HERRE ARE PICS FROM FREE TIME's COMEDY NIGHT SHOW AT THE LAUGHS ON THE LANDING COMEDY SHOW (Photos by Ma'atology). EDITOR's NOTE: I was surprsied to get any shots cause I was a bit buzzed before I got to the event! LOL CENTER PIC: Headliner Kyle Grooms....LEFT PIC: STl comedian Javon Bibbs....RIGHT: Host and owner of Laughs On the Landing Dee Lee...
RIGHT; Local comedian/guitarist Corey Rayburn
RIGHT:From http://www.stlonfire.com/, CEO Daniel Luckett and Columnist Andrew Clark
FREE TIME's Roy Robinson and SYGU's Eddie Hollman
Robinson and FREE TIME's intern Clemente Champagne (Yep,thats her real name, really!)
AT THE AFTER PARTY. Dj Sinniman on the 1s and 2s
Identify Theft Shield Associate DeMarco Davidson (second from left) and his Nupe brothas.
Party people
RIGHT: This bruh was gettin his Soulja Boy dance on as his buddies egg him on (Thats poet Sir Erv on the left).
EVENT-VIEWZ. I didnt do much this weekend casue it wasnt reallythat much goin on this weekend. On Friday, I drove throughout Midtown St. Louis and saw various spots like the Loft with party people goin the club, but I decided not to parlay, but to do a night drive until about 1or so and headed back to the crib...On Saturday. I checked out FREE TIME's monthly Fresh Comedy Party at Laughs on the Landing. I had on my famous light blue linen suit , with blue Converse lookin pretty Miami Vice I must say. LOL.
I got therre about 10 or so and bouncer Big Joe said to me while I was walkin up to the front door, 'Man, you are the only one I know who can rock a soul patch." Well, you know that boosted my ego tenfold. LOL
So I walked around and greeted FREE TIME crew, LOL owner Dee Lee and the LOL GM Maurice Bishop (who was tellin me about the upcoming Kym Whytley show) then walked into the show. The second show started about 10:30.
An awkward moment occurred with local singer JVAr got on stage and wa sgettin ready to perform, then he suddenly left the stage--with no explanation! (Later on jVar old me that he wasnt feelin thw crowd, so he decided not to perform). So host Dee Lee immediately got on stage and warmed up the crowd . This crowd was a lil light (maybe cause of the Hopkins fight that was goin on at the same time). He told the crowd that he was about to work on his comedy special , a reality show called Six Degrees of Separation (Becasue I was a bit buzzed I forgot what made Dee Lee say that something smellD like a woman's period.LOL)
The first opener was this white guy named Corey Rayburn (I think that wa shis name). It was so funny that I was sitting next to him in the upper deck and I was wondering why he had a guitar in his hand. Well, he was one of the coemdians. He was OK. He sang goofy songs while playing his guitar. All I remember from his routine was him singin a parody of the Wicked Witch from Wizard of Oz by singin Raindrops Keep fallin on My Head and then screamed out..."I'm melting!!!"....Uhhh, ok.
Then Dee Lee got back on stage and started talkin about Intenational porn and how funny it wa sto hear Asians cumming. Hilarious. He introD STL's Jovan Bibbs. I like Javon. He is a cool comedian, but Ive heard most of his jokes from his stints at LOL and Jamboree at the Loft.But people still laughed at his jokes (E.G. "Is it gay if two guys are under an umbrella--is it gay for the one whose holding it or the one whose under it." and "Dont you hate when you call your cell phone and you get no messages or to see if it was still on."
Then, Dee Lee into'd who I thought was goin to be Deon Cole, the brother from the Barbershop movies, but it was comedian Kyle Grooms (I didnt get the skinny on what happened yet). Anyway, Grooms was funny (He reminds me of a buppy-like Dave Chapelle) who's been on Chapelle's Show and Staright Plan for the Gay Man. Anyway, his comedy was kind of cerebral but people were laughing (especially the drunk white people on his left). Some of his jokes were adlibbed like, "I'm staying at a hotel at the Airport and I was like "Where the fuck I'm at."
He also had an off the wall joke, "My father use dto touch my balls when I was 7-Whoo, happy hour." Another was, "Women turn into cats when they get drunk.:"Then he turned to the women to his left and said, "Hey, show your titties!"
He also kept on on how the crowd was makin him try hard at makin them laugh. Maybe it was because he was last minute? Who knows.
After the show around 1130ish,, they had the After Party with Dj Sinimmon on the 1s and 2s drippin the latest hip-hop. The crowd was small but they gottheir party on. I took pics of the local VIPs who were up in therre (you can check them out above) . After about thirty minutes or so, I vamped.
I had a strange WHA THA moment that occureed while I wa sdriving out of the parking lot and driving on the street on the LAnding wheer the Drunken Fish was located. As I was waiting for the cars in front of me to drive to the main street out of the Landing, I saw this drunk white guy slapping this other white guy in the face out front. Therre were people who broke them up and then I said to myself, what if that crazy drunk fool guy comes up to my car.
As soon as I said that, he crossed the street, walked right in front of my car. I beeped my horn, then he put his hands on the front of my car as though he was gettin arrested and started humpin my car for a few seconds and lickin his lips! What tha! He finally walkD back to the said of the street where his onlookers were. Good thing I didnt get out and start a scene, but the guy was drunk and therre were many witnesses therre who could have verfied that I had reason to smack the hell out of him if he would have got on top of my hood and clowned. LOL
STL-TIDBITZ. I just heard that the NEXT St. Louis artist to get signed to a major is Hakeem the Dream, who is gettin national play for his hit,. "Thick Wit It." He was on DJ Sexy Cool and Silly Asz's radio show on Hot 104.1 on Monday when he was on therre talkin about it.
(EDITOR'S NOTE. On Thursday, I got a correction from a fan of the blog, Ronnie Notch about the first item on here he writes, "Hey. Just read ya blog...the artist that was on there was Ludy. His song is Sik Wit It. They did play Hakeem Tha Dream's Thick Wit It during his interview though. Confusing? Yeah I know but Thick Wit It is Hakeem Tha Dream and Sik Wit It is Ludy. Ludy is signed to Grind Up and their deal with Asylum/Atlantic was just announced on Monday. Hakeem is also receiving national spins as well...Needless to say, you know who I'm goin for...lol Hakeem Tha Dream "Thick Wit It" Produced By Ronnie Notch. Thanks Ron for that...........St. Louis will be the place to be this weekned with the National Urban League Conference starting Wednesday and ending on Saturday (Not to mention the Laughs on the Landing and Live on the Levee and Kitchen K events going on throughout the time span) . Tens of thousands from out of town are expected to be herre and celebs that is scheduled to be herre are Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton, Dr. Ian Smith, Musiq Soulchild, Joe, Kelly Price, Eryka Badu, Teena Marie, Biz Markie, Chante Moore and Kenny Lattimore, David Arnold, and Kym Whytley (I'm sure you will run into some of them at the Galleria I'm sure).................... What was up with the 45 minute coverage of the Gateway Arch losing power this past Saturday and people gettin stuck up therr? I felt for KSDK reporter Jeff Small who had to do the coverage with a ARSE hole on a cell phone who was saying why did Channel 5 interrupt Saturday Night Live to cut to them while Justin Timbs was doin that Dick in the Box song (And of course the guy was able to get the word DICK on the air). They were up therre partyin like it was 1999 .................Speakin of the Arch, parts of the tram cars that lead up to the Arch will be closed for a few months......................Last week, some STL guys tried to beutify the city by spray painitng the Tamm Ave. Around 16 spray cans were found when the fuzz came through and was expected to get charged. Isnt this overpass one of many thats goign to get blown up anyway?.......................I hear that 1st Friday creators Harry Michel and Fred Finley's new club is goin to be called After Seven (clever name since their last club was callD Club Seven)on Locust and will open in August or September....I was perusing the August issue of VIBE and saw an ad with Willie Moore, Jr. aka St. Louis gospel hip-hop artsist P-Dub "testifying" (pun intended) that he uses Gillette blades (ironically the ad only shows him in a face shot without him holding or having the product in his hands or on his face). The same VIBE also had a review of former East St. Louis Lincoln Jazz band teech Ron Carter's new CD, Dear Miles(as in Davis).................local actor Keith Tyrone Williams is in the St. Louis production of the FULL MONTY (Well, not really that FULL according to Williams) that is playing at Stages in Kirkwood. On Fox 2 news in the Morning, Williams and the rest of the cast did a hilarious spoof of the audition process during Tim Ezell's segment ........................Illinois is makin some buzz these days as well. First, the Illinois House is doin a lot with their pen these days. First I hear that the House is considering revoking drivers license from high school dropouts...Then The Senate passed referendum to let Ameren and other utilities to give almost $1 billion back to customers during the next three years in exchange for that massive giveback, the utilities will avoid having their rates rolled back and frozen, and will arrive to Illini's early this year(Whats' the hold up STL Ameren?)..............I hear there will be more surveillance cams in STL................Man, I feel sorry for STL Police chief Joe Mowka's daughter Aimie Mokwa, who pleaded not guilty to three felony charges, who is charged with stealing a credit card, possession of a controlled substance and endangering the welfare of a child......................To the STL peeps, if yawl are going to the Steve Harvey Morning Show Friday morning at the Jackie Joyner Kersee Center I advise yawl to get there before 5 in the morning if yawl want a good seat (and you know construction is gonn abe bad crossing the bridge)...................Speakin of Steve Harvey's show, I heard Isley brother lead singer Ron Isley's brother -in-law on therre sayin that the vet singer (and former STL citizen) will be going to prison in three weeks (actually he's goin to the Bureau of Prisons hospital facility because of his ill health) to do three years for tax evasion and the show is gettin err body to protest this decision..............Is it me or is the secuirty woman who takes tickets at the parking lot in front of Laughs on the Landing take her job a lil bit too seriously?......I hear that therre was a fluffy sista that was gettin her pole on big time on the pole at Sunday Night Shindig at Lucky's last Sunday and was makin it rain up in the spot.... I'm sure all you Serena Williams fans were happy that she decided to still come through the STL on Monday to attend the St. Louis Aces match at the davis Tennis Center . Although she didnt play (due to her hand wthat was wrapped in a bandage), a source who attended say she did help youth at a tennis clinic, signD autographs and held a question-and-answer session and even danced with teh kids on the Walk it Out song (I wonder if anyone wanted to ask her wherr they could get their copy of her semi-nude layout in Jane Magazine?LOL)..... Congrats again to the St. Louis Black Rep and local director Greg Carr who will be reppin the STL at this year's Black Theatre Festival in Winston Salem, NC. Black Rep is doin August Wilson's "Gem of the Ocean" and Carr is doin a stage reading of one of his plays......................More congrats to local director Falaq for the film premier of his flick, "Ruzzian Roulette" that was screenD last Sunday at this year's St. Louis Film Showcase........................YOURS TRULY will have an article on Live on the Levee in the August 1 issue of West End Word.. ....
IN THE MIA FILE....Wherre is Communique's Relations' Renee Thomas Woods?
And on a sad note, guitarist Eddie Fisher, a Centreville, IL resident whose albums The Third Cup and The Next One Hundred Years blended jazz, soul, blues, funk and a touch of psychedelia to earn a substantial cult following among jazz guitar fans, died earlier this month after a long bout with cancer. He was definitely a stalwart soldier in the EaSt Boogie community (And was a friend to the Eugene B. Redmond Writers Club when I used to be a member). He will be deeply missed.
EVENT-IDBITZ.STRESS FREE FRIDAYS Due to the Urban League National Convention and the fact that Stress Free Fridays is the volunteer organization for Live on the Levee on Friday and Saturday of this week, Stress Free Fridays is CANCELLED for this Friday (July 27th). We will resume on August 3, 2007. If you are still interested in being a volunteer with us for the Live on the Levee concerts, please reply to at maj_826@yahoo.com and I will forward to you the information that you will need.
Friday, July 27th--Steel Pulse is performing
Saturday, July 28th--Musiq Soulchild is performing
Saturday, July 28th--Musiq Soulchild is performing
Absolut Sundays at Club 609 on Eastgate, with DJ Nappy needles and other special guest dee-jays, Doors at 7 p.m. networking at 9:30 p.m.Ladies free all night. Fellaz $5 after 9:30 p.m.
The Sunday Night Shindig w Mocha Latte Sundays at 9 p..m. Lucky’s (Tucker and Washington). Ladies Free/Free Food.
UPDATE: MOCHA LATTE IS DOIN SUMPIN SUMPIN FOR THE GUYS. THE FIRST 50 WHO EMAIL HER AT sgalvin26@yahoo.com will get in her SUNDAY NIGHT SHINDIG ABOSLUTELy FREE! All you gotta do is email her with the subject line to read "MAN FOR FREE" and write that you saw the update on OUTTOWN then you in like flynn!
SLO DOWN presents Flirtatious Fridays at Club 314, Hwy 270 and St. Charles Rock Road (in the Econo Hotel Lodge behind Ryan’s. Ladies free til 10;30 p.m. For Vip and b-day party info call 314. 479.6283Contact sgalvin26@yahoo.com for more info to these hot events!
LAUGHS on THE LANDING presents comedienne Kym Whytley ('Last Friday" and "Oh Drama") with David Arnold ("Black Man Revealed"), July 26-28, 801 N. 2nd Street. for more info, 314.241.5233. Free tickets on Thursdays show go to http://www.laughsonthelanding.com
Legacy Books & Cafe celebrates its 8th anniversary, July 26-30. 5249 Delmar Boulevard @ Union Blvd(in the Delmar Plaza) well lit off street parking. And The HOTBOX Virtualclub.STL 4th Annual Block Party 5249 Delmar Blvd. Saint Louis Missouri 63108 Dont miss the Spoken Word Groove Reunion Friday Night July 27th, featuring Poets from St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, Memphis Tennessee, and maybe even poets from Arkansas and Los Angeles. Come one come all if youve ever graced the stage at Legacy.
Cherrise Ink Presents Jeanette Jenkins, the author of "The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan: 21 Days to Make Healthy Living a Lifetime Habit" foreword by Queen Latifah."Her St. Louis Tour will be through Friday, July 27th, 2007 For more information check out the website www.thehollywoodtrainer.com
2007 AT&T St. Louis Filmmakers ShowcaseCinema St. Louis Presents Seventh
Annual AT&T St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase through July 26 Tivoli Theatre, Centene Center for Arts & Education, Blueberry HillMain line: 314-289-4150
Big Tah presents Summer in the City, vol. 2, Wed. July 25, 9p.m. at the Loft, for more info go to www.myspace.com/swimsuitmodelsearch
Steve Harvey Morning Show will be at Jackie Joyner Kersee Center, 101 jackie joyner kersee Circle, 5 a.m. for more info, call 618.274.5437
ONGOING BITZ.Mellow Mondays at the Main Ingredient, 3960 Chouteau on Vandeventer. For more info, call 314.229.7952.
Absolut $2 Tuesdays on Another Level at the Loft , 3112 Olive. Ladies Free till 11p.m. hosted by Darius Bradford and Craig Blac. For more info, call 314/392-3938
Fred & Harry Inc., Koncepts, LLC present THE JACK DANIELS LOUNGE Fri., July, 27 w/ DJ Biz Markie and Sat., July 28, w/ Musiq Soulchild at Kitchen K Restaurant Lounge located at 1000 Washington Ave. in the heart of the Downtown Loft District.
Two hot artist DJ Biz Markie & Musiq Soulchild, two different nights Friday, July 27th & Saturday, July 28th, one place Kitchen K. This plans to be the hottest weekend of the year. Capacity is Limited. Early arrival is suggested. Sexy Upscale Attire No Exceptions.
$15 dollars for both events. http://www.koncepts-stl.com
Two hot artist DJ Biz Markie & Musiq Soulchild, two different nights Friday, July 27th & Saturday, July 28th, one place Kitchen K. This plans to be the hottest weekend of the year. Capacity is Limited. Early arrival is suggested. Sexy Upscale Attire No Exceptions.
$15 dollars for both events. http://www.koncepts-stl.com
National Urban League Career Fair and Conference @ America's Center July 26-28, St. Louis, MO for more info go to www.nul.org.............................
50 Million Pound Challenge with Celebrity Fit Club's Dr. Ian Smith, Sat. July 28, 12pm-4pm @ Union Station. Special Performances by JOE, Kelly Price, Biz Markie & Comedian J. Anthony Brown.
Location: Prairie Capital Convention Center Ball Room
1 Convention Center Plaza, Springfield,, IL 62703 US
View Map Find a Hotel
When: Friday, August 3, 7:00PM
Phone: 217-553-8890
Springfield are you Ready for the Biggest Expressions in the Dark Ever!
Bring you Expressions in the Dark & The Gut Bustin' Laugh til' it Hurts tour of Comedians! Some of your FAVORITE POETS/ Singers / and Comedians will be gracing "THE PATCH" for this awesome event! Come mingle with some of the NBA's hottest players... BET Comic View & BAD BOYS of COMEDY Comedians / Some of the HOTTEST POETS in the Country... DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 PM - SHOW STARTS AT 8:00 PM tickets available at the Prairie Convention Center or by calling 217-553-8890. Check out our myspace page at www.myspace.com/kicomo6
Location: Prairie Capital Convention Center Ball Room
1 Convention Center Plaza, Springfield,, IL 62703 US
View Map Find a Hotel
When: Friday, August 3, 7:00PM
Phone: 217-553-8890
Springfield are you Ready for the Biggest Expressions in the Dark Ever!
Bring you Expressions in the Dark & The Gut Bustin' Laugh til' it Hurts tour of Comedians! Some of your FAVORITE POETS/ Singers / and Comedians will be gracing "THE PATCH" for this awesome event! Come mingle with some of the NBA's hottest players... BET Comic View & BAD BOYS of COMEDY Comedians / Some of the HOTTEST POETS in the Country... DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 PM - SHOW STARTS AT 8:00 PM tickets available at the Prairie Convention Center or by calling 217-553-8890. Check out our myspace page at www.myspace.com/kicomo6
for additional information!
ONGOING BITZ.Mellow Mondays at the Main Ingredient, 3960 Chouteau on Vandeventer. For more info, call 314.229.7952.
Absolut $2 Tuesdays on Another Level at the Loft , 3112 Olive. Ladies Free till 11p.m. hosted by Darius Bradford and Craig Blac. For more info, call 314/392-3938
CERTIFIED WEDNESDAYS feat. DJ’s Charlie Chan and Stan da Man, Wednesday at R Bar 4054 Chouteau, just west of Vandeventer, ladies free before 11 p.m., Fellas 5 dollars. Dress relaxed For more info, go to http://www.sygugroup.com/or its www.myspace.com/sygu4
Its Your Birthday Fridays at the Dime Slot Hosted by Bishop V-Luv. Get in free every week in the month of your birthday http://www.dimeslotstl.com/http://www.allstarstl.com/for more info.
Femme Fridays presents Rappers Delight, feat. local artists, Club 747, 1624 Delmar, 10 p.m. for more info email JMPRODUCTIONSLLC@aol.com
Fat Cat, Model House and Bodacious ENT present Thick Thursdays, at Studio Hitz 8927 Riverview(at the corner fo Riverview and Broadway) , $10 Adnmission (free food, drink specials). Thick girl contest starts at 11 p.m. NOTE: IT HAS NOW MOVED TO SPRULLS ON JEFFERSON.
If you want to get on Vanita Applebum's hot new entertainment newsletter, email her at www.myspace/vanitaapplebum
Mingle and Mix Mondays , Mingle 4p.m. (Bring Ya Laptods and Biz Cards) Drink Specials, $1 off Appetizers and Mix with DJ Sir Thurl (8p.m. -1 a.m.) FREE before 9 p.m. $3-$5 Cover after 9 p.m. at the ST. Louis Happy Hour Bar and Grill inside PArker Plaza, 12948 Halls Ferry at Parker Rd.
Majic 104.9's BJ the DJ is personally inviting you to the Saturday to a straight up Old School Party...no imitation...nolimitation! The house party will be live at the new Broadway Nite Club on New Hallsferry and West Florissant!For more info contact Gina Foster at 314.712.1083 or go to http://www.divaeventplanning.com/
Check out local comedian Brie Johnson's website podcast.Make sure to logon to http://www.riverfrontradio.com/and listen to the new morning radio talk show called "The Grey Area"!!! Every Monday morning from 10am to 12noon CST. Chat online with us, or call in to talk live on the air.
Check out blog http://www.sistersnineties.blogspot.com/for local literary group Sister’s Nineties Afrocentric literary activities for the family and youngsters
Check out Lachrisa Crenshaw’s spa products at http://www.warmspirit.org/esuite/home/chriscspirit,or call her at (314)401-0710
For body painting, makeup, face painting wigs and other special effects, contact
KDHX Radio’s Chuck Lavazzi has a hot new podcast calledSTAGE LEFT which he talks about CD reviews, news and the world of stage, screen, cabaret and related places.Go to it directly at http://tinyurl.com/zrqd7
Check out STLdee-jay Enoch online with his own radio playlist.The Flow: Music Lounge. Peep it out at http://www.flowink.com/player-popup.html orgo to his myspace page www.myspace/enochisreal.
NEW: Peep out Marquita Parker's hot new entertainment blog, http://mvparker.bravejournal.com
STL videographer Dana Christian has a hot website where people can send their professional music videos films to get exposed. Itis http://www.spitflix.com/.
Popular DJ Enoch has just posted a new episode on his podcast. the title is Knocturnal Sunshine Episode: Knocturnal Sunshine #214. You can hear it at http://knocradio.podOmatic.com/
BIG TAH Presents...2 FlyTuesdays, The Main Ingredient, 3860 Chouteau. Play Spades- Dominoes-Shoot Pool- Throw Darts- Listen To Good Music- & Mingle. Come On Out Each & Every Tuesday- Make 2 Fly Tuesday's Your Tuesday Night Spot! 8p- 1a; 2-1 Drink Specials All Night; Ladies Free Unitl 10:30 ; $5 cover. For more info. contact Big Tah at bigtah06@hotmail.com
Well that be it for me. Hit me up at maatspear@yahoo.comif you got some ish, pub or juice for me to report on!
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