Hotep e-fans! This is Ma’atology here mo’ gain. Man this has been an interesting week on many levels. So what did y’all do on Columbus Day? Did y’all discover anything on that day? (LOL) Anyway, more importantly, the St. Louis Cardinals moved to the second round of the playoffs (wasn’t that creepy about the New York Yankee pitcher Lidle accidentally crashing his plane into a highrise in stormy Manhattan during the time the Cardinals were there to play the Mets this week?) Another school shooting that was shot (literally) in Joplin, Mo when a teenaged student (who is a Columbine-fan) plan to do a similar Columbine terror plot was shot (literally) when his gun jammed and Governor Matt Blunt raising the issue that teachers should tote guns in the classrooms (in other words—READING, RITING AND RIFLES) for protection (My thing is if they didn’t make corporal punishment in schools against the law up north, we wouldn’t have this problem!).
U.S. Senator candidates and Missouri natives Jim Talent and Claire McCaskill squaring off on “Meet the Press” on NBC last Sunday, and is it me or are y’all tired of those anti-Judy Topinka for Illinois Governor commercials having people saying in the camera, “What’s She Thinking?” (Annoying!). Speaking of dirty politics, what’s up with the Mark Foley IM scandal with young boy pagers? (And I don’t mean the ones that you put on your waist…well, in some circumstances. LOL) Man, talk about Young and the Restless up in the White House! Then there’s North Korea testing their nuking ability and Prez. Dubya saying NK should be punished for playing with their toys. But The U.S. can have all the missiles they like, right? I say, what’s good for the goose, is always good for the gander….Oh Sheila. LOL
But I digress…………
Herre’s what went down with my week:
Last Friday I checked out Cherese Ink and Riverfront Times’ Grand Opening of the Drunken Fish on Lacledes’ Landing (how is this the grand opening and thus was goin to be the fourth event they have had there???). Anyway, I got there about 8ish and got my favorite parking space on 3rd and Washington where people can park on the hour parking meters (therre was no way I was paying in one of the nearby parking lots). So, when I got therre, I walked to the back and the party was not a party cause of the lack of party people (more like early arrivals) Then I realized that the function wasn’t for the downstairs club Xes, but for the restaurant, so I walked to the front and saw that they had a guy in a suit with a guest list.
SO as I was walking up, there were two pushy ladies from the media who JIPPED me trying to see if they were on the list. The guy with the list asked us, “Are we media?” We all said yes. I just looked at the ladies very sternly like, “Hello, do I look Invisible here?” I didn’t trip off of it and let them rant about wondering if they were on the guest list. So, when the situation was handled I went in. The first folks I recognized were St Louis American’s Bill Beene and event coordinator Maranda Witherspoon (like brother like sister huh. LOL) We chatted a bit and I proceeded to walk to the downstairs area where the club was located. Before "eye" got there, I ran into model Carlos McClaurin , who work there as a server and I said, ‘Man, I see you all the time, Oh yeah, that’s right you work here.” LOL.
I walked downstairs and it was barely any people down there. I thought for sure the crowd was going to be nice cause Cheresse Pentella who put on parties usually have crunked out parties (e.g. The Best of the RFT Party at Moolah last Nov.) Well, I stayed there for about 10 minutes and I took a few snaps of some people. But what was inserting was stem video that was shown on the projector of an exotic dancer name Portia Surreal (who was scheduled to perform at the club). On her video, she was gettin her dance and freek on with women and men like a Sodom and Gomorrah orgy. I took some snaps of the projected image sand they were definitely not for Prime Time TV (LOL).
I continued walking around and tried not to step on the fukkin balloons that were all on the floor for the opening celebration. Then I walk'd back up stairs and saw St. Louis American a freelance writer Daniel Brown dining with a young lady at one of the booths. I acknowledged him and walked back to where I saw Maranda as we talked a bit. She told me she was no longer with United Way and that she is doing more event coordinating for her brother Mo (who puts on the monthly Eye candy contests in the STL). We talked about him and his vision with eye Candy and that I wanted to judge the Eye candy Pageant for the 12 models of each calendar year. She also offered some of her dinner of tempura. I ate some of it, but I wasn’t really feeling eating after 9 p.m. Bill Beene came along (is it me or you are starting to look more like Dave Chappelle with the new low haircut. LOL) and a photographer from Black-tie took our picture for their website (whurr is it at on the site??????).
After a few more up and downs from the Drunken Fish and the club, it was around 10ish and I jetted (I found out all the action occurred after midnite, but I couldn’t stay that long to socialize. I hear DJ Nappy Needles took over after DJ Becker but I left before the transition).
Oh and what the fuck is a Bravada? When I walked toward the club and after I left the club to go to my car, there was this street hustler in the parking lot across from the Drunken Fish who asked me if I wanted any Bravada? If anyone knows what that is, please let me know!
Last Saturday, my nephew, Jerome “Tweezle” Stewart III turned 15-years-old (SEEN ABOVE IN PIC WITH CARDINALS B-DAY CAKE). He is a student at Whiteside Middle School in Shiloh and he is a b-ball star and wants to be rapper for the ladies. I can remember it was only yesterday that he used to raise havoc Dennis the Menace style when he would hit you and run when you chase after him. Now, he’s almost a man (Reminds me of that Tide commercial when the mother smells her son’s clean clothing and reminisces about his youth as the theme song sings, “Baby boy is now a man” LOL) . Before you know it, he’ll be asking to borrow mty car to take a young lady out on a date. Man, life is too crazy. Anyway, Happy B-day Neph!
Also, on Saturday, I went to fashion show rehearsal. This time was at the St. Louis County Library in Hazelwood. It was a fine tuning rehearsal where DIVA Planning cut out the fat, placed models in key scenes, and spicing up the scenes wit more action. Before rehearsal started, DIVA co-founder Gina Covington let the models know who I was (kinda sorta) when she said that I had a website and that “I was talking about them so they better come correct. I thought that was hilarious that I am now the mole of the show. LOL.
The rehearsal is coming along. No major problems. I think there is a lot of anxiety going on with the models as far as what will exactly be a part the show, but with anything when it comes to crunch time (i.e. HELL WEEK), you are going to have those feelings which is good to make sure the show will be on point. I also found out that fur will be apart of the show and that the guys have been added to one of the shows that were first featuring the lady models. I am not really a fur kind of guy, and I let Gina know that when I said, “I hope PETA doesn’t come to the show and throw paint on them as we model them.” (LOL) But I am an actor, so I will be a good sport about it. The furs will come from Demay Furs on the south side.
We are now coming to the final two rehearsals. They will be this Friday and then a dress rehearsal on Saturday before the actual show on that day. I already picked out my casual, tux and suit for three of the scenes at K&G fashions on West Florissant last week, so all I have to do know is get the rest of my outfits. I am really excited about my finale outfit. I am going to let the STL have it and it will definitely reinvent myself as a Zoolander style model (In a way, I feel like a black David Bowie aka Black Bowie. LOL)
On Saturday eve, I went to local architect Anthony Robinson’s crib for a house party (on 4246 McPherson. THE PIC OF HIS HOUSE IS ABOVE) he was having. About 200 or so local VIPs came through for his annual get together. The party was mostly for us to oooh and ahhh over his art deco styled house which looks like a place for a celebrity in Hollywood with all the art deco furnishings and paintings.
I got to the party about 10:30 ish soon after Kameron told me about it earlier that day. I asked him if it was an RSVP only and he said that it wasn’t so I decided to go. Before “eye” got therre I went to another house party n Washington for a friend of a friend’s b-day party and it was more like a family reunion kind of gathering mostly of elderly women. It was cool until the lights went out. Yes, as in Black out. Apparently there was a power line outage that occurred around the neighborhood (Good thing the apartment had candles as part of the decorations cause we would have been like Stevie Wonder up in there trying to find our way out of life (LOL). Anyway, I left there and went to Anthony’s; party. I tried calling Kameron to see if he was there but I didn’t get an answer.
So when I got there I saw that there were some people on the first balcony tier talking and schmoozing so I knew I was at the right house. When I walked din I saw Anthony and greeted him and proceeded to walk around doing to schmooze and grin stuff. On the 1s and 2s was Enoch was throwing it back from hip-hop to classic R&B (the party really got poppin when he played Yung Joc’s “It’s Goin Down and Lil Johns' Snap yo Fingas).
The highlight was when Eye Candy Model, Juanitra, Miss September was getting hyped and started freaky dancing with herself (I got a pic of her on OUT 98) as people surrounded her egging her on. I was for sure she was getting ready to strip, but she only teased everybody with her gyrating moves. Another highlight was when the wife of Mo Witherspoon got a little “sippy on the sauce” as she was doing the bump with YOURS TRULY, then minutes later, played with my cornrolled ponytail and had a look in her eyes that is only for single females (she was screaming out, “I Just had a baby!” who arte ready to do sumpin sumpin. I was lookin around for her husband who was sitting on the stairs on the adjacent wall looking at err-body including his wife as though he knew it was time for her to get buckwild and to take her home sooner or later. (Now that’s too much playin. LOL)
It was a real nice party and the STL should have more of these house parties cause the club scene is starting to get tired and paying money just to look at the same folks is not happening. I left about close to 2 in the morning and as I was driving off, I saw that the police were nearby in front of those house. My only guess was the haters on the block called the fuzz to complain of the music being too loud.
Some of the local VIPs in the house (literally) were St. Louis American’s Bill Beene, Melvin Moore and Daniel Brown, poet Invisible Man (I’m still signing autographs LOL), photographer Maurice Young, Hipster Magazine’s Keenan Harris, model/singer Lynette Brown, St. Louis Post Dispatch’s Debra Bass and Kevin Johnson, Harris Stowe University professor/model Brian Elesser, T-shirt and flier printer Brian Swift, model Christian Coffield, Mo and Maranda Witherspoon, and model Avery Grinston (aka Chocolate Thunder. LOL) .
BLIND BITZ. Which local socialite was recently heard on Tony Scott’s Breakfast Crew Morning Show on Majic 104.9 talking about their bisexuality during their I’m Coming Out segment on National Coming Day?....Which local socialite got into a cussing match and caused a scene with their (now ex) work out partner at Bally Total Fitness in Clayton and following day, the ex-work out partner was almost thrown out of the gym when the manager was about to call the cops?
CHART-IDBITZ.. The STL representation has slowed down. The only song that has the juice right now is Jibbs’ Chain Hang Low.” On the Hot 100 is move sup one space from No.8 to No. 7 in its 10th week on the chart. On the R&B side, the song holds at No. 18 (still with a bullet) in its 13th week and on the rap chart the song moves up two spots from No. 8 to No. 6. Will the song reach No. 1 on any of these charts? It’s not likely. I will predict that the song will reach the top Five on the Hot 100 (No higher than No 4), it will remain in the Top 20 on the R&B charts and it won’t reach the Top 10 and it will probably make its heights on the Rap Chart making it to at least No. 3. Nelly and Chingy’s former No. 1 songs “Call on Me” and “Pulling Me Back” are still in the Top 10 on the R&B charts (Chingy at No. 3 and Nelly at No. 6) and on the rap Chart, Chingy’s former No. 1 song is again at No. 2. BTW, Chingy just released the 2nd single off his CD, “Hoodtsar” called “Dem Jeans.”
MA’AT-TIDBITZ. I called City TV 10 this week to try and get booked on the show to talk about my blog. I will keep you posted on the outcome……………………
I got an invite from Synergy to attend a private party at Copia’s Winery (located at 1122 Washington) for its 1st anniversary party presented by Bud Select and hosted by St. Louis Rams Will Witherspoon this Sunday. You know I’ll take some snaps of all the celebs who will be there and the skinny what happened next week.
My boy Jacob from www.stlouis-online.com hooked me up with an ad on his site about my blog. Just go to his page and look to the left. You might have to refresh the page a few times cause there are seven rotating ads on there. Thanks a million Jacob!
I saw an interesting website about the fee prices that different celebrities request to speak at engagements. The site is http://www.allamericanspeakers.com
I got an email from Afrocentric sista/ activist Shante “Life” Davis who is just returning form the Motherland. She wrote:
Peace and many Blessings to all of the sisters and brothers in the community. This is your official document to let you know that I, Shante "LIFE" Davis, have returned from Maputo, Mozambique in Southern Africa. Again, I would like to thank each and every one who's roles were vital in my going home to Africa. Africa was beautiful and I believe that I have returned more confident and ready to continue my work here in St. Louis.
I would also like to thank the sisters who have worked so hard to keep the dream of S.H.E.R.A.H. alive during my absence, especially sister Genevieve Gibson-Newman. I truly appreciate all of your hard work and dedication for S.H.E.R.AH. You are a wonderful woman and I love and respect everything that you are and do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
As far S.H.E.R.A.H., we are currently in the process of updating our existence. We are working on our website so that you can log on and read about my time in Africa and stay updated on our activities and sister circles.
We are also, at the present time, looking for a new meeting location for our monthly sister circles which take place every second and fourth Sunday of each month. If you have some space and/or know of a possible meeting location please feel free to contact me at nappyhead801@yahoo.com
Again, thank you all very much and we look forward to seeing you all out in the community.
Much love and respect,
Shante "LIFE" Davis
Wow, I am very impressed with her. I recall when she interned at the St. Louis American when I was a writer therre that she was a special kind of young lady. She is definitely destined to be one of the movers and shakers in the world community. My hat is off to ya sista!
GORDON-BITZ. If your in NYC this weekend, my boy R&B singer/songwriter Gordon Chambers will have a b-day midnite jam and sneak preview of his new album, Sat. Oct. 14 at 12:30 a.m., at the Blue Note , 131 W 3rd Street (at 6th Ave) The cost is 15 dollars. For more info or reservations, call 212/475-8592 or go to http://www.bluenote.net/ To pick up his least CD Introducing...Gordon Chambers, it available at http://gordonchambers.com/shop.php.
EVENT-IDBITZ. Sip in Style at The Second Annual St. Louis Wine Festival presented by Van Kampen Investments. The festival will feature local talent including: Erin Bode, Kim Massie and The Ralph Butler Band. Top St. Louis restaurants will make their best dishes available for purchase. The festival’s Seminar Stage will feature a full working kitchen for “celebrity” chefs to demonstrate their culinary magic. The stage will also host wine seminars presented by local and international experts.
The festival dates are Friday, October 13 (4-9pm an addition from last year) Saturday, October 14 (1-8pm) & Sunday, October 15 (1-6pm). Tickets will be $25 at the door for adults, $20 if purchased in advance, $15 for Designated Driver, $10 in advance; under 21 is free when accompanied by an adult. Adult tickets include a souvenir wine glass, 10 tasting tickets (a booklet of 10 additional tastings is $5), wine taster’s program guide and access to all demonstrations, seminars and musical entertainment. Tickets can be purchased at the festival entrance, by calling 888-210-0074 orordered on line at www.stlouiswinefestival.com...............................
Olympic Track Star and East St. Louis native Jackie Joyner Kersee will be in the ST Louis area to raise money for the Jackie Joyner Foundation with the JJK/ Schnuck’s Bridge 5K, 1 Mile Run across the Mississippi River at Laclede’s Landing near the Martin Luther King Bridge, October 14. For more info or to register, go to http://www.jjkfoundation.org/........................
Sisters ~Nineties and Friends (SEEN IN PIC ABOVE WITH FIVE PEOPLE) ) come together on Saturday, October 14, 2006 to promote National Black Poetry Day at Legacy Books & Café, 5249 Delmar (east of Union on north side of street in the strip mall)314-862-4226 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Jupiter Hammon was born on October 17, 1711. His poetry was first published in 1760. Black Poetry Day, therefore, is a commemoration of the first published poet of Afrikan descent in the U.S. Local poets featured will be Marie Chewe-Elliot, Wilma Potts, Linda Jo Smith, David A. N. Jackson , Mocha Sistah (Pam Osby), Chris Hayden, MsNterpretation (Flora Graham), Hari Sky Campbell, IMPAKT (Floyd Boykin, Jr.), Linda Darnece Jones, Fo' Feet (Deborah Warren), Germaine A. Thedford and others. Poetry books and CDs will be available for purchase as will the visual art of Byron Rogers and Billy Williams. $5 cover at the door………………
Charmane Chapman Society Leadership Event,. Oct 18 4 p.m.-6 p.m., at the United Way of Greater St. Louis, 910 N 11th St. To RSVP, contact Bev Jipp at jibbb@stl.unitedway.org or call 314/ 539-4073………………………………
National Black MBA, St. Louis Chapter, 13th Annual Job Fair, Oct. 19, 2006, 8:30am-4pm, @ America's Center, 701 Convention Plaza, St. Louis……………..
If you’re in Los Angeles, London Moore Productions presents RING THE ALARM FASHION & HAIR SHOW FRIDAY OCT 20TH, 2006, DOORS OPEN AT 9:30PM. FASHION SHOW STARTS AT 11PM CLUB TOUCH Inside the Loggia located at 6801 Hollywood Blvd (Hollywood & highland) Special VIP Guest Entrance *Located on Hollywood Blvd next to Banana Republic* As a guest of London Moore’s VIP list you get Complimentary Admission to RING THE ALARM FASHION SHOW AND AFTER PARTY at the infamous Club Touch inside the Loggia located on 6801 Hollywood Blvd (on the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland) Hollywood, CA. (VIP Guestlist Closes at 11pm) Table Reservations available upon request!! Email us your RSVP selectiveviplist@yahoo.com
Art INK presents "A Time For Expression: The Moment of Truth" a theatrical synopsis, Sun. Oct. 29, 2006 @ the Hilton, St. Louis Airport. Admission 10 dollars, reception at 6 p.m. show at 7 p.m. Call 314.974.5315 or 314.960.7894 for more info...............................
Local socialite Sharee Galvin gave sent me these event-tidbitz for those who wanna check out:
TUESDAY NIGHTS- THE FILTER BAR WITH Sharee Galvin AND BIG TAH. Two for one drinks all night long- 5 dollar cover after 8pm( 5-11) ; CLUB DREAMS HAS 2$ TUESDAY FOR THE NIGHT OWLS FREE TIL MIDNIGHT
For any info on these events email sharee at sgalvin26@yahoo.com...........................
Ladybug Enterprises Presents A Gathering of Women Fall 2006
An All Day Workshop to Learn Your Sacred Purpose
With Dr. Patricia Gay at Harambee Institute, 5233 Raymond Avenue,
Saturday October 14, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Fee: $75.00 (includes breakfast & lunch) Contact Eva Marie Evans @ 314-389-3706 for more information or
E-mail hawamaryam2000@yahoo.com..................................
Black Artist Group(BAG) presents WOW (Women with Words) A Poetic Colelction of Women;s Contemporary Thoughts, featuring Marsha Cann, Thomasina Clarke, Linda Jones and Cheryl D.S Walker. Saturday, Oct. 14. at 6 p.m. at the Scott Joplin House, 2658 Delmar. For more info call 314/ 249-0363 or bag_blackartistsgroup@yahoo.com........................
The Marshall Faulk 2nd Annual Benefit fashion Show, Saturday., OCT 14. Tickets are 45 dollars (for dinner and after party) , at 7p.m. at the Airport Marriott. For more info, contact tracy@divaeventplanning.com for more information and tell them that Ma’at referred you!........................................................
Don't miss Cafe Soul next Wednesday, October 18 @ Dreams – 3207 Washington . Doors Open @ 8PM – Admission $7. For more info email Café Soul at cafesoulstl@yahoo.com
GNHPAC presents The Man of Her Dreams live at the Fox Theatre starring Clifton Powell (from the movie Ray), Christophger Williams, Jackee (from “Sister Sister” & “227”), the soulful Shirley Murdock, Keshia Knight Pulliam (from “The Cosby Show”) and comedian Buddy Lewis. The show runs Thursday, October 19–Sunday, October 22 for 6 performances. Prices range from $26.50 - $39.00 depending on performance date and time (Tickets for The Man of Her Dreams are on sale now at the Fox Theatre Box Office and MetroTix outlets. To charge by phone call MetroTix at 314/534-1111 or online at www.metrotix.com. Special prices for groups of 15 or more, call 314/535-2900.
On the East Boogie side, the Emerson Park and James E Williams Statue Fundraising Committee presents its annual picnic for the reckoning of a statue for East St. Louis’ first black mayor, James E Williams. The picnic will take place at Emerson Park in East St. Louis, Saturday, Oct. 21 starting at 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. $10 Donation. For more information call 618/874-8451 or 618/920-8344 and tell them that you saw it here at this website.
Drumvoices Festival of Arts celebrating the 20th b-day of the Eugene B Redmond Writers’ Club (SEEN IN PIC ABOVE WITH SEVEN PEOPLE), Oct 24-27. Oct. 24 is a Katherine Dunham Literary Tribute at 12:30 at the Dunham Hall Theater at SIUE (FREE) and a reading by Indianapolis Poet Laureate Mari Evans in the Mississippi-Illinois Room at SIUE at & p.m. (FREE). On Oct. 25 the EBR Writer’s Club will have a 20th B-Day reception at the Missouri History Museum, located at Lindell and DeBaliviere, at 7p.m. (Invite only); On Oct. 26 there will be a poetry reading by former California Poet laureate Quincy troupe at the Dunham Hall Theatre at SIUE at 12:30 p.m. (FREE), Poet K Curtis Lyle opens and The club will have a b-day and awards banquet at the casino Queen Hotel ballroom at 7 p.m. (tickets are 30 dollars) , for tickets and information call 618-650-3991 or eredmon@siue.edu
4246 Fashion Show, Friday, Oct 27 at 4246 McPherson, doors open at 6 p.m., Show at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $290 ADV and $25 at the door, For more info and advance tickets call 618-741-9952.
CLUB KYO is having a Halloween party, Halos and Horns on 10 p.m., Oct 28. See ONGOING EVENTZ and go to KYO’s website for more details.
AUDITION-BITZ. The St. Louis Black Repertory Company will hold auditions for its 2006/2007 main stage season on Saturday, October 21, 2006, 1PM. – 7PM Equity actors will be seen between 1p.m. and 2p.m. by appointment only at the Black Rep’s offices, 1717 Olive Street, 4th Floor. Appointments will be taken beginning Monday, September 11, 2006. Call (314) 534 – 3807 to schedule. Actors should prepare 2 contemporary contrasting monologues, or 1 contemporary monologue and an ac cappella song. Please bring two (2) 8.5” X 11” updated professional black and white headshots with resumes attached securely on the back.
Available Roles include: Ain’t Misbehavin’, Crossin’ Over, Gem of the Ocean, The Dance on Widow’s Row, Guys and DollsWebster University is having an Open Casting Call for Multiple Short FilmsMen and Women (Boys and Girls) Ages 12 and up. All ethnicities. Saturday, October 2811 AM - 5 PM at the Sverdrup building Room 101 Webster University, 8300 Big Bend At Big Bend and Edgar Road CONTACT: directing06.webster@gmail.com No film experience necessary. Headshots and Monologues accepted but not required. Get the chance to work with a professional crew and build your resume!..................................
Cerberus Inc is looking for book cover models from romance to sci-fi to fantasy. The shoots are TFP or TFCD for submissions to these publishers. Male types: Ranging from Rugged and muscular to sensitive and lean. Height 5' 8" or taller, weight proportionate to height. Ability to act always a plus. Female types: Ranging from sophisticated to wicked. Height 5'6" or
taller , weight proportionate to height. Ability to act always a plus. Previous work can be seen at: http://cerberusinc.com/ Weekend shoots. Contact with photos or webpage url at: cerberusinc@hotmail.com
ONGOING-BITZ. Check out blog www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters
My boy Kameron Holbert has a new monthly column on sports messages on local magazine Uptown (www.uptownstl.com).. He has also copped a gig doing profressional messages at Stress Free Fridays at various venues in the ST. Louis area. For an appt. or when he is scheduled to do messages atteh next Stress Free Fridays, call 314/477-3427 or email him at mrholbert@yahoo.com
For body painting , makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at www.jessicadana.com or go to myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE and pics, go to www.stlouis-online.com.
Collective Catering (collectivecatering@yahoo.com located at 4958 Cote Brilliante, their digits are 314-575-3333)
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast called STAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and interviews from theworld of stage, screen, cabaret and related places. The latest episode is now on line. Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7,via the Stage Left blog at http://stageleft-stlouis.blogspot.com,via the Stage Left web site at http://www.stageleft.org,or via iTunes Music Store; just go to the Podcast area and search for Stage Left.
Former 100.3 The Beat personalities Big Sexy Kool DJ Kaos and Sylli Asz is doin it up on You Tube these days hosting their hilarious STL reality Internet series, the Janky Show. To check it out, go to www.youtube.com and type in “The Janky Show”!..............................
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist. The Flow; Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmor go to his myspace page enochisreal.
Show Me Entertainment presents Industry Nights, a networking party for artists, http://www.hotmail.com/entertainers, models, actors, painters, dancers, entertainment lawyers, managers, etc. every Wednesday night at the Lindbergh Bistro located inside the Airport Plaza inn at I-70 and Lindbergh. 18 Y.O. to enter. 21 Y.O. and up to Drink. Admission FREE. For more info, contact Terrence Smith at 314/713-3793, or tsmith@showme1.com orwww.showme1.com
Local movie screener and TV programmer James Thomas has two hot shows on the new CW Channel 11 with his shows “First Look” about upcoming movies in theaters, Thursday morning at 2:30 am and Hot Videos, Friday mornings at 3 a.m. For more info, email him at tdjoo7@sbcglobal.net
Theatre advisor L.A. Barge has a new book on CD that he is selling called, “Choosing the Right Mate Before the First Date.” For more info call 314/5331639 or email him atdreamscope921@hotmail.com
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot new website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. It is www.spitflix.com.
Peep it out!KYO (pronounced KEE-O) continues "Redefining the Art of Dining & Nightlife" with a fresh weekly lineup that promises to quench your thirst for drink and dance. So "Be Fashionably Elite" with a smile and let KYO claim your evening from 5pm till 3am in the morning. For more info go to http://www.kyostl.com/newsletter.htm
Well, that be it, folks. If ya got anything for me to pub, OR GOT A OUT TOWN HOTTIE that you wanna let me know about, hit me up e-mail style at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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