Here are some extra pics that I didnt get chance to upload last week from the Missouri Black Expo two weeks ago held at the America's Center. The pics include Eric Benet swooning the ladies on stage, local actress and singer Llysa Rykale with Expo host/comdian Arvin Mitchell, 100.3TheBeat's Bishop V-Luv with some young dance particpants, legendary STL poet Percy Wells (in African garb) , some massuers gettin their rub on, Hot 104.1 personality Craig Blac eating the mic at the Black Media panel discussion, Vector Communications Rebeccah Bennet (sportin the flyy bald fade) givin her spiel about black youth at the Black Media panel, Communications Specialist and Black media panel moderator Robyn Boyce (in the silver hair) , some young ladies gettin their groove on near the main stage, STL rapper Murphy Lee greeting fans while performing, and Dr. Valarie Walker (in white), former US Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders and STL politician and talk show host Freeman Bosley Jr with Fox 2 personality Bonita Cornute at various panels during the Expo..
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