The top biz story for the beginning of January (Jan. 2) has been the closing of parts of I-64/40 (which I predict will be the Top Story of 2008) As of this writing, the yearlong shutdown of a five-mile stretch of Highway 40 got off to a smooth start, with only a handful of problems reported by the end of the morning rush. Some of the minor problems are as follows:A gravel truck had lost its load and stalled in the middle of traffic on northbound Interstate 270 near Gravois Road. Two of the middle lanes of I-270 were shutdown. Traffic was backed up for two miles.Volume had picked up on southbound I-170. Drivers taking the Page Avenue exit were starting to back up slightly.A stalled vehicle on eastbound Interstate 44 at Elm Avenue was a quick fix. Police helped out as that car stalled in the far right lane, reducing the available lanes from five to four. Within minutes, though, police were picking up their highway flares and cones -- and the highway was back to normal.But, by and large, the east-west routes -- including interstates 70 and 44 and Lindbergh, Page and Olive boulevards -- were smooth sailing. Clayton Road did clog up toward the end of rush hours.We will see how things get when schools and offices in the ST. Louis area start their morning driving on Jan. 7 when the real test of roadblock will be. And what wa sup with that lawsuit to shut down the Shut down? TMP!

Early reports are reporting that Kevin Johnson may get a third trial. A St. Louis County judge plans to investigate allegations of juror misconduct that could lead to a third trial for Kevin Johnson, who was convicted in November in the murder of Kirkwood police Sgt. William McEntee. A jury in St. Louis County Circuit Court convicted Johnson, 22, in November of first-degree murder and recommended the death penalty. The judge in the case had set sentencing for this Friday, but delayed it and set a hearing for Jan. 18 to explore the contentions of Johnson’s defense attorneys who want a new trial. They allege in court documents that one of the jurors failed to tell the court before or during the trial that she knew St. Louis County police Detective Don Scognamiglio, who was the lead crime scene investigator in the case. To get a new trial, defense lawyers must show that the juror deliberately withheld information from the court. If the juror knew Scognamiglio, how well she knew him and the possibility that she withheld that information deliberately while she served as a juror are major issues. Johnson has a constitutional right to a trial before a fair and impartial jury, his lawyers say. Wow. This has started to become like a mini series in the making. I can just imagine how Johnnson must feel with all the hills and valleys on his life and his psychological being. I guess we will see what will happen on Jan. 18 on whether he will get another trial.......................................... Congrats go out to the Mizzou Tigers for winning against the Arkansas Razorbacks in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Tx. Jan. 1. Mizzou won 38-25, to cap a magical season. Mizzou (12-2) was ranked No. 1 after beating Kansas in the regular-season finale, then lost badly to Oklahoma in the Big 12 title game.
Other newz stories that happened during the OUTTOWN hiatus:
Michael Devlin, who was already sentenced to multiple life sentences for kidnapping and sexually assaulting Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck, received one final sentence— an additional 170 years on federal charges. U.S. District Judge Jean Hamilton went well beyond the sentencing guideline of 30 years for Devlin, who pleaded guilty in October to six counts for making pornographic photos and videotapes of one of the victims, Shawn Hornbeck, and taking him across state lines on trips to Illinois and Arizona with the intent of sexually assaulting him. Devlin, 42, was sentenced to multiple life sentences in October after admitting to crimes in Franklin, Washington and St. Louis counties connected to the abductions of then-11-year-old Shawn in 2001 and 13-year-old Ben in January 2007. Both boys were found four days after Ben was abducted at Devlin's apartment in the St. Louis County town of Kirkwood. At the federal sentencing hearing , Devlin appeared thinner, with a heavier beard. He showed no emotion, except for an occasional twitch of his shackled hands. What had gotten me was Devlin’s attorneys trying to make Devlin seem human saying that he was a gentlemen in court!..........................................St. Louis County Executive Charlie A. Dooley announced that Robert Baer is the interim chief of Metro. Baer, the former head of United Van Lines, will step in temporarily to guide the transit agency in the wake of the resignation of Larry Salci who agreed to step down last Thursday as president and CEO of Metro after nearly six years on the job and losing a suit involving CCC, a construction consortium who was pulled from the Metro Link Expansion into North County after several delays as well as Metro’s concerns that he will affect the February proposition for a tax hike for Metro transportation (which has as of this writing will be omitted on the ballot) into . Baer ran the Bi-State Development Agency -- Metro's formal name -- in the 1970s and was chairman of the St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Authority, an organization set up to oversee construction of the Edward Jones Dome. It has now been allegations of Baer may have a conflict of interest in running Metro because of his past with Bi-State.

Republican Presidential candidate and former New York mayor Rudy Flu-liani , I mean Giuliani , got checked in Barnes Jewish Hospital after suffering a headache and flu-like symptoms after his fundraiser in Chesterfield. He was checked in for tests and was checked out the following day headed back to New York. By the way the media here was reporting this, you would have thought a vigil was about to get started up at thr hospital! …..What was up with the shooting that occurred during a funeral held at Al Beal Mortuary? A gunman opened fire outside the north St. Louis funeral home, injuring two (the man has now died), police said. The man and woman, who reportedly were who the gunman wanted to shoot, were attending the visitation of William Shockley, 34, when they were shot, police said……...................................Alderman Greg Carter got knocked out by a peddler while Carter was pumping gas on Goodfellow. Apparently, Carter went up to the guy and told him that it was against the law to sell bootleg items. Well, the peddler answered back with a shot top Carters’ grill. The peddler fled the scene. I mean, there are countless bookkeepers in the STL and I’m sure Carter has seen a bootleg of a movie or CD somewhere in his lifetime. Carter shoulda just gave the peddler a break and maybe gave him a few dollaz. That was the wrong place and time to start throwing the law to somebody!.................................The Lumiere Place grand opening took place on Dec. 19 with hundreds of gamblers and tourists came through to seethe casino portion of the venue ( I even saw message therapist Kamren Holbert walking toward the spot!). Although the hotel portion is still not finished, the 500 million project from what I gathered by those who went to the establishment said it is decadently radiant…………....................… The National Society of Black Engineers had an hour-long meeting with Mayor Francis Slay and other city leaders after its decision of possibly cancelling St. Louis as the city to hold its 2011 convention in St. Louis and join the boycott of the Center (which is led by activist Anthony Shaheed) . The organization, which was scheduled to hold the convention at the America’s Center, because it's disappointed with the way Mayor Francis Slay has handled several recent issues, including the demotion of former Fire Chief Sherman George and racial tension in the city. NSBE would consider waiting another six months before making a decision on a boycott
OUTTOWN saw St Louis native comedian/actor J.T. Jackson over the holidays (He is the brotha that does those funny Rum and Cola commercials and was in the Brian Hooks’ made-to-dvd-flick, “Malibooty.”as seen with YOURS TRULY HERE IN A PIC at a recent party) . He was seen at Precision and Jerrod Jones’ Panache 2 at KYO Dec. 28, Free Time and Singlevibe’s the Count down at bar Italia Dec. 30 and at Loose cannon/Monopoly’s Fortune NYE bash at 555 Building. He has gotten a bit buffed these days. OUTTOWN also saw former fashion consultant Wynette B at a recent house party over the X-mas holiday and come to find out she has relocated to Ohio……St. Louis Architect Anthony Robinson tried to hold his annual X-mas house party at his 4246 spot in the Central West End, butthat heavy snow storm had hit and only 40 braved the elements to attend, but he made up fo ruit I hear for his New Year’s Eve bash at his abode when the downstairs, upstairs, the banister and everywhere was filled with people on top of people (I even heard that DJ Enoch had to take off his shirt cause it was so hot u in there and had to take out the trash five times!)…….

Congrats to rapper Rucka Puff (SEEN ON LEFT) who had a movie premiere for his mockumentary at Dante;s Dec. 31 and poet Wordsmith (SEEN ON RIGHT OF RUCKA) who will be getting hitched in September. …I hear that a couple of new hotspots will be premiering February. One is Nubia on Delmar and Hamilton and a three-story club on Skinker and MLK (or Page) owned by Samson of Runway Fashions…..……Speaking of hot spots, what was up with the cops closing down Soul Stylez' Zodiac Coennction party Dec. 29 at Kitchen K ? I heard the neighbors in that area downtown STL on Washington Ave calld the cops cuz too many Neggras were on the street tryin to get up in therre. Hmmm...........Oh, has St. Louis teen Mia Owens ever been found?…

And lastly, OUTTOWN remembers St. Louis native William Washington,one of the 1st African American marines that was part of the historical Montford Point Marines in WW II who died last month. He was 82.
MIA(MISISNG IN ACTION) FILE—Where is socialite Evangelina?
BLIND ITEMZ—Which popular establishment over the X-Mas holiday recently hosted a private affair with the talents of a nationally known black stripper? (Hint. The establishment is an after 1 am spot and the stripper’s “sweet” name ends with an “e”.) Which Rams player was recently caught shopping for toiletries at a North county Walgreens? (Hint. His last name is the same last name of a popular singer.)
EVENT-IDBITZ. The Black Rep will open its 31st mainstage season on January 2, 2008 at the Grandel Theatre, 3610 GrandelSquare with a one of Shakespeare’s four great tragedies, Othello. Othello runs from January 2 –February 3, 2008. Subscriptions for all five shows range from $140 to $218.75 and are on sale now. ThreePlay subscriptions are $105 and are good for any show best available seat. Single tickets range from $33 to$43. Both Three Play Subscriptions and single tickets go on sale on December 3. Student rush tickets (30minutes prior to curtain) are $10 with valid I.D. TheBlack Rep will continue its “Next Generation” program this season where young people ages 8 -18 will be admitted free with the purchase of an adult ticket on Thursday evenings and at all Saturday matinee performances. Limit one child per adult. To reserve your seat please call (314) 534-3810 or visit http://www.theblackrep.org/.
STESS FREE FRIDAYS, > Friday, Friday, January 4, 5pm, SubZero Vodka Bar (http://www.subzerovodkabar.com/)> 308 N. Euclid Avenue 314-367-1200, Central West EndCheck out http://www.stressfreefridays.com/ for more info on this and upcoming Stress Free Fridays events..................
Funny Saturdays Comedy with Darius Bradford at the Plaza on Broadway.
Got Lyrics hosted by Mocha Latte’ every Wednesday night is back on track. Got Lyrics will bereintroduced at the new location, Van Goghz MartiniBar and Bistro, 3200 Shenandoah Ave. , from 7pm to12am each week. Admission for the event is free before8pm. After 8:00 the cost is minimal; $3.00 for poetsand $5.00 for audienceMembers of the press are welcomeand encouraged to attend opening night. Please contactSharee Galvin at 314-646-9917 to be placed on the VIPlist.
My Drink N My Two Step Thursdays at Dante's hosted byMocha LAtte and DJ Metti Metti. Ladies Free Admissionand Drinks til Midnite. Birthday parties and VIPavailable
Pick up an Evening Whirl and check out Mocha Latte’scolumn COFFEE TALK!
BLIND ITEMZ—Which popular establishment over the X-Mas holiday recently hosted a private affair with the talents of a nationally known black stripper? (Hint. The establishment is an after 1 am spot and the stripper’s “sweet” name ends with an “e”.) Which Rams player was recently caught shopping for toiletries at a North county Walgreens? (Hint. His last name is the same last name of a popular singer.)
EVENT-IDBITZ. The Black Rep will open its 31st mainstage season on January 2, 2008 at the Grandel Theatre, 3610 GrandelSquare with a one of Shakespeare’s four great tragedies, Othello. Othello runs from January 2 –February 3, 2008. Subscriptions for all five shows range from $140 to $218.75 and are on sale now. ThreePlay subscriptions are $105 and are good for any show best available seat. Single tickets range from $33 to$43. Both Three Play Subscriptions and single tickets go on sale on December 3. Student rush tickets (30minutes prior to curtain) are $10 with valid I.D. TheBlack Rep will continue its “Next Generation” program this season where young people ages 8 -18 will be admitted free with the purchase of an adult ticket on Thursday evenings and at all Saturday matinee performances. Limit one child per adult. To reserve your seat please call (314) 534-3810 or visit http://www.theblackrep.org/.
STESS FREE FRIDAYS, > Friday, Friday, January 4, 5pm, SubZero Vodka Bar (http://www.subzerovodkabar.com/)> 308 N. Euclid Avenue 314-367-1200, Central West EndCheck out http://www.stressfreefridays.com/ for more info on this and upcoming Stress Free Fridays events..................
Funny Saturdays Comedy with Darius Bradford at the Plaza on Broadway.
Got Lyrics hosted by Mocha Latte’ every Wednesday night is back on track. Got Lyrics will bereintroduced at the new location, Van Goghz MartiniBar and Bistro, 3200 Shenandoah Ave. , from 7pm to12am each week. Admission for the event is free before8pm. After 8:00 the cost is minimal; $3.00 for poetsand $5.00 for audienceMembers of the press are welcomeand encouraged to attend opening night. Please contactSharee Galvin at 314-646-9917 to be placed on the VIPlist.
My Drink N My Two Step Thursdays at Dante's hosted byMocha LAtte and DJ Metti Metti. Ladies Free Admissionand Drinks til Midnite. Birthday parties and VIPavailable
Pick up an Evening Whirl and check out Mocha Latte’scolumn COFFEE TALK!
For more info on these events, contact Miss Latte at 314.646.9917 or sgalvin26@yahoo.com
The Sheldon Arts Foundation has announced artists and dates for the 2007-2008 Cabaret in The Savoy Room series. This series will feature the following premier artists including: Steve Ross, Julie Budd, Andrea Marcovicci and KT Sullivan & Mark Nadler. All will perform in the Savoy Room at The Sheldon. Performance times are Thursday & Friday at 8p.m., Saturday at5p.m. & 9p.m., and Sunday at 2p.m. St. Louis favorite. To charge your subscription by phone please call Cabaret series concierge Mr. Terry Love or his assistant Mr. Luke Thomas at 314/535-1700. For more information, please visit www.TheSheldon.org/cabaret.
Cabaret in The Savoy Room is produced by The Sheldon Arts Foundation in association with Fox Associates.
VALENTINE’S CLASSIC SOUL Starring The Whispers, Stephanie Mills & After 7Friday, February 8, 2008 – 8pmFox Theatre ▪ ON SALE NOW!!$75, $55, $45 & $37.50Tickets ON SALE NOW at the Fox Box Office and allMetroTix locations.Charge by phone at 314/534-1111 or online at http://www.metrotix.com/.
The Sheldon Arts Foundation has announced artists and dates for the 2007-2008 Cabaret in The Savoy Room series. This series will feature the following premier artists including: Steve Ross, Julie Budd, Andrea Marcovicci and KT Sullivan & Mark Nadler. All will perform in the Savoy Room at The Sheldon. Performance times are Thursday & Friday at 8p.m., Saturday at5p.m. & 9p.m., and Sunday at 2p.m. St. Louis favorite. To charge your subscription by phone please call Cabaret series concierge Mr. Terry Love or his assistant Mr. Luke Thomas at 314/535-1700. For more information, please visit www.TheSheldon.org/cabaret.
Cabaret in The Savoy Room is produced by The Sheldon Arts Foundation in association with Fox Associates.
VALENTINE’S CLASSIC SOUL Starring The Whispers, Stephanie Mills & After 7Friday, February 8, 2008 – 8pmFox Theatre ▪ ON SALE NOW!!$75, $55, $45 & $37.50Tickets ON SALE NOW at the Fox Box Office and allMetroTix locations.Charge by phone at 314/534-1111 or online at http://www.metrotix.com/.
The Toast of Soulard Wine Taste is January 18th 2008.
Taking place at the Mad Art Gallery and The Lemp Grand Hall, several Missouri’s Wineries and National Brands will be on hand to sample to you some of the best wines around. Four of Soulard’s great restaurants will be sampling their culinary delights while you take part in a great wine experience. TKO Dj will be providing entertainment at the Lemp Grand Hall so we can dance the Night Away.
If you have been to this event, you know it’s a great time.
$25 in advance
$30 at the door
More information is available at http://www.stlmardigras.org/.
Café Soul,8 p.m., Fri. Jan. 19 Lucas House, 1220 Allen Ave (between Allen and Gravois. For tickets and more info call 314.621.6565Jerrod Jones & R. Kirk of Precision LLC
JPEK Creative Works invites you to participate as a vendor in the official launching of our newest business venture THE SPACE on February 2, 2008 at 320-24 Vandeventer St. Louis, MO 63108. Come join us for a full day of networking, showcasing, and entertainment, as we present the newest addition of JPEK.
THE SPACE nearly a 2,000 sq ft venue is now available for small theatrical presentations, parties, meetings, receptions, art exhibitions and more. THE SPACE is a quaint, yet sassy venue, that offers the right appeal but minus the price. “We create THE SPACE for you”. THE SPACE has grown from a capacity of 45 to a capacity of one hundred twenty five guests. (Not including standing room.)
HELP-BITZ.Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462........................................Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services forthe youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyonewho is in need of some extra educational support,please feel free to contact her or give them hercontact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314)418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon-has a new label deal and we are looking for someinterns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphicdesigners street team female street team club streetteam models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers,writers)We are looking for the best. So instead ofjust grabbing the person that says they are the best,we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the bestat what they do. The bread-winners will be put onpayroll with a permanent job with the company. If youthink you will be the next hottest publicist, model,A&R, sponsorship writer, whatever it is that you do,then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, adcovers, posters, willing to do street team work and beapart of this new label contact me directly at kanecc@tmail.com…………………………..Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer tothose of you who are in search for party and eventspace. SAVE BIG on all three room rentals before Jan.1, 2008. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, artexhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderfulhospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................ATTENTIONRECORD LABELS Contact STL PROMOTIONS at stlpromotionsteam@gmail.comSaint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. Saint Louis has anew STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff ,On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing:E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla MarketingTechniques, Service Street, Radio, College, andMixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences,Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategyfor Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposureevery day and every night at every event Our machineoperates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We willexceed your expectations!!!Contact us at 314-750-6806.................
Every Monday night the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th St, St. Louis. 314. 588.0505 Music by DJ TrackStar Spinning Hip Hop and Soul. No Cover Charge. Three levels. For more info call 314.588.0505
Martini Mondays at AJ’s, 5 p.m., Free Happy Hour FreeFood Live Band: The party will roll through the nightuntil 3am with Charlie Chan or DJ Cuddy on the 1's and2's............
Boadacious ENT presents MONDAY NIGHTS @ SPRUILL'SROCKDA MIC CONTEST. CALLING ALL RAPPERS ANDRECORDCOMPANIES 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. A free stylebattle contest, $100 cash prize Starts at midnite EntryFREE, 1101 N Jefferson. For more info call 600-4264or374-3731
JB ENT and Creative Mortgage present Toastin Tuesdayevery Thursday at Dolce, 200. N. Broadway 10 p.m. to 3a.am., Ladies free before 11 p.m., $10, dress codeenforced. For more info go to www.myspace.com/STLTOASTINTUESDAYS
Top 10 Tuesdays, Hosted by County Brown and TC, doorsopen at 9 p.m., Showtime at midnite, Club Viva, 408 NEuclid. For more info call 618.960.0247 or www.myspace.com/toptentuesdays
GQ’s Ent and TCP presents Red Carpet Wednesdays withNFL and NBA stars at Savor, 4356 Lindell 9 p.m. to 3.am every Wednesday Ladies free w/canned good music byDJ Charlie Chan and hosted by 100.3 The Beat’s Kikithe 1st Lady For more info call 314.385.0455
J’var, JE and Maxxed Out Entertainment Present Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ Laughs on theLanding, 801 N. 2nd Street Featuring Poets, R&B, NeoSoul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetryslam enthusiast gather weekly to present a uniqueblend of spoken word poetry and music from local andnot so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottestlyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….allfor only $5 at the door For more info, call 314.241.5233 or go to http://www.laughsonthelanding.com/
"One Mic" hosted by MK Stallings every Thursday night.One Mic features Live Funk - Jazz Performed by theSoul Thump Chronicles every Thursday Night from 7:00pm- midnight.Cover charge is $5 and the doors open at5:00pm. Join us at Filterbar located at 309-13 Belt @Pershing, you will not be disappointed! For moredetails or reservations call 314-361-5277or visit usonline at http://www.troystl.com/
Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacelded landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m.Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drinkspecials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladiesfree til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to www.myspace.com/URBANCASUALFRIDAYS
Tuff On Paper ENT presents Network and ShowcaseSaturdays every first Saturday of each month and LoveYourself Saturdays every third Saturday of each month,9.m.--until at the Spyglass, 255 Union at Lindell $5at the door. first 50 Ladies Free until 11 p.m. First25 ladies get a free drink. 21 and older. Grown andsexy attire. For showcase info hit up www.myspace.com/tuffonpaper.com or call 314.443.5001
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
GQ’s ENT presents Seductive Sundays with NFL stars at Savor, 4356 Lindell 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Upscale attire Ladies Free with a canned good. For more info call314.385.0455
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum'shot new entertainment newsletter, email her atwww.myspace.com/vanitaapplebum
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you tothe Saturday to a straight up Old School Party...no limitation...no limitation! The house party will belive at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Hallsferryand West Florissant! AND at the new Knockouts! Formore info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go tohttp://www.divaeventplanning.com/
Check out Lisa Rose hot blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at http://www.positivesisters.blogspot.com/ or go to hermy space page at www.myspace.com/lisarose08
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/for localliterary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literaryactivities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products athttp://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit,orcall her at (314)401-0710
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop. For more info call314.721.3361 or email at diversitygallery@netzero.net
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contact Jessica Dana athttp://www.jessicadana.com/or go towww.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE andpics,go tohttp://www.stlouis-online.com/,http://www.indalou.com/ or http://www.stlonfire.com/
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out athttp://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmlor go to hismyspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go tohttp://www.stlhiphop.com/!
Peep out Marquita Parker's entertainment blog,http://mvparker.bravejournal.com/
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Well that will be it,. Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com for pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.
AND remeber OUTTWON is published every Wednesday!
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