YOURS TRULY Maat Atkins was out and about last weekend. The first pic was at Sexy Saturdays at Exo holdin up a flier of the event put on by FreeTime and Major Brands.The second pic, OUTTOWN fanatic Gyb Byrd (left) poses with YOURS TRULY last Friday outside of the Delmar Lounge. Check out where the OUTCAM was below on Friday and Saturday:

Folk arriving for the Sleek event.

STL Onfire's Daniel Luckett and Andrew Clark came out to the event. They were also celebrating its 3 year anniversary that weekend with a corresponding event that was held at Lucas Park Grille that Sunday.

Ms. Kay Green sportin her lil black dress for the OUTCAM.

DJ Juri from Chi-town and jazz man Lamar Harris chillin at the event.

St. Louis Zoo'sJennifer Poindexter and architect/4246 event organizer Anthony Robinson got a pose in.

The crowd (Can you spot Beige World up in there?LOL)

Sexy sistas Miss Susan and singer Tiffany B were there

Another shot of the crowd.

The crowd watching the NBA Finals.

Double your sexy swirl with Vanessa Anderson and Shairmaine Williams

Nestle/Purina Manager Alana Sutton and Atty Keisa Johnson in their black dress chic.

Get it, get it get it girl--don't hurt em!

Harris gettin his network on.

Party people.

MaxxJazz CEO Rich McDonnell was in the cut mackin with the sistas!

Mo Party Peeps.

Folks were writing on this tee for the bachelorette who was celebrating her last weekend of singlehood (You will see her in pics below!)

People gettin their social on outside on the patio a

Who knows what the sista fourth to the right was thinkin when she was "peddlin."LOL.

Lovelies were err whurr.

Exo Bartender serving one of the Lil Black Dress attendees.

Patio atmospheria

A shot of the Exo Mat from upstairs (The pic is titled the opposite way so dont think we were hangin by the ceiling! LOL )

Mo Patio Atmospheria as Beyonce's Beautiful Experience Tour was playing on the screen.

Mo Patio Atmospheria and Bey.
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