TOP PIC: The pic of YOURS TRULY (twice) with one of the ladies at the event.
CENTER PIC: The light arrangement on the wall outisde of the event. It had to have been well over 500 people up in the club and outside on the terrace!....Faulk with two of his
biggest fans....Alive mag's Katherine Bish (white lady) and Miss Teona (black lady)....
STL Post fashion Writer Debra Bass and Alive Mag photographer Miss Cristy
Miss Lovely (black lady and American Insurance's Gina Gynn (white lady) taking their turn on the diva pose.
"The Best of the STL" and "Enterate" host Gilberto Pinella and friend.
Lovely sistas at the event.
Mister Man got his hands full here!
She givin somebody da hand up in the club!
Overall the party was off the chain--white, balck, male, female, stars and wanna bes partyin all in one roof (all that was missing was the wild sex and drugs). Our names were on a VIP list from a special e-vite from SYNERGY (the same comapny that put on Nelly's hot Black And White Party last July at the Contemporary Arts Museum). The velvet rope was in front of the area wherr the club corridor with a bouncer with THE LIST. My name was on the list and I was directed how to get to the club. I was a little concerend with the enter and exit set up which was one way and that was from the back of the club taking the stairwell! (Not good if someone yelled fire!)
This party was dubbed Faulk's last party. I dont know why, but I guess its because of his retirement from the pigskin earlier this year and his full time ventures commentating the NFL beginning in the fall. But the party was nice (Some appetizers would have been nice, though). teh DJ was mashing hip-hop and rock music which was cool.
But I had a face crack moment. It happened when NFL Hall of famer Marcus Allen showed up to the party. he was out in the terrace area of the club and stopped near one of the doors going toward inside. I asked for his pic with a lady who I believe was his assistant. I gave her my card and asked his assistant if I could take a picture. But he was on his cell phone. After he got off the phone, she asked if he wanted to take a pciture. I gave him my card. Then he asked me, "Do you work for Marshall?" I said NO. But hey, we got the same first names. (OH THAT WAS SO CORNY)Then he said, "Well, I only take pics for Marshall."
After I picked up my face and looked around a few minutes and proceeded to walk off, his assistant grabbed me by my camera strap and asked if I was gonna take the picture. I was confused, so I walke dback up to them and was ready to take the pic when Allen said, "I dont mean any hard feelings, but I only take pics for Marshall." Another face cracked moment. So to savor the moment, I just smiled and walked off. A few minutes later, I walk inside to the VIP area and who do I see? Allen in VIP cheesin and grinnin with some laidies arm in arm takin pictures by a female. Oh I got it. I didnt have boobs and blonde hair so I was not worthy to get a picture. That is just too much playin!
The liqour, in my opinion, should have been free especially with tha party being an VIP invite only set up.
Miss Tiffani Blackmore (picture dabove) hounded me all night for me to get a pic of she and Rams' Pisa Tinoisamoa. She had me play Sherlock Holmes up in that party to get him to take a pic with her. She had the hotsies for this brotha. I told her I was uncomfortabel approcahinghim asking to do it, but she insisted and I saw that she was determined for me to do it. So, I spent the rest of the party trying to make this happen. Well, minutes before she was leavin the aprty, Pisa crossed my path, I got his attention and asked if he could take a pic with Tiff. He obliged and she had a look on her face as though some1ne surpsied her with a b-day party. (I emaile dher teh pic a few days later). But when she found out he was married with two kids, I think her hopes were kinda crush...but then again...
Anothercarzy moment happened as I was walkin and stood near VIP, someone grabbed my ass! I looked around, checking to see if my wallet was still in the back of my pants and it was. Someone groped me and I didnt know who did it! Dayam was I lookin that good? LOL(If you catch the latest issue of ALIVE, you will see YOURS TRULY up in there with a black tank top, a see through black short sleeve shirt, black slacks and a makeshift black/silver diamond I had aroudn my neck).
VIP's at the the party were Rams; Jon Alston and Torry Holt, 1st Friday's Fred Finley, Ram's exec Keith Harris, Nellys manager T-Luv, and some Miss Bachelorette who wore her sash proudly and proceeded to feel me up like I was the last man on the planet B4 she got hitched. LOL
The AFter Party was at Nectar. You had to get a stamp on your hand (with the cursive N) to get in free up in therre. I got therre about 1 in teh morning. I stayed for about an hour and as I walk'd off, it was a huge crowd of people still waiting to get inside the party. If anything, Synergy was genius for making this his farewell party cause of the demand for peeps to attend his parties. But my gut feelin is tellin me that this wont be the last we hear from Faulk.
If you were at the party, what were your viewz about the party? Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com!
The AFter Party was at Nectar. You had to get a stamp on your hand (with the cursive N) to get in free up in therre. I got therre about 1 in teh morning. I stayed for about an hour and as I walk'd off, it was a huge crowd of people still waiting to get inside the party. If anything, Synergy was genius for making this his farewell party cause of the demand for peeps to attend his parties. But my gut feelin is tellin me that this wont be the last we hear from Faulk.
If you were at the party, what were your viewz about the party? Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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