Herre are pics from both the Taste of St. Louis opening night and Penelope Jones' Pre-Gateway Classic party (Sorry some of my pics repested when I was uploading them).
On top is headliner Murphy Lee making an L sign for St. Louis Love...........................
Murphy Lee and rapper Potzee spittin a friendly battle on the mike...................There's Potzee doin his own thang in the flyy jacket....................rapper King Jacob hammer it on the mike (in black hip hop gear)..............jazz chantuese Erin Bode..................There's Rucka Puff (right) and Hypeman gettin their belly shake on on stage..................the Pimp Juice car parked outside the Taste of the STL event...............two youngsters battle it out in the Chicken Noodle Soup contest...Missouri Black Expo coordinator Glynis Armstrong (in blonde hair) with American Idol finalist Deandrae "D ST. Lou" Perryman (I saw you selling those CDs for 5 bones in the crowd. LOL) ..................Some youngsters in the crowd doin the Chicken Noodle Soup dance (and a soda on the side).............Someone's uncle doin his thang in the crowd....................Some b-boys break dancing for 200 bones....................Hot 104.1 personalities Wendi Brown and comedian Arvin Mitchell who hosted the Derrty ENT Pinnacle Group MainStage.................The U.S. Cellular booth.....................Artist Justin Tolentino creating live art on canvas.................A Taste of St. Louis worker stirring it up...rapper Stevie Steve and hype crew on the mike...................More Taste of St. Louis workers....................A Mom with with her child...................there's some creative art cars inspired by hippie 60s doctor Timothy Leary.........................jazz band Dog Town All Stars on stage...................The Maull's BBQ sauce booth at Kiener Plaza portion of the Taste (where's a big BBQ steak when you need it!)..................White female rapper Bee doin her thing on the hip-hop stage.................An elderly black lady gettin her groove on in front of the camera...................Rock group Spur...
AT THE PENELOPE JONES PARTY....There's YOURS TRULY flanked by the sexy females who wore only tatoo glitter!(My hands were definitely cold! LOL)....................Rapper Penelope Jones (in the black hat and skin tight black outfit) surrounded by her friends and manager Harold Guy (in pink shirt)..................Penelope with Drunken Fish owner..................Video Vault host interviewing East St. Louis bred b-ball star Darrius Miles......................hallabackboi with Harold Guy......................there's model Christiaan Cofield, Tiffany B (B stands for Beyonce.) and Posts' Kevin Johnson.................... the New Temptations (whose David Ruffin in this pic. LOL), not really, just some brothas at the Penelope party........................What's goin on with the lady shouting at this man?...................two sexy sistas posing for the camera....................party people....The Vision group ice sculpture (they put on the party for Penelope. BTW).
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