Hello again my friends. Ma’atology here one more week for ya.
Herre’s some local, national and international bitz for ya this week:
How bout them St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series? They are currently 2-1 over the Tigers. I stopped being a Cards fan since 1999, when management started letting go their star outfielders like Brian Jordan, Royce Clayton, and Ron Gant and flip flopping with Ray Lankford. But I must give it to them for making it in the Series. The attention has brought St. Louis yet again in the spotlight this year (the other recent sports highlight was the Spinks fight earlier ) everything from the pine tar controversy involving Tigers pitcher Kenny Rogers, pep rallies in downtown St. Louis, scalpers and counterfeiters of Cards merchandise.
But the current drama going on right now is Game 4 was rained out in the STL on Wednesday and their has been talk that the game could have went on but the callers waited to late to call the game resulting in people waiting two hours for no game. As of this writing, it was iffy if the Thursday game would be played too because of supposed rainy conditions as well. It isn’t sure when the games will be rescheduled (I now hear this weekend) This is a mess on many levels, from the ticket holders (especially those from out of town who came here for the game) to the advertisers.
And what’s up with the music coordinators at Busch Stadium music artist choices to perform “America the Beautiful/God Bless America?” For Game 4, country singers Billy Ray Cyrus (and his daughter , Disney star Miley) and Jo Dee Messina were planned to perform! If they were going the country route, why not Gretchen Wilson, who is at least born across the river from the STL! Cyrus and Messina are not from the St. There are many St. Louis based artist that could have performed from Chuck Berry, Michael McDonald, Sheryl Crow, Fontella Bass, or even jazz singer Denise Thimes who could have killed America the Beautiful. I am still scratching my head about this one.
Can the Cards win the Series? It’s possible. But I think it will go the whole seven games and it will be a close call with the Tigers edging out the Cards………….
In other local stuff…
Did anyone hear Flava of Love star Flava Flav on the Dee Lee Morning Show this past Monday? I heard he was a hot mess. If anyone heard it, e-mail me and let me know how it was…………………………….. What was up with St. Peters Mayor Shawn Brown taking his time to step down as mayor after getting indicted last week after he pled guilty in federal court to charges of soliciting and accepting a bribe from a prospective vendor to purchase digital red light and speeding enforcement systems to the city? Was he trying to still clean off his desk before the next city hall meeting? Based on his history in office and how he got there, I am not surprised of his actions (check out
On a national tip:
There have been a lot of buzz about Illinois Senator Barak Obama running for prez in 2008. He hinted about it when he was on Meet the Press last Sunday. Now of course the same buzz was on Jesse Jackson in the 1980s when he ran twice, and Colin Powell in the 1990s, but is America really ready for Obama or is this just a set up for him to jump at the bait? Some critics say he needs more experience in government, others are saying strike while the iron is hot and you got US who are telling him “BE CAREFUL.” (This reminds me of that joke Eddie Murphy told on his 1983 special Delirious about a black president during his My fellow Americans speech and him running back and forth away from the podium to dodge a bullet.) He has strong opinions about the War in Iraq, Dubya’s job in the war and the genocide in the African country of Darfur (where he visited earlier this year). Yes, he’s charismatic, but I’m sure Obama is no fool and will do what is in his best interest (even Dubya tryin to give him some advice talkin about him to be careful!) ……………
Madonna was on Oprah's show this week via satellite from her home in London to talk about her controversial adoption of an African baby boy and the Malawian government protesting such action. She said to Oprah that she and her husband, Guy, had met the boy's father in court and said that he said it was OK for the Ritchies to adopt him. The adoption has caused a storm of controversy. Final approval for the adoption order is expected in 18 months. Critics of the adoption say Madonna used her fame and wealth to put the process on a fast track. Uh yeah. I don’t have no qualms about somebody wanting to give a child a better living through adoption, but to me it seems as though it is always trendy for Americans, mainly mainstream upper class and white, to help black people from developing countries (anyone remember USA for Africa?). It’s the whole manifest destiny-Monroe Doctrine-save the natives syndrome.. But I’m sure in the end, Madonna is “keepin her baaabaaaaay.”……………..Did y’all hear that if you eat more green veggies you will stop the memory loss process and if you drink two drinks of alcohol you will curb heart disease? Yeah, okay. I am so tired of these studies that come out regarding ish like this. With all the pesticides and e-coli that are used and are spotted on green vegetables these days, if the poisons from that won’t kill you I don’t know what will and regarding alcohol, I guess all drunks should be able to run marathons day and night if they consume the devil’s juice.
Internationally…………................................Dubya, had some I’m-about-to-interrupt-y’all soap-operas-for-a special-speech report on Wednesday talking about how Iran and Syria should be able to back up Iraq while the US of A backs back (in other words “cut and run.”) . Sounds like Dubya is trying to bust out of the tinder box…….........................This month has been the deadliest month in two years of the number of people killed in Iraq. More than 80 people have been killed. Critics are saying its because of the peace-filled Muslim prayer and fasting period Ramadan (which began Sept 23 ended Oct 23) that the killing s were increased to prove a point to the U.S. To me it seems as though until after the November elections is when talks of pulling out of Iraq will come into fruition. Y’all know that anytime there is a war, someone is making ends from it and during an election year, you know both elephants and donkey parties are gonna accuse the other for not doing their job. I wonder what Paris Hilton gotta say about all of this? LOL
And now onto my weekly travels….
Last weekend was slow for me. The only thing I did was go to the urban stageplay “The Man of Her Dreams’ that was held at the Fox Theatre (POSTER PIC SEEN ABOVE). I called up my girl Jewelanda Hodges to see if she wanted to go and told her I would meet her up there. I called myself getting an early start of getting there. I left out of the crib around 7 to make the 8 o’clock curtain call and midway on 64-West there was this one-lane-only construction going on. That delayed me for about 10 minutes, so, I was driving pretty steady after that, but then therre was more orange warning signs saying 2 right lanes closed ahead. Great, this was all I need. It was going on 7:30 and the traffic bottlenecked during at the 64/55/70exit area wherr you had three sets of lanes converging to one lane. So you know this was as messy as trying to eat a taco.
I called Jewelanda on the celly to ask her if she was already there and she said that she wasn’t. I told her I would be a little late getting to the theatre and told her to call me when she got therre. It was going on 7:45 when I got on the MLK Bridge to get to St. Louis. I then swung a right to try and get on Broadway. As I waited for the light to change green there was a homeless brotha on the curb with a sign and a plastic cup getting his hustle on asking for change. I was about to take his pic and all, but the light changed green.
I took the scenic route to get to the theatre as I drove South on Broadway and then West on Market Street, then took the ramp leading to the Grand exit on 64 west , and made a right on Grand. It was now 8: 10 and Jewelanda called me and said that she just passed the theater and that US were just going into the theatre, so I didn’t feel too bad, I hate going to scheduled events late cause I gotta be therre so I can get together to write what I see.
Anyway, I got a parking space on the very packed (and very free) Vaughn Cultural Center parking lot (at a handicapped spot) and walked up Grand Center Square to find Jewelanda. She call’d me and said that she was walking behind me. I greet’d her with a hug and we proceeded on to the theatre. We got there about 8:20, walked to the Box Office, got my tickets, asked Jewelanda (who told me that the cast was staying at the Embassy Suite in downtown STL) for some lotion for my hands and we walked into the theater.
As we walked into the near bare lobby, there was this sista who was an usher before we even entered the theater and asked for our tickets and said, “I see that no one is helping y'all, just go through the doors and an usher will help you.” I found that to be funny as in peculiar cause we knew where to go. But I guess she was just being sure that we were helped.
Our seats were in the third section of VIP near the stage where the band was and the play was already starting. On stage were the lovely Keisha Knight Pulliam and another actress talking about their man problems. When we got our seats, I saw St. Louis Post’s Kevin Johnson and we greeted each other briefly. FOXY 95 personality Garth Adams was sitting in front of us.
As far as the play itself, well, it is what it was. The play was your typical urban stage play where you had old school R&B singers and some headliner urban actors on stage talking about relationships and solving their problems with God with some good old R&B and gospel songs sang by the cast members who can saaaaang.
As far as the plot, the play was about Senator Gordon (portrayed by actor Clifton Powell) who was running for re-election -- and from a tryst 18 years earlier with his wife's estranged sister, Louise (portrayed by Emmy Award winning actress Jackee Harry) moved back to town bringing college-bound daughter Chania (played by Cosby Show’s Keisha Knight Pullium) with her (who thought she was adopted) , and was invited to move into the Gordon home by the senator's wife, Margaret (played by “Playa’s Club’s Chrystale Wilson). Chania was the product of their affair, unbeknownst to Margaret or anyone else.
Is it juicy enuff? Well, there’s more…..
Chania then fell for the Gordon's recovering-alcoholic son Tyrone (played by Steve Vaughn who looks all like Booby Brown for real), and the couple was engaged before they learned they were actually brother and sister.
Also living in the Gordon home was the grandmother matriarch, the mother of Margaret and Louise (played by R&B-cum-gospel singer Shirley Murdock in an iron straight silver wig), who learned a secret of her late husband's past that shook her faith, but reconnected her with Louise. Marcus and Margaret's daughter, Erica (played by Taj Enphiniti), was a sexually active two-timer who got her comeuppance not once but twice (and ended up pregnant). Her conquests were Kevin (played by actor Tyga Graham who was also in the STL-based gospel play, “Every Dog Has His Day” and Tyler Perry’s’ “I Can Do Bad by Myself”) and Jamal played by R&B singer Christopher Williams.
The developments led to plenty of opportunities for the gospel message of forgiveness, and the admonition to bring your burdens to God when there's nowhere else to turn. The writer of this play, Donald Gray, played a pastor who helped the families mend their estranged problems.
In the end, neither woman got the man of her dreams.
The script offered several R&B/gospel songs. One of the best-received songs was "Love TKO," performed by Christopher Williams. The production provided local references (Don’t they always?)There were many references to St. Louis and the Cardinals that got the crowd hyped. The best comic relief came from the Gordon family butler, Cletus, played by Buddy Lewis (who was more like a male “MAdea” without the old lady wig and dress).
The final scene was more like a cliffhanger to a Dynasty plot. In Margaret's hospital room, the family ended up in a violent confrontation, halted in freeze-frame by a prayer from the family pastor. I heard on some tour dates it was announced by stage announcers that the crowd should be advised to stay tuned for "The Man of Her Dreams: Part Two," in a future tour. It wasn’t, however, said in St. Louis at the Fox (well, not during opening night).
Overall this play was entertaining. I have seen so many of these type plays that I can pretty much predict what is to be expected. It was refreshing to see Keisha Knight Pullium and Jackee, who are greenhorns of sorts to this type of genre, but other than that, the play was an R&B soap opera on stage. There were many hilarious moments when the characters broke the fourth wall and responded to the crowd’s responses to their dialogue on stage. One instance was when Vaughn’s character asked Pullium’s character in regards to the future of their relationship and when a heckler in the audience responded to their argument, Vaughn broke out of character and said, “Shut up.”
In regards to the character choices, I was wondering why Wilson was playing much older and Harry was playing much younger? It was not believable seeing Wilson playing someone in their late 40s (and conservative) with two 20 something children and Harry playing a loose woman in her mid 30s. They should have switched roles. I am wondering how long can this genre of stage play go on? It's the same plot, same nuances and the same old song. At $26.50 - $39.00 per ticket, I guess US aint tired yet.
After the show was over, Williams and Graham were in the lobby taking photos with eager female fans that were willing to pay bills for their keepsakes (CHA-CHING). I was able to tap Graham by the sleeve to shake his hand. It looked like he may have remembered me from my working as stage manager on Jewelanda’s play Every Dog Has His Day play in 2004, but he was so occupied in the moment, it was hard to tell.
On Saturday, I planned to go to either the new club Mercury off Spruce or the private party VIP Halloween Bash at Westport. I was invited to go, but I decided to chill out and look'd at some telly . Speaking of telly, did anyone see the latest episode of Damon Wayans’ sketch comedy show, “Underground” on ShowTime? I think he has reached the limits even for Showtime. He did another cooking show from famined Somalia and showing his ass to the camera (literally) and exposing a long prosthetic penis from behind, then one sketch had a guy playing a Protest Milk stripper in a grocery store who gave both women and men lap dances and pouring milk on himself, then cast member Aries Spears (who has gained a ton of Elvis weight these days) playing a store manager who also takes his clothes off and pouring milk on himself.
To top it off, they had a parody of the animated show, “South Park” called “South Bronx” wherr a black Cartman was trying to figure out how to bust a nut. He did it by looking at Kevin Costner’s “Dances with Wolves,” sticking his thumb up his ARSE and penetrating it, then getting a lead pipe and hitting his family jewels! I was too outdone with this episode. It’s trying to be Chappelle Show, but Wayans is taking the easy way out with the smut factor (and he got his oldest son Damon Jr, on the show too which is creepy!) I’m all about creativity, but this show is just not funny.
On Tuesday, I checked out the CD release party for 15 year old rap phenom Jibbs (SEEN IN POSTER PIC ABOVE) at the newly opened Club Dolce located at 200 N Broadway (corner or Pine and Olive).On the same day, I got the invite from his New York publicist Teresa Sanders who call’d me on my celly to invite me to this (via Post’s Kevin Johnson). So I rearranged my supervisor schedule duties at the Water geyser to accommodate the invite.
Before I got there, I went to the gym at Bally in Clayton to get my work out on. I got therre a little after 8 p.m. and I circled around to the area where the club was (There was a big white spotlight across the street from it which is part of my story as well). If you know anything about downtown St. Louis there are more one way streets than streets. I circled near the area to try and get a parking meter spot. On Broadway, I saw the Hot 104.1 van parked nearby so I know I was in the right area (For a moment, I thought the club was North north Broadway like in Baden North North) I didn’t want to take the chance and park at a pay lot cause all I needed was my car to be towed for not paying.
I ended up at a parking meter on Pine Street, just a few blocks away from the club.
As I was walking, I had to pee. So I made a quick pit stop in the Metropolitan Square Building to try and find a urinal. As I was walking there were about five brothas, (two whom were janitors) saw me in my confused stupor and one asked, “You lookin for the bathroom?’ I said YES and he directed me to one behind them. As I tried opened the door, it was locked. The brotha who showed me the john told me to knock on the door. Okay. So I did. And this short brotha who looked like Lil Wayne opened up the door. So I did my business, walked out and back down on Pine to the club…so I thought.
For some reason, I couldn’t find the club . I walked down Broadway where the 104.1 van was and I saw no club. I walked back up Broadway near Chestnut and asked the white tech guy who wore a colostrophy bag under his shirt who was taking to a guy in a van where the club was. They pointed right across from them. If it was a snake, I would have bitten my eyes. Then the guy with the "shitbag" on him said, “That's why the spotlight is here.” I was about to say something else to him, but I was getting cold and just said, "Thank you.”
So I walked up in front of the club and saw three white guys up front, one had a guest list in his hand so I know I was in the right area. He asked for my name. I gave it to him. And he started looking for my name fumbling through the two papers he had on a clip board. He told me he was sorry for my wait (which was no more than 20 seconds). I told him that Teresa Sanders put me on the list and when he looked over the list again he saw my name and told me to have a good time.
I walked in and the place was barer than Mother Hubbard’s cupboards. Something told me not to get therre that early, but I just assumed that they would start around 8 (as the invite said cause people gotta get up in the morning) But I forgot what the majority type of crowd that was coming through that threw out that theory. LOL So I walked around checking out the people who were there (One early one was poet Renegade) 104.1 WHHL DJ, Kristol was on the 1s and 2s . I walked out through some doors into the lobby area where the Red carpet was where they had a poster board with Jibbs' name plastered on it for the media to take snaps of Jibbs and the celebs (I’ll get to that near melee fiasco later).
I saw a white lady from the Post when I got therre (who remembered me from the Red Carpet affair with Chingy at Drunken Fish a month ago) who was taking snaps and she said she was therre ever since 7(Ooh, I knew not to come that early. LOL) I asked if Jibbs was there and he wasn’t (of course) but a rumor was floating around that he was at the Cardinals game ( But I heard that that was untrue and he was at home getting ready). My concern was, with Dolce just opening up, why are they hosting a party with a minor wherr alcohol was served????
But I digress…
The set up in Dolce was very posh. It had three levels. The main level is the dance floor and bar area (with TVs that were showing Jibbs on a BET show). You go down a few steps and they had another bar and table area where people can drink, eat and watch TV (those TVs had the Cardinals game on). They also have an upstairs area which was mostly VIP (I’ll get to the VIP action later). One area upstairs had a couple sitting at a table and booth surrounded by long, colorful, pearl shaped beads!)
Meanwhile, 104.1 personality Young Dipp was on the mike broadcasting live givin those the skinny of the action there (My sister told me she heard the broadcast and that she said that Dipp said that the floors were so clean that you could eat on them. LOL) . A ghetto moment occurred on the lower level when one of the waiters, a brotha with bad Ike Turner hair do was trying to mack with two sistas as a table. He grinned and was showing that GOLD tooth. One of the sistas asked him, “How much did you pay for that gold?” He said, “185 dollars.” CLASSIC. Then he asked them, "How old do I look?” They didn’t know and he said he was 22 (He looked older than my father and he looks good for 62!LOL)
Around 9ish, the crowd started to pick up a bit and I ran into Stlhiphop.com creator B-Gyrl and we started talking about our websites and all. As we were talking, the appetizer waiters began walking toward the patrons with delectable treats like Crab cakes, Shrimp scampi, tenderloin, and BBQ chicken. I also ran into my girl Chantel from Omai Modeling photography and made some nice with her as well. I also bumped into local socialite and event coordinator Vanita Applebum and Majic 104.9’s Queen Isis Jones (while I had a chicken bone in my mouth. LOL)
Around 10ish, Chantel and her entourage (including her model Karma and her “brother” in Christ) had received wristbands to go upstairs in VIP. I asked her who gave her those and she said it was same sista named Nicki and said that she would try and find her so I can get a wristband. Well, I know this was going to be a scavenger hunt because around this time, the place was getting packed with H and H ( HARD LEGS and HOOCHIES). So I decided to take matters in my own hands and asked the Red Carpet coordinators where I go to get a wristband. One of them told me to go up front form where I entered to get one.
So I walked back into the club and back outside and asked one of the guys up front where I go to get a wristband and they pointed me to this light skinned, heavy set brotha who had a small bag of wristbands and a clipboard with a list of names. I walked up to the brotha and asked if he was the guy with the VIP wristbands. He said YES. I told him my name and said that Teresa Sanders had put me on the list. He then said, “Who is Teresa Sanders?” Oh-oh. I then said, “She’s Jibbs’s publicist in New York.” He looked on his list, asked my name again and said that I wasn’t on the list. I didn’t trip and said that it was okay. He looked sympathetically at me as though I lost my wallet or something and I just walked back in the club. But you know me. I am going to try all means to get to the end.
So I walked around some more and saw Chantel had come down from upstairs, I followed her cause I know that she would be my Plan B if I needed to get into VIP. So I followed her back to the lobby/ Red Carpet area as she greeted almost everybody that walked out there to get to the restroom. One sista who she knew asked Chantel about the VIP wristbands and she said, "Why do we need wristbands to go upstairs and it’s a free party?” (FINALLY SOMEBODY GETS THE RUNNING STL JOKE ON VIP BESIDES ME!)
Then we got word that Jibbs and the local celebs had entered from the club entrance instead of the Red Carpet lobby entrance. Well that was great cause that’s why myself and other media photographers were there to get snaps of Jibbs and his special guests. Well, apparently, the Red Carpet coordinators called somebody on their celllies about bringing Jibbs to the Red Carpet area so he could take pics and be on Video Vault TV.
Anyway, I stayed in the Red Carpet Lobby area as people who Chantel knew walked in front of the Jibbs poster board to get their picture taken. Then, around 10:30ish a HEAP of people came out of the club toward the Red Carpet and leading the way was the boy himself—Jibbs dressed in a dapper hip hop black suit coat, white cap, white shirt, jeans and his CHAIN HANGING LOW (SEE PICS OF IT ON OUT 103). It was now on and poppin!.
So one by one, Jibbs took pics by himself as and with St. Louis personalities and rappers including, Murphy Lee, Choa Choa Tai, Isis Jones, and Nelly’s manager T-Luv. There were other people up there, but I lost track of who was who but apparently they werr of importance based on Chantel directing the photo scene. It got to be a melee out in the lobby as more and more people came out to the lobby area to catch a glimpse of Jibbs. This could have been a problem cause usually for red carpet events, there are supposed to be are ropes put out where the general public should stand behind as the media take pics. Well, that didn’t happen (STL needs to step up the red carpet procedures for real!) . Everyone was everywhere and it was very unorganized. One moment the Hard Legs got hyped on what was happening and started lighting some fire up, but a female security person told them very sternly they couldn’t smoke up in there so they extinguished their fire.
Another instance was when Jibbs' very vocal manager kept shouting out, “Jibbs featuring Jibbs” (the name of his CD), "You look good, baby! You platinum already!” over and over and over again. One member of his posse shouted out, (Jibbs) forgot his toilet paper, cause he’s shit on me.”Okay, that was..well…different. This action lasted for about a half an hour, then the scene came to a close as Jibbs and his followers walked back into the club and upstairs to VIP. Well, this was my time to get up in there. I just waited for the right time. When I saw the photographers walking toward the VIP , I followed them. I showed the guy who was guarding VIP my press pass and he allowed me to walk through.
I went upstairs and it was packed (no surprise) in the small staple-shaped with a balcony view area. Waiters were trying to bring appetizers up in there, people trying to take snaps and video of Jibbs. But Jibbs was a gentleman all the way with everyone and very mature for his 15 years. (Was it me or was therr a small kid up in VIP?) Up in VIP were Post’s Kevin Johnson, KSDK’s Jeff Small, Vanita Abblebum, and rapper Ebony Eyez(who changes hairstyles more times than a stoplight changes colors!). While I was schmoozing, downstairs, Jibbs gave a mini concert as the crowd gathered around him like he was the second coming….of Nelly (LOL) he rapped songs from his CD as DJ Kristol spun his jams. It also was wild to see when Jibbs shifted to the left, the crowd shifted to the left. When he went right, they went right. It was amazing to see the power of celebrity! (I got a YOUTUBE video of some of the action just see below under MA’ATIDBITZ for more details).
Around midnite, I decided I had enough of DA HOOD so I jetted out so I could go to the Water Geyser to work the late shift. Others in the house were Nelly’s barber Steve Lacy, Robert Kirk, former club owner Reno, fashion show coordinator Nina, and architect Anthony Robinson.
CHART-BITZ. And speaking of Jibbs, we’ll see next week how high his debut CD, “Jibbs Feat. Jibbs” will go on the Billboard Album charts. As far as his single, “Chain Hang Low” and comparing to Nelly’s and Chingy’s singles released during the same chart time period, it seems as though it has ran its course. The song peaked at No. 7 on the Hot 100 (besting Chingy’s “Pulling Me Back’ which peaked at No. 9 and Nelly/Janet’s Song, “Call on me” which peaked at No. 25), It peaked at No. 16 on the R&B charts (not reaching the Top 10 with No. 1ers Chingy and Nelly). And it has slipped two spots on the Rap charts from its peak of No. 6 to No. 8 (not besting Chingy’s No. 1on here). Chingy’s newest single, BTW, “Dem Jeans” has yet to chart on either charts.
MA’AT-IDBITZ. I made a YOU TUBE movie of the Jibbs Cd release party at Club Dolce where he performed for his fans. To watch it, paste the following address
The Post’s Kevin Johnson asked me via celly text if I was still at the Argus doing freelancing. And the answer is NO. The collabo with them didn’t work out. It was amicable………………………
Congrats to my former AG Edwards colleague Tianisha Loyd who is now full time and permanent with them!.....................
CW11 media came to the Water Geyser where I supervise on Wednesday to film the Geyser’s eruption. It was for the channel’s news show………..
I got three emails this week that I would like to share with you all:
One was regarding my invite to the Who’s Who in Black St. Louis that will be held at the Ritz Carlton on Nov. 6. It came from Communiqué Relations PR creator Renee Thomas Woods who was the liaison between the Who’s; Who people and the writers (like myself) who wrote articles for the book. Here is an edited version of what she had to say
Hello Everyone,
I hope all is well with you. The Who's Who in Black St. Louis Unveiling Event is coming up and I am forwarding information to you that I received this week on the event. I look forward to seeing all of you at the unveiling reception is you can make it. This is the first time the writers have been invited. I wanted to be sure that we were recognized for our contributions to the book. Each of you will also receive two copies of the publication and you have permission to copy the articles that you wrote for use in your portfolios and other promotional materials.
Thank you,
I appreciate the update Renee, but The jury is still out if I’m going cause the bills have yet to be paid (If you get my drift. ). I know its not your fault but the Who’s who people need to step it up for real.
I also got an email from Kellie Smith who wanted me post up an on going event she is having. She wrote:
Do you mind posting this on your blog I know its last minute but next week would be fine as we will have this every Tuesday at 7:00pm. Thanks I appreciate it. Thanks for the lovely picture of myself and my home girl Shawn Guy-Pitts at The finale of Taste StL.
Appreciate It!
No problem Ms. Smith, anything to help out.
I also got an email from a buddy in Los Angeles, Curtis Wilson who wrote:
How are things in your neck of the woods? Yes, I'm
pulling for the Cardinals and hope they will pull it off. Will chat soon.
Curtis (los Angeles, ca)
Well, as I wrote earlier in my blog, I’m not really that to excited over the Cards, but I gues its good biz for the Lou to have the World Series herre to draw up tourism.
But the email I received that really touched me came from former St. Louis model Cedric Mixon (SEEN IN PIC ABOVE) who keeps up with my blog ever since he moved to Philly. He has his own book publishing company called Kobalt Books and he sent this very moving email letter that I had to share with you all.
The Murder that Gave Life to Kobalt BooksReal Life Between the Pages
It’s been 20 years, on Halloween since the founder of Kobalt Books’ fatherwas shot 14 times and brutally murdered. Cedric Mixon started Kobalt Booksin 2003 as an outlet for real life stories put in print. Kobalt Bookspublishes non-fiction books that are actually true stories. Even thefiction books are based on true stories, presenting real life between thepages for real people.
“I experienced and survived the traumatic murder of my father, October31st, 1986 as he was shot 14 times at close range. The absence of a fatheraffected the way that I view the world, and the focus for Kobalt Books.Life is not a fantasy or a dream for me. I have to be able to look myselfin the mirror, and face my own reality”, says Mixon.
Kobalt Books’ titles focus on real life stories because Mixon feels thatpeople want books that they can identify with--books that cry out to theirsouls, and at the same time makes them laugh, and cry.
“I vividly remember passing the house where the convicted murderer lived,everyday on my way to school. The killer was almost allowed release fromjail on a technicality, but was held because of his long list of pastcrimes. This is the type of pain that I had to endure as a youth, and iswhat made me into who I am today”, says Mixon. Kobalt Books is a reflection of just that. “We have to tell the truth—Wehave to put real life between these pages”, says Mixon.
Kobalt Booksfocuses on turning negative situations into positive energy. “When my father was killed, me and my other two siblings were able to goto a good high school, from the insurance money. From there, I received ascholarship to Tennessee State University and obtained a degree inElectrical Engineering, then an MBA in Marketing. I started Kobalt Booksshortly thereafter. All of this was birthed from the negativity of a murder” says Mixon.
There are people all over who have experienced things in life thatresemble scenes from movies. Kobalt Books was created to give a voice to those who have stories justlike mine. There are so many people living through extreme circumstancesright now that you will never hear about, and then you have people who arecreating and selling the consumers this fantasy. “A Million LittlePieces”, by James Frey sold more books as a recovery memoir, when it wasactually a fictional story”, says Mixon.
“The Hoodlum Preacher”, which made the Top 10 Essence Bestseller list,is the first book published under the new movement of real-life books.Burton Barr Jr. is the author, and has put his life on paper for all toenjoy. “The Hoodlum Preacher” is a TRUE STORY about a minister who battlesfor his soul, while struggling to accept church-life over the street-lifethat he knows so well.
The Hoodlum Preacher details a life of crime andredemption, as Burton has the passion to change his life, even if it getshim killed. Barr proves to be strong enough to battle with himself and win, as KobaltBooks wars with the biggest companies who are only interested in deceivingthe consumers for the sake of a dollar”, says Mixon.
Kobalt Books intends to release a book every month in 2007. This has neverbeen done before with a three year old independent publishing company. Thefirst six books released will be “Tomorrow's Sun”, “Romantic Treason”,“Puppy Love”, and “The Thin Line I Walk” coming early 2007, which are allfictional novels based on true stories. “You Don’t Have to Live LikeThat”, and “9 Hours” are non-fiction books that will be released mid-2007.The other six titles will be revealed New Years Day of 2007.
To contact Mr Mixon,
call him at 314/503-5462STL-BITZ. "The Lost", written and directed by Todd Spence, shot and edited by Dan Gartner, sound design by James Green, and remaining crew all being from St. Louis, is being recognized, and is also a Finalist with the Third Screen Film Festival in Los Angeles, California. There is an "audience" vote for the final round of films, so please help lift St. Louis into the limelight a little more by voting for "The Lost" and showing these Californians how solid we really are. You can do this by visiting www.thirdscreenfilmfestival.com, clicking on The Lost and voting there. AND you can vote again by text messaging through your phone: TEXT the lost TO 66937 The ceremony for the winning films will be held in Beverly Hills at the Museum of Radio and Television on the 26th of October.
BLIND BITZ. Which two female models from the Marshall Faulk Fashion Show tried to coax a male model to return to the show after he dropped out of rehearsals weeks before the show?
EVENT-IDBITZ. The St. Louis Black Repertory Company presents, “I Stand Alone,” which is a series of cutting edge, new-one person plays written and performed by the Black Rep Touring Company. Performances will be every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Black rep Monsanto Center for performing Arts Education, 1717 Olive Street, 4th Floor, St. Louis Subscribers$5; Non-Subscribers $10. For tickets, email
Webster University Film Series Presents Al Franken, “God Spoke”October 26, 8PM (Al Franken: God Spoke (Nick Dobb & Chris Hegedus, 2006, USA, 90 min.)with special guests Nick Doob, Chris Hegedus & DA Pennebaker For more information go to: http://www.webster.edu/filmseries.htmlAdmission is $6 for the general public, $5 for seniors, students from other schools and Webster alumni, and $4 for Webster University staff and faculty unless otherwise noted. All films screened in Moore Auditorium on the campus of Webster University, 470 E. Lockwood, Webster Groves, MO unless noted.
PULASKI BANK SPONSORS “A SORDID HALLOWEEN PARTY” To benefit Food Outreach and Doorways with special guests Delta Burke and Leslie Jordan. Pulaski Bank is proud to sponsor “A Sordid Halloween Party” on Saturday, October 28th from 8 pm to 1 am. This big bash will provide St. Louis with an enjoyable evening of entertainment (from actress Delta Burke and actor Leslie Jordan) , good company, and the opportunity to raise funds for two worthwhile charitable organizations. The beneficiaries of this year's event include Food Outreach and Doorways. Food Outreach provides food to patients living with AIDS and cancer, serving over 1300 clients per week. Doorways provides housing to those who are critically ill and their children. Costumes required City Hall Rotunda -1200 Market Street. Tickets: $50 for individual tickets/$75 at the door $150 for VIP ticket/$200 at the door Visit www.halloweenstl.com to purchase tickets in advance.
If you are in NYC, Sister's Uptown Bookstore PRESENTS Author Appearance And Book Signing With RICH GIRLMORE AUTHOR OFSEX, MONEY, DRUGS & CONSEQUENCE Vol. I & II Location: 1942 Amsterdam Ave. @ 156th St . Date: Saturday, October 28, 2006 Time: 6pmFOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US BY PHONE AT (212)862-3680 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT SISTERSCULTURALSTOP.COM or EMAIL: SISTERSUPTOWNBOOKSTORE@YAHOO.COM
3rd Annual Black Who’s Who Event, Monday, November 6, 2006 Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis Networking Reception 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Official Book Unveiling Program 6:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Foreword By Cheryl D. Polk, Special Tribute To The Late Katherine Dunham Choreographer, Dancer And Humanitarian Master Of Ceremonies - Lou Thimes, J. R."The Real J. R.", WESL 1490 Mistress Of Ceremonies - Vickie Newton, KMOV TVEntertainment By Focus, Project X And Sunshine & The Community Performance Ensemble PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS NOW!$50.00 per ticket includes a copy of Who's Who In Black St. Louis THE THIRD EDITION(retail value $24.95) A portion of the proceeds to benefit The Youth Lifeline Foundation Fine Art Display by Black Renaissance Man, De'Joneiro Jones Purchase your tickets today by calling (614) 481-7300 or order online @ www.whoswhopublishing.com
East St. Louis native Phil Perry will be performing at The Roberts Orpheum Theater in St. Louis, MO at 7 p.m., Sun, 11/12/06 For tickets, go to ticketmaster.com
Drumvoices Festival of Arts celebrating the 20th b-day of the Eugene B Redmond Writers’ Club, through Oct. 27. For tickets and information call 618-650-3991 or eredmon@siue.edu (Sorry, I wasnt able to attend due to my work schedule. )
4246 Fashion Show, Friday, Oct 27 at 4246 McPherson, doors open at 6 p.m., Show at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 ADV and $25 at the door, For more info and advance tickets call 618-741-9952.
Gospel group SOPOG Performers at The Vaughn Cultural Center, 3701 Grandel Square. Friday, October 27, 2006, 8p-10p. FREE. For mro einfo, call 314/615-3624
Hipster Magazine presents "CANDY" - Sat., October 28th @ Filter (formerly Nik's Wine Bar in CWE) 313 Belt Ave. at Pershing, 9pm - 1:30am music by DJ Needles only $5 admission
CLUB KYO is having a Halloween party, Halos and Horns on 10 p.m., Oct 28. (See ONGOING EVENTZ and go to KYO’s website below) for more details.
Art INK presents "A Time For Expression: The Moment of Truth" a theatrical synopsis, Sun. Oct. 29, 2006 @ the Hilton, St. Louis Airport. Admission 10 dollars, reception at 6 p.m. show at 7 p.m. Call 314.974.5315 or 314.960.7894 for more info.
WSIE. 88.7 FM presents JOEY DEFRANCESCO TRIO with special guest BOBBY HUTCHERSON, Sat. Nov 4 @ 8pm @ The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd. For tickets call metrotix at 314/534-1111 or visit http://www.sheldonconcerthall.org/
Big Tah B-day Bash: Scorpio edition at the Main Ingredient , 3960 Chouteau and Vandeventer, Sat. Nov. 4. For more info contact Sharee Galvin at sgalvin26@yahoo.com Sharee Galvin also sent these event-tidbitz for you party dwellers:
For any info on these events email sharee at sgalvin26@yahoo.com
Cinema St. Louis kicks off the 15th annual St. Louis International Film Festival with the world premiere of “Mr. Mayor: The Life and Times of A.J. Cervantes.”
Time/Date: 7-10:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 9 Place: Moolah Theatre, 3821 Lindell Boulevard 7-8 p.m.: Cocktail reception (complimentary wine and Corazon tequila cocktails; cash bar) 8-10 p.m.: Introduction and screening of “Mr. Mayor” 10 p.m.: Q&A with producer A.J. Cervantes Jr., director Michael W. Barnard, and former Mayor Vince Schoemehl All guests receive complimentary valet parking, wine and Corazon cocktails during the reception, popcorn and soda for the screening, and a Bissinger’s chocolate. Reservations must be received by Cinema St. Louis no later than Monday, Nov. 6. Please call 314-289-4153. Tickets will not be mailed; your name will appear on reservation list at check-in table.
CHRISTOPHE GRAFFITTI FASHION SHOW, NOV 26. featuring entertainment by 2003 American Idol winner/ Grammy Award nominee Ruben Studdard. The show will be at the Historic 555 Washington Ave. , St. Louis. Tickets are $35 general, $50 VIP. $5.00 off on pre-sale tickets up thru October 31, 2006. For ticket info call 314/749-1995, 618-917-1225 or go to cristophegraffitti @yahoo.com
AUDITION-BITZ. Webster University is having an Open Casting Call for Multiple Short FilmsMen and Women (Boys and Girls) Ages 12 and up. All ethnicities. Saturday, October 28 11 AM - 5 PM at the Sverdrup building Room 101 Webster University, 8300 Big Bend At Big Bend and Edgar Road CONTACT: directing06.webster@gmail.com No film experience necessary. Headshots and Monologues accepted but not required. Get the chance to work with a professional crew and build your resume!
Nelly's Manager T-Luv will be a celebrity judge for the dance competition Oct. 29, 2006 @ DREAMS from 6pm-9pm! They are calling SAINT LOUIS and the surrounding areas to come out and invent the next dance called POP ONE this SUNDAY @ DREAMS! Do you want to be in a video? Do you want to be a star?
Do you want to have the chance to win $500.00? Be at Dreams (Washington and Compton) OCTOBER 29, 2006 from 6pm-9pm!
For more information you may log on the website at www.myspace.com/bobqptheallstars
Cerberus Inc is looking for book cover models from romance to sci-fi to fantasy. The shoots are TFP or TFCD for submissions to these publishers.
Male types: Ranging from Rugged and muscular to sensitive and lean.
Height 5' 8" or taller, weight proportionate to height. Ability to act always
a plus. Female types: Ranging from sophisticated to wicked. Height 5'6" or
taller , weight proportionate to height. Ability to act always a plus. Previous work can be seen at: http://cerberusinc.com/ Weekend shoots. Contact with photos or webpage url at: cerberusinc@hotmail.com
J.O.B.-ITZ. Loan Officers Needed No Experience Necessary! Will Train! Nations Funding Source, STL Recruitment and Business opportunityWhere: Kingsbury Real Estate, 415 Debaliviere @ Waterman Suite 271 (Inside Pulaski Bank 2nd floor Time: 7:00pm every Tuesday Come fill out application ask for Kellie NFS agent or Juan Lewis, Broker/ Agent
City Lights is a Gospel Video Production Company and Advertising Agency
located in the Central West End in St. Louis.
Part Time Office Assistant: Must type at least 45 wpm, Microsoft Word, Internet & Email Knowledge, Great Phone Voice and Professional Phone Etiquette, ability to multi task a must, a people person is a must as well as the desire to be a team player. Compensation: $7.00 to $10.00 per hour 60 Day probation. Possible pay increase after first 60 days (based on performance) Paid Position........
Part Time Associate Tax Preparer Must be computer friendly........Knowledge of Microsoft Word & Excel a plus! Compensation: Starting at $8.00 and up based on Experience and/or
Knowledge Free 8 weeks Training Provided (only 10 openings left) Part-Time Job offer to those who successful complete training (4 to 6 positions to fill in St. Louis, new location soon to open in IL, 4 to 6 positions to fill and coming soon to North County 3rd location possibly to open by Jan, 2007. All applicants must be outgoing, detailed oriented, well spoken with great communication and people skills.
Non Paying Position: Commercial leads and extras. Ability to follow directions, creative and eager to learn, acting skills not necessary but helpful. When provided small talent fee, gas coverage and paid luncheons
Paid Position..............Part Time Video Technician ability to shoot, edit (Adobe Premier), work well under pressure, detailed oriented, Flexible schedule, skilled in graphic design a plus, professional and neat in appearance a must along with being a dedicated team player. Compensation: Hourly TBA (Based on ability and efficient) Experienced only!
Apply with Letters and/or Resumes ONLY: Email Resume to Cltvtalk@aol.com
Mail Resume to: City Lights, 4144 Lindell Blvd. Suite 134, St. Louis, MO 63108
No Phone Calls to City Lights office Please!
ONGOING-BITZ. Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/ for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit , or call her at (314)401-0710 or go to lachrisa_crenshaw@sbcglobal.net.
My boy Kameron Holbert has a new monthly column on sports messages on local magazine Uptown (http://www.uptownstl.com/).. He has also copped a gig doing profressional messages at Stress Free Fridays at various venues in the ST. Louis area. For an appt. or when he is scheduled to do messages atteh next Stress Free Fridays, call 314/477-3427 or email him at mrholbert@yahoo.com
For body painting , makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at jessicadana.com or go to myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE and pics, go to
http://www.stlouis-online.com/.For your catering needs, check out Collective Catering collectivecatering@yahoo.com located at 4958 Cote Brilliante, their digits are 314-575-3333)
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast called STAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and interviews from theworld of stage, screen, cabaret and related places. The latest episode is now on line. Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7, via the Stage Left blog at http://stageleft-stlouis.blogspot.com/, via the Stage Left web site at http://www.stageleft.org/,or via iTunes Music Store; just go to the Podcast area and search for Stage Left.
Former 100.3 The Beat personalities Big Sexy Kool DJ Kaos and Sylli Asz is doin it up on You Tube these days hosting their hilarious STL reality Internet series, the Janky Show. To check it out, go to www.youtube.com and type in “The Janky Show”
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist. The Flow; Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmor go to his myspace page enochisreal.Show Me
Entertainment presents Industry Nights, a networking party for artists, http://www.hotmail.com/entertainers, models, actors, painters, dancers, entertainment lawyers, managers, etc. every Wednesday night at the Lindbergh Bistro located inside the Airport Plaza inn at I-70 and Lindbergh. 18 Y.O. to enter. 21 Y.O. and up to Drink. Admission FREE. For more info, contact Terrence Smith at 314/713-3793, or tsmith@showme1.com orhttp://www.showme1.com/
Local movie screener and TV programmer James Thomas has two hot shows on the new CW Channel 11 with his shows “First Look” about upcoming movies in theaters, Thursday morning at 2:30 am and Hot Videos, Friday mornings at 3 a.m. For more info, email him attdjoo7@sbcglobal.net
Theatre advisor L.A. Barge has a new book on CD that he is selling called, “Choosing the Right Mate Before the First Date.” For more info call 314/5331639 or email him at dreamscope921@hotmail.comFor all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot new website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. It is http://www.spitflix.com/. Peep it out!
KYO (pronounced KEE-O) continues "Redefining the Art of Dining & Nightlife" with a fresh weekly lineup that promises to quench your thirst for drink and dance. So "Be Fashionably Elite" with a smile and let KYO claim your evening from 5pm till 3am in the morning. For more info go to http://www.kyostl.com/newsletter.htm
Well, that be it, folks. If ya got anything for me to pub, OR GOT AN OUT TOWN HOTTIE that you wanna let me know about, hit me up e-mail style at maatspear@yahoo.com!