and Democratic candidate Joe Biden will "supposedly" square off at Wash U.

But as she prepares for her vice-presidential debate Thursday against Senator Joe Biden, Palin is now fighting to dispel perceptions among some conservatives that she's quickly becoming a political liability for the Republican candidate.
McCain on Monday dispatched his two most senior aides - campaign manager Rick Davis and strategist Steve Schmidt - to his ranch in Sedona, Ariz., to begin three days of intense coaching with the Alaska governor ahead of her 90-minute showdown with Biden at Washington University in St. Louis

Until then, Palin has reportedly locked herself in McCain ranch for three days of intensive preparations. Thursday night's Missouri faceoff will be Palin's greatest national exposure. For Biden too it is a first national debate with a woman for which he is reportedly rehearsing against Jennifer Granholm, the governor of Michigan, to avoid any gender gaffe.Alan Schroeder, an expert on presidential debates says, Palin has to show more intellectual gravitas, while Biden will have to deal with the problem of high expectations.

Excitement is growing around the campus of Washington University. Now students are hoping for the chance to see the debate in person.
The debate commission can't give us an exact number of seats that will be available. They say they won't know until about five minutes before the debate on Thursday night.
That means dozens of students will be sweating it out to see if they will be able to see the debate in person or on television.
After the campaigns are delivered their tickets and the commission hands out dozens to its sponsors, the rest will be left for Washington University students.
Nearly 8000 students entered a lottery only about 100 to 150 will get inside to see what could likely be the most watched V.P. debate in history.

As far as the Wash U preparation, Last month, the campaigns agreed to the specifics of the vice presidential forum. Candidates, standing at opposing lecterns, will be allowed 90 seconds each to answer questions from the moderator, veteran journalist Gwen Ifill, who will then guide a two-minute discussion on each topic. The setup figures to benefit both candidates: The loquacious Biden won't have room to ramble, while Palin can avoid going in-depth on foreign policy matters she has had little time to catch up on.The length of the answers is only a small part of the debate pact — a document that is shielded from public view by the private, nonpartisan Commission for Presidential Debates.Agreements from previous years offer a glimpse of the minutiae in play.

The areas near the school (Forsyth, Big Bend, etc) will be closed off as the Secret Service and polic ewill have teh area roped off and ristrict driving in the area. Parking also will be open for those who were lucky to receive a ticket.

In related news, Republican presidential candidate John McCain says that tough times have a way of showing what Americans can achieve.In an economic speech Wednesday in Independence, Mo., McCain says that the current financial crisis is an opportunity for the nation to come together.Yet, McCain adds, extreme emergencies shouldn't be required to unite Americans for the common good. He says that if Americans worked together more often, perhaps there would be fewer crises, close-calls and near-disasters confronting the nation.McCain is visiting the Truman Library and Museum in Missouri and then returning to Washington to vote on a revamped economic recovery bill aimed at restoring confidence in the sagging financial markets.

We are sure the Saturday Night Live is salivating waiting for what potential blunders that will happen at the debate. But the question is, who will play Biden?

Another political item with local ties has been Congress failing to pass of the 700 billion dollar bail out for banks Monday. Your local congressmen were split on their voting on the Dems side. Russ Carnahan voted YES and Lacy Clay and Jerry Costello voted NO.

The St. Louis Rams fired head coach Scott Linehan Monday, the morning after a fourth successive lopsided loss to start the season.
Defensive co-ordinator Jim Haslett, once the head coach of the New Orleans Saints, will replace Linehan on an interim basis. The Rams made the decision in the middle of the night Monday and made it public several hours later.Linehan had an overall 11-25 record in his first head coaching job and was in the third season of a four-year contract that paid him about $8 million.. The Rams have been outscored 147-43 this season, and have allowed at least 30 points in seven successive games dating back to last season.
Linehan turned to desperation after the Rams were outscored 116-29 the first three games. Quarterback Marc Bulger, the highest-paid player in franchise history, was benched in favor of 38-year-old Trent Green. Starting cornerback Fakhir Brown, a Haslett favorite, was released and there were four other lineup changes.
Running back Steven Jackson ripped Linehan on his weekly radio show for benching Bulger, and there were reports Bulger no longer wanted to play for Linehan.

But on Tuesday, a day after Linehan was fired, Bulger was sent back on the starting lineup. Backup Trent Green started Sunday's 31-14 loss to the Buffalo Bills in Linehan's final game as coach. Bulger was back with the starters in practice Tuesday, and Haslett said he'll be the starter the rest of the season.Bulger got his job back Tuesday, the biggest development of new coach Jim Haslett's first full day in charge of the winless team.
Wow, whats next, the Rams getting sold? Who knows.

Michelle Obama will be supporting her husband's campaign in Kansas City today, Wednesday. Obama will be talking with voters at a "Change We Need" rally this afternoon.She'll talk about the importance of voting in this year's election and encourage people to register to vote before Missouri's October 8 deadline.

Kelvin Adams, an executive for the school district in New Orleans, was chosen last Thursday to lead St. Louis public schools, becoming the beleaguered district's eighth superintendent since 2003.
Adams will get a three-year contract. Terms were not immediately announced. He was in St. Louis this week touring various schools.

St. Louis school district spokesman Patrick Wallace said "I believe he is going to start in mid-October."
Adams has never been a superintendent but was the only one of the three finalists to have previously worked in St. Louis. He is currently chief of staff for the state-run Recovery School District, which operates and oversees most New Orleans public schools. His selection was approved in a unanimous vote by the three-person state-appointed board that oversees the district.

Lets hope he works out and not get "Creg Williamsed" out!

InBev shareholders voted to approve the acquisition of all the shares of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. for $70 per share at the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting held this week Shareholders voted overwhelmingly in favor of the combination.
Carlos Brito, Chief Executive Officer of InBev, said, "This vote demonstrates the confidence our shareholders have in the strategic and financial benefits of the combination with Anheuser-Busch. We are very pleased to complete this important milestone and we remain on track to close the transaction by the end of the year."
Shareholders also approved the name change of InBev to Anheuser-Busch InBev and the appointment of August A. Busch IV as a director of the company, both effective upon closing of the transaction.

The transaction remains subject to approval by Anheuser-Busch shareholders and regulatory clearance in a number of jurisdictions. InBev continues to expect that it will complete the transaction by the end of 2008. In light of the limited overlap between the InBev and Anheuser-Busch businesses, the company does not anticipate any significant regulatory issues. Anheuser-Busch has set a record date of 3rd October for its shareholders' meeting and expects to set the date of such shareholders' meeting in the near future.

Citigroup Inc.'s deal to buy troubled Wachovia Bank, which was announced early Monday, leaves St. Louis-based Wachovia Securities as the largest asset of the surviving Wachovia Corp.
Wachovia Securities managers spent much of Monday assuring employees and brokers that business would continue as usual. The deal is an unusual "open bank" merger, which means that Wachovia will continue to operate as a separate company until the banks merge, probably later this year.

Burned out underground cables caused two separate blasts that rocked downtown Sunday. The first one happened on 2nd Street and cutting power for awhile at Lumiere Casino. Later there was a second explosion with two manholes on fire near the corner of Tucker Street and Convention Drive. It knocked out power and damaged a nearby gas station. The blast also surprised some rams tailgaters. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Shawn Hornbeck, the kidnapped Missouri boy who was held for more than four years before being freed last year, told why he didn't run away from his captor in an interview broadcast Saturday on CBS' 48 Hours Mystery.
In January 2007, Shawn was found in Michael Devlin's Kirkwood, Mo., apartment with Ben Ownby, who had been kidnapped four days earlier. Shawn had been attending school, prompting questions about why he didn't flee.
"From Day One, he had the gun. He had the power. I was powerless," Shawn said. "There wasn't a day when I didn't think he was just going to kill me."
For the first month of his captivity, Devlin put tape over Shawn's mouth and tied him to a futon whenever he left the apartment. Devlin took him to a remote area and tried to strangle him before promising he'd let Shawn live if he wouldn't try to run away.
"Nobody has the right to judge anybody, and people see it in their power to judge me. They don't know what I went through," Hornbeck, now 17, told.
Troy Roberts of CBS said he was asked not to press Shawn about why he didn't run away from Devlin, and Shawn said he hasn't shared all the details with his mother and stepfather, Pam and Craig Akers.
At times, Shawn said, "it seemed like I was better off dead than living through" Devlin's abuse.
Shawn was riding his bike near his Richwoods, Mo., home when Devlin tied his hands behind his back and forced him into his car on Oct. 6, 2002. Ben, now 14, was grabbed after getting off the school bus near his Beaufort, Mo., home on Jan. 8, 2007.
A witness's description of a truck seen near the site of Ben's disappearance led authorities to Devlin, a pizza restaurant manager. Law enforcement officials found the boys in Devlin's apartment on Jan. 12, 2007.
Devlin pleaded guilty to kidnapping, sexual assault and attempted murder.
He is serving multiple life sentences at Crossroads Correctional Center in Cameron, Mo.
Shawn, who smiled often during the interview, is back in school. Therapy is helping him cope, but the experience "is always going to be with me," he said.
Asked by Roberts to define his greatest fear, Shawn said, "Most people would say their greatest fear is dying, but that's not mine. I would have to say my greatest fear is probably not being understood."
Another interesting comment Hornbeck said on the interview was if the police spent all this time trying to capture Devlin, why, when he's in solitary and not in gen pop. Hmmm.

Feld Chevrolet, a longtime name in the St. Louis area, has closed its doors and faces legal action from GMAC LLC, the financing company allied with General Motors Corp. It's uncertain why the dealership closed.However, according to two lawsuits filed this week by GMAC in St. Louis County Circuit Court, problems surfaced after its president shuttered the operations about a week ago. Feld was at 11200 St. Charles Rock Road.

Under security agreements between Feld Chevrolet and GMAC, the dealership can't sell, transfer or dispose of vehicles and parts "other than in the ordinary course" of business. In a petition filed Monday, GMAC said Feld Chevrolet has closed its business and is selling the vehicles in ways that violate the agreements. GMAC said it has the right to the vehicles, which it valued at $8 million. On Tuesday, GMAC received permission from the court to take possession of those vehicles.
The second lawsuit against Feld Chevrolet also names as co-defendants Feld Investment Group L.C., Robert Tieman and Tieman's South County Auto Center, 5745 Westwood Drive in Weldon Spring.According to the petition, Feld Chevrolet sold 53 vehicles to Tieman or his dealership and did not give GMAC the money from the deals.The filing also alleged that GMAC asked Tieman to surrender the vehicles, worth about $532,000, but that Tieman and his dealership "refused to comply with the demands."


Two young St. Lousians died prematurely. A Mehlville High School student died Tuesday morning after collapsing in class during first period, her family confirmed Tuesday night. Sophomore Ashley Delois Marsters, 15, was born with a heart valve that didn't function properly, said her father, James Marsters. Doctors were waiting for her to grow up before operating, he said. On Sunday, fashion designer Shawn Williams was hit by a vehicle in downtown St. Louis early Monday . Williams went to his car in the 3000 block of Olive in front of Lush Nightclub to get something. When he turned around, he was hit by a 2002 Jeep Liberty driving east on Olive. The 48-year-old driver of the suspect vehicle was stopped by a security officer from a nightclub who witnessed the accident, according to Van Ross. The officer held him until police arrived. Police said prosecutors have not filed charges against the suspect. Unfortunately, Williams died Tuesday after his injuries. R.I.P. to both and prayers go out to their respective families.


International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame. The last day for the public to visit the building will be on Saturday, November 8. The following Monday we start packing and shipping everything. On February 1, we officially turn the building over to the Cardinals.


The Boys and Girls Club of America unveilled its new ad campaign featuring the childhood photos of Denzel Washington and East St. Louis Olympian Jackie Joyner Kersee. Washington serves as a national spokesperson for the organization.

There were many national celebrities who came through the ST; for the 15th Annual Gateway Classic Football last weekend either directly or indirectly.

Heavyweight chamap Evander Holyfield was here for the game and he was also spotted at various nightspots including the Grand Opening of Exo Restaurant and Bar on Locust last Friday.

Veteran comedian/health guru/activist Dick Gregory was honored at the Classic Weekend. Gregory is a mainstay as an honoree and performs for the Weekend.

Actor Richard Roundtree was spotted.

And so was actress Wendy Raquel Robinson

And actress/comedianTracie Ellis Ross

Radio One perosonality and comic Ricky Smiley had an event at the Chafiez Stadium called "Ricky Smiley and Freinds." We also hear that he performed at the In Spot Dessert Lounge in the U City Loop last weekend as well.

Actor Anthony Anderson hosted the Ricky Smiley and Friends show.

T.I. protege Alphamega performed along with STL rapper Chingy at Dante's last Thursday for the Gateway Classic kickoff.

And R&B singer/keyboardist Chico DeBarge also came through to perform during Exo's Grand Opening (SEE OUT 476 for PICS )

And Speaking of Gateway Classic, its CEO, Earl Wilson will be honored next month. He among 19 others will be awarded the "Ageless, remarkable St. Louisan" award Nov. 9 in the Chase Park Plaza's Khorassan Ballroom at the sixth annual St. Andrew's Ageless-Remarkable St. Louisans gala.

Two KSDK employees got a promotion and a demotion. KSDK Sports caster Frank Cusumano agreed to a five-year contract extension at KSDK (Channel 5), where he's a sportscaster, and also agreed to a three-year deal to continue as a sports-talk show host at KFNS (590 AM, 100.7 FM. John Fuller's last telecast was Monday after it was reported earlier this year that he was going to get pay cut. Fuller decided to resign.

Last month, on KMOV, KMOX perosonality Carol Daniel (right) and Stephanie Simmons began hosting a brand new morning show called "Great Day St. Louis" that mostly focuses on entertainment and lifestyle topics in the St. Louis areaThe show airs weekdays on KMOV Channel 4 at 10:00 a.m.
You can also watch the show LIVE, online! Just go to
during airtime and click the link to watch the show LIVE!

Two actresses were in St. Louis area recently to dicuss their various interstes.

Alyssa Milano was in town last week at the Busch Stadium Team Store to promote St. Louis Cardinals apparel designed for women. She's doing the same thing for other teams, including the
Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants.


Emmy nominated actress Phylicia Rashad was in town ealier last month to talk about her current projects and promoting awareness for peripheral artery disease. September was P.A.D. Awareness Month To see her interview go to

The ultimate gentleman, Fonzworth Bentley, is looking for a new group of G’s to take under his wing and transform into gentlemen. “From G’s to Gents” will be in the St. Louis area this month to audition future Gs for its second season of the VH1 reality show contest "From G's to Gents." SEE AUDITION BITZ FOR MORE INFO.


Shawn Williams, 23 of Eyekon Fashions died from his injuries Tuesday from a hit and run accident this Sunday in front of Lush Nightclub. Funeral arrangements are pending and his organs will be donated to science. He will be greatly missed. He was to be featured at this month's Alive Magazine FAshion Week as one of the "green" fashion designers.


Shan Kan Stan Kann, whose local fame as the organist for the Fox Theatre led to a career as a national talk-show sidekick and gadget guru, died Monday (Sept. 29, 2008) at St. Louis University Hospital after complications during heart surgery. He was 83.Mr. Kann began playing the organ at age 4, and the piano as a student at Soldan High School. He majored in classical organ at Washington University. Mr. Kann gave his last performance Saturday at the Fox. Mr. Kann played the Fabulous Fox Theatre's mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ from 1953 to 1975, performing between movies and at special events. During those years he also performed at Ruggeri's Restaurant on the Hill and Stan and Biggie's restaurant. From 1964-1975, the NBC Radio Network broadcast those performances nationally every Saturday night. A FREE memorial service at the Fox is being planned Sunday.


The big winner was rapper Vandalyzm who won in two categories:Best Local Single “Oh Girl” and Hip Hop Artist (Nelly was RFT Reader's Choice))

Former Vashon b-ball coach Floyd Irons was chosen as Best Local Boy Gone Bad

Best High School Athlete went to East St. Louis High's Ronecia Nash. GO GIRL!

Needles won Hip Hop DJ and Black Spade won Best Local Act That Goes National

Best TV News Anchor went to vet KSDK anchor Art Holliday (his colleague Mike Bush was Readers Choice)

Soul Food Resturant was hands down -Sweetie Pies and its proprietor Robbie Montgomery.

Other winners were The Jazz Loft for Best Hip-Hop Club and Torrie Holt for Best Rams Player.

Adopted St. Louisian Niecy Nash's low-rated workplace comedy "Do Not Disturb" is the first victim of the new television season. After three episodes airing, Fox has canceled the series."Do Not Disturb" had averaged 4 million viewers and a meager 1.6 rating among adults 18-49 as part of Fox's Wednesday night lineup. Thats all good cuz we can still see Nash on the Style network's "Clean House" and "Reno 911" Seven episodes of the Fox show were filmed. The fate of the four unaired shows is unclear.
Actress Kine Brown is getting rave reviews for her performance of female assasin Lucy in the Hoit Cit yThetare proiduction "Killing Women" (SEE OUT 475 for a review)................
Congrats to Stress Free Fridays/educator Mark Anthony Jones for receivng the Silver Circle Award in Education.

CLUB CHANGES Club Nectar on Locust closed its doors Saurday for remodeling. It will reopen with a new name with same management. No word on when its new name will be unveield. Its last event as Nectar was MPAC Mo Spoon's 30th B-day party last Saturday............. AM Lounge, 4054 Chouteau Avenue, is set for its grand opening this weekend after a soft opening in August. AM Lounge was formerly rBar.
We just got word that model Jimmelle is having a going away dinner party, Oct. 5 from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Centinnial Commons located in U City. She gonna be seeing whats up in Baltmore Maryland. Good luck Fashionista!

Who is this STL socilaite Timberfake? We heard that he recently got arrested for stalking celebs in Chicago.

IN THE MIA FILE. What ever happened to Educator/actress Camille Morgan aka the Silver Bombshell?

MIA FOUND. FOx 2's Rob Desir and socialite Therron Joseph at the same place at the same time at Exo Grand Opening last Friday.

LAstweek we said that STL rapper Louis Black emailed us to tell us that he was no longer MIA. The following is a brief interview we did with the talented rapper.

1.How did you get into the rap game?- I put myself in the rap game. Im looking for a deal. Im independent so I fund everything myself from the studio time to buying beats and getting back and forth to shows.
2.Describe your sound, your style?-

My sound is what I like to call "Dynasty Music". A lot of the beats I make are uptempo. I like to motivate my listeners.

My style is straight flow packed with actual content. A lot of cats can spit fast but they're not saying anything. I like to throw alot of information at my listeners and "beat up" the beat.
3.What have been your experience being a hip-hop artist in the Lou?-
Honestly.. Nothing but love. They say the lou is full of haters but Im not getting that. I get lots of love in the streets and at the shows. I've had a few brutal battles with some rap cats in the streets and won. My right hand man Artillery had my back though. lol!!

4.Talk about your latest CD. Who produced it? How are you shipping it out to the pub?

The name of the album is called "New Black City" Im not caught up in the New St. Louis/Old St.Louis thing but I'm bringing a new sound to St. Louis with the samples and topics on the album. I produced the majority of the album along with some help from 2 toxic productions for my first single "Mean Muggin" others include DeCap Beatz, Fero Navi and Bad Newz.

As far as shipping, Im dropping the album in December. The fans can get the cd one of three ways, They can get it from me at the shows, they can e-mail me at and recieve a copy via mail or they can go to Vintage Vinyl.
5.Are you from St. Louis?-

Yes. I was raised in Normandy.

6.What's your favorite food?

7.What's your favorite pasttime?

Besides making beats and writing, my favorite pastime it's watching football while drinking cold beer. Real talk.
8.What do you hope to accomplish with your rap career?

I want to get national distribution to push my albums (Point Blank Ent/____) Once I sell some records and get my name out there I want to do some serious acting. My main focus though at the end of the day is going to be putting out good music for the fans that they can listen to in their cars and homes.

BLIND BITZ. What socialite has been ripped by a local website for having bad breath (This site calls their breath" the mouth of a horse") and is called a 30K Millionaire? (HINT. It is not a female, doesnt have a promotions company, their first and last name begins and ends with a consonant, has dye in theri "rolls" and the website is the same website that ripped a socialite for being a goldigger and a whore)


Hot City Theatre presents The play Killing Women THRU October 4th, 2008Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays - 8PMSATURDAY MATINEES - 3PMSundays - 7PM The Kranzberg Arts Center (in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Building), 501 North Grand Ticket prices: General Admission - $25Senior (62+) - $20Student Rush - $15Please go to the following link: for more details

STRESS FREE FRIDAYS, : Just a reminder that Stress Free Fridays will be teaming up with 1st-Fridays for a historical joint event this Friday, October 3, 2008 at the all new Club EXO.. 5pm-1:30am> > > > Club EXO (> > 3146 Locust (Locust and Compton)> > St. Louis, MO 63103> >.we kick off at 5pm and we will then tranisition into 1st-Fridays at 9pm...EARLY ARRIVAL to Stress Free Fridays guarantees admission into 1st-Fridays...Club EXO is absolutely spectacular and you will have to see it to believe it.PLEASE RSVP what your intentions are...If you have any questions, please visit or email Mark Anthony Jones at or Mario Wayne at wayne_mario@yahoo.comMario and I are looking forward to seeing each of you at Stress Free Fridays/1st-Fridays at Club EXO this Friday, October 3, 2008...ARE YOU READY?


FASHION@4246, at 4246 McPherson in the CWE Time: Doors Open @ 5pmShow Starts @ 6pmTicket: General Admission $25 I VIP $35 The Fashion ShowFASHION @ 4246 join developers, engineering groups, fashion enthusiast, media personalities, local celebrities and special guest to launch the first annual charitable fashion show on Saturday, Oct. 4th at 5pm. The show will feature premier designers and the freshest designer collections for the fall, benefitting the dedication of Construction Careers Center. Hosted by Recording Artist Aloha Mischeaux. Entertainment provided by Aloha and Lamar Harris in concert and DJ Enoch on the 1s and 2s. Guest will enjoy complimentary hors d’oevres and beverages. FASHION@4246 partners with various corporate and community-based sponsors to promote the educational advancement of the art of design through the collaboration of fashion, the construction field, and architectural industry.
For more info: Larhonda Wilson314-401-3936Jimmell Meyers314-766-5702Tonya Jones 314-374-0459


Ladies Night OUT Thursdays at Dante's hosted by Mocha Latte . Ladies Free Admission and Drinks til Midnite… EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT FOR ALMOST ONE YEAR, SHE HAS CONSISTENTLY LET THE LADIES IN FREE AND THEY STILL DRINK UNLIMITED FREE DRINKS TIL 12!! WOW!DANTES IS OFF THE CHAIN!!! COME SEE US ON THURSDAY NIGHT!! BOOK YO BDAY PARTY WITH US!! PACKAGE INCLUDES:CAKE, BALLOONS AND CHAMPAGNE. And starting next Thurs. (Oct. 2) they are having the “Ms. So Right for the Night” contest - in collabs with the new Mo Tre single - featuring local celebrity judges………..

Pick up an Evening Whirl on Mondays and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!


Mocha's daughter need yawl help. ST LOUIS CHARTER SCHOOL is having a fundraiser. You can shop online at The group receives profit from the sale and the seller will receive prize credits. Enter the seller ID below to begin.Seller: sydney cowinsSeller ID: cha4822Thank you for your support.If the link above does not work, please use the following link and enter the seller ID:

SPRING INTO FITNESS... CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE OR CALL 314-831-7505 Please tell them Mocha Latte' referred you. The Next MVP Boot Camp Starts September 9th!" ONLY 89 BUCKS!!
Writer, poet, singer, musician. Te’ V. Smith is a talent worth seeking out! From his humorous and playful yet educational political and social songs to his mind and soul challenging poetry he has amazed crowds from Kentucky to Paris France. An accomplished jazz pianist and soul writer his debut onto the national scene came mid 2007 when he joined the legendary “Roots” for a 5 city tour sharing the gift of word through poetry and song. With a strong following on the poetry/spoken word circuit Mr. Smith is sure to continue to push the envelope, raise the bar and change lives. Other credits include: The Washington Post’ 100 most influential writers of the next generation 1997 ; Guest youth poet at le deil with Saul Williams and Ani Difranco 2000; featured on BET’s Lyric Café 2006; guest performer for Floetry’ “Floetry remix Tour” 2007; and featured artist on Russell Simmons’ Def Poetry Jam 2007 HEAR HIM SHARE HIS LIFE at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/TEVSMITHContact Mocha Lattte if you want to book him.

For more info on these items and events, contact Miss Latte at 314.646.9917 or


Twilight Tuesdays: occuring throughout the Spring, and summer at the Missouri History Museum, showcases local St. Louis talent for a series of Tuesday Evenings at the Missouri History Museum (At the corner of Lindell & Debaliviere). A FREE Family Frirndly event, Twilight Tuesday's showcases live, local entertainment, right at the edge of Forest Park. Mystic Groove was featured last week (9-22) as they paid tribute to Stevie Wonder. Folks; Black & White; Old & young sang, listened and danced to the tunes out in the park! (Not to mention the Family Food & Fun).

For all you locals who claim there's nothing to do in St. Louis, please CHECK yourself, along with the Blogspot to introduce you to what's happening in YOUR city.

FOr all of you that got a chance to hit up the new Club EXO this weekend, you definately got a treat!! If you missed it, then get yourself together, and DON't miss 'EXO's' next Event
Yes my brothas and sistaz, Fred & Harry founders and organizers of 1st Friday's - St. Louis) have literally outdone themselves in showcasing a premier St. Louis night spot for young urbanites to gather. 'EXO' is a Sophisticated, Urban Hang Suite, for the Mature, Young Adult right here in St. Louis! Positioned on Locust, in the heart of Mid Town St. Louis, EXO Offers St. Louis Urbanites 2 levels of Contemporary Style, Mellow music, Full service bars on both levels, and a sleek style, outdoor back Patio, where none other than Chico Debarge performed some new and old tunes for the club's opening event. (Hint: If you are used to hitting up your local "Hood-Spot" or if you are used to experiencing a "Nuck if you Buck" environment, perhaps you should attend a tutorial before stepping foot into this Spot!!!
But anyway, this is something that many of us have been anticipating, EXO gives the young professional, and the mature 'Socialite' a venue where the priceless Ambiance and Atmosphere allows you to socialize, yet seize the moment, and rest your worries aside.
Now the test is, will our new favorite spot remain a valuable asset for the mature crowd??? Or, in 6 months, will ya'll be commenting/ complaining on how "it used to be?' Let's just be real, the only way to find out, is for US (yes YOU and ME) to continue to support and patronize our own very own home grown venues, in keeping it a MATURE and Sophisticated environment!!!

***** FIve out of 5 Stars.



R&B singer Maxwell’s 8 p.m. Oct. 15 concert at the Fox Theatre, The long missing-in-action singer’s tour is meant to tide fans over while they continue waiting for his upcoming “Black Summers’ Nights” trilogy. Jasmine Sullivan of “Need U Bad” fame will open the show. Tickets are $39.50-$69.50, available at MetroTix outlets,, 314-534-1111, and at the box office

DAVID BYRNE “Songs of David Byrne And Brian Eno” Saturday, October 18 • 8PM Fox Theatre $52.50 A limited number of Gold Circle Seats are also available.Fox Concerts & The Pageant present CARDINALS Featuring Ryan Adams, Neal Casal, Chris Feinstein, Jon Graboff & Brad Pemberton Friday, October 3 • 8:30PM LIVE at the Fox Theatre! $35 & $30
An Evening with JACKSON BROWNE Sunday, October 19 • 7:30PM LIVE at the Fox Theatre! $57.50, $52.50, $ 47.50, $42.50 A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available .
NEW: THE AUSTRALIAN PINK FLOYD SHOW PERFORMSPINK FLOYD’S ‘THE WALL’FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MORE THAN 25 YEARS, PINK FLOYD’S LEGENDARY ROCK OPERA ‘THE WALL’ TO BE PERFORMED LIVE IN ITS ENTIRETY!Friday, November 7 • 8 pm &Saturday, November 8 • 8 pmLIVE at the Fox Theatre!$49.50, $44.50, & 39.50Concert preview on KETC/Channel 9On sale date to be announced soon+++
NEW: ON SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 AT 10AM!SMASHING PUMPKINS20th Anniversary TourWednesday, November 26 • 8 pmLIVE at the Fox Theatre!$53, $48 & $43A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available.On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale Friday, October 3 at 10 am!Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office,MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111.Order tickets online at
NEW: THE CHRISTMAS MUSIC OFMANNHEIM STEAMROLLERBY CHIP DAVISFriday, December 5 • 8 pmSaturday, December 6 • 2 pm & 8 pmFabulous Fox Theatre$52.50, $47.50, $42.50, $37.50A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available. THE 2008 EDITION OF THE RADIO CITY CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR SPONSORED BY AMERENUE AND PRESENTED BY DANCE ST. LOUIS RETURNS TO THE FOX THEATRE DECEMBER 11-28, 2008! SINGLE TICKETS ON SALE SEPTEMBER 27 AT 10AM! ST. LOUIS, MO / September 2, 2008 –
Fox Associates have announced that tickets for the much anticipated return engagement of the RADIO CITY CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR starring the Rockettes will go on sale to the public on Saturday, September 27. Members of the world-famous Rockettes will be on hand to greet ticket buyers at the Fox Theatre box office at 10am. All MetroTix outlets, charge by phone at 314/534-1111 and will also open at that time. Ticket prices range from $29.50-$69.50 depending on performance date and seat location; a performance schedule is attached. Sponsored by AmerenUE, Dance St. Louis will present this return engagement of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular for 38 dazzling performances. Orders for groups of 15 or more may be placed by calling 314/535-2900. For more information, visit

and his big band

Sunday, December 7 • 7:30 pm
Fabulous Fox Theatre
$73, $48
A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available.


Alive Magzine Fall fashion Week Oct 7-11, 2008 Building on two successful seasons of sold-out shows, national coverage and critical acclaim comes the most impressive designer and celebrity lineup ever as Ecco Domani presents Saint Louis Fashion Week Fall 2008. Runway shows for Saint Louis Fashion Week will begin at the Contemporary Art Museum on Tuesday, October 7 with “Project: Design!” Join us for the Budweiser Select After Parties each night at 10pm following the runway shows. Week long VIP passes available. VIP passes include access and guaranteed seating at all 5 fashion week shows, access to VIP receptions with designers, access to Budweiser Select After Parties, and VIP gift bags.
VIP receptions at 6pm (vip pass-holders only).

10/07/2008 Tues
Saint Louis Fashion Week's first sustainable "green" fashion event features St. Louis' top up-and-coming designers and an innovative recycled fashion show by Goodwill
This year's Project: Design! event at the Contemporary Art Museum recognizes the contributions of St. Louis' best local design talent while raising awareness about sustainable living. Local designers Andrew Thouvenot of Trashbiscuit, Paul Gibson of Reign by Paul Gibson, Carmella Simpson of Mella Y, Shawn Williams of Eyekon and Re.Constructe>D $20 at the door. Log on to for your week-long Saint Louis Fashion Week pass. If you are a member of ArtLink or the Contemporary, you are eligible for a discounted ticket of $15. To become a member, please call Jennifer Gaby at 314.535.0770 x215 or send her an email at BUDWEISER SELECT AFTER-PARTY @ LUSHJoin St. Louis' top designers with a Budweiser Select to celebrate a full-throttle kick off to Fashion Week. Featuring DJ Jay E and a Me Against the World ( fashion show sponsored by Iron Age, with shoes by Bronx-Diba shoes. Time: 10pmLocation: Lush, 3037 Olive St., Locust Business District, 314.757.3037 ( Valet available

10/08/2008 Wed
Featuring appearances by Meghan Fabulous, Silver Dagger and Skif
Rising international designers Meghan Fabulous and Silver Dagger premiere their Spring 2009 collections alongside internationally acclaimed, progressive fashion house Skif. The fun and flirty creations from L.A. designer Meghan Fabulous have been worn by every Hollywood A-lister from Angelina Jolie to Paris Hilton, while the rock-star inspired fashion of Silver Dagger can count notable wearers such as Gabrielle Union, Missy Elliot and Slash among its fans. Skif's visionary collection first rocketed to fame with high-profile appearances in The Matrix, worn by Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne. Since, this groundbreaking design house has achieved worldwide fame for its original work that evokes a spirit of freedom and global interconnectedness.
Time: VIP reception at HoteLumière: 6pm (VIP pass-holders only)Doors: 7pmLocation: Lumière Place Casino & Hotels, 999 2nd Ave., Downtown, 314.881.7777 ( $35 at the door if available. Log on to for your week-long Saint Louis Fashion Week pass.Parking: Valet available at HoteLumière (complimentary for VIP pass-holders)

Apple Bottoms by Nelly, U. C. Me by Murphy Lee & Yani Co. take over the streets of the Washington Avenue Garment District on Saturday, October 11th. Experience the largest outdoor runway show in St. Louis history down the center of Washington Avenue. St. Louis Runway presents the world premiere of Red Label, Apple Bottoms' exclusive boutique collection, and U. C. Me by Murphy Lee and Kyjuan. Doors open at 7pm visit: for tickets
BUDWEISER SELECT AFTER-PARTYSip Budweiser Select and BORBAtinis with two of fashion's hottest contemporary designersTime: 10pmLocation: SLeeK, 999 N. 2nd St., Downtown, 314.621.9590 (

10/09/2008 Thurs
Avant-garde innovators miacro and Wrath Arcane meet designers-with-a-message from Humanity for All for a night of full-volume runway shows
Miacro cofounders, former Karl Lagerfeld model Tina Davis-Noble and award-winning fashion designer Jenn McKelvie, use organic fabrics, raw, simple shapes and unrefined print and dye applications to create their brand of unique fashion, which has been featured in InStyle magazine. Wrath Arcane, which stands for "secret anger" or "forgotten rage" is a fashion innovator in men's clothing design. Tired of big-name designer labels, designers Sean Bilovecky and Brian O'Neill have created a line of hip, contemporary streetwear with an artistic level of detail and custom construction that's propelling their careers to the top of fashion's A-list. Not only does each piece from Humanity for All tell a story with its intricate, bold graphics, but cofounders Tammy Hotsenpiller and Helena Cho also strive to change lives by donating 25 percent of their profits to world humanitarian efforts.
Time: VIP reception at HoteLumière: 6pm (VIP pass-holders only)Doors: 7pmLocation: Lumière Place Casino & Hotels, 999 2nd Ave., Downtown, 314.881.7777 ( $35 at the door if available. Log on to for your week-long Saint Louis Fashion Week pass.
Parking: Valet available at HoteLumière (complimentary for VIP pass-holders)
BUDWEISER SELECT AFTER-PARTYToast fashion's top new talent with a Budweiser Select at SLeeK Time: 10pmLocation: SLeeK, 999 N. 2nd St., Downtown, 314.621.9590 (
10/10/2008 Friday
Featuring Dillard's Fall 2008 fashion collections with a surprise featured designer
This sneak peek into the best of apparel from Dillard's will feature women's designers such as Lauren by Ralph Lauren, Anne Klein, Adrienne Vittadini, Ellen Tracy, Antonio Melani, BCBGenerations, Dina Bar El, ABS, Ed Hardy, French Connection and many more. Menswear greats Hickey Freeman, Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren, Mark Ecko, Tailor Byrd, Penguin and, from the south of France, Dillard's exclusive Daniel Cremiuex, will also be presented. Don't miss this exciting show.
Time: VIP reception at HoteLumière: 6pm (VIP pass-holders only)Doors: 7pmLocation: Lumière Place Casino & Hotels, 999 2nd Ave., Downtown, 314.881.7777 ( $35 at the door if available. Log on to for your week-long Saint Louis Fashion Week pass. Parking: Valet available at HoteLumière (complimentary for VIP pass-holders)
BUDWEISER SELECT AFTER-PARTYSee and be seen in the Budweiser Select VIP lounge with celebs and St. Louis' socialistas at SLeeK Time: 10pmLocation: SLeeK, 999 N. 2nd St., Downtown, 314.621.9590 (
10/11/2008 Sat.
Apple Bottoms by Nelly, U. C. Me by Murphy Lee & Yani Co. take over the streets of the Washington Avenue Garment District on Saturday, October 11th.
Experience the largest outdoor runway show in St. Louis history down the center of Washington Avenue. St. Louis runway presents the world premier of Red Label, Apple Bottoms' exclusive boutique collection, and U.C. Me by Murphey Lee and Kyjuan. The creative talents at Apple Bottoms by Nelly and St. Louis Runway unite to debut Apple Bottoms Red Label and U. C. Me on the Saint Louis Fashion Week runways. Fashion design, music and performance collide, to propel the much-anticipated launch of these two new global brands.
Time: VIP reception: 6pm (VIP pass-holders only) Doors: 7pmLocation: Washington Ave between 13th & 14th (Downtown Garment District)Cost: $35 at the door if available. Log on to for your week-long Saint Louis Fashion Week pass. Parking: Valet available at 14th & Washington
Rain Location: In case of rain, show will be held at the GW Lofts at 1900 Washington Ave. ( Washington & Jefferson)
RED LABEL & U. C. ME AFTER-PARTYCelebrate the launch of Apple Bottoms Red Label and U. C. Me at a high-energy party wrapping up Saint Louis Fashion Week at SkyBox Time: 10pmLocation: SkyBox, 800 N. 3rd St., Downtown, 314.241.5100 (


THE U.S. Bank Broadway Series Shows and Specials: Oprah Winfrey presents THE COLOR PURPLE, October 21-November 2, 2008; Curtain times for the U.S. Bank Broadway Series presentation are Tuesdays through Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 2 & 8 p.m.; Sunday, October 26 at 2 & 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, November 2 at 2 p.m. There is also a weekday matinee on Thursday, October 30 at 1 p.m.
Nominated for eleven Tony Awards®, including Best Musical, THE COLOR PURPLE opened on December 1, 2006 at the Broadway Theatre where it ran for over two record-breaking years. It is based on the classic Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Alice Walker and the moving film by Steven Spielberg. It is the unforgettable and inspiring story of a woman named Celie, who finds the strength to triumph over adversity, and discover her unique voice in the world. With a joyous GRAMMY®-nominated score featuring gospel, jazz, pop and the blues, THE COLOR PURPLE is about hope and the healing power of love. Michael Kuchwara, the Associated Press described THE COLOR PURPLE as “a roof-raising story of triumph.” And Richard Corliss of TIME Magazine said, “[it is] a soaring, epic tale. It made a joyful noise in my heart.” Elysa Gardner from USA Today raved, “Pure heart! It celebrates the inspiring relationships of faith and love, a Broadway hit!”

Single tickets for THE COLOR PURPLE at the Fox Theatre box office, online through, MetroTix charge by phone at 314/534-1111 and all MetroTix outlets. Orders for groups of 20 or more may be placed by calling 314/535-2900. Ticket prices range from $27-$68 depending on performance date and seat location. For more information, visit
THE COLOR PURPLE is a U.S. Bank Broadway Series presentation and sponsored by American Airlines.
Upcoming: SWEENEY TODD, November 14-16, 2008CATS, November 28-30, 2008 LEGALLY BLONDE the Musical, January 20-February 1, 2009 ! ; The Rep presents SPRING AWAKENING, February 10-22, 2009; CIRQUE DREAMS JUNGLE FANTASY, March 17-29, 2009; Dance St. Louis presents STOMP, April 3-5, 2009HAIRSPRAY, April 24-26, 2009Dance St. Louis presents RIVERDANCE, May 1-3, 2009; A CHORUS LINE, May 12-24, 2009RENT, June 2-7, 2009MARY POPPINS, AUGUST 13-30, 2009; THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, September 23-October 17, 2009


SYGU presents TRUE SCHOOL!!! 9th Wonder and Vandalyzm LIVE @ Club Exo!!Come kick it with the Grammy Award winning producer 9th Wonder in the STL!!
Friday, October 10, 2008 at 9:00pm, 3146 Locust St Phone: 314.323.1323
SYGU hits the streets again with ANOTHER insane event for the fall...True School.Come out and party with the squad as they bring out Grammy Award Winning producer 9th Wonder (Erykah Badu, Jay Z, Beyonce, Destiny's Child, Mary J Blige) and DJ Cuzzin B October 10th at the all new Club Exo!!! Vandalyzm also will celbrate his 25th born day as well.

Club Party Friday, October 10, 2008 at 9:00pm THE LOFT Street: 3112 OLIVE Contact Info Phone: 3147130926

.“A Little Bit of Jazz with your Breakfast" & a Speechless Auction. The purpose of this fundraiser is to honor, recognize and raise funds to lighten the burden of low income women who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer or cervical cancer. Sat., October 11, 2008, 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM, Holiday Inn—Airport, 4505 Woodson Road St. Louis, MO 63134 $20 per ticket. For more information please contact a member of Geri’s Heart or Roxanna Parker at 314.646.0819+++

Enjoy a Night of Theater -- On the House!St. Louis theaters offer FREE tickets as part of a nationwide program

Seven St. Louis theaters offer FREE tickets to their productions
on select days from Thursday, October 16 through Friday, October 31

"Free Night of Theater" is sponsored locally by the Regional Arts Commission and the Kevin Kline Awards

Tickets for two free seats can be reserved at (select FIND A SHOW, then select St. Louis).

The participating theaters and productions include:

Insight Theatre Company
Grace and GlorieOct. 16 at 7:30 p.m.
The Repertory Theater of St. Louis
Jane Austen's Emma: A New Musical
Oct. 16 at 8p.m. Oct. 25 at 9 p.m.
St. Louis Actors' Studio
A Fire As Bright As Heaven
Oct. 16 at 8p.m.
Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble
Oct. 16 at 8 p.m.
New Line Theatre
Hair, The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
Oct. 16 at 8 p.m.
Piwacket Theatre for Children
Hansel & Gretel
Oct. 18 at 11 a.m.
Mustard Seed Theatre
Smoke On the Mountain
Oct. 31 at 8 p.m.

This is the first year St. Louis is participating in Free Night of Theater, which was launched in three cities in 2005 by the Theatre Communications Group to encourage people to attend a play for the first time or to experience a theatrical company they'd never seen. More than 100 cities and 600 theaters are participating in 2008.

For information visit:

St. Louis Repertory Theater:
St. Louis Actors Studio:
Pickwacket Theatre for Children:
Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble:
Mustard Seed Theatre:
Insight Theatre Company:
New Line Theatre:


SpokenVizions PresentsŠThe 1st Annual POETS AGAINST LUPUS Benefit Concert. Join SpokenVizions Entertainment Group, LLC on Saturday, October 18th, 2008 as we bring awareness and culture to you with a night of poetry, music, and Lupus information. Featuring some of the hottest poets in St. Louis. Floyd Boykin Jr. Ms. NterpretationChill Da Player El ThoughtQueeniBee Derek BrownBrother Ting SymmetryXplicit What do you know about Lupus? ³Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease which causes inflammation of various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys.² - Lupus FoundationLocation: Legacy Books & Café, 5249 Delmar Blvd (check address)Doors open at 6:30 PM. Show time is 7pm (PROMPTLY).Tickets available starting on September 7th, 2008at are $10 at the door. $5 of each ticket sold will be donation to the Missouri Chapter of the Lupus Fundation Of America. For more information, please e-mail us at or call us at 314-517-8764. Also, we are running an internet campaign to raise money. Visit and make your donation today. Sponsored by Legacy Books & Café, First Civilization, Hot Box Virtual Club STL, and The Midi Room.

Cabaret St. Louis is coming in October. The inaugural Cabaret St. Louis fall lineup will include Fran Landesman, Steve Ross, Sylvia McNair, Lee Lessack and Tony Sandler. Performances will be held at The Sheldon, Kranzberg Arts Center, The Gaslight Theatre plus additional venues. All shows begin at 8 p.m. Tickets on sale at all MetroTix locations.
FRAN LANDESMAN returns to her roots October 22-25 at The Gaslight Theatre. The legendary proprietess of Gaslight Square’s Crystal Palace presented such artists as Barbra Streisand, The Smothers Brothers and Elaine May. But outside of St. Louis, Ms. Landesman is most well known for her own songs and shows. Spring Can Hang You Up The Most and The Ballad Of The Sad Young Man became standards and were recorded by Elle Fitzgerald, Barbra Streisand and Sarah Vaughn. Fifty years later, accompanied by her son Myles, and around the corner from the old Crystal Palace, this top songwriter and cultural icon will treat St. Louis to an evening of storytelling and song. Tickets for Fran Landesman are $35.
The smartest of the smart set and St. Louis favorite, STEVE ROSS, returns with his latest work, “To Wit: Ross on Wry – Funny Songs Throughout The Ages,” October 1-4 at the new Kranzberg Arts Center in Grand Center. Ross is no stranger to St. Louis, as he has performed many times at The Grand Center Cabaret, Cabaret in The Savoy Room and St. Louis Muny. After Ross’s 2004 St. Louis appearance, Chuck Lavazzi of KDHX Radio wrote, “The fact is, Mr. Ross has a breezy elegance on stage that’s reminiscent of Fred Astaire, Noel Coward, Cole Porter and, above all, the late and much lamented Bobby Short.” Tickets for Steve Ross are $40.
Cabaret at The Sheldon will host Grammy Winner SYLVIA MCNAIR October 16-17 for two performances only. A beloved performer at Opera Theatre of St. Louis, Ms. McNair has segued from opera to the Great American Songbook, the music with which she feels most at home. Now, instead of singing V'adoro pupille on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera, she's singing Embraceable You to rave reviews. Of McNair's Algonquin Oak Room debut, Rex Reed wrote, "Her phrasing is exemplary. Her modulations are inspired. I could get used to this kind of ecstasy." Tickets for Sylvia McNair are $45.
LEE LESSACK’S lyric baritone vocals and sophisticated yet endearing persona have made him a shining star of the international cabaret scene. His tribute to Johnny Mercer, “Too Marvelous For Words,” runs October 29-November 1 at the Kranzberg Arts Center. As we celebrate the centennial of Mercer, Lessack is the perfect match for this romantic of songwriters. Billboard Magazine calls his singing, "Cabaret romanticism of a high order." Tickets for Lee Lessack are $30.
TONY SANDLER finishes the CSTL Fall season November 13-14 at The Sheldon with “Chevalier-Maurice & Me.” This show is neither caricature nor impersonation, but a heartfelt homage to this widely-admired entertainer. It has been the subject of a PBS special and DVD, and contains the charm and savoir faire that Maurice himself brought to film and stage. Tickets for Tony Sandler are $40.Tickets for all five Cabaret St. Louis performances go on sale Tuesday, September 2 at 10 a.m. at all MetroTix locations. To charge by phone call 314-534-1111 or online at Memberships available by calling 314-726-1616. For more information, visit +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
AUDITION BITZ (NEW) DIVA Planning Model Search for Lights on Broadway Special Events and Bridal Expo , Sat. Oct 4 at 10 am. For more info: 314.443.8828. (NEW) MTV is NOW casting season 2 of the hit show FROM G’s to GENTS The ultimate gentleman, Fonzworth Bentley, is looking for a new group of G’s to take under his wing and transform into gentlemen. “From G’s to Gents” will take 15 young “G’s” and polish them up. They will be educated in everything from Style and Grace, Etiquette, Chivalry and Business Skills. the men will LEARN that with the Right tools, every G have the ability to be a true Gentleman – and a real shot at finding success. The G that makes it to the end of the competition will win $100,000, membership into The Gentleman’s Club and leave having the skills to succeed in the real world. To be considered for season 2 of FROM G’S TO GENTS Email your NAME Phone Number Current PHOTO(S) A short bio about yourself and tell us why you need to change. Please email to your closest audition city. St Louis –
For more details about the show go to
AUDITIONS! A new hip comedy show named "EVA ADAMS". THE STORY: It will be a hilarious comedy about a macho guy who is suddenly changed into a woman by a witch. TYPES WANTED: Nine roles are open: four are female, five are male. This will be a fun experience for everyone, and all acting skill levels will be welcome. FILMING BEGINS: Middle of October 2008 For more details please reply to the email on this message. Reply to: Location: St Louis Compensation: $125 per each day plus per diem
HELP-BITZ. (NEW)Nar Js Music Evangelist Nakisha Joseph, 7740 Dale Ave. 314.313.2288............................Teddy Blackett needs help with sponsors for his website. He emailed OUTTOWN and he wrote: “ Hey folks As most of you know i have my website up and running, is still in its infancy stage and appreciate all of your support. One of my goals is to eventually bring St. louis top notch events for FREE (or for as little as possible). To do this i will need major sponsors, and the 1st step is to get my email list full grown.PLEASE TAKE A SECOND AND GO TO AND SIGN UP. IT TAKES LESS THAN 30 SECONDS (yes i timed it fa real)”>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
St. Vincent Home for Children has agreed to allow S.H.E.R.A.H. to implement the L.O.V.E. Project. The L.O.V.E. project is a 6 week program designed to help young girls tap into their feminine power through a series of activities. The activities include affirmations, journal writing, collage designing, upper body yoga and guided meditation. We will begin the program September 6, 2008 and end on October 18, 2008. The meeting time is from10:00 am-noon. We will not meet on the 11th of October. We are in need of women to volunteer at St. Vincent. There are forms that need to be filled out. Therefore, if you are interested in giving 2 hours a day every Saturday for 6 weeks, love to work with young girls and can maintain a certain level of compassion as well as professionalism, this is a great opportunity for you. Please contact Shante “LIFE” Davis as soon as possible to schedule a meet and greet and to fill out the proper paperwork. ..................................Believing in Excellence in Education is a 6 week life-skills program for ages 7 though high school designed to empower young people to BEE the best they can be. The program focuses on etiquette/manners, social responsibility, financial responsibility, internet safety, peer pressure and more (see attached flyer). Open Registration and Parent Orientation will be held at Emerson YMCA on Pershall Road (near hwy 270 & West Florissant). Classes meet every Wednesday evening for 6 weeks from 6:30pm-8:30pm and ends in the B.E.E. BALL where students will dress up and show off their newly learned skills.. To register, log onto Please pass along............................................STL Poet Floyd IMPAKT Boykin and his wife Jacquette would like you all to votes for their baby boy Floyd Jr in the Majic 104.9 Baby Idol Cutest Baby Contest! He is listed as "Floyd B" under the "E-J" button. Voting started Monday. Please go to the web site and vote for him to win ( G & G Casting is currently scouting talent. Based out of Chicago, G &G was hoping to connect with some folks in St. Louis. If you know of any individuals who are serious about their craft and have experience and/or professional head shots and resumes please let me know. G & G is currently revising their web site, but they do have a basic splash page. I have attached the link as a reference: Please direct talent to me, that I may review their material and touch base with each individual before it's forwarded to the Executive Director. If talent sends incomplete or inadequate material directly to G & G it may get discarded. Call or e-mail me with any questions. Talk to you soon!Tamekeyo House630-729-4169...................................................... Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462........................................Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services forthe youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyonewho is in need of some extra educational support,please feel free to contact her or give them hercontact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314)418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon-has a new label deal and we are looking for some interns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphicdesigners street team female street team club streetteam models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers,writers)We are looking for the best. So instead ofjust grabbing the person that says they are the best,we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the best at what they do. The bread-winners will be put onpayroll with a permanent job with the company. If youthink you will be the next hottest publicist, model,A&R, sponsorship writer, whatever it is that you do,then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, adcovers, posters, willing to do street team work and beapart of this new label contact me directly at …………………………..Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer to those of you who are in search for party and event space. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, art exhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderful hospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................Saint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff ,On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing:E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla Marketing Techniques, Service Street, Radio, College, and Mixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences,Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategy for Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposure every day and every night at every event Our machine operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We will exceed your expectations!!! Contact us at 314-750-6806................

ONGOING BITZ Floyd Boykin hs a new GreetingCard Line "POETICBYDESIGN." PoeticByDesign is a greeting card line created to inspire you, motivate you and encourage you in all that you do. The primary focus is to touch the souls of our customers the best way we can...through heartfelt, honest words and sentiments. Now, about the promotion. Currently, if you go online, you can purchase all five cards that are available for only $12. As of today (08-20-2008) you can log on to and purchase ANY single card, your name with be automatically placed into our internet raffle. For each card that you purchase, your name will be placed into the raffle again, which will give you a better chance of winning. If your name is pulled, you will WIN 5 cards of your choice, redeemable anytime before 02-28-2009. So that means, as we produce more cards, you will have your choice of picking between existing and newly published cards. ISN'T THAT GREAT??? This promotion will end on September 30th.We sincerely appreciate your business. If you have any questions, please contact us at, or call 314-517-8764.
STLGRIND, Brainstorm and the Parker brothers present UPSCALE every Sunday at F15teen at 1900 Locust Street. Doors 7 p.m., Network 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Evolve from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.Admission $5 after 9 p.m. Ladies Two for one until 11 p.m. Info: 314.588.8899
NEW: Soup Kitchen presents a Taste of Healing every 1st Sunday of the month feat. DJ G and Needles at JMRJ Soul Food Restaurant, 2800 Olive Blvd below the Heritage House 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. $10 Web-site: PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS!!
The Soulition and Absolut present Chocolate Sunday with Dj Needles, 9 p.m. at 609/The U Lounge, 609 Eastgate. Ladies Free til 11 p.m., Ladies $3, fellas $5.
Fred and Harry Inc. presents Champagne Sundays at Sol Lounge, 4241 Lindell, 3:30 p.m. Cocktails $5, Cover $3. For more info go to
Suite Soul Spot every 1st Tuesday of the Month at Old Rockhouse, 1200 S 7th St., Info: 314.588.0505. NEW. The Head Nodders Ball w DJ Needles Mondays at the Delmar Lounge, 6235 Delmar 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. $3 Cover..........................
+++Mondays are Comedy Nites at Janae’s West 7555 Olive Blvd, hosted by Darius Bradford. 8:30 p.m. $10 Cover. (314)863-7420...............................
NEW: EVERY Tuesday to follow, join 609, Bacardi USA and Precision for the Ultimate Tuesday Happy Hour from 5-8pm weekly. ALL-YOU-CAN-DRINK Bacardi and ABSOLUT for $22 (tax included). Wristbands and cup provided!". Francois Cognac and Cigar Bar presents Evening of Expressions, every Tuesday a blend of culture, spoken word and neo soul, 326 N/ Vanderventer. Free until 9 p.m. $5 after 9 p.m. For more info call Ms. Bell at 314.229.7952 or Alexander at 314.448.2939..............................

Two Dollar Tease Me Tuesdays Comedy Show at the Twilight Room 8344 North Broadway, St. Louis MO. Call 314.385.4545 for more info.‏ Suite Soul Spot, 1st Tuesday of each Month at the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th Blvd. 9 p.m. 314-588-0505.2 Dollar Tuesdays at The Spot, 8370 N Broadway. $2 to get in and $2 drink specials all nite long. Doors at 9 p.m. for more info call 314.385.4545..................

NEW: Fusion with DJ Needles of the Solution, Wednesdays at Posh, 408 N Euclid, 8 p.m. 21 Y.O. and up NO HATS FELLAS. FREE Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacledes Landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m..............

Lamar Harris and The L, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. til midnite at Delmar Restaurant and Lounge6235 Delmar Blvd. Free before 10 p.m. 314) 725-6565 ·NEW: After Hours presents The Return of Nightlife Networking. No Cover. Live Entertainment every other Thursday starting Sept 25 at Posh, 408 N Euclid.

Drama House Thursdays @ The In Spot, 5854a Delmar- Clean Comedy‏ . Doors at 8 p.m., Show at 9 p.m. $5

Milq Da Game presents Destination Thursdays at Club Society. $500 to the sexiest lady. Ladies Free til 11;30p.m. 2 for 1 drinks before 10:30 p.m. for fellas and free drinks for ladies. Info:
M5 Entertainment presents Rhythm and rhyme Thursdays every Thursdays. Calling all hip-hop artists, poets, singers. Royal Palace Restaurant and Lounge, 4266 Natural bridge at Lamdin. Sign up by 8:30 p.m.. Show at 9:30 p.m., Admission FREE before 9 p.m., $5 After wards.

Spectrum presents "Friday Night at the Sky Box "EACH & EVERY Friday"Sky Box Sports Bar & Grill beginning Friday, October 3 at 9p to 3am Where: Sky Box Sports Bar & GrillTo see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:


Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-Luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drink specials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to
All Star Inc presents Grown Folks Friday at St. Louis happy Hour bar and Grill, 12948 Halls ferry at Parker Rd., with DJ Sir Thirl. Ladies Free til 11 p.m. FREE Parking. Status Fridays every Friday at Dolce Ladies $5 before 11 p.m. 9 p.m.-3 am
CAFE SOUL, every 3rd Friday of the Month, Place: Lucas Shcool House , PLEASE CALL 314-504-7405. FOR INFO.

NEW: DJ Sir Thurl will DJ your birthday party for FREE!!!Have "The Official Party Starter" DJ Sir Thurl from 100.3 The Beat Aka Mr. Myspace DJ for July Spin at your birthday party FOR FREE!!! All you have to do is call 314.551.9872 for the details or email: You must be 21 years of age or over to receive this special!

The Virtual Lounge Expressions, A Christian based open mic every 1st Friday, Cookies jazz and More #20 AllenBlvd. Webster Groves, Mo. Doors open at 8 p.m. Cover $10. For more info go to

NEW: DT presents 30s the New 20 at the Jazz Spot (formerly WS Hotel), 400 Wash Ave., Starting Saturday, Sept 13, 30 and upo, Doors at 8 p.m. Dress Code. Info: 314.922.4387. JOIN DERRTY DJ'S DJ AJ & DJ CD EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FOR THE ULTIMATE 30 & OVER PARTY

Rance John Styles and barbering, located in the luxurious Benton Park Neighborhood, 2909 Jefferson. 314.772.7511

*** PIECES OF A DREAM" One of the most critically-acclaimed, powerful independent films of our generation!!! ORDER IT NOW AT orBy calling the Customer Service toll free# at 888-418-8637 Mon.-Fri. between 10am - 5pm (CST) & selecting option #2 (accepting debit/credit cards & checks/money orders) Get the "Pieces Of A Dream" Feature Film DVD / the Music Soundtrack CD individually available for $13 + shipping/handling orGet the "Pieces Of A Dream" Combo Pack (Both the DVD & CD) for $23 + shipping/handling. Fans worldwide are responding and joining the "Conscious" Film Movement!!! Snapping up more than 30,000 copies of the independently produced "conscious" film "PIECES OF A DREAM" DVD & Music Soundtrack CD,since it's worldwide release in December 2007.

Good Shepherd Infant and Toddler Center, 5990 Page. Now Enrolling. School age children welcome. Info: 314.725.5710

+++Check out Leannett Payne’’s CHOCOLATE BLOG by emailing her at!

Catch all the latest STL entertainment sites, sounds and interviews at

UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.

For your hip-hop ministry and Christian music services check out Mynista’s website at :

Check out author and activist Keith Boykin’s new website Daily Voice at

Hear new music from STL singer Silky Sol at or

For all your photography needs go to

The Black Rep's blog, Black Reppin. It can be found on its website, or directly at

Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744

Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. Patrinna Wiley & Eric LaGrone Independent Associates Small Business and Group Specialists Identity Theft/Restoration Services We give members access to professional legal counsel not only for traditional legal problems, but for everyday events such as buying a house or a car, creating a will, handling a problem with an insurance company, dealing with identity theft, and much more where legal review should be routine, but rarely is. These events can be among the most important events in a person's life, yet there is a tendency for them to take place without proper legal review. For Pre-Paid Legal members, access to legal counsel is only a toll-free phone call away. Call to set up your appointment.Office: (314) 837-6779 Cell Patrinna: (314) 581-9888 Cell Eric: (314) 713-7803

If you want to get onVanita Applebum's entertainment newsletter, email her at and also check out her blog at

Check out Lisa Rose blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at or go to her my space page at

Check out blog for local literary group

Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters.Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at or call her at (314)401-0710

Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop.For more info call314.721.3361 or email at

For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contactJessica Dana at or go to

Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at or go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.

For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to!

STL videographer Dana Christian has a website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. It is

Well that will be it,.Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at for pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.