EVENT-VIEWZ. After the Private VIP party at 609, the majority of us trekked across thw street to the Delmar Lounge which has slowly becoming the hangout the go to (mainly cuz it is the only venue in the U City area that cloese at 3 in the AM). We got therre about 1sh (right before the time went back an hour) and it was packed, packed packed! It was a mix of white, black, and every scenario of person up in therre. We met some ladies who granted our welcome to our table as we talked to them (seen in thw pic above). But there were two drama items and a TMP (Too MUch Playin) item that occurred while we were therre.
DRAMA ITEM #1--Therre was this crazy brotha who was going in and out of the venue and when he was outside in front of the window exposing his pubes near our table!
DRAMA ITEM #2--Therre were some drunk white guys, about two or so, up in therre causin a ruckus so the Napolean-heighted cop who was standing in the front of the entrance area walked up to them and threw them out like a trash man to trash!
TMP ITEM--As the DJ playe dunderground and old school hip hip, out of the clear blue, he played the Bee Gee's "You Stepped Into y Life," then reunred to playing hip hop!
We left out about a quarter to three, but had an extra hour to party up in therre.
EVENT-VIEWZ. YOURS TRULY really enjoyed this event. Stress Free's Mark Jones rented out the the restuarant side of the establishment for a private b-day celebration for Ken Houston. (The 80s party was going on on the other side with DJ AJ playing 80s music for a little while then anything else). Beside the pictured, some of the well wishers were SYGU's Darryl Gillespie and Rashad, Jamie Spencer and Rob Kirk, who co-sponosred the 80-s party.
There were about 20 or so in and out of the party. We munched on appetizers (chicken, egg rolls) and free wine (thanks to Wordmsith) and Jones were buying rounds for the guests. We had ourselves a great time as we talked about err thing from things that went down in the 1980s, the N word, to the Presidential election. Worsdmsith also spat a poem about his travel as a soldier in Iraq. We stayed til about 1ish when we found out that the Fire Marshall was closing up shop early.
LEFT: Hundreds packed Lucky's for 1st Friday popular networking event
RIGHT: This dude got up on the railing to get his flirt on! BELOW: The bartendar was workin overtime for the patrons.
RIGHT: Therre's Mocha Latte with DJ Reminisce. Latte took over the hosting duties of the event and got it hype.
ABOVE PIC: Whats goin on with sista girl in teh pic?
"First Fridays! Mocha Latte in the building!"
YOURS TRULY with Harris Stowe prez Renaud Chavoz Lucas
Lucas and friend.
First Friday's Fred Finley wasnt having Mocha Latte get all of the attention on the mike so he got the mike and addressed the crowd.
Mocha and the girls gettin their party on at the 'scrippa' pole.
EVENT VIEWZ. This was my second First Friday I attended since not attending since last year and it was definitely an event conversation piece. Beside the people dancing and gettin their groove on, I was surprised that the First Friday people had it almost picth dark up in therre! If you lost something on the floor you were just SOL. You needed a flashlight to really see where you were going. The usual VIPs were therre, but the excitement occurred when the party was over!
BLIND-ITEM STORY. After the party, there were two people from the party who almost got into it outside of Lucky's. It all stemmed by this one socilaite, The Beginner, gettin into it with my Blind Item person from last week about being a ladies man, well it got into a shouting match until another socialite, The Third, told The Beginner, who was in a drunken stupor, to step away from the club and get their shout on. Then the Beginner told The Third, "Who the fuck are you?" Well, the Third got more pissed than a baby to a gallon of water and said, "Who the fuck are you? Don't you know who I am?"
It was about to be WWE out in front of the club. After more expletives and profanities, things calmed down a but then another clubber, The Brawn, asked, The Third, what happened. Well, just as The Third was about to tell The Brawn what went down, The Brawn was going after The Beginner like a locomotion train, seeing nothing but blood until some of his boyz got him to calm down. It was pretty classic, but a scene that could have turned quite vicious!
Who am I talkin about? Well, all I can say is, the Brawn is not pictured above.
ABOVE PIC: Ken Houston, Queen of Sheba co-owner Tareke Beraki, and Stress Free Friday co-owners Mark Jones and Mario Fowler
Queen of Sheba co-owner Sam Ashefa, patron Sally Jackson and Jones.
Houston, who was celebrating Day One of his b-day weekend flanked with friends (who were cuzzins BTW).
Therre's Vera Daniel, Hosuton and Ms. Monica.
EVENT -VIEWZ, Before I hit First Friday, I checked out Stress Free Fridays at Queen of Sheba's located in U City. It was a initimate crowd mostly of well wishers for the b-day boy Ken Houston (The owners brought out some bomb jerk chicken, too. LOL) .
TMP MOMENT. Just as the onwer brought out the chicken, YOURS TRULY asked for some hot suace. A few minutes later, the owner brought some hot sauce in a small dipping cup. Well, just as the hot sauce cup wa spalced next to the chicken on a table, therre was a guy who dipped the sauce with his finger to taste it! Well, I was like, to myself"Oh, no this Negro did not stick his finger in the dipping sauce!" . So I asked the owner for another dipper cause I was NAUGHT pouring nothin from a finger that I dont know where its been. TMP!
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