Family and friends
Some of Therron's relatives.
LEFT AND RIGHT PICS: Therron and his wife arriv as he is pleasantly surprised of the party for him thrown by his wife..

A relative pins money on Mr.Joseph.

"Dont spend all the money at once, kid. "

She also pinned a good luck ribbon on him as well.

Mr. Paul (left) and hollbackboi (right) were some of Therron's friends who attended the party.

A pic of the handsome couple wearin his 40 sash.

Therron's cuzzins and uncles. His younger brother is on the right of Therron wearing the shades.

The talk of the party was the life poster made by his wife.

"Wow, I can't believe I wore a jheri curl back then!" ---Therron and guests have a laugh and conversation about the life poster.

Angelique and Therron musing about
the life poster.

Therron's family take a picture. His mother is in the green linen outfit (I got a pic of her shoes in the next pic).

I ain't mad at her!

Angeleique and Therron's mother led the game Who Knows About Therron?

"I can't to get you back home, bay bay."

Angelique clowns around about Therron's life at 40 as he looks on.
EVENT-VIEWZ. After attending Steve Harvey's radio show in East Boogie and the Presidential forum at the Amerca's Center, I had gone to the crib to rest up to attend Therron Joseph's surprise b-day party (I was planning to o to see Steel Pulse at Live On the Levee-good think I didnt. I will explain later). I was invited by hollabackboi so I could take some pics (I recall Therron talkin about this party last year when I saw him at Posh).
Touching moments came when his relatives and his mother (who had on some "to death" green heels!)gave their tributes to Therron as he walked up and hugged them after their speeches.
LEFT AND RIGHT PICS: Therron and his wife arriv as he is pleasantly surprised of the party for him thrown by his wife..
A relative pins money on Mr.Joseph.
"Dont spend all the money at once, kid. "
She also pinned a good luck ribbon on him as well.
Mr. Paul (left) and hollbackboi (right) were some of Therron's friends who attended the party.
A pic of the handsome couple wearin his 40 sash.
Therron's cuzzins and uncles. His younger brother is on the right of Therron wearing the shades.
The talk of the party was the life poster made by his wife.
"Wow, I can't believe I wore a jheri curl back then!" ---Therron and guests have a laugh and conversation about the life poster.
Angelique and Therron musing about
the life poster.
Therron's family take a picture. His mother is in the green linen outfit (I got a pic of her shoes in the next pic).
I ain't mad at her!
Angeleique and Therron's mother led the game Who Knows About Therron?
"I can't to get you back home, bay bay."
Angelique clowns around about Therron's life at 40 as he looks on.
EVENT-VIEWZ. After attending Steve Harvey's radio show in East Boogie and the Presidential forum at the Amerca's Center, I had gone to the crib to rest up to attend Therron Joseph's surprise b-day party (I was planning to o to see Steel Pulse at Live On the Levee-good think I didnt. I will explain later). I was invited by hollabackboi so I could take some pics (I recall Therron talkin about this party last year when I saw him at Posh).
I was told to get therre at 7 pm because Therron's wife, Angelique was goign to bring Therron around 8p.m. (He had told him that she was attending a function at the Glass Factory with her job and he had no clue of the party being for him).
When I got therre, local jazz man Lamar Harris was blowin his trumpet before the small crowd of Therron's family and freinds. I took snaps of the crowd and talked with Hollbackboi and Mr. Paul until one of Therrons' relatives told us that he and Angelique werre walking up to the building (The Glass Factory has many windows so you can see them come up).
So we all kneeled down and hid, and when Therron opened the door we all yelled SURPRISE. he was got. He had no clue and Angelique gave him a hug and kiss.
The rest of the evening was of him enjoying the company of his family and friends. it was a nice life poster that was made by his wife of his life as a young toddler, to his growing up to his family. theer was good food (I likD the BBQ shrimp ) made by Angelique (I teased her and said, if she ever leaves Therron for her to call me cause she can cook).
A telling moment occurred when Therron was talkin to his friends and hollabackboi (Who was gettin frustrated cause he wasnt the center of attention. LOL) said that he was going to take Therron to a "scrip club" and Angelique overheard and said, 'im going too."
Meanwhile, the sky got real dark and all of a sudden , rain and wind was all over the place outside (It was like a typhoon). It wa ssprinkling when I got there, but it was mos def serious. I felt for those who stood outside to see Steel Pulse at the Archgrounds for Live on the Levee casue Im sure they scattered about when that rain hit (According to attendee Argus photographer Eric Wilson said, "It was like a wet t-shirt contest out there!)
They also played a game of Who Knows Therron with questions like , "What is his nickname?" "What is his favorite color?" and "How long has Therron and Anglique been together?"
Touching moments came when his relatives and his mother (who had on some "to death" green heels!)gave their tributes to Therron as he walked up and hugged them after their speeches.
An interesting moment occurred when Therron asked if I could hook him up with any access to evenst, and said to me, 'in case me and Angelique get in a fight I can make it up to her by taking her out someehwre.' Hmmmm , whats really goin on?
I left about 9ish so I could hit the late show at Laughs On The Landing to check out Kym Whitley and David Arnold (which was a jounrey all in itself).
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