Herre are some pics from the Joe/Praiz/Nikko Smith concert and backstage at the Roberts Orphuem Theatre last Saturday (a coupel of the pics repeated from uploading) ..............Therre's Joe's Number one fan wiping his head with a towel (she was ready to dry the rest of him off too!) and dancing with him....another female fan shaking his hand (she got buck wild too)........Praiz's background singers.........One of Joe's fans from the crowd (with the brown doll hair) ....Two of Joe's background dancers in a pose.............Majic 104.9's Chaz Saunders who was the emcee for the event...............Joe in action.................Nikko Smith on the mike..........Praiz gettin his well, praise on............
BACKSTAGE.....There's local group Mo Tre posing with St.Louis Cardinals legendary short stop Ozzie Smith....................Concert promoter Anthony Coleman with Ozzie Smith, Nikko and Nikko's mom, Denise.....................Mo Tre with Joe and Anthony Coleman.....Joe and Nikko Smith (So whose CD is going to be on top next year? Well, based on their performances, Nikko's bar none!)
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