What the H-E-double L happened to the weather? On Tuesday, one moment its mid 70s then the same day its in the 20s ! A 50 degree change in a matter for hours! . the drastic change caught all of us by surprise. It was fa sho a surprise and set a record of the barometer dropping in the fastest amount of time. Meanwhile 1,000s of Ameren UE customers on both side of the Sippu are waiting for their power to be turned on after the heavy heavy winds blew through the area.).

A few of you have emailed me about [yesterday’s] MLK Day event downtown. A moment intended to celebrate a great person’s life was spoiled by some hecklers repeating (loudly) their complaints about the Fire Department. It was quite a contrast to the great reception I received at another event yesterday which did not receive news coverage: an address to members of a national African American church meeting in St. Louis, the Church of God in Christ (COGIC).,.

In other politics going on in the STL, several politicians and family members of politicians who are running for the 2008 Presidential seat have come through or will be coming through the STL area before the Feb. 5 Super Tuesday primaries in the STl and the East Side. First up was the Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton coming through the STL area Monday to speak to students in the MU community. Clinton's target audience was college students at four campuses around Missouri. Her aim, she said, was to "make my mom and her campaign more accessible" to young voters who might not be aware of all Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, has to offer. Clinton delivered no speech. Instead, the 27-year-old launched into lengthy question-and-answer sessions with students who packed the commons area at the University of Missouri-St. Louis' Millennium Center, and later at Kayak's Coffee near Washington University. Earlier, she stopped at the University of Missouri in Columbia and near Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau.

Bill was here, too! At SIUE. Former US President Bill Clinton , as of this wriitng will be at my alma mater Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Sent by the presidential campaign of Clinton's wife, U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, Clinton is supposed to attend a "Solutions for America" event at 7:45 a.m. Wednesday in the Dunham Hall Theater. Cirtics have been saying that Bill is destroying Hillarys chances by overshadowing her campaign and may cause her the Democratic nomincation. Well, we will see after SuperTuesday what will happen. To peep his visit go to http://www.alestlelive.com/ as more information is available. Also on the Dems tour is Ill. Sen. Barak Obama whose camp says will make his first appearance to STL in 08 (he came through the STL in August for the Urban league Conference and the Countown to Change at Union Station in November of last year). As of this writing, no further details were given as to where and when (all was said
On the GOP side, Two of the leading Republican candidates for president — Sen. John McCain of Arizona and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee — announced stops in Missouri this week in their quest for campaign money and votes. Huckabee held a news conference Tuesday at in Jefferson City, and then attended a private fundraiser in St. Louis. McCain is headlining a public rally at 2 p.m. Friday at JetDirect Aircraft Services, 18190 Edison Avenue, at Spirit of St. Louis Airport.

In other school drama, Missouri will have only six scholarship players for this Wednesday night’s game against Nebraska following the suspension of five players who violated team rules by being at a Columbia nightclub early Sunday morning.Senior guard Stefhon Hannah (SEEN IN THE CENTER PIC) was knocked unconscious and suffered a broken jaw after being struck by an unknown object outside Athena Nightclub in Columbia. Coach Mike Anderson suspended him indefinitely Tuesday, along with Jason Horton, Marshall Brown, Darryl Butterfield and Leo Lyons. Hannah is expected to miss the rest of the regular season because of his injury.All of the suspended players are either starters or key reserves.

KMOX Radio/Donnybrook personality Charlie Brennan on his radio show Tuesday had an interesting debate on should St. Louis native rock veteran Chuck Berry receive a statue in his honor in St. Louis despite his checkered life with sex scandals. Brennan felt as though the rock and roll pioneer should have one base don the fact that he was one of the creator of Rock and Roll (He even quoted the late pop musician John Lennon famous quote of “If we changed the name of Rock and Roll, it should be Chuck Berry.” ) Brennan wants to rally up STlers to raise 80 grand to try and get a statute erected in Berry’s honor. He also went on to say that St. Louis has honored other people who had a checkered past including aviator StL native Charles Lindbergh with a street and airplane artifacts at Lambert Airport (who was a bigamist) and Mrs. Grant of Grant’s Farm (who had slaves even through the Civil War).
Brennan also said that other cities , nationally and internationally, have honored Berry with accolades (as well as other STl area natives blues pioneer WC Handy and jazz pioneer Miles Davis ) so why Berry is not acknowledged in his own hometown who still performs to this day who in his 80s. Well the callers POV ranged from Berry shouldn’t get honored because of his checkered past and that people like Lindburgh was honored long before people knew of his scandalous life. Well, if I have to put my two cents in this debate. To me , it just seems as though St. Louis has a hard time acknowledging and awarding African American contributions albeit in music, politics , or the like (Remember former STL Mayor Clarence Harmon refused to give hip-hop superstar Nelly as key to the city?)...........................Freeman Bosley Junior Show news, personality Pat Washington put in a call for the STl community last Sunday on the radio show to help in the clean up efforts for the The Browns family, the family that was devastated by the incident that caused three young children to be in critical condition in the hospital with near fatal injuries after a car hit their house a few weeks back in the Riverview area in St. Louis. Washington is gathering a Clean Up Committee and for those who were interested, can email her at misspat247@yahoo.com

St. Louis bred comedian Cedric The Entertainer was sitting on the coach to the Oprah Winfrey Show Monday along with comedians Martin Lawrence and Monique to discuss their film, Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins.” On the show, Cedric on said he has wanted to work with Martin again ever since they performed onstage live in Def Comedy Jam. "I had a small part in [Big Momma's House], and so we had this relationship. "He's one of the greatest." Cedric plays the role of Clyde, an ultracompetitive cousin to Lawrence’s Jenkins character. The film opens nationwide this weekend..........................What was up with the The Loft on lockdown last Saturday? According to sources, the cops and patio wagons came though the popular nightclub after a fight and some shost ring out inside the club. Come to find out there was some one who got stabbed up in there and that some thundercat caused a fight with the Ruff Riders Bike Motorcycle Club that were up in the club. After the police scoped the place, the clubbers continued partying. But the question now is for how long? OUTTOWN does not know if these incidents were related, but one thing for sure, this doesn’t look good for the Loft that has been open since 2005.
When something like this happen, its just a matter of time that the end is near for this hot spot (eg. Club Formula and the stabbing and death of a security guy outside the club in late 2006).............. Speaking of hot spots closing doors, OUTTOWN got a report that yet another hot spot has closed its doors. Balabans in the Central West End closed shop this week.

STL Rapper Vandalyzm is having an CD listening party for his CD Megatron Majorz that will be held Feb. 14 at the Old Rock House in Soulard. Officially released Dec. 18 Vandazlym was featured in a provocative interview in the RiverfrontTimes earler this year and in the article he spoke about his style on the CD. He said, “"I set out to make an album that was so good people would hate me, to the point where they'd think that I'm a villain. So I thought, 'Why not be the most badass villain that I know: Megatron?' So I went ahead with that. My alias is V-Majorz, so it became Van Megatron Majorz. If you don't like it, fuck you." The album's eighteen tracks according to the RFT critics, “decry the stigma of the post-Nelly era in St. Louis hip-hop, dumbed-down lyrics, and emcees who brag without the street cred to back up their boasts.” Finally someone not afraid to tell the truth about the hip-hop scene. You go, you go! .......................Why does Fox 2 News reporter Roche Madden always ends his news stories saying FOX 2 News with a heavy emphasis on the word “FOX?”…………… Did “This Bitch is Crazy” author Tracy Foster ever have her baby?…………Congrats are in store for former St. Louis American freelance writer Katrina McKissic-Kerr. She and her husband are expecting a child this year, She is over two months pregnant........................Happy B-day goes out to Majic 104.9 perosonality BJ the DJ who will be celebrating his b0day today, Wednesday. He will celebrate at "Studio Blue" located at Natural Bridge and I-170. Free admission. For more info call him up at 314-415-5772 or email him at bjames@pkwy.k12.mo.us Also Happy 28th B-day to MPAC’s Maranda Witherspoon. She will be celebrating at Nectar this Saturday. To RSvp email her by Feb. 1 at marandaw@hotmail.com.

IN THE MIA (MISSING IN ACTION) FILE. Where is model Brandon Demps?
BLIND BITZ. Which veteran STL business woman paid a younger male colleague to get “her groove back “ at an STL hotel suite during a recent special event (hint, the business woman is not in politics, the last letters of her name spell out a particular currency , and this hotel hosted this event )
EVENT-IDBITZ. The Black Rep runs Othello through February 3, 2008. Single tickets range from $33 to$43. Student rush tickets (30minutes prior to curtain) are $10 with valid I.D. TheBlack Rep will continue its “Next Generation” program this season where young people ages 8 -18 will be admitted free with the purchase of an adult ticket on Thursday evenings and at all Saturday matinee performances. Limit one child per adult. To reserve your seat please call (314) 534-3810 or visit http://www.theblackrep.org/.
The Black Rep’s award-winning Professional Touring Company will present three public performances of PORCH LIES, TALES OF SLICKSTERS, TRICKSTERS AND OTHER WILY CHARACTERS by Patricia C. McKissack, adapted by Ron Himes and Linda Kennedy on February 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the County Library Headquarters 1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd. and on Saturday and Sunday February 2 and 3 at 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. at the Magic House, 516 S. Kirkwood Road................

GOT Lyrics hosted by Mocha Latte’ every Wednesday night is back on track. Got Lyrics is held at the new location, Van Goghz MartiniBar and Bistro, 3200 Shenandoah Ave. , from 7pm to12am each week. Admission for the event is free before8pm. After 8:00 the cost is minimal; $3.00 for poets and $5.00 for audience. Members of the press are welcome and encouraged to attend opening night.
My Drink N My Two Step Thursdays at Dante's hosted byMocha LAtte and DJ Metti Metti. Ladies Free Admission and Drinks til Midnite. Birthday parties and VIP available. FREE B-Day parties all in January/Feb, which include cake, balloons, FREE female guests with unlimited drinks before midnite and their male guests are only $5 before 11:30 p.m. B-day person gets a free bottle of champagne. You must reserve space with Mocha Latte
Poeaddict Entertainment presents A Night of Knowledge at Lucas School House, 1220 Allen Ave. Feb. 10 $10 ADM, Doors at 7 p.m. show at 8:30 p.m. Hosted by Mocha Latte, feat. Spoken artist Knowledge also featuring Tahir, Kels, Robert Dillard, Te. V, Smith, Bobby Williams, Sonia Marie, DJ Enoch on the 1s and 2s. for more info contact Kels at 314.568.8813 A portion of the proceeds donated goes o Hope House for Abused Women and Children,
Pick up an Evening Whirl and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!

VALENTINE’S CLASSIC SOUL Starring The Whispers, Stephanie Mills & After 7Friday, February 8, 2008 – 8pmFox Theatre ▪ ON SALE NOW!!$75, $55, $45 & $37.50Tickets ON SALE NOW at the Fox Box Office and allMetroTix locations.Charge by phone at 314/534-1111 or online at http://www.metrotix.com/.
Chocolate Girl Entertainment presents Aquarius Party Fri. Feb. 1, Special guest Chi-Town;s Hottest exotic Dancers with Mr. get it Wet And Mr. Shi-Lee. Tickets $20 in ADV and $25 at door, For more info, location and tickets call 314.612.0423 or 314.599.6958 All Aquarius ladies are welcome Must be 21 years or older............................
Nelly’s Superbowl Watch Party

African American Heritage Celebration 2008 “My History, Your History, Our History”
. St. Louis Community College – Florissant Valley 3400 Pershall Road, St. Louis, MO 63135
*Calendar of Events
February 2008
Feb. 1 – 29 African American Art Show
Physics Lab in Science/Math Bldg. room 252.
Featuring artwork by Cbabi Bayoc, Aundrea Warren, Joel P.E. King, Mathew Schultz, & Jomo Cheatham
Mon. – Fri. 10 am – 2:30 pm & Mon. – Thurs. 5 pm – 9 pm
Feb. 6 Black History Kick-Off Celebration
Featuring African dance & drum teams, music, art, trivia contest and soul food
Student Center MPR 11 am – 1 pm
Feb. 7 African American Artist Reception
Physics Lab in Science/Math Bldg. room 252
Featuring artwork by Cbabi Bayoc, Aundrea Warren, Joel P.E. King, Mathew Schultz, & Jomo Cheatham
Thursday 11:30 am – 12:30 pm & 6 pm – 7 pm
Feb. 13 African American Film Series
Featuring the “Piano Lesson” & “Native Son” followed by a panel discussion and yes POPCORN & Soda
Student Center MPR 11 am – 3 pm
Feb. 21 Chocolate and Jazz Concert
Featuring Mae “Lady Jazz” Wheeler & Dr. Karla Frye
Mrs. Wheeler is known as a living legend and a jazz diva with over 40 years in music
Student Center MPR 7 pm – 8:30 pm
Feb. 27 The Changing Faces of American Politics
Featuring a Panel Discussion about American Politics:”What about Obama, Hillary, & Huckabee?”
Student Center Cafeteria 11am
Feb. 28 Book signing by Dr. Joy Leary
Author of “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” will be here to do a meet and greet
IR building 3rd Floor (Library) 1 p.m. – 2p.m.
*Refreshments provided at each event. Call (314) 513-4291 for Info
All events are FREE and Open to the public
Sponsored by SLCC-FV Campus Life
For more info contact Laurencin Dunbar, Associate Professor of Physics
St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley
3400 Pershall Road St. Louis, MO 63135
(314) 513-4056 office ...............................................
The Network Group invites you to come Celebrate their5th Year Anniversary!AND to help them in supporting the American Heart Associations - GO RED DAY - For Womens' Heart Health Campaign!Springfield, St. Louis, Decatur, Bloomington, Peoria, Rockford, Chicago! - proceeds benefitting the American Heart Association!$10 - with all Red, or Red and Black$15 - without: Hoogland Center for the Arts420 S 6th, Springfield, IL 62704 USView MapWhen: Friday, February 1, 8:30PM Phone: 217-553-8890
Cathy’s Cozy Up restaurant and Lounge 8428 Olive Street, U City. 1st Anniversary Celebration. through -Feb. 2, 2008
Wed. Jan 30--Ms. Dee’s Kitchen Customer Appreciation Dinner with Jack Daniels Promo 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Thurs. Jan 31--St Louis Magazine and Hennessy Promo with Glazer Dist 7 p.m.-
Fri.Feb. 1—Royal and rum Lounge and Living room Lounge reunion
Sat.Feb. 2 An evening with Mr and Mrs Roach /A Champagne Toast. Black and White AttireFor more info 314.995.5340.....................................
Creative Works invites you to participate as a vendor in the official launching of our newest business venture THE SPACE on February 2, 2008 at 320-24 Vandeventer St. Louis, MO 63108. Come join us for a full day of networking, showcasing, and entertainment, as we present the newest addition of JPEK.THE SPACE nearly a 2,000 sq ft venue is now available for small theatrical presentations, parties, meetings, receptions, art exhibitions and more. THE SPACE is a quaint, yet sassy venue, that offers the right appeal but minus the price. “We create THE SPACE for you”. THE SPACE has grown from a capacity of 45 to a capacity of one hundred twenty five guests. (Not including standing room.)For more info call 314.494.5976
Harrah’s and the Riverfront Times present Super Bowl XLII Big Bowl Bash, Sunday,. Feb. 3 at the Voodoo Lounge at Harrahs Casino. Tailgating starts at 4 p.m., Kickoff at 5:18 p.m. Halftime, fashion show. DJ A Flex. To RSVP : bigbowlbash@cheresseink.com........................
Super Bowl Party at Deaver's, 2109 Chabonier Rd. Florrissant. FREE FOOD. CASH BAR. Fo rmro einfo, call 314. 838.0002 or email at maj_826@yahoo.com
HELP-BITZ.Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462........................................Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services forthe youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyonewho is in need of some extra educational support,please feel free to contact her or give them hercontact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314)418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon-has a new label deal and we are looking for someinterns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphicdesigners street team female street team club streetteam models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers,writers)We are looking for the best. So instead ofjust grabbing the person that says they are the best,we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the bestat what they do. The bread-winners will be put onpayroll with a permanent job with the company. If youthink you will be the next hottest publicist, model,A&R, sponsorship writer, whatever it is that you do,then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, adcovers, posters, willing to do street team work and beapart of this new label contact me directly at kanecc@tmail.com…………………………..Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer tothose of you who are in search for party and eventspace. SAVE BIG on all three room rentals before Jan.1, 2008. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, artexhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderfulhospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................ATTENTIONRECORD LABELS Contact STL PROMOTIONS at stlpromotionsteam@gmail.comSaint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. Saint Louis has anew STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff ,On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing:E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla MarketingTechniques, Service Street, Radio, College, andMixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences,Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategyfor Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposureevery day and every night at every event Our machineoperates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We willexceed your expectations!!!Contact us at 314-750-6806.................
ONGOING BITZNEW: The Black Rep just lanched its new blog, Black Reppin. It can be found on its website, http://www.theblackrep.org/, or directly at http://theblackrep.blogspot.com/. As with other blogs, readers are invited to join the conversation..............
Every Monday night the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th St, St. Louis. 314. 588.0505 Music by DJ TrackStar Spinning Hip Hop and Soul. No Cover Charge. Three levels. For more info call 314.588.0505
Martini Mondays at AJ’s, 5 p.m., Free Happy Hour FreeFood Live Band: The party will roll through the nightuntil 3am with Charlie Chan or DJ Cuddy on the 1's and2's.
NOTE: Martini Mondays will no longer be a weekly event. Martini Mondays will be featured on the 1st Monday of each month. The goal of Martin Mondays is to create a sexy atmosphere that allows the professionals and hard workers in our city a chance to network, relax, and listen to live music. With this goal in mine the premier of the ALL NEW MARTINI MONDAYS will be March 1, 2008.......................
GQ’s Ent and TCP presents Red Carpet Wednesdays withNFL and NBA stars at Savor, 4356 Lindell 9 p.m. to 3.am every Wednesday Ladies free w/canned good music byDJ Charlie Chan and hosted by 100.3 The Beat’s Kikithe 1st Lady For more info call 314.385.0455
J’var, JE and Maxxed Out Entertainment Present Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ Laughs on theLanding, 801 N. 2nd Street Featuring Poets, R&B, NeoSoul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetryslam enthusiast gather weekly to present a uniqueblend of spoken word poetry and music from local andnot so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottestlyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….allfor only $5 at the door For more info, call 314.241.5233 or go to http://www.laughsonthelanding.com/
NEW: Power Stiletto Entertainment presents Power networking Wednesdays, beginning Wed. Jan. 30 5 pm-10 pm at the Lush Café and Lounge 3037 Olive St. For more info email powerstiletto@aol.com
Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacelded landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m.
Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drinkspecials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to www.myspace.com/URBANCASUALFRIDAYS
NEW: The Virtual Lounge Expressions, A Christian based open mic every 1st Friday, Cookies jazz and More #20 AllenBlvd. Webster Groves, Mo. Doors open at 8 p.m. Cover $10. For more info go to http://www.thevirtualounge.net/
Tuff On Paper ENT presents Network and ShowcaseSaturdays every first Saturday of each month and LoveYourself Saturdays every third Saturday of each month,9.m.--until at the Spyglass, 255 Union at Lindell $5at the door. first 50 Ladies Free until 11 p.m. First25 ladies get a free drink. 21 and older. Grown andsexy attire. For showcase info hit up www.myspace.com/tuffonpaper.com or call 314.443.5001
STL Events and R. Kirk of Precision presents Sexy Saturdays at AJ’s inside eteh Adam;s Amrk Hotel on 4th and Chestnut, 9 p.m. -3 a.m. with DJ AJ. Ladies free til midnite and Guys $5. NOTE: Sexy Saturdays will be moving frm AJ's New spot TBA.
Check out Leannett Payne’’s CHOCLOLATE BLOG by emailing her at Leannettpayne@yahoo.com!
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
GQ’s ENT presents Seductive Sundays with NFL stars at Savor, 4356 Lindell 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Upscale attire Ladies Free with a canned good. For more info call314.385.0455
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum'shot new entertainment newsletter, email her at
www.myspace.com/vanitaapplebumMajic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you tothe Saturday to a straight up Old School Party...no limitation...no limitation! The house party will belive at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Hallsferryand West Florissant! AND at the new Knockouts! Formore info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to http://www.divaeventplanning.com/
Check out Lisa Rose hot blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at http://www.positivesisters.blogspot.com/ or go to her my space page at www.myspace.com/lisarose08
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literaryactivities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/or call her at (314)401-0710
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop. For more info call314.721.3361 or email at diversitygallery@netzero.net
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/ or go towww.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE andpics,go tohttp://www.stlouis-online.com/,http://www.indalou.com/ or http://www.stlonfire.com/
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmlor go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
Peep out Marquita Parker's entertainment blog http://mvparker.bravejournal.com/
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Well that will be it,.
Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com for pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.
AND remember OUTTOWN is published every WEDNESDAY!