Greetings to one and all. This is Ma’atology here ‘one more gain’. Another week. Another post. And I must say, the STL was on and poppin this weekend. So much, I’m sure ya’ll were too spent to go to Bellfountain for the Ameren UE hearing after the weekend to protest about your lights being off after the July 19 storms. LOL.
It’s so far and few in between that the STL get to have so much stuff to do in on weekend, but you had the Taste of St. Louis, the Gateway Classic at the Edward Jones Dome , comedienne Monique at the Pageant, the Joe concert at the Roberts Orpheum , The Cardinals winning at home at Busch Stadium (and landing them into the playoffs), the Rams winning against the Detroit Lions at home at the Edward Jones Dome and countless After Parties to celebrate these events (And not to mention author/call woman Supervixen and actor Michael J Fox coming to the STL for Vixen Party at Club Formula and a campaign fundraiser for U.S. Senate Rep candidate Claire McCaskill respectively) . Well, I wasn’t omnipresent to be at these places (trust me, if I could I would. LOL) but I managed to get to quite a bit and still give y’all my “taste” on the STL.
OK, herr we go:
Last Friday, I checked out the opening day of the Taste of St. Louis that was held at Kiener Plaza and the Gateway Mall downtown St. Louis. I decided to ride the Metro link and save gas instead of driving back and forth from Belleville to St. Louis cause later on that night I was goin to local rapper Penelope Jones’ Pre-Party Gateway Classic party at the Drunken Fish on Lacledes Landing. So, I took the train at the SWIC College station around 4:30 and got to 8th and Pine around 5 p.m. I walked to Kiener Plaza and saw that they had a crowd of people enjoyin the local sounds of rock band, Spur. I first thought I may have been in the wrong area cause I was looking for Nelly’s Derrty ENT concert stage.
So, as I was walking around, I talked to one of the security guys and asked where the Nelly Derrty ENT stage was and he told me it down at the Gateway mall, so I walked two blocks west to it (and it was very windy too). And saw that the Taste of St. Louis was actually there. The first people I recognized were Derrty ENT’s Blu Bolden and Majic 104.9 personality Isis Jones . We hugged and gave each other love and I joked when I asked them, “ Where’s the booth that’s selling the turkey legs?” Blu then said to me, “I don’t know, My brotha, but you are own your own.” LOL So as I walked down the close doff street, I saw the many food vendors selling their wares to the people. Some if tem included, Portabella, Red Moon, Mosaic, J Bucks, Moxy, among the other 30 or so I saw there (I didn’t see London and Sons or Sweetie Pie’s down there as well Darrion P. LOL)
I continued walking down the long street where the crowd was black, white, homeless, classy and all in between. They also had very diverse booths including arts and crafts, business services, the SOCO (Southern Comfort) drinking, and one booth provided by Street Thingz that was the hot of Taste that day. It was comprised of local hip-hop acts and break dancing contests (It was also interesting to have the thugged out rappers doin their thang around very conservative and mostly white art vendors surrounding this booth! LOL) Some of the acts I saw up there was this white female rapper named Bee who was holdin her own (he reminded me of a white Eve) She was on the mike along wither female DJ Cinnamon holdin it down on the 1s and 2s (One of her lyrics was, ‘I’m so thirsty, I’m hungry.”) Another act I saw up there was a Stevie Steve who was on the mike with his crew and “money maker’ female dancers.
I walked around again and was getting hungry. I stopped by St. Louis Fish Market and picked up a seafood salad sandwich that was off the tasting chain! It was mushed like tuna but it had salmon, shrimp, and lobster. Man, talk about DEEEEEEEE_LISH (especially when you’re hungry. LOL) So, when I got my sandwich, I walked back to the hip-hop booth. The highlight there was the break dancing contest they had with local break dancers. They lied out a vinyl mat on the ground and about 6 dancers competed for 200 bones (comedian Arvin Mitchell came through and clowned trying to break as well). The competition reminded me of NYC back in the day where break dancing was the ultimate dancing for the street (e.g. “Beat Street”). It was definitely a sight to see with all the head spinnin and poplockin (made me want to break out the 80s jam, “There’s No Stoppin Us’ back in the day. LOL)
On the Nelly Derrty ENT stage, they had local acts performing mostly hip-hop. First up was this jazz fusion group called Dog Town All Stars. It wasn’t a lot of people in the mall area, but those who were there seem to enjoy them especially when they performed, Stevie’s “I Wish.” The other acts that performed were extremely diverse. On stage were Rucka Puff (performing with his shirt off showing all his rolls. LOL), Jenna (Dope to Dope to Dope Boy Fresh! He almost got his chain stolen walking out into the teenage girl crowd!) ), jazz artist Erin Bode (who did a nice jazz version of Michael Jackson’s “I Can’t Help It”), King Jacob, Potzee and headliner Murphy Lee. They also had an impromptu Chicken Noodle Soup” contest that was very interesting to see.
WORDZ TO THE WHYz at TASTE OF STL: Why weren’t there more black restaurants represented at Taste of STL (Like London and Sons and Murphy Lee’s Good For You?”), Why was jazz artist Erin Bode slated on the same bill as hip-hop acts? Why did a young teen girl curse and then said that she curses out her mamma when comedian Arvin Mitchell told her to stop cursin? Why was Arvin dancing like Michael Jackson in the background during Erin Bode's performance of Michael's song, "I Can't Help it?" Why did a girl in the crowd call rapper King Jacob ugly? Why was there a grown ass woman smoking weed in front of her young child? Why were the youngsters in the crowd started booing and vocally complaining when Erin Bode said she was about to sing another song? Why was there a homeless man trying to do the Chicken Noodle Soup with the young kids in the crowd? And Why didn’t rapper Jibbs show up to perform on the Derrty ENT stage?
As soon as Murphy Lee hit the stage, I jetted to the Metro link to get back on the East Side. It was about 10:30 or so and I wanted to hurry back so I could check out Penelope Jones; party at the Drunken Fish. As I took the Metro link back to the East Side (and also discovered that the Cardinals had won at Busch stadium), I called up hollabackboi about rapper Penelope Jones’ Pre-Gateway Classic Party that was going to be held at the new Drunken Fish spot on Laclede’s landing (the same spot where Chingy had his CD release party) and said he would meet me there. I also called Penelope’s manager Harold Guy and said that I was already on the list for access plus a guest so everything was cool on that end. My thing was trying to find something to wear. I didnt have anything prepared and I was going through my head as the Mtrerolink did its stop of what to wear.
I got to the crib about 11ish and proceeded to go into my closet like a tornado to try and find something to wear. I ended up wearing a belled sleeve black cotton shirt with gray checkered design, some black slacks with baggy pockets on the side and a blinged out belt. I told hollabackboi that I would meet him at Drunken Fish about 11:45.
As I was on the highway, there was backup on Highway 64 as the construction people had blocked off one of the lanes on the highway causing about a 10 minuet delay. Well, I was getting uptight cause I hate to not be on the time that I said I was going to be at. When I finally got to the Landing, it was about 11:40 or so, but the problem now was with parking. That is one thing about trying to park at Laclede’s landing that there are more clubs and restaurants than they are parking spaces. I was about go to the parking garage across from the Metro link on 2nd Street but thought I could get the same parking space that I got when I went to Chingy's event by parking at the Hour Parking meter-NOT. All of that area was full (even at the corner curb area!).
SO, hollbackboi called my celly and asked where I was and I told him I was en route, but couldn’t find a parking space. It took me another 20 minutes to try and go back around where I originally was to park across the street from Drunken Fish. I was holding a conversation with holla on my celly as I was looking at him in front of Drunken Fish (It was funny to see the 10 second delay of him talking and what he said last reaching my cell phone. LOL) I finally managed to get into the parking lot area and parked my car.
As I looked at myself in the car windows to see that everything was intact and together, I walked up to the DF where hollaback was and walked to the back of the spot to get in. As we were about to go in, the same bouncer that I met when Tim Lampley and I chatted with about Ron Isley and Dennis Edwards, told hollaback that he couldn’t come in with a cap and tennis shoes. Huh? Holla said, ‘I’m with him. I’m with the media.” He said “I’m sorry but he can’t come in with a cap and tennis shoes.” Now mind you, hollaback is always dressed like he should be on the front of GQ magazine, and the cap and tennis that he had on were very stylish, but the bouncer was not havng it. I was getting pissed. I looked at the bouncer and said, “But he’s with me. He’s helping me with covering this.” Again, he said that he was sorry and couldnt let him in. I looked at holla and I felt so helpless. He then said, “Its all right man. Have your self a good time.” I then said, ‘”You sure?” He said, “Yep.”
So as I walked to the area where they had the guest list and saw Vision group members therre, they recognized me and told me to go on downstairs. As I walked downstairs, I ran into the Posts Kevin Johnson who complimented me on my shirt, but I was still reeling from what had just happened. Then, I saw Harold Guy and explained the situation about my friend. He told me that he would get him in. SO, I called hollaback back on my celli and told him where he was. He was walking around to where his car and was and told him that I was able to get him in. So, about a couple of minutes later, hollaback ran back to the back and Harold got him in (Come to find out they knew each other already).
Man talk about unnecessary roughness. LOL
Anyway, the crowd was OK. Not a lot of people (the tix were 25 bones I hear), but for those who were therre, it was a nice classy event. The highlight was these 2 ladies who were topless and only wore tattooed glitter patterns on their breast and torsos. It was definitely a hot moment (I HAVE A PIC OF ME WITH THEM ON OUT 93). Penelope Jones (SEEN IN PIC ABOVE) show'd up around 12:30 or so and greeted her fans, took pictures, signed a cardboard check (I think it was for 4,500) in behalf of the Vision group and danced wither manager Harold. In the house were Kevin Johnson, Christian Cofield, Tiffany B., Carlos McClaurin, Staci Static (who hosted it, See I told ya I wouldn't use that pic. LOL)), and Radio One’s Maurice Hamilton.
Also, me and this other model guy have come up with a flyy routine for the show’s Out of the box finale (You gotta be there to check it out!) After rehearsal, I talked with Michelle from DIVA who was telling the models about Nelly’s After Taste event on Sunday. I told her that I spoke with Topher who told me to get in contact wither about the event to take some snaps. I didn’t have a clue that he was talking about this Michelle. Talk about a small world and we both agreed about the STL being so small. She said that it shouldn’t be a problem and told her I would be therre with my tux on. After rehearsal, I was going to try and go the gym, but I was so spent from walking the catwalk at rehearsal, I decided to go to the crib and sleep a bit.
That evening, it was hard trying to get to downtown STL cause therre was traffic from the Gateway Classic crowd out of towners and Cardinals fans still celebrating the playoff victory. Therre were many detours around and I was trying to get to Robert’s Orpheum Theater on 9th and Washington to catch the Joe concert (SEEN IN PIC ABOVE) . I called up concert producer Anthony Coleman earlier and asked him what time the concert was going to start and he said that the doors would open at 8 p.m. and the show would start at 9 p.m. Well, when I finally got a parking space (on 11th street), it was 8:45 or so. I also wore my new Timbs that I picked up at (If I tell ya I would have to kill ya for goin therre) so I wanted to break them in. Man, it was like I was training my calves for a marathon!
On my way to the Orpheum, I saw that they had a tailgate party for the Classic at a parking lot next to the Amercia’s Center. It was about 20 or so cars and mostly youngins from out of town were chillin around. I managed to hustle up 2 blocks to the Center. As I was walking, I saw Afrocentric sista Monica Tyson walking toward the Orpheum as well. We hugged and shared some niceties.
When I get there it’s about five minutes after 9 and the first person I recognized was Carlos McClaurin in shades. A funny moment (Peculiar not HA HA) happened when Gary Boyd saw me and shook my hand and said, “Hello, Kevin.” Kevin? To myself, I said, “He must think I’m Kevin Johnson from the Post.” I didn’t correct him and just said Hi, how are you doin and proceeded to ask where to get my press credentials. CLASSIC.
I walked up to Will Call to get my press credentials. The ticket lady was sifting through the comp tix and didn’t see my tax. As she was fidgeting around, I felt around my cell phone holder and discovered that my celly was not in my holder! It was mos def panic at the disco for real. LOL. When the other ticket lady in the booth walkie talkied someone to say I was there, the other lady issued out a comp ticket for me. When I got it, I walked out and told the guy who was checking to see if the tix were legit I was coming right back. So I hustled back two blocks to my car, looking on the ground (hoping that my cell phone was and wasn’t on the ground if you get my drift) ) hoping that my cell phone was still in my car.
As I was walking there were three young girls on the side of the 11th street where my car was and they stared giggling. One of them said, “I like your glasses.” I then said, very authoritatively, “Thank you.” I felt so old when I said it and I probably looked their age based on the Timbs and the cornrolls I was wearing. LOL When I got to my car, I said a silent prayer and opened the car door and saw that my celly was on top of drivers’ seat. I sighed relief and saw that my boy Kameron had called. I called him and left a message and told him I would call him back in a couple of hours after the Joe concert. When I finally got back to the Orpheum, it was about 9:15 and I was ushered my seat. It was near the stage, but not in front. I sat there and local group Mo Tre was performing (The same group I spotted at Cafe Soul earlier this month at Dreams) I got a couple of shots, but I was like, I couldn’t sit in the seat I was sitting, I had to sit up front in order to take good close snaps with my digitcam.
SO as I was excusing myself to walk down the isle to the front, I accidentally tripped near the guy who was sitting on the end. I was able to withstand from falling, by holding onto his lap, but it was still embarrassing. LOL. Otherwise, the concert openers were STL artist Praiz (I didn’t know he was some kin to Sonny Metcalf?) and Nikko Smith. Joe did his thing too especially for the ladies (one lady who got all of his attention on stage had on some white pants that had all of Joe's album covers on them!), but he didn’t have a band. What is interesting is that opening act Nikko Smith upstaged Joe because his show was like Usher meets Janet with the hot choreographed moves (even host Chaz Saunders was shocked after Nikko’s energetic performance and said that Joe had some competition!). In between acts Chaz introduced boxing champ Evander Holyfield and his lady from the crowd (who was at the Gateway Classic earlier I hear) who was sitting three rows back from me. He asked for him to stand and he did as the crowd went wild!
The show ended around 11ish or so and I was able to go backstage to take pics of the acts that performed. There was one rude moment with a Joe’s PR with this lady who was hogging up camera time for her photographer from 911.net and one guy coming up to her and asking her credentials. She got fired up and said that the pics were for the trades, but the way it went down, it look'd as though someone didn’t get the memo of media etiquette. Ooops. Anyway, I managed to get a few snaps of the acts along with Ozzie and Denise Smith who were therre to support their son, Nikko (I saw you Mr. McWoods back therre scummin. LOL)
WORDZ TO THE WHYZ AT THE JOE CONCERT. Why did Praiz leave immediately after his set and didn’t stay for pictures backstage? Why did someone in the audience scream out, “Where is J.R. (As in the Real J.R, a former radio personality at Majic 104.9) ?” after Chaz Saunders had announced an act and left the stage?Why was I feeling unnerved when Nikko Smith had two white female dancers humping on him during his set? Why didn’t Joe have a band? Why was there a man sitting behind me who was screaming out throughout the show even during the non-performing moments? (Example, “Go head Joe, Whooooooooooooo.” Go head Nikko, whoooooooooooooooooooo!”) Why was this big boned sista ass all in my face and almost stepp'd on my foot trying to get over to the front of the stage where the other ladies were to touch Joe’s hand? And after the concert as I was walking to my car, WHY did I see a young white lady in a black bridesmaid dress hoist her dress up to her hips, fall to the curb on 11th and Cole and her man had to try and pick her up from the curb?
Afterward, I tried to get to the Shell Gas Station on Tucker to get some gas and it was like a car show up in there with all the fancy vehicles (one car had the Lamborghini doors all up!). It took awhile to get in and out of therre, but I managed to drive on. I went on a cruise of the clubs to see which ones had lines out front Club Formula on Washington, and Tucker had a long line of people waiting to get in (It was the official After Party sponsored by First Friday), then I drove to the Loft and they had along line of people waiting to get in, Dante’s well, they were open (LOL), then, I drove to Lindell and Boyle to Hipster Mag's Fly By Night (TO SEE PICS OF THIS EVENT GO TO WWW.STLOUIS-ONLINE.COM) and saw there were many cars parked near therre (I saw Bill “Don’t Say my last Name” Beene outside with his camera and asked what was going on in there and he said “Everything.”) I didn’t feel like getting all up close and personal with the club crowd and decided to just roll back to the crib, get some shut eye and prepare for Nelly's After Taste at America’s Place.
On Sunday, I prepared to go to Nelly’s; Taste of St. Louis After Party that was held at the America's Place across from the Renaissance Grand Hotel on 8th and Washington. This was an After 5 event (supposedly) where the tix were 75 bones I decided to funk it up and wear a ruffled light purple shirt, a makeshift ascot tie tied around my neck and opening the top button of my shirt, a black vest, flared out black slacks and a blinged black and silver buckle belt. I got therre about 8ish and was greeted by Michelle from DIVA Planning (who was wearing a funky black pants suit with a see-through cleave top blouse. The crowd was a bit slow to come, but I was cool that I was therre in order to take some pics. I ran into Keenan Harris from Hipster Mag (who actually wore a suit! You go, man!) who playfully said to me, “Don’t be takin notes up in here.” Now you know…LOL.
So I walked around and took pictures. The Budweiser Select girls were walking around passing out free beer and the appetizer workers were handing out pizza, steak tar tar gourmet burgers, goat cheese quiche, jumbo shrimp on sticks. The event was to celebrate world renounce Larry Forgione. The food he prepared (AS SEEN IN PIC ABOVE) included prime rib, salmon, and pasta. There were a plethora of local celebrities including politicians, entertainers and socialites. Dj Hugh Tyson was mixing it up playing hip-hop, rock and old school R&B. he also “mashed” many songs too (e.g. “Snoop and Timberlake’s “Signs” with Foreigner’s “Urgent.”)
Things were a little slow until the Man of the Hour, Nelly got there around 11:45 p.m. (and he wasn’t in After Five attire. YOU CAN SEE A PIC OF HIM AND ASHANTI ON OUT 96) ) People were gathered in front of the entrance as though they were waiting for Door No. 1 to open and see what they were going to win. When he showed up, his “girlfriend” Ashanti followed a few steps behind. There were squeals and claps when they whisked by as they walked up to the V-Vip area near the small corridor in the balcony part of America’s Place. Then chaos erupted as VIPs tried squeezing up in the V-VIP area to schmooze with Nelly. Ashanti sat down on the sofa with some friends as Nelly was hospitable with those who were lucky to be in V-VIP (I stayed out of the area for awhile until I got the OK to go in. Also in VIP was St. Louis Rams player Orlando Pace (Who just a few hours ago were in uniform at the Edward Jones Dome!). Invited guests Evander Holyfield and Joe did not show up.
When I got into VIP I tried to walk in the area where Ashanti was, but Nelly’s bodyguard Big B was shooing me away like a mountain bear saying, “Don’t bring those cameras here, gon’ away with that.” I didn’t trip and walked over to the other side of the teeny area. Nelly started conversations with Platinum Group’s Jacque Land and Nelly’s his barber Steve Lacy and even greeted me by shaking my hand. It was going on a little after midnite and I decided to head out cause I had to go to the Water Geyser to work the late shift. So, after a few smooches with Gina and Michelle, I walked doff to the car, got changed inside it and proceeded to the East Side to work.
In the house were Blu Bolden, St. Louis Development Corp’s Rodney Crim, rapper Chocolate Tai, St. Louis Argus’ Eddie Hassan, Majic 104.9 personality BJ the DJ, actress Shawn Guy, State House rep candidate Jamila Nasheed, jazz singer Erin Bode, rapper King Jacob, barber Steve Lacy, Chingy;s local PR rep Mousie, bouncer Brian Stemmons, St. Louis American’s Bill Beene, Platinum Group’s Jacque and Leata Land, model Jamelle, Alderman Greg Carter, 104.1 personalities Wendi Brown, Craig Blac and Staci Static, and rapper Space (I hope you were able to get your suit coat cleaned from the spilled alcohol that pissed you off!)
WORDZ TO THE WHY’S AT THE NELLY AFTER TASTE. Why weren’t everybody wearing After Five attire? Why was there a fight that happened near the end of the event? Why did the dee-jay play whack songs like, Lionel Richie’s “All Night Long?” Why did this black guy in a cowboy straw hat and jeans come up in there and walk back out? Why weren’t there a dance floor for people to dance? Why did this one sista try to tell me how to use my camera zoom after I took her and her man’s picture? Why did people surround the front area like they were waiting for a movie to start in order to get a catch a glimpse of Nelly and Ashanti when they arrived at the event? And Why wasnt therre any dessert?
BLIND BITZ. Which local signer told me that they fired their manager and said “I don’t fuck with him no more?” (Hint: This singer was recently won a poll vote in the Riverfront Times’ 2006 Best of St Louis Poll)…. ..........Which security guy told me that they still aren’t in good terms with his former club employers even though they attended one of their special events?
CHART-IDBITZ.. It looks like the STL representation on the Billboard Charts are starting to wane a bit, but still has a presence on them.
On the Hot 100, Jibbs’ “Chain Hang Low” holds at No. 8 for a second week in its 9th week on the chart. Chingy’s “Pulling Me Back’ falls one space down from 9 to 10 in its 16th week and losing its bullet. Nelly’s song with Janet, “Call on Me’ has yo-yo‘d back down the chart falling 5 spaces from 36 to 41 in its 15th week on the chart. It is safe to say that Nelly’s; song will not hit the Top 10 to join Jibbs and Chingy. The highest the song has reached was No. 25. As far as Jibbs and Chingy, Jibbs may hit the Top 5 but its unlikely it will hit No. 1 because of the stiff competition in the Top 10. And as I predicted if Chingy’s song was going into the Top 10 it would reach its peak in the lower end of the Top 10 and it looks like it has peaked at No. 9.
On the R&B side, Chingy’s former No. 1 song holds at No. 3 for a second week in its 20th week on the chart. Nelly and Janet’ song falls from the top spot five spots down to No. 6 in its 16th week (The song is No. 1 still on the R&B Sales Singles Chart). And Jibbs has regained slightly as it moves up three spaces from 21 to 18 to return into the Top 20 in its 12th week on the chart. The question here is will Jibbs, make the Top 10 on this chart to join Nelly and Chingy. Well, the way things are looking, Nelly’s song is about to leave the Top 10 pretty fast and Jibbs did not regain his bullet when it move dup three spots, so it seems unlikely that Jibbs can make the Top 10 on time to join them. But will Jibbs hit the Top 10 altogether? It’s possible, but every since it debuted on this chart. It has move dup the chart slower than on the Hot 100.
On the Rap chart, Chingy’s former No. 1 song falls to No.2 (dethroned by his former boss Ludacris’ hit, “Money Maker”) holding the top spot for 5 weeks. Jibbs falls one spot from No. 7 to No. 8 in its 10th week on the chart. Will Jibbs hit No. 1 on this chart? It's doubtful. If it peaked at No. 7 and is already falling, it doesn’t seem likely.
In unrelated Nelly news, I was reading Keith Boykin’s website (www.keithboykin.com) and he had a post about the Nelly doll in the NYC. Let me explain. Keith met a friend for dinner on 9th Ave in NYC called Vynl and as he explained, “ I haven't been to its new location yet, but the old Vynl used to be one of my favorite restaurant in the city. Now it's much bigger and nicer. The menus still come in old album covers and the dessert menu is listed on old 45s. But the real treat is the bathroom. They have several bathrooms. One for Elvis. One for Dolly, where they're playing "I Will Always Love You." And one for...Nelly? It's getting hot in here. Yep, Nelly has a bathroom there. They play his music in the room and there's a little Nelly doll (PIC OF THE DOLL IS SHOWN ABOVE) right across from the toilet. “ CLASSIC.
Oh, and did you all see Nelly perform with Janet on the Today show last Friday? It was hot. They performed their No. 1 hit, “Call on Me’ and it was wild to see Nelly tell Janet to do the Work it Out dance and she was doin it, too!
My girl Ingrid Owens answered my question last week in regards to the wherr abouts to STL lawyer Kwame Thompson. She emailed me and wrote:
“As always...I enjoyed the post. I wanted to answer your question...Where is my lil' brother Kwame Thompson? I was just in Atlanta this weekend. Kwame sent me a ticket to ATL to come and celebrate my b-day (it was last Tues). He is doing great!!!! He has tight crib in Atlantic station, opened a new law office, and just retained a lucrative corporate client.”
I heard radio personality Nicci Roach on the Freeman Bosley Jr. Show last Sunday read Freeman and Darrion Phelps about them talking about her when she was out of town saying that she heard from a couple of people that they talked about her being too “girlie” when it comes to doing outdoor woods activities. It was a funny moment on the show…..
GORDON-BITZ. If your in NYC this weekend, my boy R&B singer/songwriter Gordon Chambers will have a b-day midnite jam and sneak preview of his new album, Sat. Oct. 14 at 12:30 a.m., at the Blue Note , 131 W 3rd Street (at 6th Ave) The cost is 15 dollars. For more info or reservations, call 212/475-8592 or go to
EVENT-IDBITZ. World Saxophone Quartet at Jazz at the Bistro October 4-7, 2006. For tix go to http://www.jazzstl.org/jatb/wsq.html.
Drunken Fish presents the Yin Yang event with The River FrontTimes and Cheresse Ink to celebrate the opening of their 3rd and newest location in St. Louis Downtown/The Landing: Cutlery Building, 612 N. Second St, Friday, October 6, 2006 at 8p.m. For further information please contact Cheresse Pentella at 314.374.1055 To view more information on any of the Drunken Fish locations please visit their website at www.drunken-fish.com.
National Black MBA, St. Louis Chapter, 13th Annual Job Fair, Oct. 19, 2006, 8:30am-4pm, @ America's Center, 701 Convention Plaza, St. Louis.
Art INK presents "A Time For Expression: The Moment of Truth" a theatrical synopsis, Sun. Oct. 29, 2006 @ the Hilton, St. Louis Airport. Admission 10 dollars, reception at 6 p.m. show at 7 p.m. Call 314.974.5315 or 314.960.7894 for more info.
Local socialite Sharee Galvin gave sent me these event-tidbitz for those who wanna check out:
TUESDAY NIGHTS- THE FILTER BAR WITH Sharee Galvin AND BIG TAH. Two for one drinks all night long- 5 dollar cover after 8pm( 5-11) ; CLUB DREAMS HAS 2$ TUESDAY FOR THE NIGHT OWLS FREE TIL MIDNIGHT
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS- "LYRICS OF THE LOU" AT THE FILTER BAR 309-13 http://us.f366.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=BELT@PERSHING
For any info on these events email sharee at sgalvin26@yahoo.com
THE PILLOWMAN by Martin McDonagh will be staged until Oct 8 @ Grandel Theatre and OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck Oct 11-Nov 5 @ The Loretta-Hilton Center in Webster Groves. For more info, call 314.968.4925.
14th Annual Historic Shaw Art Fair, Oct 7 and 8 feat. the work of 130 artists from 23 different states w/demonstrations, art activities, food, drink and live music, located at the 4100 and 4200 blocks of Flora Place in Tower Grove Ave. just east of Missouri Botanical Garden. For more info go to www.shawartfair.com
Ladybug Enterprises Presents A Gathering of Women Fall 2006 , An All Day Workshop to Learn Your Sacred Purpose with Dr. Patricia Gay at Harambee Institute, 5233 Raymond Avenue,
Saturday October 14, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Fee: $75.00 (includes breakfast & lunch) Contact Eva Marie Evans @ 314-389-3706 for more information or E-mail hawamaryam2000@yahoo.com
The Marshall Faulk 2nd Annual Benefit fashion Show, has a new date, Saturday., OCT 14. Tickets are 45 dollars (for dinner and after p[arty) , at 7p.m. at the Airport Marriott. And businesses and services can still sponsor ads in the event’s program booklet. $25 for a business card, $40 for a quarter page, $60 for a half page and $100 for a full page . VENDORS CAN ALSO EXHIBIT THEIR GOIODS AND SERVICES AT THE EVENT for $50 dollars. For more info, contact tracy@divaeventplanning.com for more information and tell them that Ma’at referred you!.......................................................
Don't miss Cafe Soul next Wednesday, October 18 @ Dreams – 3207 Washington . Doors Open @ 8PM – Admission $7. For more info email CafĂ© Soul at
GNHPAC presents The Man of Her Dreams live at the Fox Theatre starring Clifton Powell (from the movie Ray), Ralph Tresvant (from New Edition), Jackee (from “Sister Sister” & “227”), the soulful Shirley Murdock, Keshia Knight Pulliam (from “The Cosby Show”) and comedian Buddy Lewis. The show runs Thursday, October 19–Sunday, October 22 for 6 performances. Prices range from $26.50 - $39.00 depending on performance date and time. Tickets at the Fox Theatre Box Office and MetroTix outlets. To charge by phone call MetroTix at 314/534-1111 or online at http://www.metrotix.com/. Special prices for groups of 15 or more, call 314/535-2900.
EDIITOR’s NOTE: Ralph Tresvant will not be touring with the show but R&B singer Christopher Williams and actress Chrystale Willson (“Playa’s Club” “Pandora’s Box” ) have been added.
CLUB KYO is having a Halloween party, Halos and Horns on Oct 28. See ONGOING EVENTZ BELOW and go to KYO’s website for more details.
AUDITION-BITZ. The St. Louis Black Repertory Company will hold auditions for its 2006/2007 mainstage season on Saturday, October 21, 2006, 1PM.– 7PM Equity actors will be seen between 1p.m. and 2p.m. by appointment only at the Black Rep’s offices, 1717 Olive Street, 4th Floor. Appointments will be taken beginning Monday, September 11, 2006. Call (314) 534 – 3807 to schedule. Actors should prepare 2 contemporary contrasting monologues, or 1 contemporary monologue and an ac cappella song. Please bring two (2) 8.5” X 11” updated professional black and white headshots with resumes attached securely on the back. Available Roles include: Ain’t Misbehavin’, Crossin’ Over, Gem of the Ocean, The Dance on Widow’s Row, Guys and Dolls
ONGOING-BITZ. My boy Kameron Holbert has a new monthly column on sports messages on local magazine Uptown. Check it out or more info go to
http://www.uptownstl.com/. He is also a professional masseuse. For an appt. call 314/477-3427 or email him at mrholbert@yahoo.comFor all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE and pics, go to http://www.stlouis-online.com/.Collective Catering (collectivecatering@yahoo.com located at 4958 Cote Brilliante, their digits are 314-575-3333)
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast called STAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and interviews from theworld of stage, screen, cabaret and related places. The latest episode is now on line. Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7,via the Stage Left blog at http://stageleft-stlouis.blogspot.com/,via the Stage Left web site at http://www.stageleft.org/,or via iTunes Music Store; just go to the Podcast area and search for Stage Left.
Former 100.3 The Beat personalities Big Sexy Kool DJ Kaos and Sylli Asz is doin it up on You Tube these days hosting their hilarious STL reality Internet series, the Janky Show. To check it out, go to www.youtube.com and type in “The JankyShow”.....
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist. The Flow; Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmor go to his myspace page enochisreal.
Show Me Entertainment presents Industry Nights, a networking party for artists, http://www.hotmail.com/entertainers, models, actors, painters, dancers, entertainment lawyers, managers, etc. every Wednesday night at the Lindbergh Bistro located inside the Airport Plaza inn at I-70 and Lindbergh. 18 Y.O. to enter. 21 Y.O. and up to Drink. Admission FREE. For more info, contact Terrence Smith at 314/713-3793, or tsmith@showme1.com orhttp://www.showme1.com/
Local movie screener and TV programmer James Thomas has two hot shows on the new CW Channel 11 with his shows “First Look” about upcoming movies in theaters, Thursday morning at 2:30 am and Hot Videos, Friday mornings at 3 a.m. For more info, email him attdjoo7@sbcglobal.net
Theatre advisor L.A. Barge has a new book on CD that he is selling called, “Choosing the Right Mate Before the First Date.” For more info call 314/5331639 or email him atdreamscope921@hotmail.com
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot new website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. It is http://www.spitflix.com/. Peep it out!
KYO (pronounced KEE-O) continues "Redefining the Art of Dining & Nightlife" with a fresh weekly lineup that promises to quench your thirst for drink and dance. So "Be Fashionably Elite" with a smile and let KYO claim your evening from 5pm till 3am in the morning. For more info go to http://www.kyostl.com/newsletter.htm
Well, that be it, folks. If ya got anything for me to pub, OR GOT A OUT TOWN HOTTIE that you wanna let me know about, hit me up e-mail style at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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