Dj Enoch on the 1s and 2s gettin into the feelin (He was spinnin Prince's "Erotic City" at the time)
RIGHT:Doug James and Platinum Group's Jacque Land doin it old school for the Roll Call segment.
Doug James with a memebr of the crowd during Roll call segment
Silky Soul in her element
RIGHT: Terese Janee
LEFT: The bassist of the Crew
RIGHT: Singer Sharitha did her thang on Whitney's "I Belive In You And Me"
Aliica Renee, who performed first, wowed the crowd with a Beyonce version of the song "Fever."
Singer Buddy singin a tune for the ladies (What was up with that sweat handkercheif, though? LOL)
Sharice sang Tweet's "Beautiful" (the song had socialte Glynnis OConnor almost shouting up in the place!)
STL actress/singer Sophia Stephens 9I wasnt mad at you wearin those STYLE-ttoes) and YOURS TRULY during intermission of Cafe Soul
Cafe Soul creators Coco Soul and Nichol Stevenson
Former Freeman Bosley Junior Show personality Nicci Roach (with a new do) and ST. Louis American's Kenya Vaughn tryin to hide.
STL socialites Sonia Branscomb and Monica Tyson cheese it up for the camera (They were my play dates for the evening. LOL)
Realtor David Carroll and Jacque Land talkin ish during Happy Hour
RE Publicist Pam Raymond and the ST Louis Post's Debra BAss takin a moment for a pic during Happy Hour.
Some of Daniel Hodges' art work that was on sale at the event
People gettin to the event (the second person in line is STL videographer Dana Christian)
Some onlookers at the vending
Daniel Hodges painting on the spot.
One of Daniel Hodges' paintings, Piece of Peace
Patrons in the lobby with the Cafe Soul logo on the projected screen that also doubled as the camera to the stage whereteh artists performed. .
Patrons in the lobby
The crowd outside at Cafe Soul
Poet Robert Dillard and Shawna Frazier performing
So Diverse's Diedria B and..........LIA!
Mocha Latte on the pole (Move over Diamond. LOL)
Mocha clownin on the pole!
EVENT-VIEWZ. The only big event I checked out since last week was the 1st Anniversary of Café Soul, the popular open mike for singers and poets who celebrated its feat at the Lucas House on Allen Ave last Wednesday. It was definitely a festive occasion and a reunion on many levels,. The event had 12 of the popular artist who performed at the monthly event as well as a reunion of the patrons who have supported them. I got there about 7 or so in order to catch some of the Happy Hour that was taking place at outside next to Lucas House at a gated area that looked like a resort with the tables and chairs and umbrella roofs. I chatted with those who I knew (Platinum Groups’ Jacque Land was one) especially SIUE Alumni Pam Greer (No not the actress) who I talkd with briefly about life outside of SIUE. She was trying to get me to start a Black Alumni Chapter at SIUE but I gave her the Hollywood treatment and said that I would look into it…NOT. ….They had food and drinks for sale as well.
Inside, in the lobby area they had a small expo of a couple of vendors selling their wares including Soul Diva Trading and artist Daniel Hodges (who does the commemorative paintings for the St. Louis Americans; Salute to Excellence in Education banquets) who was painitng libe on the spot….The show started around 9 ish. As we waited, DJ Nappy needles spun some old school 80-s jams (Herbie Hancock’s Rockit, “Cheryl Lynn’s “Encore) that had us all in the mood to get some roller skates….
Hosted by Coco Soul (who was looking very beautiful in a colorful dress) and her co-host former Troy’s on The Park emcee Doug James (who quickly is becoming the Sonny and Cher of hosting in the Lou). The artists who were invited to perform included Alicia Renee (who did a sultry version of the classic song, “Fever”—more like the Beyonce’s version from Fighting Temptations ), Buddy (who did his best john Legend ), Lamon Cook (who did spoken word, a poem calld Cafe Soul) Sharice (who did a greta job of Tweet’s album cut, “Beautiful”), Terese Janee, Sharitha (who clowned on Whitney’s “I Believe In You And Me), and a local band called The Crew that had a sista ion the bass and white boy on keys who sounded so much like Bob Marley, it was sick!
But the highlight of the first half (I left after the second half cause it was gettin close to 11ish ) was local singer Silky Soul (who for those who attended the Brian McKnight concert a few months ago got on stage with McKnight and was gettin spanked by him during his song, “What’s My Name”—come to find out she knows him, so the antic was staged after all. ) who did background vocals for Coco Soul during her version of “Ain’t Nobody,” then when it was time for Silky, it became the Silky Soul Show. Sister girl performed, Jill Scott’s “A Long Walk” She sang the song true enough, then she started doin the Betty Wright thing—talkin to the crowd about how tryin to find a good man stuff. She went from the guy had to have a big magic stick to he has to believe in God. She was definitely off the chain on this one (She even said while on the mike, “Those who are still outside, get your ass inhere, cause I’m about to perform”) She did admit that she had a little to drink—I say, don’t excuse booze for the attitude. LOL.
In the second half, I heard that singer Deandre Perryman and Mo Tre performed and actress Sophia Stephens (who can be currently seen in the Black Rep’s version of Guys and Dolls) performed but I had to step to get to Mocha Latte’s Got Lyrics at the Loft.
Another highlight was when they did a tribute to the late Dr Jockenstein with Roll Call (which will be a mainstay in the subsequent shows ) . They had one sista who was Ok, but the mike went up 10 levels when Jacque Land got on the mike and did a full free style rap. The crowd went wild. He became Melle Mel in an instant! (Too bad his buddy who tried to follow up Jacque and left on a wimper). City 10 was in the house interviewing people about the show and SPITFLIX’s Dana Christian was taping the show.
Anyway, the event was a success (DJ Enoch also took over the 1s and 2s after Needles during the intermission) and they had two big cakes in celebration . Some of those in the house consisted the who’s who in the Lou including hairstylist Evertte Johnson, rapper Black Tyde, fashion stylist Wynette Jones, Nicci Roach (who was sportin cornrolls), St. Louis American’s Kenya Vaughn, Vanita Applebum, Terry Stevenson, Rashad and Eddie of SYGU, Harry Colbert, Damon Green, Monica Tyson, Sonia Brascomb (Keep ya head up!) , National Association of Black Accountants’ Sam Gradford (Is it me or he is a bit on the odd side?) , David Carroll, KSDK’s Jeff Small,Courtney Wade, Jamie Spencer, X-jam, Majic 104.9’s Garth Adams and Arrika Parr, St. Louis Posts’ Kevin Johnson (Saw you on stage with your wife and mistress LOL !) , Miss Erika (Blonde hair and eyebrows!), Oneness, Glynnis OConnor, Selena J and Lamar Harris.
Another highlight was when they did a tribute to the late Dr Jockenstein with Roll Call (which will be a mainstay in the subsequent shows ) . They had one sista who was Ok, but the mike went up 10 levels when Jacque Land got on the mike and did a full free style rap. The crowd went wild. He became Melle Mel in an instant! (Too bad his buddy who tried to follow up Jacque and left on a wimper). City 10 was in the house interviewing people about the show and SPITFLIX’s Dana Christian was taping the show.
Anyway, the event was a success (DJ Enoch also took over the 1s and 2s after Needles during the intermission) and they had two big cakes in celebration . Some of those in the house consisted the who’s who in the Lou including hairstylist Evertte Johnson, rapper Black Tyde, fashion stylist Wynette Jones, Nicci Roach (who was sportin cornrolls), St. Louis American’s Kenya Vaughn, Vanita Applebum, Terry Stevenson, Rashad and Eddie of SYGU, Harry Colbert, Damon Green, Monica Tyson, Sonia Brascomb (Keep ya head up!) , National Association of Black Accountants’ Sam Gradford (Is it me or he is a bit on the odd side?) , David Carroll, KSDK’s Jeff Small,Courtney Wade, Jamie Spencer, X-jam, Majic 104.9’s Garth Adams and Arrika Parr, St. Louis Posts’ Kevin Johnson (Saw you on stage with your wife and mistress LOL !) , Miss Erika (Blonde hair and eyebrows!), Oneness, Glynnis OConnor, Selena J and Lamar Harris.
ODD MOMENT: As I was fellowshipping with the crowd during intermission, this brotha shook my hand as I was walking through the crowd. I lookD at him to see if I knew him. I didnt. I must have had that look of "who are you?" cause he said. "Oh, I don't know you, I just wanted to shake yoru hand." OH-K. I guess.
I left out around 11:30 or so to try and get the tail end of Mocha Latte’s Got LYRICS at the Loft and I’m so glad I did. When I got therre, they had their usual poets (King Izreal and Floyd Boykin had already been on the mic as the featured poets) and as regular Robert Dillard and his guitar accompanist Shawna Frazier got on the mike to perform “Drop it Like its Hot,” Mocha used the pole that was next to the staging area and pretended to be Diamond from Playa’s Club. This had to have been the funniest thing I have ever saw in my life! It was for comedic effect and Mocha was so spontaneous in the moment. You had to have been there to have seen it! Too much playin.
FYI--I also got some FLICK-BITZ happenings. I posted two other posts following this post. One is the previewz for "Tranformers" (OUT 212) and the other is the Los Angeles premiere of the Don Cheadle flick, "Talk To Me" that premiered last week at the Los Angeles Film Festival which also stars STL comedian Cedric The Entertainer and direcetd by STL native Kasi Lemmons (OUT 211).
STL-TIDBITZ….Sounds like the radio airwaves were buzzin in many ways this week. I caught the tail end of it, but on Hypeman Dwight Stone’s show on 100.3The Beat on Monday, Ali of the St. Lunatics was on the show to promote stuff he and Gipp were doing but then he started talking about his disdain and the trash talk from local rappers and groupies who have beef on Nelly who think he don't support local acts in the Lou, he don't do PRO BONO stuff when it came to being on their remixes and his not coming to support local events. Did anyone else hear this? It was quite interesting .................. …Also buzzin was the latest controversy involving popular socialite Styles and the rumor of his spreading HIV to his sexual partners unbeknownst to them and his dispelling the rumors (See STL-TIDBITZ 210). But apparently the public cis not buying what he is saying. So he got on 100.3 the Beat to talk with radio personality KIki The 1st Lady’s show Saturday to talk about the rumors. In a nutshell, Kiki (who said on air that her celly had been ringing off the hook in regards to the rumors) challenged him to get a HIV test during the HIV Awareness day (which is June 27)over the following weekend at Fairground Park. He obliged to do as such and said that the rumors about him were bogus (He was quite jokey in his demeanor as well) . As of today, there hasn’t been any reports of his going to the park to take the test. I’m sure this will get even more heated as the weeks progress............... On early Tuesday morning, I don’t know what was going on with the radio signals. Every station (mainly 95, 100.3. 104.1. 104.9 and 107.7) were running the Emergency broadcast System tone on and off for about 10 minutes in between 7:30 and 8:30 am. I don’t know what was goin on there???….You get a lot of scoop when you least expect. While I was in the gym on Monday, a reliable source(as well as said while in conversation with some of their gym partners that STL rapper Chingy is returning to Ludacris’ DTP label. This is interesting cause it was speculated that Chingy, who got his start with Ludacris, never did sign with DTP but was more of a “handshake” deal. Yet, Chingy’s debut CD,. 2002’s “Jackpot” was a smash ($4 million copies in the U.S. alone). But it was reported that Chingy left DTP soon after his debut because of monetary issues (Chingy’s subsequent albums with Capitol 2004’s Powerballin and last year’s Hoodstar never reached the multiplatinum success of his debut….hmmmmm). Now with his coming back to DTP, I wonder if it had to do with the fact that Ludacris’ other protégé;s projects (Shawna, Shareefa, Field Mob, Bobby Valentino ) have not reached the success of Chingys; debut CD? ….Speaking of STL rappers, I also heard from that same gym convo that better Family Life’s James Clark’s son and his boys are trekking to the ATL in a few weeks to hit the big time with their rap group Show Me City Guys….I heard that singer T-Pain’s concert at Club Society last Thursday was not all that. From my sources, T-Pain got on stage around 1 in the morning (which is standard for concerts at Society) and he did snippets of his hits (with the exception of his latest hit “Buy You A Drank” which he played all the way through). I also hear that the club was charging 50 and 60 bones for those who didn’t get tickets in advance . Now that is just too much playin! FYI, did you know that T-Pain (whose real name is Faheem Najm was born Muslim ?) (I wonder how the rival concert Ne-Yo at Dante’s squared off . from the pics I saw from, it was an intimate crowd)….Last Sunday near Tower Grove Park was where the annual Pride festival was going on. I hear that it was success with STL dignitaries such as Mayor Francis Slay, Board of Alderman Prez Lewis Clark and Fire Chief Sherman George was therre in support (Sorry that my buddy Gary’s two convertibles’ seats got soaked from the rain L) …Speaking of Gary, is it me or did anyone realize that Gary’s Fine Dining Restaurant on Grand next to the Fox Theatre had closed down like two weeks ago? …. St. Louis native and fashionista Kimora Lee Simmons will debut her reality show on Aug. 5, called 'Kimora: Life in the Fab Lab.' It will make its debut on The Style Network at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Cameras will go behind-the-scenes of the high-octane life of the ghetto fabulous fashion model, hip-hop mogul and beloved mother. Viewers will follow the soon to be former Mrs. Russell Simmons as she runs her multi-million dollar Baby Phat fashion empire and will also get a sneak-peek into Kimora's private life, including her most important job as mother of two precocious young daughters two daughters, seven year-old Ming Lee and four year-old Aoki Lee. I wonder if they will give viewers a sneak peak of her playing kissy face with her reported new love, actor Djimon Honsou?.Say it ain’t so, but Nicci Roach of the Freeman Bosley Junior Show has left the popular radio show. Last Sunday was her last day but the cast is giving her 30 days to do what she has to do for her to return. After speaking with her recently, it doesn’t seem likely. She said she had to take care of personal things in her life and career. I wonder of this has anything to do with, INKOSI’s Kevin Bryant. Can we say, “I do?” Just speculating. I wonder who will replace her and her popular Nicc and Nine segment? This reminds me when Marc Clark left Majic 108 a few years back to get married and move to Philly and the Breakfast Crew had temp replacements to fill the job (lo and behold Jessie Taylor). Well, if the Bosley Show is reading this, I have a great replacement for you—socialite/poet and event host, Mocha Latte!....I ran up on this new local entertainment website that is on fire—literally. It is called It’s like an entertainment journal of the happenings in hip-hop on a national and local scale along with events to go to and a photo gallery of the events of the past. They also got a segment called Ask Drew (kind of like Dear Abby). I see that photographer Kevin Jordan is a regular snapper for them. If you get a chance check it out! …For the MIA file, where is Q of Spin City Recordz?
WHYZ AT THE BET AWARDS...Why were the B-list/newbie entertainers (Ne-Yo, UNK, Pretty Ricky, Lloyd) gettin geeked up for winning golden boxing gloves at the Pre-Show?....Why did Yung Joc seem uncomfortable after Rosci of 106 and Park askD him if he had date to the awards and then shouted out, "What's Up Alex?" Why was therre a guy screaming as loud as the females to shake Lloyd's hand when he came out to greet his fans at the Pre-Show?Why did Robin Thicke look so out of place when he was with 50 Cent's enterouge during the pre-Show? And why was his performance reminiscent of an act from the old Lawrence Welk show?
Why did it seem like Ne-Yo was channeling Michael Jackson during his performance? Why did Chris brown wear thsoe nerdy black shades (looking like Mr Peabody)? Why was T-Pain sounding liek a school nerd when he presented an award?Why was Kelly Rowland sounding off key during her performance? And why was she trying to dance like Beyonce (Did y'all also check out Ms. Kelly sitting on the legs of the white chick ? What's really goin on?)? Why were Nelly and Cedric The Enteratiner trying to hold back tears during the Gerald Levert tribute? Why didnt Gerald Levert's daughter come up to the stage after Monique acknowldged her? (Come to find out she had to leave after the tribute to compose herself from crying )? Why did Monique tried to dance along with Beyonce duing the latter's performance of Get Me Bodied? Why are we not sick and tired of Beyonce?Why was Ciara poppin her ass in front of Bow Wow in the aisle? Why was LL Cool J look like he was scared to take off Monique's high heel shoe? Why did 50 Cent' try to lip synch and it backfired (The antigravity girls swirling above him were on point though and more memorable)? Why was he the only one who cursed during his performance (Diana Rsos checked him during her tribute speech. LOL)? Why did Toccora act like she didnt know she was about to have a wardrobe malfunction and Joe Clair had to rescue her from it after the crowd responded? Why was Diddy lip-synching? Why did the whole Diddy/Lil Kim and Keyshia Cole performance looked unrehearsed? Why did Yolanda Adams stop singing after Patti Labelle came out to perform with Gladys Knight and Eddie Levert during the Gerald Levert tribute? Why didnt Chaka Khan know the words to Diana Ross song, "Im Coming Out" during the Diana Ross tribute? Why did a audience member shout out from the balcony, "I Love that Red" to Tracee Ellis Ross (about her dress) as she was beginning her tribute to Diana Ross? Why was Monique screaming throughout the show? Why did Lil Wayne and baby bring their chi'ren all up on stage? Why didn't Berry Gordy walk on stage with Diana Ross during the Diana Ross tribute?And why, beside the tributes, did the show seem a bit slow and not exciting?
BLIND ITEMZ. Which one of the stars that I mentioned above was not bale to get into one of the exclusive BET after party at teh Roosevelt Hotel and was p-d off about it? (Hint: It's a guy). And from Myra Panache's report, two rappers were trying to book the same high priced "hip-hop call girl," . She is booked solid (due to the hip-hop stars coming out for the BET awards) and could only make room for one rapper. A bidding war ensued which doubled her rate. Meanwhile, the rapper who lost the bidding war had harsh words with the other rapper. And, despite some of the rappers bringing their girlfriends/wives to the BET Awards, they still made time to sneak off with this particular call girl.
EVENT-TIDBITZ. CERTIFIED WEDNESDAYS feat. DJ’s Charlie Chan and Stan da Man, Wednesday at R Bar 4054 Chouteau, just west of Vandeventer, ladies free before 11 p.m., fellas 5 dollars. Dress relaexed; For mor einfo, go to or its
7th Annual Hollis Thomas Charitable Weekend, June 27th-30th 2007. It includes Wine Down Wednesdays, June 27, 2007, 7-11pm @ Bricke-Mortor & Clay Realtors, 3224 Locust Ave, Suite 101, St. Louis, MO. RSVP @ or 314.496.1475.
Thursday, June 28 Glam fashion/Hair show , 7 p.m. 3rd Degree Glass factory, 5200 Delmar;
Friday June 29-6 p.m. Greeks v Geeks B-Ball Charity tourney, Harris Stowe, 3026 Laclede;
10 p.m. Comedy Show at Studio Hitz at 8927 Riverview
Saturday, June 30 Football/cheerleading camp, 9 a.m. Health and Eduation Symposim at Harrois Stowe University; After Party feat. Buckeye of Flava of Love, 8 p.m. at Studio Hitz.
For more information call 314.276.8676 or go to
STYLISHLY HOT VOL. IV - FRIDAY, JUNE 29TH @ MIKE SHANNON'S (620 MARKET ST. - DOWNTOWN) The long awaited and highly anticipated STYLISHLY HOT returns Friday, June 29th at Mike Shannon's Outfield (620 Market St. - Downtown). Valet parking and bottle service available. ADMISSION: Ladies $5 til 10:30. MUSIC: DJ Reminise spinning hip-hop and R&B.
ATTIRE: Upscale & Trendsetting
ATTIRE: Upscale & Trendsetting
STRESS FREE FRIDAYS. Friday, June 29, 2007 > 5pm> > Urban (> 3216 South Grand Avenue--between Wyoming and> Humphrey> St. Louis, Missouri 63118> 314-772-3308> Grand Business District> > **EARLY ARRIVAL IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED!
Fat Tuesdays with comedian Darius BraddfordGOT LYRICS. hot new poetry event at the Loft hosted by Mocha Latte Wednesdays. Contact for showtimes and ticket info.
Fat Tuesdays with comedian Darius BraddfordGOT LYRICS. hot new poetry event at the Loft hosted by Mocha Latte Wednesdays. Contact for showtimes and ticket info.
Absolut Sundays at Club 609 on Eastgate, with DJ Nappy needles and other special guest dee-jays, Doors at 7 p.m. netwroking at 99:30 p.m.Ladies free all night. Fellaz $5 after 9:30 p.m.
The Absolut Dime Piece Party, July 3 at the Loft, 9 p.m. hosted by Staci Static , Soundz on the 1s and 2s, ladies free, Guys $5 before midnite. For more info call 314. 225. 2505
SLO DOWN presents Flirtatious Fridays at Club 314, Hwy 270 and St. Charles Rock Road (in the Econo Hotel Lodge behind Ryan’s. Ladies free til 10;30 p.m. For Vip and b-day party info call 314. 479.6283Big Tah presents Summer in the City, a female swimsuit contest, June 14 at the Loft, , 9p.m. for more info go to
The Absolut Dime Piece Party, July 3 at the Loft, 9 p.m. hosted by Staci Static , Soundz on the 1s and 2s, ladies free, Guys $5 before midnite. For more info call 314. 225. 2505
SLO DOWN presents Flirtatious Fridays at Club 314, Hwy 270 and St. Charles Rock Road (in the Econo Hotel Lodge behind Ryan’s. Ladies free til 10;30 p.m. For Vip and b-day party info call 314. 479.6283Big Tah presents Summer in the City, a female swimsuit contest, June 14 at the Loft, , 9p.m. for more info go to
SRD & Wright Performing Art Ministries, Inc. presents "Unpleasant Excitement" premiers Saturday, June 30, 2007, 1:00 & 6:00 PM, Harris Stowe State University, 3026 Laclede-Main Auditorium-112 Dr. Henry Givens - Admin Bldg. St. Louis, MO 63103Tickets are on Sale NOW! $15 (advance) - $20 (door)CALL 618.234.3383 (for Illinois) 618.795.0714 (for Missouri)
Black Artists Group (Bag) presents Expres Yourself With US, calling all artists and poets and singers, blow, paint, whatver, come join BAG at Scott Joplin’;s “The Rosebud Café” 2658 Delmar, Sat. June 30, 6 p.m. FREE. For more info or to sign up call 314.249.0363 or
DARNELL LEVINE LIVE Featuring DJ Enoch, June 30, 7:00pm Doors open
8:00pm Show starts, The Lucas School House, Allen @ Gravois in Historic Soulard
St. Louis, MO COST: $10 For more info contact Vanita Thompson of VanitaApplebum Ent. Svcs. at 314-517-8987 UPDATE--Darnell Levine has been postponed. He will perform July 22nd
8:00pm Show starts, The Lucas School House, Allen @ Gravois in Historic Soulard
St. Louis, MO COST: $10 For more info contact Vanita Thompson of VanitaApplebum Ent. Svcs. at 314-517-8987 UPDATE--Darnell Levine has been postponed. He will perform July 22nd
SWAGGER - TUESDAY, JULY 3RD @ NECTAR (2001 LOCUST)Doors at 10 pm Party til 3 am First 50 Ladies Only $5 Hip-Hop R&B Soul by DJ Reminise Bring in the 4th of July holiday with style & SWAGGER at downtown's sexiest nightspot, Nectar. Experience an exclusive evening of music and cocktails in an unmatched atmosphere. Early arrival is suggested. Attire: Style & Swagger$2.00 off Jack Daniel’s cocktails all night! For booth & bottle reservations, please email
Fred and Harry Inc. presnets a Holiday Luanch Party, 9 p.m., July 3, at the Red Moon Restaurant and Lounge, 15th and St. Charles St. FREE admission. FREE AMBIANCE. FREE ADMISSION.. HERRADURA PREMIUM MARGARITA SPECIALS
DIRECTIONS: Washington to 15th St. to St. Charles St. For more info go to
Fred and Harry Inc. presnets a Holiday Luanch Party, 9 p.m., July 3, at the Red Moon Restaurant and Lounge, 15th and St. Charles St. FREE admission. FREE AMBIANCE. FREE ADMISSION.. HERRADURA PREMIUM MARGARITA SPECIALS
DIRECTIONS: Washington to 15th St. to St. Charles St. For more info go to
Sygu Group presnets, “Its Free”, July 4 atteh Lucas Hpuse, 1220 Allen Ave, at Grovois, 9 p.m., upscale event. For mor einfo, go to or its
ONGOING BITZ. Its Your Birthday Fridays at the Dime Slot Hosted by Bishop V-Luv. Get in free every week in the month of your birthday for more info.
Femme Fridays present Rappers Delight, feat. local artists, Club 747, 1624 Delmar, 10 p.m. for more info email
Fat Cat, Model House and Bodacious ENT present Thick Thursdays, at Studio Hitz 8927 Riverview(at the corner fo Riverview and Broadway) , $10 Adnmission (free food, drink specials). Thick girl contest starts at 11 p.m.
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at www.myspace/vanitaapplebum
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArkler Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.
Check out local comedian Brie Johnson's website podcast.Make sure to logon to listen to the new morning radio talk show called "The Grey Area"!!! Every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon CST. Chat online with us, or call in to talk live on the air.
Check out blog local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact Jessica Dana at go to
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at
Peep out veteran radio personality Edie Bee with her weekly jazz series Jazz on the Bee Side"Sundays from 1-3pmOn Soul Classics 1490 WESL AM
BIG TAH Presents...2 FlyTuesdays, The Main Ingredient, 3860 Chouteau. Play Spades- Dominoes-Shoot Pool- Throw Darts- Listen To Good Music- & Mingle. Come On Out Each & Every Tuesday- Make 2 Fly Tuesday's Your Tuesday Night Spot! 8p- 1a; 2-1 Drink Specials All Night; Ladies Free Unitl 10:30 ; $5 cover. For more info. contact Big Tah at
Well that be it for this week. Hit me up on the email for comments of peepin out ish at
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