Thursday, October 30, 2008


Congrats to STL native first baseman Ryan Howard of the Philadelphia Phillies who won the World Series Wednesday.

The Philadelphia Phillies of the National League won the best-of-seven World Series against the American League's Tampa Bay Rays, four games to one.To do it, the Phillies prevailed in the first suspended game in World Series history. For the home fans it was surely worth the wait.With terrible rain and wind, Game 5 had been stopped in the middle of the sixth inning, Monday night,with the Phillies and Tampa Bay Rays tied at 2-all.

Ryan Howard began a team-wide pileup. Pandemonium swept across the field, into the dugout and into the stands, where the crowd was having their own frenzied title celebration.

Following the presentation of the World Series championship trophy, Howard grabbed a "2008 World Champion" flag and along with a few teammates ran around the entire field, allowing the fans a closeup view.

As Howard ran, the crowd sang. Queen's "We are the Champions" blared on the loudspeaker, and virtually every fan joined in to create one deafening version of the classic hit.

Howard, fresh off his lap around the warning track and wearing his signature grin, grabbed a few bottles of champagne and ran into the middle of the party.
"Now, it's time to enjoy myself," Howard said. "And celebrate."

Phillies receive trophyWatch.

Locally, we are sure the STL will have some kind of party for Howard, we are willing to bet our vote on Obama that the plans are in the works for it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hello OUTTOWNers!

As we get into the first freeze of the STL Fall Season, those who are celebrating Halloween (or not celebrating it for those who don’t give a ish), with parties, and costume contests (we are sure Obama, Mccain and Palin costumes will be among them worn), and bobbing apples, and taking kids to go trick or treatin, and such, remember to stay safe out here walking and driving in these streets where drunk drivers we are sure will be out driving foolishly so be careful out there!


And we are still seeking those who can be STL-LICIOUS. If you or someone you know got it goin on in looks and biz sense, send a pic and brief bio to and we will post you up on our blog!

Also, in the MIA FILE (Repeat Offender). Where is Stlonfire's Andrew Clark....... again? We found him at SYGU's Teese event in May (PICTURED) after a lengthy absence from a shoudler injury. Now he has dropped off the social scene again. We know he does Ask Drew for STLONFIRE, but he has gine cold on the club scene. Where you at?

NOTE: Next week, OUTTOWN will be published Thursday instead of Wednesday cuz of Tuesday Election Day. We know we will be at the polling places tryin to vote for Obama so we will treat Tuesday as a holiday break compiling

As we were going to blog posting, we got a newz item from the St. Louis Post Dispatch on a breaking newz story below:
Police are investigating the death of a 22-year-old soldier over the weekend, who was staying at the Hotel Lumiere downtown with two friends. Pfc. Cori Feltner, of Fort Leonard Wood, was found unresponsive early Saturday morning in a room in the casino and hotel at 901 North First Street, police said.
Security called an ambulance and Feltner died at St. Louis UItalicniversity Hospital, officials said. The medical examiner’s office contacted police. Officials would not provide details about her death, or why police were called.
Feltner, assigned the 14th Military Police Brigade, recently graduated from her initial police training. She is from Florida and was to be sent to Korea.
Meanwhile, The big newz item this week has been the tragic death of Oscar winning Chicago native actress/singer Jennifer Hudson’s mother, brother and nephew.

On Monday, Hudson reportedly stood again in the Cook County medical examiner's office Monday afternoon, clutching the hands of loved ones as they identified the body of yet another slain relative—her 7-year-old nephew, Julian.Even before family members arrived at the morgue, they had reportedly been told that the three-day search for the 2nd grader had ended when his body was found slumped in the back seat of an SUV parked on a West Side street. Amid visibly shaken family members in the medical examiner's office, Hudson reportedly bowed her head as if in prayer, then looked up.Last Friday, Hudson lost her mother and her brother to a murderous rampage. Officers are currently questioning William Balfour, 27, the estranged husband of Julian's mother, but he reportedly stopped talking when police suggested he take a polygraph test.. As of this blogging, Balfour has not been charged in the slayings.Although the sources say Balfour remains the focus of the investigation, the motive remains murky. Police say there reportedly have been ongoing disputes between him and his estranged wife, Julia Hudson, and her family.Hudson's mother and brother had thrown him out of their
Englewood house in the past, sources said. Julia Hudson also told police that Balfour had threatened the family.
A source said Balfour told Julia Hudson he would kill her if he found out she had a boyfriend, despite the fact that he had other girlfriends.In another incident, sources said, Julia Hudson arrived Friday morning at Sunrise Bus Co. on payday and discovered her wages had been garnished because of unpaid car payments. Sources said Balfour had taken her car months earlier but promised to make the payments on the vehicle. After seeing her pay stub, Julia Hudson called Balfour to complain about the unpaid bills, sources said.Police believe that Balfour went to the Hudson family home Friday and shot through the front door, striking Hudson's brother, Jason. Hudson's mother, Darnell Donerson, came into the living room, screaming, and Balfour shot her as well, sources said. Shell casings were also found in the child's room, but there were no bullet holes or other signs of violence there. Much of the account of what police believe happened that day came from an interview with a girlfriend of Balfour's, sources said.

The sources also said Balfour's girlfriend contradicted his alibi and told police that he was involved in the slayings.Police reportedly have not ruled out the possibility that more than one person was involved.Last Sunday, officials transferred Balfour to Stateville Correctional Center, saying that because he was a suspect in the slayings, he violated conditions of parole for a 1999 conviction for attempted murder.Over the weekend, the city scoured the area near the first shooting scene and a grid east of where the boy eventually was found. Officers and volunteers taped missing-person posters up in area shops, and vigils were held in Englewood.But Julian was found Monday morning on the West Side after a tiny dog named Li'l Man howled and barked at an unfamiliar white SUV parked in the 1300 block of South Kolin Avenue.The Chihuahua's reaction drew the attention of his owner, John Louden. The SUV matched the description of one police had sought in the killings since Friday. It remains unclear if police had canvassed the block, but some neighbors say they had seen the SUV since Friday. But no one called police before Monday. (Reportedly neighbors in this neighborhood are used to shootings so they did not respond immediately to it)

Louden, 75, went inside and told his wife, Lynnette. Neighbors said the pace of drug dealing nearby often brought strange cars to the block. But when the Loudens saw the Suburban's license-plate number appear on television, Lynnette Louden called 911.Julian was found slumped over in the back seat of the Suburban, shot in the head. A bullet was found lodged in the vehicle, leading detectives to believe he had been shot in the vehicle. Police don't know precisely when he was killed, saying they are waiting for more information from the medical examiner's office. Police are hoping to find physical evidence at the two crime scenes that breaks the case.A prayer service was held for the three slain family members in Pleasant Gift Missionary Baptist Church, where one of Hudson's cousins is a minister.
And on the block where the shootings happened near 70th Street and Yale Avenue, about 100 friends and strangers gathered for a candlelight vigil of song and prayer Monday evening.Surrounded by stuffed animals, balloons and posters that had grown throughout the day, the crowd sang Jennifer Hudson's song "Spotlight."
Sen. Barack Obama, a fan and friend of Jennifer Hudson, took time out from his campaign Saturday to send his condolences to his fellow Chicagoan. Hudson, at the behest of Obama, performed the national anthem at the Democratic National Convention in August.

Obama's remarks came hours after Hudson's sister, Julia, begged for the safe return of her 7-year-old son, Julian. The boy went missing following the murder of the Hudson sisters' mother and brother Friday.

Talk show icon Oprah Winfrey, another Chicagoan, has also reportedly offered her emotional support to Jennifer and her family doing this time of crisis.

According to MediaTakeout, Jennifer Hudson wanted to move her mother out of the neighborhood but her mother declined.
Allegedly, , Jennifer's brother and his fiancee and Jennifer's sister (Julia) and William allegedly asked Jennifer to move them out. This time Jennifer declined because-allegedly, she felt they were grown enough to take care of themselves without her financial support.

According to its source , "Before William would even introduce himself to people, the first words out of his mouth were, "Jennifer Hudson is my sister-in law." William allegedly tried to use this hookup to get invited to industry parties to meet famous rappers.”

The source also received unconfirmed reports that a birthday party took place at the crime scene last week and William Balfour got into several altercations with family members. According to a source, "he was trying to run things, and he talked bad to Julia and other family members, cursing loud and screaming, they asked him to leave."

At the beginning of the investigation, allegedly, police had four theories.
1. The killer/abductor is holding the boy for ransom because Jennifer Hudson is a star.
2. Due to William's prison record, they also had to rule out that the boy was abducted and sold to a pedophile who may have served time in the same prison as William-but this theory was ruled out.
3. Police also fear that the killer may have kidnapped Julian because he was a witness to the crime and saw the killer's face.
4. It's also been speculated that this may have been some kind of shakedown by local thugs who demanded to be paid to leave the family alone since Jennifer was a star. This is popular among rappers who visit certain cities and are shook down (for money) by local drug crews to be left alone for the duration of their visit.

This is beyond sad. Let’s hope Jennifer Hudson can hold up and keep movin after this horrific tragedy.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin got a big welcome from St. Louis Blues fans when she dropped the ceremonial first puck during Friday's game.
Palin, a self-described "hockey mom," got more cheers than boos during the Friday night game in which the Blues lost, 4-0 to the Los Angeles Kings.

The reaction in St. Louis was in contrast to Oct. 11, when Palin dropped the puck before Philadelphia's season-opener. The Philly crowd gave Palin a louder chorus of boos that eventually turned into polite applause.
The appearance came after a long day in Missouri for Palin. She appeared at a lunchtime rally at Springfield in southwestern Missouri, then gave depositions at a St. Louis hotel over allegations that she abused her power as governor in firing Alaska's public safety commissioner.

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will make another campaign stop in Missouri Thursday. Governor Palin will discuss John McCain's plans for the economy at a rally in Cape Girardeau. The rally will be held at the Show Me Center at 1333 N. Sprigg Street. Doors open for the event at 6:30 a.m. The rally is expected to begin at 8:30 a.m.
The presidential campaign of U.S. Sen. John McCain is paying for two days of rental on the arena, which lists at $3,000 a day plus expenses, said David Ross, director of the Show Me center.
Hmm, wonder if she will stop by a nearby swanky department store for more threads before the rally? Is there a Saks in Cape G? LOL

Also on Thursday, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will be in Columbia. Mo at a rally on the Mel Carnahan Quad at the University of Missouri. Gates will open at 7:30 p.m., with the event starting two hours later. Obama's running mate, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, also makes a stop in the Missouri area Thursday in the St. Louis suburb of Arnold. Mo. The Delaware senator is scheduled to take part in a rally at the Fox High School gym in Arnold. Doors open at 7:30 a.m..

Here are some Voting Tidbitz:

+Missouri polls are in a dead heat. Mccain and Obama both got 48 percent of the vote. (Talk about swingin in the state. LOL.)

+Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan forecast a whopping 76 percent Election Day turnout, and warned some voters will find long lines at polling places. The all-time state mark was 77 percent turnout in 1992 when Bill Clinton defeated George H.W. Bush. But a 76 percent turnout would translate to 3.2 million of the 4.2 million voters casting ballots next Tuesday.
+The state has added 340,000 new registered voters since the 2004 presidential election. Since the first of the year, Kansas City south of the river has added 36,064 voters, election officials said, 66 percent of whom are between 18 and 34.

+Missouri passed a law in 2006 to ban straight party ticket voting.

+Before Obama gets to Columbia, residents are hearing something new when they pick up their phones. A Democratic automated telephone call that began circulating in Missouri this week is intended to be a "counter-punch" to those being sent by Republican Sen. John McCain's campaign, former Missouri Gov. Roger Wilson said Thursday morning at Columbia's Barack Obama headquarters.

+In Missouri, you can not advance vote. But, you can absentee vote. There is an early push in Jeff City. Mo. for early voting in Missouri akin to Illinois.
When voting in advance, you (registered voter) must sign and list residence address on the outside of the ballot envelope. If you forget to sign or list your address on the envelope, your vote cannot be counted.
The signature on the outside of the advance ballot envelope must match the name on the mailing label. If it does not match, your vote cannot be counted.
If you mail your advance ballot, it must be received at the Election Office by 7 p.m. on Election Day to be counted.
In a mail ballot election, voted ballots must be received at the Election Office by 12 noon on
Election Day to be counted.
You may also hand deliver your ballot to the Election Office drop box at the front entrance.
Voted ballots returned by mail or in person after Election Day cannot be counted.
If you forget to mail your advance ballot, you may vote provisionally at your polling place on Election Day.

+Missouri law requires that each polling place be accessible to physically disabled voters, but many are not. In cases where a voter is unable to enter a polling place, election judges are required to bring either a ballot and the equipment necessary to vote or an absentee ballot to a voter located within 200 feet of the polling place.

+And don’t wear your campaign paraphernalia on site. You might get turned away!

Missouri Senator Clair McCaskill’s home was spray painted with graffiti Spray-painted this week on her suburban St. Louis home, and it appears the vandalism happened the same night that U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan's cars were defaced in St. Louis.

McCaskill spokeswoman Maria Speiser said Monday that someone spray-painted graffiti onto the Missouri Democrat's Kirkwood home Thursday night or Friday morning.

She declined to detail what the graffiti said. Speiser said Kirkwood authorities and the Capitol police are investigating.

Two of Carnahan's cars were found with graffiti Friday. One car was marked "Bailout for China is Treason." The other was spray-painted "Psalm 2" and "traitor," the same references that appeared on legislators' homes and garages in Minnesota earlier in the week.

The Bible's Psalm 2 warns "kings of the earth" against incurring God's wrath.
We can just imagine what her graffiti said.

Republican Kenny Hulshof (LEFT) and Democrat Jay Nixon (RIGHT)sparred Friday night in Jeff city over fiscal responsibility and how to pay for the programs each has promoted in the campaign for Missouri governor.

In their fourth and final debate before the Nov. 4 election, the candidates touched on a range of topics, including illegal immigration and a ballot measure about home health-care workers.

Despite the sharpest attacks from his opponent yet, Democrat Jay Nixon has increased both his favorable rating and his lead in the race for governor, according to a new poll.Nixon, the attorney general, is leading Republican Kenny Hulshof, the 9th District congressman, 55 percent to 41 percent, based on a survey of 800 likely voters last Monday through Thursday. Nixon was favored by a majority of those polled in all age groups. For the first time, Nixon also led Hulshof among male voters surveyed, 51 percent to 45 percent.Overall, Nixon's 14-point margin was twice his edge in a mid-September poll. The polls were conducted for the Post-Dispatch and KMOV-TV (Channel 4) by Maryland-based Research 2000.

Nixon's widening advantage — which far exceeds the poll's margin of error of 3.5 percentage points for each number — contrasts with the presidential contest, where Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama remain locked in a dead heat in Missouri.

OUTTOWN endorses Barack Obama
and the Dems party candidates!

A federal judge has ruled that parts of Missouri's new law restricting registered sex offenders' actions on Halloween night are unenforceable, saying the law lacked clarity and could cause confusion for sex offenders and those charged with enforcing it.

The law, signed by Gov. Matt Blunt in June, requires that sex offenders avoid all Halloween-related contact with children from 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Oct. 31. It requires them to remain inside their homes with the outside lights off and to post a sign saying they have no candy.

A violation is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail.
After hearing arguments in a case brought by four sex offenders, U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson on Monday granted a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of some parts of the law.

Scott Holste, a spokesman for Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon, said the office would appeal the order, but he declined further comment.
Blunt found the ruling disappointing.
The argument for the judge was what if sex offenders had children who wanted to trick or treat and if a sex offender planned to be out of town on Halloween, he or she would not technically be "inside the home" as the law requires.
The law allows sex offenders to leave home on Halloween night if there is "just cause" such as work or an emergency, but Jackson criticized the measure for failing to define the term more clearly.
Well, we feel that sex offenders should not have any non emergency privileges to be out of the house. They lost that right when they violated the law. In case of near death of them (which we want anyway) or the aggressively ill condition of their children.
St Louis County Police thinks that there was a connection of the bombing that occurred at the Carondelet plaza garage involving John Gillis 2 weeks ago..

Two tragic vehicular accidents occured last wekeend. Locally, a person who was walking along Interstate 70 in north St. Louis County was struck and killed Friday night, police said. Police said the pedestrian was hit on westbound I-70 near Lucas and Hunt Road. The St. Louis County Police Department is handling the investigation.
Regionally, A woman was killed Sunday when a tractor-trailer hit a SUV on the shoulder of eastbound Interstate 44 in Franklin County. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Riffe was a passenger in the 2008 Chevrolet Suburban SUV, which had sustained a flat tire. The SUV, and the boat it was towing, pulled to a stop on the shoulder while she and her husband changed the tire.

At approximately 1:40 p.m., a tractor-trailer driven by Faron Billeck, left the roadway and crashed into the SUV and boat trailer. The boat was thrown from the trailer and struck Shirley Riffe, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Five others sustained minor injuries including Billeck and Donald Riffe, the husband . All of the injuries were treated at St. John’s Hospital in Washington, Mo.
Authorities are investigating what could have caused Billeck to lose control of his truck. The Highway Patrol did not release the name of the trucking company Billeck works for, but he is licensed in Texas.

The former Casino Queen was bought out to a Branson entertainment company and left its location along the banks of the Mississippi River this week. The boat was rolled to Hamil, Ill. to a storage area until the new owners figure out what to do with her. The riverboat had been along East St. Louis' riverfront since about 1993. As a casino, it handled nearly 30 million customers. But the Casino Queen was vacated in August of last year when the casino transferred to a new $92 million inland site nearby, becoming the first of the state's casinos to move away from a river.
The boat won't become part of that Ozark town's tourist attractions. The boat has been vacant since August 2007 when the Casino Queen owners opened a larger land-based casino nearby.

In related news, The Casino Queen, the casino riverboat in East St. Louis, tossed in $150,000 last week to aid the Missouri opponents of Proposition A — which would limit the number of Missouri gambling boats and eliminate the $500 per-cruise loss limit (as well as increase casino taxes and direct that money to schools). The $150,000 donation was made with the Missouri Ethics Commission. The group Voters for Good Government said that it plans to use the money from the Casino Queen for an ad campaign asserting the Missouri ballot measure is misleading.
A proponent for YES on A Coalition, said in a statement that the Casino Queen "wants Missouri to remain at a competitive disadvantage to casinos in Illinois and other states and will protect 12,000 Missouri jobs, raise casino taxes and put them into a fund that is tamper-resistant from politicians, and specify that the casino tax revenues may not be used to supplant or replace other revenues for schools — and without raising any taxes on Missouri residents.”

Pinnacle Entertainment of St. Louis and Kansas City-based Ameristar have poured more than $11 million into the pro-Prop A effort.William "Buddy" Hardin, the treasurer for Voters for Good Government, said his entity already has paid for automated phone calls against Proposition A and plans to use the new money to expand its campaign with other unspecified forms of media.
Well this is a bit murky—and we ain’t talkin about the Sippi water.
So is there a tie with Branson buying the Casino Queen with pro-Prop A as well? Hmmm.

In other East St. Louis news, Police are investigating a break-in that took place last weekend at the home of East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks.Parks reportedly said no one was home during Friday's burglary. It appeared that the thief or thieves reportedly broke a rear window to get inside the home and made off with a 42-inch flat-screen television.Parks reportedly said that's the only item that's missing.East St. Louis police detective Ricky Perry said the thief was likely someone who had been inside the home before because they knew where to cut the wire to the alarm system.Perry said police have reportedly identified a "person of interest."
Hmmm. Wonder if it was anyone who had an “ interest” at city hall?

In other East St. Louis news, Illinois will be voting on Nov 4 on a Prop on whether the state needs a constitutional convention on gay civil unions.

And speaking of Props, in St. Louis County, the big P is Prop M—that wants citizens to approve a ½ cent tax on Metro transportation. Proposition M requests a 1/2-cent sales tax in St. Louis County for MetroLink expansion and operations. If it passes it will raise about $80 million/year. In addition, it will trigger a 1/4 sales tax in St. Louis City from a tax that was passed in the City in 1997. This revenue currently cannot be collected until the County passes a matching referendum which Proposition M would accomplish. A 1/2-cent sales tax costs the average family $50/year, about the cost of one tank of gas, or $4 per month. County Executive Charlie Dooley reportedly said that if Metro passes it gets more money, it could add buses and extend the reach of MetroLink trains. If it doesn't, they warn, service could be cut and fares raised to balance future budgets.

On the East Side, St. Clair County officials dedicated a new pocket track at Fairview Heights. The track permits trains originating in Shrewsbury to turn around farther east than Emerson Park, the previous turnaround point.

Because the track is shared by trains headed for Lambert-St. Louis International Airport and those bound for Shrewsbury, MetroLink riders will be able to board a westbound train every five minutes during peak periods and every 10 minutes during off-peak times. The new pocket track cost about $15 million, said a chairperson of the St. Clair County Transit District.
Also, buses will run more frequently on the No. 1 Main-State Street route, the No. 2 Cahokia, the No. 8 Alta Sita route and the No. 12 O'Fallon-Fairview Heights route.The additional bus and light-rail service will be funded from transit sales taxes collected for in St. Clair County and funding from the Illinois Department of Transportation's downstate operating assistance program.
The Missouri Baptist Convention had its three-day annual meeting in St. Louis, the first time the state arm of the Southern Baptist Convention has held its business meeting here since 2003. About 2,000 delegates were here. The meeting was held at the Millennium Hotel downtown.

University of Illinois will be cutting its snow removal budget. Road salt is now $120 per ton. Last year it was $40 per ton.

Locally in schools, four or five Parkway West Middle School students will be disciplined after administrators found out this week that they designated a "Hit A Jew Day" at the 850-student school.Principal Linda Lelonek learned Monday evening that her sixth-graders had started an unofficial "spirit week" last week. The students started with "Hug A Friend Day," moved to "High Five Day," "Hit A Tall Person Day," and then, finally, this Monday, to "Hit A Jew Day," representatives of the Parkway School District said. The students generally were not being violent, Lelonek said, but instead "tapping" their peers. She now knows of three or four students who were slapped; none told school officials about being hit. "They said, 'We were just playing,'" she said.After school Monday, Lelonek heard from the mother of one of the school's roughly 35 Jewish students. Lelonek called an all-sixth-grade assembly first thing Tuesday morning. She said she asked the students if they had heard of each designated "day." Nearly all raised their hands. Then she asked, "What's tomorrow going to be? 'Hit A Principal Day?'" She said the sixth-graders will be studying the Holocaust later this year.
We hope that this will quell any notions of copy cat games like Hit A N**** DAy. Or have they already. Hmmmm.

Is there any racial bias with the nationally reported findings of HIV and testing at the all black Normandy High School? The argument has been that it has.

Coach Jim Haslett believes RB
Steven Jackson will be able to play this Sunday against the Arizona Cardinals, St. Louis Rams coach Jim Haslett said on Monday. Last Sunday, Jackson missed Sunday's game against New England (Rams' 23-16 loss, making them 2 and 3)because of a quadriceps injury. Jackson was inactive for the Patriots after testing his quadriceps muscle during pregame warmups at Gillette Stadium.

In unrelated news, The NFL last week denied the
St. Louis Rams' attempt to rework a contract with coach Jim Haslett that would ensure him a job beyond this season if he won six games because of a requirement that minority candidates be interviewed for head coaching vacancies. Team president John Shaw said on Saturday afternoon in a telephone interview with the Associated Press that the league office cited the Rooney Rule when informing the Rams this week.

Language in Haslett's contract refers to him as the head coach, not the interim coach. But Haslett's agent said his client has no problem going through the interview process and wanted to make it clear there was no intent to sneak a deal past the NFL.

Hmm, we wonder who, if any, leaked Haslett’s contract to the NFL?

And in other Rams news, former Rams Coach Dick Vermiel will be honored next Sunday at the Edward Jones Dome. He will be honored as a member of the Ring of Fame. The Rams will unveil coach Dick Vermeil’s name at halftime of the Nov. 2 game against the old St. Louis Cardinals, now the Arizona Cardinals.
Vermeil, who began his NFL career as a Rams assistant coach in 1969, also served as a Rams assistant from 1971-1973 before becoming the head coach in 1997 and leading St. Louis to a Super Bowl championship in the 1999 season.

Days after the 23-16 victory over the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV, Vermeil temporarily retired before serving as the Chiefs head coach during 2001-05. The halftime ceremony will feature a video tribute after which Vermeil’s name will be unveiled in the Edward Jones Dome “Ring of Honor.”

Hmmm, karma is mutha ain’t it?

Lets see if St. Louis baseball native Ryan Howard of the Phillies will bring the World Series trophy home to the STL. That is if they can finally play that cancelled game against the Tampa Bay Rays today or Thursday from the twice postponed Mondays game caused by rainstorms. The teams were tied 2 and 2 in the 6th inning. The Phillies are up 3 games to the RAys 1


LAID OFF THE ROAD BIZ. Two nationally based companies involving with cars are laying their employees. First, lenders are reportedly showing support for a merger of General Motors and Chrysler, raising questions about what impact such a deal would have on the St. Louis area.
Chrysler has two assembly plants in Fenton where Dodge Ram pickups, Dodge Grand Caravans and Chrysler Town & Country minivans are made. Sales of trucks and vans have dropped as drivers turn to more fuel-efficient vehicles, prompting Chrysler to cut a shift in from the Dodge Ram plant, where 1,000 people work. Despite protests from autoworkers, Chrysler also plans to idle its minivan operations Oct. 31, leaving 2,400 employees without work.

GM employs 2,300 people at a van assembly plant in Wentzville, where mostly commercial vans are made.

The second is Enterprise Rent A Car. Tough economic times forced Clayton-based Enterprise Rent-a-Car to lay off about 200 local employees Tuesday, setting off what will be the auto-rental company's biggest job reduction in its 51-year history, according to company officials.The move slims its area work force by about 5 percent and comes before Enterprise makes cuts at other locations worldwide, said spokeswoman Christy Conrad. Within the next few weeks, the company plans to reduce its work force outside the area by about 700 workers through layoffs and attrition. "These are definitely unprecedented economic times," Conrad said.Locally, most of Enterprise's laid-off workers were in information technology operations at Enterprise's Clayton and Weldon Spring locations, Conrad said. The rest held administrative positions.


And speaking of cars, did anyone go to the Rally against Red Light Cameras last Saturday where STL Rep Talib El Amin was a part of?

And speaking of STL reps, Sen. Harry Kennedy resigned from the Missouri Senate to take a job in St. Louis city government.
Kennedy's Senate term was to end in January, and he was barred by term limits from seeking another four years in the Senate.
The St. Louis resident submitted a resignation letter Thursday to the governor's office.
Kennedy says he is going to work for St. Louis Board of Alderman President Lewis Reed.
Kennedy was elected to the Missouri House in 1996. He won a special Senate election in 2001 and was re-elected in 2004.

A party is in the works on Highway 40 (Interstate 64) before it reopens. Missouri Department of Transportation told more than 175 people at a downtown luncheon last Wednesday that MoDOT plans to "let people come onto the highway and check it out" before traffic starts using the stretch again between Ballas Road and Interstate 170. The various events would be held the Sunday prior to the highway's reopening.

Department officials met thsi week with the St. Louis Track Club and St. Louis Regional Bicycle Federation to work out details for an organized run and a ride. The five-mile stretch is scheduled to reopen before Dec. 31, but if weather cooperates, it could reopen before mid-December, transportation officials have said.
Damn has it been a year already? Wow and we thought it would be mass hypseria with the closings.

The Missouri Association of School Administrators (MASA) named Hazelwood School District Superintendent Dr. Chris L. Wright the Missouri Superintendent of the Year. The announcement was made Saturday night during the Missouri School Boards’ Association and MASA joint fall conference held at Tan-Tar-A in Osage Beach. As the recipient of this award, Wright will represent Missouri in the national Superintendent of the Year program conducted by the American Association of School Administrators. The Missouri award is sponsored by PFM Asset Management, LLC, which is the program administrator for the Missouri Securities Investment Program. Dr. Wright received a commemorative ring, as well as a $500 scholarship for an HSD student.

STL Rapper/actor/mogul Nelly’s announced plans this week for a supergroup project with T-Pain, EasT St. Louis native Akon and Pharrell.He revealed this to MTV News, though no timetable has been set as he first focuses on projects from Murphy Lee, and St. Lunatics, not to mention his own CD, BRASS KNUCKLES which has not been selling well (Four weeks out the Cd has barely sold 200,000 copies). The album next single is the rap sung ballad“One and Only.”

Speaking of rappers, Hip hop superstar Ludacris is spending election night in St. Louis. He’ll be at EXO Nov. 4 to preview songs from his “Theater of the Mind” CD, which will be released Nov. 25. Election results will be broadcast all evening. Spinning are Charlie Chan (who will be talked about later in this blog) and Jamie Smallz. Sponsoring this Simply Premium event is Red Bull and Hennessy. (SEE EVENT BITZ FOR MORE INFO)

Emmy nominated STL native actor Jon Hamm hosted Saturday Night Live last Saturday and got lukewarm to OK reviews. The star of the Emmy winning AMC drama MAD MEN according to critics really delivered! Now on to the show... In related news, his series MAD MEN’s second season finale of the series aired last Sunday to rave reviews. To check out one of the skits from SNL, a parody of MAD MEN go to:

Brother and sister Joe and Julie Buck are part of a group that is taking over ownership of two of their late father Joe Buck’s seven J. Buck's restaurants. They have had a licensing agreement with WAG Restaurants, which owns and operates the J. Buck's family of restaurants, but have not owned them. The new ownership company — Bodley Buck LLC — will take over the Clayton and downtown St. Louis locations. Managing partner Doug Albrecht, retired chairman and CEO of Centric Group, is chairman of Bodley Group.

Blues legend Bobby Rush will be performing at the 1st annual Blues Fest at Studio Hits, 8527 Riverview, Fri. Nov. 14 hosted by Jessie Taylor. For more info on tickets call 314.867.1844......................................And speaking of blues legends, Latimore was spotted at Olive Bistro last weekend

100.3 The Beat's DJ Charlie Chan was featured on the cover of the Riverfront Times last week in a cover story about how he among others were instrumental in the birth of hip-hop in St. Louis. (SEE BELOW)

The Nasty Cuts Records crew in a Washington Avenue recording studio circa 1987. From left: Dangerous D, Tom Ray, G. Wiz, DJ Charlie Chan and Nick the Engineer.

The article called “Old School” by Keegan Hamilton chronicles such spinners including DJ Charlie Chan who formed the 1980s rap group Dangerous D and Charlie Chan (ala DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince). It also speaks on STL mogul Mix G who spun at STL area skating rink, and one of its funders of St. Louis rap, Vintage Vinyl owner Tom Papa Ray. It also tells the story of how East St. Louis dee-jays Gentleman Jim Gates and Rod Dr Jockenstein King were instrumental in introducing the rap classic “Rapper’s Delight” to national attention. To check out the story go to :


And speaking of STL hip-hop, STL rapper Ebony Eyez got a new jam on the web called "Don't Touch". To hear it go tohttp://www.allhipho multimedia_ _music/archive/ 2008/10/24/ 20618581. aspxand listen/leave a comment.


Wehrenberg Theatres this week withdrew its request for a liquor license for Cape West 14 Cine. The license request already had met some city approvals and was to be reviewed by the City Council. City laws ban patrons younger than 18 from establishments that sell liquor, except for bowling alleys and restaurants where food makes up more than half of the sales. Wehrenberg says it wanted to sell beer and perhaps wine, and mixed drinks at special events, as some of its theaters elsewhere have for 10 years.
Well we guess they wont be showing any Disney flicks up in there!

Another Cafe Napoli has just opened. Its location is on Bremntwood in Clayton next to Whole Foods. The restaurant, to be called Napoli 2UE, is the first expansion for Café Napoli since the Pietoso family opened the original location in 1989 on Forsyth in Clayton.

Majic 104.9 personality Tammie Holland mentioned on the Tony Scott Show recently that she did her ancestry test and discovered that she was some kin to............

Presidential hopeful John McCain!

Well, with most American black folks' ancestral tree, theres no telling what will fall out of it. We hear Ms Holland, who is a staunch Obama supporter, was not a happy camper about it. Oh well, at least you know.

In very unrelated news, what was up with my fave radio show The Freeman Bosley Junior Show playing an old bumper last Sunday that had former Creg Williams saying he was superinendent of St. Louis Public Schools and to stay tined to the show. Uh, shouldnt they have had the new super Kelvin Admas do a bumper? We just sayin. LOL.

And speaking of radio, whassup with the newly bought out Movin 101.1. playin X-mas music this early?

And dont forget next week, OUTTOWN will have its exclusive COVER STORY on the STL upstart R&B trio Sosy called "HOT AND SOSY"

BLIND BITZ. Who was in that black souped-up hydraulic Oldsmobile profilin in the Loop area as though they were in the flick Boyz N the Hood last Saturday?

EVENT BITZ Stress Free Fridays Halloween Bash> Friday, October 31, 2008> 5pm-UNTIL> > Olive Bistro> 8141 Olive Boulevard--next to McDonald's> University City, MO 63130> 314-569-4050> > Join us for the 1st-Annual Stress Free Fridays Halloween> Bash to be held this Friday, October 31, 2008 at the Olive> Bistro (next to McDonald's) in the heart of the Olive> Business District...enjoy great drink specials,> complimentary food and a roarin good time...bring out the> kid in yourself and wear a costume...let's be creative> and you may win a prize or two...there will be many> surprises in store> > We will be celebrating the birthdays of the following> friends of Stress Free Fridays: Amanda, Bernard, Charles,> Demond, Kenneth and Winslow...stop by and wish all of these> individuals a "Happy Birthday" cannot afford> to miss all of this fun and excitement...remember, Stress> Free Fridays starts promptly at 5pm, so start your well> deserved weekend in style.> > If you are celebrating a special event in your life, email> Mario at or Mark Anthony and we will recognize you and your special> event.> > Please visit our website: stressfreefridays.ning.comand> become a member of Stress Free Fridays

Jerryl Christmas- Cocktail Party Friday, October 31, 2008
Time:6:00pm - 9:00pm Location:Binions (In the Loop)
Street:5917 Delmar
Come out for stimulating conversation, good food and drink specials as we get ready for the final push before election day. Jerryl will be in town from DC Friday through election day, so friends can get a chance to hang out a bit before we get back to the work of electing OBAMA!


On October 31 of two day Arts & Wine Series, we have been blessed with an opportunity to present my latest piece, Real Life, to a national talent who could possibly take us to a national level of exposure. In this attempt, your attendnace is soooooo imperative. I want this producer to know that St. Louis talent can survive in the big league as we have already proven. Let's continue to show them right in this regards.Please view the flyer for all detailed information and feel free to pass along. We need to pack The Space on both nights, and especially on October 31st.
Comedian Maurice G is hosting a Halloween Monster Bash at Nubia Café, 5860 Delamr in the U City Loop. Party with grown ups, free food, DJ Cash prioce for best Costume. Doors at 8

Bacardi Gold presents the 7 Deadly Sins . Oct 31. Come experience your ultimate TEMPATIONS & DESIRES with the Sexy & Seductive Demi-Goddesses of Wrath, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, & Lust @ Exo on Halloween Night!* Have your fortunes told to you by Madame Rose "The Palm Reader"* Facial & Body Paintings by Cbabi* Best Halloween Costume contest @ (10:30pm sharp for Prizes)* There will be other Prize Giveaways* Internationally Known & Special Guest DJENJOY THE PREMIUM BACARDI GOLD HALLOWEEN DRINK SPECIALSTHE GOLDEN LUST - ENVY - WRATH - SLOTH - GREED - GLUTTONY - PRIDEPlease consider bottle service and early arrival as a means to guarantee a great experience. For bottle service please contact* Be there. Be beautiful. Doors at 8PM Must be 21 to Attend Drink ResponsiblyPowered by Koncepts, LLC & 1st Friday-STL
Oct 31- SoCo Superheroes Halloween Party at Pepper LoungeCelebrate Halloween at the city's premier nightlife destination. Complimentary SoCo sampling from 9-10:30pm and no cover until 11pm on guestlist. $500 costume contest for the best superhero costume and drink specials all night. To RSVP, email

Friday, October 31, 20087:00 pm – 11:00 pm (buffet from 7pm-9pm)
Crowne Plaza Hotel- ClaytonTop Floor, Crystal Ballroom7750 Carondelet, Clayton, MO 63105Free Parking All You Can Eat” Buffet from these Premier Restaurants:Square One BreweryFu ManchuBici CafeEl ScorchoBartolino's OsteriaWest End Grill and PubHwy 61 Roadhouse and KitchenSweeties to GoCrowne PlazaPasta HouseThe CrossingAceroPark Avenue CoffeeBID!Fabulous Silent and One of a Kind Live Auction
Incredible Entertainment with These Celebrity Comedians:Eddie BrillTim CavanaughRandy & Jason SklarDale Jones
Click Here to download the registration form or e-mail for reservations.


Enjoy a Night of Theater -- On the House!St. Louis theaters offer FREE tickets as part of a nationwide program Seven St. Louis theaters offer FREE tickets to their productions on select through Friday, October 31 "Free Night of Theater" is sponsored locally by the Regional Arts Commission and the Kevin Kline Awards Tickets for two free seats can be reserved at (select FIND A SHOW, then select St. Louis).The participating theaters and productions include: THEATER PERFORMANCE DATE(S) Mustard Seed Theatre Smoke On the Mountain Oct. 31 at 8 p.m. This is the first yearSt. Louis is participating in Free Night of Theater, which was launched in three cities in 2005 by the Theatre Communications Group to encourage people to attend a play for the first time or to experience a theatrical company they'd never seen. More than 100 cities and 600 theaters are participating in 2008.

KMOX personality Jim Carney presents Carney’'s Kids 9th annual "Spooktacular" at the Crown Plaza in Clayton. Guests will be greeted by samples from 15 top St. Louis restaurants . Entertainment by Eddie Brill from David Letterman's show; Dale Jones from Last Comic Standing; Tim Cavanaugh from Chicago; and hometown favorites Randy and Jason Sklar will keep the crowd laughing. An auction will take place with such items as cooking classes with Papa Pasta himself, Kim Tucci; a ride in the Forest Park Balloon Race; and tickets to the David Letterman show. We know that money from the event will go to charities served by the Carney's Kids Foundation. For more info go to

Horror! Haunted! Yet HOT at HOME! This will be the place to be for Halloween featuring Cousin ITT from the TV show!

Halloween party at Premium Lounge, 4199 Manchester at Boyle. Costume contest starts at midnite, drink specials, and bloody cocktails. Info
This Weekend @ STL House of Comedy!! The Hilarious Arnez J! Oct 31-Nov 2. Tickets: Roz G. Oct. 30 @ 9pm Free Comedy Show & Election Viewing Party Nov 4!

A Pure Romance Party
Location: The Quinn's Residence
5255 Maple, St. Louis, MO 63113 US
When: Saturday, November 1, 7:00PM
Phone: 314-418-9803 / 314-713-9203
Ladies and Gentlemen,
You are officially invited to the sexiest, most intimate party of the year; A Pure Romance Passion Party.
This party is for the grown and sexy, the mature and open-minded.
Couples are strongly encouraged to attend.
A sister by the name of Jameeliyah Lane will come to share with us some sexy ways to turn up the heat in the bedroom or maybe just switch things up a bit. Products will be available for purchase.
Wine and refreshments will be served, but feel free to bring something if you would like. If you would like to learn more about the company and the products they offer, the company is called Pure Romance. The website is

The HOTBOX Virtualclub.STL - ANNUAL HAYRIDE & BONFIRE in Forest Park (Saint Louis, MO)SAT NOVEMBER 1, 2008 7:45 pm meeting at the Bonfire. Wagons leave on time every-time rain, sleet, snow, Or Nice Fall Weather!!! (boarding 8:10pm sharp)45 min Hayride followed by 45 min Bonfire. Special - Special Intimate Fireside Performance by: Vocalist Songwriter SHERRI RICH w/ Mr. Mike Haines (guitar), David A. N. Jackson (percussion+)
House Party / Pajama Jam hosted by BJ The DJ, Sat. Nov. 1st feat. comedian Deon Cole at Lights On Broadway. Tickets at Lights on Broadway ticket office or by calling 314.280.4795. $10 in advance $15 at the door. Register for VIP at



Mocha's EVENT SPOTLIGHTS (Hit pics for info)

Loose cannon presents WIN OR LOSE...COME WATCH THE ELECTION& PARTY WITH "S.L.I.M" AKA "WELLZFARGO" OBAMA...EVERYONE IS FREE ALL NIGHT,FREE SOUL FOOD, FREE PREMIUM LIQUOR!! TUES NOVEMBER 4TH, 2008 at Lush Nightclub, 3037 Olive, ‏Doors open at 8 p.m. til 3 a.m. For more info, contact Mocha at 314.646.9917


Mocha's daughter need yawl help. ST LOUIS CHARTER SCHOOL is having a fundraiser. You can shop online at The group receives profit from the sale and the seller will receive prize credits. Enter the seller ID below to begin.Seller: sydney cowinsSeller ID: cha4822Thank you for your support.If the link above does not work, please use the following link and enter the seller ID:
SPRING INTO FITNESS... CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE OR CALL 314-831-7505 Please tell them Mocha Latte' referred you. The Next MVP Boot Camp Starts September 9th!" ONLY 89 BUCKS!!
NEW: Singing from the Heart is Music from the Soul" is the philosophy behind the newest voice in the entertainment world. Torre Sanders, born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, introduces a fresh perspective, emphasizing an appreciation for music's power to inspire, connect and uplift. Torre's musical influences range from the soulful Donnie Hathaway, Stevie Wonder, Earth, Wind and Fire, Nat King Cole to the energetic Michael Jackson, Aerosmith and Lenny Kravitz, all of which are apparent in his smooth, sincere and gritty vocals.
Torre Sanders is a singer, songwriter and producer that play's guitar. He honors us with his one-of-a-kind sound blending subtle hip-hop, pop, r&b beats with rock riffs. A sound that is universally appealing to people from all walks of life; kids, young adults, the sexy & grown and let us not forget those high rollers alike. His music speaks of experience, being in love, living it up and enjoying life. Outside of his passion of crafting remarkable music, Torre's has an uncanny niche for acting, modeling, film-making and is very pronounced in various action sports.
Torre’s additional aspirations include plans to establish his own talent management company, a very unique-stylish clothing line, a performing arts school for under-privileged youths with talent and a not-for-profit facility for battered women along with many other aspirations and goals. Torre Sanders is an artist for the ages to come.
With his original and crowd-pleasing compositions Torre Sanders extraordinary talent shows no bounds. With his latest release on AlphaTorre Records, Torre Sanders not only delivers high energy performances, fresh and inspiring writing skills, he displays determination, ambition, creativity and an unearthly charisma that is unforgettable in addition he is also heading up his own venture. Each song that is included on his debut record "The Next Man" from AlphaTorre Records, has been under his creative direction.
Torre Sanders first single "Ghetto Girl" is already heating up the airwaves from the Midwest to the South. The follow-up single "Party Mode" is already creating a buzz with the DJ's in the clubs all over the US.
As for the label AlphaTorre Records, Torre Sanders is focused and creating more exceptional music that blends all elements of Pop, R&B and Rock to further establish AlphaTorre as not just one man, one sound but as a multi-genre label originating in St. Louis, Missouri. Torre Sanders will set the precence of sound, style and business for AlphaTorre Records.
Writer, poet, singer, musician. Te’ V. Smith is a talent worth seeking out! From his humorous and playful yet educational political and social songs to his mind and soul challenging poetry he has amazed crowds from Kentucky to Paris France. An accomplished jazz pianist and soul writer his debut onto the national scene came mid 2007 when he joined the legendary “Roots” for a 5 city tour sharing the gift of word through poetry and song. With a strong following on the poetry/spoken word circuit Mr. Smith is sure to continue to push the envelope, raise the bar and change lives.
Other credits include: The Washington Post’ 100 most influential writers of the next generation 1997 ; Guest youth poet at le deil with Saul Williams and Ani Difranco 2000; featured on BET’s Lyric Café 2006; guest performer for Floetry’ “Floetry remix Tour” 2007; and featured artist on Russell Simmons’ Def Poetry Jam 2007 HEAR HIM SHARE HIS LIFE at
Contact Mocha Lattte if you want to book him.
Pick up an Evening Whirl on Mondays and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!

For more info on these items and events, contact Miss Latte at 314.646.9917 or

This edition of Senora Speaks will be a She Say He Say review (doen by Senora Robinsona dn YOURS TRULY, Ma'at AtKins) of the production OPRAH WINFREY PRESENTS THE COLOR PURPLE that is currently playing at The Fox

Pictured: Jeannette Bayardelle as Celie and Angela Robinson as Shug Avery (Photo courtesy of the Fox)


The Fox Theatre welcomed The Color Purple, to St. Louis. The highly acclaimed musical finally premiered in St. Louis on Tuesday, October 21st. The audience was about as blended and diverse as an Obama rally, St. Louis really came out to catch the opener of the production; which was brought on by TV icon, Oprah Winfrey.

The play, is based off of Alice Walker’s, 1982 Novel ‘The Color Purple,” and also the 1985 Movie directed by Stephen Spielberg.

Now of course when you have a play, that is based off of a movie, (which was originally based off a book), you will have variances.

I will say, that MOST scenes, and perceptions of the original script were kept true to the 1985 movie. However, there were far more that remained more true to the novel.

The play, gave us a more ‘up to date’ version of Celie’s life, the turmoil that she experienced with abusive and dominating men, the lack of finding love and truly finding her place in this world.

The play maintains that happy sister relationship that Celie (played by Jeannette Bayardelle), and Nettie (Latoya London) share as it opens with the two of them singing, and handclapping happily with each other. Pa’s (played by Quentin Earl Darrington) arrival, and the fact that he fathered 2 children with his own daughter brought an expected ‘gloom’ towards the production.

One of the ‘complimentary’ sectors of the play was the 3 church ladies who served as narrators per say, and would mysteriously show up throughout the play to keep us afloat, giving us “commentary” of what was going on. After the first couple of times, the “church ladies” presence seemed a little overkill, and unnecessary.

Celie, being imprisoned in her emotionally and physically abusive ‘un-marriage’ to husband ‘Mister’ a.k.a. Albert (Rufus Bonds, Jr) who’s open relationship w/ his lover/singer Shug Avery (Angela Robinson) had a sudden change of direction when Celie and Shug meet.

This part of the play remains true to the novel; as there is a vivid presence of Celie and Shug’s love affair and sexual relationship. The production displays how they share more than ‘Mister’ and through an elaborated song/ dance scene, Shug educates Celie on how to “Push the Button” (You had to read the book to get that part!)

Anyway, outside of the physical relationship between the two, Shug brings out the quiet, inhibited timid Celie to being more vocal, and expressive of her own feelings. Though their past lives are very different, their bond is shared based on the lack of love both of them experienced, whether it be self love or the absence of a loving caring family and other relationships.

The production’s popular couple; Sofia and Mister’s son Harpo, (Lesly Donald) kept you on your toes, as Sofia (who’s role was originally portrayed by Oprah Winfrey) displayed the very opposite as Celie’s. Sofia, being a strong woman, was robust and fierce, who was not afraid to stand up to anyone, including her husband.

One particular scene ironically portrayed how Sofia’s sisters were packing up to leave after Harpo had hit her during a fight. The song, “Hell No,” represented how Sofia wouldn’t put up w/ such disrespect, and the implication was there that Celie shouldn’t either.

A couple of unexpected scenes included Celie and Shug sitting at the table chatting over a box of Chinese rice and some wontons… (Yep, that was So.. St. Louis)… But they were discussing Shug’s desire for having a younger man… Another was when Celie and Mister sat down and compared notes to the likes of Shug. A woman that both of them had loved and adored and had been intimate with

The ending gave a surprise to us; as it was made evident how Mister (Albert) made a keen effort to bring Nettie and Celie’s children home. The picnic/party was planned, and though absent from the movie, but knowingly implied, Mister was given the opportunity to redeem himself to her for the years of abuse, and keeping her from her family.

Overall, the production was good. Many unexpected twists, turns and overrides gave one an upside-down rollercoaster effect. Superb vocal performances, singing, dancing and acting talents portrayed.

3 ½ stars…


Too Much Color in the Purple
By Ma’at Atkins

The Tony Award winning Broadway play, “Oprah Winfrey presents THE COLOR PURPLE” is currently staging at the Fox Theatre. The play, which runs through November 2, is based on the classic 1982 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Alice Walker and the moving 1985 Oscar nominated film by Steven Spielberg.

For those who have been under a rock prior to 1982, “Color” is the story of a Southern girl named Celie(played by Jeannette Bayardelle), who grows up in a house of abuse and grows up to endure a series of heartbreak and pain while being forced to marry sharecropper Albert, aka MIster (played by Rufus Bonds, Jr.) who tears her and her sister, Nettie (played by American Idol finalist Latoya London) away from each other, her only person who truly loved her.

Directed by Gary Griffin, “Color” is an engaging tour deforce for the celebration of love, pain and hope. Yet, it tries too much to capture moments that are exclusive to the book and to not be like the film (which could have helped with the acting in my opinion). In the gut of the play, it gives too much of a good thing resulting in a glut of scenes for nearly three hours.

One major drawback was the timing was of some of the scenes that came off amateurish (eg. When Celie went to get Mista a glass of lemonade she was half way to him when he said, “Not cold enough). Also, some of the dramatic scenes with the actors seemed rushed mainly the scene when Celie reunites with her adult children who were taken from her after they were born. The scene was clouded with “The song “the Color Purple” a jolty song. But it didn’t help with the emotional grasp of that scene. No music was needed and some sort of slower pacing for the joy and redemption to occur.

Albeit, the elaborate set, breathtaking scenery, foot stomping and provocative musical numbers (Shug Avery’s “Push Da Buttons: and Celie’s I;m Here” are the standouts) and the African cultural elements are what makes this play worth investing time to see (picture The Lion King meets “Roots: the Next Generation:)”)

As far as the acting, the principals actors were OK. Bayardelle and Bonds, Jr fell short in tehri connecting to their respective emotions (hers: masochism; his: sadism) . She was not wrenching enough for the sympathy aspect of her character (aka the ethos). And he wasn’t brutal enough. . And when Mista tried to redeem himself by trying to get back with her after :”Celie’s Curse’ after she leaves him, Bonds appears nonchalant and aloof. Yet both main actors made up their shortcomings with their big voices.

Another weird aspect of the play was the role of the Church Ladies throughout the play. They came off guffawish and cartoonish as they became the narrators of the play telling what was about to happen aka seers of the future. They would not have been missed if they were omitted.

The actors who shined are the Broadway principals of this play Felicia Fields (who was nodded for Best Supporting actress Tony) who plays the no hold barred Sofia; and Angela Robinson who plays the sexy and bisexual Shug Avery. They were believable and enjoyable to watch and helped to move the story along with their subplotted scenes.

Overall “Color” is more a feel good event than a production. Anything with Oprah on the title, is pretty much stamped a success and will have those who are curious to take a peak(sans “Beloved” 1998). So for those who come to see this play thinking you were going to see certain scenes and mannerisms extracted from the film version, you will be highly disappointed. But it will definitely get your tongues talking after curtain call.

Curtain times for the U.S. Bank Broadway Series presentation are Tuesdays through Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 2 & 8 p.m.; Sunday, November 2 at 2 p.m.

Single tickets for THE COLOR PURPLE at the Fox Theatre box office, online through, MetroTix charge by phone at 314/534-1111 and all MetroTix outlets. Orders for groups of 20 or more may be placed by calling 314/535-2900. Ticket prices range from $27-$68 depending on performance date and seat location. For more information, visit


THE AUSTRALIAN PINK FLOYD SHOW PERFORMSPINK FLOYD’S ‘THE WALL’FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MORE THAN 25 YEARS, PINK FLOYD’S LEGENDARY ROCK OPERA ‘THE WALL’ TO BE PERFORMED LIVE IN ITS ENTIRETY!Friday, November 7 • 8 pm &Saturday, November 8 • 8 pmLIVE at the Fox Theatre!$49.50, $44.50, & 39.50Concert preview on KETC/Channel 9On sale date to be announced soon

SMASHING PUMPKINS20th Anniversary TourWednesday, November 26 • 8 pmLIVE at the Fox Theatre!$53, $48 & $43A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available.On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale Friday, October 3 at 10 am!Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office,MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111.Order tickets online at
THE CHRISTMAS MUSIC OFMANNHEIM STEAMROLLERBY CHIP DAVISFriday, December 5 • 8 pmSaturday, December 6 • 2 pm & 8 pmFabulous Fox Theatre$52.50, $47.50, $42.50, $37.50A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available.
THE 2008 EDITION OF THE RADIO CITY CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR SPONSORED BY AMERENUE AND PRESENTED BY DANCE ST. LOUIS RETURNS TO THE FOX THEATRE DECEMBER 11-28, 2008! SINGLE TICKETS ON SALE SEPTEMBER 27 AT 10AM! ST. LOUIS, MO / September 2, 2008 – Fox Members of the world-famous Rockettes will be on hand to greet ticket buyers at the Fox Theatre box office at 10am. All MetroTix outlets, charge by phone at 314/534-1111 and will also open at that time. Ticket prices range from $29.50-$69.50 depending on performance date and seat location; a performance schedule is attached. Sponsored by AmerenUE, Dance St. Louis will present this return engagement of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular for 38 dazzling performances. Orders for groups of 15 or more may be placed by calling 314/535-2900. For more information, visit \+++++++++++
HARRY CONNICK JR. and his big band A HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Sunday, December 7 • 7:30 pm Fabulous Fox Theatre $73, $48 A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available.

Oprah Winfrey presents THE COLOR PURPLE, through November 2, 2008; Curtain times for the U.S. Bank Broadway Series presentation are Tuesdays through Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 2 & 8 p.m.; Sunday, October 26 at 2 & 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, November 2 at 2 p.m. There is also a weekday matinee on Thursday, October 30 at 1 p.m.

Nominated for eleven Tony Awards®, including Best Musical, THE COLOR PURPLE opened on December 1, 2006 at the Broadway Theatre where it ran for over two record-breaking years. It is based on the classic Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Alice Walker and the moving film by Steven Spielberg. It is the unforgettable and inspiring story of a woman named Celie, who finds the strength to triumph over adversity, and discover her unique voice in the world.
With a joyous GRAMMY®-nominated score featuring gospel, jazz, pop and the blues, THE COLOR PURPLE is about hope and the healing power of love. Michael Kuchwara, the Associated Press described THE COLOR PURPLE as “a roof-raising story of triumph.” And Richard Corliss of TIME Magazine said, “[it is] a soaring, epic tale. It made a joyful noise in my heart.” Elysa Gardner from USA Today raved, “Pure heart! It celebrates the inspiring relationships of faith and love, a Broadway hit!”
Single tickets for THE COLOR PURPLE at the Fox Theatre box office, online through, MetroTix charge by phone at 314/534-1111 and all MetroTix outlets. Orders for groups of 20 or more may be placed by calling 314/535-2900. Ticket prices range from $27-$68 depending on performance date and seat location. For more information, visit
THE COLOR PURPLE is a U.S. Bank Broadway Series presentation and sponsored by American Airlines.
Upcoming: SWEENEY TODD, November 14-16, 2008CATS, November 28-30, 2008 LEGALLY BLONDE the Musical, January 20-February 1, 2009 ! ; The Rep presents SPRING AWAKENING, February 10-22, 2009; CIRQUE DREAMS JUNGLE FANTASY, March 17-29, 2009; Dance St. Louis presents STOMP, April 3-5, 2009HAIRSPRAY, April 24-26, 2009Dance St. Louis presents RIVERDANCE, May 1-3, 2009; A CHORUS LINE, May 12-24, 2009RENT, June 2-7, 2009MARY POPPINS, AUGUST 13-30, 2009; THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, September 23-October 17, 2009

Call to Oneness wants to motivate people to volunteer at the polls and vote on Election Day November 4. The group will also hold a "Get Out to Vote" rally on November 2 at 1:00 p.m. at Kiener Plaza at 500 Pine Street in downtown St. Louis. Under the campaign called "Take Power, Take Control." It is designed to register and educate voters, provide transportation to voters who may not be able to make it to their polling location and to stress the importance of voting.The group's goal is to get 10,000 people to volunteer in north St. Louis and North County on Election Day. The volunteers will go door to door to make sure people get out and vote and assist voters in getting to the polls. Eric Rhone, the co-founder of A Call to Oneness, wants African Americans to cast their votes before 1:00 p.m. on Election Day in hopes of doubling the African-American turnout.


Time: November 2, 2008 at 8pmLocation: THE LOFTOrganized By: BISHOP V-LUV
Event Description:Bishop V-LuvPresident of Thro-Down Disc Jockey ServiceFounder of V-Luv the Kid's FoundationDerrty DJ Representative100.3theBeat KATZ-FM(ST.LOUIS,MO.) mp3 to:
P.O.Box 21385St.Louis, MO.63115314-574-9601


Rapper Ludacris is spending election night in St. Louis, and you’re invited to party with him. He’ll be at new club EXO Nov. 4 to preview songs from his “Theater of the Mind” CD, which will be released Nov. 25.
Election results will be broadcast all evening. Spinning are Charlie Chan and Jamie Smallz. Doors are at 8 p.m., and admission is free with an RSVP (RSVP information is to come).

Sponsoring this Simply Premium event is Red Bull and Hennessy.Get more information at
Clear Channel Obama Watch PArty at The Loft Nov 4 at 6 p.m.
Socialte Calvin Nelson invited folk to "calvin's pre- birthday celebration" on Thursday, November 6 at 5:00pm.
Event: calvin's pre- birthday celebration "jus because"
Thursday, November 6 at 5:00pm
Say When Lounge and Daiqiuri Shop
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
2008 RFT Best of St Louis Party, Thursday, Nov. 6 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Skybox, 800 N 3rd St. To RSVP email at in advance for entry.
Nov 7- CUREiosity party benefiting Siteman Cancer Center at LumenJoin SYNERGY and honorary event chair Mike Shannon as we host one of the city's premier benefit parties. CUREiosity celebrates the Rock Docs making a difference at Siteman Cancer Center and features great food, premium open bar, music by DJ Andrew, and interactive performers. Tickets and more info available at +++++++++++++++++++++++

The Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble’s production of "Katherine Dunham…She Lives!" will present a program at Missouri History Museum on the celebration of the extraordinary life and work of Katherine Dunham, the legendary dancer, choreographer, anthropologist and human rights activist. The performances at the Missouri History Museum mark the opening of the museum’s new special exhibition, "Katherine Dunham: Beyond the Dance"."Katherine Dunham…She Lives!" will feature dances originally choreographed by Dunham: "Choros", "Barrel House Blues" and "Ragtime". Other pieces are inspired by Dunham’s legendary dance technique, including "Escapades", which was originally created by Alvin Ailey.Saturday, November 8, 2008, 7:00 p.m.; Sunday, November 9, 2008, 3:00 p.m.$50 for the general public; $40 for Missouri History Museum members.Special Student Rate! $20 with valid student identification (Available only by calling 314-361-9017 or at the Missouri History Museum box office.)


Event Info
Party - Birthday Party

Time and Place
Start Time:
Friday, November 7, 2008 at 9:00pm
3112 OLIVE
Saint Louis, MO
Contact Info

Join us for the Second Annual A Family Affair with Steven Jackson to raise money for the Dennis W. Lamme Jr. Scholarship Fund at The Belle Center.
When: Thursday, November 13th, 5:00pm - 10:00pmWhere: J.Buck’s in Clayton
Admission: $20/adult, children free Cash Bar, Silent AuctionPhotographs and autographs availableNational City Bank Kids AreaSMASH band will play 5pm-7pmSteven Jackson show 7pm-8pm

Simple Pleasures Bringing the Winery to the People Host: B. Free Paparazzi MoviesThursday, November 13, 2008 Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pmLocation: The In Spot Dessert Bar & Lounge., welcomes you to join us for Simple Pleasures. Simple Pleasures is a seductive journey into classic style & timeless taste. This will be a networking event which fuses Neo Soul & Jazz with urban socialites, corporate executives, and blue collar professionals from all walks of life. Simple Pleasures will be introduction to a lifestyle...FREE WINE, DESSERTS (for sale), AND SMOOTH R&B & NEO SOUL ALL NIGHT.ADVANCE TICKETS $10 OR $15 AT THE DOOREmail:
JAck daniels presents Urban Art Exhibition at the Moto Musuem, 3441 Olive St. Friday, Nov. 14. Doors 7 p.m. FREE but need ticket. For ticket info go to
Host enoch (enoch)
Location: Vibe Lounge
7079 St. Charles Rock Rd, Saint Louis, MO 63133 US
View Map
When: Saturday, November 22, 8:00PM
Phone: 314-610-8849

Global Warmth is the only international good vibe party that St. Louis has seen. Be prepared to go to the Cosmos with the ethereal music of MeShell Suihailia Bashir Shakur a.k.a. MeShell Ndegeocello being played the entire night.

Orbiting the listening party will be an acoustic Soul performance from songstress
Teresa Jenee, a Spoken Word presentation from the electrifying M.K. Stallings, a short film by filmmaker Ronnell 'Falaq' Bennett, the healing gongs of the metaphysical musician Rashu Aten and an ancestral drum call by Ngoma In Motion. Please enjoy complimentary massages from Kelly Wimbley and witness William Burton Jr. as he demonstrates the craft of pyrography (fire writing on wood).


LEE LESSACK’S lyric baritone vocals and sophisticated yet endearing persona have made him a shining star of the international cabaret scene. His tribute to Johnny Mercer, “Too Marvelous For Words,” runs October 29-November 1 at the Kranzberg Arts Center. As we celebrate the centennial of Mercer, Lessack is the perfect match for this romantic of songwriters. Billboard Magazine calls his singing, "Cabaret romanticism of a high order." Tickets for Lee Lessack are $30.

TONY SANDLER finishes the CSTL Fall season November 13-14 at The Sheldon with “Chevalier-Maurice & Me.” This show is neither caricature nor impersonation, but a heartfelt homage to this widely-admired entertainer. It has been the subject of a PBS special and DVD, and contains the charm and savoir faire that Maurice himself brought to film and stage. Tickets for Tony Sandler are $40.Tickets for all five Cabaret St. Louis performances go on sale Tuesday, September 2 at 10 a.m. at all MetroTix locations. To charge by phone call 314-534-1111 or online at Memberships available by calling 314-726-1616. For more information, visit +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
AUDITION BITZ (NEW) DIVA Planning Model Search for Lights on Broadway Special Events and Bridal Expo. For more info: 314.443.8828..................................................(NEW):We got an email from actress Shawn Guy Pitts on ger new job and she is seeking help: Greetings! Just this past week, I received my official certificate as a certified trained S.A.R.T. Advocate through the YWCA.S.A.R.T. stands for Sexual Assault Response Team.As an advocate, I will be on-call to respond to victims of sexual assault and rape that present to the emergency room and provide them with support, empowerment, and resources.Some of you were lovely to attend my one-woman show put on in July 2007 that was about sexual abuse. At the end of the show, I encouraged all attendees that if they knew anyone who may have been or is a victim to go to the YWCA Sexual Assault Center.Well this year, I would like to take it a step further.As with any non-profit organization, funds are always an issue. This year, the deficit is even greater as well as the number of women who are beginning to report these devastating crimes.We are approaching the holiday season, which for many is a time of giving and sharing. I ask that you PLEASE consider donating money to the Sexual Assault Center.Remember, we love our mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, nieces, wives, girlfriends, and daughters. And guess what? Sexual abuse, assault, and/or rape can happen to ANY of them. Women (and sometimes men) present to the emergency room from all walks of life, economic standing, and backgrounds as victims.The YWCA Sexual Assault Center provides counseling, clothing, advocacy, resources, etc. to victims. Your donations will help to make this awesome refuge bigger and better.If you decide to donate before November 1st, you must send your donations to the United Way (where they divide the money up). If you donate AFTER November 1st, you can send your donations DIRECTLY to the Center at 140 N Brentwood, Clayton, MO 63105. ....................................Nar Js Music Evangelist Nakisha Joseph, 7740 Dale Ave. 314.313.2288............................Teddy Blackett needs help with sponsors for his website. He emailed OUTTOWN and he wrote:
“ Hey folks As most of you know i have my website up and running, is still in its infancy stage and appreciate all of your support. One of my goals is to eventually bring St. louis top notch events for FREE (or for as little as possible). To do this i will need major sponsors, and the 1st step is to get my email list full grown.PLEASE TAKE A SECOND AND GO TO AND SIGN UP. IT TAKES LESS THAN 30 SECONDS (yes i timed it fa real)”............................. Believing in Excellence in Education is a 6 week life-skills program for ages 7 though high school designed to empower young people to BEE the best they can be. The program focuses on etiquette/manners, social responsibility, financial responsibility, internet safety, peer pressure and more (see attached flyer). Open Registration and Parent Orientation will be held at Emerson YMCA on Pershall Road (near hwy 270 & West Florissant). Classes meet every Wednesday evening for 6 weeks from 6:30pm-8:30pm and ends in the B.E.E. BALL where students will dress up and show off their newly learned skills.. To register, log onto Please pass along............................................STL Poet Floyd IMPAKT Boykin and his wife Jacquette would like you all to votes for their baby boy Floyd Jr in the Majic 104.9 Baby Idol Cutest Baby Contest! He is listed as "Floyd B" under the "E-J" button. Voting started Monday. Please go to the web site and vote for him to win ( G & G Casting is currently scouting talent. Based out of Chicago, G &G was hoping to connect with some folks in St. Louis. If you know of any individuals who are serious about their craft and have experience and/or professional head shots and resumes please let me know. G & G is currently revising their web site, but they do have a basic splash page. I have attached the link as a reference: Please direct talent to me, that I may review their material and touch base with each individual before it's forwarded to the Executive Director. If talent sends incomplete or inadequate material directly to G & G it may get discarded. Call or e-mail me with any questions. Talk to you soon!Tamekeyo House630-729-4169...................................................... Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462......................................Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer to those of you who are in search for party and event space. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, art exhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderful hospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................
ONGOING BITZ. STLGRIND, Brainstorm and the Parker brothers present UPSCALE every Sunday at F15teen at 1900 Locust Street. Doors 7 p.m., Network 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Evolve from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.Admission $5 after 9 p.m. Ladies Two for one until 11 p.m. Info: 314.588.8899
Soup Kitchen presents a Taste of Healing every 1st Sunday of the month feat. DJ G and Needles at JMRJ Soul Food Restaurant, 2800 Olive Blvd below the Heritage House 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. $10 Web-site: PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS!!
The Soulition and Absolut present Chocolate Sunday with Dj Needles, 9 p.m. at 609/The U Lounge, 609 Eastgate. Ladies Free til 11 p.m., Ladies $3, fellas $5. +++ Fred and Harry Inc. presents Champagne Sundays at Sol Lounge, 4241 Lindell, 3:30 p.m. Cocktails $5, Cover $3. For more info go to
NEW: Close to Famous Enterprises presents Worth Sundays at Luciano’s 172 Carondelet adjcenet to Ritz Carlton Every Sunday 8:30 p.m until Complimentary Admission, drink specials 314.863.9969
NEW: JE presents Soul Sessions every Tuesday at the Jazz Bistro, 3536 Washnton Ave. Doors at 8 p.m., Show at 9 p.m 314.922.7350 weekly featured artists live music by Music Unlimted $5 door prizes . For more info contact
Mondays are Comedy Nites at Janae’s West 7555 Olive Blvd, hosted by Darius Bradford. 8:30 p.m. $10 Cover. (314)863-7420...............................
Francois Cognac and Cigar Bar presents Evening of Expressions, every Tuesday a blend of culture, spoken word and neo soul, 326 N/ Vanderventer. Free until 9 p.m. $5 after 9 p.m. For more info call Ms. Bell at 314.229.7952 or Alexander at 314.448.2939..............................
Two Dollar Tease Me Tuesdays Comedy Show at the Twilight Room 8344 North Broadway, St. Louis MO. Call 314.385.4545 for more info.‏ Suite Soul Spot, 1st Tuesday of each Month at the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th Blvd. 9 p.m. 314-588-0505.2 Dollar Tuesdays at The Spot, 8370 N Broadway. $2 to get in and $2 drink specials all nite long. Doors at 9 p.m. for more info call 314.385.4545..................
Fusion with DJ Needles of the Solution, Wednesdays at Posh, 408 N Euclid, 8 p.m. 21 Y.O. and up NO HATS FELLAS. FREE Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacledes Landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m..............
Lamar Harris and The L, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. til midnite at Delmar Restaurant and Lounge6235 Delmar Blvd. Free before 10 p.m. 314-725-6565 ·
NEW: After Hours presents The Return of Nightlife Networking. No Cover. Live Entertainment every other Thursday starting Sept 25 at Posh, 408 N Euclid.
XOX Singlesvibe presents XOX Thursday Oct. 23 and every other Thursday at Posh located on Euclid and Mcpherson. FREE all nite. Info:
NEW: FreeTime's popular weekly event is BACK at St. Louis' newest hotspot: Exo Lounge (3146 Locust) FreeTime is teaming up with 1st Fridays-Stl to bring out the cities sexiest young professionals this Thursday for the official kickoff! Come out early from 6-10 for Lusters nation-wide model search (as advertised on Q95.5 and Hot 104.1). Enjoy the best in Jazz, classic R&B and Soul and martini DRINK SPECIALS for EVERYONE. This is the new place to be every Thursday, at EXO. Must be 21 to enter. Stylish attire required. And if you haven't tried it yet, NUVO will definitely be in the building sampling from 8:30-10PM! Enjoy responsibly.RSVP for FREE admission before 10pm! Email: by 4pm Thursday. Must include full name & email for each guest.For VIP booths and bottle service call 314.397.4007. Or visit FreeTimestl
Drama House Thursdays @ The In Spot, 5854a Delmar- Clean Comedy‏ . Doors at 8 p.m., Show at 9 p.m. $5
Milq Da Game presents Destination Thursdays at Club Society. $500 to the sexiest lady. Ladies Free til 11;30p.m. 2 for 1 drinks before 10:30 p.m. for fellas and free drinks for ladies. Info:
M5 Entertainment presents Rhythm and rhyme Thursdays every Thursdays. Calling all hip-hop artists, poets, singers. Royal Palace Restaurant and Lounge, 4266 Natural bridge at Lamdin. Sign up by 8:30 p.m.. Show at 9:30 p.m., Admission FREE before 9 p.m., $5 After wards.
The Virtual Lounge Expressions, A Christian based open mic every 1st Friday, Cookies jazz and More #20 AllenBlvd. Webster Groves, Mo. Doors open at 8 p.m. Cover $10. For more info go to
Spectrum presents "Friday Night at the Sky Box "EACH & EVERY Friday"Sky Box Sports Bar & Grill beginning Friday, October 3 at 9p to 3am Where: Sky Box Sports Bar & GrillTo see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Club EXO presents Feel Good Fridays: An Afterwork Experience, is every Friday from 5 p.m.-9 p.m., hosted by noted author-TV producer Lyah B eth LeFlore and featuring singer Biana and Little Black Dress Wines. Get more information at

Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-Luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drink specials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to
All Star Inc presents Grown Folks Friday at St. Louis happy Hour bar and Grill, 12948 Halls ferry at Parker Rd., with DJ Sir Thirl. Ladies Free til 11 p.m. FREE Parking. Status Fridays every Friday at Dolce Ladies $5 before 11 p.m. 9 p.m.-3 am
CAFE SOUL, every 3rd Friday of the Month, Place: Lucas Shcool House , PLEASE CALL 314-504-7405. FOR INFO.
NEW: DT presents 30s the New 20 at the Jazz Spot (formerly WS Hotel), 400 Wash Ave., Starting Saturday, Sept 13, 30 and upo, Doors at 8 p.m. Dress Code. Info: 314.922.4387. JOIN DERRTY DJ'S DJ AJ & DJ CD EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FOR THE ULTIMATE 30 & OVER PARTY
NEW: Sexy and Sizzling Saturdays begins this week as well, from 9 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. with DJ Charlie Chan. Admission is free before 10:30 p.m. Saturdays.
Get more information at
MPAC presents '2 is better than 1 Sunday' @ Knockouts. Every Sunday there is 2 for 1 admission, 2 for 1 drink specials til 11:00 pm along with 20 flat screens to watch Sunday night Football and party.The football game starts at noon and the party kicks off at 8pm until 1:30 in the morning.
If you wanna see what crime is goin on in your hood, just go to (The only problem is, the only areas they highlight so far in the St. Louis area are Kirkwood and Hazelwood and Maryland heights)++++++++++++++++++++

Radio personality Craig Blac has an online radio show called Renegade Radio on riverfront times radio. To check it out the local listings go to
NEW: Those looking for a good throwback party, on wheels no less, should check out the Old School Skate Reunion. It goes down this and every Wednesday from 8 p.m.-midnight at St. Nicks, 1805 Lucas Avenue downtown. DJ Reminise will spin the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s skate jams all night. The event wants to bring back the glory days of skating at Saints and the Palace.
Practice skate sessions run from 7 p.m.-8 p.m.
Admission is $5 before 8 p.m. and $7 afterward. Costs include skate rentals at this 25-and-over event. Old School Skate Reunion is sponsored by Brainstorm. For more information call 314-392-7882.

NEW: Children of Promise Learning Center is currently enrolling. Located at 4231 N Grand Blvd. 6 weeks to 6 years (enrollment fees are waivered until Nov. 1) To enroll or be a sponsor call 314.371.1308

“Eccentric Soul: The Young Disciples” CD featuring the 1960s East St. Louis group was released Oct. 21. For more info go to
STL-TV's popular "The Best of the STL" can also be seen on Saturdays at 11 p.m. on CW 11.
Floyd Boykin hs a new GreetingCard Line "POETICBYDESIGN." Log on to and purchase ANY single card, your name with be automatically placed into our internet raffle. For each card that you purchase, your name will be placed into the raffle again, which will give you a better chance of winning. If your name is pulled, you will WIN 5 cards of your choice, redeemable anytime before 02-28-2009. So that means, as we produce more cards, you will have your choice of picking between existing and newly published cards. ISN'T THAT GREAT??? This promotion will end on September 30th.We sincerely appreciate your business. If you have any questions, please contact us at, or call 314-517-8764.
DJ Sir Thurl will DJ your birthday party for FREE!!!Have "The Official Party Starter" DJ Sir Thurl from 100.3 The Beat Aka Mr. Myspace DJ for July Spin at your birthday party FOR FREE!!! All you have to do is call 314.551.9872 for the details or email: You must be 21 years of age or over to receive this special!
Rance John Styles and barbering, located in the luxurious Benton Park Neighborhood, 2909 Jefferson. 314.772.7511
PIECES OF A DREAM" One of the most critically-acclaimed, powerful independent films of our generation!!! ORDER IT NOW AT orBy calling the Customer Service toll free# at 888-418-8637 Mon.-Fri. between 10am - 5pm (CST) & selecting option #2 (accepting debit/credit cards & checks/money orders) Get the "Pieces Of A Dream" Feature Film DVD / the Music Soundtrack CD individually available for $13 + shipping/handling orGet the "Pieces Of A Dream" Combo Pack (Both the DVD & CD) for $23 + shipping/handling. Fans worldwide are responding and joining the "Conscious" Film Movement!!! Snapping up more than 30,000 copies of the independently produced "conscious" film "PIECES OF A DREAM" DVD & Music Soundtrack CD,since it's worldwide release in December 2007.
Good Shepherd Infant and Toddler Center, 5990 Page. Now Enrolling. School age children welcome. Info: 314.725.5710
Check out Leannett Payne’’s CHOCOLATE BLOG by emailing her at!

Catch all the latest STL entertainment sites, sounds and interviews at
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
For your hip-hop ministry and Christian music services check out Mynista’s website at :
Check out author and activist Keith Boykin’s new website Daily Voice at
Hear new music from STL singer Silky Sol at or

For all your photography needs go to
The Black Rep's blog, Black Reppin. It can be found on its website, or directly at
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. Patrinna Wiley & Eric LaGrone Independent Associates Small Business and Group Specialists Identity Theft/Restoration Services We give members access to professional legal counsel not only for traditional legal problems, but for everyday events such as buying a house or a car, creating a will, handling a problem with an insurance company, dealing with identity theft, and much more where legal review should be routine, but rarely is. These events can be among the most important events in a person's life, yet there is a tendency for them to take place without proper legal review. For Pre-Paid Legal members, access to legal counsel is only a toll-free phone call away. Call to set up your appointment.Office: (314) 837-6779 Cell Patrinna: (314) 581-9888 Cell Eric: (314) 713-7803
If you want to get onVanita Applebum's entertainment newsletter, email her at and also check out her blog at
Check out Lisa Rose blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at or go to her my space page at
Check out blog for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop.For more info call314.721.3361 or email at
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contactJessica Dana at or go to
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at or go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. It is
Well that will be it.Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at for pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.