Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton faced a protracted battle while John McCain took charge of the Republican race after the "Super Tuesday" presidential nominating contests in 24 U.S. states.
In the biggest day of voting to choose party candidates who will contest the election to succeed President George W. Bush in November, Obama won 13 states and Clinton took eight.
Clinton's wins included the key prizes of California and New York, making for a virtual draw in the hard-fought Democratic duel.
McCain won nine contests, including victories in California and the Northeast, to take a commanding lead in the Republican race.
The Clinton and Obama camps said they expected Tuesday's delegate count to wind up relatively even. Overall, by early Wednesday, Clinton had 845 delegates and Obama 765, the Washington Post said, well short of the 2,025 either needs to win the nomination. In the Republican race, the Post said McCain had 613 delegates to Romney's 269 and Huckabee's 190, with 1,191 needed to win.
Obama scored victories in Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Utah and his home state of Illinois.
Clinton won Arizona, Arkansas, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee and her home state of New York. She went into Super Tuesday battling a wave of momentum for Obama, who had surged in national polls on his message of change. New Mexico was still too close to call, media said.
McCain won in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Oklahoma.
In Missouri, for both Obama and MCcain, the suburban vote -- especially St. Louis County, still the state's biggest voting county -- carried them to victory

Prior to Super Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama drew tens of thousands to the Edward Jones Dome last Saturday . "This is our moment. This is our time. And if you stand with me and vote for me … if you are not willing to settle … you and I together, we will remake this country and we will change the world!'' Obama declared at the end of a 40-minute address that frequently ignited cheers from a crowd that Dome officials estimated at more than 20,000.Obama, D-Ill., repeatedly cast this year's contest for president as a choice between his embrace of the dramatic change sought by most Americans and "the same old cast of characters, doing the same old thing over and over again and expecting the same result."Obama detailed his proposals to make education more affordable, expand health care, attack global warning, curb the power of special interest lobbyists and end the war in Iraq.
Each time he introduced the topic with the phrase, "if you believe in change ..." By the end of speech, the crowd was shouting in unison "Yes we can." Obama contended that changing government also requires Americans to demand change and make it happen. As president, he said, his administration will operate with the philosophy "we will invest in you and you will invest in America."
Obama also exhorted the crowd to ignore claims, circulating primarily on the Internet, that contend he is a Muslim and refuses to pledge allegiance to the American flag. Obama said he never has been a Muslim and "has been praising Jesus on Sunday for 20 years." He added with a chuckle that C-SPAN broadcasts will verify that he has often led the Senate in the pledge.
Obama never mentioned his remaining Democratic rival for the nomination, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., who held a rally at noon last Sunday at the International Association of Machinists union hall in Bridgeton.
But Obama did make a point of singling out for praise former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., who dropped out last week. Edwards has yet to endorse Obama or Clinton, although some of his leading Missouri supporters now back Obama.
Obama was joined on stage by U.S. Reps. William Lacy Clay, Russ Carnahan, U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill and former Sen. Jean Carnahan.
The line waiting to get into the rally stretched for more than four blocks at times.People came from all parts of the region. They were young and old, black and white, some in Mardi Gras beads and jeans, others in suits and ties.
It was like the Million Man March up in therre. The excitement. The thrill and the energy in that room. People want change. And if that nite was any indication, America will get it. It was definitely a moving moment ( I even saw an old neighborhood gal pal back when I living in East Boogie in the 70s and mid 80s) and a college buddy in the crowd, so you knwo therre's some change about to happen. LOL).......................Whats up with the change of weather this week? First it was 70 degrees last Wednesday, then 10 inches of snow on last Friday. Then, pea soup fog on Sunday and Monday and then the torrential rains Tuesday! Is Mother Nature tryin to tell the STL somethin?

The man that was caught who raped and killed former St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter Nancy Miller made his first appearance in court this week. The man, Brian Walters, lived acros steh street from Miller in her home in Chesterfield and broke into her home last Friday. An arrest ensued hours after the muder.
Looking sullen and sporting a badly-bruised left eye, Walters stood before a judge and read all the charges against him--First Degree Murder, Armed Criminal Action, Forcible Rape, and Burglary. He had a proxy with him who entered "not guilty" pleas to all charges on Walters' behalf because the suspect does not yet have an attorney. Walters was given a February 19th court date. He's scheduled to meet with a public defender Monday afternoon. Walters is being held without bond. Walters was reportedly staying with his parents following his release from prison on burglary charges less than two weeks ago....................
Did you do Mardi Gras? Neither did the rest of STL . The rains cancelled the parade. Yet, the primary elections went on!

The 2008 Superbowl withj teh Patriots and teh Giants they say was the biggest rated show in hostory, and teh game itself drew history itself with the Patriots losing their first game this season atteh Superbowl. Well, to add insult to the injury, the PAtriots ball team is being investigated for teh allegations that its crew videotaped St. Louis Rams practice before the Superbowl in 2002 at Superdome in New Orleans and upsetting the Rams in the Super Bowl after the 2001 season. From reports, a member of the National Football League team's video department remained behind after the Patriots worked out and filmed the Rams' final walkthrough of their plays in the Louisiana Superdome the day before New England beat St. Louis 20-17 on a last-second field goal. Also, reports say the staffer wasn't asked to produce identification while at the Rams' practice and it's not known what was done with the tape or if the team or someone else instructed the person to film the walkthrough. The Patriots called the allegations ``absolutely false'' in a statement. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he was not aware of the Patriots videotaping the Rams at the Super Bowl, the Herald said. U.S. Senator Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican, said he plans to summon Goodell before Congress to explain why the league destroyed tapes showing the Patriots stealing defensive signals from other teams. In September, the NFL fined the Patriots a combined $750,000 and took away a first-round draft choice for breaking league videotaping policy by filming the New York Jets' signals from the sidelines in their season-opening game. This is about to get ugly and I must say that in this world of cheating in sports, the Patriots' unprecdeneted seasons prior to 2008 will be scrutinized for eternity.

As of this writing the fate of former Vashon coach Floyd Irons will be decided. Just this week, Irons' five high school basketball championships won by Vashon High School in St. Louis are being scrutinized by the Missouri State High School Activities Association. The association is delving into the eligibility of at least 15 Vashon players from 1998 to last year. Questions have been raised about whether players lived within the school's boundaries or were improperly recruited.
The team won five championships during those years, under coach Floyd Irons. A lawyer for Irons, Rick Sindel, says school administrators and not Irons were responsible for checking student addresses. Irons retired last year. Also, sentencing of Floyd Irons, the former coach of the Vashon High School boys' basketball team, was delayed for a fourth time earlier this month on his part with a real estate scheme with several others. Irons, a Vashon graduate and for a time the school's principal, was to be sentenced in federal court January 18 for his role in a mortgage fraud scheme. Scheduling problems led to previous delays. But this time U.S. District Judge Richard Webber shelved the hearing in response to a sealed request from the U.S. Attorney's Office, a potential sign that more charges may be forthcoming.

East St. Louis may have lost the trauma center at Kenneth Hall Regional Hospital, but the city still pressed on with its rally this past week on the same day that the trauma center closed. Led by East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks, about 35 braved the frigid temperatures last Thursday and the steadily falling snow. Parks believed that Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation has not been given permission to close Kenneth Hall Regional Hospital or its Level 2 trauma center. "The Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board are the only people who can do it," Parks said at a recent news conference Tuesday morning at City Hall. Parks said he has sent a letter to Attorney General Lisa Madigan asking her to help the 30,000 residents of East St. Louis to keep Kenneth Hall open. Then the Belleville News Democrat reported that Parks that his "doublespeak and over-the-top emoting makes it hard to trust what he is telling us regarding plans to merge Hall and Touchette hospitals and eventually build a new hospital near Interstate 255 and Mousette Lane. That's especially true regarding the mystery buyer he says is waiting to purchase Hall."Hmmm, whats really going on? Could this be the "pariahed" item that will hang over Parks' term in office? We will see................................. Nelly had his VIP SuperBowl Party last Sunday at his new restaurant the Skybox (formerly teh Hollywood in Lacelde's Landing) that he owns with Clevavland Cav's and St. Louis native Larry Hughes, former Rams player Marshall Faulk and Portland Trailblazers and East St. Louis native Darius Miles. From a source, it was STL stars all through including Nelly, the St. Lunatics, Hughes, rapper Gotti. anbd teh Derrty ENt crew. I also heard that I-N-D-E-P-E-D-E-N-T rapper Lil Webbie was also gettin his party on. (I was at a Superbowl watch party at Deaver's in Florissant by the way.) Speaking of parties, I am willing to bet that Nelly will have his listening party at Skybox for his long awaited CD, Brass Knuckles, his fifth studio album that acoording to reports is set to be release in late June after several delays. ....................
Speaking of STl rappers and CD's, congrats to STL Rapper D-Ludy. H einked a mjro record deal last July with Atlantic/Asylum. For those not in the know, he was the rapper who had a local hit called, "Sik wit it"last summer (not to be confused with STL rapper Hakeem tha Dream's "Thick Wit it." ) He just released a new single “Million Dollar Man” and will be touring with Nelly after Nelly;s next CD drops later this year. Ludy is rolling with Nelly on his yet to be announced tour.
To see Ludy in action talking about--Ludy go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRmnF9nU3rI&feature=related ........................Congrats to actor/director and East Boogie native Joel P.E. King who had the grand re-opening of his spot The Space on teh corner of North Vandeventer and Lindell last Saturday. He expanded the space THE SPACE has grown from a capacity of 45 to a capacity of one hundred twenty five guests for meetings, evenst and thetarical plays.


Sad news for all Freeman Bosley Junior Show fans, perosnlaity Nicci Raoch is no longer on the show. She resigned from the show last week to pursue other interests . She did the popular Nic at Nine segment on the Sunday morning show on 100.3 The Beat where she featured the enteratinment goings on in the STL. Late last year, she went on hiatus on but was asked back to the show a few weeks later (when it was renamed Nic Til Nine) . But it seems now it is for good. You will be greatly missed, baby girl. ............So whats your married name Ms Courtney Wade?
Popular spoken word artist Fo Feet sent a poem via email in commemoration of the Barack Obama frenzy that is channeling through the STL as well as America. The following is that poem:
One Vote’
By FoFeet Debra ‘FoFeet’ Warren
© 01/27/2008 www.fofeet.com
(Obama ‘08) fofeet@hotmail.com
I am one woman of words - with one vote
One vote motivated by words
Words flowing from concerned voices
Voices asking probing questions
Questions needing concrete answers
Answers related to tough issues
Issues surrounding honor
Honor facing hope
Hope intertwined with pride
Pride marching with truth
Truth attached to resilience
Resilience holding on to faith
Faith siding with trust
Trust pushing willingness
Willingness glued to dreams
Dreams of making changes
Changes by finding oneness
Oneness for improvement
Improvement in personal commitments
Commitments for better education
Education improving employment
Employment increasing the economy
Economy that sustains housing
Housing to secure healthcare
Healthcare covered by insurance
Insurance supported by business practices
Business practices favoring fewer taxes
Taxes supplying assistance for human rights
Human rights eliminating mental pollutions
Pollutions decreasing erosion
Erosion saving wildlife
Wildlife examples of World Activity Resolutions (WAR)
World Activity Resolutions that bring social changes
Social changes and unity starting now
Now for my grandchildren’s tomorrows improvement
Improvement vastly from my grandmother’s yesterdays
Yesterday’s ideas maturing into a personal challenge
Challenges of tenacity, benevolence & veracity
Veracity evident in one vote
One vote to change Senator Barack Obama
To President Barack Obama of the United States of America
America, I am one woman of words - with one vote.

OUTTOWN receievd an email about someone's child missing the following is that email:
My 15 year old boy, Evan Trembley, is missing.
He has been missing since 20 September 2007.
Maybe if everyone passes this on, someone will see this child.
That is how the girl from Stevens Point was found by circulation
of her picture on tv. The internet circulates even overseas,
South America , and Canada etc.
Please pass this to everyone in your address book.
With GOD on his side he will be found.
'I am asking you all, begging you to please
forward this email on to anyone and everyone
you know, PLEASE.
It is still not too late. Please help us. If anyone
knows anything, please contact me at:

And lastly, OUTTOWN wants to give its sympathy to the familes of Nancy Miller and Missouri Army National Guard Spc. Matthew F. Straughter, 27, of Belleville, who was killed when a vehicle he was riding in was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade on Jan. 31 in Iraq, the Defense Department announced Monday.

IN THE MIA (MISISNG IN ACTION) FILE -Where is Harris Stowe University class prez and socialite Renaud Chavoz Lucas? MIA FOUND actress Shawn Guy Pitts at the Maranada Witherpsoons b-day party last Friday. She is 7 months pregant and is all a glowing. She was there with her husnand Chris Pitts
BLIND ITEM. Which popular mover and shaker was getting their clothes grind on with a local female TV personality at a recent event? (Hint. The mover and shaker is part of a group and the TV personality is a “seasoned” reporter)
STRESS FREE FRIDAYS--Friday, February 8, 2008, 5pm Sol Lounge (www.myspace.com/solounge) 4239 Lindell St. Louis, Missouri 63108
314-601-4317 EARLY ARRIVAL IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED! RESCHEDULED FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2008.. The Organizers of Stress Free Fridays would like to
thank those that joined them two weeks ago at IL Bellago.Kick-off your well deserved weekend with us as Stress Free Fridays visits the newest Central West End venue, Sol Lounge.
Who will be Miss Eye candy Model of 2007? And Miss Jan 2008. You be the judge and log onto http://www.stleyecandy.com/ and vote, The grand finale show starts at 10 p.m (doors at 8 p.m.). Friday, Feb. 8 (new Postponed date from last Thursday) at the Loft For the Miss January Competition, ladies registration begins 8 p.m. and ends at 11 p.m. for more info contact 314.226.57777........................

GOT Lyrics hosted by Mocha Latte’ every Wednesday night is back on track. Got Lyrics is held at the new location, Van Goghz MartiniBar and Bistro, 3200 Shenandoah Ave. , from 7pm to12am each week. Admission for the event is free before8pm. After 8:00 the cost is minimal; $3.00 for poets and $5.00 for audience. Members of the press are welcome and encouraged to attend opening night.
Loose Cannon presents New England Patriots superstar Lawrence Maroney B-Day Bash and Superbowl welcomes the home celebration with Dem Franchize Boyz at Club Society Sat. Feb. 9. ladies Free
My Drink N My Two Step Thursdays at Dante's hosted byMocha LAtte and DJ Metti Metti. Ladies Free Admission and Drinks til Midnite. Birthday parties and VIP available. FREE B-Day parties all in January/Feb, which include cake, balloons, FREE female guests with unlimited drinks before midnite and their male guests are only $5 before 11:30 p.m. B-day person gets a free bottle of champagne. You must reserve space with Mocha Latte
Poeaddict Entertainment presents A Night of Knowledge at Lucas School House, 1220 Allen Ave. Feb. 10 $10 ADM, Doors at 7 p.m. show at 8:30 p.m. Hosted by Mocha Latte, feat. Spoken artist Knowledge also featuring Tahir, Kels, Robert Dillard, Te. V, Smith, Bobby Williams, Sonia Marie, DJ Enoch on the 1s and 2s. for more info contact Kels at 314.568.8813 A portion of the proceeds donated goes o Hope House for Abused Women and Children.
Pick up an Evening Whirl and check out Mocha Latte’s column COFFEE TALK!
For more info on these events, contact Miss Latte at 314.646.9917 or sgalvin26@yahoo.com
For more info on these events, contact Miss Latte at 314.646.9917 or sgalvin26@yahoo.com

VALENTINE’S CLASSIC SOUL Starring The Whispers, Stephanie Mills & After 7Friday, February 8, 2008 – 8pmFox Theatre ▪ ON SALE NOW!!$75, $55, $45 & $37.50Tickets ON SALE NOW at the Fox Box Office and allMetroTix locations.Charge by phone at 314/534-1111 or online at http://www.metrotix.com/.
TIME AFTER TIME Celebrating the American SongbookMarch 27-30Thursday-Friday, 8pm; Saturday, 5pm & 9pm; Sunday, 2pmTickets are $50 & $40 and go on-sale March 8 at 10 a.m.Tickets are available through MetroTix at any outlet or by phone at 314-534-1111 or online at metrotix.com. The Savoy Room at The Sheldon3648 Washington Blvd.St. Louis, MO 63108Award winning Cabaret and concert artists, KT Sullivan and Mark Nadler have created a dozen different shows heralding the greatest composers and lyricists of the American Songbook – George and Ira Gershwin, Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, Stephen Sondheim and Richard Rodgers – to name just a few. “Time After Time” is an exuberant and stylish celebration of the American Songbook.
Back by popular demand for FOUR fabulous shows! RAIN: The Beatles Experience - A Tribute to the Beatles, is the most renowned Beatles tribute in the world. There are other tribute acts who respectfully attempt to replicate a subset of the Beatles music, but only RAIN can perform the full range of the Beatles discography live onstage. No other rendition of the Fab Four's music comes close to this level of performance; from the early days of their appearance on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964, through the Sgt. Pepper era and on to the Abbey Road years, RAIN's performance captures it all flawlessly. Presented by Fox Concerts.
People Magazine declared her new album – The Real Thing¬ – “The sexiest album of 2007” and it also earned her three Grammy nominations including Best R&B Album, Female R&B Vocal Performance for “Hate On Me” and Best Urban/Alternative Performance for “Daydreamin’” featuring Lupe Fiasco. JILL SCOTT, THE REAL THING TOUR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 AT 7:30PM Fabulous Fox Theatre $58 * $48 * $37 Tickets go on sale this Saturday, January 12 at 10am! Purchase tickets at the Fox Box Office, MetroTix outlets or by calling 314-534-1111. Order tickets online at http://www.metrotix.com/.
CHRIS ROCK Sunday, March 30 7:00 PM Live at Fox Theatre!Tickets on Sale Saturday, January 26 at 10 am!Reserved Tickets: *$45.50, *$55.50 and *$75.50*price does not include service charge
Celtic Woman, March 28-29Friday & Saturday, 8p.m.Prices and on-sale date to be announced. Celtic Woman features the very special talents of four Irish female vocalists and a very exciting fiddle player. Together, the women create a wonderful musical experience that presents the unique voices and styles of each as soloists, as well as the group as an ensemble.
The owners of Subzero Vodka Bar in partnership with Pearl Vodka invites you to their exclusive opening of the Subzero Vodka Bar and New American Burger Restaurant and the unveiling of their new lower level party rooms. Tuesday, Feb. 12 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.EVENING INCLUDES: PEARL VODKA SPECIALTY COCKTAILS, COMPLIMENTARY MINI-BURGERS & SUSHI, DESSERTS BY COMPANION & GOURMET ICE CREAM BY CAFE GLACE
African American Heritage Celebration 2008 “My History, Your History, Our History”. St. Louis Community College – Florissant Valley 3400 Pershall Road, St. Louis, MO 63135
Feb. 1 – 29 African American Art ShowPhysics Lab in Science/Math Bldg. room 252.Featuring artwork by Cbabi Bayoc, Aundrea Warren, Joel P.E. King, Mathew Schultz, & Jomo CheathamMon. – Fri. 10 am – 2:30 pm & Mon. – Thurs. 5 pm – 9 pm
Feb. 6 Black History Kick-Off CelebrationFeaturing African dance & drum teams, music, art, trivia contest and soul foodStudent Center MPR 11 am – 1 pm
Feb. 7 African American Artist ReceptionPhysics Lab in Science/Math Bldg. room 252Featuring artwork by Cbabi Bayoc, Aundrea Warren, Joel P.E. King, Mathew Schultz, & Jomo CheathamThursday 11:30 am – 12:30 pm & 6 pm – 7 pm
Feb. 13 African American Film SeriesFeaturing the “Piano Lesson” & “Native Son” followed by a panel discussion and yes POPCORN & SodaStudent Center MPR 11 am – 3 pm
Feb. 21 Chocolate and Jazz ConcertFeaturing Mae “Lady Jazz” Wheeler & Dr. Karla FryeMrs. Wheeler is known as a living legend and a jazz diva with over 40 years in musicStudent Center MPR 7 pm – 8:30 pm
Feb. 27 The Changing Faces of American PoliticsFeaturing a Panel Discussion about American Politics:”What about Obama, Hillary, & Huckabee?”Student Center Cafeteria 11am
Feb. 28 Book signing by Dr. Joy LearyAuthor of “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” will be here to do a meet and greetIR building 3rd Floor (Library) 1 p.m. – 2p.m.*Refreshments provided at each event. Call (314) 513-4291
All events are FREE and Open to the public
Sponsored by SLCC-FV Campus LifeFor more info contact Laurencin Dunbar, Associate Professor of PhysicsSt. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley3400 Pershall Road St. Louis, MO 63135(314) 513-4056 office ...............................................
Stray Dog Theatre presents "Night Mother" DIRECTED BY: GARY F. BELLFEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 15, 2008THURSDAY - SATURDAY AT 8 PM - SATURDAY 3/15 at 2 PM ONLY$18 FOR ADULTS / $15 FOR SENIORS & STUDENTS9 PERFORMANCES ATTOWER GROVE ABBEY2336 TENNESSEE AVE. / SAINT LOUIS, MO 63104For Tickets and InformationCALL: 314-865-1995http://www.straydogtheatre.org/
THE SPACE, 320 Vandeventer, Thursday, February 14, 7:00PM Phone: 618-567-0237 JPEK CREATIVE WORKS LLC - Presents - a Valentines Day Love Letter - brought to life through the hypnotizing vocals of Brian Owens, and the seductive strums of acoustic guitarist Shaun Robinson. "Love"- Sung the way it should beThrusday February 14th, 2008 &Friday February 15th, 2008Cover: $15For more information call 618-567-0237 or 217-553-8890..........................
THE SPACE, 320 Vandeventer, Thursday, February 14, 7:00PM Phone: 618-567-0237 JPEK CREATIVE WORKS LLC - Presents - a Valentines Day Love Letter - brought to life through the hypnotizing vocals of Brian Owens, and the seductive strums of acoustic guitarist Shaun Robinson. "Love"- Sung the way it should beThrusday February 14th, 2008 &Friday February 15th, 2008Cover: $15For more information call 618-567-0237 or 217-553-8890..........................
Cafe Soul, Feb, 15 at Lucas School house, 1220 Allen Ave. 8 p.m. $10. For info call 314.621.6565...........................
On Saturday, February 16th The Drunken Fish is the place to be as FreeTime presents the 2nd edition of "Winterfresh". Last year FreeTime had the Landing jumpin! This year we are bringing one of the best Winter events to the heart of the Central West End. In celebration of FreeTime Founder Darryl Frierson's birthday all Aquarius' get in FREE all night (with ID)! All ladies are FREE before 10! DJ Needles AND DJ Trackstar will keep the party moving all night long. For bottle service or more information call 314-397-4007 or go to its website www.freetimestl.com
SOUL STYLZ presents The ZODIAC CONNECTION Pisces & Aries Ladies Wearing All SHADES of Green & Gray FREE All Night. Guests come in Attire of Your Choice at J.BUCK'S RESTAURANT1000 CLARK AVE. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2008 9PM-2:30AM
STL Rapper Vandalyzm is having an CD listening party for his CD Megatron Majorz that will be held Feb. 14, 8 p.m., at the Old Rock House in Soulard. For more info call 314-588-0505
Suite Soul Spot, 1st Tuesday of each Month at the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th Blvd. 9 p.m. 314-588-0505. The next event is March 4
Kobalt Books has just inked a movie-production dealwith Factor Media Group/Applecrate Films/OmniquestMedia to develop the true life story of Rev. BurtonBarr Jr. and his autobiography, “The HoodlumPreacher”, into a feature film. The publisher, KobaltBooks, is currently looking to raise development fundsfor this film. Potential investors will come on asmanaging members of the company thatproduces thefilm.For More Investment Info, Contact:Cedric Mixon at 314-503-5462........................................Shante LIFE Davis is offering tutoring services forthe youth for grades 1-12. If you are aware of anyonewho is in need of some extra educational support,please feel free to contact her or give them hercontact information. Shante "LIFE" Davis(314)418-9803................STL rapper/producer J-Kwon-has a new label deal and we are looking for someinterns to work on the new label HOOD HOP MUSICgraphicdesigners street team female street team club streetteam models internet teams (e-blasting,bloggers,writers)We are looking for the best. So instead ofjust grabbing the person that says they are the best,we are looking for people to SHOW us they are the bestat what they do. The bread-winners will be put onpayroll with a permanent job with the company. If youthink you will be the next hottest publicist, model,A&R, sponsorship writer, whatever it is that you do,then get at us! If you can do mixtape covers, adcovers, posters, willing to do street team work and beapart of this new label contact me directly at kanecc@tmail.com…………………………..
Joel P. E. King, owner of JPEK CreativeWorks LLC and The Space, wants to make an offer tothose of you who are in search for party and eventspace. Close to 2,000 square feet of available spacefor your next event, wedding party, baby shower, artexhibition and more. Here at The Space, you willacquire elegance, convenience and wonderfulhospitality. The Space located at 320-24 N.Vandeventer (off Lindell Blvd. in SLU area) Contact:314.494.5976 or 314.494.9095................ATTENTIONRECORD LABELS Contact STL PROMOTIONS at Saint Louis has a new STREET TEAM. Saint Louis has anew STREET TEAM. STL Promotions Professional Staff ,On time reporting with Pictures Electronic Marketing:E-Cards, E-Blast, Website Presence, Guerilla MarketingTechniques, Service Street, Radio, College, andMixtape DJs, Special Events, Telephone Conferences,Retail, Market Visits, Professional Marketing Strategyfor Saint Louis, Premium Product Placement, Exposureevery day and every night at every event Our machineoperates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!!! We willexceed your expectations!!!Contact us at 314-750-6806.................
The Black Rep's blog, Black Reppin. It can be found on its website, http://www.theblackrep.org/, or directly at http://theblackrep.blogspot.com/. As with other blogs, readers are invited to join the conversation..............
Every Monday night the Old Rock House, 1200 S 7th St, St. Louis. 314. 588.0505 Music by DJ TrackStar Spinning Hip Hop and Soul. No Cover Charge. Three levels. For more info call 314.588.0505
Martini Mondays at AJ’s, 5 p.m., Free Happy Hour FreeFood Live Band: The party will roll through the nightuntil 3am with Charlie Chan or DJ Cuddy on the 1's and2's.NOTE: Martini Mondays will no longer be a weekly event. Martini Mondays will be featured on the 1st Monday of each month. The goal of Martin Mondays is to create a sexy atmosphere that allows the professionals and hard workers in our city a chance to network, relax, and listen to live music. With this goal in mine the premier of the ALL NEW MARTINI MONDAYS will be March 1, 2008.......................
J’var, JE and Maxxed Out Entertainment Present Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ Laughs on theLanding, 801 N. 2nd Street Featuring Poets, R&B, NeoSoul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetryslam enthusiast gather weekly to present a uniqueblend of spoken word poetry and music from local andnot so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottestlyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….allfor only $5 at the door For more info, call 314.241.5233 or go to http://www.laughsonthelanding.com/
J’var, JE and Maxxed Out Entertainment Present Lyric Lounge every Wednesday @ Laughs on theLanding, 801 N. 2nd Street Featuring Poets, R&B, NeoSoul, Jazz and Funk artist weekly……Singers and poetryslam enthusiast gather weekly to present a uniqueblend of spoken word poetry and music from local andnot so local artist…….Doors open @ 8 show starts @9…..$100 weekly cash prize to the hottestlyricist….live band …..door prizes….giveaways…….allfor only $5 at the door For more info, call 314.241.5233 or go to http://www.laughsonthelanding.com/
NEW: Power Stiletto Entertainment presents Power networking Wednesdays, beginning Wed. Jan. 30 5 pm-10 pm at the Lush Café and Lounge 3037 Olive St. For more info email powerstiletto@aol.com
Roc-a- Star presents Refreshin with DJ NeedlesThursdays at Xes behind the Drunken Fish, 612. N. 2ndSt. Lacelded landing. Ladies FREE til 11 p.m.
Urban Causal Fridays hosted by Bishop V-luv, HappyHour at Spruills, 1101 N. Jefferson. Free from6p.m.-9p.m. (2 for 1) Free food 9 p.m.-11p.m. Drinkspecials until midnite. Party 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Ladies free til 11 p.m. for more info call 314.574.9601 or314.625.4595 or go to www.myspace.com/URBANCASUALFRIDAYS
NEW: The Virtual Lounge Expressions, A Christian based open mic every 1st Friday, Cookies jazz and More #20 AllenBlvd. Webster Groves, Mo. Doors open at 8 p.m. Cover $10. For more info go to http://www.thevirtualounge.net/
Tuff On Paper ENT presents Network and ShowcaseSaturdays every first Saturday of each month and LoveYourself Saturdays every third Saturday of each month,9.m.--until at the Spyglass, 255 Union at Lindell $5at the door. first 50 Ladies Free until 11 p.m. First25 ladies get a free drink. 21 and older. Grown andsexy attire. For showcase info hit up www.myspace.com/tuffonpaper.com or call 314.443.5001
STL Events and R. Kirk of Precision presents Sexy Saturdays at AJ’s inside the Adam;s Mark Hotel on 4th and Chestnut, 9 p.m. -3 a.m. with DJ AJ. Ladies free til midnite and Guys $5. NOTE: Sexy Saturdays will be moving from AJ's New spot TBA.
Check out Leannett Payne’’s CHOCLOLATE BLOG by emailing her at Leannettpayne@yahoo.com!
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum'shot new entertainment newsletter, email her at
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you tothe Saturday to a straight up Old School Party...no limitation...no limitation! The house party will belive at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Hallsferryand West Florissant! AND at the new Knockouts! Formore info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to http://www.divaeventplanning.com/
Check out Lisa Rose hot blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at http://www.positivesisters.blogspot.com/ or go to her my space page at www.myspace.com/lisarose08
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literaryactivities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/or call her at (314)401-0710
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop. For more info call314.721.3361 or email at diversitygallery@netzero.net
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/ or go towww.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE andpics,go tohttp://www.stlouis-online.com/,http://www.indalou.com/ or http://www.stlonfire.com/
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmlor go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
Peep out Marquita Parker's entertainment blog http://mvparker.bravejournal.com/
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.Well that will be it,.
Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com for pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.
AND remember OUTTOWN is published every WEDNESDAY!
STL Events and R. Kirk of Precision presents Sexy Saturdays at AJ’s inside the Adam;s Mark Hotel on 4th and Chestnut, 9 p.m. -3 a.m. with DJ AJ. Ladies free til midnite and Guys $5. NOTE: Sexy Saturdays will be moving from AJ's New spot TBA.
Check out Leannett Payne’’s CHOCLOLATE BLOG by emailing her at Leannettpayne@yahoo.com!
UC ME Radio with Murphy lee, Kyjuan and comedian Darius Bradford, 6 p.m. Sundays on 100.3 The Beat.
Bosley and Associates Traffic Law Centers .Suspensions, Speeding. Revocations. DWI. PointProblems. Accidents. Frison ‘s Flea Market, 7025 St.Charles Rock Rd., Fri-Sunday 9 am-5 p.m. or Big TopFlea Market, 367 Chambers Road. For more info, call314.621.1744
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum'shot new entertainment newsletter, email her at
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you tothe Saturday to a straight up Old School Party...no limitation...no limitation! The house party will belive at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Hallsferryand West Florissant! AND at the new Knockouts! Formore info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to http://www.divaeventplanning.com/
Check out Lisa Rose hot blogsite on Strong PositiveBlack Sisters at http://www.positivesisters.blogspot.com/ or go to her my space page at www.myspace.com/lisarose08
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literaryactivities for the family and youngsters.
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/or call her at (314)401-0710
Check out Diversity Gallery, for all of your naturalhair and beauty needs as well its café located at 6150Delmar Blvd. in the Delmar loop. For more info call314.721.3361 or email at diversitygallery@netzero.net
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs andother special effects, contact Jessica Dana at http://www.jessicadana.com/ or go towww.myspace.com/jessicadada13
For all of your STL club event plans, AD SPACE andpics,go tohttp://www.stlouis-online.com/,http://www.indalou.com/ or http://www.stlonfire.com/
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radioplaylist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.htmlor go to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
For all your STL hip-hop info needs, go to http://www.stlhiphop.com/!
Peep out Marquita Parker's entertainment blog http://mvparker.bravejournal.com/
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos and films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.Well that will be it,.
Thanks all for your comments and keep em comin. Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.com for pub or info you want on OUTTOWN.
AND remember OUTTOWN is published every WEDNESDAY!
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