MA’AT-TIDBITZ. I didn’t get the part in The Dating Game. I guess I made a mistake for checking that I was NOT willing to work for Free. Oh well………..
Thank all of you for still checking out the movie I did on YOUTUBE of my brief appearance on Last Comic Standing in care of Kathi Griffin reality show, “My Life on the D-List”. As of this writing, the hits has went from 146 to 199. If you haven’t checked it out, go tohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvmwSn9glKE (FYI, You gotta pause the video at 2 second in to see me!)………………………………………………………….
You can now view my review of the Cameo/The Time review this week (pics courtesy of Argus editor Eric Wilson) at the St. Louis Argus' website at http://stlouisargus.com/A7/index.htm
STL-TIDBITZ. My girl Ingrid Owens (SEEN ABOVE ON PIC) did not win the primary for the state House district 74 seat in the August 8 election. She cam ein third with 681 votes (26 percent) . the winner was business owner Steve Webb who got 996 votes (38 percent) Electrician Steve Webb came in second with 681 votes (26 percent). She is still a winner for putting up the fight. We are all proud of her. Suprisingly State Senate candidate of District 4 Yaphett El-Amin lost coming in second with over 4600 votes (last I heard she was suing for voter fraud), but her husband Talidbin El Amin of House Dist 57 (the same district I believe Yaphett was a part of in years past) won with 1,230 of the votes ( 43 percent). Also winning the primary was Jamilah Nasheed (with over 1500 votes and 43 percent of the vote and beating out second placer Sharon Tyus) ) , a grass routes political advocate (I remember a couple of years ago when she was part of that Metro Link protest for jobs on the Metro when she was lying on the tracks near Forest Park Station!) . She will be running for the House District 60 seat. Will see in November if El-Amin and Nasheed can make it happen.
CONGRATS TO legendary STL and ESTL educator Katie HarperWright who had a ribbon cutting ceremony this week on the East Side to commemorate the opening of an elementary school named in her honor. The school is located at 7710 State Street and is part of the District 189 system!
CHART-IDBITZ. (UPDATE). Well, looks like Chingy is ruling the charts over Nelly this week yet again and is the STL champ on the Billboard charts. On the HOT 100 Singles Chart, Chingy's , "Pulling Me Back" duet with Tyrese moves up one notch up from 26 to 25 in its 8th week on the chart whereas Nelly's duet with Janet, "Call on Me," drops five notches down from 33 to 38 on the chart. It also looks good for Chingy on the Hot R&B and Hip Hop Charts, but Nelly's song still is showing some charts legs as well. Chingy's song moves up one notch up from 5 to 4 in its 12th week on that chart and Nelly's duet moves up three notches from 14 to 11 in its 8th week on the chart. Right now, it looks like Chingy may have a chance to have his first ever No. 1 song on the Hot R&B/Hip Hop Charts, but he has stiff competition with Young Dro' s"Shoulder Lean" which is at No. 1 for a second week, Ne-Yo's "Sexy Love" holding strong at No. 2 and Cassie's former No. 1 song, "Me and U" at No. 3.
EVENT-IDBITZ. On, Friday, August 11 The Pageant presents LOOP UNDERGROUND Featuring DUGHOLES, J-BIGGS, 40 TIL 5, and NITEOWL
Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 8:00 PM $5.00 Cover at the door. Free if over 21 and have a ticket. All Ages. For info go to http://www.thepageant.com/calendar.
Retail Franchise Fair, Aug. 17, 2006 10am-7pm @ Harris Stowe State University Performance Center. For more info. call 314.622.3400 x 302…….
Jewelanda Hodges will be featured among other film short directors at Webster University’s Film series, Thursday, August 17 at 8 p.m.. Her short film, “From Trial to Triumph”, on the life of legendary STL activist and retired post master general Veto Reid will be screened along with 11 other local directors including Justin Kerr (I WAS IN HIS FILM SHORT I MARIE A ZOMBIE, BTW), Tim Garrett, and DJ Leon Lamont. The series is also a competition as well. Winners which will receive the following: 1st Place: $500; 2nd Place: $300 3rd Place: $200. FYI, Jewelanda is the only female in the competition! For more info on the series call 314-361-8870 x229 or go to www.kdhxtv.org http://www.kdhx.org/. To contact Jewelanda about her film, email her at tiajewel@yahoo.com
SCORCH will present an After Party for the St. Louis Black Pride Celebration weekend hosted by Gorilla Squad Productions. It will be held on Saturday, August 19th at Mag’s 5 South Vandeventer Ave. beginning at 10:00pm. . Scorch will feature “Noah’s Arc” star Jensen Atwood (“Wade” SEEN ABOVE HALF NAKED) ) who will sign autographs and meeting fans. DJ Sedrick of Washington D.C. will be on the 1s and 2s. Admission is $10 before midnite. VIP is available. For more info as well as STLBPC’s schedule of events, call 314-776-4966 or go to www.stlouisblackpride.org
The play, “The Day Daddy Came Home” has been pushed back to August 25 and 26th. The times are 8pm on Friday the 25th and 2 p.m. and 6pm on the 26th. Produced by Gifted Productions, the play will be staged at the Emerson Performance arts center on the Harris Stowe Campus. Tickets or $20 in advance. Tickets will be sold at the Transformation Christian Bookstore (Page and Sarah) and Knowing Books and Cafe (Jamestown Mall) They can also call the director Paris Crayton at 314-535-5720. Tickets will be $25 at the door. (Oh and my bad getting the title of the play wrong a few weeks ago. My bad, Paris)
St, Louis native and Black rep vet Kingsley Leggs (“Mister” in the Broadway version of The Color Purple AND SEEN IN PIC ABOVE IN SUIT ) will stage a one man show MONDAY AUGUST 21ST, 9:00 P.M. @THE TRIAD THEATRE 158 WEST 72ND STREET (NYC). The play also will feature RHETT GEORGE, MAIA NKENGE WILSON and SPECIAL GUEST ANIKA ELLIS. MUSICAL DIRECTION BY JEFF WAXMAN FOR TICKETS VISIT THEATREMANIA.COM OR CALL 212-352-3101 COVER $25 2 DRINK MINIMUM
Check out STl dee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist. The Flow; Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htm or go to his myspace page enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL video guy Dana Christian has a hot new website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. It is www.spitflix.com. Peep it out!
KYO (pronounced KEE-O) continues "Redefining the Art of Dining & Nightlife" with a fresh weekly lineup that promises to quench your thirst for drink and dance. So "Be Fashionably Elite" with a smile and let KYO claim your evening from 5pm till 3am in the morning. For more info go to http://www.kyostl.com/newsletter.htm
AUDITION-BITZ. JMPRODUCTIONS will have auditions for its film, Russian Roulette, AUG 12 AT 12 NOON UNTIL 4PM AT LEGACY BOOKS , 5249 DELMAR . They are looking for 4 MALES AND 4 FEMALES, A MALE NEWSCASTER AND A FEMALE NEWSCASTER. Must have a monologue ready. .The movie will be filmed in mid September. For more info, contact April at jmproductionsllc@aol.com
Local film The Cantina Bar Tales is looking for extras through August -August 24th . Attractive males & females 20's-30's all ethnicities. No pay, but great food and a chance to hang with some Hollywood Hunks & Hotties. Please email pictures to castingjsm@aol.comCity Lights Gospel Video & Advertising a Christian based business isaccepting resumes and accepting applications for the followingpositions with experienced only: Videographer (Film for TV broadcasting Commercials, TV Shows, Promos & more), Editor (Adobe Premier)Experienced Clean Cut/Well groomed Sales Rep (Great Commission) Selling TV & Radio commercials along with print material and book motivational speaker. Email resumes to cltvtalk@aol.com or call the office between 9:30am to 5:30 pm. at (314) 371-4222..ext 1
Well that be it. If ya got anything for me to pub, hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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