Whassup my people! This is Ma’atology here givin it to ya one more week on the grind. Well let’s get right down to it.
Last week has been a sort of film theme for me as far as most of my outings. Last Thursday, I made a detour from going to see The Rock’s football flick, “Grid Iron Gang” (which will be released on Sept 15) to check out my girl Jewelanda Hodges’ film short, “From Trial to Triumph”, a documentary on STL activist and retired post master general Veto Reid. It was held at the Moore Theatre at Webster University wherr they were having a film series and competition for the local directors who submitted.
When I finally got there (I had to ask directions from a campus guide) and saw Miss Hodges waiting on me outside in front of the building, I got a parking space and escorted her into the theatre. We proceeded into the theatre and sat in the back. It had already started, but they were mostly playing film shorts form the apst and not the ones who were in this years competition. Of the past ones I saw, the one that struck was this film short called, “The Notebook” (I cant recall who was the director). It was very straightforward and to the point, no bells and fancy camera angles. It was about a man who talks about the extermination of his people in Bosnia that took place in the 90s. The only visual was his sketching in his notebook a design, sitting on the steps of a building as he narrated his family life story. It was quite moving.
Then, it was on to the 13 films that were in the running for this year and I must say it was definitely an adventure seeing the different themes from the directors from the poignant (Sue White’s moving documentary, “The Art of Resiliency” ), to the dramatic (Brian Spath’s relationship drama, “Now Departing”), to the deadpan (John Mena’s marinette-driven filler “Cake Boom”) to the Huh? (David Noble Dandridge’s morbid-driven animated short “Greedy”). Now, before I get into the ones I like, I must say, as a journalist, you have to be objective and tell the truth right? Well, let me explain. When you have friends who are competing,it’s hard to stay objective, well, this is the case with Flymusic creator Annie Burks. She is a beautiful spirit and appreciate her vision of art (She even got excited and screamed out WOOOOOOOOOH when she saw her film about to be screened!) , but as far as her film short, “Ra Energy” which dealt with Eastern spiritualism and love, well, I was expecting something more visually coherent. But with that said….
Moving on.
Of the ones I liked (including White’s “Resiliency”), I also liked , Seth Treptow’s “Hot Lovin” (*which had local actor/model Randall Beans in the starring role) , a comical tale about a guy who ‘s in love with his----toaster (You gotta see it to believe it!) and Tim Garrett’s “Tuckpointing” where kids from the Afrocentric local group Harambee did a How-To Tuckpoint lesson with some cute added moments (e.g. placing a pancake on one of the trowels). As far as Jewelanda’s short, it was definitely informative and the only one involving a real life person (Veto Reid). She had good historical footage and interviews with people who knew him (he’s still alive) like radio legend Onion Horton (It was also interesting to see Jewelanda get extremely nervous and fidgety when her short was being played and grinding her fingernails into my arm!) My only critique was that there were no captions to tell the viewer who was who, but after the event, she told me that the final edit of the short did have them and that she sent a first draft into the competition, just to have something shown (and quite shrewd I must say).
When it was time to announce the winners, I had predicted who would win (I was hoping for Jewelanda to place at least third, but she did not place). In first place was “Tuckpointing.” (500 bones) Second place went to “”Resiliency” (300 bones) and third place went to Hot Lovin (200 bones). To me, everyone won, cause all the shorts will be shown on KDHX’s local access channels 21 and 22 as bumpers between the channel’s programming (I just wanted to leave out quick so I didn’t have to tell Annie how I thought about her short. LOL) To peep out the film shorts, call 314-361-8870 x229 or go to http://www.kdhx.org/
On Saturday, I went inside the alternative world for a night (You should know by now that I like a little variety. LOL). and checked out SCORCH’s Black Pride After Party where actor Jensen Atwood (SEEN IN ABOVE PIC IN BLACK BLAZER) who plays Wade in the popular LOGO series “Noah’s Arc” was the special guest. Every now and then I like to support the causes of others who are in the struggle to be heard and be themselves, so I decided to check it out (and plus I was curious to see how Atwood responded to this type of crowd.)
Also in the house was famous D.C. dee-jay DJ Sedrick and models from FLAVA MEN. The party was at Mag’s on Vandeventer and I got there about 11ish and paid for a VIP ticket to meet Atwood who got there about midnite (He’s taller than what I expected). So when I got in VIP, it was more security people in there than people who paid 25 bones to be VIP(VIP gave folks free food, cake and a goodie bag)
I would say about 400 or so people showed up, but only 30 or so actually had the opportunity to see Atwood. I sat at one of the booths inside VIP (which was held at the restaurant part of the club) and ate my food. Randomly, I saw people getting autographs, and their picture taken with him (One sista from outside the door of VIP screamed out, “Jensen!” and he smiled while signing an autograph). It appeared he was very comfortable with the surroundings and personable to those who got an autograph from him (He told me he liked my makeshift paperclip necklace I made—he has taste I see. LOL).
Overall the event was OK, but I thought the very dressed down Atwood (who wore a black short sleeve shirt, jeans and sneaks) could had walked out to the general public area and greeted his fans after the VIP meet and greet was about to be exhausted, maybe getting on the DJ mic to thank his fans for showing up, but he stayed inside VIP until it was over (I guess meeting the general people was not in the contract). Later on, general public people were able to walk up in VIP to greet Atwood!
First off, let me say I congratulate SCORCH for trying to being Jensen here, but let me say, in order to have an even more successful event in the future, have a guest list of VIPs who are the movers and shakers in the community before hand so they can get the buzz going about the event. It would be win-win situation for everybody.
In general, STL is a peculiar institution, and with it being a city within the Show Me State, you got to show her what her money is going to get her. Unfortunately, This is not L.A., NYC. ATL or even CHI-town where celebs live in these cities and its normal to see them at clubs (or the grocery store at that matter!). In some instances, STL clubbers will just pay regular admission to a VIP event and celebs, as the night goes by, usually walk around with the regulars. In other instances, STL clubbers will cut off their arm and legs to pay to see celebs (eg. Joe Torry’s B-Ball Challenge After Party, The Jermaine Dupri party at Club Dreams) pending on who the celebs are. In other words, it is just rhythm and behavior of STL clubbers .
OK enuff , I’m getting off my box of soap…..
On Sunday, I checked out the much talked about indie flick, “Shadowboxer” (MOVIE PIC SEEN ABOVE) at Plaza Frontenac Cinema (It was the only theater in the ST. Louis Metro area showing this indie flick). “Shadowboxer” stars Helen Mirren, Steven Dorff(playin a gangsta club owner), Cuba Gooding Jr (playin an assassin) , Macy Gray (playin a hoochie) and Monique(playin a hilarious crack addict nurse) . It is about a female assassin(Mirren), who is dying from cancer, stops her live-in lover and partner (Gooding) from killing of a gangsta’s wife and unborn child, thus growing attached to them.
It took me about 35 minutes to get there (It was a straight shot taking I-64 going west). When I saw the Plaza Frontenac sign it had me thinking of that Nelly song, “Ride with me” (“Going to Plaza Frontenac/don’t know how to act”). It was my first time there and I must say, it was very uhm, let’s say “uncolored” up there. I got that healthy paranoia feeling of if I walk too fast up in there, I may be wearing handcuffs and if I walked too slow, I may be wearing handcuffs—eventually. LOL (I did see one brotha therr who was working as a bus boy at one of the restaurants, so, what does that tell ya).
So I got my ticket and went inside the theater. It was about 10 people to se eit as well (It was one brotha about 50 who was sittin in the back noddin at the previews and laughing at moments in the flick that is only suited for an all-black audience, you know. LOL) I really enjoyed this film and liked how the film was cast non-Hollywood style and the love scenes were artsy and done from a woman’s P.O.V. (prepare to see Cuba’s dunka dunk in various scenes). The only flaw I saw was that it was not really explainwhy Cuba’s character loved to box?
The following is what I wrote on imdb.com of this flick:
I heard some good things about this film and with its director Lee Daniels, who directed the underrated The Woodsman, i knew it was going to be special. Overall, this movie is superb. Great acting (especially Helen Mirren, Cuba Gooding and supporting actors Monique and Macy Gray), great cinematogaphy (especially the love scene with Mirren and Gooding in a Garden of Eden scene). The story is typical, but its how it’s told is what gives it its juicy bite. Prepare to see a lot of creative violence and sex scenes and to be surprised throughout the film of what to expect. If Daniels, don’t get an Oscar nod for Best Director and Gooding and Mirren don’t get nods for Best Actor and Actress, the Academy should just close its doors and hide in shame.
I also went to check out the early screening of Outkast’s musical “Idlewild” (MOVIE PIC SEEN ABOVE) about a Southern speakeasy in the 30s. I met up with my girl Jewelanda to check it out at the AMC West Olive 16. I wanted to get therr early to beat the mad rush of people to get to the “first come, first serve” seats. I wanted to get therr about 6 ish for the 7:30 showing (This would be my second time going to this theatre—the first was in 2002 when I saw “Pandora’s Box”) . Well, mapquest lead me therr (Taking 64 west to 270 North to Olive West). It took me 50 minutes to get to Olive. I was on the street to go to it, but I missed my turn to the side street, so I decided to make U turn to find it again and missed it again! I ended up taking the wrong side street back onto I-270 in the opposite direction going near Westport! So, I went to a gas station, to get directions from a guy pumping gas and he lead me back to where I needed to be. I eventually got there about 6:20 and saw Jewelanda sitting on a bench waiting for me and I saw radio station vans Majic 104.9 and 100.3 The Beat’s were parked out front. There wasn’t a line of people which I thought was going to happen (Maybe it was because people were coming straight form work and/or it was out in the County and not the Esquire which is more closer to midtown)
By the time we opened up the door, the rush of people begin to come into the theatre. There was this elderly white couple who was walking in front of us who looked like, “They said the bus was going to be here.’ I was wondering if they were walking to the right film, but they followed the rest of US into the theatre (The crowd was surprisingly racially mixed). Before people entered the theatre, the radio stations had some freebies on a table (Jewelanda got Fanatsia’s CD single, “free Yourself”). The elderly couple was shocked that the goodies were free and kept saying, “We can have these?” CLASSIC. Jewelanda and I hurried to get some good seats and sat there waiting for the movie to start. Meanwhile, as we waited, my eyes started burning as though there was dirt in them. I tried not to rub them and it looked as though I was crying. I asked if Jewelanda had a tissue and she didn’t. She asked people down our row and they didn’t so I brave dit and cried it out. I made the comment, “If this movie has any sad moments, I won’t have any tears to shed.” And I said, “You know us muscle men never carry tissue.” Jewelanda said I needed to go to the bathroom to wash out my eyes, but I told her, “I wish I could, but I don’t want to stumble out to it.” She took my glasses and rubbed them from any dirt and I proceeded to wait til the stinging passed. I think it was allergies, but it subsided finally after a couple of minutes.
Usually at these free screenings, the radio stations take up most of the time to giveaway free posters and other miscellenous items by playing contests with the crowd. Not this time. It was evident when Majic 104.9 personality BJ the DJ got up in front of the crowd and said “Y’all want anything free?” Of course the crowd responded YES. Then he said, “How many people got in the theatre free, raise your hand.” Well people did an he said, “There’s your free goodie.” CLASSIC.
But who took the cake was 100.3 The Beat’s radio personality Dee Lee (He’s so light skinded! LOL) when he took the mic and cracked on the people who came late to get a seat. Some of the rips included this black couple and they had to sit up front and he said to her, “ I know you mad at him. You told him to pick you up at 5:30.” A few other couples coming in he said, “Y’all must be coming off the bus. They said the Olive bus came here.” Then there was a sista who had a long weave in her hair and he told the crowd to say to her, “Hi hair.” FUNNY ISH. He also announced that he was doing a schoolbag drive and for people to come to the station this week to donate money so he can purchase 500 schoolbags for STL kids.
In the house were local rapper Potzee, radio personalities Arrika Parr, Chas Saunders, Isis Jones, Dwight Stone, Blu Bolden (I saw you hidin in that cap), STL American writer Kenya Vaughn and STL Post Kevin Johnson. Other local VIPS were bouncer Big Chuck, Maurice “Invisible Man” Minor, “Hot Lovin” star Randall Beans and a special appearance by American Idol finalist Nikko Smith who came down from the top of the stadium theatre, got the mike from screener James Thomas and said that he wanted to thank all of the millions of fans who supported him and sang a cappella a few bars of , “Alone”, a song form his upcoming CD.
After the film, I made my way to various people to meet and greet including Joe Moskus, of Allied who puts on the screeners with James Thomas and FOXY 95’s Gina Covington. I talked to her about her upcoming fashion show, D.I.V.A. next month and, playfully, said, “Well, if you need any models…..”, then I flexed and she was like, “Yeah, I do need male models.” I told her I would call her soon cause she has rehearsals Friday and Saturday. GULP. Well, I am always a sucker for adventure, so I will keep you posted on this public rendezvous.
MA’A-TIDBITZ. Y’all are still checking out the movie I did on YOUTUBE of my brief appearance on Last Comic Standing in care of Kathi Griffin reality show, “My Life on the D-List”. As of this writing, the hits has went from 305 to 346! The hits seems to be peaking, but I appreciate those who are still checking it out (I will try to put more movies on there in the future) If you haven’t checked it out, go tohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvmwSn9glKE (FYI, You gotta pause the video at 2 second in to see me!)………………………………………………………….
I had a great man-to-man talk with Inkosi Designs’ Kevin Bryant at his office on Delmar last Sunday. We chatted about the crazy-world-of-life stuff. It was informative and provocative I must say. I look forward for our next pow wow (and your Escalade doesn’t hurt my soul, man. LOL)...................................... I am currently working on a story about the 13th Annual Art’s Fair in Clayton that will be held Sept 8-10. It will appear in a future edition of West End Word. I will keep you posted.....................................
CHART-IDBITZ.. Chingy is still looking promising on the Billboard charts this week. On the Hot 100, his song, “”Pulling Me Back,” with Tyrese moves up four spaces up from 20 to 16 in its 10th week on the chart and it it’s the Greatest Airplay Gaining single this week (The song is also No. 1 on the Rap Tracks on that chart as well). Nelly’s song, “Call on Me” with Janet is still in the Top 50 actually moving up two spaces up from 44 to 42 in its 9th week on the chart. It’s probably easy to predict that Chingy will hit the Top 10 pretty soon on this chart. On the Hot R&B/Hip Hop charts, Chingy was oh so close to having his first No. 1 song on this chart, but it holds again at No. 2 for a second week in its 14th week on the chart (Beyonce and Jay Z’s jam, “Déjà vu” did a leapfrog back up the chart moving from 4 to 5 to 4 and now three spaces to become the No. 1 song on that chart.) Nelly’s song still has legs on the chart as his song moves up two spaces up from 9 to 7 in its 10th week on this chart. Chingy still looks promising to have a No. 1 song on this chart whereas the Nelly duet, looks like it could hit the Top 5 but it’s doubtful it will hit No. 1.
STL-TIDBITZ. WRONG ON TRACK! What was up with the MetroLink having to close down rail stops and investigate stations at Forest Park on Tuesday and Wellston on Wednesday because of a derailing and a lady trying to commit suicide respectively? What makes it even more of a trip (no pun intended) is that the grand opening ceremonies for the new Shrewsberry Expansion to St. Louis County will take place this Saturday afternoon at the Forest Park Station where the new expansion to the County to Shrewsberry ! How wild is that? Will this effect people getting on the MetroLink from that station? Meterolink says that everything is still a go for this weekend festivities. And you know all eyes will be on the Link to see what other event will take place. This is just too much playin in the city! …………………………………………………………
Check out this week’s St. Louis Argus (www.stlouisargus.com and go to the A&E section) and peep out Jason Bailey’s story on up and coming STL trio Sosy. I had a story on this teen trio a few months back and I bump their CD every now and then. They’re pretty talented! Check them out !........................................
I was checking out Fox 2’s Morning Show and saw personality Tim Ezell (who was wearing a bald skullcap with gray hair as though he was balding) and he was all up in Leonard's Barber College on Natural Bridge with the Hot 104.1 Morning Show crew featuring Craig Blac (I saw you Arvin in the background) getting their clown on as they were sponsoring free haircuts to the urban youth in exchange for school supplies for the first day of School August 28. They know they were clownin on there but it was all for a good cause(Ezell made a joke that back in his day they used to eat their hair in order to cut their hair). CLASSIC………………….
I was cruising through one of my favorite sites You Tube and checked out STL rapper Potzee’s new music video “Dat Girl,” that was shot in the STL. There are several local celeb cameos including 100.3 The Beat personality Bishop V-Luv, St. Lunatics member Kyjuan, b-ball star Larry Hughes and, bouncer Big Chuck (who plays—you got it, a bouncer) And if I’m not mistaken, I also saw Spin City Recordz’ label artsist Jzanell and comedian Joe Torry up in the mix. To check it out for yourself go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrUZTVYU_Zk
EVENT-IDBITZ. Ecco Domani presents Liquid Style, Alive Magazine’s First ever Fashion Show, Thursday, Aug. 24 at Chase Park Plaza, at 7 p.m.$20 General Admission $35 Reserved Seating. For more info go to http://www.alivemag.com/liquidstyle
Broadway Center of Arts presents Amy Kinsella's stage adaptation of Stephen King's Misery Fridays and Saturdays [August 25, 26] at 8 PM at 124 East Main Street in Belleville, Illinois. To find out more, call 618-233-0431……….
The play, “The Day Daddy Came Home” will take place August 25 and 26th. The times are 8pm on Friday the 25th and 2 p.m. and 6pm on the 26th. Produced by Gifted Productions, the play will be staged at the Emerson Performance arts center on the Harris Stowe Campus. Tickets or $20 in advance. Tickets will be sold at the Transformation Christian Bookstore (Page and Sarah) and Knowing Books and Cafe (Jamestown Mall) They can also call the director Paris Crayton at 314-535-5720. Tickets will be $25 at the door.
Check out Hipster Magazine’s FLY BY NIGHTSaturday, August 26th @ 360 N. Boyle (at Lindell in Central West End) Doors @ 9 pm Party Til 2 amFree Drinks $10 Ladies $15 Fellas SPECIAL: $5 discount for everyone before 10:30Come be part of a new experience in style, music and culture...Fly By Night is that event in which diversity, creativity and originality are celebrated. DJ Needles gets fly on the turntables as you party with St. Louis' hippest.For more information, visit them at myspace.com/flybynightonline
The Network Group presents “Cometry: Finals”, Sunday, Aug. 27 at the St. Louis Historical Museum in Forest Park, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 in ADV, $15 at the door. For more info, call 618-531-1360.
The Black Rep announced plans to shift slots for the 30th anniversary season. Titled "The Black Pearl," the season will feature a six-show line-up designed to entertain, educate and enrich audiences of all types. Continuing their partnerships with Washington University and Mary Institute Country Day School (MICDS), the 30th season will kick-off in September with a two week run of MAHALIA a gospel musical at the Edison Theatre followed by a one weekend run of the production at the Orthwein Theatre at MICDS. The mainstage series at the Grandel Theatre will feature three hit musicals, August Wilson’s play exploring the first decade in his ten-play series and the return of a popular comedy by Samm-Art Williams. MAHALIA By Tom Stolz is on the life of legendary gospel great Mahalia Jackson. September 13-24, 2006 at the Edison Theatre at Washington University and September 29-October 1, 2006 and the Orthwein Theatre at MICDS 2007 Performance Schedule:Wednesday and Thursday Previews at 7:00 p.m.Thursday at 7:00 p.m.; Friday and Saturday at 8:00 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday matinee performances at 3:00 p.m. Season subscriptions for all six shows of the 30th Anniversary range from $120 to $200 and are on sale now. To reserve your seat please call (314) 534-3810 or visit www.theblackrep.org
The next Café Soul will be at Club Dreams on Sept. 20. For more info, go to cafesoulstl@yahoo.com
Collective Catering (collectivecatering@yahoo.com located at 4958 Cote Brilliante, their digits are 314-575-3333)
Check out STl dee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist. The Flow; Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htm or go to his myspace page enochisreal.
Show Me Entertainment presents Industry Nights, a networking party for artists, entertainers, models, actors, painters, dancers, entertainment lawyers, managers, etc. every Wednesday night at the Lindbergh Bistro located inside the Airport Plaza inn at I-70and Lindbergh. 18 Y.O. to enter. 21 Y.O. and up to Drink. Admission FREE. For more info, contact Terrence Smith at 314/713-3793, or tsmith@showme1.com or www.showme1.com
Local movie screener and TV programmer James Thomas has two hot shows on KPLR- Channel 11 (Soon to be CW 11 next month) with his shows “First Look” about movies coming to the movie theaters, Thursday morning at 2:30 am and Hot Videos, Friday mornings at 3 a.m.
For all your STL hip-hop needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!STL video guy Dana Christian has a hot new website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. It is www.spitflix.com. Peep it out!
KYO (pronounced KEE-O) continues "Redefining the Art of Dining & Nightlife" with a fresh weekly lineup that promises to quench your thirst for drink and dance. So "Be Fashionably Elite" with a smile and let KYO claim your evening from 5pm till 3am in the morning. For more info go to http://www.kyostl.com/newsletter.htm
Well, that be it, folks. If ya got anything for me to pub, hit me up e-mail style at maatspear@yahoo.com!
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