The No., 1 status was bittersweet when the St Louis Rams lost at home to the Seattle Seahawks 24-19 at the Edward Jones Dome last Sunday making them 2-9 (and resulting in QB Marc Bulger concussion and early exit from the game and bringin in backup quarterback Gus Frerotte). But in brighter news, it was announced Wednesday that former Rams running back Marshall Faulk will have his #28 jersey retire during halftime at the Pittsburgh Steelers game at the Edward Jones Dome on Dec. 20. The festivities is part of a "two-pack"with the game called “Celebrate 28”. Faulk officially retired in March. ………………

Things are still heating up with the city’s appointment of new fire chief Dennis Jenkerson last week, namely the African American firefighter’s organization F.I.R.E. The organization as of this writing was calling a press conference to express their rejection to Jenkerson. The organization wants ousted fire chief Sherman George reinstated, rejects the city appointing an African American to the reinstated Assistant Chief position and is crying FOUL on the official fire union and Mayor Francis Slay’s conclusion that there was no cheating involved in the placement test for promotions this year which resulted in George’s demotion after George’s refusal to promote in the department after his claim of the tests being racially biased. Meanwhile F.I.R.E’s representative Captain Abram Pruitt (SEEN IN PIC ABOVE IN CENTER HOLDING CHECK) was interviewed on Fox 2’s Morning Show Tuesday and spoke out against the city’s appointment of Jenkerson whom they feel is in cahoots with Slay, there is distrust amongst the white and black firefighters and it can prove cheating did take place on the test sites. Pruitt said , “At the test site, members of the fire department brought in papers and wearing jackets with FIRE union pens to id themselves.” Pruitt also said its organization was not given the opportunity to come to the table to voice their opinion to appoint a new fire chief. Looks like F.I.R.E. is about to fire it up in the STL. Beware of the smoke. Hello. ………… Gov. Matt Blunt crisscrossed the state Monday to the STL announcing plans to expand his crackdown on illegal immigration. Specifically no illegal immigrants can be issued driver’s licenses and there will be penalties to those who help immigrants receive licenses. Well, I guess in lieu of Presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton’s knee-jerk remark of support of immigrant’s receiving licenses then quickly recanting, Blunt, who is Rep., must be trying hard to win votes. But my question is, if there was a high percentage of illegal immigrants in Missouri, would Blunt speak the same tune? Cuz it takes driving to get to the polls to vote. Okay? In unrelated news, Blunt will receive the Exellence in Education Award at this year's annual Yes I Can banquet conducted by the now defunct African American newspaper, The St. Louis Sentinnel on Dec. 3

St. Louis native /Baby Phat mogul Kimora Lee Simmons got sued last week when Department store giant Macy's filed suit against Simmons for allegedly overpricing the retailer for her beauty products line. Simmons did not comment on the accusation and refused to reimburse Macy's for the extra charge. According to reports, Simmons signed an agreement September of last year to provide Macy's with her beauty line, KLS. In unrelated news, Kimora has been reported as saying she wants to have a “bay-bay” with boyfriend actor/model Dijmon Honsou’s for X-mas and she ain’t even waiting until her ink signature dry from her divorce from Russell to start. Now the question is, is she gonna have the trial and her hubby on her reality show Life in the Fab Lane. Now that's reality there.

Hall of Fame Cards Short Stop Ozzie Smith is campaigning to try and get legendary Cards manager Whitey Herzog on the list for the Baseball Hall of Fame. When asked on Fox 2 Morning News Tuesday, if it was possible that Herzog’s chances of getting in he said, "Hopefully its good. George Brett and I are working hard t get people to understand because sometimes if you never played for a person its hard for other guys to grasp what it is…Were all campaigning and he’s very deserving.” In unrelated news, Smith was a part of an event the 14 th annual Dining for Life that took place Tuesday where his restaurant Ozzie’s, whose establishment participated for the six years, along with over 120 other restaurants donated parts or all of their proceeds to St. Louis effort for AIDS. Over the past 13 years, dining out for life has raised more than $1 million. And speaking of Cards managers Tony LaRaussa just plead guilty of DUI St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa pleaded guilty to driving under the influence Wednesday, eight months after police found him asleep inside his running sport utility vehicle at a stop light and smelling of alcohol. Reportedly, La Russa said he had decided to plead guilty to the misdemeanour because it was “in the best interest of all concerned.” As part of his plea agreement, La Russa will serve at least six months' probation, pay a US$678.50 fine, complete DUI school and any recommended treatment and complete 50 hours of community service, according to state prosecutors.La Russa--who is shown in a drunken stupor in a police video tape of his DUI test that has just been released to the media-- was arrested in March in Jupiter, where the Cardinals play spring training games.......................................Well teh Countdown to the I-64 is slightly coming upon us and some of its wrath will begin next month. Weekends beginning December 7 and 14, after the traffic shift is complete the first weekend, crews will spend the next two weekends demolishing the old Kingshighway bridge. Beginning at 10 p.m. on Friday, December 7, there will be a full closure of I-64 in both directions at Kingshighway Boulevard for the demolition of the old Kingshighway bridge over I-64. This closure will be in effect until 5:30 a.m.on Monday, December 10. The same full closure of I-64 in both directions at Kingshighway Boulevard will occur the weekend of Dec 14-17.For both weekends, crews will begin restricting lanes on I-64 after rush hour at 6:30 p.m. Friday. All lanes will be closed by 10 p.m. just before crews start mechanically tearing down the bridge and clean up the debris.Throughout both weekends, all I-64 traffic will be detoured up and over Kingshighway Boulevard using the entrance and exit ramps. There will be no additional closures of side streets or lanes closures on I-64during the old Kingshighway bridge demolition but motorist are encouraged to use alternate routes tothis area when possible.Travelers can get up-to-the-minute traffic information on interstates or major state routes by dialing 5-1-1 from most cell phones; if 5-1-1 isn't available from your carrier, please dial 877-478-5511.................Well two cars that has already felt the earth move sort of speak was the bizarre accident that occurred as two cars got sunk down by a sink hole in Florrisant! It happened Tuesday in the parking lot of the CFM Store on Florissant Road at Woodstock. Two cars parked in the lot suddenly fell into the hole Monday night. A woman trapped in her car was rescued by firefighters. She was not injured but was taken to the hospital for observation. Talk about an inconvenience after who paid for the inconvenience of paying for high gas! Speaking of cars and parking lots and going into stores, before going to check out This Christmas at the Esquire last Saturday, I saw the van of State Rep Jamila Nasheed (which had logos and pics of Nasheed) parked in the parking lot of Walgreen’s in Clayton. I was trying to see what she may have bought while in there, but couldn’t find her and when I left out of Walgreen’s and so was the van. I guess she was getting poster boards for the next rally that for her and her group Recall for Mayor Slay. Okay!......

Congrats are in store for several St. Louis area artists and shakers . Wizard of Oz actor and St. Louis native Mickey Carroll received a star on the Walk of Fame He along with seven of the over 100 diminutive actors who played Munchkins in the legendary film was awarded the Hollywood Walk of Fame after 7- years of lobbying for them. The Riverfront Times ran a story earlier this year about Carroll’s hopes for a star, now he has one. Now the problem is the star for Carroll on the St. Louis Walk of Fame which the article addressed Carroll’s dismay and St. Louis Walk of Fame proprietor Joe Edwards not relenting to make it happen. Well hopefully this would change Edwards’ mind………………

The second honor goes to East St. Louis native, the legendary award winning poet and educator (and my former mentor) Eugene B. Redmond who will be retiring form his tenure at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in the university’s English Department(I was a student of his in 1991) . Redmond came to SIUE in 1991 after leaving his teaching duties in Sacramento where he taught for over 20 years. There will be a celebration of this feat on Wednesday (SEE EVENT TIDBITZ FOR MORE INFO) at the Missouri History Museum . It also doubles as a B-day celebration for Redmond who will turn 70.

Actress and comedienne Niecy Dash, star of Reno 911 and Clean House, will receive the National Woman in the Arts Award at the Visionary Awrads on Wednesday at the Moto Museum at Grand Center. Nash, who was born in Cali but lived in the STL until the age of eight, will honored for her contribution to television and her role as spokesperson of M.A.V.I.S. (Mothers Against Violence In Schools) which was founded by her mother, after the 1993 shooting death of Nash's younger brother, Michael. The other STL women being honored include Mary Strauss, Cynthia Prost, Kathleen Finneran, Abigail Birhanu, and Lifetime Achievement Award winners Mae Wheeler and Patricia Degener……Black Rep vet actress Linda Kennedy will receive the Missouri Arts Award, the estate’s highest honor and chosen by the Missouri Arts Council to receive Missouri Arts Awards, the state's highest honor in the arts. She has been a stalwart with eth Black Rep when she joined former Wash U classmate and Black Rep Founder Ron Himes in the mid 1970s and joined the Black Rep troupe while a student there. The Woodie Award winning and Kevin Klein nominated actress will be presented with award at a ceremony on Feb 13....................... At the St. Louis Sentinnel's 32nd annual Yes I Can Banquet ceremonies, awards will be given to attorney Les Bond Jr. who will receive the Businessman of the Year nod; STl jazz diva Denise Thimes will be named Entertainer of the Year; Cardinal Ritter basketball coach Marvin Neals will be named Sportsman of the Year; and St. Louis Comptroller Darlene Green will get an award as Political Leader of the Year. Awardees will receive their awards Dec. 3.........................What’s up with the directors and producers of the locally shot flick “Bill” not attending the St. Louis premiere of the film (which starred Jessica Alba) at this years; St. Louis International Film festival at the Tivoli. I hear that the backers of the flick had some bad blood with the Missouri Tourism Board with certain tax credits to pay for the right to film the flick in the Lou…………Speaking of films shot here in the STl, there is about to be one that is about to be shot here in the STL. The film, "Ligeia," is a contemporary re-telling of one of Edgar Allen Poe's most famous short stories. It will be shooting in this Friday through Dec. 19. Most extras will be needed early in the shooting schedule, Dec. 1-9. Mike Ketcher, a local actor and casting director will be casting extras for the film. For more info call 314.567.2031.............................Last week was a grand opening of the new club, Broadway on Broadway in downtown East St. Louis, where the old Club XO and Club Monestery previously resided. Now the question is will Broadway live up to the walls that rocked all up in there with 18 year olds and pre 21ers getting bucked wild up in there and diving from gun shots a blazing til 6 in the morning. Hmmm, the TV news folk awaits.........................Happy belated B-day Jameela E (El-Amin) . of So Diverse. She celebrated her B-day over the Thanksgiving break at Modesto Tapas Bar and restaurant during her groups monthly event….............Did yawl see the latest edition of Ebony Magazine? Well local mover and shaker, Tony Thompson of the Kwame Building Group, is in a Gillette ad in this magazine with Michael Jackson on the cover………..A speedy recovery goes out to local singer and Café Soul creator Rochelle “Coco Soul” Walker, who was involved in a car accident Thanksgiving morning when a drunk driver hit her car from the back and totaling her car. She is OK just suffering back spasms. She hosted last Friday’s monthly Café Soul at Lucas House and was taking “lots of Advil” to numb the pain. Take it easy sista girl...................
MIA(MISSING IN ACTION) FILE— Where is former City 10 producer Yolanda Curry?
Soular-Sweet Drumvoices Suite, celebrating retirement & 70th birthday of poet, Eugene B. Redmond, Wed. Nov. 28, 2007, 6-8pm, @ Missouri History Museum @ Lindell & DeBaliviere in Forest Park, St. Louis FREE. For more info call 618-650-3991
Alpha Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity presents The Blackprint, Friday, Nov. 30 at the Hilton at the Ballpark, 4th an Market, 18 to enter , 21 to drink. Dress to impress. For more contact info contact 314.814.9988.
The Sunday Night Shindig w Mocha Latte Sundays at 9 p..m. Lucky’s (Tucker and Washington). Ladies Free All Nite Long and Free Martini Shots for the Ladies. Come out early!! GOT A BIRTHDAY OR ANNIVERSARY COMING UP? YOU CAN BOOK IT WITH THE SHINDIG! JUST EMAIL HER AFTER THIS SECTION!
My Drink N My Two Step Thursdays at Dante's hosted by Mocha LAtet and DJ Metti Metti. Ladies Free Admission and Drinks til Midnite. Birthday parties and VIP available
The Sheldon Arts Foundation has announced artists and dates for the 2007-2008 Cabaret in The Savoy Room series. This series will feature the following premier artists including: Steve Ross, Julie Budd, Andrea Marcovicci and KT Sullivan & Mark Nadler. All will perform in the Savoy Room at The Sheldon. Performance times are Thursday & Friday at 8p.m., Saturday at 5p.m. & 9p.m., and Sunday at 2p.m. St. Louis favorite To charge your subscription by phone please call Cabaret series concierge Mr. Terry Love or his assistant Mr. Luke Thomas at 314/535-1700. For more information, please visit www.TheSheldon.org/cabaret.Cabaret in The Savoy Room is produced by The Sheldon Arts Foundation in association with Fox Associates.
NEW: Singer/actress Julie Budd will be taking a hiatus from the set of her latest film "Two Lovers" to come to St. Louis for “Cabaret in The Savoy Room” at The Sheldon this weekend – November 29-December 2 for a 5 show engagement! During her 5-show St. Louis engagement, she will perform her show “The Standard of Things” with piano accompaniment by Arthur Weiss. Tickets for JULIE BUDD performing “The Standard of Things” go on sale this Saturday, November 10 at 10 a.m. at the Fox Theatre box office and MetroTix. To charge by phone call 314/534-1111 or buy online at www.metrotix.com. For more information about Cabaret in The Savoy Room, visit www.thesheldon.org/cabaretseries.asp. For more information on Julie Budd, visit www.juliebudd.com.
Platinum Group's 6th Annual "Have A Platinum Christmas" Networking Symposium **Saturday, December 1, 2007 *Lights On Broadway (located at 8344 N. Broadway) - all new location*7:30pm - 1:30am. *Live entertainment, delicious food, networking w/ area businesses and lots and lots of Christmas cheer! *Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. *(limited) VIP Tables, Booths and Sponsorship Packets are available *For more information please contact the Platinum Group, Inc. at 314-231-3500 or via email at platinumgroup02@cs.com.........................
SYGU Group presents MC Wafeek who’s coming home from Cali to perform, Sat. Dec. 1 at the Halo Bar (next to the Pagenat) in the Delmar Loop. There also will be an open mic for a Beat Battle with music by DJ Trackstar hosted by 104.1’s Finsta and Tech Supreme. Wafeek is also bringing in a camera crew from HBO to film the event. He is also bringing HBO to film the event Also, the Sygu Group presnets the mix tape Megatron the Samler by local rapper Vandalyzm mixed by DJ Trackstar. FREE purchase. THE SYGU GROUP also presents Usual Suspectz 2, a B-day celebration with DJ Nappy Needles, and SYGU members Darryl Gillespie and rashad. Fri, Dec, 14 , 9 p.m. at Lumen, 22nd and Locust. For more info on these events and the CD, go to the www.sygugroup.com
The Bistro at Grand Center presents A Luther Vandrosss Tribute by Souled Separately feat. Daryl Baby D Michael, Sunday Dec. 2, 7 p.m. located 3536 Washington Blvd. for ticket info go to Metrotix online at Metrotix.com or 314.534.1111
The Black Rep’s Popular “I Stand Alone” Solo Performance Series ReturnsWHAT: The Black Rep’s I STAND ALONE solo theatre series returns this December with four original shows at The Black Rep’s Monsanto Center for Performing Arts Education, 1717 Olive Street, 4th Floor.
December 8 & 29, 7:00 p.m. A WORK IN PROGRESS: MY LIFE IN THE THEATRE By Anita Jackson. From St. Louis to New York, from Broadway to The Black Rep – Scenes, Songs and Remembrances from Anita Jackson, accompanied by Charles Creath.WHERE: The Black Rep Monsanto Center for Performing Arts Education, 1717 Olive Street, 4th FloorTICKETS: $15 and $10 for Black Rep Subscribers, for info please call (314) 534-3810............................................
The St. Louis Chapters of the Black Data Processing Association. National Association of Black Accountants, national Black MBA Association and the National Society of Black Engineers present Holiday Soiree, Dec. 8 , 8 p.m. at Windows off Washington, 701 N. 15th St. -10th floor. Tickets $35. For more info call 314.241.5555 or stl.soiree@gmail.com
Greek Night at Sol Lounge, 4239 Lindell Blvd. ( p.m. with Dj Taki Z, Sat. Dec. 8 $10 Cover for more info, call Spiro Psara art 314.761.3502
The ''ZODIAC CONNECTION'' is a Color Coded Celebration Honoring the Compatibility of CAPRICORN (Brown) & AQUARIUS (Orange). Capricorn & Aquarius Ladies Wearing All SHADES of Brown & Orange FREE Until 11P.M. Guests come in Attire of your Choice (SexyUpscale) Venue: Kitchen K 1000 Washington Ave St.Louis Mo 63101 When: SAT December 29, 2007/ 9PM-2:45AMATTIRE COLOR CODE: CAPRICORN & AQUARIUS Capricorn's & Aquarius's wear all shades of Brown and Orange. All Capricorn & Aquarius Ladies FREE Until 11P.M. Wearing Color Code . FREE Drinks For All Capricorn & Aquarius Until 11:00p.m. Guests come in Attire of your Choice (SEXY UPSCALE$5 B4 11:00 P.M.............................
Forever Young Creations host Harlem Nights Holiday gala, Pre-New Years Dance, 8 p.m.-1 am, at the Masonic Hall, 4525 Olive, $15 ADV, $20 ATD, BYOB SET UPS SOLD, Tickets are sold art Forever Young Creations, 1919 Utah Dec. 29 and 30 Sat and Sun 10 am - 7 p.m. for more info contact Rhonda at 314.480.0311
As you may or may not already know, I’ve decided to finally start working on my album and become an artist. So I recently uploaded some of my video footage on YouTube. I’m sending you this link because I would like your honest opinion on a showcase I did in Denver, CO. It’s three different videos, including the live version of me performing Jill Scott’s hit “is it the way”,(Of course I’m doing it my way.) Love changes, (by Mothers finest) and my original “holding on”. Please check it out, tell me what you think, and if you want you can pass it on. Yes I’m trying to create a buzz, but I also want to improve so I can be the best artist that I can be in this business.
Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-luv, Happy Hour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from 6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drink specials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or 314.625.4595 or go to www.myspace.com/URBANCASUALFRIDAYS
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your natural hair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150 Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop. For more info call 314.721.3361 or email at diversitygallery@netzero.net
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contactJessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/or go to www.myspace.com/jessicadada13