Looks like former Vashon coach Floyd Irons (PICTURED LEFT) may be looking at iron—bars that is. Irons pleaded guilty last Thursday in federal court of mail and wire fraud in a real estate scheme prosecutors said was meant to kick back thousands of dollars to Irons and a partner. According to stltoday.com. about two years ago, Irons and another man — unnamed in court documents — bought or arranged the purchase of four houses totaling about $1.6 million, according to federal prosecutors. In each case, Irons and his partner paid significantly more than market value and falsified loan application documents to secure the money, prosecutors said. A mortgage broker — unbeknownst to the sellers — then paid Irons and his partner kickbacks from the sale proceeds. They received amounts ranging from $20,000 to $60,000 per house, according to prosecutors. Irons could face up to 33 months in prison. Reports also said if Irons agree to snitch about the alleged Vashon scandal involving stolen money in the Athletics program, then they would lessen his sentence…………

It is still unknown whether St. Louis Fire Chief Sherman George will face disciplinary action for his failure to make controversial promotions. George attended a private disciplinary meeting (that was originally supposed to be public) with City Public Safety Director Charles Bryson (PICTURED RIGHT) last Friday. There was some speculations as to what happened when . Bryson was a guest on Don Wolff’s radio show “And Justice For All” on KMOX last Sunday and Bryson said on the show that his department was willing to make a compromise with George in regards to their checking into the legalities and fairness of the firefighter test only if George promotes within the fire department. As of now, the appeal that George’s lawyer filed is the only move that is certain and the black firefighter group FIRE is still planning to protest …………

Speaking of protest, Cahokia School District is in week 2 on their protest for higher wages. Also, the workers of GM were on a two day strike (a nationwide one at that - the first nationwide walkout against the automaker in 37 years) and the workers in Wentzville are apart for it . Its union UAW (Union Auto Workers PICTURED LEFT) were protesting for job security and health care to retirees……….The physician and a medical researcher who left their 7-month old daughter in a hot car at Washington University will not be charged with her death because the father didn't realize she was there. The case was tried by Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce. Joyce claims that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that the incident was intentional. Ok, but what about the black woman who was handcuffed outside of the Science Center after she mistakenly left a kid o n the bus during the same time (and the kid didn’t die!?) And I still never seen the identity of the parents. What’s up with that?..................... Well, St. Louis native comedian Lavelle Crawford was not the last comic standing. The girthy comedian lost to comedian Don Reep for the top prize on Last Comic Standing’s two-hour finale show last Wednesday on NBC. According to my source, Crawford was for certain that he was winning. Oh well. In my opinion, I don’t think America (as well the across the world where the voting was also open to) is ready to embrace a black comedian who se comedy is “too black” and Crawford was definitely keeping it hood. But 2nd place isn’t bad. Usually on these reality shows, the runner ups usually do better than the actual winner (What is former Last Comic Standing Duck Wang doin these days? I rest my case

Speaking of St. Louis comedians, Joe Torry (PICTURED RIGHT)will perform this weekend at Laughs on the Landing ad part of that venue’s Gateway Classic Weekend. Turae and Rob Stapleton also performs For more info on tickets call LOL at 314. 241.5233 …………

In the St. Louis area, hundreds of people who could not travel to Louisiana demonstrated last Wednesday. (PICTURED LEFT) According to stltoday.com, Hundreds of students began their day marching to support the "Jena Six" at Hazelwood East High School and another march was underway at the Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis. At the protest in Jena, La. Most of the protesters bound for Jena from across the nation on an estimated 500 tour buses were spurred to action by outcries on the Internet and a nationwide urban radio program by a popular disc jockey. In the wake of the largest civil rights protest in decades in Jena, La., Thursday, The FBI is now investigating a white supremacist Web site that disclosed what it claimed are addresses and phone numbers for the black Jena teenagers who assaulted a white youth. The posting was titled "Addresses of Jena 6 N****** In Case Anyone Wants To Deliver Justice authorities are investigating the hanging of nooses and other possibly hate-fueled incidents. I am not surprised by this action not at all. It usually takes coward bullies to make their move after the fight is over........................

Locally, on the PSB show Donnybrook last Thursday there was a healthy discussion about the Jena Six and I commend Ray Hartmann (PICTURED RIGHT) for being the “black voice” of the Jena Six (Where was St. Louis American City editor Alvin Reid when you need him?) . He told the panelists Wendy Wiesse 9who called Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as celebrities who shifted the Jena Six issue to them being there ), St. Louis Post’s Bill Mcclellan and KMOX’s Charkie Brennan that the protest is like the Civil rights movements t on the 60s in regards to injustices in America and that the decision of charging the six black students was unjust. The others on the panel, including KMOX Charlie Brennan said that it was hard to feel sorry for them after what they did to the white student. What tha? It had nothing to do with feeling sympathy, it was about blacks being sick and tried of being treated as cullud folk. A white tree? Nooses hanging on the tree after the blacks sat under the tree (that has now been cut), white students originally beating up black students for sitting under the tree and nothing done, but when black kids seek revenge for the racial strife, and beat up one of the white students who was part of the original fight , gets the book thrown at them (as well as the attorney general telling black students that the could end their lives with a stoke of a pen???????). here we go again with the blaming the victim again and that black issues are not to be taken seriously. But I digress…………Looks like the St. Louis Rams are getting their share of bad hits. Steven Jackson will be out for a bit. He hurt his left groin. The St. Louis Rams running back Steven Jackson will miss at least the team's next game against the Dallas Cowboys after suffering a partial groin tear in last Sunday's 24-3 loss at Tampa Bay. Then it was reported that QB Mark Bolger is playing with two broken ribs. Ouch. And third, Rams are 0-3, that’s hurts even worse! ……. On another sports tip, radio talk got Rumor that the Cards organization is thinking about firing Cards manager Tony Larussa for his controversial decisions with players on the team and remarks about the establishment…………

On a local sports tip, congrats goes out to my nephew Jerome Stewart III (PICTURED LEFT), whose freshmen football team Belleville West Lancers won at the Battle of the Belleville Schools last Saturday as they won against Belleville West Lancers 42- 13……………………... What’s up with two guys in ski masks robbing the Bob Evans Restaurant in Fairview Heights this past Sunday? According to the Belleville News Democrat. a restaurant manager was approached in the parking lot by two men wearing ski masks. One suspect threatened the manager with a knife. The two suspects escaped with an undetermined amount of money toward Illinois 159 in a late-model, four-door gold Chevrolet Malibu. I’m sure the suspects didn’t get much money from the ordeal. I mean, who do you know actually eat there? I’m sure they got good food, but when I think of sit down restaurants, Bob Evans ain’t what comes to mind……………….....................

What ever happened to rapper Q-Tip (PICTURED RIGHT) who was supposed to open up and dee-jay at the Common concert at the Pageant last Wednesday? It was advertised in the Riverfront Times and err thing and it was speculated at the Café Soul event at the Halo Bar, the adjoining bar next to the Pageant. According to the Post’s Kevin Johnson, regarding the show, the dee-jay was DJ Dummy (to check out the review on stltoday.com go to http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/entertainment/reviews.nsf/concert/story) What was up with that?.............Looks like the St. Louis Centre is soon to be finito. Real estate owners General Growth will currently renovating the shopping mall located on 7th and 8th and Washington and develop a $400 million tower district called the Mercantile Exchange that will compromise of a shopping mall, condos and hotel. The project is said to be finished by 2012………………..I hear that Loose Cannon;s All Black Parties held in the ST. Louis area last Friday was a major success. Theer were three parties going on at the same time. One for the youngins at the Phyliss Wheatley Center, the college party held at Club Rio (some of the youngins who were 18 were able to cross the water to attend both events) and the grown up party was held at Club Society. ( A source told me that the limos and Hummers were seven car deep out front of the club). So if you were wondering why so many folks were wearing black on Friday night was not because of people still protesting the Jena Six decision, but they probably weren’t bale to attend the event at Club Society (which I also heard the line was almost a mile long outside!)……………………. Speaking of parties at clubs, I see that Club Onyx on the East Side on Collinsville Ave is back open. The club was shut down (for the second time) in July for a shooting of a security guard………………

If you’re going to Chi-town this weekend, SYGU’s Eddie Hollman (PICTURED LEFT IN CENTER) is having a 30 B-day Bash in the Windy City. The itinerary is Friday 10/5/07 Meet & Greet @ 10 Pin Bowling Alley, 330 N. State St. Free to attend 7pm-11pm and Saturday - Thirty-One/30 - The Linc-Up @ Mix-Bar2843 Halsted Chicago, IL FREE BEFORE 11PM EARLY ARRIVAL STRONGLY SUGGESTEDUpscale attire a must. Need a place to stay? We have a block of rooms reserved for you! Call and ask for the SYGU rooms. $119/night Hilton Garden Inn- Chicago -O'Hare Airport 847-296-8900.........................Congrats go out to former St. Louis American fashion editor Keith Underwood who was the media /Pr person for the Los Angeles Business expo that held last weekend in Los Angeles. Congrats also goes out to local actor /director Joel P.E. King who is expanding his space on Vandeventer (called The Space) for folks to rent out (SEE HELP-BITZ BELOW)........................I have yet to pick up a copy of the Riverfront Times’ Best of St. Louis 2007. I am sooooooooooooooooooo anxious to know if my blog won Best Blog. I will have the results of the notable winners posted here on Thursday............................Happy B-day is in store to MPAC's Mo Witherspoon who will be celebrating his b-day at Club Soicety this Friday It is also where his monthly Eye Candy Model Party will take place., This month, America's Next Top Moidel star Eva Pigford will host...........................
And lastly, OUTTOWN’s prayers are going out to Stress Free Fridays co-creator Mark Anthony Jones whose grandmother , Dorothy Murphy is ill and in the hospital.
MIA (MISSING IN ACTING) FILE—What ever happened to Clifford “Nordy” Williams?
MIA FOUND—A few weeks back, OUTTOWN inquired about the whereabouts of two Joes (Whitfield and Davenport). Well, I found one of them. Joe Whitfield. I saw him last weekend at a friend’s b-day party and he said that he was living in Boston, Mass for a bit and working. Now he’s back.
BLIND-ITEMZ- What notable local VIP guy is currently texting on his phone texts, "43 the new 42?"
EVENT-IDBITZ. Cafe Soul, Wednesday, Sept 26. At 8 p.m. at Lucas house 1220 Allen Avenue. For tickets and more info call 314.621.6565
STRESS FREE FRIDAYS Friday, September 28, 2007, 5pm, J Buck's--DOWNTOWN (www.info@jbucks.com), 1000 Clark Avenue (at 10th) 314-436-0394
**EARLY ARRIVAL IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED! **The "Connect With" Kick-Off will be held on October 2, 2007 at Lush...stay tuned for more information...
The Official 2007 Gateway Classic Concert and After Party with R&B vet group Zapp hosted by Foxy 95’s Niecy D., 8 .m. (doors), 10:30 p.m. (show), Friday, Sept. 28 at the Starlight Room located at Lights on Broadway Conference Center. 8344-50 N. Broadway Tickets at all metrotix outlets 314.534.1111/800.293.5949For info and VIp call 314.385.4545.
The Sunday Night Shindig w Mocha Latte Sundays at 9 p..m. Lucky’s (Tucker and Washington). Ladies Free/Free Food. This Sunday at the Shindig, We're having a dance contest with free give aways. It's a promo for the movie "Feel the Beat" - We will have movie passes and more. Come out early!!
Funny First and Second Saturdays Comedy with Darius Bradford at the Plaza on Broadway.
Club Denim and Mocha Latte Present the Official Black Men Magzaine Model Search, Friday, Oct. 12 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 6635 Delmar (Delmar Loop) . Registration and Interview is free. Judged by Black Men Editor in Chief Marcus Blassingame. Winner will receive a layout in the Black Men Magazine, all expense trip to L.a. or NYC for a photo shoot with $500 spending money, $500 Gift Certificate to Club Denim Clothing Store. To register for competition, call 314. 725. 7773. After Party at cCub Society hosted by video girl Shannon (from Usher and R Kelly's “Same Girl” videio) . For more info and tickets call 314.725.7773
Got Lyrics will be back Oct. 24 at Van Gogh, 3200 Shenandoah!
Pick up an Evening Whirl and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!
For more info on these events, contact Miss Galvin at sgalvin26@yahoo.com
The Sheldon Arts Foundation has announced artists and dates for the 2007-2008 Cabaret in The Savoy Room series. This series will feature the following premier artists including: Steve Ross, Julie Budd, Andrea Marcovicci and KT Sullivan & Mark Nadler. All will perform in the Savoy Room at The Sheldon. Performance times are Thursday & Friday at 8p.m., Saturday at 5p.m. & 9p.m., and Sunday at 2p.m. St. Louis favorite To charge your subscription by phone please call Cabaret series concierge Mr. Terry Love or his assistant Mr. Luke Thomas at 314/535-1700. For more information, please visit www.TheSheldon.org/cabaret. Cabaret in The Savoy Room is produced by The Sheldon Arts Foundation in association with Fox Associates.
Date: Tuesday, October 16 at 7 p.m.
Venue: The Fabulous Fox Theatre
Prices: All reserved seats $32.50
On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale at the Fox Box Office, select MetroTix outlets Or by calling 314-534-1111.Order tickets online at www.metrotix.comFor more information, Visit: http://www.widespreadpanic.com/
Friday, October 26 at 8 p.m.
Venue: The Fabulous Fox Theatre
Prices: $55, $50, $45 & $40
On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale at the Fox Box Office, select MetroTix outlets Or by calling 314-534-1111.Order tickets online at http://www.metrotix.com/
"Upscale Re-defined" After Hours - St. Louis DATE: September 27, 2007 TIME: 7pm - Until (Happy Hour: 7pm-9pm) LOCATION: Lucas Park Grille - 1234 Washington Ave ADMISSION: $5 minimum donation. RSVP to reserve tables and receive special promotions Email After Hours at: stl.afterhours@gmail.com Come network with some of St. Louis' most influential professionals. Proceeds go to the Jena Six Foundation Meet and celebrate with the latest members of the Missouri Bar Visit www.myspace.com/stl_afterhours for additonal info. Bring your business cards BEFORE 10PM to be advertised on our website for free.
1800 Tequila and Inkosi DS presents “CASINO ROYALE” BENEFIT FOR F.I.R.E. FEATURING MUSICAL GUEST CARL THOMAS– For one night, 1800 Tequila and Inkosi DS will transform The Loft, located at 3112 Olive, into an unmatchable first class gaming site while aiding Firefighters Institute for Racial Equality (F.I.R.E.) Charitable Fund in awareness and contributions. On Thursday, September 27, 2007, at 9:00 p.m., “Casino Royale” will be unveiled. Celebrity guest, drink specials and a live performance by Grammy nominated R&B sensation Carl Thomas will compliment an evening of networking, dancing and gaming. F.I.R.E. Charitable Fund will be honored for their commitment and service within the St. Louis community. In addition, a formal check presentation will take place to support their continued efforts. For advanced tickets call Metrotix at (314) 534-1111. For additional info, (314) 361-3984
Sip in Style at The Third Annual St. Louis Wine Festival.The Saturday, September 29th (Noon-8pm) and Sunday, September 30th (Noon-6pm). Tickets are $25 at the door for adults ($20 in advance), $15 for Designated Driver ($10 in advance). Patrons under 21 are free when accompanied by an adult. Adult tickets include a souvenir wine glass, 10 tasting tickets (a booklet for 10 additional tickets is $5), wine taster’s program guide and access to all demonstrations, seminars and musical entertainment. Tickets can be purchased at the festival entrance, by calling 888-210-0074
Gateway Classic Saturday. Saturday, September 29 Mike Shannon's Outfield - 620 Market St.9 pm - 3 am Ladies $5 til 10:30Witness the criteria of St. Louis’ progressive nightlife as STYLISHLY HOT returns for its fifth installment. The ambiance for the evening is provided by Mike Shannon’s Outfield so celebrate the arrival of fall with a party just for you. Calling all socialites, urbanites, fashionistas and professionals craving an experience less ordinary. Attire: Fly & Fashionable. DJ Reminise Hip-Hop R&BValet Parking & Bottle Service Available
Don Juan Ebony’s St. Louis Billionaire Boyz Club presents The St. Louis B-Boy Festival “Wipe Me Down Weekend”. Sept 27-30. For more information call 314.766.7986 or email at donjuanebony@yahoo.com or go to www.myspcace.com/stlbillionaireboyz
Festival 2007 Presents 2nd Annual Sushi Eating contest at St. Louis Wasabi Sushi Bar on Washington Ave. between Tucker and 13th Street, Sunday. Sept 30. 3 p.m.-8 p.m. Gifts, live entertainment, free food, free drinks and Japanese drum showcase. For more info, contact Jacque Land The Platinum Group 314-231-3500 or jacqueland2@cs.com
STRESS FREE FRIDAYS Friday, September 28, 2007, 5pm, J Buck's--DOWNTOWN (www.info@jbucks.com), 1000 Clark Avenue (at 10th) 314-436-0394
**EARLY ARRIVAL IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED! **The "Connect With" Kick-Off will be held on October 2, 2007 at Lush...stay tuned for more information...
The Official 2007 Gateway Classic Concert and After Party with R&B vet group Zapp hosted by Foxy 95’s Niecy D., 8 .m. (doors), 10:30 p.m. (show), Friday, Sept. 28 at the Starlight Room located at Lights on Broadway Conference Center. 8344-50 N. Broadway Tickets at all metrotix outlets 314.534.1111/800.293.5949For info and VIp call 314.385.4545.
The Sunday Night Shindig w Mocha Latte Sundays at 9 p..m. Lucky’s (Tucker and Washington). Ladies Free/Free Food. This Sunday at the Shindig, We're having a dance contest with free give aways. It's a promo for the movie "Feel the Beat" - We will have movie passes and more. Come out early!!
Funny First and Second Saturdays Comedy with Darius Bradford at the Plaza on Broadway.
Club Denim and Mocha Latte Present the Official Black Men Magzaine Model Search, Friday, Oct. 12 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 6635 Delmar (Delmar Loop) . Registration and Interview is free. Judged by Black Men Editor in Chief Marcus Blassingame. Winner will receive a layout in the Black Men Magazine, all expense trip to L.a. or NYC for a photo shoot with $500 spending money, $500 Gift Certificate to Club Denim Clothing Store. To register for competition, call 314. 725. 7773. After Party at cCub Society hosted by video girl Shannon (from Usher and R Kelly's “Same Girl” videio) . For more info and tickets call 314.725.7773
Got Lyrics will be back Oct. 24 at Van Gogh, 3200 Shenandoah!
Pick up an Evening Whirl and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!
For more info on these events, contact Miss Galvin at sgalvin26@yahoo.com
The Sheldon Arts Foundation has announced artists and dates for the 2007-2008 Cabaret in The Savoy Room series. This series will feature the following premier artists including: Steve Ross, Julie Budd, Andrea Marcovicci and KT Sullivan & Mark Nadler. All will perform in the Savoy Room at The Sheldon. Performance times are Thursday & Friday at 8p.m., Saturday at 5p.m. & 9p.m., and Sunday at 2p.m. St. Louis favorite To charge your subscription by phone please call Cabaret series concierge Mr. Terry Love or his assistant Mr. Luke Thomas at 314/535-1700. For more information, please visit www.TheSheldon.org/cabaret. Cabaret in The Savoy Room is produced by The Sheldon Arts Foundation in association with Fox Associates.
Date: Tuesday, October 16 at 7 p.m.
Venue: The Fabulous Fox Theatre
Prices: All reserved seats $32.50
On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale at the Fox Box Office, select MetroTix outlets Or by calling 314-534-1111.Order tickets online at www.metrotix.comFor more information, Visit: http://www.widespreadpanic.com/
Friday, October 26 at 8 p.m.
Venue: The Fabulous Fox Theatre
Prices: $55, $50, $45 & $40
On-Sale Information:Tickets on sale at the Fox Box Office, select MetroTix outlets Or by calling 314-534-1111.Order tickets online at http://www.metrotix.com/
"Upscale Re-defined" After Hours - St. Louis DATE: September 27, 2007 TIME: 7pm - Until (Happy Hour: 7pm-9pm) LOCATION: Lucas Park Grille - 1234 Washington Ave ADMISSION: $5 minimum donation. RSVP to reserve tables and receive special promotions Email After Hours at: stl.afterhours@gmail.com Come network with some of St. Louis' most influential professionals. Proceeds go to the Jena Six Foundation Meet and celebrate with the latest members of the Missouri Bar Visit www.myspace.com/stl_afterhours for additonal info. Bring your business cards BEFORE 10PM to be advertised on our website for free.
1800 Tequila and Inkosi DS presents “CASINO ROYALE” BENEFIT FOR F.I.R.E. FEATURING MUSICAL GUEST CARL THOMAS– For one night, 1800 Tequila and Inkosi DS will transform The Loft, located at 3112 Olive, into an unmatchable first class gaming site while aiding Firefighters Institute for Racial Equality (F.I.R.E.) Charitable Fund in awareness and contributions. On Thursday, September 27, 2007, at 9:00 p.m., “Casino Royale” will be unveiled. Celebrity guest, drink specials and a live performance by Grammy nominated R&B sensation Carl Thomas will compliment an evening of networking, dancing and gaming. F.I.R.E. Charitable Fund will be honored for their commitment and service within the St. Louis community. In addition, a formal check presentation will take place to support their continued efforts. For advanced tickets call Metrotix at (314) 534-1111. For additional info, (314) 361-3984
Sip in Style at The Third Annual St. Louis Wine Festival.The Saturday, September 29th (Noon-8pm) and Sunday, September 30th (Noon-6pm). Tickets are $25 at the door for adults ($20 in advance), $15 for Designated Driver ($10 in advance). Patrons under 21 are free when accompanied by an adult. Adult tickets include a souvenir wine glass, 10 tasting tickets (a booklet for 10 additional tickets is $5), wine taster’s program guide and access to all demonstrations, seminars and musical entertainment. Tickets can be purchased at the festival entrance, by calling 888-210-0074
Gateway Classic Saturday. Saturday, September 29 Mike Shannon's Outfield - 620 Market St.9 pm - 3 am Ladies $5 til 10:30Witness the criteria of St. Louis’ progressive nightlife as STYLISHLY HOT returns for its fifth installment. The ambiance for the evening is provided by Mike Shannon’s Outfield so celebrate the arrival of fall with a party just for you. Calling all socialites, urbanites, fashionistas and professionals craving an experience less ordinary. Attire: Fly & Fashionable. DJ Reminise Hip-Hop R&BValet Parking & Bottle Service Available
Don Juan Ebony’s St. Louis Billionaire Boyz Club presents The St. Louis B-Boy Festival “Wipe Me Down Weekend”. Sept 27-30. For more information call 314.766.7986 or email at donjuanebony@yahoo.com or go to www.myspcace.com/stlbillionaireboyz
Festival 2007 Presents 2nd Annual Sushi Eating contest at St. Louis Wasabi Sushi Bar on Washington Ave. between Tucker and 13th Street, Sunday. Sept 30. 3 p.m.-8 p.m. Gifts, live entertainment, free food, free drinks and Japanese drum showcase. For more info, contact Jacque Land The Platinum Group 314-231-3500 or jacqueland2@cs.com
Singlesvibe.com and Something Blue present Oktoberfest Wine Trip at St. Genievieve, Oct. 6 , 11 am- 7 p.m. For tickets and more info call 314..480.9545
Aure Foundation and Utopia Salon and Spa Feature Fall Starlight Party –A Fall Fashion Show to benefit the Aure Foundation Mandarin Lounge-Central West End 44 Maryland Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63108, Friday, October 12, 2007 Doors Open at 7:00 PMShow starts at 7:30 PM Enjoy a variety of appetizers, drink specials, and a Fall Fashion Show with designers KayOss Designs, Michael Tomlinson and Bella Veninga. Prices are $25 for general admission, $65 for VIP admission and Sponsors at $150. For more information, please call 314/534-9251 or send an e-mail to AureFoundation@yahoo.com.
Whats Ya Flava presents Halloween Costume Party (All Girl Party), Sat,Oct. 27 at 9 p.m. at filter Bar, 309-13 Belt, $8 before 10 p.m., $10 after 10 p.m. For more info call 314.703.7146 or go to http://www.yoflkavafix.com/ or www.myspace.com/whats_yo-flava
AUDITION-BITZ Grammy Award Winning Artist/Rapper "Nelly" is searching for an All Girl Drumline. Auditions will be held September 30, 2007 @ 11AM in the above listed cities. Please visit Nelly's MySpace for additional information http://www.myspace.com/nellysdrumlineauditions
Event Info Name: Nelly's " All Girl " Drumline Auditions 2007
Tagline: Atlanta , New York, Los Angeles, St. Louis, New Orleans
Host: Cornell "Nelly" Haynes Jr.
Type: Music/Arts - Audition
Time and Place Date: Sunday, September 30, 2007
Time: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Location: http://www.myspace.com/nellysdrumlineauditions
City/Town: Saint Louis, MO
HELP-BITZ. Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services for the youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyone who is in need of some extra educational support, please feel free to contact her or give them her contact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314) 418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon -has a new label deal and we are looking for some interns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphic designers street team female street team club street team models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers, writers)We are looking for the best. So instead of just grabbing the person that says they are the best, we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the best at what they do. The bread-winners will be put on payroll with a permanent job with the company. If you think you will be the next hottest publicist, model, A&R, sponsorship writer,....whatever it is that you do..then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, ad covers, posters, willing to do street team work and be apart of this new label contact me directly at http://us.f366.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=kanecc@tmail.com …………………………..Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK Creative Works LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer to those of you who are in search for party and event space. SAVE BIG on all three room rentals before Jan. 1, 2008. Close to 2,000 square feet of available space for your next event, wedding party, baby shower, art exhibition and more. Here at The Space, you will acquire elegance, convenience and wonderful hospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N. Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) or visit www.myspace.com/jpeksthespace Contact: 314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095, www.myspace.com/jpeksthespace
ATTENTION RECORD LABELS Contact STL PROMOTIONS at mailto:stlpromotionsteam@gmail.comAttention Record Labels!!!!!! Saint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. Saint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff , On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing: E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla Marketing Techniques, Service Street, Radio, College, and Mixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences, Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategy for Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposure every day and every night at every event Our machine operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We will exceed your expectations!!!
Contact us at stlpromotionsteam@gmail.com or 314-750-6806
ONGOING BITZ. Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-luv, Happy Hour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from 6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drink specials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or 314.625.4595 or go to www.myspace.com/URBANCASUALFRIDAYS
MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL presented by H20 ENT & Bodacious ENT@ Spruill's 1101 N. Jefferson, St. Louis. $5 Entry Fee. Dominoes amnd Spades Tourneys, Cash Prizes, Football trivia, Dopopr Raffle 6-8 pm Happy Hour. Free Until Game Starts, Drink Specials Free Food
Mellow Mondays at the Main Ingredient, 3960 Chouteau on Vandeventer. For more info, call 314.229.7952.Absolut $2 Tuesdays on Another Level at the Loft , 3112 Olive. Ladies Free till 11p.m. hosted by Darius Bradford and Craig Blac. For more info, call 314/392-3938
JB Ent and Creative Mortgage present Toastin Tuesday every Thursday at Dolce, 200. N. Broadway 10 p.m. to 3 a.am., Ladies free before 11 p.m., $10, dress code enforced. For more info go to www.myspace.com/STLTOASTINTUESDAYS
J’var, JE and Maxxed Out Entertainment Presents……The all new Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ Laughs on the Landing, 801 N. 2nd Street……..Featuring Poets, R&B, Neo Soul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetry slam enthusiast gather weekly to present a unique blend of spoken word poetry and music from local and not so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @ 9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottest lyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….all for only $5 at the door For more info, call 314. 241.5233 or go to http://www.laughsonthelanding.com/
CERTIFIED WEDNESDAYS feat. DJ’s Charlie Chan and Stan da Man, Wednesday at R Bar 4054 Chouteau, just west of Vandeventer, ladies free before 11 p.m., Fellas 5 dollars. Dress relaxed For more info, go to http://www.sygugroup.com/
or its www.myspace.com/sygu4
Whos' Who Wednesdays at Posh, 408 . N. Euclid Happy Hour 6 p.m.-8p.m. free food and drink specials .
Please join us for "One Mic" at Filterbar. "One Mic" is an open mic poetry reading experience hosted by MK Stallings every Thursday night. One Mic features Live Funk - Jazz Performed by the Soul Thump Chronicles every Thursday Night from 7:00pm - midnight.Cover charge is $5 and the doors open at 5:00pm. Join us at Filterbar located at 309-13 Belt @ Pershing st. louis, mo 63112, you will not be disappointed! For more details or reservations call 314-361-5277or visit us online at http://www.troystl.com/
JE ENT and M.O.E. present tHERs days every Thursday at Laughs on the Landing, 801 N. And Street and Washington, ladies free til midnite…$5 after) Giveways, complimentary messages, drink specials. For more info, call 314.276.8676 or 314.766.0172
Its Your Birthday Fridays at the Dime Slot Hosted by Bishop V-Luv. Get in free every week in the month of your birthday http://www.dimeslotstl.com/http://www.allstarstl.com/
for more info.
Femme Fridays presents Rappers Delight, feat. local artists, Club 747, 1624 Delmar, 10 p.m. for more info email JMPRODUCTIONSLLC@aol.com
Femme Fridays presents Rappers Delight, feat. local artists, Club 747, 1624 Delmar, 10 p.m. for more info email JMPRODUCTIONSLLC@aol.com
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comdeian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. , Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers . Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. Point Problems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St. Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big Top Flea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call 314.621.1744
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at www.myspace.com/vanitaapplebum
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArker Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you to the Saturday to a straight up Old School Party...no imitation...no limitation! The house party will be live at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Hallsferry and West Florissant!For more info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to http://www.divaeventplanning.com/
for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit
,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contactJessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contactJessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/
or go to www.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE and pics,go to
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.html
or go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at http://knocradio.podOmatic.com/
BIG TAH Presents...2 FlyTuesdays, The Main Ingredient, 3860 Chouteau. Play Spades- Dominoes-Shoot Pool- Throw Darts- Listen To Good Music- & Mingle. Come On Out Each & Every Tuesday- Make 2 Fly Tuesday's Your Tuesday Night Spot! 8p- 1a; 2-1 Drink Specials All Night; Ladies Free Unitl 10:30 ; $5 cover. For more info. contact Big Tah at bigtah06@hotmail.com
Well, that be it for this week, if ya got anything for OUTTOWN to pub or you got any scoop, hit us up at maatspear@yahoo.com!