Here is whats new in the newz:

Damn that was close in regards to that white stuff found at a bank. The white powder discovered in a package Tuesday in St. Louis County is not toxic. Authorities said that it was not anthrax, ricin or any other hazardous substance. Scott Barthelmass, who heads the hazardous material team, says an office worker opened a package containing the powdery substance Tuesday. The Mehlville Fire Protection District and the hazmat team responded to a leased office in the First National Bank building in south St. Louis CountyThe powder passed the initial test of being not harmful, but was seized by the FBI and was taken to the Missouri Crime Laboratory in Jefferson City for testing. The exposed worker showed no symptoms of contamination. She and about 50 other workers in the building were decontaminated as a precautionary measure. They were also sent to the hospital as part of the decontamination process.
As you all now by now St. Louis'Police Chief Joe Mokwa cop chose retirement (rather than getting fired)after a scandal involving impounded vehicles threatens to consume his credibility. Mokwa told reporters Friday afternoon he would retire for the good of the department and the city. The announcement came after the civilian police board huddled in closed session much of the day. Deputy Chief Stephen Pollihan was named acting chief. Police Board President Chris Goodson said the chief had done nothing illegal. But Goodson admitted evidence the chief's adult daughter, Aimie Mokwa, and some officers had free use of impounded vehicles produced a controversy that was distracting. Goodson defended the board's decision to hire a private law firm to investigate the situation before turning the investigation over to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Mokwa, age 59, spent 37 years with the city police department including seven years as chief. The five member police board voted unanimously to accept Mokwa's decision to retire, but said they had confidence in him. Mayor Francis Slay dissented in a four to one vote granting Mokwa one year's pay as severance and his full pension. Thursday night the mayor posted a blog saying he had urged the chief to retire.
The controversy erupted last Friday when the police board released results of an investigation showing unnamed police officers and the chief's estranged, adult daughter and been allowed to "test drive" impounded cars for months at a time and to purchase them below market rate.Mokwa initially told the law firm he first learned his daughter had access to the impounded cars this April. The firm involved, St. Louis Metropolitan Towing, had a lucrative contract to tow abandoned and illegally parked vehicles as well as those confiscated by officers.
Then on Tuesday the chief said he had been aware his daughter was involved in an accident in 2002 while driving a car owned by Parks Auto Sales (part of the towing company) but "failed to recognize the significance" of the information. He described his daughter as having domestic and substance abuse problems. Missouri law requires the police department to select an insider as chief. All 28 officers currently carrying the rank of captain and above are eligible to apply. On his website,, Friday morning St. Louis City Mayor Francis Slay says he had a conversation with Mokwa’s lawyer and had suggested that the chief should retire.
Meanwhile, there is new criticism of the retirement deal for now-former St. Louis police chief Joe Mokwa.Now two officers say they were treated very differently. The Police Officers Association detailed to the cases of two officers suspended without pay for months for what they call minor offenses. Among them, one with possible ties to the tow yard investigation. Scott Tillis, a seven year veteran of the force, was suspended in April after a dispute with his superiors.
But two months earlier, Tillis says he went to his supervisors and internal affairs after residents at his apartment complex complained that S&H Towing was towing their cars improperly. S&H is the company at the center of the scandal that led to Mokwa's retirement. Tillis and his attorney, Chet Pleban, say that Tillis was told that the complaints would not be followed up. Then, two months later, Tillis was suspended without pay. Pleban says the police board can't give Mokwa a $100,000 in severance pay and an attorney and not do anything for rank and file members that have conflicts. The other officer profiled here is Garrett Bowie. He was suspended without pay earlier this year after a fight at a White Castle while he was off duty.
Basically this is about political in City hall. White shirts vs blue shirts. Mokwa got the white shirt, the office cop and Tillis and Bowie are blue shirt, the grunt work cops. Don’t get us wrong, from what we gathered Mokwa did his share of getting his white shirt dirty by going into the community seeing what was going on (and we hear was a good guy) , but lets face it, he has privilege cuz of his rank—Police Chief (hmm, wonder if that went the same for Chief Henderson before Mokwa. Hmm). With rank comes accepting the culture of the atmosphere—and we are sure the atmosphere was quite good ol’ boys clubbish. It is quite obvious that The Police Board didn’t want the private investigation to go on further cuz maybe possibly the board may had something to do with the paper shredding of this matter and using Mokwa as a scapegoat? Hmmm.
Even The Evening Whirl’s The Shadow even ripped on the The Policed Board of Commissions force feeding Mokwa;s decisions knowing Mokwa’s situation with his daughter for years, and according to the Shadow, “not going to Highway Patrol or the Attorney General on the initial discovery instead of muzzling Mokwa.” Then Mayor Slay’s wishy-washiness of him first supporting the chief in the investigation then not supporting his receiving severance pay. (He act like Mowka owes him money or sumpin. LOL) It will be interesting as the investigation carries on of who knew what and what other names will pop up in this real life mini-series.

Hundreds of solemn firefighters and other mourners filled the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and lined the streets of Maplewood and nearby towns today to say goodbye to fallen firefighter Ryan Hummert.
Fire pumpers and ambulances from around the state and beyond brought their crews to pay last respects.
Hummert, 22, was shot to death while responding to a fire Monday. The funeral got underway as a light rain fell outside the church, 2934 Marshall Avenue in Maplewood. This is the church where Hummert was baptized. About 400 mourners filled the sanctuary, and another 400 were in the church gymnasium. The overflow crowd went to the Maplewood Baptist Church down the street. The mourners there were able to watch the service on a closed-circuit television. Organizers estimated the total turnout at more than 1,200 people.
The family of Ryan Hummert is asking that financial donations be made to:The Backstoppers10411 Clayton Road, Suite 5A (Le Chateau Village)St. Louis, MO 63131(314) 962-0200The contact information for food donations and questions is: Rachelle L'Ecuyer, director of community development at Maplewood City Hall, 7601 Manchester Road, Maplewood, MO. 63143. The phone number is (314) 646-3607
Oh and Maplewood police found that it was the gunman Mark Knobbe that was found at the home on Zephyr with his remains charred in the burnt house. He shot himself to death before he perished in the fire. Investigators also found barrels from three long guns, one which police believe was the high-powered rifle fired at emergency personnel, one being Hummert.
Two prayer services were held at Mobil stations west of downtown St. Louis this week to thank God for lower fuel prices and to ask that they continue to drop. Darrell Alexander, Midwest co-chair of the Pray at the Pump movement. Participants bought gas, prayed and then sang "We Shall Overcome" with a new verse, "We'll have lower gas prices." The Pray at the Pump Movement, began in April when seniors who volunteer at Rocky Twyman’s church's soup kitchen at Union Memorial United Methodist Church in Washington who could no longer afford the gas prices to come in and offer their time. Twyman led a group from the kitchen across the street to a Shell station and the first Pray at the Pump was held. He also stood on the lot of a Mobil gas station at Jefferson Avenue and Delmar Boulevard last month, clasping hands with seven other "prayer warriors." They pleaded with God to shower compassion on oil-rich Arab nations. And he is asking those in Saudi Arabia to follow the precepts of the Quran, which, he said, emphasizes reaching out to the poor and the downtrodden. Twyman claims such prayers have been successful in other cities, with prices dropping by as much as 30 cents in Toledo. But at how many stations and for how long, Twyman isn't sure.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama made three stops Wednesday while touring rural areas of Missouri. In Springfield, the Illinois senator held a town hall meeting at Glendale High School. A similar session followed at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla. Obama then headed northeastward for a barbecue at a park in the Washington County town of Union. Sen. Claire McCaskill joined Obama on the campaign swing. The Missouri Democrat has urged Obama to campaign in smaller cities where Democratic presidential hopefuls are a rare sight. All of the Obama events were open to the public, but free tickets were required. In other Obama news it was speculated that he would choose a VP running mate in early August before the Democratic Convention. Rumors keep floating that it could very well may be Mo . State Senator Claire McCaskill, but she flatly denies the rumors. Radio talkers are definitely having their say , especially on KMOX late-late night talk shows. One particular talker said that Obama may succeed to Clinton at the Democratic Convention because of Liberal Republicans swaying over and voting for McCain. The reasons being the LR’s fear of Obama’s tax increases that will target them as well as his “socialist” economic plan. He also said that his European tour didn’t help with those voters as well. As a result, Mccain is gaining some lead over Obama with the LR’s. The radio opinion talker even had a theory on Obama’s succeeding. He said in order to not have 4 more years of Republican rule, the wisdom is that Hilary would get Obama’s support (remember she didn’t withdraw from the race but just suspended it) at the Convention and Obama would vocally say he will support her as the Democratic nominee. Well, what do yawl think? Could this possibly happen? Stranger things have and has. As they say. Politics make strange bedfellows.
And speaking of McCain, the Republican presumptive presidential nominee was in Kansas City for a fundraising event Wednesday night. No public events were scheduled. The Kansas City event was held at the Hyatt Exhibit Hall with a “Leadership Roundtable” for couples who paid $25,000, followed by a “Host Committee Reception” for couples paying $10,000 each. The general reception was for those who paid $1,000-2,300 apiece. Is it us or does it seem as though McCain is playing chess? Every move Obama makes, he tries to checkmate him? We just sayin.

Rams running back Steven Jackson is still holding out for a new contract as he misses the fifth day of St. Louis Rams training camp Monday. The holdout running back is keeping in touch, though through text messages to his player friends. coach Scott Linehan hasn't spoken with Jackson since last Wednesday, when he was informed there would be an empty seat on the team charter flight north. Linehan said he had "no idea" where Jackson is during the holdout.
But a little-known provision in the collective bargaining agreement could be a huge detriment to a prolonged holdout by Jackson. According to the NFL Players Association, players under contract must report at least 30 days prior to the first regular-season game or else they lose an accrued season of seniority.The Rams open the regular season Sept. 7 in Philadelphia, so Jackson must report by Aug. 8 — a week from Friday — or else the 2008 season will not count toward his eligibility for free agency.Under normal circumstances, that wouldn't be an issue for Jackson. He already has four years in the NFL, the minimum amount of seniority necessary to become an unrestricted free agent. But these are not normal times for the NFL.
If Jackson holds out beyond Aug. 8, he would have only five years' seniority after the '09 season, and thus would be eligible only for restricted free agency (in which case the Rams would have matching rights on any outside offers). Well, in this day of players having more bargaining power, we say go for what you think youre valued cuz when the game is finished with you, they are finished!(We wonder if Jackson had this idea to hold out while he was at Home nightclub having his party there about a week ago. Hmmm)
And in unrelated Rams news, it was speculated that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh may buy the Rams when they are up for sale? The team may be on the market because longtime owner Georgia Frontiere died this year Last week Limbaugh told the St. Louis Business Journal: "The Rams would be a great team to have. I have a lot of friends in ownership in the NFL, and my desire to get involved has not been a secret. ... This is a business decision. ... There is a whole lot of interest in the Rams with the NFL being a business entity that a lot of people want to be involved in. But it's becoming a billionaires' club." Reports say that Limbaugh could acquire a minority share or be part of a larger conglomerate that buys the Rams. Can you imagine Limbaugh being a minority? LOL
In other sports news, Cards pitcher Ted Carpenter is back. As of this blogging, Carpenter would have taken the mound for the first time in nearly 16 months as the Cardinals continue a four-game series against the Atlanta Braves. The 33-year-old righthander last pitched on Opening Day in 2007 against the New York Mets, when he complained of discomfort in his pitching arm after throwing six innings. He eventually underwent elbow ligament replacement surgery last July.
Hanley Road is expected to close, and for eight months (the closing will coincide with Highway 40 reopening between Ballas and I-170, and closing between I-170 and Kingshighway) drivers on northbound Hanley will not have direct access to Eager; they’ll turn right onto Dale Avenue, drive past the Metro parking garage, and then onto Eager. Several jug handles are on Lindbergh Boulevard, between Olive and Manchester. For years, the county wanted to build a tunnel connecting the center lane of northbound Hanley to westbound Eager. The cost estimates shot up to $40 million to $50 million.

Grant's Farm, the historic estate of the Busch family and one of St. Louis' most popular tourist attractions, will operate on a reduced schedule starting Aug. 10. The estate will be open on Saturdays and Sundays only, according to Anheuser-Busch Cos., which leases and operates the property. Escalating operating costs and visitor trends over the last few years led to the change.
An early morning argument between two groups of men last Monday at a Brooklyn nightclub led to a brawl, a shooting and a car crashing on the McKinley Bridge, leaving several people injured. Before dawn, two groups of men got into an argument at the Bottoms Up Club on South Third Street. They were asked to leave the club and they complied,. Outside the club at the end of the parking lot near the street, the two groups of men got into a fist fight.
While a large fight was going on, a girlfriend of one of the men who was involved in the fight drove up in a red car. With her were two other men and another woman. When they saw the fight and determined the person they had come to see was in the fight, they went back to their car. Some of the guys who were in the fight saw them and followed them to their car. They thought the people in the red car were with the individual they were fighting.
The two cars raced to the McKinley Bridge and drove west on interstate 70 to the Salisbury Street exit in North St. Louis. All along the way gunshots were being fired. The driver of the red car crashed. The two females in the car refused medical attention, one male was taken to a local hospital, one was taken to Barnes-Jewish Hospital and one male ran from the scene. Both cars had Missouri license plates.No charges have been filed against anyone as yet. A motive for the argument that started the chain reaction of events has not been determined. Now mind yawl, the fight broke out at Bottoms Up , a female strip club. A strip club. What they fighting about? We thought going to a strip club was to “get happy’ not to fight.
A man was found this week hanging by the neck in Tower Grove Park in the city. The man, 27, has not yet been identified by police. Police said that officers were called to the park after a park ranger found the man. His death has been ruled a suicide. No other information was available from the police.
A four-year-old boy was among the two victims who passers-by and rescue crews frantically worked to save in the water and on the banks of the Meramec last Wednesday. The chaotic scene was set after a SUV barreled directly into the river in Fenton. people who jumped into the water to try and pull the victims out. The water was so murky and the Dodge Durango beneath several feet of water Seconds later, a least four St. Louis County Police officers jumped in to assist the passers-by. It wasn’t long that firefighters arrived and together they pulled the 69-year-old driver and her 4-year-old grandson out . Firefighters were giving both of them CPR before loading them into the ambulance. Both were reportedly unconscious as they left, as of 10:00 pm Wednesday they were both listed in critical condition.Golfers on the nearby golf course reported the Durango was speeding down Riverside before it failed to make the turn at Yarnell nicked a tree and plunged some fifty feet into the water.
A 26-year-old man from Richmond Heights remained in critical condition Monday morning at a New York City hospital after falling off an escalator at Shea Stadium over the weekend. Justin Larson is stable at New York Hospital Queens today, said his mother, Deborah Larson. Police say witnesses reported seeing Cardinals fan sliding down the handrail of the escalator that connects the field seats to the ground level. The accident happened as the Cardinals faced the Mets last Saturday night. Nieves said Larson was unconscious when emergency crews arrived.He said police were told by medical personnel that Larson had two broken ribs, a collapsed lung and swelling of the brain. Despite his severe injuries, Larson is expected to survive, he said.Earlier this month, two Cardinals fans crossing a street in Philadelphia were struck by a driver who ran a red light. One of the two, a St. Louis area teacher, died; the other was seriously injured. The women were in Philadelphia to see the Cards play the Phillies.
One of the victims of the multi-vehicle crash last week on Highway 40 has sued the tractor-trailer driver involved in the wreck and the company that employed him. David Jayne and his wife, Ruth Jayne, of Kirkwood, filed suit Monday in St. Louis County Circuit Court against Jeffrey R. Knight of Muscle Shoals, Ala., and Holmes Transport and Logistics Inc. of Sheffield, Ala. David Jayne was one of 18 victims in the July 15 wreck, in which a tractor-trailer driven by Knight plowed into stalled traffic in the right-hand lane of eastbound Highway 40 just west of Interstate 270, the Missouri Highway Patrol said. Two people died at the scene; a third died two days later.
Just a week after the murder suicide, Jamestown Mall is getting a makeover. The owner of Jamestown Mall in north St. Louis County is reviving plans to redevelop the ailing mall. New York-based Carlyle Development Group says it is putting together a tax incentive application to St. Louis County for a plan that would reduce retailing at the mall and add offices and apartments for older adults. The first phase of the $120 million redevelopment plan calls for reducing retail on the north end of the 1.1 million-square-foot mall, he said.
Carlyle plans to convert 215,000 square feet of space formerly occupied by Dillard's,plus 100,000 square feet of additional retail space, into offices. The retailers will be relocated to other parts of the mall. Dillard's closed its Jamestown store in 2006.Future phases of the latest redevelopment proposal are expected to include a 200-unit senior apartment complex, about 360,000 square feet of low-rise office space and a service retail component. The makeover is expected to begin by the end of March 2009. Based on recent news headlines, we hope the owner will add a tighter security system and team to that plan as well.

Rock legend CHUCK BERRY is facing legal action from concert promoters in Spain after cancelling two sold-out shows in the country at the weekend. Berry was due to play in the coastal town of Estepona last weekend but the 81 year old scrapped the dates just one hour before he was expected onstage on Saturday, infuriating the gigs' organizers and the thousands of fans who had turned out for the show. A statement released by the organizers read: "With only a few concerts scheduled in our country, his rudeness left his promoter and his fans without a concert." No reason for the cancellation was given by Berry's agent, but sources close to the singer/guitarist fear the no-show could be something to do with his ailing health.An insider said, "There were rumors that he's not been feeling well during his current tour, and suffered pain on stage at a concert. We are not sure of Chuck's exact whereabouts at the moment. We hope Berry is OK. We were wondering when the rock star was going to start slowing down. He does a regular monthly gig at Blueberry Hill at his own room, the Duck Room, the Delmar loop since the new Millennium began and he can only do the duck walk for so long.

The St. Louis Muny, the nation's oldest and largest outdoor theatre, will dedicate its upcoming production of Fiddler on the Roof to Bruce Adler, the Tony-nominated actor who died July 25 of liver cancer. Adler had originally been cast as Tevye in the Muny production, but bowed out due to illness. The Broadway actor had a long association with the St. Louis venue. In fact, his first association with the theatre was playing Motel in a 1982 staging of Fiddler. He was subsequently seen there in productions of Oliver! and The Wizard of Oz (2006), Annie Get Your Gun and Beauty and the Beast (2005), Breakfast at Tiffany's and Guys and Dolls (2004), Crazy for You and Fiddler on the Roof (2003), How to Succeed... and The Fantasticks (2002), My Fair Lady and The Wizard of Oz (2001), A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (2000), Anything Goes (1999), Crazy for You and Oklahoma! (1998), South Pacific (1997), Guys and Dolls (1996) and Where's Charley? (1982). Direction by Gary John La Rosa, who will also re-create Jerome Robbins' original choreography, Fiddler will play the Muny Aug. 4-10.

Nelly changes underwear for Diddy—well not exactly. STL rap superstar Nelly can now ad underwer model in his long line of titles to his successful career. Nelly is the newest spokesperson for Diddy’s Sean John Underwear. He’ll appear in a Randee St. Nicholas -photographed print campaign launching in the fall.In a statement, Diddy said: “To me, Nelly is the quintessential definition of the Sean John man. And let’s be honest, all of the ladies out there are going to be thanking us for this campaign.” Diddy’s referring to the fact Nelly’s revamped body is one of the tightest in the game (second to LL Cool J of course). Sean John Underwear is licensed to New York-based company Basic Resources, and the line consists of briefs, boxer briefs, boxers, undershirts, pajamas and robes.Also, Nelly is set to appear in several episodes of “CSI: NY” this fall, in which he’ll play a club owner/informant. A representative for Nelly says his TV gig will be ushered in with a viewing party at the Skybox on Sept. 24, with details coming. Nelly is also expanding his line of energy drink Pimp Juice in the European market - launching the brand in France and Sweden. Rapper, actor, clothing line owner, juice owner, underwear model. Whats next? Oh, finally releasing “Brass Knuckles!”
We are sure yawl werr upset that Bad Boy boy band/reality show stars Day 26’s concert was cancelled at the Pageant Sunday. Wonder why? Maybe no one bought tickets? I mean, have yawl heard any of their tunes of the radio at all?....We rest our case.
Club Pub. St. Louis' 115-year-old Noonday Club sent out notices to members on last Friday saying that the board had voted "to close the Noonday Club at Metropolitan Square because it simply can no longer continue to exist in Metropolitan Square in the present economic climate." (they are sounding like Grant’s Farm eh?) The club closed Friday and, beginning on Monday, Noonday members will have access to the Missouri Athletic Club's dining room on the fourth floor of the MAC's downtown facility at 405 Washington Avenue. …………The R Bar Nightclub located at 4054 Chouteau Avenue is closing Aug. 10, but not for good. The spot is going through changes, with some of the original partners moving on. A refocused R Bar will reopen in a few weeks with some renovations and a new concept…………..In case yawl were wondering, the building that used to be Club Dreams on 3207 Washington is now called The TV Club.

OOPs! OUTTOWN erred in reporting last week that STL comedian Jesse Taylor was going to stop doing his Sunday Night comedy show at the Plaza starting this weekend. That is not true. He actually is going to keep doing the Sunday gig as well as and has been on the road for a couple of months. The
tour, which will stop in the STL August 1, highlights young comedians who have been on national comedy shows. Taylor was on Last Comic Standing. The other comics on the tour are Wil Sylvince from Brooklyn, Malik Sanon from Miami and Ali Saddiq from Houston. (SEE EVENT BITZ FOR MORE INFO ON SHOW)
Congrats to STL dee-jay DJ Sir Thurl for being selected as one of the country’s top DJs according to My Space......................When is Chingy’s protege Spiffy’s CD coming out? ..........................Did anyone check out the young kids who performed last Sunday at Kiener Plaza? We hear that STL music producer a Sunny Metcalf was responsible for the set up of the free event.............................What’s up with this protesting near Southwestern Illinois College with one sole protestor wearing a “Conspiracy” sign? ...................Has anyone seen a new website called "thedirty?" This site is vicious with a capital V,. it is a site where folk can send rumors and pics on folk across the cities—and the STL is no exception.
And lastly, the STL has lost two giants in various in business and the arts. Businessman S Lee Kling and dancer-actress/culturalist Barbara Ann Teer.

Prominent Democratic fundraiser and St. Louis businessman S. Lee Kling died Saturday at the age of 79. Kling died of lung cancer at his home in Country Life Acres. Kling served in numerous state and federal positions including serving in the Carter White House, as Democratic National Committee finance director in the 1970s and as chairman of the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission. The St. Louis native was chairman of the board of The Kling Co., a consulting, insurance and investment firm. He was also the longtime board chairman and chief executive officer of Landmark Bancshares Corp., which was bought by another bank in 1991. He served as treasurer of President Jimmy Carter's re-election campaign and twice was treasurer of U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt's presidential committee. He received the Democratic National Committee's Distinguished Service Award in 1982. President Bill Clinton appointed Kling to head the Base Realignment and Closure Commission in 1995 and three years later Gephardt asked him to head the Amtrak Reform Council.

Teer, who gave up a promising career in commercial entertainment to concentrate on developing African-American culture in Harlem and who founded the National Black Theater there, died in Harlem. She was 71. Skip to next paragraphShe died of natural causes. Ms. Teer, who first went to Harlem in the 1960s as a teacher. A dancer and actor who appeared frequently in New York productions, on Broadway and off, she had grown tired of being offered stereotypical roles by white producers and became a fierce and eloquent advocate for black artists and a black culture independent of the white-dominated mainstream. In 1968, she founded the National Black Theater, an institution dedicated to the performing arts, community advocacy and the appreciation of the history and lifestyle of black Americans. The theater, which bought its own building at 125th Street and Fifth Avenue with financing she arranged. Ms. Teer was born in East St. Louis, Ill., and moved to New York City after earning a bachelor of arts in dance from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. On Broadway, Ms. Teer was dance captain in “Kwamina,” a 1961 show choreographed by Agnes de Mille, and appeared in 1966 as an actor in William Inge’s comedy “Where’s Daddy?” She had an early, brief marriage to the actor and comedian Godfrey Cambridge, who died in 1976. In addition to her daughter, who lives in Manhattan, she is survived by a son, Michael Lythcott, also of Manhattan. After receiving honorary doctorates in the mid-1990s from the University of Rochester and the Southern Illinois University(YOURS TRULY, Ma’at Atkins was graduating at the time at SIUE and heard her commemorative yet controversial speech ) she referred to herself, and was known to colleagues, as Dr. Teer. On a local tip, she was a Board of Trustee member of the Eugene b. Redmond Writer’s Club.
BLIND BITZ. What local media person is getting a bad rap for not paying club owners and clients? (Hint. They are not a female and this person also doubles as a worker for a local magazine calling “the shots.”)
EVENT BITZ. Gallery Talk with the artists of the street art exhibition Screwed In, Wednesday, July 30 at the Regional Arts Commission. The artists Chris Burch, Stan Chisholm, David Langley, Chris Sabatino, Justin Tolentino, Bryan Walsh and Peat Wollaeger will discuss their collaborative installation and mural in The Gallery as well as their individual work in RAC 's studio space. Wednesday, July 30, 6:30pm reception, 7pm talk WHERE: The Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar Blvd. (314) 863-5811,
Power Stiletto Entertainment presents Power Networking Wednesday: The Power Suit Edition with Democratic State Senator Candidate RODNEY HUBBARD!
We will also have an International Wine and Cheese (Cake) Tasting!!
When: Wednesday July 30th
Where: In Spot Dessert Bar and Lounge
5854 Delmar (In the Loop)
Time: 7:30pm-11:00pm
Attire: Polished Casual or Business attire
Power Stiletto Entertainment presents Power Networking Wednesday: The Power Suit Edition with Democratic State Senator Candidate RODNEY HUBBARD!
We will also have an International Wine and Cheese (Cake) Tasting!!
When: Wednesday July 30th
Where: In Spot Dessert Bar and Lounge
5854 Delmar (In the Loop)
Time: 7:30pm-11:00pm
Attire: Polished Casual or Business attire
STL American Idol auditions,Thursday, July 31st at Chesterfield Mall (Dillard’s Court) or St.Clair Square (Center Court) between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. the winner will get a guaranteed spot to compete in the American Idol auditions that will be held August 8 at the Kemper Arena in Cook’s hometown. The winner of FOX 2’s St. Louis Idol contest will be announced on FOX 2 and Y98 FM on August 4th and will also get a $500 gas card from Auffenberg Ford, a $500 CBL Mall gift card and hotel accommodations provided by the President Hilton Hotel. American Idol – coming in January on FOX 2. For more info go to
Stress Free Fridays, Friday, August 1, 2008, 5pm-UNTIL, Onyx Bar (Mihalis Chophouse), 1603 McCausland, Info: 1-314-333-3301 Stress Free Fridays will be visiting Onyx Bar (Mihalis Chophouse), located in the heart of the Dogtown Neighborhood...enjoy thirst-quenching liquid libations, superior cuisine choices and a truly vibrant and relaxing atmosphere...The Keisha Davis 2.0 Band featuring the legendary Gene Lynn will be performing all of your favorite R&B and dance songs for your listening and dancing pleasure...Valet Parking is also available...if you wish to make dinner reservations, please call ahead at 314-333-3301.. if you are celebrating a special event in your life, email Mario at or Mark Anthony at Please visit our new and improved website:
THE PRINCES OF COMEDY TOUR featuring will Sylvance and St. Louis own Jesse taylor FRIDAY, August 1, 2008 @ 8:30pm @ The Starlight Room, (doors open at 7pm) $35 VIP; $25 Gen adm. Tickets available at
or 314.534.1111 to charge by phone.
THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 AT 10 A.M. To purchase single-game tickets, fans can visit or any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets can also be ordered by calling Ticketmaster at 314-241-1888 or 314-421-4400 in Metro St. Louis; 866-646-8849 in Central Missouri; or 618-222-2900 in Illinois. Tickets will not be sold at the Edward Jones Dome Box Office. Fans may purchase up to eight tickets for all games with the exception of Dallas and Chicago, which are only available as part of a two-game purchase through Ticketmaster, or as a flex plan or season ticket through the Rams ticket office. Single-game prices range from $40-$125. All ticket sales are subject to convenience charges.
THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 AT 10 A.M. To purchase single-game tickets, fans can visit or any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets can also be ordered by calling Ticketmaster at 314-241-1888 or 314-421-4400 in Metro St. Louis; 866-646-8849 in Central Missouri; or 618-222-2900 in Illinois. Tickets will not be sold at the Edward Jones Dome Box Office. Fans may purchase up to eight tickets for all games with the exception of Dallas and Chicago, which are only available as part of a two-game purchase through Ticketmaster, or as a flex plan or season ticket through the Rams ticket office. Single-game prices range from $40-$125. All ticket sales are subject to convenience charges.
A limited number of personal seat licenses (PSLs) and season tickets as well as flex ticket plans and group ticket opportunities are currently available. For more information on any of these options, please visit or contact the Rams ticket office by phone at 314-425-8830 or 800-246-7267 or by e-mail at For information on ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) seating, contact the Rams ticket office at 314-425-8830 or 800-246-7267.

GOT Lyrics and Best Damn Fridays Period are ON HIATUS.......................Ladies Night OUT Thursdays at Dante's hosted by Mocha Latte . Ladies Free Admission and Drinks til Midnite………….. Pick up an Evening Whirl on Mondays and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!

Loose Cannon Weekend the Remix August 22-24, 3 days—4 events. For more info, VIp Tix, or to register teams call 3154.646.9917.
SPRING INTO FITNESS... CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE /OR CALL 314-831-7505 Please tell them Mocha Latte' referred you. /OR CALL 314-831-7505 Please tell them Mocha Latte' referred you.
Writer, poet, singer, musician. Te’ V. Smith is a talent worth seeking out! From his humorous and playful yet educational political and social songs to his mind and soul challenging poetry he has amazed crowds from Kentucky to Paris France. An accomplished jazz pianist and soul writer his debut onto the national scene came mid 2007 when he joined the legendary “Roots” for a 5 city tour sharing the gift of word through poetry and song. With a strong following on the poetry/spoken word circuit Mr. Smith is sure to continue to push the envelope, raise the bar and change lives.
Writer, poet, singer, musician. Te’ V. Smith is a talent worth seeking out! From his humorous and playful yet educational political and social songs to his mind and soul challenging poetry he has amazed crowds from Kentucky to Paris France. An accomplished jazz pianist and soul writer his debut onto the national scene came mid 2007 when he joined the legendary “Roots” for a 5 city tour sharing the gift of word through poetry and song. With a strong following on the poetry/spoken word circuit Mr. Smith is sure to continue to push the envelope, raise the bar and change lives.
Other credits include: The Washington Post’ 100 most influential writers of the next generation 1997 ; Guest youth poet at le deil with Saul Williams and Ani Difranco 2000; featured on BET’s Lyric Café 2006; guest performer for Floetry’ “Floetry remix Tour” 2007; and featured artist on Russell Simmons’ Def Poetry Jam 2007 HEAR HIM SHARE HIS LIFE at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/TEVSMITH
Contact Mocha Lattte if you want to book him.For more info on these events, contact Miss Latte at 314.646.9917 or +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Robert Plant & Alison Krauss concert at the Fox Theatre on June 19th has been RESCHEDULED to September 24th. Update: Due to a change in schedules, the previously announced planned additional September 25th performance will not be added and the filming of the performances will now not take place. Tickets for the June 19th performance will be honored at the September 24th show. If you have purchased tickets to the June 19th performance and are unable to attend on September 24th, please contact MetroTix at 314/534-1111.

Melissa Etheridge The Revival Tour 2008 Fox Theatre Monday, August 11 • 8 p.m. On-Sale Information: Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111. Order tickets online at ....................................................................... Melissa Etheridge The Revival Tour 2008 Fox Theatre Monday, August 11 • 8 p.m. On-Sale Information: Tickets on sale this NOW! Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111. Order tickets online at Fox Concerts presents Melissa Etheridge at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on August 11 at 8 p.m. Come and experience the anthemic power, compassion and generosity of spirit that is unlike any other live music performer. Melissa Etheridge’s latest album, The Awakening has been described as a collection of powerful and playful yet confessional and engaging songs that are personal as well as universal. Time after time, her concert performances reaffirm her enduring status as one of the greatest all-time female rock icons……………………………… Evening WithDOLLY PARTONThursday, August 14 • 8 pmat the Fabulous Fox Theatre!$59.50, $54.50, $49.50, $44.50A limited number of Gold Circle seats are also available. On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale this Saturday, June 14 – phones and onlineat 10 am and box office and outlets at 11 am!Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outletsor by calling 314/534-1111.Order tickets online at Summer Tour 2008, THINK FAST, STEELY DAN Monday, August 18 • 8 p.m. Fabulous Fox Theatre On-Sale Information: Tickets on sale Saturday, June 21 at 10AM! Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111. Order tickets online at
# # #
“Songs of David Byrne And Brian Eno”
Saturday, October 18 • 8PM
Fox Theatre
A limited number of Gold Circle Seats are also available.
Fox Concerts & The Pageant present
Featuring Ryan Adams, Neal Casal, Chris Feinstein,
Jon Graboff & Brad Pemberton
Friday, October 3 • 8:30PM
LIVE at the Fox Theatre!
$35 & $30
Please see attached announcement for more information.
KETC / CHANNEL 9 presents CHRIS BOTTI Saturday, September 13 • 8 pm At the Fabulous Fox Theatre! THE U.S. Bank Broadway Series Shows and Specials: Oprah Winfrey presents THE COLOR PURPLE, October 21-November 2, 2008; SWEENEY TODD, November 14-16, 2008CATS, November 28-30, 2008 LEGALLY BLONDE the Musical, January 20-February 1, 2009 ! ; The Rep presents SPRING AWAKENING, February 10-22, 2009; CIRQUE DREAMS JUNGLE FANTASY, March 17-29, 2009; Dance St. Louis presents STOMP, April 3-5, 2009HAIRSPRAY, April 24-26, 2009Dance St. Louis presents RIVERDANCE, May 1-3, 2009; A CHORUS LINE, May 12-24, 2009RENT, June 2-7, 2009MARY POPPINS, AUGUST 13-30, 2009; THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, September 23-October 17, 2009
The GAMMA ETA BROTHERS OF PHI BETA SIGMA presents DAMN NEAR NAKED PARTY!, Sunday, August -0, Masonic Prince Hall, 4525 Olive St. (Directions Olive & Taylor), 10pm - 3am Cover Men $10 Women $7 Dress Lingerie for Discount CASH PRIZE!!! for sexiest Lingerie - DJ KT on the 1's & 2's Hosted by 100.3 The Beat's T-RELL; LADIES THE LESS YOU WEAR THE LESS WE CHARGE; FOR MY CONSERVATIVE WOMEN $7 UNTIL 1 AM; Men $10 til 1 AM; Greek Discount All Nite Long; BLUE AND WHITE: Special Discount. Contact 314.777.9311
The Totally FREE Tuesday, Eye Candy Appreciation Party Tuesday August 5, 2008 @ Skybox. Skybox Nuvo has teamed up with Mo Spoon of MPAC to promote the Eye Candy Appreciation Party. Everybody's FREE ALL NIGHT LONG and FREE Nuvo cocktails until 12am! All the Eye Candy Models will be in the building and we will be celebrating Eye Candy model B. Skye's birthday. For more information or VIP call 314.226.5777 or log onto
AUG 8, 2008 THE STL HOT LIST PARTY! ARE YOU ON THE LIST The Venue, 5960 Dr, Martin Luther King (between Skinker and Goodfellow), doors at 9 p.m. Info:
Alive Magazine's White Hot Party #2 blowout will celebrate the end of the rBar as they know it on Aug. 9. More information:

Alpha Phi Alpha - Alpha Eta Chapter present "Rumble In The Jungle," The 27th annual Midwest Marchdown! , Sat. August – 09, Touhill Performing Arts Center , University of Missouri - St. Louis, Doors: 5pm Show 6pm Tickets Available @ and Touhill Box Office Touhill: 314.516.4949 866.516.4949 toll-free More Info: Then, The Alpha Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc presents "High Stakes" @ Club TV (formerly Club Dreams). The Official Marchdown After Party. Date August – 09; 10pm - Until Dress To Impress, 3207 Washington Ave ; 18 To Enter 21 To Drink Early Arrival Discount...Get their EARLY !
The 7th Annual Community Cutz for Kids, Aug. 12 at Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club and the Monsanto YMCA in the ST; and Belleville Barber College in the Jackie Joyner Kersee center in East St. Louis. Info: 314.266.2742 or
Crunk Christian's Night Out Live @ Lewis N Clark Library Thursday August 14 When: Thursday, August 14th Time: 6:30 PM til 8:30 PM Where: Lewis N Clark Library Address: 9909 Lewis N Clark Blvd. Free Event Holy Hip Hop Artists Raffle Gospel SlideSnacks GET INVOLVED CALL 314.600.4366 Email:
CreativeWorks, LLC is officially bringing back the smashing, hit inspirational comedy Meeting at the Elder's Circle: The Gathering of the Ushers. After another revision of script, cast and crew, God has opened the door of opportunity to have this wonderful production produced by Footlights Productions, August 14-24, 2008 at Christ Church Cathedral. (INFO BELOW)
St. Louis Black Pride August 15-17, 2008. For mor einfo:
The Fairy Tale Awaits us at LUSH August 16th
"Nyamichi's Lament", Thursday, August 21, from 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m at the Regional Arts Commission, located at 6128 Delmar Boulevard in the University Center Loop East. Nyamichi's Lament is a collection of poet/educator Cheryl DS Smith accompanied by her brothers, jazzmen extraordinaire, The Bosman Twins (Dwayne and Dwight Bosman). Stay tuned for an update on a special guest appearance for the evening. The event is free of charge due to the generosity of the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission!
Summer Fusion, Sunday, August 24th at 5:00pm , will feature a special night of music, drinks and great eats all on the second floor terrace balcony of the newly completed Independence Center in the Central West End. Latin rock sensation Javier Mendoza will perform on the same stage with local R&B and soul sensation Coco Soul. One of St. Louis’ favorite restaurants, Jimmy’s on the Park, will provide a delicious fusion cuisine of items off the restaurant menu. There will also be great wine and drinks such as the Fusion Cocktail. All the proceeds benefit Independence Center. Info: 314-898-8388......
Virtue Lounge 2nd Annual "All White Party" "Hot Times in the City"What: Club Party The Virtue Lounge Fri. Aug 29 at 8:00pm, The City Museum’s Architecture Hall Join us for hot live performances by Jai Williams and Kenneth DeShields.D-Stone and Hypeman Warner will be there spinning the hottest mixes of Christian music. Check out for ticket information.
AUDITION BITZ . It's Just Me April. I'm looking for all kinds of talent for a promotional live show to be held at a cafe in Indianapolis Indiana. If you sing R&B,Soul,Jazz,Gospel, Neo Soul,Country,Blues,Rap,Rock what ever. If you play any kind of instrument, spoken word, dance, 1-3 person stage act. Please contact me at JOB-ITZ City Light is a gospel video production company that continues to grow on and on and on!!!!!!!!!!!! We are currently looking for a professional independent videographer who is experienced in filming, creative and skilled in editing with alove for video and eager to learn with an ability to travel. We are also looking for an additional shooter and PA's free to travel and an interest in assisting on the following: Urban League National Conference..........August 2008 City TBA Live Gospel Music Video.........................October, 2008 Durham, NC Church musical service............................October, 2008 Durham, NC Gospel Music Video .............................. September, 2008 Durham, NC (2) Gospel Music Video................................Date TBA Denver, CO All PA's travel and hotel fully paid with possibly 1 to 2 meals per work day Camera operator hourly pay per work hour along with travel and hotel fully paid. Skilled students and ladies are encouraged to apply!!!!!!!!!!!!! All interested please reply to this email and put or leave Employment in Subject Line! no phone calls please! Thank You for your interest in working with City Lights!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP-BITZ NEW: Former radio perosonality Craig Blac is seeking haircutters to donate their skills for the 7th Annual Community Cutz for Kids, Aug. 12 at Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club abd the Monsanto YMCA in the ST; and Belleville Barber College in the Jackie Joyner Kersee center in East St. Louis. Info: 314.266.2742 or NEW: Sarah Thompson is chairing a fundraising event for Independence Center – an internationally-recognized, local non-profit that supports adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses. It is one of the top models of its kind in the world and is an incredibly amazing organization. The event is entitled Summer Fusion and will feature a special night of music, drinks and great eats all on the second floor terrace balcony of the newly completed Independence Center in the Central West End. It’s fantastic with a great view of the city and the balcony lights make it fantastic at night! For the first time ever, Latin rock sensation Javier Mendoza will perform on the same stage with local R&B and soul sensation Coco Soul. One of St. Louis’ favorite restaurants, Jimmy’s on the Park, will provide a delicious fusion cuisine of items off the restaurant menu. There will also be great wine and drinks such as the Fusion Cocktail. All the proceeds benefit Independence Center. Full details are below. If you love the best music and food St. Louis has to offer and, most importantly, want to support an often overlooked cause such mental health, I would love for you to attend. On a side note, her mother has worked in the mental health field as a psychiatric social worker for over 40 years. Her profession allowed me to see the need and benefit of organizations and services that support those living with mental illnesses such as Independence Center. It has become an important cause for me as I see the need for organized support in our city and community. She would greatly appreciate your support and attendance for this event. Please save the date for Sunday, August 24th at 5:00pm or buy tickets now. Info: 314-898-8388........................................................STL Poet Floyd IMPAKT Boykin and his wife Jacquette would like you all to votes for their baby boy Floyd Jr in the Majic 104.9 Baby Idol Cutest Baby Contest! He is listed as "Floyd B" under the "E-J" button. Voting started Monday. Please go to the web site and vote for him to win ( G & G Casting is currently scouting talent. Based out of Chicago, G &G was hoping to connect with some folks in St. Louis. If you know of any individuals who are serious about their craft and have experience and/or professional head shots and resumes please let me know. G & G is currently revising their web site, but they do have a basic splash page. I have attached the link as a reference: Please direct talent to me, that I may review their material and touch base with each individual before it's forwarded to the Executive Director. If talent sends incomplete or inadequate material directly to G & G it may get discarded. Call or e-mail me with any questions. Talk to you soon!Tamekeyo House630-729-4169...................................................... REGISTER NOW FOR THE CHRYS YVETTE ACTING STUDIO WORKSHOP STARTING JULY 12TH! At the Chrys Yvette Acting Studio you will learn valuable skills that will help you master the art of working and not just auditioning. Many spend most of their time training more than they do acting. Not here, we are looking for actors to train with the C.Y.A.S. Technique, and put you right to work on one of our movies, plays, showcases, sitcom pilots, or soundtracks. We donʼt just train, we get you the job too! TO REGISTER VISIT OR CALL 314-221-4198 SCHEDULE SATURDAYS 12PM-2PM STARTING JULY 12TH SUNDAYS 4PM-6PM THROUGH AUGUST 31ST Ms. Yvetteʼs extensive hands on training will guide you through seven steps that will enhance your acting ability and give you the confidence you need to succeed in the entertainment business. So if you know that you were born to be a superstar and you just need that extra push to jumpstart your career register today, and move into your destiny! Cost: $20 per session This class is followed by a showcase by the Chrys Yvette Acting Studio actors and a reception with industry insiders!.................................................CreativeWorks, LLC is officially bringing back the smashing, hit inspirational comedy Meeting at the Elder's Circle: The Gathering of the Ushers. After another revision of script, cast and crew, God has opened the door of opportunity to have this wonderful production produced by Footlights Productions, August 14-24, 2008 at Christ Church Cathedral. Why I am sending you this message? With your efforts and assistance, this show will be a great success. I am in need of contacts and promotional opportunities inorder to get the "word out". Please assist me accordingly. I will be most appreciative. For all inquiries, please email ………………………….Believing in Excellence in Education is a 6 week> life-skills summer program for ages 10-18 designed to> empower young people to BEE the best they can be. The> program focuses on etiquette/manners, social> responsibility, financial responsibility, internet safety,> peer pressure and more at the Emerson YMCA on Pershall Road (near hwy 270 &> West Florissant).> > Classes meet every Friday evening for 6 weeks from 6pm-9pm> and ends in a cotillion/beautillion so students can show> off their newly learned skills. For more information or log onto> ....................................... ……………………………………………….Stray Dog Theatre Hop into spring dance classes for children taught by Sheila Rabbitt - professional teacher/choreographer Come learn beginning modern and jazz dance in a positive environment where children will not only learn steps but create their own dances. Great for kids just starting out and those with some experience! Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:45-5:45 pm 4:45-5:45 pm Children 6-9 Children 10-12 Cost $48 for 8 week session Class size is limited. Early registration suggested. Please call Sheila Rabbitt at (314) 898-0374 to register. LOCATION Tower Grove Abbey 2336 Tennessee Avenue..................................... Stray Dog Theatre 2008 SUMMER ON STAGEChildren’s Theatre Arts Camps for Kindergarten – 5th Grade* Join Stray Dog Theatre’s ARTS IN MIND for a summer season of theatre camps.Camps are taught by theatre professionals and offer a variety of hands-on fun and education, culminating in a week’s end play for friends and family. Snacks and materials are provided. Space is limited, so make your reservation today. Come join the fun! TIME9:00am – 12:00noon LOCATION Tower Grove Abbey, 2336 Tennessee Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63104 COST $100 per child, per week (Check, Money Order, or Credit Card)CONTACT Call for information and registration (314) 276-9039 and .......................................Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462........................................Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services forthe youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyonewho is in need of some extra educational support,please feel free to contact her or give them hercontact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314)418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon-has a new label deal and we are looking for someinterns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphicdesigners street team female street team club streetteam models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers,writers)We are looking for the best. So instead ofjust grabbing the person that says they are the best,we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the best at what they do. The bread-winners will be put onpayroll with a permanent job with the company. If youthink you will be the next hottest publicist, model,A&R, sponsorship writer, whatever it is that you do,then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, adcovers, posters, willing to do street team work and beapart of this new label contact me directly at …………………………..Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer to those of you who are in search for party and event space. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, art exhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderful hospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................Saint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff ,On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing:E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla Marketing Techniques, Service Street, Radio, College, and Mixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences,Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategy for Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposure every day and every night at every event Our machine operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We will exceed your expectations!!! Contact us at 314-750-6806................
NEW: The St. Louis Poetry Slam will be holding a preliminary qualifying round for all interested poets wanting a chance to make the team to go on and represent St. Louis in The National SLAM Competition held later this year. Come out and sign up to make your spot on the team. Rounds starts at 9:45 pm at Legacy Books and Café before the regularly scheduled Open mic.on Fridays. Come out and be a Judge, Audience member, or Competitor (Sign up is at the door. *$5 cover. For more info, call David A. N. Jackson 314 995-9570
NEW: The Soulition and Absolut present Chocolate Sunday with Dj Needles, 9 p.m. at 609/The U Lounge, 609 Eastgate. Ladies Free til 11 p.m., Ladies $3, fellas $5.
NEW. Fred and Harry Inc. presents Champagne Sundays at Sol Lounge, 4241 Lindell, 3:30 p.m. Cocktails $5, Cover $3. For more info go to
NEW. The Head Nodders Ball w DJ Needles Mondays at the Delmar Lounge, 6235 Delmar 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. $3 Cover..........................
NEW: Neo Soul singer Silky Sol and Good for the Sol perform Sundays at Janae’s West, 7555 Olive Blvd, 5 p.m. For more info call 314.863.7420 Mondays are Comedy Nites at Janae’s West 7555 Olive Blvd, hosted by Darius Bradford. 8:30 p.m. $10 Cover. (314)863-7420...............................
Francois Cognac and Cigar Bar presents Evening of Expressions, every Tuesday a blend of culture, spoken word and neo soul, 326 N/ Vanderventer. Free until 9 p.m. $5 after 9 p.m. For more info call Ms. Bell at 314.229.7952 or Alexander at 314.448.2939..............................
Two dollar Tease Me Tuesdays Comedy Show at the Twilight Room 8344 North Broadway, St. Louis MO. Call 314.385.4545 for more info. Suite Soul Spot, 1st Tuesday of each Month at the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th Blvd. 9 p.m. 314-588-0505.2 Dollar Tuesdays at The Spot, 8370 N Broadway. $2 to get in and $2 drink specials all nite long. Doors at 9 p.m. for more info call 314.385.4545..................
Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ House of Comedy (formerly Laughs on theLanding), 801 N. 2nd Street Featuring Poets, R&B, NeoSoul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetryslam enthusiast gather weekly to present a uniqueblend of spoken word poetry and music from local andnot so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottestlyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….allfor only $5 at the door For more info, call 314.241.5233..........................
NEW: Fusion with DJ Needles of the Solution, Wednesdays at Posh, 408 N Euclid, 8 p.m. 21 Y.O. and up NO HATS FELLAS. FREE Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacledes Landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m..............
NEW: Lamar Harris and The L, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. til midnite at Delmar Restaurant and Lounge6235 Delmar Blvd. Free before 10 p.m. 314) 725-6565 ·
NEW: Drama House Thursdays @ The In Spot, 5854a Delmar- Clean Comedy hosted by Arvin Mitchell. . Doors at 8 p.m., Show at 9 p.m. $5
NEW: Milq Da Game presents Destination Thursdays at Club Society. $500 to the sexiest lady. Ladies Free til 11;30p.m. 2 for 1 drinks before 10:30 p.m. for fellas and free drinks for ladies. Info:
NEW: M5 Entertainment presents Rhythm and rhyme Thursdays every Thursdays. Calling all hip-hop artists, poets, singers. Royal Palace Restaurant and Lounge, 4266 Natural bridge at Lamdin. Sign up by 8:30 p.m.. Show at 9:30 p.m., Admission FREE before 9 p.m., $5 After wards.
NEW: The "POSH LIFE" Happy Hour 6:00pm - 8:00pmDrink Specials: $5 Long Islands, $3 Apple Martinis, $3 B. Free ("Blue Muthaphucka's", $3 After Hours (Hennessey & Coke) The perfect end to a work week.... and the perfect start of the weekend. Don't dare start the weekend off without a trip to POSH!!!
Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-Luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drink specials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to
All Star Inc presents Grown Folks Friday at St. Louis happy Hour bar and Grill, 12948 Halls ferry at Parker Rd., with DJ Sir Thirl. Ladies Free til 11 p.m. FREE Parking. Status Fridays every Friday at Dolce Ladies $5 before 11 p.m. 9 p.m.-3 am
UPDATE: CAFE SOUL, every 3rd Friday of the Month, Place: PLEASE CALL 314-504-7405. FOR INFO.
The Virtual Lounge Expressions, A Christian based open mic every 1st Friday, Cookies jazz and More #20 AllenBlvd. Webster Groves, Mo. Doors open at 8 p.m. Cover $10. For more info go to
Tuff On Paper ENT presents Network and ShowcaseSaturdays every first Saturday of each month and LoveYourself Saturdays every third Saturday of each month,9.m.--until at the Spyglass, 255 Union at Lindell $5at the door. first 50 Ladies Free until 11 p.m. First25 ladies get a free drink. 21 and older. Grown andsexy attire. For showcase info hit up or call 314.443.5001
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you to the Saturday to a straight up Old School limitation! The house party will belive at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Halls Ferry and West Florissant! AND at the new Knockouts! For more info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to
PIECES OF A DREAM" One of the most critically-acclaimed, powerful independent films of our generation!!! ORDER IT NOW AT orBy calling the Customer Service toll free# at 888-418-8637 Mon.-Fri. between 10am - 5pm (CST) & selecting option #2 (accepting debit/credit cards & checks/money orders) Get the "Pieces Of A Dream" Feature Film DVD / the Music Soundtrack CD individually available for $13 + shipping/handling orGet the "Pieces Of A Dream" Combo Pack (Both the DVD & CD) for $23 + shipping/handling. Fans worldwide are responding and joining the "Conscious" Film Movement!!! Snapping up more than 30,000 copies of the independently produced "conscious" film "PIECES OF A DREAM" DVD & Music Soundtrack CD,since it's worldwide release in December 2007.
NEW:Good Shepherd Infant and Toddler Center, 5990 Page. Now Enrolling. School age children welcome. Info: 314.725.5710
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
For your hip-hop ministry and Christian music services check out Mynista’s website at
NEW: Check out author and activist Keith Boykin’s new website Daily Voice at
The Black Rep's blog, Black Reppin. It can be found on its website, or directly at
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. Patrinna Wiley & Eric LaGrone Independent Associates Small Business and Group Specialists Identity Theft/Restoration Services We give members access to professional legal counsel not only for traditional legal problems, but for everyday events such as buying a house or a car, creating a will, handling a problem with an insurance company, dealing with identity theft, and much more where legal review should be routine, but rarely is. These events can be among the most important events in a person's life, yet there is a tendency for them to take place without proper legal review. For Pre-Paid Legal members, access to legal counsel is only a toll-free phone call away. Call to set up your appointment.Office: (314) 837-6779 Cell Patrinna: (314) 581-9888 Cell Eric: (314) 713-7803
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's entertainment newsletter, email her at
Check out Lisa Rose blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at or go to her my space page at
Check out blog for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at or call her at (314)401-0710
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop.For more info call314.721.3361 or email at
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contact Jessica Dana at or go to
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at or go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
STL videographer Dana Christian has a website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. Itis
Well that will be it,.Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.comfor pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.
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