It is Wednesday
First, history has been made all over again as Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination. Now the hard work begins for the White House. According to reports, Obama is set to be in St. Louis on next Monday night. Details on his appearance -- and whether it will be open to the public -- are forthcoming. The visit highlights the importance of Missouri in the upcoming November elections, during which it's believed the state's 11 electoral votes are up for grabs. POSTNOTE: It was reported that the event will be CLOSED fundraiser meaning notta to the open public. Bummer!
This month reps Black Music Month. All this month OUTTOWN will do bio bitz on some of the St. Louis areas “unsung” musicians.

And now on to the newz:

Beside the stormy weather and the supposed Imbev bouyout of Anheuser Busch, power outages in the County, err body’s talking about the Call to Oneness March (PIC ON RIGHT BY WILEY PRICE OF ST. LOUIS AMERICAN) that happened last Sunday. As many as 20,000 black men (WE SAY ITS WAS MORE LIKE 50,000) will march Sunday against crime and other ills that have infested some St. Louis neighborhoods. But organizers say the tough work begins thereafter.
Black ministers, businessmen and community leaders have been working behind the scenes since February on an initiative to reduce crime and violence and reclaim struggling neighborhoods in St. Louis and its inner ring suburbs.
The "Call to Oneness" campaign was launched this weekend with panel discussions and neighborhood meetings on what organizers are calling a "state of emergency" in the black community. The weekend's events culminated with Sunday's march through a once proud, but now troubled north St. Louis neighborhood. Long-term activities include outreach to gang members, mentoring and going door-to-door in neighborhoods to gather crime information. We commend the CTO organization for making the first steps to solving the problem. The world needs to see whats up!

There is a report that a man who claims he was kidnapped from the Chicago area and found alive in the trunk of a car at Lambert Airport has made conflicting reports and may have done this to himself. Reports say that the man was making noise loud enough for someone walking through the east terminal's parking garage to hear it. That person called Lambert Police and the man was rescued. He told police he was from Evanston, Illinois and kidnapped from Skokie, Illinois.Lambert police are referring all questions to detectives in Skokie, IL who will only confirm there is an investigation underway.
Family and prosecutors are stunned as a St. Charles man Kelly Wadlow accused of killing his wife with a pain killer patch suddenly pleads guilty. This development occurred on the first day of the murder trial where a member of the victim's family had to be stunned by police. It had been about a week since Wadlow's family had heard from her back in May of 2004. When no one answered the door they became even more worried and called police. When A St. Charles County deputy burst into Greg and Kelly Wadlow's O'Fallon area mobile home he found Kelly dead in bed, her husband confused. Deputies thought it looked like an accidental overdose of pain killers, but Kelly's family thought differently. Attorney Rob Goldson's investigation eventually convinced the prosecutor to look into Kelly's death as possibly being a crime. A closer look at the autopsy showed that Kelly died of a lethal dose of Fentanyl through patches that were prescribed for Greg. After a closer look, charges were filed. Greg almost entered a guilty plea but instead the case went to trial then suddenly ended on the same day it started. After hearing the prosecution lay out its case, Kelly's brother, Lonnie Hlavarty, erupted. According to witnesses and the attorneys, Lonnie tried to climb the rail while shouting "killer" at the defendant. Wow, drama for sure in this case.
One of the largest and oldest local homebuilders, Taylor-Morley Homes Inc., has gone out of business, taken down by a steep decline in demand for new houses. The Creve Coeur-based company shut down Friday, said Bill Taylor, chairman chief executive. Taylor said he realized in March that he would no longer be able to cover all his debts and overhead costs. Last week, the builder sent a letter to recent buyers informing them that it was shutting down on May 30.
39-year-old constriction worker Cedrick Gapser of East St. Louis was killed in an accident in a highway construction zone. Gasper was sitting on the rear bumper of a company pickup truck when a tractor-trailer hit several large orange construction barrels being used to direct traffic on Illinois Route 15. The tractor-trailer then hit the truck head on, catapulting Gasper. Gasper died later at a St. Louis hospital, while the tractor-trailer's driver was treated at a Belleville hospital and released. Gasper worked for a company called Illinois Excavators. Another Illinois Excavators worker sustained minor injuries while jumping from the pickup truck moments before the accident.
A 21-year-old woman and a 16-year-old girl were shot shortly before 10 p.m. at a BP gas station at Natural Bridge Avenue and North Grand Boulevard. One of the victims was in critical and unstable condition late Sunday at an area hospital, police said. The other victim's condition was unknown. Homicide detectives were handling the investigation. Police had no suspects in custody Sunday night but were interviewing witnesses
One of the largest and oldest local homebuilders, Taylor-Morley Homes Inc., has gone out of business, taken down by a steep decline in demand for new houses. The Creve Coeur-based company shut down Friday, said Bill Taylor, chairman chief executive. Taylor said he realized in March that he would no longer be able to cover all his debts and overhead costs. Last week, the builder sent a letter to recent buyers informing them that it was shutting down on May 30.
39-year-old constriction worker Cedrick Gapser of East St. Louis was killed in an accident in a highway construction zone. Gasper was sitting on the rear bumper of a company pickup truck when a tractor-trailer hit several large orange construction barrels being used to direct traffic on Illinois Route 15. The tractor-trailer then hit the truck head on, catapulting Gasper. Gasper died later at a St. Louis hospital, while the tractor-trailer's driver was treated at a Belleville hospital and released. Gasper worked for a company called Illinois Excavators. Another Illinois Excavators worker sustained minor injuries while jumping from the pickup truck moments before the accident.
A 21-year-old woman and a 16-year-old girl were shot shortly before 10 p.m. at a BP gas station at Natural Bridge Avenue and North Grand Boulevard. One of the victims was in critical and unstable condition late Sunday at an area hospital, police said. The other victim's condition was unknown. Homicide detectives were handling the investigation. Police had no suspects in custody Sunday night but were interviewing witnesses

Pilot David E. Lucas was killed Sunday when the plane, which he had built himself, crashed in a farm field while he was making a test flight before taking a friend on a flight. The pilot was alone in the plane. Authorities identified him as David E. Lucas, 52, of Chesterfield, an 18-year veteran of the Creve Coeur Fire Department as a firefighter, emergency medical technician and ladder truck driver. The pilot had taken off from Creve Coeur Airport late Sunday morning and crashed shortly after 11 a.m. The crash site was about 1,000 feet off Greens Bottom Road, near Katy Trail State Park and the Missouri River in the Harvester area of St. Charles County. No distress signal was sent from the two-seat Acrosport II biplane before it plunged to the ground. Witnesses saw the plane just go straight down, really hard. Investigators are unsure what caused the plane to crash but that weather conditions were good at the time and that the plane might have experienced a mechanical failure. Hmmm, why does it seem like this could have been a suicide. We are just saying.
Remember June 19!
A towboat on the Missouri River was forced to ground near West Alton early Friday, after it started taking on water. Authorities Friday afternoon were trying to clean up more than 2,000 gallons of fuel that spilled into the river. The Omaha, a towboat owned by Excell Marine of Cincinnati, had left Wood River, Ill., and was headed upriver when it hit an object and started taking on water about 2 a.m., said Lt. Christian Barger, spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard in St. Louis.The captain, pilot and five crew members were able to ground the sinking vessel north of Pelican Island and make it to shore safely, he said.
Exiting St. Louis Public school Superintendent Diana Bourisaw’s term wil end July 1. The Special Administrative Board of the St. Louis Public Schools has appointed John A. Wright to serve as the district's interim superintendent until a permanent superintendent is hired this fall.Wright has worked as an educator for nearly 35 years. Most recently, he served as interim superintendent in the Normandy School District. Rick Sullivan, president and CEO of the administrative board, said Wright will oversee the district's day-to-day-operations this summer and help facilitate the transition between Diana Bourisaw, the outgoing superintendent, and the hiring of a permanent superintendent."Dr. Wright's interim appointment will be effective July 1, 2008, to allow some overlap before Dr. Bourisaw leaves at the end of July," According to reports, Bourisaw has a job lined up in Cincinnati to run the public schools there. So we guess former SLPS prez Veronica Obrien has got her wish now?
St. Louis Comptroller Darlene Green is giving STL citizens the word of Amnesty the city is giving to those with outstanding tickets. Folk can go and pay down or pay all of their tickets. They can do this this Friday at the City Building on Olive. Its only for moving violations , not parking tickets. DOH!
The Illinois government ended their session Saturday without a balanced budget! ' Gov. Rod Blagojevich declared in a Chicago news conference on Monday, about 36 hours after the Legislature sent him a fiscal year 2009 budget that even its legislative authors admit isn't balanced. Blagojevich's administration estimates there is a $2.1 billion shortfall in the budget bill passed by the Legislature. Others have offered different estimates, but virtually everyone agrees there isn't enough revenue in the plan to cover expenditures.That means Blagojevich will have to unilaterally trim some of what's in the $59 billion document, which is state government's financial blueprint for the fiscal year that starts July 1.
There also was unfinished biz cuz of the shortfall. Here are the items that could get the GOV calling an emergency session before the new session in the fall.
The Senate approved a measure restricting food with trans fats in school cafeterias but it didn't get a vote in the House. Yes, important.
Anger at Blagojevich fueled interest in a constitutional amendment to let people toss politicians out of office. The House voted to put the amendment on the ballot this fall, but the Senate wouldn't go along and approved its own, more sweeping version. Hmm, a paycheck?
An attempt to amend the state's minimum wage law to remove the provision that allows workers under 18 to be paid 50 cents below the regular minimum wage stayed put in the Illinois Senate. That’s fair.
A plan stalled in the Senate to legalize marijuana as an alternative medicine for people with debilitating illnesses like AIDS or cancer who use marijuana to ease their symptoms. Whats the hold up?
The General Assembly couldn't reach a final agreement on setting up a system to encourage Internet betting on horse races run in Illinois. Not important!
Rep. Greg Harris failed to collect enough support for legislation to allow same-sex couples to form civil unions. The bill gives same-sex couples the same the rights as married couples to estate benefits, child custody or adoption, property ownership. Let them marry and share in the agony of straight marriages. LOL.
The Missouri Department of Transportation announced this week that it has closed the Spoede Road overpass at Highway 40 for demolition work.The overpass -- both northbound and southbound --will remain closed until the end of the year, the department said.Meanwhile, the McKnight Road overpass was reopened over Highway 40. The entrance ramps are closed until the end of the year.
Alcoholic ice cream? That’s what was sold at this year’;s Taste of Clayton last weekend. With winning results. Frost on the Vine, a Chesterfield ice cream and gourmet foods store, was selling wine ice cream. It was cold, creamy — and 5 percent alcohol contents selling wine ice cream."Eat an ice cream, catch a buzz," joked Blase Bottcher, of St. Louis who was quoted as saying in reports> We are waiting on the vodka flavor actually. LOL

Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill appeared Thursday on the Colbert Report at on Comedy Central.
McCaskill, a Democrat, has been campaigning heavily for Senator Barack Obama's presidential bid.
Comedian host Stephen Colbert started off by questioning McCaskill as to how she could not endorse a fellow woman for president, Sen. Hillary Clinton.
"That gender door swings both ways," McCaskill tells Colbert.
"If the gender door swings both ways, then you may not be a woman," Colbert responded.
At the beginning of the interview, McCaskill present Colbert with a Missouri state flag from her Senate office.
Colbert placed the flag on the floor of his set, saying "this is not going on the floor."
In unrelated newz, the buzz going on was that McCaskill was on the short list to run as VP for Obama. But to much wishful thinking, it was more wish and thought. It was repoerted that she had no interest in running.
To catch her TV appearance on the Colbert report go to :

University Loop mogul Joe Edwards was heard on the Charlie Brennan Show Tuesday on KMOX talking about his speaking to the St. Louis Business Association on June 18 at the Coronado Hotel in St. Louis. He also talked about two upcoming projects. One, the Moonrise Hotel, a $15 million seven-story, 120-room boutique hotel at 6177 Delmar between his Pageant and Pin-Up Bowl locations. Edwards said he planned to work with Kiku Obata & Co., which won an international award for the Pin-Up Bowl design. The hotel also will house a restaurant and bar called the Eclipse, a rooftop terrace overlooking Forest Park and 10 suites named after STL Walk of Fame inductees. It is reported that the project will break ground by the end of the year, The other project is the forthcoming trolley that will connect the The Delmar loop to the Missouri Historical Museum. He said that he has earmarked 200K for a feasible study , $1 million from the Feds to purchase the trolleys and the constriction of fixed train tracks. There was no date as of when this project will go into effect. He also talked about his life as a Delmar loop mogul, the possibilities of erecting a statue of STL native rocker Chuck Berry and that The Delmar loop was named one of the 10 bets streets in American from the American Planning Association. Next up, changing University City to Edwards City. Okay? Now if he can only give Wizard of Oz star Mickey Carroll his star, he would be cool with us!

And speaking of Chuck Berry, KSDK anchor Art Holliday is back in the documentary mode with his flick on STL rock pioneer Johnnie Johnson who help spearhead Berry’s career in the early 1950s. .
In a blog to his readers he said, “ In several weeks I'll be in Washington DC to interview Rep. John Conyers, longtime member of Congress, one of the founders of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. In September 1999 in front of Congress, Conyers made a well-researched speech honoring Johnnie Johnson. He later nominated Johnnie's biography for a Pulitzer. It's fair to say Conyers is a music fan and I hope he has a great story about his interest in and support of Johnnie. I also pray that C-Span recorded Conyers speech so I can use it in "Johnnie Be Good". Later this summer look for a new documentary trailer on the website.
On the script of the documentary he said, “ Still working on the first draft of my script. Right now I'm writing a section about Johnnie's experiences in the Marine Corps, including several recent interviews I did with several members of the Montford Point Marines. These men, along with Johnnie, were among the first black soldiers to integrate the Marines Corps during WWII. Montford Point was the segregated bootcamp for black Marines.”
On the funding of the project he said, “ I continue to raise completion funds. Thanks to music fan Charley Taylor for hosting a recent fundraiser at his home. With the help of the Higher Education Channel I recently applied for a grant from The Chrysler Foundation. A woman in Washington who helped me get the interview with Rep. Conyers took an interest in the documentary, talked about it with the head of the Chrysler Foundation, and I was asked to submit a grant proposal.”
On the materials for the documentary he said, “ I Recently received a number of photos of Johnnie Johnson with Aerosmith for use in the documentary. A few years ago, Joe Perry saw that Johnnie was performing in Boston and had his manager track down Johnnie and invite him to his house to hang out and possibly record some tracks. The photos show Johnnie, Joe Perry, Steven Tyler, and other band members. The Aerosmith cd "Honkin' on Bobo" contains several tracks with Johnnie providing piano licks. Thanks to John Bionelli, road manager for Aerosmith for making those photos magically appear in my email inbox. And I'm still on the trail of my Keith Richards interview. Maybe July. I'll keep you posted on that and the journey continues.
Yes it does. If you want t more info about this project go to

The eighth annual Jazz & Heritage Fest was treated more kindly by Mother Nature — but only for a while. The festival kicked off at 12:30 p.m. with slightly cloudy skies and a few puddles left by a downpour Friday night.
But by the time renowned pianist Joe Sample (PIC ABOVE) and his group took the Emerson Stage at 5:30 p.m., those clouds had become darker and more ominous.
Sample was joined by vocalist Randy Crawford. But at 6:15, just as she was about to begin her third song, festival director Cindy Prost advised the audience that the festival area had to be evacuated because of the threat of thunderstorms and lightning.
A majority of the crowd took shelter at adjacent Clayton High School. Prost updated everyone at 7 p.m., saying there was still hope headliner Cassandra Wilson would perform. But by 7:35, Wilson's Emerson Stage performance and vocalist Brian Owens' Soul School Stage performance were officially canceled. Last year’s performances were also interrupted because of bad weather.

There was a reception at the Contemporary Art Museum for the visual artists whose work is contributed Art the Vote campaign May 28. Nationally renowned artists Willie Cole (PICTURED ) , Peregrine Honig, Tom Huck, Mark Newport, Martha Rosler, Annett Lemieux, and May Tveit all created original artwork for ART THE VOTE billboards. In the tradition of art as an effective force in political activism, artists Willie Cole, Peregrine Honig, Tom Huck, Mark Newport, Martha Rosler, Annett Lemieux and May Tveit, through the ART THE VOTE initiative lend their images to accessible public spaces to encourage the public to become more aware of current issues and take action through voting. ART THE VOTE (ATV) is an unprecedented artist-driven effort to motivate, register and turn out Missouri voters using the work of contemporary artists to highlight the critical issues faction our state, nation and planet. ART THE VOTE will rock the roadsides this September and October with more than 70 artist-designed billboards and artist registration efforts throughout the state of Missouri. The ART THE VOTE launch will feature the unveiling of the effort’s first billboard image, an announcement of a public contest to select an additional billboard artist and the registration of voters.
Remember Longtime sports journalist Charlie Tuna? The guy who was THE star of Mike Bush’s Sports Plus on Channel 5 back in the day (who used to ham it up in the cameras?) as well as that hot to death sports show that used to come on KATZ weeknites? Well, is now hosting a talk show every Sunday at 7 p.m. on KSLG (1380 AM)…We are gald he is back on the air. Like Onion Horton, this brotha aint afraid to speak his mind.
STL rapper Hakeem shot a video for his radio sick-hit, “Thick Wit it” last week at at different venues in the STL including club Society. It was directed by Michael “Captain Video” Dean and filmed by Dana Christian of SPIT FLIX. The video also has cameos by rapper Tiffany Foxx, rap trio June 5 and the Pimo crew. The video we are sure will be hitting “BET’s 106 and Park” as we speak. .

Upcoming R&B singer Oli was hustlin his CD sampler near Vintage Vinyl in the U City Loop last weekend. The CD entitled “MPower” consists of songs like his new single, “Be Mine” ( feat. Twista and Tank) and , remakes of “Be Your Man” (his first single) and Reo Speedwagon’s “Keep on Lovin You” (our fave) among others. For more info on Oli’s CD and other info go to or
Happy B-dayz to OUTTOWN contributor Senora Robinson who will celebrate June 13 at Posh (SEE EVENT BITZ BELOW) …. STL guitarist WIldmann who celebrated his b-day Tuesday at Suite Soul Spot at Old Rock House (CHECK OUT OUTTOWN NEXT WEEK FOR COVERAGE)….STL journalist Nicci Roach will also celebrate (don’t know whurr at yet. LOL)….Soul Stylz’ Jamie Spencer (SEE EVENT BITZ BELOW). “Birth-versaries” go out to Café Soul who will celebrate 2 years at Lucas House (SEE ONGOING BITZ BELOW) and Stress Free Fridays who will celebrate 4 years at Nubia café (SEE EVENT-IDBITZ FOR MORE INFO)
Oh and OUTTOWN will be three-years old the first week in July!

IN THE MIA (MISSING IN ACTION) FILE. What ever happened to this fluffy club chic? She was last scene at an event at Savor last fall. This chick gets buckwild when it comes to dancing and has no shame pulling up her dress to let folk see what she workin with! MIA FOUND Photographer Demond Meek at Suite Soul Spot Tuesday. He said he is working on some photography projects and is dealing with some personal issues that he is coming back from.
BLIND BITZ. Which STL performers got into a fist fight with some haters last weekend at a venue? (Hint. The performers are in this week’s Evening Whirl and the venue is synonymous with gluttony.)
BLIND PICS. Who was this sister with the pear shape who was sportin this dress at Anthony Robinson house party last weekend??? WOWOWOW!
Man on Fire Conference 2008, “This is Why I’m Hot” June 3-6, 2008, Bread opf Life fellowship, 5000 Humbert Road ion Alton,. Ill. For more info contact Elder Chris Harris at 618. 462.6871 or
The Black Rep, the country’s largest and premier professional African-American theatre company will close its 31st Season with SARAFINA! The Music of Liberation by Mbogeni Ngema, through June 29, 2008 at the Grandel Theatre, 3610 Grandel Square in St. Louis, Missouri. Reserve your seats by please calling (314) 534-3810 or visit
This Tony Award nominated musical is set in South Africa during the Soweto riots of 1976 and is told through the eyes of Sarafina, an ambitious schoolgirl actress-activist. SARAFINA! burns with the raw truth about life under apartheid that was not published or televised because of the government’s censorship of news coverage.
Following the imprisonment of her inspirational teacher, Sarafina inspires her classmates to rise up and join her in protest of the racist apartheid government.The young talented cast includes members of the company’s Professional Intern Program and the Summer Performing Arts (SPA) program.
Sarafina! is directed by Ron Himes with choreography by Keith Tyrone and musical direction by Charles Creath.Single tickets range from $33 to $43. Student rush tickets (30 minutes prior to curtain) are $10 with valid I.D. The Black Rep continues its Target “Next Generation Family Series” this season where young people ages 8 -18 are admitted free with the purchase of an adult ticket on Thursday evenings and at all Saturday matinee performances. Limit one child per adult. To reserve your seat please call (314) 534-3810 or visit
Performance Schedule, May 28 - June 29, 2008
Wednesday and Thursday Previews at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday performances at 7:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday performances at 8:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday matinee performances at 3:00 p.m.
SUBWAY Noonday Series: Join the director and designers for a lively discussion on Thursday, May 29 at
12:00 p.m., lunch provided by Subway Delmar Loop
Student matinee performances on Wed, June 4 and June 18 at 10:00 a.m.

Stress Free Fridays 4 Year Anniversary Celebration/Fundraiser for State Rep Candidate Curtis Royston Friday, June 6, 20085pm-UNTIL Nubia ( Delmar Blvd, Suite 108 & 110--Delmar Loop EastSt. Louis, Missouri 63112314-367-8200 **EARLY ARRIVAL IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED! Join us this Friday as Stress Free Fridays celebrates its 4 Year Anniversary...our good Friend, Curtis Royston, will be raising funds in his quest to win the 61st District State Representative Seat...what do we have planned...only those in attendance will know...Please visit our NEW
The List Presents THE Taste at Sugar Lounge, Fri. June 6 , 1403 Washington Ave. Music by Lady J For more info go to or TO BOOK BOTTLE SERVICE IN OUR VIP SECTIONSPLEASE CONTACT JEN AT 314-621-9946 OR VIA EMAIL AT JEN@SUGARSTLOUIS.COM
Julie Gundlach Art Exhibit @ the Grind 4241 Lindell Blvd (Opening Reception Friday June 6th @ 7p) and check her website out...
The Mckinley Bridge Grand Opening Celebration/Bike Trail; Saturday, June 07, 2008. The Great Rivers Greenway District and the Metro East Park and Recreation District will jointly celebrate the grand opening of the McKinley Bridge Bikeway and Branch Street Trestle on June 7, from 11 am until 2 pm. Both organizations share credit for improving bicycle and pedestrian access across the bridge. See website for more events on that day.Cost: Free Website:

GOT Lyrics hosted by Mocha Latte’ every Wednesday night is back on track. Got Lyrics is held at the new location, Van Goghz Martini Bar and Bistro, 3200 Shenandoah Ave. , from 7pm to12am each week. Admission for the event is free before8pm. After 8:00 the cost is minimal; $3.00 for poets and $5.00 for audience. Members of the press are welcome and encouraged to attend opening night........................Ladies Night OUT Thursdays at Dante's hosted by Mocha Latte . Ladies Free Admission and Drinks til Midnite………….. The Best Damn Friday Night Period at the Skybox in the Landing. Doors open at 9 p.m. All free til 10 p.m…………………….
Pick up an Evening Whirl on Mondays and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!
OR CALL 314-831-7505
Please tell them Mocha Latte' referred you.
Writer, poet, singer, musician. Te’ V. Smith is a talent worth seeking out! From his humorous and playful yet educational political and social songs to his mind and soul challenging poetry he has amazed crowds from Kentucky to Paris France.An accomplished jazz pianist and soul writer his debut onto the national scene came mid 2007 when he joined the legendary “Roots” for a 5 city tour sharing the gift of word through poetry and song.
With a strong following on the poetry/spoken word circuit Mr. Smith is sure to continue to push the envelope, raise the bar and change lives.Other credits include: The Washington Post’ 100 most influential writers of the next generation 1997 ; Guest youth poet at le deil with Saul Williams and Ani Difranco 2000; featured on BET’s Lyric Café 2006; guest performer for Floetry’ “Floetry remix Tour” 2007; andfeatured artist on Russell Simmons’ Def Poetry Jam 2007HEAR HIM SHARE HIS LIFE at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/TEVSMITH
Contact Mocha Lattte if you want to book him.For more info on these events, contact Miss Latte at 314.646.9917 or

MAMMA MIA!, the smash hit musical based on the songs of ABBA, makes a triumphant return to the Fox Theatre for one week only, June 3-8 as a special offering of the U.S. Bank Broadway series. Curtain times are Tuesday through Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 2 and 7:30 p.m. This marks the musical’s fifth engagement at the Fabulous Fox proving to be a St. Louis favorite! Tickets for MAMMA MIA! range from $25 to $69 depending on performance date and seat location. Tickets go on sale April 27 at the Fox Theatre box office and all MetroTix locations. To charge by phone, call MetroTix at 314/534-1111 or order on-line at Groups of 20 or more can call Fox Group Sales at 314/535-2900 for special rates on select performances. MAMMA MIA! is a special offering of the U.S. Bank Broadway Series and sponsored by American Airlines...................................................................KETC / CHANNEL 9 presents Willie Nelson with Special Guest James HunterSaturday, June 14 • 7:30 pm at the Fabulous Fox Theatre!$53, $48, $43, $38Tickets go on sale Saturday, April 12 at 10 am!...................................................................RETURN TO FOREVERwith Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, Al Di Meola, Lenny WhiteBack together again for the first time in over 25 years!Tuesday, June 17 • 8 p.m.Fabulous Fox Theatre$74.50, $64.50, $49.50, $44.50, $39.50VIP Packages also Headhunters, John McLaughlin’s Mahavishnu Orchestra, Joe Zawinul and Wayne Shorter’s Weather Report and Chick Corea’s legendary Return to Forever. Formed in 1971, Return to Forever is known for improvising complex compositions and melding the jazz tradition with rock music. Though the lifespan of the band was only from 1972 to 1977, Return to Forever has been heralded as one of the most innovative bands in jazz history. The highly anticipated return of Return to Forever gives original fans and a new generation of listeners a chance to experience their unparalleled pure sound live..............................................................ROBERT PLANT AND ALISON KRAUSS Featuring T Bone Burnett Thursday, June 19 • 8pmFabulous Fox Theatre$67.50, $57.50 & $47.50Tickets are on sale now. Recipients of the 2007 Grammy award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals, for the track “Gone Gone Gone (Done Moved On)”, ROBERT PLANT and ALISON KRAUSS – along with Raising Sand producer and band leader T Bone Burnett – are creating a show that will feature songs from their collaborative release, as well as from the artists’ extensive career discographies. Band members for the tour include Jay Bellerose (drums) and Dennis Crouch (bass) – both of whom played on Raising Sand – as well as Buddy Miller (guitar) and Stuart Duncan (fiddle, mandolin and other instruments). Burnett will play guitar and 6-string bass, as well as perform several songs. For more information, go to ……. TOM WAITSGlitter and Doom TourThursday, June 26 • 8 p.m.Fabulous Fox Theatre$102.50, $90, $70--2 ticket limit per orderMelissa Etheridge The Revival Tour 2008 Fox Theatre Monday, August 11 • 8 p.m. On-Sale Information: Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314/534-1111. Order tickets online at ............................................. GLADYS KNIGHT&AL GREENSunday, July 13 • 7:30 p.m.Fabulous Fox Theatre$124.50, $64.50, $54.50, $44.50, & $34.50!Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outletsor by calling 314/534-1111.Order tickets online at Melissa Etheridge
The Revival Tour 2008
Fox Theatre
Monday, August 11 • 8 p.m.
On-Sale Information:
Tickets on sale this NOW!
Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets
or by calling 314/534-1111.
Order tickets online at
Fox Concerts presents Melissa Etheridge at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on
August 11 at 8 p.m. Come and experience the anthemic power,
compassion and generosity of spirit that is unlike any other live music
performer. Melissa Etheridge’s latest album, The Awakening has been
described as a collection of powerful and playful yet confessional and
engaging songs that are personal as well as universal. Time after time, her
concert performances reaffirm her enduring status as one of the greatest
all-time female rock icons.
U.S. Bank Broadway Series Shows and Specials: (Subscription Season in Bold) Oprah Winfrey presents THE COLOR PURPLE, October 21-November 2, 2008 SWEENEY TODD, November 14-16, 2008CATS, November 28-30, 2008LEGALLY BLONDE the Musical, January 20-February 1, 2009The Rep presents SPRING AWAKENING, February 10-22, 2009CIRQUE DREAMS JUNGLE FANTASY, March 17-29, 2009Dance St. Louis presents STOMP, April 3-5, 2009HAIRSPRAY, April 24-26, 2009Dance St. Louis presents RIVERDANCE, May 1-3, 2009A CHORUS LINE, May 12-24, 2009RENT, June 2-7, 2009MARY POPPINS, AUGUST 13-30, 2009THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, September 23-October 17, 2009
The 3rd Annual All-Male Celebrity Fashion Show for Call for Help Inc, Sunday, June 8 at the Moulin, 2017 Chouteau, Doors at 5 p.m.; Show at 6 p.m. Tix $65 Order tix online by June 3 at
3 Way promotions presents Summer in the City. SUMMER IN THE CITY IS BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND. IT’S THE DENIM & SNEAKERS EDITION hosted by Big Tah COME WITNESS THE SEXIEST PARTY OF THE SUMMER- MONDAY JUNE 9TH @ THE LOFT. 8 p.m. EVERYBODY FREE TIL 10:30 p.m. DJ Cuddy on the 1s and 2s. Performance by R&B female trio June 5 contestants must enter before 11:30 p.m. Three winners will receive cash , VIp treatment, a spread in the Summer in the City 09 Calendar. For more info call 314.713.0926 CLICK THE LINK TO SEE SUMMER IN THE CITY MODEL SEARCH FOR THE 08 CALENDAR
Sugar s Lounge presents DJ Reece of Chicago Thursday, June 12 . 9 p.m. for more info go to TO BOOK BOTTLE SERVICE IN OUR VIP SECTIONSPLEASE CONTACT JEN AT 314-621-9946 OR VIA EMAIL AT JEN@SUGARSTLOUIS.COM
JUNE 12 - JUNE 28, 2008
For Tickets and Information
CALL: 314-865-1995
My Daddy is a DJ produced and starring Tony J TheTraffic Man written and directed by Henry Davis, kickin off Father’s Day weekend, Friday June 13 at the Central Visual and Performing Arts High School, 3125 Kingshighway, $15 door $10 w.student ID doors open at 5 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m. For more info call 314.306.7740. Special guests include Hakeem Da Dream, Da Fam, Thyck Clyck, Gangsta Grits, MC, Rucka Puff. Nikko Smith and Jibbs...................................................
OUTTOWN contributor Senora Robinson celebrates the Big 3-0 at Posh, 408 N Euclid, Fri. June 13. 8:30 p.m...............................
Father’s day dinner “A Tribute to fathers” , June 15 at the Ritz Carlton in Clayton. Dinner at 5 p.m.. Program at 6 p.m. Rev. Starsky Wilson guest speaker. Wayman Smith dinner chair. RSVP & TICKET INFO at 314.374.4406 or
Zodiac Connection (Gemini Red & Cancer Yellow) Special Birthday Edition: Jamie Spencer SoUL StyLz Saturday June 21, 2008 10pm-3am Nectar Lounge at 2001 Locust St.Louis Mo, 63103 The ''ZODIAC CONNECTION'' is a Color Coded Celebration Honoring the Compatibility of GEMINI (Red) & Cancer (Yellow). According to Traditional Zodiac legend, ages ago it was found one can gain an insight into what kind of person he/she will best be connected with, based on the Zodiac Signs. GEMINI & CANCER Ladies Wearing All shades of RED & YELLOW FREE all night. Guests come in Attire of Your Choice (Sexy Upscale) $5 B4 11:00P.M.
Sexy. Swagger. Style!!! Cosmos & Martinis Specials (Carrie Fever) · $3 Miller · *Shot Specials*For FREE Birthday Set Up please contact 314.497.3861 or*
The Pocketbook Monologues (aka the black Vagina Monologues) Presented by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Omicron Theta Omega Chapter, Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 6:00 PM at the Sheldon Concert Hall, 3648 Washington Boulevard, Saint Louis, MO 63108. Single Tickets On sale Thursday, May 01, 2008 at 9:00 AM Ticket Prices$35 general For more info call 314.533.9900 or go to
LME presents Summer Reign is a weekend event for those who miss those days when you had no cares, no worries and the only thing you had to worry about was where you were going later on that night to kick it. LME has lined up three hot summer events that are sure to have Saint Louis talking for months to come. LME has pulled out all the stops and rolled out the red carpet for this Lake of Ozarks event, so come prepared for two full days of fun, relaxation and straight kickin it. The Cool….a private pool partyJune 27, 2008 8pm – 11pmThe Lodge of the Four Seasons The Cool will be the official kick off of the weekend. Come dressed the part…tank tops, flip flops and bathing suits.
The Dream…..a private yacht partyJune 28, 2008 11am – 2pmSet Sail from The Lodge of the Four Seasons
The Dream will be fruition. We’ve secured a 150 passenger yacht and we’ll be sailing down the Lake vibing to Hip Hop & R&B with an OPEN BAR. This is definitely an event that will be talked about going into the evening’s main event.
Quiet Storm….the climaxxxJune 28, 2008 9pm – UntilMist @ The Lodge of the Four Seasons
Quiet Storm will be the weekends climax. We’re taking over the hottest lounge at the Lake of the Ozarks and we’re closing out the weekend on a high note.
Tickets for all events should be purchased in advance. We are offering all events bundled together for a very low price for a very limited amount of time. You’ll never find an event of this magnitude at the Lake of the Ozarks especially at the rate. FOR ONLINE TICKET PURCHASE VISIT:
or you can purchase one from your favorite LME member!TICKETS FOR ALL EVENTS TOGETHER ARE $40 UNTIL JUNE 6, 2008All events occur at the Lodge of the Four Seasons in which LME has reserved a block of rooms at a discounted rate.
Single Rate
Double Rate
Executive Level
*2Bed, 2 Bath Condo
*3Bed, 2 Bath Condo
You may contact them at 1-888-265-5500 or at Rooms must reserved by June 6, 2008 to take advantage of the premiere discounts.
AUDITION BITZ ..It's Just Me April. I'm looking for all kinds of talent for a promotional live show to be held at a cafe in Indianapolis Indiana. If you sing R&B,Soul,Jazz,Gospel, Neo Soul,Country,Blues,Rap,Rock what ever. If you play any kind of insturment,spoken word, dance, 1-3 person stage act. Please contact me at
JOB-ITZ City Light is a gospel video production company that continues to grow on and on and on!!!!!!!!!!!! We are currently looking for a professional independent videographerwho is experienced in filming, creative and skilled in editing with alove for video and eager to learn with an ability to travel. We are also looking for an additional shooter and PA's free to travel and an interest in assisting on the following: 100 Black Men National Conference........July 2008 Orland, FL (In Disney) Essence Music Festival ......................June 2008 New Orleans, LA(Only filming City Lights client's participation on stage and workshops) NAACP National Conference..................June 2008 City TBA Urban League National Conference..........August 2008 City TBA Live Gospel Music Video.........................October, 2008 Durham, NC Church musical service............................October, 2008 Durham, NC Gospel Music Video .............................. September, 2008 Durham, NC (2) Gospel Music Video................................Date TBA Denver, CO All PA's travel and hotel fully paid with possibly 1 to 2 meals per work day Camera operator hourly pay per work hour along with travel and hotel fully paid. Skilled students and ladies are encouraged to apply!!!!!!!!!!!!! All interested please reply to this email and put or leave Employment in Subject Line! no phone calls please! Thank You for your interest in working with City Lights!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP-BITZBelieving in Excellence in Education is a 6 week> life-skills summer program for ages 10-18 designed to> empower young people to BEE the best they can be. The> program focuses on etiquette/manners, social> responsibility, financial responsibility, internet safety,> peer pressure and more (see flyer). > > Open Registration is this Thursday, June 5th from 6pm-9pm> at the Emerson YMCA on Pershall Road (near hwy 270 &> West Florissant).> > Classes meet every Friday evening for 6 weeks from 6pm-9pm> and ends in a cotillion/beautillion so students can show> off their newly learned skills. The next session begins> Friday, June 6th at the Emerson YMCA. Attached is the> flyer and application for more information or log onto> >
ArtsINTERsection, Metro Theatre Company’s exciting arts education program returns to New City School, 5209 Waterman Avenue, June 9 – 27, 2008. ArtsINTERsection offers a preschool program for children ages 4 – 5 and school age children ages 9 -11. “At ArtsINTERsection kids can expect to have a busy day exploring theater, music, visual art and movement led by a staff of experienced, professional teaching artists with loads of individual attention in a caring environment where every child feels successful,” said Emily Petkewich, Director of Education Metro Theater Company. Four and Five year olds will explore creative drama and music in the morning and visual art and outdoor play in the afternoon. This unique program is great way to get preschoolers ready for their fall school experience! Six through 11 year olds explore acting and improvisation, creative movement, a creativity lab and visual art. Each week brings new creative challenges! Children may attend one, two or all three weeks of the program. Before and after care is also offered by New City School for an additional fee. Tuition is $230 per week, For more information or to register visit
or call (314) 997-6777……………………………………………….Stray Dog Theatre Hop into spring dance classes for children taught by Sheila Rabbitt - professional teacher/choreographer Come learn beginning modern and jazz dance in a positive environment where children will not only learn steps but create their own dances. Great for kids just starting out and those with some experience! Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:45-5:45 pm 4:45-5:45 pm Children 6-9 Children 10-12 Cost $48 for 8 week session Class size is limited. Early registration suggested. Please call Sheila Rabbitt at (314) 898-0374 to register. LOCATION Tower Grove Abbey 2336 Tennessee Avenue..................................... Stray Dog Theatre 2008 SUMMER ON STAGEChildren’s Theatre Arts Camps for Kindergarten – 5th Grade* Join Stray Dog Theatre’s ARTS IN MIND for a summer season of theatre camps.Camps are taught by theatre professionals and offer a variety of hands-on fun and education, culminating in a week’s end play for friends and family. Snacks and materials are provided. Space is limited, so make your reservation today. Come join the fun! TIME9:00am – 12:00noon LOCATION Tower Grove Abbey, 2336 Tennessee Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63104 COST $100 per child, per week (Check, Money Order, or Credit Card)CONTACT Call for information and registration (314) 276-9039 and .......................................Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462........................................Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services forthe youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyonewho is in need of some extra educational support,please feel free to contact her or give them hercontact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314)418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon-has a new label deal and we are looking for someinterns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphicdesigners street team female street team club streetteam models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers,writers)We are looking for the best. So instead ofjust grabbing the person that says they are the best,we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the best at what they do. The bread-winners will be put onpayroll with a permanent job with the company. If youthink you will be the next hottest publicist, model,A&R, sponsorship writer, whatever it is that you do,then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, adcovers, posters, willing to do street team work and beapart of this new label contact me directly at…………………………..Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer tothose of you who are in search for party and eventspace. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, artexhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderfulhospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................Saint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff ,On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing:E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla Marketing Techniques, Service Street, Radio, College, and Mixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences,Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategy for Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposure every day and every night at every event Our machine operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We will exceed your expectations!!! Contact us at 314-750-6806................
NEW: The Soulition and Absolut present Chocolate Sunday with Dj Needles, 9 p.m. at 609/The U Lounge, 609 Eastgate. Ladies Free til 11 p.m., Ladies $3, fellas $5.
NEW. presents Therapy every Sunday at Lush, 3037 Olive, doors at 10 p.m. (close at 3 a.m.) Ladies free til midnite. Fellas $5 before 11 p.m. ladies $5 after Midnite. $2 martinis til 11:30 p.m. Dress Code enforced. Free B-day parties (limited space). For info call 314.392.7882 or
NEW. Fred and Harry Inc. presents Champagne Sundays at Sol Lounge, 4241 Lindell, 3:30 p.m. Cocktails $5, Cover $3. For more info go to
NEW. The Head Nodders Ball w DJ Needles Mondays at the Delmar Lounge, 6235 Delmar 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. $3 Cover..........................
NEW: Neo Soul singer Silky Sol and Good for the Sol perform Sundays at Janae’s West, 7555 Olive Blvd, 5 p.m. For more info call 314.863.7420
Mondays are Comedy Nites at Janae’s West 7555 Olive Blvd, hosted by Darius Bradford. 8:30 p.m. $10 Cover. (314)863-7420...............................
Francois cognac and cigar bar presents Evening of Expressions, every Tuesday a blend of culture, spoken word and neo soul, 326 N/ Vanderventer. Free until 9 p.m. $5 after 9 p.m. For more info call Ms. Bell at 314.229.7952 or Alexander at 314.448.2939
Suite Soul Spot, 1st Tuesday of each Month at the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th Blvd. 9 p.m. 314-588-0505.2 Dollar Tuesdays at The Spot, 8370 N Broadway. $2 to get in and $2 drink specials all nite long. Doors at 9 p.m. for more info call 314.385.4545
J’var, JE and Maxxed Out Entertainment Present Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ House of Comedy (formerly Laughs on theLanding), 801 N. 2nd Street Featuring Poets, R&B, NeoSoul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetryslam enthusiast gather weekly to present a uniqueblend of spoken word poetry and music from local andnot so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottestlyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….allfor only $5 at the door For more info, call 314.241.5233
NEW: Power Stiletto Entertainment Presents "Power Networking Wednesday's"where "powerful" minds meet to do "powerful" things in our community!
Date: Wednesdays 6 p.m.
Attire: Business/Business Casual (Stirctly Enforced)
Admission: Free
Ambiance: Sophisticated and Mature
Attitude: Bring your "A" game and plenty of business cards
Join us as we celebrate the Grand Opening of the In Spot Dessert Bar and Lounge5854 Delmar Boulevard
This event is also in support of the Saint Louis Susan G. Komen Race for the cure of breast cancer visit us at
NEW: Fusion with DJ Needles of the Solution, Wednesdays at Posh, 408 N Euclid, 8 p.m. 21 Y.O. and up NO HATS FELLAS. FREE
Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacledes Landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m..............
Power Couple Inc presents XCLUSIVE THURSDAY'S A place for the business professional looking for the true benefits of an UltraLounge. Join us at Posh Ultra Lounge for a relaxing evening of music, food, and never a cover with drink specials all night. Exclusive Thursdays @ POSH... where the elite meet. Happy Hour at 5 p.m. Ultra Lounge at 9 p.m.
Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drinkspecials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to
Status Fridays every Friday at Dolce Ladies $5 before 11 p.m. 9 p.m.-3 am
CAFE SOUL, every 3rd Friday of the Month, Lucas House, 1220 Allen at Gravois, Doors 8 p.m., Band 9 p.m. FOR VIP SEATING PLEASE CALL 314-504-7405. GET THERE EARLY! SEATING IS LIMITED!
The Virtual Lounge Expressions, A Christian based open mic every 1st Friday, Cookies jazz and More #20 AllenBlvd. Webster Groves, Mo. Doors open at 8 p.m. Cover $10. For more info go to
Tuff On Paper ENT presents Network and ShowcaseSaturdays every first Saturday of each month and LoveYourself Saturdays every third Saturday of each month,9.m.--until at the Spyglass, 255 Union at Lindell $5at the door. first 50 Ladies Free until 11 p.m. First25 ladies get a free drink. 21 and older. Grown andsexy attire. For showcase info hit up
or call 314.443.5001
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you to the Saturday to a straight up Old School limitation! The house party will belive at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Hallsferryand West Florissant! AND at the new Knockouts! For more info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to
One of the most critically-acclaimed, powerful independent films of our generation!!!
orBy calling the Customer Service toll free# at 888-418-8637
Mon.-Fri. between 10am - 5pm (CST) & selecting option #2
(accepting debit/credit cards & checks/money orders)
Get the "Pieces Of A Dream" Feature Film DVD /
the Music Soundtrack CD
individually available for $13 + shipping/handling
Get the "Pieces Of A Dream" Combo Pack (Both the DVD & CD)
for $23 + shipping/handling
Fans worldwide are responding and joining the "Conscious" Film Movement!!!
Snapping up more than 30,000 copies of the independently produced
"conscious" film "PIECES OF A DREAM" DVD & Music Soundtrack CD,
since it's worldwide release in December 2007.
Check out Leannett Payne’’s CHOCOLATE BLOG by emailing her at!
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
NEW: For your hip-hop ministry and Christian music services check out Mynista’s website at
For all your photography needs go to
The Black Rep's blog, Black Reppin. It can be found on its website,
or directly at
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum'shot new entertainment newsletter, email her at
Check out Lisa Rose blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at
or go to her my space page at
Check out blog
for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literaryactivities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at
or call her at (314)401-0710
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop.For more info call314.721.3361 or email at
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contact Jessica Dana at
or go to
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at
or go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to!
STL videographer Dana Christian has a website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. Itis
Well that will be it,.Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at
for pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.
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