RIGHT: Foxy 95.5's Niecey, who helped on the gift bag giveaways and her friends.
ABOVE LEFT: 104.1's Dj Soundz, who dee-jayed the event with Niecy. RIGHT: Ms. Katina(far right) assisted in the producing of the event
and her friends.
DJ Soundz was gettin prepared.
We pulled up in a Hummer limo
The scene was we walk out of the limo and walk into the center to perform our choreographed routine.
Us in walking mode.
Us in the Center
Ma'at, Levi and Fred began the routine.
Ma'at and Fred walked to the podium for our mannequin mode.
The rest of the models doin their thang.
Work it!
Flashing lights diva
Us in pose mode.
Ms. Joyce worked the floor in her Geisha attire.
Joyce and the models.
The tatoo artists. And yes, that is an alligator bruh man was holding.
Ma'at and models in still body couture
Pose Mode.
Joyce, the tattoo artists and models
Folk clapped for Jessica Dana (third from left)who made up the models. She later said she had tears of joy of her work.
Tia B. in diva pose.
Fred in warrior stillness.
Ma'at be still.
Ma'at and his beard.
The crowd took our pics. The sistah who took my pic wanted him to show more than his sword!
Fred in attack mode.
Socialite Ms. Loretta (whose sister is Ms. Joyce) took pics.
Dana was all smiles that nite.
The models were a hit with the crowd.
Ma'at raised the sword.
Keke on the platform.
Ms. Loretta and Ma'at
Ms. Joyce on the pedestal working it.
Ma'at intense
A pic of the models and crew.
Levi and his newfound fans.
Dana and her helpers.
The cake.
The tatt artist and his date--the alligator.
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