BREAKING NEWZ. There was a double shooting at Jamesstown Mall today. St. Louis County Police are investigating a double shooting at Jamestown Mall. The shooting happened inside the mall near Hibbett Sports around 12:50 p.m. The mall is located on Old Jamestown Rd. near Highway 67 in Florissant.
UPDATE FROM WEDNESDAY:A man shot and killed his ex-wife, then himself, at a north St. Louis County mall Wednesday afternoon, police said.Witnesses told police the woman was at Jamestown Mall alone when the man approached her near the Sears store and immediately began firing. Police were called to the mall on Old Jamestown Road near Highway 67 at 12:43 p.m. and arrived to find the two dead.The woman, 47, and man, 49, recently had divorced after more than 20 years of marriage, police said. They had lived in Hazelwood.Outside the mall, authorities found the woman's gray Ford Focus, two tires deflated in an apparent attempt to prevent her from fleeing, according to an investigator. She didn't work there, but she frequented the mall. SAD
Then, yesterday, Tuesday, there was a horrible accident that occurred on Highway 40 at 270 exit Tuesday. Two drivers were killed and dozens were injured, including three who were in critical condition, after a tractor trailer rammed into five vehicles in St. Louis County. Members of a northeast Missouri Amish community traveling to a family funeral in Tennessee were among the victims of the horrific crash. An out of town trucker from Alabama barreled into a lane of stop-and-go traffic on eastbound Highway 40 just west of Interstate 270. The pileup happened between Interstate 270 and Mason Road, just east of the Missouri Highway Patrol's Troop C headquarters. Thus, vehicles smashed into each other, overturning some.Sixteen people -- ranging in age from 5 to 88 -- were injured. A total of 11 vehicles were involved. A female mall employee said she saw the woman sitting by herself on a bench outside of a barbershop next to the Sears store, then saw a man run by with a gun in his hand, firing shots. She said she and others ran to the back of a store. When the shooting stopped, they came out of the store and saw the woman lying on the floor and the man on top of her, both surrounded by blood. the mall re-opened today, thursday.
The trucker, Jeffrey R. Knight, was not injured. He was taken in for questioning. Investigators with the Highway Patrol will be meeting with prosecutors to discuss their case. The patrol also is expected to release more details about what caused Knight to plow into traffic. The driver of the tractor-trailer basically ran over several vehicles. The semi stopped with a car lodged in front of it and left a trail of nine wrecked vehicles behind, at least one pushed onto its side and others crushed beyond recognition. Victims were taken to two area hospitals, St. John's Mercy Medical Center and in St. Louis County's Missouri Baptist Medical Center.
And now the prepared STL newz:
The buyout of Anheuser Busch has gone into celebratory mode for its buyer Inbev. InBev, the owner of Stella Artois and Beck's beer, toasted victory yesterday in its battle to acquire Anheuser-Busch (AB) after raising its bid to $52bn and offering a boardroom seat to August Busch IV, the chief executive of the brewer that makes Budweiser.
Inbev, itself spawned from the merger four years ago of Interbrew, of Belgium, and AmBev, of Brazil, vowed to turn Budweiser -- the self-styled King of Beers -- into a "global flagship brand" and said that the deal should yield annual cost synergies of at least $1.5bn within three years. The figure, higher than expected, immediately raised the spectre of big job losses, although InBev reiterated its promise not to close any of AB's 12 American breweries.
Carlos Brito (PICTURED ABOVE), CEO of InBev, will be chief executive officer of the combined company, which will be named Anheuser-Busch-InBev
Analysts said, however, that Inbev's existing presence in Britain made it unlikely that it would retain the Budweiser Stag Brewery in Mortlake, southwest London. InBev sealed the deal over the weekend after lifting its offer from $65 per share to $70. In a crucial move, August Busch IV, the chief executive of AB and a descendant of the company's founder, withdrew his opposition to InBev's advances and gave his blessing to the improved offer, in return for one of two non-executive positions for AB directors on the board of the enlarged company.
The merger will create one of the top-five consumer products companies in the world, with global beer volumes of 460 million hectolitres, net sales of $36.4bn and underlying earnings of $10.7bn. Inbev, which is to change its name to Anheuser-Busch InBev, said that it did not anticipate any significant regulatory issues and expected to complete the deal by the end of the year.
The start of talks on last Friday came after a month of increasingly antagonistic relations. AB rejected last month's opening $47bn offer as "financially inadequate", prompting InBev to take legal steps to remove the American brewer's entire board of 13 directors.
AB responded by threatening to take legal action against its suitor, claiming that it had launched the bid based on "numerous false and misleading statements" about how it would be financed and how the company would be run after the acquisition. Mr Busch had vowed to fend off InBev's attentions.
However, analysts said that with the Busch family speaking for less than 4pc of the shares, Mr Busch could have left himself open to legal action from other shareholders, such as Warren Buffett, who speaks for 5pc of the shares.
In related news, nervous Anheuser-Busch workers met their soon to be new boss for the first time Tuesday. InBev CEO Carlos Brito met with employees in a least two meetings. Many employees didn’t comment after the meeting, but those who did said they left the meeting with a good feeling. The media were not given access to the happenings afterwards, but it was speculated that Brito said he would not cut jobs. Yet, It was alleged that 1300 jobs were in question (We are sure the custodial and food staff don’t have anything to worry about, but the Top dogs and the executive positions, well…).
Well, just like the news report say. Things just wont go down immediately, But come Jan. 1 , 2009, some folk may be receiving pink slips and severance packages for their Christmas bonus.

It has been yet another a busy week for Democratic Presidential hopeful Barack Obama. First the GOOD. Obama planned to triple his campaign team in Missouri, hiring an unprecedented 150 paid staffers ( as compared with John McCain’s expected staff of 14) The Obama campaign plans to set up the workers in 30 field offices across the state. (To McCain’s 10) He currently has four full-time workers in the state. The Obama campaign is mounting an aggressive 50-state strategy, running ads and campaigning not only in traditional battlegrounds but also states that vote Republican in almost every presidential election. Polls show Obama trailing McCain in Missouri, but the race is close. An average of Missouri polls on http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ showed McCain with a 5-point lead over Obama. The state, with 11 electoral votes, has voted Republican in the last two presidential elections. But a majority of Missouri voters also picked Bill Clinton in the 1992 and 1996 elections. Obama won the state by a hair in the Democratic primary this year against Hillary Clinton.
Also, Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign is negotiating with a NASCAR owner to rent a billboard that goes 200 mph. Hometown driver Kenny Schrader has been tapped to pilot the 750-horsepower advertisement to the finish line, if all can be worked out. Obama is looking to put his message on #49 BAM Racing car, which is owned by Republicans Beth Ann and Tony Morgenthau. The deal is tentatively set for the Pocono 500 on Aug. 3, at the track in Long Pond, Pa. In order for the Obama propaganda paint job to be seen by millions on television, Schrader will first have to qualify the car to get in the race. The 49 car would not be guaranteed a spot in the race since it isn't even near the top 35 in the point standings.
Then there was the BAD. The disdainful remarks by Jesse Jackson when he was set to appear on a Fox News show last week when he whispered to another guest (into a “hot” microphone), “Barack been talkin’ down to black people with this faith based…” He then proceeded to express the desire to surgically turn the Democratic presidential candidate into a eunuch (aka cut his nuts off). All because Barack Obama recently told a crowd of African-Americans that black men needed to take responsibility for their actions and raise the children they father. Obama reportedly has forgiven Jackson for the remarks.
Then there was the UGLY. A racially challenged satirical cartoon on the cover of the New Yorker hit newstands Monday. Obama said Tuesday that the New Yorker magazine's satirical cover depicting him and his wife as flag-burning, fist-bumping radicals doesn't bother him but that it was an insult to Muslim Americans. The cover of the magazine, which hit newsstands Monday, depicts Obama in traditional Muslim clothing - sandals, robe and turban - while his wife, Michelle, has an assault rifle slung over one shoulder and is dressed in camouflage and combat boots with her hair in an Afro. A flag burns in a fireplace behind them as they bump fists, and a portrait of Osama bin Laden hangs above the mantel.
New Yorker Editor David Remnick told the Huffington Post Web site the cover was chosen because it had something to say. When first asked about it on Sunday, Obama declined comment. His spokesman, Bill Burton, said it was "tasteless and offensive." Obama said he's developed "a pretty thick skin" running for president and has "seen and heard worse."
"I do think that, you know, in attempting to satirize something, they probably fueled some misconceptions about me instead," he said. "But, you know, that was their editorial judgment. And as I said, ultimately, it's a cartoon, it's not where the American people are spending a lot of their time thinking about."
Welcome to the world of politics, Mr. O
But on a hopeful, note, Obama did his thang at the 99th Annual NAACP Conference in Cincinnati on Tuesday. The 22-minute speech he gave was basically his Inaugural Speech. Just with the addition of Republican Presidential hopeful John MCcain’s plan so it wouldn’t look too obvious. To check it out, go to

And speaking of McCain John McCain was in St. Louis Tuesday. McCain was in town for a fundraising event in west St. Louis County that organizers say brought in about $1.6 million for his campaign and for the Republican National Committee. More than 400 people attended the fundraising dinner, which was closed to the local press. Tickets ranged from $2,300 a person to $57,000 a couple. According to some at the event, the crowd included such prominent Republicans as retired Sen. John C. Danforth and his brother, retired Washington University Chancellor William Danforth, and Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder. Afterward, he and his entourage of Secret Service agents and a couple of dozen members of the news media stopped by Drewes' stand at 6726 Chippewa Street.During his 15-minute visit, shortly after 8 p.m., McCain did the usual routine for candidates: posed for photos, shook hands and took a brief tour inside the Drewes operation, all the while sampling one of the stand's specialties, a chocolate concrete (He didn’t answer any questions on the campaign). McCain was spending the night at a county hotel, before flying out. He's to return to Missouri on Thursday for a public town hall event in Kansas City. Earlier Tuesday, McCain's campaign announced that his state chairman will be U.S. Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond, R-Mo. Missouri is considered a key swing state, and both McCain and his Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama, have spent much time here in recent weeks. To check out his visiting Ted Drewes go to http://video.yahoo.com/watch/3110628/8841792
On today, Wednesday. The Cain “saved face” and addressed the conveners at the 99th Annual NAAXCP Convention in Indianapolis. His focus was on education. in black communities. Hmmm. To see a condensed version of his speech (all 2 minutes of it ) go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqYel4sUA1E

Ever since she became one of Sen. Barack Obama’s most trusted and effective surrogates in his campaign for president, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, has been tossed around as a possible vice presidential candidate.
Last Sunday, on Meet the Press, Tom Brokaw threw a little fuel on that fire. He asked McCaskill whether she was being vetted as a VP candidate and while McCaskill offered the typical dodges, she didn’t deny the premise of the question. (Brokaw also asked Republican Carly Fiorina, who was debating with McCaskill, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, if she was on Sen. John McCain’s short list for VP, but he was less specific in her questioning). In the discussion , McAskill said that Obamas plan as far as Iraq is to get the troops out in 16 months whereas McCain was fight until the very end even if it takes 100 years (Well we are sure that McCain will not be around when that time comes. LOL)
McCaskill told Brokaw that she wouldn’t bet on her being the VP. Brokaw pointed out that this was the first time in Meet the Press history in which the two surrogates sent to represent presidential candidates were both women. McCaskill and Fiorina both seemed to recognize the importance of that moment as they represented their candidates aggressively but fairly and shook hands at the end of the discussion.
A "blunted" reality occurred for Missouri Governor matt Blunt last week during an awards ceremony in Jeff City. The police valor medals were in place, the furniture in the governor's Capitol office was rearranged and the reporters were assembled. But there was a suspicious void at the front of the room. The four police officers being honored for their composure while facing personal danger weren't there. No one had told them about last Wednesday's ceremony. Missouri Public Safety Director Mark James apologized for the goof and announced after about 15 minutes that the event was cancelled.A spokeswoman for Gov. Matt Blunt said he used the sudden free time for a meeting. The police officers will get their medals at a later date. Uh-oh we are sure that meeting wasn’t cheery. Somebody head was chopped for that faux pas!

With gas prices in St. Louis averaging $3.93 per gallon, Congressman Russ Carnahan last week backed three pieces of legislation and unveiled additional oil speculation legislation that will help make America become more energy independent and help provide relief to Americans struggling with high gas prices."Wall Street is getting rich, big oil is getting rich, and America is going broke,” said Carnahan. “It's time to force oil companies to drill the land they have already received from President Bush and repeal their tax breaks."
Bills considered on the House floor included:
• The Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act of 2008. The bill co-sponsored by Carnahan, gives grants to mass transit authorities to reduce public transit fares, giving consumers a cost-effective alternative to $3.93 per gallon gasoline. The bill was approved by a vote of 322- 98.
• The Energy Markets Emergency Act. The Act directs the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to use its full authority and most potent emergency tools to curtail excessive speculation and other practices distorting the energy market. Rampant speculation has been cited as one cause of the spike in gas prices. The bill was approved by a vote of 402 - 19.
• The Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act. The “Use it or Lose it” legislation forces oil companies to produce oil and gas, or diligently develop, the 68 million acres of public land they already have leased, but are not using to produce energy. This legislation was blocked by House Republicans and was not approved. “Republicans are misleading people at the pump,” said Carnahan. “It’s time to stop the giveaways to big oil. Oil companies have already leased 68 million acres they aren’t using to produce energy. Big oil ought to be forced to use it or lose it.”
In other words DEAL OR NO DEAL.
One of the two St. Louis Cardinals fans struck by a car in Philadelphia on last Thursday has died. Cindy Grassi, 53, passed away from injuries sustained in the accident. She attended Logan-Rogersville High and became the first physical education teacher at Logan Elementary after attending Southwest Missouri State University. She retired from Mark Twain Elementary in Brentwood, Mo., and bought a second home in Springfield. Grassi and a fellow teacher, Sandy Wacker, often traveled to watch the Cardinals play. The two were jogging Thursday afternoon after watching the Cards-Phillies game when a car ran a red light and hit the two. The news shocked many local educators. Wacker remains in a hospital. The driver, 18-year-old Joseph Genovese, faces numerous charges including driving under the influence of drugs. Philadelphia news sources report he has previous drug charges filed against him.

This week, East St. Louis via St. Louis dance diva and St. Louis walk of fame inductee Josephine Baker will have a stamp issued for her as part of the Vintage Black Cinema Stamp series. The time is 1935, and the St. Louis native who transfixed France and much of Europe with song and dance stares out from a poster advertising the film "Princess Tam-Tam." Baker's movie is one of five commemorated on a set of U.S. postage stamps being released today to honor vintage black cinema. Other posters in the set of 42-cent stamps are:
-- "Black and Tan," a 19-minute film released in 1929 featuring Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra.
-- "Caldonia," another short at 18 minutes, which was released in 1945. It showcased singer, saxophonist and bandleader Louis Jordan.
-- "Hallelujah," a 1929 movie released by MGM. It was one of the first films from a major studio to feature an all-black cast. Producer-director King Vidor was nominated for an Academy Award for his attempt to portray rural African American life, especially religious experience. To celebrate, First Day of Sale Event. will be Wednesday at 2 p.m (BETTA HURRY UP IF YA GOIN! LOL) . Sheldon Concert Hall, 3648 Washington Boulevard. Free. to th eopublic There, the U.S. Postal Service will unveil the new Josephine Baker stamp as part of its Vintage Black Cinema Stamp collection. COCAdance will perform a tribute to Baker. A native St. Louisan, Baker performed in the films "Siren of the Tropics," "Zouzou" and "Princesse Tam Tam," but also made headlines as a singer, muse and civil-rights champion.

CBS news anchor and Rock Hill native, Russ Mitchell, has been tapped to host the 32nd Annual Mid-America Emmy Awards, which are set for Oct. 4 at the Four Seasons Hotel on Laclede's Landing. The awards are being presented by Lumière Place. Mitchell is a two-time Emmy who worked his way up the ladder at KTVI and KMOV before moving on to the network gig in New York.Russ Mitchell attended Webster Groves High School in suburban St. Louis and grew up in Rock Hill, Missouri. A graduate of University of Missouri, Russ joined CBS News in 1992 as co-anchor of Up to the Minute. He was a correspondent for Eye to Eye on CBS (1993-1995) and anchor of the CBS Sunday Night News (1995-1997). He also was an original co-anchor on Saturday Early Show from 1997-2007. Before joining CBS News, he was an anchor for WFAA Dallas (1983-1985), reporter at KTVI St. Louis (1985-1987), and a weekend anchor and reporter for KMOV St. Louis (1987-1992). He lives in New York City. In related news, KMOV's Larry Conners, KTVI's Spencer Koch and Michael Dorman of Charter Communications will receive Silver Circle awards from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences at the Emmy gala. The award honors news people who have chalked up 25 years or more in the industry.
Wassup with these State Policemen on these motorcyles on ILL side stopping motorists on Highway 64 looking like cops on CHIPs????

St. Louis' own Roland Williams -- Super Bowl champ, three-year tight-end veteran of the Rams and TV football analyst – had a star studded gala last weekend. He hosted a Weekend of Champions. Guests included Kurt Warner, Isaac Bruce, DeMarco Farr, Ray Agnew, Mike Furrey, Jimmy Kennedy, Ray Lewis, Flozell Adams, Chris Draft and Clifton Ryan. The weekend included a football and life skills camp for 300 kids at Harris-Stowe University sponsored by McDonald's, and evening events at Graham Hill's Bentley-Lamborghini-Maserati dealership in Chesterfield Valley, and at Nelly's Skybox Sports Bar & Grill on Laclede’s Landing. Bruce, Warner, Lewis, Draft, Ryan and Nelly were honored. Claudia Jordan of NBC's "Deal or No Deal," also hosted the evening events with Draft and Ryan from the Rams. The night was intended to honor "Everyday Champions," such as teachers, medical providers and government employees. For more info about the weekend visit http://www.stlweekendofchampions.org/
And speaking of Nelly. the superstar rapper landed the cover of the current Source magazine. Inside, he’s talking about his upcoming CD “Brass Knuckles,” (that will be released next month) his buff body, Ashanti, the death of his sister, the fallout over his “Tip Drill” video, and more. Hmm, this is a definite page turner!

Award winning spoken word event Café Soul will celebrate its 2nd Year Anniversary in a new venue. For the past year they have been housed at Lucas House, but because of the huge popularity and crowd, it has now moved to its current venue, Lumen on 18TH street AT 2201 LOCUST. CALL 314-504-7405 FOR VIP SEATING. A MUST SEE EVENT. The event will also double as its host Coco Soul’s b-day.
In this month's Essence Magazine(http://www.essence.com/), the mag has selected some of the country’s a few good black men for those to vote online. Four of them are from the Missouri area. They include:

Lavan Davis, who is from Kansas City, Mo. The award winning actor can be seen weekly on the WTBS show "Tyler Perry Presents House of Payne."

The STLers include FREE TIME’s Adrian Saddler who is a
management analyst at Federal Reserve Bank (CHA CHING). In his blurb, Saddler “makes having two full-time jobs look as easy as pie.” In 2005, Saddler founded Freetime Promotions, which hosts parties and events with proceeds going to local community organizations in the Gateway City, such as the St. Louis Food Bank. Since its launch, Freetime has raised more than $5,000 and brought out more than 500 St. Louis residents in support of the organization’s Parties for a Cause. “As young entrepreneurs, we didn’t have enough money to donate from our own pockets, but we realized that, through a community effort, we could raise the money to donate,” Saddler says. On BLACK WOMEN he says: “Black women always have your back, no matter what. I can really appreciate that.” On his ROMANTIC MOVE he says: “The delicious feel of a head-to-toe, nice-and-slow massage. The invigorating scent of warmed botanical oils. The tantalizing taste of ripe tropical fruit...” On his HERO he says: His grandparents; “They’re nothing short of angels.” On HOBBIES he says: Brazilian jiujutsu (a form of martial arts), weightlifting, cooking and renovating his home His MOTTO is : “No one else has the right to consume happiness without producing it. If you’re happy, it’s your responsibility to put a smile on someone else’s face.” His FAVORITE BOOK is :Native Son by Richard Wright. To vote for Adrian E-MAIL ADRIAN: dorightadrian@essence.com
The other STLer is footballer Isaac Keys., linebacker Arizona Cardinals. Keys attended Hazelwood Central High School (and won varsity letters in football and baseball. Keys graduated in1996 from Hazelwood Central High School.

Dingani Beza of Jeff City. He is a resident director at Lincioln University
We guess yawl know who we want yawl to vote for, rite? LOL
We hear that Rose man’s brother is taking over where his big brother left of. He was spotted all in the clubs last weekend with the roses and bears just like the Roseman (and even wearing the red hat like Roseman) . That s good that the traditional will continue, but like they say, there can only be one Roseman. Rose Man was laid to rest in June after being killed from a drive by shooting at the Soft Touch Club in Washington Park.
Goody Goody is back open. According to the Evening Whirl this week, the popular soul food spot located on Natural bridge is back open after an accident forced it to close its doors when a dump truck had slammed into the diner when the driver reportedly suffered a medical problem.
Congrats to STL fitness model Fred Williams (PICTURED)who received four trophies at the 2nd Annual St. Louis Natural Body/Figure Classic and Extreme Fit Championships Annual Bodybuilding at Roberts Orpheum theatre last weekend (including FIRST PLACE in the Bodybuilding Novice Short Category) . He was one of big African American winners in the STL area. Other winners included Steven Lacy, Michael Walton, Marchelle Bettis and Fairview Heights brother and sister duo Guzel and Jacque Davis (SEE OUT 444 and OUT 445 for coverage)
Two STL female sistas who are known for their stage professions were heard on Majic 104.9 FM radio this week during their off stage gigs.
First, comic Ms. Arkansas called up on Keith Sweat’s Sweat Shop show on Majic 104.9 talking about how her co-workers at her nine to five are hating on her cuz she wants to be a big time comic and go to Hollywood. Sweat basically told her to never give up on her dreams.
Next was poet/spoken word artist Fo Feet who called in on Tony Scott Show when the Jesse Jackson comment on Obama broke. Fo Feet said that she was a nurse by trade and that in her profession, in old age, the mind is the first to go and that we should pray for Jesse and keep it movin. TMP!
YOURS TRULY, Ma’at Atkins can be seen in a pic with actress Kine Brown in this week’s Evening Whirl in the Entertainment Section where he is celebrating his b-day at Subzero July 5..........................We hear that STL promoter Harry Colbert, like STL promoter Keisha Daniels, is leaving the STL for Minnesota. We hear he is having a big soiree, like Daniels, either tonite or Thursday at Posh, like Daniels. Well, like mamma us ed to say, its better to just state the facts than give your opinion, so we will just leave it at that. ……………………….. Happy b-day goes out to hollabackboi who we hear is having a private get together this weekend. Awe hear that it may be at Subzero (Hmmm, wonder why that spot. LOL) Friday or Saturday, but we didn’t get the final call on that.

And Lastly, OUTTOWN remembers longtime St. Louis Cardinals coach Dave Ricketts, who played on their 1967 World Series championship team, died early Sunday. He was 73. Ricketts' family informed the Cardinals, who were playing in Pittsburgh, of his death. He had been battling cancer and living in St. Louis. Ricketts was a reserve catcher, who played sparingly for the Cardinals in 1963, '65 and '67-69. He was traded to the Pirates in 1970, his final season in the majors. He played 130 major league games and hit .249 with one home run. He became a coach for the Pirates in 1971. He had two stints as a Cardinals coach, first from 1974-75, then from 1978-91. He was also a minor league instructor for the team.
BLIND BITZ. Which bodybuilding contestant dropped their pants to expose their legs at the after party of the St. Louis Natural Body/Figure Classic Championships at Maurizio's Pizza & Sports Cafe? (Hint. The contestant is seen on both OUT 444 and 445 posts and whose last letters in their first and last name, when inverted, make up the initials of a state located in the Midwestern region of the United States of America)
EVENT-BITZ. Stress Free Fridays Friday, July 18, 20085pm-UNTIL, Vin de Set Rooftop Bar & Bistro, 2017 Choteau AvenueSt. Louis, Missouri 63103 1-314-241-8989 Stress Free Fridays will be visiting Vin de Set Rooftop Bar & Bistro...enjoy great tasting food, thirst-quenching drinks and the stunning views of the St. Louis Skyline...Vin de Sets' Rooftop will leave you breathless and speechless...do not hear about the fun that you missed when you can be apart of the festivities...bring your business cards and a friend and be prepared to network as you never know who might be in attendance...if youare celebrating a special event in your life, email Marioat wayne_mario@yahoo.com or Mark Anthony at maj_826@yahoo.comPlease visit our new and improved website: http://www.stressfreefridays.ning.com/
The Screening of "Hairkutt", Friday, July 18, 2008, 7 p.m., Vaughn Cultural Center Meet filmmaker Curtis Elliot with Bryant "Hairkutt" Johnson. http://www.hairkuttthemovie.com/

GOT Lyrics IS ON HIATUS.......................Ladies Night OUT Thursdays at Dante's hosted by Mocha Latte . Ladies Free Admission and Drinks til Midnite………….. The Best Damn Friday Night Period at the Skybox in the Landing. Doors open at 9 p.m. All free til 10 p.m…………………. Pick up an Evening Whirl on Mondays and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!
/OR CALL 314-831-7505 Please tell them Mocha Latte' referred you.
The Robert Plant & Alison Krauss concert at the Fox Theatre on June 19th has been RESCHEDULED to September 24th. Update: Due to a change in schedules, the previously announced planned additional September 25th performance will not be added and the filming of the performances will now not take place. Tickets for the June 19th performance will be honored at the September 24th show. If you have purchased tickets to the June 19th performance and are unable to attend on September 24th, please contact MetroTix at 314/534-1111.

Melissa Etheridge The Revival Tour 2008 Fox Theatre Monday, August 11 • 8 p.m. On-Sale Information: Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111. Order tickets online at http://www.metrotix.com/. ....................................................................... Melissa Etheridge The Revival Tour 2008 Fox Theatre Monday, August 11 • 8 p.m. On-Sale Information: Tickets on sale this NOW! Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111. Order tickets online at http://www.metrotix.com/. Fox Concerts presents Melissa Etheridge at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on August 11 at 8 p.m. Come and experience the anthemic power, compassion and generosity of spirit that is unlike any other live music performer. Melissa Etheridge’s latest album, The Awakening has been described as a collection of powerful and playful yet confessional and engaging songs that are personal as well as universal. Time after time, her concert performances reaffirm her enduring status as one of the greatest all-time female rock icons……………………………… Evening WithDOLLY PARTONThursday, August 14 • 8 pmat the Fabulous Fox Theatre!$59.50, $54.50, $49.50, $44.50A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available. On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale this Saturday, June 14 – phones and onlineat 10 am and box office and outlets at 11 am!Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outletsor by calling 314/534-1111.Order tickets online at http://www.metrotix.com/. Summer Tour 2008, THINK FAST, STEELY DAN steelydan.com Monday, August 18 • 8 p.m. Fabulous Fox Theatre On-Sale Information: Tickets on sale Saturday, June 21 at 10AM! Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111. Order tickets online at http://www.metrotix.com/.
KETC / CHANNEL 9 presents
Saturday, September 13 • 8 pm
At the Fabulous Fox Theatre!
THE U.S. Bank Broadway Series Shows and Specials: Oprah Winfrey presents THE COLOR PURPLE, October 21-November 2, 2008; SWEENEY TODD, November 14-16, 2008CATS, November 28-30, 2008 LEGALLY BLONDE the Musical, January 20-February 1, 2009; The Rep presents SPRING AWAKENING, February 10-22, 2009; CIRQUE DREAMS JUNGLE FANTASY, March 17-29, 2009; Dance St. Louis presents STOMP, April 3-5, 2009HAIRSPRAY, April 24-26, 2009Dance St. Louis presents RIVERDANCE, May 1-3, 2009; A CHORUS LINE, May 12-24, 2009RENT, June 2-7, 2009MARY POPPINS, AUGUST 13-30, 2009; THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, September 23-October 17, 2009 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
You are invited to the Happy Hour for the Fall Asian Couture and Cultural Event
at India Rasoi, 25 North Euclid Avenue, Friday, July 25, 2008
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Also Save the date for the Fall Asian Couture and Cultural Event set for September 27th at Mandarin Lounge. We'll be taking reservations at the upcoming happy hour on Friday, July 25th! Join us and make your reservations early. Aspiring models are encouraged to attend if you wish to be included in the Fall show. General admission $10 in advance; $15 at the door; and VIPs $75. For more information or to RSVP, please call 314.726.3117.
SOUL STYLZ presents "INVITE" The Official All White Affair : FREE with Invite PassSaturday July 26, 2008 9pm-1:30am The Architect House at 4246 McPherson Ave St.Louis MO, 63108Invite is a FREE celebration that's held at the hottest see-and-be-seen spots in the Midwest. Invite allow people who demand a relaxed ambiance amongst trend setters, forward thinkers, and VIPs' who live extraordinary lives, the opportunity to dine, laugh, socialize, and groove with the elite. Invite cards will be given; for a FREE night of music, and style. Our invite is simple: Sexy, Exclusive, and Style, that's what we ask. So remember, where there is no Price, no Lines, and everyone is V.I.P there is "INVITE". Invite Card Holders Info: Free Admission + Guest Free Valet Parking until 11:00PM Bypass Line Drink Specials *Table Reservations please contact 314.497.3861 or info@soulstylz.com
Getting to The Architect House Click here South on Kingshighway to Lindell : East on Lindell to Boyle : Left on Boyle to 4246 McPherson Ave
Casino Royale hosted by The Konnection, Singlesvibe an After Hours July 26 at Lumiere Hotel 9 p.m. to 3 am $10 Admission.
SRD and Wright Ministries present THE COLOR OF RAIN, July 26 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Harris Stowe State University EARLY BIRDs $15; Gen ADM $20 Door $25 Info : 314 425-9233 618-795-0714 or srdproductions@yahoo.com
AUDITION BITZ . It's Just Me April. I'm looking for all kinds of talent for a promotional live show to be held at a cafe in Indianapolis Indiana. If you sing R&B,Soul,Jazz,Gospel, Neo Soul,Country,Blues,Rap,Rock what ever. If you play any kind of insturment,spoken word, dance, 1-3 person stage act. Please contact me at jmproductionsllc@aol.com
JOB-ITZ City Light is a gospel video production company that continues to grow on and on and on!!!!!!!!!!!! We are currently looking for a professional independent videographerwho is experienced in filming, creative and skilled in editing with alove for video and eager to learn with an ability to travel. We are also looking for an additional shooter and PA's free to travel and an interest in assisting on the following: Urban League National Conference..........August 2008 City TBA Live Gospel Music Video.........................October, 2008 Durham, NC Church musical service............................October, 2008 Durham, NC Gospel Music Video .............................. September, 2008 Durham, NC (2) Gospel Music Video................................Date TBA Denver, CO All PA's travel and hotel fully paid with possibly 1 to 2 meals per work day Camera operator hourly pay per work hour along with travel and hotel fully paid. Skilled students and ladies are encouraged to apply!!!!!!!!!!!!! All interested please reply to this email stlfilmwire@kdhx.org and put or leave Employment in Subject Line! no phone calls please! Thank You for your interest in working with City Lights!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP-BITZ NEW: Sarah Thompson is chairing a fundraising event for Independence Center – an internationally-recognized, local non-profit that supports adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses. It is one of the top models of its kind in the world and is an incredibly amazing organization. The event is entitled Summer Fusion and will feature a special night of music, drinks and great eats all on the second floor terrace balcony of the newly completed Independence Center in the Central West End. It’s fantastic with a great view of the city and the balcony lights make it fantastic at night! For the first time ever, Latin rock sensation Javier Mendoza will perform on the same stage with local R&B and soul sensation Coco Soul. One of St. Louis’ favorite restaurants, Jimmy’s on the Park, will provide a delicious fusion cuisine of items off the restaurant menu. There will also be great wine and drinks such as the Fusion Cocktail. All the proceeds benefit Independence Center. Full details are below. If you love the best music and food St. Louis has to offer and, most importantly, want to support an often overlooked cause such mental health, I would love for you to attend. On a side note, her mother has worked in the mental health field as a psychiatric social worker for over 40 years. Her profession allowed me to see the need and benefit of organizations and services that support those living with mental illnesses such as Independence Center. It has become an important cause for me as I see the need for organized support in our city and community. She would greatly appreciate your support and attendance for this event. Please save the date for Sunday, August 24th at 5:00pm or buy tickets now. Info: 314-898-8388........................................................STL Poet Floyd IMPAKT Boykin and his wife Jacquette would like you all to votes for their baby boy Floyd Jr in the Majic 104.9 Baby Idol Cutest Baby Contest! He is listed as "Floyd B" under the "E-J" button. Voting started Monday. Please go to the web site and vote for him to win (http://www.kmjm.com/pages/babyidol.html.....................................................G & G Casting is currently scouting talent. Based out of Chicago, G &G was hoping to connect with some folks in St. Louis. If you know of any individuals who are serious about their craft and have experience and/or professional head shots and resumes please let me know. G & G is currently revising their web site, but they do have a basic splash page. I have attached the link as a reference: http://www.gandgcasting.com/ Please direct talent to me, that I may review their material and touch base with each individual before it's forwarded to the Executive Director. If talent sends incomplete or inadequate material directly to G & G it may get discarded. Call or e-mail me with any questions. Talk to you soon!Tamekeyo House630-729-4169...................................................... REGISTER NOW FOR THE CHRYS YVETTE ACTING STUDIO WORKSHOP STARTING JULY 12TH! At the Chrys Yvette Acting Studio you will learn valuable skills that will help you master the art of working and not just auditioning. Many spend most of their time training more than they do acting. Not here, we are looking for actors to train with the C.Y.A.S. Technique, and put you right to work on one of our movies, plays, showcases, sitcom pilots, or soundtracks. We donʼt just train, we get you the job too! TO REGISTER VISIT http://www.cyactingstudio.com/ OR CALL 314-221-4198 SCHEDULE SATURDAYS 12PM-2PM STARTING JULY 12TH SUNDAYS 4PM-6PM THROUGH AUGUST 31ST Ms. Yvetteʼs extensive hands on training will guide you through seven steps that will enhance your acting ability and give you the confidence you need to succeed in the entertainment business. So if you know that you were born to be a superstar and you just need that extra push to jumpstart your career register today, and move into your destiny! Cost: $20 per session This class is followed by a showcase by the Chrys Yvette Acting Studio actors and a reception with industry insiders!.................................................CreativeWorks, LLC is officially bringing back the smashing, hit inspirational comedy Meeting at the Elder's Circle: The Gathering of the Ushers. After another revision of script, cast and crew, God has opened the door of opportunity to have this wonderful production produced by Footlights Productions, August 14-24, 2008 at Christ Church Cathedral. Why I am sending you this message? With your efforts and assistance, this show will be a great success. I am in need of contacts and promotional opportunities inorder to get the "word out". Please assist me accordingly. I will be most appreciative. For all inquiries, please email meetingattheeldercircle@gmail.com.
………………………….Believing in Excellence in Education is a 6 week> life-skills summer program for ages 10-18 designed to> empower young people to BEE the best they can be. The> program focuses on etiquette/manners, social> responsibility, financial responsibility, internet safety,> peer pressure and more at the Emerson YMCA on Pershall Road (near hwy 270 &> West Florissant).> > Classes meet every Friday evening for 6 weeks from 6pm-9pm> and ends in a cotillion/beautillion so students can show> off their newly learned skills. For more information or log onto> http://www.beelieve.org/ ....................................... ……………………………………………….Stray Dog Theatre Hop into spring dance classes for children taught by Sheila Rabbitt - professional teacher/choreographer http://www.sheilarabbittanddancers.org/ Come learn beginning modern and jazz dance in a positive environment where children will not only learn steps but create their own dances. Great for kids just starting out and those with some experience! Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:45-5:45 pm 4:45-5:45 pm Children 6-9 Children 10-12 Cost $48 for 8 week session Class size is limited. Early registration suggested. Please call Sheila Rabbitt at (314) 898-0374 to register. LOCATION Tower Grove Abbey 2336 Tennessee Avenue..................................... Stray Dog Theatre 2008 SUMMER ON STAGEChildren’s Theatre Arts Camps for Kindergarten – 5th Grade* Join Stray Dog Theatre’s ARTS IN MIND for a summer season of theatre camps.Camps are taught by theatre professionals and offer a variety of hands-on fun and education, culminating in a week’s end play for friends and family. Snacks and materials are provided. Space is limited, so make your reservation today. Come join the fun! TIME9:00am – 12:00noon LOCATION Tower Grove Abbey, 2336 Tennessee Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63104 COST $100 per child, per week (Check, Money Order, or Credit Card)CONTACT Call for information and registration (314) 276-9039 and http://www.towergroveabbey.org/ .......................................Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462........................................Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services forthe youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyonewho is in need of some extra educational support,please feel free to contact her or give them hercontact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314)418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon-has a new label deal and we are looking for someinterns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphicdesigners street team female street team club streetteam models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers,writers)We are looking for the best. So instead ofjust grabbing the person that says they are the best,we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the best at what they do. The bread-winners will be put onpayroll with a permanent job with the company. If youthink you will be the next hottest publicist, model,A&R, sponsorship writer, whatever it is that you do,then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, adcovers, posters, willing to do street team work and beapart of this new label contact me directly at kanecc@tmail.com
…………………………..Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer to those of you who are in search for party and event space. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, art exhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderful hospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................Saint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff ,On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing:E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla Marketing Techniques, Service Street, Radio, College, and Mixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences,Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategy for Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposure every day and every night at every event Our machine operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We will exceed your expectations!!! Contact us at 314-750-6806................
NEW: The St. Louis Poetry Slam will be holding a preliminary qualifying round for all interested poets wanting a chance to make the team to go on and represent St. Louis in The National SLAM Competition held later this year. Come out and sign up to make your spot on the team. Rounds starts at 9:45 pm at Legacy Books and Café before the regularly scheduled Open mic.on Fridays. Come out and be a Judge, Audience member, or Competitor (Sign up is at the door. *$5 cover. For more info, call David A. N. Jackson 314 995-9570
NEW: The Soulition and Absolut present Chocolate Sunday with Dj Needles, 9 p.m. at 609/The U Lounge, 609 Eastgate. Ladies Free til 11 p.m., Ladies $3, fellas $5.
NEW. Venuestl.com presents Therapy every Sunday at Lush, 3037 Olive, doors at 10 p.m. (close at 3 a.m.) Ladies free til midnite. Fellas $5 before 11 p.m. ladies $5 after Midnite. $2 martinis til 11:30 p.m. Dress Code enforced. Free B-day parties (limited space). For info call 314.392.7882 or therapystl@gamil.com
NEW. Fred and Harry Inc. presents Champagne Sundays at Sol Lounge, 4241 Lindell, 3:30 p.m. Cocktails $5, Cover $3. For more info go to http://www.1stfriday-stl.com/
NEW. The Head Nodders Ball w DJ Needles Mondays at the Delmar Lounge, 6235 Delmar 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. $3 Cover..........................
NEW: Neo Soul singer Silky Sol and Good for the Sol perform Sundays at Janae’s West, 7555 Olive Blvd, 5 p.m. For more info call 314.863.7420 Mondays are Comedy Nites at Janae’s West 7555 Olive Blvd, hosted by Darius Bradford. 8:30 p.m. $10 Cover. (314)863-7420...............................
Francois Cognac and Cigar Bar presents Evening of Expressions, every Tuesday a blend of culture, spoken word and neo soul, 326 N/ Vanderventer. Free until 9 p.m. $5 after 9 p.m. For more info call Ms. Bell at 314.229.7952 or Alexander at 314.448.2939..............................
Suite Soul Spot, 1st Tuesday of each Month at the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th Blvd. 9 p.m. 314-588-0505.2 Dollar Tuesdays at The Spot, 8370 N Broadway. $2 to get in and $2 drink specials all nite long. Doors at 9 p.m. for more info call 314.385.4545..................
Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ House of Comedy (formerly Laughs on theLanding), 801 N. 2nd Street Featuring Poets, R&B, NeoSoul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetryslam enthusiast gather weekly to present a uniqueblend of spoken word poetry and music from local andnot so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottestlyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….allfor only $5 at the door For more info, call 314.241.5233..........................
NEW: Fusion with DJ Needles of the Solution, Wednesdays at Posh, 408 N Euclid, 8 p.m. 21 Y.O. and up NO HATS FELLAS. FREE Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacledes Landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m..............
NEW: Lamar Harris and The L, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. til midnite at Delmar Restaurant and Lounge6235 Delmar Blvd. Free before 10 p.m. 314) 725-6565 ·
Power Couple Inc presents XCLUSIVE THURSDAY'S A place for the business professional looking for the true benefits of an UltraLounge. Join us at Posh Ultra Lounge for a relaxing evening of music, food, and never a cover with drink specials all night. Exclusive Thursdays @ POSH... where the elite meet. Happy Hour at 5 p.m. Ultra Lounge at 9 p.m.
NEW: Milq Da Game presents Destination Thursdays at Club Society. $500 to the sexiest lady. Ladies Free til 11;30p.m. 2 for 1 drinks before 10:30 p.m. for fellas and free drinks for ladies. Info: http://www.societystl.com/
NEW: M5 Entertainment presents Rhythm and rhyme Thursdays every Thursdays. Calling all hip-hop artists, poets, singers. Royal Palace Restaurant and Lounge, 4266 Natural bridge at Lamdin. Sign up by 8:30 p.m.. Show at 9:30 p.m., Admission FREE before 9 p.m., $5 After wards.
Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-Luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drink specials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to www.myspace.com/URBANCASUALFRIDAYS
All Star Inc presents Grown Folks Friday at St. Louis happy Hour bar and Grill, 12948 Halls ferry at Parker Rd., with DJ Sir Thirl. Ladies Free til 11 p.m. FREE Parking. Status Fridays every Friday at Dolce Ladies $5 before 11 p.m. 9 p.m.-3 am
UPDATE: CAFE SOUL, every 3rd Friday of the Month, at Lumen, 18TH street AT 2201 LOCUST. Doors 8 p.m., Band 9 p.m. FOR VIP SEATING PLEASE CALL 314-504-7405. GET THERE EARLY! SEATING IS LIMITED!
The Virtual Lounge Expressions, A Christian based open mic every 1st Friday, Cookies jazz and More #20 AllenBlvd. Webster Groves, Mo. Doors open at 8 p.m. Cover $10. For more info go to http://www.thevirtualounge.net/
Tuff On Paper ENT presents Network and ShowcaseSaturdays every first Saturday of each month and LoveYourself Saturdays every third Saturday of each month,9.m.--until at the Spyglass, 255 Union at Lindell $5at the door. first 50 Ladies Free until 11 p.m. First25 ladies get a free drink. 21 and older. Grown andsexy attire. For showcase info hit up www.myspace.com/tuffonpaper.com
or call 314.443.5001
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you to the Saturday to a straight up Old School Party...no limitation...no limitation! The house party will belive at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Halls Ferry and West Florissant! AND at the new Knockouts! For more info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to http://www.divaeventplanning.com/
PIECES OF A DREAM" One of the most critically-acclaimed, powerful independent films of our generation!!! ORDER IT NOW AT http://www.one-wayproductions.com/ orBy calling the Customer Service toll free# at 888-418-8637 Mon.-Fri. between 10am - 5pm (CST) & selecting option #2 (accepting debit/credit cards & checks/money orders) Get the "Pieces Of A Dream" Feature Film DVD / the Music Soundtrack CD individually available for $13 + shipping/handling orGet the "Pieces Of A Dream" Combo Pack (Both the DVD & CD) for $23 + shipping/handling. Fans worldwide are responding and joining the "Conscious" Film Movement!!! Snapping up more than 30,000 copies of the independently produced "conscious" film "PIECES OF A DREAM" DVD & Music Soundtrack CD,since it's worldwide release in December 2007.
NEW:Good Shepherd Infant and Toddler Center, 5990 Page. Now Enrolling. School age children welcome. Info: 314.725.5710 Check out Leannett Payne’’s
CHOCOLATE BLOG by emailing her at Leannettpayne@yahoo.com!
NEW: Catch all the latest STL entertainment sites, sounds and interviews at http://www.ohhmy.net/
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
NEW: For your hip-hop ministry and Christian music services check out Mynista’s website at http://www.reverbnation.com/mynistaakadoctawuzdead?eid=591050_2558942
NEW: Hear new music from STL singer Silky Sol at http://www.myspace.com.redafroqueen/
For all your photography needs go to www.lanceomarthurman.com/
The Black Rep's blog, Black Reppin. It can be found on its website, http://www.theblackrep.org/ or directly at http://theblackrep.blogspot.com/
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
NEW: Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. Patrinna Wiley & Eric LaGrone Independent Associates Small Business and Group Specialists Identity Theft/Restoration Services
We give members access to professional legal counsel not only for traditional legal problems, but for everyday events such as buying a house or a car, creating a will, handling a problem with an insurance company, dealing with identity theft, and much more where legal review should be routine, but rarely is. These events can be among the most important events in a person's life, yet there is a tendency for them to take place without proper legal review. For Pre-Paid Legal members, access to legal counsel is only a toll-free phone call away. Call to set up your appointment.Office: (314) 837-6779 Cell Patrinna: (314) 581-9888 Cell Eric: (314) 713-7803 http://wserver0.prepaidlegal.com/Multisite/Multisite?site=group&assoc=patrinna http://www.gosmallbiz.com/
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's entertainment newsletter, email her at www.myspace.com/vanitaapplebum
Check out Lisa Rose blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at
or go to her my space page at www.myspace.com/lisarose08
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/
for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/
or call her at (314)401-0710
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop.For more info call314.721.3361
or email at diversitygallery@netzero.net
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/
or go to www.myspace.com/jessicadada13
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.html
or go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Well that will be it,.Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.comfor pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.
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